Dear Sirs/Madam,
The same is also being made available on the Company’s website at www.tatamotors.com.
Yours faithfully,
Tata Motors Limited
MALOY Digitally signed
Date: 2025.01.29
GUPTA 16:38:56 +05'30'
Encl: as above
Tata Motors Group
Results for quarter ended December 31, 2024
Safe harbour statement Other Details
• Presentation format : The results provided represent the details on consolidated
segment level. The operating segment comprise of Automotive segment and
Statements in this presentation describing the objectives, projections, estimates others.
and expectations of Tata Motors Limited (the “Group”), Jaguar Land Rover • In automotive segment, results have been presented for entities basis four
Automotive plc (“JLR ”) and its business segments may be “forward-looking reportable sub-segments as below
statements” within the meaning of applicable securities laws and regulations.
TML Group Automotive business
Actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied. Important
factors that could make a difference to the Group’s operations include, amongst
others, economic conditions affecting demand / supply and price conditions in the
domestic and overseas markets in which the Group operates, changes in Tata Commercial Vehicles Tata Passenger Vehicle
(Tata CV) Vehicles (Tata PV) Jaguar Financing
Government regulations, tax laws and other statutes and incidental factors.
Includes TML & subs - TDCV, Includes TMPVL, Land (Tata
TMBSL, PTTMIL, TML CV Mobility TPEML,TMDTC and Rover Motors
Certain analysis undertaken and represented in this document may constitute an Joint operation FIAPL Finance)
Solutions, TML Smart City Mobility
estimate from the Group and may differ from the actual underlying results. Solutions and Joint operation TCL
• JLR volumes: Retail volume data includes sales from the Chinese joint venture
Narrations (“CJLR”) and Wholesale volumes exclude sales from CJLR.
Q3FY24 represents the 3 months period from 1 Oct 2023 to 31 Dec 2023 • Reported EBITDA is defined to include the product development expenses
Q2FY25 represents the 3 months period from 1 Jun 2024 to 30 Sep 2024 charged to P&L and realised FX and commodity hedges but excludes the gain/ loss
Q3FY25 represents the 3 months period from 1 Oct 2024 to 31 Dec 2024 on realised derivatives entered into for the purpose of hedging debt, revaluation
YTDFY24 represents the 9 months period from 1 Apr 2023 to 31 Dec 2023 of foreign currency debt, revaluation of foreign currency other assets and liabilities,
YTDFY25 represents the 9 months period from 1 Apr 2024 to 31 Dec 2024 MTM on FX and commodity hedges, other income (except government grant) as
well as exceptional items.
Accounting Standards • Reported EBIT is defined as reported EBITDA plus profits from equity accounted
• Financials (other than JLR) contained in the presentation are as per IndAS investees and deferral income less depreciation & amortisation.
• Results of Jaguar Land Rover Automotive plc are presented under IFRS as • Free cash flow is defined as net cash generated from operating activities less net
adopted for use in the UK. cash used in automotive investing activities, excluding investments in consolidated
entities, M&A linked asset purchases and movements in financial investments, and
after net finance expenses and fees paid.
• Reported ROCE is analytically derived by dividing the reported EBIT for the last 12
months upon the average of the capital employed (YoY).
