Snes-flash_rev-c Bom_pcbway Community
Snes-flash_rev-c Bom_pcbway Community
Snes-flash_rev-c Bom_pcbway Community
Total Q. Price of
Item Manufacturer Part Number Designator Qty Description(值,耐压,精度μF) TOP/BOT SMD/TH Total quantity NOTES JOB 200
parts parts
1 YAEGO CC603KRX7R8BB104 C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8 8 SMT 0603 case .1uF TOP SMD 8 200 1600
2 MURATA GRM188R61A226ME15J C13 1 SMT 0603 case 22uF TOP SMD 1 200 200
3 YAEGO RC0603FR-071KL R8, R13, R14 3 SMT 0603 1k resistor TOP SMD 3 200 600
4 YAEGO RC0603FR-1033KL R1,R2,R3,R4,R6,R7,R9,R10,R11,R12 10 SMT 0603 33k resistor TOP SMD 10 200 2000
5 YAEGO AF0603FR-07100KL R5 1 SMT 0603 100k resistor TOP SMD 1 200 200
6 Vishay semi BAT43WS-E3-08 D1, D2 2 SMT DIODE SOD323-2 TOP SMD 2 200 400
7 NXP BC847C,215 Q1 1 SMT TRANSISTOR SOT23 TOP SMD 1 200 200
8 Texas Instr SN74LV139APWR U4, U5 2 SMT TSSOP16 TOP SMD 2 200 400
9 Microchip PIC10F322T-I/OT U23 1 SMT SOT23-6 TOP SMD 1 200 200
10 NEXPERIA 74AHCT257PW,118 U6 2 SMT TSSOP16 TOP SMD 2 200 400
11 NEXPERIA 74LV00APWJ U10 1 SMT TSSOP16 TOP SMD 1 200 200
12 Spansion, AMD, Fujitsu AM29F032B or AM29F033C U1 1 SMT TSSOP40 TOP SMD 1 200 200
13* Alliance CHOOSE FROM BELOW OPTIONS U8 or U9 1 SMT SOP ?? TOP SMD ??? 200 200
*choose based on price and how versitile you want your cart to be. ONLY CHOOSE 1
13 Alliance AS6C6264-55SCN U8 SMT SOP28 64k sram
13 Alliance C62256NLL55SNXIT U8 SMT SOP28 256k sram THIS PART WILL BE USED THE MOST, CHOOSE THIS FOR 99% of game builds
13 Alliance AS6C62256-55SCN U8 SMT SOP28 256k sram THIS PART WILL BE USED THE MOST, CHOOSE THIS FOR 99% of game builds
13 Alliance AS6C1008-55SINTR U9 SMT SOP32 1mB sram
13 Alliance AS6C2008A-55SIN U9 SMT SOP32 1mB sram
13 RAMTRON FM1808 U8 SMT narrow SOP28 256k FRAM If you use FRAM, then you must mount U10, R16, R17. OR DON'T MOUNT R16,R17 if D1, D2, Q1, R5, R6, R7, R8 are mounted
13 RAMTRON FM1608 U8 SMT narrow SOP28 64k FRAM If you use FRAM, then you must mount U10, R16, R17. OR DON'T MOUNT R16,R17 if D1, D2, Q1, R5, R6, R7, R8 are mounted
The MOST VERSITLE CART WOULD BE THIS: MOUNT lines 1-13. This would allow Fram or Sram to be used.
The DIP SWITCH should be optional and depending on what data memory you choose, the DIP SWITCH MUST BE LOW PROFILE, and can be 2, 4, 8 banks of switches
If you choose to have the Fab shop mount a battery holder, MAKE SURE YOU DO A FIT TEST FIRST! THERE IS NO EXTRA ROOM INSIDE THE CASE!
BATTERY HOLDER MUST BE LESS THAN 5.5MM or your snes shell won't close tight
These are just a few, there are other battery holders that are thinner by Adam Tech, Keystone. And Eagle plastics that might work well also. I haven't tested them for fit