CV Dec 2011
CV Dec 2011
CV Dec 2011
E-mail: [email protected]
Basit has more than 20 years of experience in the Oil & Gas, Conservation and Development sectors dealing with multidisciplinary issues related to Health Safety & Environment (HSE), non technical risks, corporate responsibility, conservation and rural development. He has worked in India, Pakistan, United Kingdom and Middle East with various Oil & Gas operators namely Premier Oil, Shell, KUFPEC and MOL. Apart from leadership roles with the O&G operators, he has lead and managed a portfolio of consulting projects related to environmental permitting and consents, EIAs/ESHIAs, environmental risk assessment, EMS audits, Pre-FEED/FEED environmental reviews, investor due diligence and decommissioning planning. He has proven track record of business development in the O&G sector for environmental consulting work in the North Sea (UKCS) and various international locations. Basit has wide variety of professional affiliations including Fellow, Leadership for Environment & Development (LEAD), Member of International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) and member Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).
SpDipEM, NEBOSH Specialist Diploma in Environmental Management, Highbury College, Portsmouth, UK, 2008-10 MSc. Environmental Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, University of London, UK, 1994-95 BSc. Civil Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan, 1985-90
Employment History
May 2011 to date, Director Environment, Oil & Gas Sector Leader, AECOM, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). April 2008 to April 2011, Associate Director, Oil & Gas, Intertek-Metoc Limited, Liphook, Hampshire, United Kingdom. April 2005 to September 2007, Chief, HSE and Community Development, MOL Pakistan Oil & Gas Co B.V.(Hungarian Public sector Oil & Gas major), Islamabad, Pakistan. October 2004 to April 2005, Environmental Advisor, Premier Oil-India, New Delhi, India (overlap with previous role) March 2000 to January 2005, Manager, Environment & Community Relations, PREMIER KUFPEC Pakistan B.V. (formerly Premier & Shell Pakistan B.V.), Islamabad, Pakistan. December 1995 to March 2000, Director Environmental Pollution Unit & Northern Areas, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Gilgit and Lahore, Pakistan. January 1994 to December 1995, Head of Engineering Section, Baluchistan Rural Support Program, Quetta, Pakistan. December 1990 to January 1994, Design Engineer, Sir William Halcrow & Partners Limited, Baluchistan Minor Irrigation & Agricultural Development Project, Quetta, Pakistan. September 1990 to December 1990, Trainee Engineer, Murshid Builders (Pvt.) Limited, Pakistan.
Work Experience
Oil & Gas Team Leadership and Program/Project Management: Experienced in leading and line management of teams of engineers, HSE professionals, environment and conservation specialists. Presently responsible for project management, delivery and account management of portfolio of consulting projects within the oil and gas sector. Accountabilities include team management; delivery of technical and financial milestones; quality assurance; resource planning; ensuring business delivery meets clients expectations; The role also includes influencing and negotiating contracts for individual projects and framework agreements. Business Development: Responsible for new business development and business planning for the Oil & Gas sector for international consulting organizations. Key tasks include development of annual Oil & Gas business plan and revenue projections, identification and representation at O&G sales events, relationship management of key accounts, maintaining market and competition intelligence, leading sales and marketing campaigns in association with the marketing team.
Quote management and follow up is another key task.
