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A carry forward (see Budget carry

Access control lists (ACLs), 44
distributable and distributed
Accounting documents, 34, 35, 133
budget, 98–100
Activity elements, 4, 10, 50, 65
tolerance control limit, 97, 98
Activity input planning, 58
tolerance control, 86
Actual costs, 113, 280
transactions, 116
Actual earned value, 279
Budget return, 87, 101–103
Annual budget, 87–89
Budget supplement, 103–105
Assembly processing, 159
Budget transfer, 87, 106–112
Automatic requirement grouping, 17
Business challenge
Availability control, 87, 91–97
level of planning
detailed plan, 298
B estimates (BoQ/BoS/BoM), 297
Balance sheet, 2, 34, 36, 39 recommendation, 299
Bill of material (BoM), 19, 56, 152, mass upload, 300–304
160–162, 164 remote work/offshore
Backward scheduling, 159, 188, 189 work, 299, 300
Budget carry forward work breakdown structure vs. cost
commitments, 113 breakdown structure, 296, 297
selection variant/carry forward
re-run, 113
WBSE status, 114–116 C
Budgeting, project Capitalization, 164, 165, 169
functionalities, 87 Cash flow reporting, 354
overall vs. annual budget, 87 Change management lifecycle, 125
release vs. current budget, 88–90 Change request management, 306
SAP project functionalities Collective purchase requisition, 14
availability control, 91–97 Commonly asked questions
budget return, 101–103 internal customer/
budget supplement, 103–105 deliverer, 304, 305
budget transfer, 106–112 narratives management, 307, 308
© Joseph Alexander Soosaimuthu 2022
J. A. Soosaimuthu, SAP Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management,

Commonly asked questions (cont.) ETC and EAC, 281

network costing vs. easy cost industry standard method, 276
planning, 307 planned costs, 279
variation/change request planned earned value, 279
management, 306 planned POC, 276, 278
Confirm Network Activity value index, 280
transactional app, 246 value/cost variance, 280
Controlling (CO), 8, 11, 29, 270 work/schedule variance, 280
Cost component structure, 22 Easy cost planning
Cost element, 36, 54–57 constraints, 72
Costing variant, 20 enhancement considerations, 72–86
Cost plan budget, 64 with planning form, 71, 72
Cost variance, 276, 280, 356, 359 Engineering procurement and
Cross application timesheet construction (EPC) project, 7, 227
(CATS), 22, 133, 289 Engineer-to-order (ETO) business
Current budget, 88–91 scenarios, 19
Enterprise and organization structure, 2
Enterprise project connector (EPC),
D 183, 206
Decision flow management (DFM), 288, Enterprise service oriented architecture
289, 293, 294 (eSOA), 204
Detailed date planning, 183 Estimated costs at completion (EAC), 281
Detailed plan, 59, 73, 93, 298 Estimated costs-to-complete (ETC), 280
Diagnostic and descriptive Estimation and costing
analytics, 352, 353 fundamentals
Distributable budget, 99–101, 104 external labor/service, 220, 221
Distributed budget, 99, 100 external material, 224, 225
Document management system (DMS), internal labor, 218–220
117, 121 internal material, 223, 224
Dynamic line item processor (DIP), 149, 271 subcontracting, 222, 223
SAP interface
classification matrix, 228
E components, 230
Earned value analysis (EVA) design principles, 232–234
actual costs, 280 performing reasons, 226, 227
actual earned value, 279 process industry estimate, 229
actual POC, 278, 279 techniques, 227
definition, 276 tools, 231


Execution services, 130–132 phases and decision points,

Externally processed activities, 8, 9, 20, 222 291, 293, 294
resource-related billing, 270, 271
revenue recognition, 272–275
F Integration with controlling
Fiori apps, 250–270 cost component structure, 22
Fixed asset (FXA), 26, 34 costing sheet and overhead
Forecasting applications key, 24, 25
design principles, 236–238 costing variant, 20
SAP interface, project management cost rates, 23
solution, 235 documents, 22
Functionality list by industry, 325–343 result analysis, 25
settlement, 26–28
valuation variant, 20–22
G Integration with finance
General ledger, 23, 26, 35, 36, 55 accounting documents, 34, 35
Generally accepted accounting FUL settlement, 32
principles (GAAP), 2, 12, 274 investment profile and
capitalization, 31, 32
settlement processing types, 33
H Integration with material management
Hierarchy planning, 54–63 automatic requirement grouping, 17
Horizontal synchronization collective purchase requisition, 14
field group, 43, 44 project commitment, 15
item-leading vs. project-leading, 43, 44 project-oriented procurement, 17
pairs, 42 purchase requisition, 14
vs. vertical synchronization, 41 purchasing info record stores
information, 15
reporting, 18
I, J, K, L valuated and non-valuated project
Industry best practices stock, 15, 17
decision flow management, 288, 289 Integration with sales and distribution
integration with modules/third-party milestone billing, 12
applications, 289–291 quotation and sales pricing, 12
investment prioritization reporting transaction, 13
framework, 286, 287 revenue rate card, 13
management controls (see Project revenue recognition and
management controls) result analysis, 12


