Candidate FAQ - Codility
Candidate FAQ - Codility
Candidate FAQ - Codility
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Reserve time. 1/11
1/24/25, 12:01 PM Candidate FAQ - Codility
scored, and the results will be most points possible, test your
sent to the test administrator. solution frequently to ensure you are
submitting compilable, working code
Was this information useful? before your time runs out.
time you will have to solve them. empty, very small, and very large
Unless you press the "Start" inputs. Consider the worst possible
button, you can leave and come data allowed by the task description
back when you are ready to when thinking of ways to test your
within the testing window your code, run it with your own test 2/11
1/24/25, 12:01 PM Candidate FAQ - Codility
into automated scoring. Please
note that the time limit you see
on your screen is for the whole
assessment, not a single task.
Once the time runs out, the code
present in the IDE is submitted
automatically and the
assessment is ended. 3/11
1/24/25, 12:01 PM Candidate FAQ - Codility
6. Will I receive or be able to view
my results? 4/11
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9. Is the Codility testing
environment accessible to test
takers with disabilities? 6/11
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successfully solved the task? 7/11
1/24/25, 12:01 PM Candidate FAQ - Codility
Unless explicitly specified in the
task description, you may only
use the standard libraries and
imports of the programming
languages supported in a given
task. 8/11
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1/24/25, 12:01 PM Candidate FAQ - Codility
Codility offers a collaborative
video programming platform that
facilitates technical interviews
and pair programming sessions
for engineering teams. 10/11
1/24/25, 12:01 PM Candidate FAQ - Codility
4. My editor froze 11/11