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© 2003 HART Communication Foundation

Copyright © 2003 HART Communication Foundation. All rights reserved.

HART® is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation. Any use of the word “HART” hereafter in this
document implies the registered trademark. All other trademarks used in this document are acknowledged to be trademarks of their
respective companies.

For additional information contact:

HART Communication Foundation
9390 Research Boulevard
Suite I-350
Austin, Texas 78759 USA
Tel: 512-794-0369
Fax: 512-794-3904

Table of Contents
Preface............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Theory of Operation........................................................................................................................................ 2
Communication Modes ................................................................................................................................... 3
Frequency Shift Keying .................................................................................................................................. 4
HART Networks .............................................................................................................................................. 5
HART Commands ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Benefits of HART Communications .............................................................................................................. 9
Improved Plant Operations........................................................................................................................... 10
Operational Flexibility.................................................................................................................................. 13
Instrumentation Investment Protection ....................................................................................................... 14
Digital Communication ................................................................................................................................ 15
Getting the Most out of HART Systems ....................................................................................................... 16
Wiring and Installation................................................................................................................................. 17
Intrinsic Safety .............................................................................................................................................. 18
HART Multidrop Networks .......................................................................................................................... 22
Control System Interfaces............................................................................................................................. 24
Multiplexers................................................................................................................................................... 26
Reading HART Data into NonHART Systems ............................................................................................ 28
Universal Handheld Communicator ............................................................................................................ 30
PC Configuration Software .......................................................................................................................... 31
Commissioning HART Networks ................................................................................................................. 32
Device Status and Diagnostics...................................................................................................................... 33
Connecting a PC to a HART Device or Network......................................................................................... 34
PC Application Development Tools.............................................................................................................. 35
Control in Field Devices ............................................................................................................................... 36
Use the Power of HART ............................................................................................................................... 38
Call for Information ..................................................................................................................................... 40
Hidden In HART........................................................................................................................................... 48
Leverage Your Assets .................................................................................................................................... 58
Unleash the Power of HART ........................................................................................................................ 63
Powerful Connections................................................................................................................................... 66
Put It To Work .............................................................................................................................................. 70
HART Plant of the Year ............................................................................................................................... 82
Get Started ..................................................................................................................................................... 86
Industry Applications................................................................................................................................... 89
Inventory-Management Applications...........................................................................................................90
Cost-Saving Applications..............................................................................................................................93
Remote-Operation Applications ...................................................................................................................98
Open-Architecture Applications................................................................................................................. 100
Where To Get More Information ............................................................................................................... 103
Appendix A: HART Checklist .................................................................................................................... 104
Appendix B: HART Revision 5................................................................................................................... 107
Appendix C: HART Revisions 2, 3, and 4.................................................................................................. 109
Appendix D: Common Practice Commands .............................................................................................. 111
Appendix E: Response Codes ..................................................................................................................... 116

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page iii


Table of Contents
Appendix F: HART Field Control.............................................................................................................. 118
Appendix G: Technical Information.......................................................................................................... 120
Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................... 121

Page iv © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


In today’s competitive environment, all companies seek to reduce operation
costs, deliver products rapidly, and improve product quality. The HART®
(highway addressable remote transducer) protocol directly contributes to
these business goals by providing cost savings in:
T Commissioning and installation
T Plant operations and improved quality
T Maintenance

The HART Application Guide has been created by the HART

Communication Foundation (HCF) to provide users of HART products
with the information necessary to obtain the full benefits of HART digital
instrumentation. The HART communication protocol is an open standard
owned by the more than 100 member companies in the HCF. Products that
use the HART protocol to provide both analog 4–20 mA and digital signals
provide flexibility not available with any other communication technology.
The following four sections provide you with an understanding of how the
HART technology works, insight on how to apply various features of the
technology, and specific examples of applications implemented by HART
protocol users around the world:
T Theory of Operation3
T Benefits of HART Communications
T Getting the Most out of HART Systems
T Industry Applications