Permitting and Consents: Program/Project Director and technical lead on projects related to environmental permitting and consents within UKCS and international locations. Work includes UKCS licensing round application support, 1
Basit Khan
E-mail: [email protected] preparation and submission of Environmental Statements, environmental impact assessment, construction and production phase permits (PPC, OPEP, OPPC, GHG, EUETS) and permitting for use and discharge of offshore chemicals (PONs). Projects undertaken include amongst others, BP North Sea drilling and subsea chemical permitting Program, Wintershall Noordzee BV-Wingate Field Development, GDF SUEZ E&P UK Ltd-Cygnus Phase I field development, EnQuest (formerly Petrofac Energy Development)-Don SW and West Don, Knightsbridge, SW Heather and Ivy fields and PA Resources-West Greenland and Inner Moray Firth (Scotland) offshore seismic surveys and offshore Denmark drilling campaign 2011. Also supported New Age African Energy for environmental permitting for seismic survey in Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Northern Iraq. FEED Environmental Support: Technical lead, team member and ENVID Chair supporting engineering contractors (e.g. Petrofac Engineering, Sgurr energy) on ENVIDs (Environmental Aspects Identification), Front End Engineering Designs (FEED) environmental reviews and assurance, Best Available Technique (BAT) reviews, waste stream studies, preparation/definition of functional specifications and environmental basis of design. Projects worked on include InSalah Southern gas fields Pre-FEED environmental review (Algeria), Karachaganak Phase III FEED study (Kazakhstan), Environmental review of Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation (CWAO) technology for the Sleipner Effluent Treatment Facilities at the Krst Gas Terminal (Norway), Facilities concept study Hassi Mouina field development (Algeria), Kingfisher field development FEED environmental support (Uganda) and field development concept study for offshore Crimea (Ukraine) and Arctic (Russia). Due Diligence for Project Finance and Acquisitions: MOL HSE lead on due diligence for Sui gas field (Pakistan) Government of Pakistan divestiture, Lead HSE engineer on Kashagan Experimental Program (Kazakhstan) asset transfer due diligence (client confidential), Environmental due diligence for LNG terminal (United Kingdom) acquisition, Environmental due diligence as lenders engineer for Borkum West II Offshore Wind Farm Phase 1 (German North Sea). The offshore wind farm due diligence work included review of environmental and social compliance requirements with particular reference to protected areas, noise, migratory birds, cumulative impacts, employment and permitting. ESHIA Management and Delivery: Management of all aspects of environmental and social impact assessments including baseline studies, public disclosure, environmental and social management plans. Was responsible for supervision of a multimillion dollar environmental baseline study of the Khirthar National Park undertaken by the University of Melbourne, Australia and the resulting EIA by AMEC Earth and Environmental-Canada. The project was of global and civil society interest both nationally and internationally and was published by IUCN as a country case study. Undertook field based community needs assessments, rural development project design, implementation and monitoring. Project Manager ESHIA services for Oil field development in Southern Iraq (clients confidential). HSE Management: Working for oil and gas operators (Premier Oil, MOL, Shell, and KUFPEC) as a manager for the HSE and Community Development functions, Basit played a key role in the implementation of policies, strategies, and management systems related to environment, health, occupational safety, community development, land management, compensation and stakeholder management. Emphasis lay in mainstreaming corporate responsibility into business plans, corporate and project objectives. The work involved undertaking HSE risk assessments and the development and implementation of HSE management plans for on-shore geophysical, drilling and production operations; management of HSE interfaces between operators, contractors and consultants on geophysical, drilling and development projects; accreditation and maintenance of HSE and social performance management systems (ISO 14001:2004 and Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series-OHSAS 18001; project management of road and site construction for drilling projects in remote on-shore locations; management of tribal and local community relations; and experience of Government-Industry negotiations in developing and reviewing health, safety, environment and social investment policies and regulatory frameworks. Also established the environment and community development unit for an oil and gas company in India which included staff recruitment, mentoring, stakeholders analysis, development of a communication and community development strategy, identification and development of partnerships and the development of project monitoring and evaluation frameworks. Key projects included Dumbar, Zarghun North and Jaipur exploration campaigns and Manzalai field development. Non-Technical Risk Assessment and Management: Non technical risk assessment of petroleum assets and implementation of relevant mitigation. Petroleum assets included environmentally protected areas, security sensitive facilities, urban areas, indigenous and tribal communities, archaeological and heritage sites. EMS and Audits: Leading technical teams in undertaking health, safety and environmental audits and incident investigation studies for oil and gas exploration and development projects. Have led EMS gap analysis for operators aiming to meet ISO14001 requirements in the North Sea (UKCS). 2
Basit Khan
E-mail: [email protected] Conservation & Development Design and management of conservation and development programs focusing on natural resource management, public health, education and water related issues. Identification, design, implementation and monitoring of sustainable resource use and conservation projects in alpine and sub-alpine regions of Karakoram and Hindukush mountain ranges. Institutional Strengthening and capacity building of community based organizations to undertake stewardship of valley based resource conversation and development Initiatives. Involved in the development of national policy framework on sustainable resource use in Pakistan. Fundraising and management of multi-donor funding including program reporting, both technical and financial. Development of training modules and conducting training for public and private sector (including NGOs) on environmental management systems, ISO14001, environmental audits and waste management. Developing and implementation of communication strategies for raising awareness on environmental issues. Identification, design, implementation and monitoring of village level physical infrastructure schemes. Development and implementation of M&E systems for evaluation of institutional performance of village organizations. Feasibility and design of perennial & flood irrigation schemes in semi arid and desert environment. Development of irrigation system maintenance plans, and capacity building of water users associations (WUAs).
