G 11 PT 1 (set 1)
G 11 PT 1 (set 1)
G 11 PT 1 (set 1)
English Core
Periodic Test – 1 (Set- 1)
Maximum Marks: 80
Time Allowed: 3 hours
General Instructions:
The Question Paper contains three sections.
Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
Section A Reading
1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: (10)
High–altitude climbing is still a very dangerous task despite the availability of oxygen masks and
other protective equipment which modern climbers take with them. These, of course, are
indispensable accessories of climbing, but more important than these is the stamina of the
climber which ultimately determines the success of his attempt. Throughout his journey, death is
his constant companion which he can keep at a distance only with his superb presence of mind.
He has to tread every inch of the ground with the utmost care, for a false step may not only strike
him a fatal blow but also bring disaster to the whole expedition. That is why all expeditions
invariably take with them local guides who are experienced climbers and who have a thorough
knowledge of the nature of the terrain. Moreover, a huge amount of capital is needed for financing
these expeditions, and this is generally provided by governments or rich private organizations.
The primary objective of the mountaineering expedition is to get to the top of a high mountain,
which, in the past has withstood all attempts to conquer it. But it should not be presumed that
the expedition is a complete failure if it does not reach its destination. Sometimes operations are
temporarily suspended because of bad weather, loss of some valuable
equipment, or the sudden death of a very important member of the party.
Every big expedition takes with it men who are interested in botany, geology & various other
branches of science, and these men carry with them equipment for recording their observations
concerning the weather, the terrain & different forms of life in higher altitudes. Other scientists,
explorers & expeditionists utilize the fruits of their observations. Thus, every unsuccessful
expedition contributes to the success of later expeditions. The British Expedition led by colonel
Hunt would have found their way to Everest much more difficult had not earlier expeditions
armed them with useful knowledge about the death-dealing weather which they had to encounter
in the Vicinity of the summit.
To ordinary people, mountaineering need not be a fearful journey in the land of snowstorms,
where the brave adventurer is always face to face with death. They can scale less ambitious
heights, rest their weary limbs under a quiet shelter and feast their eyes on the distant
landscape. In the company of friends, they can enjoy an outing near a waterfall or cross into the
next Valley with haversacks full of provisions dangling from their shoulders. All those who can
afford to go to a hill station should seek this innocent pleasure, for it can be had without any
risk to life or limb.
Answer the questions (10*1=10)
i. What is the factor that determines the success of the climbers?
a) Availability of protective equipment
b) Height and weight of the climber
c) Availability of oxygen masks
d) The stamina of the climber
ii. What precaution should the climbers take during their journey?
a) Have a subtle presence of mind
b) Avoid causing a disaster
c) Have a good sponsor
d) Take local guides along
iii. In what way does a mountaineering expedition contribute to the wealth of
a) Even a failed expedition contributes to the success of later expeditions
b) Mountaineers carry equipment to record observations about weather and terrain
c) You learn to conquer the biggest hurdles of life
d) People interested in different branches of science accompany climbers
iv. How is an ordinary mountaineer’s experience different from that of a regular
a) All of these
b) They don’t have to worry much about finances
c) They don’t have to be face to face with death
d) They can savour the landscape from a distance
v. How does a local guide help an expedition?
a) They help clean the environment on the way
b) They can help in case of fatalities
c) They know the local language
d) They know about the place they live in
vi. Why can an expedition not be a failure?
a) Temporarily suspending operations become a necessity at times
b) Recorded observations of incomplete expeditions still stand useful
c) Reaching the destination does not mark its success
d) All of these
vii. How are recorded observations of mountaineers useful to others?
a) It would otherwise not be possible to know about Everest
b) They give an insider’s outlook to mountaineering
c) It prepares future mountaineers for what they’re going to deal with
d) They are not of much help as nature keeps evolving
viii. What is the primary objective of a mountaineering expedition?
a) Climb up and down; alive
b) Unfurl your flag at the peak
c) Reach to the top
d) Experience nature in its vicinity
ix. Find the synonym of "neighbourhood" in paragraph 3
a) Altitude
b) Summit
c) Terrain
d) Vicinity
x. Find the antonym of "opponent" in paragraph 1
a) Death
b) Companion
c) Guide
d) Climber
II. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: (8*1=8)
Kausani is situated at a height of 6,075 feet in the central Himalayas. It is an unusually
attractive little town. It covers just about 5.2 sq. km. It lies to the north of Almora in
Uttarakhand's picturesque Kumaon region. Kausani provides the 300 km. wide breath-taking
view of the Himalayas. It is the most striking aspect of this place. Snow-capped peaks are
spread in a stately row. They stare at you in silvery-white majesty. The most famous peak on
view is Nanda Devi, the second highest mountain in India. It is situated at a height of 25,645
feet and is 36 miles away as the crow flies. The other famous peaks on view are Choukhamba
(23,420 feet) and Trishul (23,360 feet). Then there are also Neelkanth, Nandaghunti,
Nandaghat and Nandakot. On a clear day, the blue of the sky makes a splendid background to
these peaks. At sunrise and at sunset, when the colour of the sky changes to a golden orange,
the scene gets etched in your memory. When Gandhi Ji visited this place in 1929, its scenic
beauty held him spellbound. He named it the 'Switzerland of India'. He prolonged his two day
stay to fourteen days, making time to write a book, ‘Anashakti Yoga'. The place where he was
staying was originally a guest house of a tea estate. It was renamed ‘Anashakti Ashram' after
the book.