Internally processed activities, 8 Order-based billing, 159

Investment prioritization framework, Overall budget, 87–89
286, 287
Investment profile, 4, 31, 32, 169
Investment proposals, 287 P, Q
Issue management lifecycle, 125, 127 Partially distributed budget
scenario, 99, 100
Percentage of completion (POC), 146, 273
M Period end/monthly reporting, 349, 350
Material requirement planning (MRP), 19 Periodic billing, 150, 151
Material reservation, 19 Periodic settlement vs. full settlement
Materials management (MM), 11 month-end assessment and
Milestones, 9, 10, 146 distribution cycles, 29
Milestone Trend Analysis (MTA), 281–284 reporting, 29, 30
Period level budgeting, 86
Planned earned value (BCWS), 279
N Planning and forecasting
Network costing guidelines, 63, 65
alternate solution, 70 hierarchy planning, 55–63
easy cost planning methods, 54, 55
constraints, 72 network costing (see Network costing)
enhancement considerations, 72–86 standard SAP PS capability and
with planning form, 71, 72 limitations, 63
enhancement considerations, 66–70 Plant maintenance (PM), 11, 290
standard SAP PS, 66 Portfolio
wireframe of project forecast creation, 38
workbench, 68 group of projects/work, 37
Network diagram, 16, 189, 191 integration of project
Network planning, 132, 133 management, 39, 40
Non-valuated project stock, 15–17 structure, 37, 38
Precedence diagram method (PDM), 7
Predictive analytics, 358–361
O Prioritization framework, 44–48, 51
Operational reporting Procurement and production
forms, 346 integration, 198–202
period end/monthly, 349, 350 Procurement Overview
purposes, 346 Analytical app, 248
real-time, 347–349 Production planning (PP), 11


BOM, 19 Project oriented enterprises, 37

material requirement planning, 19 Project-oriented procurement, 17
material reservation, 19 Project RAG status commentary, 121–124
Production resource tools (PRTs), 7, 10, 11 Project RAG status reporting, 354
Profitability analysis reporting, 353 Project resource planning
Profitability segments (PSG), 26 internal activity entry screen, 134
Project network profile with flag, 135
categories, 6 person assignment, 138
creation, 5 PPM project definition, 143
definition, 4 PPM project role detailed view, 143
quality and safety, 4 professional service industry, 142
types, 5 project role detailed view, 145
WPS, 7 required qualification, 137, 144
Project billing staffing overview, 144
BoS, 160–162, 164 view, 140
delivery-based billing, 152, 153, 155, workcenter capacity header and
156, 158 assignment, 136
order-based billing, 159 workcenter view, 141
periodic billing, 150, 151 workforce planning profile, 139
progress/milestone based billing, Project risk, 124–126
146, 147 Project System submodule, 4
RRB, 147–149 activities, 8, 9
Project calendar, 184, 186 activity elements, 10
Project closure, 174–178 milestones, 9, 10
Project commitments, 15 project definition, 4
Project Definition Overview fact project network, 7
sheet app, 247 subnetworks, 11
Project delivery-based billing, 152, 153, work breakdown structure, 7
155, 156, 158 Project variation management,
Project issues and change management 116–120, 180
(PICM), 125–127 Purchase requisition, 14, 197, 199
Project Management Body of Knowledge Purchasing info record stores
(PMBOK), 3 information, 15, 223
Project management controls
EVA (see Earned value analysis (EVA))
milestone trend analysis, 281–284 R
variance analysis, 284, 286 Real-time operational reporting, 347–349
Project management workforce, 204 Recording actual work, 192, 193


Red Amber Green (RAG) status reports, 53 rule, 165, 166

Release budget, 89, 99 scenarios
Resource management integration, cost projects, 173
202, 204 customer projects, 172
Resource management reporting, 355 investment/capital projects, 174
Resource related billing (RRB), strategy, 166–168
147–149, 270 types in settlement rule, 168–170
Results analysis, 25, 172, 272–274 Settlement processing types, 33
Revenue accounting and reporting Strategic reporting
(RAR), 275 diagnostic and descriptive analytics,
Revenue recognition, 272–275 352, 354, 355
RICEFW list by industry, 309–324 long-term trend analysis, 355–358
Risk matrix, 126 predictive analytics, 358–361
reasons, 351
Subledgers, 36
S Subnetworks, 11
Sales distribution (SD), 11
SAP Enterprise Portfolio Project
Management (EPPM), 308
SAP Portfolio and Project Management Textual comments, 121
(PPM), 287 Timesheet recording, 192
Scheduling Tolerance control, 86, 87
fundamentals Tolerance control limit, 97, 98
forecasting, 195, 196 Transactional apps, 245
network diagram, 189, 191 Trend analysis, 355–358
project calendar, 186
project variations, 194, 195 U
recording actual work, 192, 193 Unit costing, 55, 56, 58, 59
type and scenarios, 187, 188 Unit of measure (UoM), 58
SAP interface Unused budget carry forward, 113
design principles, 206–218 Unused carry forward budget, 112
management applications, 204–206
project calendar, 184
Secondary cost elements, 36 V
Selection variants, 113 Valuated project stock, 17
Settlement, 26–28 Valuation methods, 273, 274
processing type, 170, 171 Valuation variant, 20–22
profile, 166 Variance analysis (VA), 284, 286


Vertical synchronization W, X, Y, Z
field group, 42
Whole of life (WOL) cost, 5
vs. horizontal synchronization, 41
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS),
item-leading vs. initiative-­
7, 296, 304
leading, 41, 42
Work/schedule variance (SV), 280
pairs, 41


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