Had i Yan 2020 g Sensing
Had i Yan 2020 g Sensing
Had i Yan 2020 g Sensing
Metal oxide-based conductometric gas sensors are one of the promising candidates for highly sensitive, harsh environment
resilient, low cost and nontoxic sensors for industrial applications. Here we present conductometric gas sensors based on
Cu2O and CuO/Cu2O composite nanowires investigated towards few VOCs and CO gases. The C u2O nanowires with an
average length of 8 µm and diameter of 180 nm were synthesized through template-assisted electrodeposition of C u2O into
a polycarbonate membrane pores, from an aqueous solution. The CuO/Cu2O composite nanowires were obtained by anneal-
ing the synthesized C u2O nanowires in an oxygen environment. The morphology, dimension, and crystallography of the
synthesized nanowires are studied using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction measurements before and after
annealing process. Our proposed sensor based on C u2O nanowires showed a fast response in sensing ethanol gas at 250 °C
response values of 178 and 15% towards 50 and 1 ppm of ethanol, respectively. CuO/Cu2O nanowires behaved selective and
sensitive at 150 °C with a response value of 55% towards 500 ppm of CO.
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
techniques rarely studied, is template-assisted electrodeposi- uniformity for NWs dimension and morphology while
tion [39, 47] which is used widely for synthesizing nanow- showing superior gas sensing properties. Therefore, our
ires of various materials including metal [9, 48], metal work paves the way not only towards scalable, high sensi-
oxides [23, 37, 40] and organic materials [8] in applications tive and cost-efficient gas sensors but also lends its simple
such as nanomagnetism [39], photocatalysts [35] and gas and reproducible technique to the other applications that
sensors [33, 34, 39]. In the recent years, template-assisted demand nano-composite nanowire structures.
synthesize of nanowires for gas sensing applications has
become more attractive [32, 34, 49, 50] as it facilitates the
high throughput fabrication of high aspect ratio nanowires
with precisely controlled dimensions and compositions. 2 Experimental
In template-assisted synthesize of metal oxide nanowires,
the template is either an anodized alumina membrane or an In ordero fabricate a conductometric gas sensor based on
Ion-Track etched polycarbonate membrane [31]. To fabricate Cu2O/CuO nanowires, first C u2O nanowires were synthe-
nanowires, the pores of the membrane should be filled with sized by electrodeposition into polycarbonate membrane
the desired materials that can be accomplished by different pores. Afterwards, the Cu2O nanowires were released from
methods such as electrochemical deposition [9, 23, 32, 34, the template into a solution which was subsequently used
39, 47, 51], solvothermal [37, 40], atomic layer deposition to transfer NWs onto a pair of Au interdigitated electrode
[34, 52] among which electrodeposition is more attractive (IDE) on a Si/SiO2 substrate. Then, the Cu2O nanowires
due to simplicity, low cost and robust reproducibility. on the IDE went through annealing process to obtain
In this work, the C u 2O/CuO nanowires were synthe- Cu2O/CuO composite nanowires. To study the gas sens-
sized by template-assisted electrodeposition of C u 2O ing behavior of Cu2O and CuO/Cu2O nanowires.
nanowires followed by subsequent high-temperature Figure 1 shows the schematic of the fabrication process
annealing. Comparing to more studied approaches such to obtain the gas nanowire gas sensors.
as CuO NWs synthesize by thermal oxidation of Cu film
[23–25], our method offers higher reproducibility and
Fig. 1 Fabrication process of the conductometric sensor based on the Au residual (8) drop-casting the NWs on IDE (9) dispersing the
CuO Nws, (1) polycarbonate membrane (2) Au layer deposition (3) Cu2O NWs on IDE (10) converting C u2O NW to CuO by thermal
template sealing (4) electrodeposition of Cu2O (5) separating the annealing
filled template from sealing (6) dissolving the template (7) filtering
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
the Au residual particles would precipitate in consider- longer durations, using Cr/Au electrodes, annealing at higher
able shorter time than C u2O nanowires which then can be temperatures or for longer durations would cause consider-
separated from the solution. able degradation of the Cr/Au electrodes.