Master Class Trainer/Leader: Risk Identification to reduce Operational Safety Risk, Linking Safety to Increased Efficiency and Enhanced Bottom-line in the Oil & Gas Industry, HSE Oil & Gas Asia 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Overcoming the Infrastructural Challenge of Waste Management in Emerging Economies, Drilling Fluids, Cuttings Management & Environmental Excellence, IQPC, 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Participant: Cuttings Management - Operational Challenges vs. Environmental and Reputation Risks, Drilling Fluids and Cuttings Management 2006, IQPC, February 2006, Bangkok, Thailand. Managing Wastes in Countries of Little or No Infrastructure, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, 2004, Aberdeen, Scotland. Management Development Program, Lahore University for Management Sciences (LUMS), 2003, Lahore, Pakistan. Environmental Economics for Development Policy, Course V, 2002, World Bank Institute, Washington DC, USA. Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems Lead Auditor Training Course, IRCA OH&SMS, 2002, BVQI, London, UK. Environmental Technology for Oil & Gas Sector, 2001, organized by OGCI, Imperial College, London, UK. Green Economics & Nature Conservation in Asia/Pacific Region, 1999, organized by Macro Economics for Sustainable Development Program Office, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)-USA, Kunming, China. Log Frame Analysis as a Tool for Quality Control in Project Cycle Management, 1998, organized by PCM Group bvba, Process Consultants & Moderators, Netherlands, Bhurban, Pakistan.
Basit Khan
E-mail: [email protected] 4. Presented a case study on Partnerships and Stakeholder Dialogue during Petroleum Exploration in Khirthar National Park at the 5th World Parks Congress 2003, organized by IUCN, Durban, South Africa, 2003. 5. Maclaurin Phil, Khan Basit, Zahidi Shahid, Seismic Acquisition in the Sindh Protected Area, Dumbar Concession, Pakistan: Meeting Operational Needs and Addressing Environmental Challenges SPE-Pakistan, Annual Technical Conference (ATC) 2002, Islamabad, 2002. 6. Khan Omayma, Khan Basit, Dennis Paul, Communication for Public Consultation SPE 74075, SPE International Conference on HSE in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 2002. 7. Hassan Salman, Khan Basit, Oil and Gas Exploration in Dureji Game Reserve, Pakistan - Anticipated and Actual Impacts on Wild Ungulates. International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), 21st Annual Conference, Cartagena, Colombia, 2001. 8. Khan Basit, Specific Problems in Sustainability and Tourism in the Northern Areas of Pakistan, presented at the Conference on Sustainability in Mountain Tourism, organized by OKOHIMAL, Kathmandu, Nepal, 8-11 December 1996. Professional Affiliations, Hobbies, Awards, Extra Curricular Skills and Activities Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Texas, USA Fellow, Leadership for Environment & Development (LEAD),Cohort 5, LEAD-International, London Member, International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), Fargo, North Dakota, USA. Vice President, HSE Sub-Committee, Pakistan Exploration & Production Companies Association, 2003-2004. Vice President, Community Development Sub-Committee, Pakistan Exploration & Production Companies Association, 2006-2007.