Product and other highlights
Tata CV @ Auto expo 2025 : 11 Cargo Carriers | 3 Passenger Tata PV @ Auto expo 2025 : 18 new Cars & SUVs | 11
Carriers | 6 Intelligent Solutions | 4 Advanced Aggregates Intelligent Solutions & Advanced Aggregates | 8 Curated Zones
Jaguar Type 00 revealed at Miami Art Range Rover Electric testing nears Recycled seat foam proven in Range Rover wins Walpole ‘Made in
Week completion Circularity Lab UK’ award
Q3: Revenue ₹113.6K Cr, EBITDA 13.7%, PBT(bei) ₹7.7K Cr
On track for a strong performance for the full year despite challenging conditions; YTD PBT(bei) ₹22.3K Cr
Q 3 F Y 2 5 | C o n s o l i d a t e d | IndAS,₹ K C r
5.6 4.7
Q3 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q2 Q3
FY24 FY25 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY25
7.9 7.7
2.7% increase
Q3 FY24 Volume & Mix Price Translation Others Q3 FY25 EBIT% 8.3% 0.4% 0.0% (0.1)% 0.3% 8.9%
Results for the quarter ended December 31, 2024 Chief Financial Officer
Record Q3 Revenue and highest Q3 EBIT margin in a decade
Strong financial performance; £7.5b revenue; 9.0% EBIT; £523m PBT (bei)
5.1 398 157
Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25
Wholesales (k units) EBITDA % PAT (£m) ROCE %
101.0 87.3 16.2 11.7 14.2 592 283 375 19.1 19.3 19.6
Q3 Performance Summary
EBIT margin was 9.0% for the quarter, up from 8.8% in the same quarter in the
prior year due to higher volume, improved mix and favourable changes in
structural costs, offset by increased VME, warranty and FX
Profit before tax and exceptional items was £523m in Q3, down 17%
compared to the same quarter in the prior year, due to the same reasons
noted above offset by adverse mark-to-market on FX revaluation
ROCE for the 12-month rolling period to December 31, 2024 was 19.6%
compared with 19.1% in the equivalent period ending December 31, 2023
Q3 Wholesales 104K, up 20% QoQ
Mix of Range Rover, Range Rover Sport and Defender increased to 70% of total wholesales
59.2 104.4
52.9 101.0
Q3 FY25
28.8 30.6
8.9 7.8 9.1
6.0 5.6
Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25
291.1 289.5
85.9 83.9
26.4 36.0
FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25
26.5 25.1
21% 20%
21.2 21.6 24%
Q3 FY25
17.6 17.1 18.0 18.8 17.9
13.7 15.0
Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25
80% electrified
61.9 59.8
54.6 54.4
50.7 52.1
39.6 38.0
FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25
(138) (146)
Volume & Mix 110
£157m of free cash flow in the quarter
After investment spend of £1,012m
Payables (270)
Receivables (16)
D&A 377
Inventory 168
229 Other 126
costs expensed
Interest paid (101)
Other 218
324 1,012
229 688
Macro economic environment
Responding effectively to challenges and opportunities as they continue to present themselves
Ongoing monitoring of the impact of potential Electrification plans continue to support global JLR import business outperformed the market in
tariff plans globally CO2 compliance the current financial year to date despite macro
headwinds locally
Engaging closely with the UK Government to Liaising with UK Government to support review of
ensure our priorities for a future trading current ZEV mandate Complementary growth expected through
relationship with the US are well understood by licensing of Freelander brand to China JV with
the UK Department for Business and Trade local manufacturing of the first model in 2026
Cash flow breakeven
Efficiently managing cash flow breakeven despite macroeconomic challenges
U n its in 0 0 0 ’s
Maximise offering & elevate through personalisation & bespoke focus
Streamline and prioritise based on value potential
Innovate to reduce the cost of manufacturing and operations
39k 39k
2,393k 29k
New Jaguar repositioned for luxury market, where it was always more successful Increase in Jaguar website traffic during launch Higher Household Income Searches^
and reveal^
It will be luxurious and sell in low volumes at a higher price point, attracting a younger, +110% +24%
wealthier audience
Brand launch and Type 00 design concept reveal surpassed all metrics, generating: 45%
905m OTS (opportunity to see) across earned editorial media 2.43m
Over 15k press articles
Over 253 million impressions on Owned Social Channels
Over 28k expressions of interest / ‘keep me informed’
New Jaguar targeting right audiences^
Jaguar’s first reimagined production car will be an electric four-door GT, to be revealed in late 65+ 31% 6%
2025 and built in the UK 55-64 19% 10%
45-54 15% 15%
The new model will use dedicated Jaguar Electric Architecture and target a range of up to
35-44 14% 21%
770km WLTP and 692km EPA*, adding 321km of charge in as little as 15 minutes*
25-34 13% 30%
The share of investment for Jaguar over the product cycle will be proportionate to revenue 18-24 8% 18%
projected for the brand and its role within our House of Brands Jaguar Sunset New Jaguar
* All figures quoted including range and charging capability are manufacturer’s estimates and are subject to final testing. WLTP (Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure). EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
^ Higher Household Income Source: Google: US data. Jaguar audience - Demographic of those that searched Jaguar and clicked on a Jaguar ad Source: Google SEM Campaign Data (Google): 7/10-18/11 vs 19/11-31/12 Jaguar website traffic
Looking ahead
Holding full year guidance for EBIT margin and net cash positive
Net cash
NET CASH POSITIVE £(1.1)b £(1.1)b
Tata Commercial Vehicles Girish Wagh & GV Ramanan
(Includes Tata CV India, Tata Cummins JO results and Tata CV International)
Registration (Vahan) market share
Market shares improve in all segments barring SCV. Work to improve SCV competitiveness underway
Tata Commercial Vehicles | Domestic market share*
Commercial Vehicles
39.2% 39.1%
37.7% 37.4%
FY23 FY24 YTD Q1 Q2 Q3 FY23 FY24 YTD Q1 Q2 Q3 FY23 FY24 YTD Q1 Q2 Q3 FY23 FY 24 YTD Q1 Q2 Q3
FY25 FY25 FY25 FY25 FY25 FY25 FY25 FY25 FY25 FY25 FY25 FY25 FY25 FY 25 FY25 FY25
*VAHAN registration market share basis Govt of India’s VAHAN portal, the data excludes registration for states of MP, Andhra and Telangana and based on 7 categories of VAHAN portal.
