chem ch 2 notes
chem ch 2 notes
chem ch 2 notes
Chapter 2 – Physical and Chemical changes (Notes)
Answer the following:
1. Define the following terms:
i. Physical change
ii. Chemical change
iii. Chemical reaction
Ans: i. A change which alters some specific property of matter without any
change in the composition of its molecules is called physical change.
ii. A change which alters the specific properties of a substance by bringing about
a change in its molecular composition, followed by a change in its state is
chemical change.
iii. A change which not only alters some specific property of matter, but also
changes its composition is called chemical change.
2. Give two examples which illustrates the evolution of a gas during a chemical
Ans: i. Zinc metal treated with dilute sulphuric acid; hydrogen gas is evolved.
Zn + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2
ii. When sodium nitrate is heated, they melt and liberate oxygen gas.
3. Give two examples which illustrates the change of colour during a chemical
Ans: i. When red lead oxide heated strongly, it forms yellow lead monoxide
and oxygen gas.
ii. When green copper carbonate is heated strongly, it forms black copper
oxide and carbon dioxide gas.
ii. When nitrogen and oxygen are together heated; forms nitric oxide gas.
N2 + O2 + Heat energy 2NO
ii. Red hot carbon (solid state) reacts with sulphur (vapour state) to form carbon
disulphide (liquid state).
6. Write the difference between physical and chemical changes.
(Refer textbook for the answer. Page no. 26)
Exercise answers
A) Fill in the blanks:
1. exothermic
2. liquid
3. dirty green
4. yellow
5. H2S
D)True or false:
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False