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 1


Theory of Operation
The following sections explain the basic principles behind the operation of
HART instruments and networks:
T Communication Modes
T Frequency Shift Keying
T HART Networks
T HART Commands

Page 2 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Communication Modes
MASTER-SLAVE HART is a master-slave communication protocol, which means that during
MODE normal operation, each slave (field device) communication is initiated by a
master communication device. Two masters can connect to each HART
loop. The primary master is generally a distributed control system (DCS),
programmable logic controller (PLC), or a personal computer (PC). The
secondary master can be a handheld terminal or another PC. Slave devices
include transmitters, actuators, and controllers that respond to commands
from the primary or secondary master.

BURST MODE Some HART devices support the optional burst communication mode.
Burst mode enables faster communication (3–4 data updates per second). In
burst mode, the master instructs the slave device to continuously broadcast
a standard HART reply message (e.g., the value of the process variable).
The master receives the message at the higher rate until it instructs the slave
to stop bursting.
Use burst mode to enable more than one passive HART
device to listen to communications on the HART loop.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 3


Frequency Shift Keying

The HART communication protocol is based on the Bell 202 telephone
communication standard and operates using the frequency shift keying
(FSK) principle. The digital signal is made up of two frequencies—
1,200 Hz and 2,200 Hz representing bits 1 and 0, respectively. Sine waves
of these two frequencies are superimposed on the direct current (dc) analog
signal cables to provide simultaneous analog and digital communications
(Figure 1). Because the average value of the FSK signal is always zero, the
4–20 mA analog signal is not affected. The digital communication signal
has a response time of approximately 2–3 data updates per second without
interrupting the analog signal. A minimum loop impedance of 230 Ω is
required for communication.

20 mA


“1” “0”
“1” “0”
“0” “0”
4 mA

Note: Drawing not to scale.

Figure 1: Simultaneous Analog and Digital Communication

Page 4 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


HART Networks
HART devices can operate in one of two network configurations—point to
point or multidrop.

POINT-TO-POINT In point-to-point mode, the traditional 4–20 mA signal is used to

communicate one process variable, while additional process variables,
configuration parameters, and other device data are transferred digitally
using the HART protocol (Figure 2). The 4–20 mA analog signal is not
affected by the HART signal and can be used for control in the normal way.
The HART communication digital signal gives access to secondary
variables and other data that can be used for operations, commissioning,
maintenance, and diagnostic purposes.

Control System
Multiplexer or Other Host


Handheld Terminal

Field Device

Note: Instrument power is provided by an interface or external power source

that is not shown.

Figure 2: Point-to-Point Mode of Operation

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 5


HART Networks
MULTIDROP The multidrop mode of operation requires only a single pair of wires and, if
applicable, safety barriers and an auxiliary power supply for up to 15 field
devices (Figure 3). All process values are transmitted digitally. In
multidrop mode, all field device polling addresses are >0, and the current
through each device is fixed to a minimum value (typically 4 mA).
Use multidrop connection for supervisory control
installations that are widely spaced, such as
pipelines, custody transfer stations, and tank farms.

Control System or Other Host


Handheld Terminal

Input/Output (I/O)

Field Devices
Note: Instrument power is provided by an interface or external power source that is
not shown.

Figure 3: Multidrop Mode of Operation

Page 6 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


HART Commands
The HART command set provides uniform and consistent communication
for all field devices. The command set includes three classes: universal,
common practice, and device specific (Table 1). Host applications may
implement any of the necessary commands for a particular application.

UNIVERSAL All devices using the HART protocol must recognize and support the
universal commands. Universal commands provide access to information
useful in normal operations (e.g., read primary variable and units).

COMMON Common practice commands provide functions implemented by many, but

PRACTICE not necessarily all, HART communication devices.

DEVICE SPECIFIC Device-specific commands represent functions that are unique to each field
device. These commands access setup and calibration information, as well
as information about the construction of the device. Information on
device-specific commands is available from device manufacturers.