*The data is based on details updated as on Jan 16,2025. VAHAN portal data is subject to updates with retrospective effect, marginally impacting TML overall MS on an annualized basis.
* The non-competing volumes, which is currently booked under the Passenger category is adjusted, thereby correcting Passenger Carriers and Overall CV market share figures.
HGV: Heavy Goods Vehicles HMV: Heavy Motor Vehicles MGV: Medium Goods Vehicles LGV: Light Goods Vehicles 22
Q3: Revenue ₹18.4K Cr, EBITDA 12.4%, PBT(bei) ₹1.7K Cr
EBITDA margins remains strong despite decline in revenues; YTD PBT(bei) at ₹4.6K Cr; ROCE at 38.1%
Q 3 F Y 2 5 | T a t a C o m m e r c i a l V e h i c l e s | IndAS, ₹ K C r
7.8 1.3
Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25
Wholesales ( K units)
36.8 37.4 38.1
98.8 86.0 97.4
Commercial Vehicles – Industry Insights
HCV: Heavy Commercial vehicles ILMCV: Intermediate, Light and Medium Commercial vehicles SCV: Small commercial vehicles CVP: CV Passenger vehicles 25
Tata Commercial Vehicles – Highlights
Vehicle Business Electric Mobility TML Smart City Mobility Solutions Ltd
• In Q3 FY25, volumes declined 1% YoY • E Buses: • TML e-bus fleet cumulatively crossed
improving from the 19% decline in Q2 o 200+ EV buses registered in Q3 260+ million Kms with >95% uptime
FY25; total of 3500+ EV Buses
• HCV, ILMCV and Passenger Carriers
registered till date • Deployment under CESL tender
continue to perform better than the
continues. ~2400+ buses deployed in
• Ace EV: Delhi, Bangalore, Jammu & Srinagar
• In Q3, Passenger carriers grew by 30%, o 7200+ vehicles plying clocking
ILMCV grew by 3% and MCV in double 71.8+ million KMs • Signed contract for additional 148 buses
digits with BMTC
o ACE EV volumes saw 26% YoY
• Digital Contribution to Retail at ~24% in growth with successful launches • Electric buses are consistently delivering
Q3 FY25, 1.2x higher than PY above contractual performance while
o 10 corporate customers added in operating in extreme environments
• 50+ products introduced this quarter
Q3 bringing the total to 70
• Cost reductions helped improve margins.
HCV: Heavy Commercial vehicles ILMCV: Intermediate, Light and Medium Commercial vehicles SCV: Small commercial vehicles CVP: CV Passenger vehicles 26
Digital Business: Continuing to scale up
• Fleet Edge has 760K+ active vehicles on platform with healthy share of active and
engaged users. Now it has 81% monthly active users and 61% weekly active users on
• Fleet Edge - ML based Fuel Efficiency solution- Mileage Sarathi has led to a 5.9%
improvement (median) in fuel efficiency, reducing TCO of the vehicles.
• E-dukaan has 36K registered buyers on platform and is selling 30K SKUs. AI based
image search is live on E Dukaan, leading to convenience.