Kausani is the birthplace of Sumitra Nandan Pant, India's poet laureate. Its natural
surroundings inspired many of his poems. Its tea gardens mingle with dense pine forests and
fruit orchards. The area is also host to many fairs and religious ceremonies. If Uttarakhand is
the abode of Gods, Kausani is God's own backyard. There is no traffic, no one is in a hurry. If
serenity could be put on a canvas, the picture would resemble Kausan
A.) Fill in the following blanks given below choosing the most appropriate options from
the ones that follow.
Everyone is not in a position to (a) the family and start living in a (b) room (c)
the banks (d) the Ganga.
a. (i) leave (ii) leaver (iii) tell (iv) leaving
b. (i) small (ii) smaller (iii) smallest (iv) little
c. (i) on (ii) in (iii) of (iv) off
d. (i) in (ii) of (iii) on (iv) off
B. Read the text carefully and choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete
the narration.
Ganesh :Doctor my wife is unwell. May I know what will be the total expenses for her treatment?
Dr.Gautam : Well, you will have to pay only six lakh for her treatment.
Ganesh : Is there any concession?
Dr.Gautam : No, not a penny. I want the complete amount together.
Ganesh told Dr. Gautam that his wife was unwell and asked if (i)_______ for her treatment. The
doctor replied that (ii) for her treatment. Ganesh asked (iii) The doctor refused to give
any concession and further stated that (iv)________
(a) he might know what the total expenses would be
(b) he might know what the total expenses will be
(c) he might know if the total expenses would be
(d) he may know what the total expenses would be
a) he would had to pay only six lakh
b) he might have to pay only six lakh
c) he will have to pay only six lakh
d) he would have to pay only six lakh
(a) if there was any concession.
(b) if there have been any concession.
(c) if there will be any concession.
(d) if there is any concession.
(a) he wanted complete amount together
(b) he wants the amount completely together
(c) he would take the complete amount together
(d) he wants the complete amount together
Creative Writing Skills
V (a) You want to purchase a flat. Draft an advertisement in about 50 words for a newspaper,
detailing your requirements and your capacity to pay. (3)
(b) Your brother has been missing from his home for the last two days. Draft an advertisement for
a newspaper providing necessary details and offer a reward to the informer.
VI (a) You are a member of the SPCA. Draft a poster in not more than 50 words to create
awareness on the need to prevent cruelty to animals. You are Suhas/Suhasini. (3)
(b) Draft a poster advising to keep vehicular emission under control.
VII. (a) Write a speech in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘Discipline shapes the future of a
student’. It is to be delivered in the morning assembly. You are Karuna/Karan.(5)
(b) After the rainy season is over, mosquitoes start breeding. They cause malaria, dengue,
Chikungunya, etc. These diseases can sometimes prove to be fatal. As the Principal of your school
you have decided to deliver a speech on protection from mosquitoes. Write the speech in 150 - 200
VIII. (a) It is a common perception that Mobile phone is the major distraction in the life of
students today. Using Mobile phone makes them suffer mentally and physically. Write a debate
for or against in 150-200 words on the issue. (5)
(c) The government has banned the use of animals in the laboratories for the purpose of
dissection. Write a debate in 150- 200 words either for or against this decision.
Section C Literature
IX Read the texts below carefully and answer the questions: (3*1=3)
(A) The Laburnum Top is silent, quite still
In the afternoon yellow
September sunlight , A few
leaves yellowing, all its seeds
(a) Identify the correct combination of the (given) poem and the poet.
i. Ted Hughes : The Voice of the Rain
ii. Walt Whitman : The Laburnum Top
iii. Ted Hughes : The Laburnum Top
iv. Shirley Toulson : Childhood
(b) Mary said: Close your cluttered closet. Identify the similar figure of speech in the above
extract used by Mary
i. Repetition
ii. Metaphor
iii. Alliteration
iv. Onomatopoeia
(c) Which of the following is not a part of the dominant ‘yellow’ colour in the poem?
i. Goldfinch’s face
ii. The tree and its leaves
iii. The bird's feathers
iv. The sunlight
(B) All three stood still to smile through their hair
At the uncle with the camera. A sweet face,
My mother’s, that was before I was born.
And the sea, which appears to have changed less,
Washed their terribly transient feet.
X Read the texts below carefully and answer the questions: (3*1=3)
A. People said that she had once been young and pretty and even had a husband, but that
was hard to believe. My grandfather's portrait hung above the mantelpiece in the drawing
room. He wore big turban and loose-fitting clothes. His long, white beard covered the best
part of his chest and he looked like a hundred years old.
(B) One day back there in the good old days when I was nine and the world was full of every
imaginable kind of magnificence,and life was still a delightful and mysterious dream ,my cousin
Mourad,who was considered crazy by everybody who knew him except me,came to my house at
four in the morning and woke me up tapping on the window of my room.
XII Attempt any two (1each from & Poetry) of the following in 40 to 50 words: (3+3=6)
1) What do you like most about the poem ‘The Laburnum Top’ ?
2) How does the rain become the voice of the earth ?
3) Who was Howard Carter and what was his discovery ?
4) Decribe Ile Amsterdom.
A. Give a character-sketch of the narrator’s cousin, Mourad. How was he considered to be the
natural descendant of the crazy streak in the family ?
B. ‘The Address’ is a story of human predicament that follows war. Comment.
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