Universal Commands Common Practice Commands Device-Specific Commands

• Read manufacturer and • Read selection of up to four • Read or write low-flow cut-off
device type dynamic variables • Start, stop, or clear totalizer
• Read primary variable (PV) • Write damping time constant • Read or write density calibration
and units • Write device range values factor
• Read current output and • Calibrate (set zero, set span) • Choose PV (mass, flow, or
percent of range • Set fixed output current density)
• Read up to four predefined • Perform self-test • Read or write materials or
dynamic variables construction information
• Perform master reset
• Read or write eight-character • Trim sensor calibration
tag, 16-character descriptor, • Trim PV zero • PID enable
date • Write PV unit
• Write PID setpoint
• Read or write 32-character • Trim DAC zero and gain
message • Valve characterization
• Write transfer function (square
• Read device range values, root/linear) • Valve setpoint
units, and damping time • Write sensor serial number • Travel limits
constant • User units
• Read or write dynamic variable
• Read or write final assembly assignments • Local display information
• Write polling address

Table 1: HART Commands

Note: Table 1 is a partial list of HART commands. See Appendices B, C,

and D for more detailed information.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 7


HART Commands
ESTABLISHING Each HART device has a 38-bit address that consists of the manufacturer
COMMUNICATION ID code, device type code, and device-unique identifier. A unique address
is encoded in each device at the time of manufacture. A HART master must
WITH A HART know the address of a field device in order to communicate successfully
DEVICE with it. A master can learn the address of a slave device by issuing one of
two commands that cause the slave device to respond with its address:
T Command 0, Read Unique Identifier—Command 0 is the preferred
method for initiating communication with a slave device because it
enables a master to learn the address of each slave device without user
interaction. Each polling address (0–15) is probed to learn the unique
address for each device.
T Command 11, Read Unique Identifier by Tag - Command 11 is useful
if there are more than 15 devices in the network or if the network
devices were not configured with unique polling addresses.
(Multidropping more than 15 devices is possible when the devices are
individually powered and isolated.) Command 11 requires the user to
specify the tag numbers to be polled.

DEVICE Some HART host applications use device descriptions (DD) to obtain
DESCRIPTION information about the variables and functions contained in a HART field
device. The DD includes all of the information needed by a host application
to fully communicate with the field device. HART Device Description
Language (DDL) is used to write the DD, that combines all of the
information needed by the host application into a single structured file. The
DD identifies which common practice commands are supported as well as
the format and structure of all device-specific commands.
A DD for a HART field device is roughly equivalent to a printer driver for a
computer. DDs eliminate the need for host suppliers to develop and support
custom interfaces and drivers. A DD provides a picture of all parameters
and functions of a device in a standardized language. HART suppliers have
the option of supplying a DD for their HART field product. If they choose
to supply one, the DD will provide information for a DD-enabled host
application to read and write data according to each device’s procedures.
DD source files for HART devices resemble files written in the C
programming language. DD files are submitted to the HCF for registration
in the HCF DD Library. Quality checks are performed on each DD
submitted to ensure specification compliance, to verify that there are no
conflicts with DDs already registered, and to verify operation with standard
HART hosts. The HCF DD Library is the central location for management
and distribution of all HART DDs to facilitate use in host applications such
as PCs and handheld terminals.
Additional information, not provided by the DD, may be required by some
host applications for screen formatting and other uses.

Page 8 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Benefits of HART Communications

The HART protocol is a powerful communication technology used to
exploit the full potential of digital field devices. Preserving the traditional
4–20 mA signal, the HART protocol extends system capabilities for
two-way digital communication with smart field instruments.
The HART protocol offers the best solution for smart field device
communications and has the widest base of support of any field device
protocol worldwide. More instruments are available with the HART
protocol than any other digital communications technology. Almost any
process application can be addressed by one of the products offered by
HART instrument suppliers.
Unlike other digital communication technologies, the HART protocol
provides a unique communication solution that is backward compatible
with the installed base of instrumentation in use today. This backward
compatibility ensures that investments in existing cabling and current
control strategies will remain secure well into the future.
Benefits outlined in this section include:
T Improved plant operations
T Operational flexibility
T Instrumentation investment protection
T Digital communication