The dissolved polycarbonate can be removed from the
nanowires solution by letting the nanowires to sediment (for
approximately 1 h), removing the polycarbonate-dichlo- 2.4 Characterization
romethane solution and replace it with fresh dichlorometh-
ane. By repeating the washing process for three times, a sus- The nanowires dimensions and their surface morphology
pension of nanowires in clean dichloromethane was achieved were characterized using a Philips KL30 Scanning Electron
for further drop-casting on the IDE. Microscope (SEM) and a Hitachi S-4800 Field Emission
Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) before and after
2.3 Gas sensor fabrication annealing. The IDE and the distribution of nanowires on the
IDE were examined by an optical microscope. The grazing
A pair of IDEs were defined by depositing Cr (10 nm)/ incident X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) patterns of the nanow-
Au(100 nm) (the Cr layer serves as adhesion layer) on Si/ ires were obtained using a panalytical xpert PRO MPD X-ray
SiO2 substrate followed by optical lithography to obtain IDE diffractometer with the fixed incident angle of 1°.
with 3 µm gap between fingers. Gas sensing tests were accomplished using an air-tight
Cu2O nanowires were placed on the IDE by drop-casting test chamber through a static approach as illustrated in
from the prepared suspension. After evaporating the dichlo- Fig. 5. The sensor response was measured by a Keithly 238
romethane by heating at 150 °C for 10 min, the IDE was source-measurement-unit (SMU) connected to adjustable
examined using an optical microscope to make sure that probes in the testing chamber. To achieve a desired con-
enough number of nanowires were placed between elec- centration of target VOC gas, a specific amount of the VOC
trode fingers (Fig. 4). As it can be seen in Fig. 4, bundles of liquid was evaporated in a 1.5 L glass container to obtain a
nanowires were dispersed randomly between electrode fin- high-ppm source. Afterwards, a measured volume of high-
gers with different densities. To address the bundling issue, ppm container atmosphere was sampled and injected into the
the dispersion of nanowires could be enhanced by applying air-tight testing chamber. Regarding the CO sensing tests,
dielectrophoresis methods to align nanowires between the desired concentrations can be generated by inserting a meas-
electrodes as proposed in Refs. [13, 52, 54]. ured volume of CO gas into the chamber using an ALICAT
To compare the gas sensing behaviors of C u2O and CuO MC-100SCCM MFC connected to a lab-grade CO cylinder.
nanowires, the prepared sensor was annealed at 400 °C for All the tests were conducted in ambient atmosphere with an
30 min to oxidize the Cu2O nanowires and convert them average relative humidity of 30% RH monitored by a HIH-
to CuO [54–56]. However, as we discuss later in Sect. 3.1, 4000 humidity sensor. The response value was calculated as
further crystallography characterization showed partial con- [((Rg − Ra )∕Ra ) × 100] where Ra and Rg are the resistances
version of C u2O to CuO resulting in CuO/Cu2O compos- measured from the sensor in the clean and contaminated
ite nanowires. Although the complete conversion of C u 2O atmospheres, respectively.