• Online commerce platform, Fleet Verse achieved 11K+ platform assisted retails in Q3
5 alternate fuel options (Biofuels, Flex fuel, CNG and LNG)
2 new generation architectures, and
2 high end special applications
Endeavour to deliver better in every FleetEdge Smart City Mobility
moment to drive customer success FleetCare Re.Wi.Re
Focus areas – Q4 FY25
Grow ahead of market in a seasonally strong quarter
Tata Passenger Vehicles Shailesh Chandra & Dhiman Gupta
(Includes Tata PV, EV India, FIAPL JO results and International business(PV+EV))
Vahan market share held at 13.3%; Alternative powertrains continue to grow
Penetration of CNGs & EVs at 35%; Portfolio emissions well below CAFE norms
VAHAN Domestic Market share(1) Powertrain Mix Tata Motors PV CAFE Compliance
FY 23 FY24 Q1FY25 Q2FY25 Q3FY25 YTDFY25 FY22 FY23 FY24 YTDFY25 FY22 FY23 FY24 YTD FY25
(1)VAHAN registration market share is based on VAHAN portal (powered by National Informatics Centre). For FY22 and FY23, the data excludes registrations done in MP, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana states. For
FY24 and FY25, the data excludes registrations done in Telangana state. For Q3 and YTD FY25, market share is inclusive of Jan 1, 2025, due to technical issues on Vahan portal on Dec 31, 2024
EV wholesales improve, backed by strong retails
EV industry and Charging infrastructure set to gain pace
Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 FY23 FY24 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25
*only CCS2 and AC Type-2 chargers
(1)VAHAN registration market share is based on VAHAN portal (powered by National Informatics Centre). The data excludes registrations done in Telangana state. For Q3 and YTD FY25, market share
is inclusive of Jan 1, 2025, due to technical issues on Vahan portal on Dec 31, 2024
Q3: Revenue ₹12.4K Cr, EBITDA 7.8%, PBT(bei) positive
EBITDA reflects cost optimization efforts and PLI credit of ~ ₹180 Cr
Q 3 F Y 2 5 | T a t a P a s s e n g e r V e h i c l e s | IndAS, ₹ K C r
12.9 7.8
11.7 12.4 6.6 0.4
Q3 FY25
2.1 0.3
Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25
Wholesales ( K units)
138.6 130.5 140.0
FME : ₹15r PV
Employee cost : ₹(42) Cr
PLI : ₹182 Cr (FY24 ₹102 Cr; ₹K Cr Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25
D&A and PDE : ₹(104)Cr
Others : ₹(40)Cr YTD FY25 ₹80 Cr)
Revenue 10.9 9.7 10.2
FX & others : ₹(25) Cr
EBITDA % 9.4% 8.5% 7.3%
PBT (bei) 0.5 0.3 0.1
₹K Cr Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25
• In 2024, SUVs grew 16% YoY, increasing salience to 54%, at • Tata Motors recorded fourth consecutive year of
the cost of double digit de-growth for hatches and sedans highest-ever volumes with 562k units sold in CY24
• In Q3, the industry witnessed a recovery in demand with 8% • Punch was the #1 model in the industry in 2024 and
increase in registrations YoY – triggered by festivities in continues to remain strong as the #1 model in YTD FY25
Oct’24 and year-end demand in Dec’24
• In Q3 FY25, Tata Motors achieved highest-ever
• Industry channel inventory has reduced significantly ahead of registrations
the new year. However, this has come at higher levels of
discounts • With moderation in wholesales, we reduced our
channel inventory significantly to <25 days
• EV industry saw an increase in registrations by 23% YoY in
line with the PV industry – addition of new products • Market leadership maintained in EV segment, despite
supported growth growing competition, with highest-ever personal
segment registrations in Q3
Bharat Mobility Global Expo (BMGE) 2025: Highlights
Avinya X Sierra
Focus Areas – Q4 FY25
New products, stronger foundations and structural actions to drive growth in Q4
Tata Motors (CV+PV)
*TML, TMPVL, TPEML and Joint operations TCL and FIAPL.