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 9


Improved Plant Operations

The HART protocol improves plant performance and increases efficiencies
in :
T Commissioning and installation
T Plant operations
T Maintenance

COST SAVINGS IN HART-based field devices can be installed and commissioned in a fraction
COMMISSIONING of the time required for a traditional analog-only system. Operators who
use HART digital communications can easily identify a field device by its
tag and verify that operational parameters are correct. Configurations of
similar devices can be copied to streamline the commissioning process. A
loop integrity check is readily accomplished by commanding the field
transmitter to set the analog output to a preset value.

COST SAVINGS IN The HART protocol supports the networking of several devices on a single
INSTALLATION twisted wire pair. This configuration can provide significant savings in
wiring, especially for applications such as tank monitoring.
Use HART multidrop mode to connect multiple instruments to
a single cable and reduce installation costs.

Multivariable devices reduce the number of instruments, wiring, spare

parts, and terminations required. Some HART field instruments embed PID
control, which eliminates the need for a separate controller, and results in
significant wiring and equipment cost savings.

Page 10 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Improved Plant Operations

IMPROVED HART-communicating devices provide accurate information that helps
MEASUREMENT improve the efficiency of plant operations. During normal operation, device
operational values can be easily monitored or modified remotely. If
QUALITY uploaded to a software application, these data can be used to automate
record keeping for regulatory compliance (e.g., environmental, validation,
ISO9000, and safety standards).
Numerous device parameters are available from HART-compatible
instruments that can be communicated to the control room and used for
control, maintenance, and record keeping (Figure 4).

Field Control Room


Figure 4: Examples of Device Parameters Sent to Control Room

Some HART devices perform complex calculations, such as PID control
algorithms or compensated flow rate. Multivariable HART-capable
instruments take measurements and perform calculations at the source,
which eliminates time bias and results in more accurate calculations than
are possible when performed in a centralized host.
The HART protocol provides access to all information in
multivariable devices. In addition to the analog output
(primary variable), the HART protocol provides access to
all measurement data that can be used for verification or
calculation of plant mass and energy balances.

Some HART field devices store historical information in the form of trend
logs and summary data. These logs and statistical calculations (e.g., high
and low values and averages) can be uploaded into a software application
for further processing or record keeping.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 11


Improved Plant Operations

COST SAVINGS IN The diagnostic capabilities of HART-communicating field devices can
MAINTENANCE eliminate substantial costs by reducing downtime. The HART protocol
communicates diagnostic information to the control room, which
minimizes the time required to identify the source of any problem and take
corrective action. Trips into the field or hazardous areas are eliminated or
When a replacement device is put into service, HART communication
allows the correct operational parameters and settings to be quickly and
accurately uploaded into the device from a central database. Efficient and
rapid uploading reduces the time that the device is out of service. Some
software applications provide a historical record of configuration and
operational status for each instrument. This information can be used for
predictive, preventive, and proactive maintenance.

Page 12 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Operational Flexibility
The HART protocol allows two masters (primary and secondary) to
communicate with slave devices and provide additional operational
flexibility. A permanently connected host system can be used
simultaneously, while a handheld terminal or PC controller is
communicating with a field device (Figure 5).

HART Interface
Digital Data
(2–3 updates
per second)

Primary Master: Power

Control System Supply
or Other Host
Secondary Master

Figure 5: Multimaster System

The HART protocol ensures interoperablility among devices through
universal commands that enable hosts to easily access and communicate the
most common parameters used in field devices. The HART DDL extends
interoperability to include information that may be specific to a particular
device. DDL enables a single handheld configurator or PC host application
to configure and maintain HART-communicating devices from any
manufacturer. The use of common tools for products of different vendors
minimizes the amount of equipment and training needed to maintain a
HART extends the capability of field devices beyond
the single-variable limitations of 4–20 mA in hosts
with HART capability.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 13


Instrumentation Investment Protection

Existing plants and processes have considerable investments in wiring,
analog controllers, junction boxes, barriers, marshalling panels, and analog
or smart instrumentation. The people, procedures, and equipment already
exist for the support and maintenance of the installed equipment. HART
field instruments protect this investment by providing compatible products
with enhanced digital capabilities. These enhanced capabilities can be used
The HART communication protocol enables you to retain your
previous investments in existing hardware and personnel.

