co opeaartive
co opeaartive
co opeaartive
It can be said that the history of cooperative activity is as old as human life itself.
Cooperation can be said to have started since the beginning of human life on earth.
Even when man lived the life of a hunter in the forest, he felt the need for cooperation.
The thousands of inventions that humans have made now have also become possible only
with the spirit of cooperation.
England is a very small country in terms of population, about the second half of the 17th
century the industrial boom began to ring.
The intelligent people of England used to rule most of the world, for these people it was said
that the sun of the people of England shines all over the world because where the sun rises,
this people's kingdom was there, and where the sun sets, this people's kingdom was also
The cities of England were bustling with textile mills and other types of mills and factories.
In this situation the wages which the labourers/workers were getting were not enough.
As a result of the industrial revolution, the prices of essential commodities started to rise
Life became very difficult for common level labourers/workers. Labor unions were formed to find a
way out of this situation.
Some social workers of that time made some efforts to improve their economic condition for
For this, Dr. Robert Owen (AD 1771-1858) and Dr. People like William King (AD 1786-1862) made
special efforts.
In a parish called Rochdale, England, 28 weavers (there were 27 brothers and one sister) formed the
"Rochdale Equitable Pioneers Co-operative Society" on 24th October 1844 to get out of the
struggling life.
Initially, the members of this co-operative society themselves performed the honorary services of
cashiers, accountants, tollats.
In a short span of two months, this organization took the form of a huge customer cooperative bank.
In AD 1895 a co-operative organization was formed at the global level which we call "International
Co-operative Union".
Cooperative activity in our country started in the first decade of the 20th century.
Over the years the word "cooperation" has been woven into our culture. The entire structure of our
country is built on the principle of "Cooperation".
The main aim of this activity has been the overall development of the society. It has an excellent
arrangement for social as well as economic upliftment. A person lives for his own interest. Rather
than suffering for others, the welfare of oneself and the entire society is included.
As a result of this basic concept, the development of cooperative activity has been steadily
In AD 1895 a co-operative organization was formed at the global level which we call "International
Co-operative Union".
Cooperative activity in our country started in the first decade of the 20th century. Over the years the
word "cooperation" has been woven into our culture. The entire structure of our country is built on
the principle of "Cooperation".
The main aim of this activity has been the overall development of the society. It has an excellent
arrangement for social as well as economic upliftment. A person lives for his own interest. Rather
than suffering for others, the welfare of oneself and the entire society is included.
As a result of this basic concept, the development of co-operative activity has been gradually
increasing and developing in different fields, so that the development of co-operative activity as an
important tool for economic and social transformation in our country is an important aspect, while
the center of co-operative activity is always the common people. are being
This situation developed which resulted in the collapse of the rural communities of India.
As the rate of unemployment increases, most of the burden will fall on the agriculture sector
The continuous increase in population, the continuous division of land, hence the agricultural work
The Indian economy gradually began to move towards a capitalist mode of production
Mudis and capitalists from villages began to gravitate towards cities and India
The moneylenders took advantage of the helpless situation of the peasants, making the peasants
poorer and more indebted.
In this changing flow of economy, the old rural system of India collapsed, the once self-sufficient
village economy collapsed.
[10:46 pm, 26/9/2024] 🙃: In order to improve this situation, the farmers needed the facility of
getting credit on a systematic basis and at low interest rates, hence the idea of establishing
cooperative societies for the first time came to the then government in 1892.
The Madras government sent Sir Frederick Nicholson to study Europe, reported in 1899, in 1901 a
committee was formed under the chairmanship of Sir Edward Law, recommending the
establishment of credit societies on the Reikian system.
Co-operative activity in our country is legally born from the Sharafi Mandali Act of 1904. The original
objective of this Act was to settle the question of credit.
In the years after 1904, there was a demand for the formation of other types of societies in addition
to sharafi, so as the 1904 Act saw some limitations and defects like unlimited village liability and
limited city liability, a new Cooperative Societies Act was passed in 1912, according to which sharafi
and non-sharafi co-operative societies were established in the country. found
In the year 1919, when the subject of co-operative activity was taken over by the Provincial
Government, the respective Provincial Governments framed separate Co-operative Societies Acts for
the area under their control.
According to that, first of all in 1925, the then Mumbai government passed the first law. Today, the
state law for cooperative societies is in force in every state of our country and in it, necessary
provisions have been made according to the needs of those states, the possibilities of development
of cooperative activity.
On this basis, the Cooperative Societies Act of 1961 is also in force in the state of Gujarat.
The Multi State Co-operative Societies Act, 1984 is in force in India in Union Territories as well as in
case of societies having jurisdiction over more than one State.
Commencement of cooperative activity in Gujarat:-
Therefore, the Gujarat Cooperative Societies Act 1961 was also made separate for the cooperative
activity of the state of Gujarat and came into effect from 1.5.1962.
[10:51 pm, 26/9/2024] 🙃: Before this law was enacted, the co-operative activities of Gujarat were
governed by the Mumbai State Co-operative Act of 1925.
Revised in 1964-69-78-81-82-83-2008-13-15.
Before the co-operative act of 1904 in India, the co-operative movement was established on
5.2.1889 in the city of Vadodara (in the old Vadodara state) by about 23 educated people of the
middle class who started a mutual aid organization called Anyonya Sahayakari Mandal. Which can be
called a successful experiment in the first co-operative
This society was registered as a co-operative society in 1912. That is, for 23 years this society
remained unregistered, in 1966 it was reconstituted as Citizen Co-operative Bank.
Bakrol Vishalpur Co-Op in Ahmedabad District of Gujarat under the Co-operative Act of 1904. It
became a Cadet Society and a Degam congregation was registered in May 1905 in Valsad district.
In 1912 various working cooperative societies with various purposes were formed in Kodinar.
The first Citizens Co-operative Bank in Gujarat was formed in 1909 at Jambusar in Bharuch district.
In 1918, Mumbai Regional Cooperative Institute was established for cooperative education, training
and promotion, and in 1929, Cooperative Training School was also started at Surat. The present
Surat Training Center (D.Go.Patel Cooperative Management Centre, Kamrej Char Rasta) was
established on a permanent basis in 1947.
Around 1929, Land, Mortgage Bank (Zamin Vikas Back) was formed in Bharuch district and Pin
Vadodara district for long-term cooperative credit. for the