Q3 FY25 Free Cash Flows at ₹2.5K Cr
Adverse working capital partially reversed in Q3; Investments well funded from cash profits after tax
Q 3 F Y 2 5 | T a t a M o t o r s D o m e s t i c B u s i n e s s | I n d A S , ₹ C r (1)
(2) (1)
Q3 FY25
YTD FY25 6,529 1,920 (362) 8,087 (4,536) (1,746) (355) 1,450
(1)Includes free cash flows of TML, TMPVL, TPEML and Joint operations FIAPL and TCL.
(2)PBT (bei) includes corporate and interest costs not allocated to Tata CV and Tata PV segments, and excludes the PBT(bei) of international subsidiaries of Tata CV and Tata PV segments For analytical purposes only
Investment Spending in Q3 FY25 ₹2.0K Cr
Steady investment spends to continue towards new technologies, powertrains
Y T D F Y 2 5 | T a t a M o t o r s D o m e s t i c B u s i n e s s (1) | I n d A S , ₹ C r
813 2,026
478 1,213 649
2,083 1,527 3,610 2,454 6,064
(1)Includes details for TML, TMPVL, TPEML and Joint operations FIAPL and TCL
For analytical purposes only
Looking ahead
We remain committed to consistent, competitive, cash accretive growth and generating strong returns
• Underlying domestic demand to improve gradually on account of infrastructure spends, slew of exciting product launches and stable
interest rates.
• JLR wholesales to improve further in Q4 backed by retail growth; remain watchful on the overall demand situation, particularly China.
Key priorities
• Proactively drive demand creation • Improve market share and • Improve market shares further by • Drive up penetration and market
realisations through shares with product interventions,
• product interventions and
• Become net debt free • innovation, including new product launches.
multi-powertrain strategy.
• service quality and
• Transform and enhance luxury • thematic brand activation • Strengthening dealer and • Continued efforts towards
experience by bringing House of service network. mainstreaming of EVs with focused
Brands to life. Focus on Halo • Continue to redefine the future of market development and
• Intensified cost reduction actions
products mobility with sustainable, ecosystem actions
to enhance profitability.
intelligent, and cutting-edge
• Successful launch of BEV products solutions
Investor day details
TML India Investor day: tentatively Monday, June 9, 2025, Mumbai, India
Please mention your name and name of the organization you represent along with the questions
Tata Motors Group : Additional details
Results for the quarter ended December 31, 2024
Q3 FY25: Tata Motors Group Financials
Consolidated Quarter ended December 31, 2024 ₹ Cr. IndAS
Tata Tata
JLR Commercial Passenger Others* Consolidated
Vehicles Vehicles
Revenue from operations 81,264 18,431 12,354 1,526 1,13,575
Grant income / incentives 565 226 262 1 1,054
Expenses :
Cost of materials consumed (46,729) (12,662) (9,964) (67) (69,422)
Employee benefit expenses (9,239) (1,170) (577) (1,028) (12,014)
Other expenses (12,436) (2,275) (981) 245 (15,447)
Product development and engineering expenses (2,481) (270) (135) 114 (2,772)
Exchange gain / loss (realized) 556 (1) 3 (11) 547
EBITDA 11,500 2,279 962 780 15,521
Depreciation and amortization (4,089) (510) (755) (54) (5,408)
Profit / loss from equity accounted investees (104) - - 74 (30)
EBIT 7,307 1,769 207 800 10,083
Other income ( excl. grant income) 366 107 171 84 727
Finance cost (677) (119) (40) (889) (1,725)
Unrealized FX, Unrealized commodities (1,294) (31) (46) (13) (1,384)
PBT (bei) (Incl share of JV and Associates) 5,702 1,726 292 (18) 7,700
R evenues 7, 375 6, 475 7, 486 21, 135 21, 234 111 1, 011 99
M at er ial a nd ot her cos t of s a les ( 4, 237) ( 3, 784) ( 4, 329) (12,429) (12,341) ( 92) ( 545) 88
E m ployee costs ( 809) ( 811) ( 846) (2,238) (2,505) ( 37) ( 35) ( 267)
