Handout 5 Macro
Handout 5 Macro
Handout 5 Macro
Handout 5
The Sociology of Tourism
This handout covers the social nature of travel, social effect of tourism, the new travel
pattern and preferences of the international tourist. It also deals the different types of tourist
roles and social tourism.
Let’s start
Man’s desire to travel is due to his social nature. He feels more comfortable in a group tour. It
enables him to develop friendships that often last for years. Travel increases his sociability and
makes him more interesting to himself and to others.
Tourism is concerned with movement of and contact between people in different geographical
locations. It involves the confrontation of different culture, ethics groups, lifestyles, languages
and the like. The degree to which conflict occurs between host and guest upon the similarity in
their standards of living, the extent to which tourists adapt to local standards. There are
socioeconomic variables that affect travel. These are age, income and social status, education
and life stages of the family. The growth of tourism brought about the rise of new travel patterns
such as travel clubs, airline group rates and arrangement, and special interest tours. The
preferences of the international tourists are divided into four classes namely: relaxation versus
activity, familiarity versus novelty, dependence versus autonomy, order versus disorder.
The four types of tourist roles are the organized mass tourist, the individual mass tourist, the
explorer and the drifter. The first two types are called institutionalized tourist roles because they
are closely attached to the tourist establishment. The last two types the explorer and the --drifter
are called non-institutionalized tourist roles because they are loosely attached to the tourist
Social tourism is a subsidized system of travel through the intervention of the government,
employer or labor union to achieve social goals. The international Bureau of Social Tourism on
was organized in 1963 to encourage the development of social tourism n an international scale.
It promotes social tourism by building and financing tourist facilities and preserving local culture
and environment.
Performance Task
If you are an international tourist, what class of international tourist preference are you going to
choose? Then, why? Discuss the disadvantages and advantages of the chosen preference.
Maximum of 75 words.
Additional reading:
Cruz Zenaida L., (2018) Principle of Tourism, Pages 68-76