nanowires could be achieved at higher temperatures and
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Fig. 9 Responses of a Cu2O nanowires, b CuO/Cu2O nanowires; towards 50 ppm of ethanol, acetone, methanol and 500 ppm of CO at different
Fig. 10 Gas sensing of Cu2O NWs sensor towards ethanol at 250 °C. (a) Response values versus concentrations. b Normalized resistance of the
sensor versus time
Fig. 11 Comparing response and recovery times of the response towards 50 ppm of ethanol for a Cu2O NWs at 250 °C, b CuO/Cu2O NWs at
200 °C
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
Table 1 The Comparison of Nanostructure Concentration Working The Response Recovery References
ethanol sensing performance of (ppm) temperature response time (s) time (s)
Cu2O nanostructures (°C) value (%)
and recovery time of 330 s were obtained for CO sensing of 2 × 1017 cm−3 [59] and dielectric constant of 10.2 [60] at
which are comparable values to reported values when it comes 200 °C, the Deby length would be approximately 10 nm:
to low sensing temperatures like 150 °C. (gas)
The Cu2O and CuO/CU2O nanowire sensors gas sensing O2 ⟷ O−(ads)
+ h+ , (3)
behavior towards ethanol and CO gases are summarized in
Table 2. It is worth mentioning that the recovery process in the O−(ads) ⟷ 2O−(ads) + h+ , (4)
test was accomplished by simply opening the air-tight cham- 2
ber lid and exposing the sensor to fresh room air without any
pumping or air flow, therefore, it would represent more real-
𝜀kB T
istic recovery results. Moreover, as mentioned before, all gas 𝜆D = . (5)
Na q2e
sensing tests were measured in an average 30% RH.
In the presence of a reducing gas, the chemisorbed oxy-
3.3 Gas sensing mechanism gen ion reacts with the reducing gas and trapped electrons
by oxygen ions turn back to the metal-oxide surface which
Conduction of p-type metal oxides can be explained by accep- means a decrease in hole accumulation layer thickness and
tor levels in the bandgap which for CuO and C u2O cases are subsequent decrease in sensor conduction (Fig. 13d).
copper vacancies. The copper vacancies determine the appear- Regarding CO sensing mechanism, the adsorbed oxy-
ance of holes in the valence band. In an oxygen-rich atmos- gen reacts with CO gas molecule to form C O2 (Eq. 4). In
phere, adsorption of atmospheric oxygen on the surface of the case of ethanol sensing, ethanol molecules react with
copper oxides results in chemisorbed oxygen species and the adsorbed oxygen ions by consuming the holes so that it
creation of extra holes in the valance band [12]. The adsorbed breaks into CO2 and H2O molecules (Eq. 5):
oxygen can be in molecular form (O−2 ) for temperatures below
150 °C or atomic (O−, O2−) for higher temperatures (Eqs. 3, CO(gas) + O−(ads) + h+ → CO2 , (6)
4) [24]. These reactions generate a hole accumulation on the
surface of nanowires which in turn increases the conductivity (gas)
of the nanowires (Fig. 13b). C2 H5 OH(gas) + 3O−(ads)
+ 3h+ → 2CO2 . (7)
The thickness of the hole accumulation layer can be
While the structure of the CuO/Cu2O nanowires can
approximated by Debye length which is calculated using
be considered as core–shell, by considering the CuO shell
Eq. (5) where 𝜀 and Na are dielectric constant and acceptor
thickness of 80 nm and comparing it to the Debye length of
density of the p-type metal oxide and kB , qe and T represent
less than 15 nm it can be inferred that the core–shell struc-
Boltzman constant, electron charge and operating tempera-
ture can be ignored in explaining the gas sensing mechanism.
ture, respectively. For instance, for CuO with acceptor density
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
4 Conclusion
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Table 2 The fabricated sensor Sensor type Target gas Optimum tem- Response Response time Recovery time
gas sensing test results toward perature (°C)
ethanol and CO gases
Cu2O NWs Ethanol 250 178% (50 ppm) ~ 17 s ~ 35 s
15%(1 ppm) ~ 15 s ~ 29 s
CuO/CU2O NWs CO 150 54% (500 ppm) ~ 90 s ~ 330 s
16% (60 ppm) ~ 110 ~ 108
Fig. 13 CO Gas sensing mechanism of CuO/Cu2O nanowire illustration. a, b Oxygen adsorption and hole accumulation layer formation, c
adsorbed oxygen ion reaction with CO, d reduction of HAL layer depth and resistance increase
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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