O t her ( ex pens e) /incom e ( 1, 513) ( 1, 556) ( 1, 710) (4,196) (4,763) ( 197) ( 154) ( 567)
P r oduct developm ent cos t s ca pit a lis ed 376 435 459 1,064 1,343 83 24 279
D epr eciat ion a nd a m or t is a t ion ( 547) ( 434) ( 377) (1,610) (1,321) 170 57 289
S har e of pr of it f r om J oint Vent ur es 3 3 ( 9) 18 - ( 12) ( 12) ( 18)
Adjusted EBIT 648 328 674 1,744 1,647 26 346 (97)
F X R evalua t ion & ot her 43 115 ( 118) 6 88 ( 161) ( 233) 82
N et f inance ( ex pens e) /incom e ( 64) ( 45) ( 33) (246) (121) 31 12 125
Profit before tax and exceptional items 627 398 523 1,504 1,614 (104) 125 110
E x cept iona l it em s - - - - 8 - - 8
Profit before tax 627 398 523 1,504 1,622 (104) 125 118
Incom e t a x ( 35) ( 115) ( 148) (317) (462) ( 113) ( 33) ( 145)
Profit after tax 592 283 375 1,187 1,160 (217) 92 (27)
China JV
Q 3 F Y 2 5 | I F RS , £ m
Retail vo lumes (‘000 units) 13.4 10.5 8.0 39.4 29.0 (5.4) (2.5) (10.4)
Who lesale vo lumes (‘000 units) 12.9 9.9 6.8 38.3 28.5 (6.1) (3.1) (9.8)
Q3 YoY operational FX unfavourable, offset partially by hedging
Total Q3 FX and commodity impact £(146)m unfavourable YoY, primarily reflecting lower favourable FX revaluation YoY
Q3 FY25 YoY | IFRS, £m
Operational Realised FX hedges FX impact on EBIT FX revaluation of net Other FX revaluation FX impact on PBT Unrealised FX & Commodity
exchange 1 debt & debt hedges commodity hedges impact on PBT
1 The year-on-year operational exchange is an analytical estimate, which may differ from the actual impact
2 Hedge reserve is the hedge reserve pre -tax
3T o t a l
hedges is now defined as the total mark to market across all FX derivatives including FX forwards, FX options, FX swaps , cross currency swaps and any unsettled spot trades
4 Minor differences in cross -waterfall casting are due to rounding
Q3 Retails of 106K, down 3% YoY, up 3% QoQ
Range Rover, Defender and Discovery up QoQ
51.5 52.2
28.8 26.7 28.3
11.7 14.2
10.0 10.1 11.6
Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25
86.7 82.4
48.8 41.2
34.3 31.6
FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25
1 Total retail volumes for YTD FY25 do not cast due to rounding differences
YTD Retails up in North America & UK
Powertrain mix 80% electrified
25.0 25.4 22.8 20%
21.0 20.8 24% 21%
19.1 19.2
16.1 17.2 18.0 17.9
16.0 16.4
Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25
62% 64%
68.0 68.1
56.5 59.4 56.8
52.4 53.7 52.9
FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25 FY24 FY25 Q3 FY24 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25
Debt profile
Strong liquidity; debt maturities well spread out
Jaguar Land Rover Tata Domestic Business*
IFRS, £m Debt maturity profile IndAS
Debt maturity profile
Total liquidity ₹ Cr Total
5,056 4,599 9,451
726 989
1,211 2,794
Undrawn RCF 10,154 2,794
3456 324 RCF 1,000
600 2,662 5,668
1,087 124
549 851 3,092 1,999 250 327
557 381
Liquidity CY25 CY 26 CY 27 CY 28 CY 29 Total Liquidity CY25 CY26 CY27 Thereafter Total
Borrowings Long Term Debt Short Term Finance Lease Borrowings
Bonds Bank facilities Finance Lease & others
Gross debt and net debt trend Gross debt and net debt trend
7,897 8,216
6,789 6,486 6,542
5,828 18,626 18,610 17,794
4,500 4,886 4,818 4,628 4,599 13,387
15,392 16,210 16,083
4,206 13,031 12,381
2,997 10,507 9,827 11,044
2,477 8,195 7,561 9,254 9,451
2,249 6,159
1,574 3,547
1,001 1,214 1,143
732 967 732
-987 -703
Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Q2 FY24 Q3 FY24 Q4 FY24 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Q2 FY24 Q3 FY24 Q4 FY24 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25
*Includes data for Domestic CV, PV, EV business and Joint operation – Tata Cummins and FIAPL 52