At the basic level, HART devices communicate with a handheld terminal

for setup and maintenance. As needs grow, more sophisticated, on-line,
PC-based systems can provide continuous monitoring of device status and
configuration parameters. Advanced installations can also use control
systems with HART I/O capability. The status information can be used
directly by control schemes to trigger remedial actions and allow on-line
reranging based on operating conditions and direct reading of multivariable
instrument data.

COMPATIBILITY OF As HART field devices are upgraded, new functions may be added. A basic
HART REVISIONS premise of the HART Protocol is that new HART instruments must behave
in precisely the same manner as older versions when interfaced with an
earlier revision host system.

Page 14 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Digital Communication
A digital instrument that uses a microprocessor provides many benefits.
These benefits are found in all smart devices regardless of the type of
communication used. A digital device provides advantages such as
improved accuracy and stability. The HART protocol enhances the
capabilities of digital instruments by providing communication access and
networking (Table 2).

Benefits HART Instruments Digital Instruments

Accuracy and stability ✓ ✓
Reliability ✓ ✓
Multivariable ✓ ✓
Computations ✓ ✓
Diagnostics ✓ ✓
Multiple sensor inputs ✓ ✓
Ease of commissioning ✓
Tag ID ✓
Remote configuration ✓
Loop checks ✓
Adjustable operational parameters ✓
Access to historical data ✓
Multidrop networking ✓
Access by multiple host devices ✓
Extended communication distances ✓
Field-based control ✓
Interoperability ✓
Table 2: Digital Instruments Versus HART Instruments

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 15


Getting the Most out of HART Systems

To take full advantage of the benefits offered by the HART communication
protocol, it is important that you install and implement the system correctly.
The following sections contain information that can help you to get the
most from your HART system:
T Wiring and Installation
T Intrinsic safety
T HART multidrop networks
T Control system interfaces
T Multiplexers
T Reading HART data into nonHART systems
T Universal handheld communicator
T PC configuration software
T Commissioning HART networks
T Device status and diagnostics
T Connecting a PC to a HART device or network
T PC application development tools
T Control in field devices

Page 16 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Wiring and Installation

In general, the installation practice for HART communicating devices is the
same as conventional 4-20mA instrumentation. Individually shielded
twisted pair cable, either in single-pair or multi-pair varieties, is the
recommended wiring practice. Unshielded cables may be used for short
distances if ambient noise and cross-talk will not affect communication.
The minimum conductor size is 0.51 mm diameter (#24 AWG) for cable
runs less than 1,524 m (5,000 ft) and 0.81 mm diameter (#20 AWG) for
longer distances.

CABLE LENGTH Most installations are well within the 3,000 meter (10,000 ft) theoretical
limit for HART communication. However, the electrical characteristics of
the cable (mostly capacitance) and the combination of connected devices
can affect the maximum allowable cable length of a HART network. Table
3 shows the affect of cable capacitance and the number of network devices
on cable length. The table is based on typical installations of HART
devices in non-IS environments, i.e. no miscellaneous series impedance.
Detailed information for determining the maximum cable length for any
HART network configuration can be found in the HART Physical Layer

Cable Capacitance – pf/ft (pf/m)

Cable Length – feet (meters)

No. Network 20 pf/ft 30 pf/ft 50 pf/ft 70 pf/ft

Devices (65 pf/m) (95 pf/m) (160 pf/m) (225 pf/m)

9,000 ft 6,500 ft 4,200 ft 3,200 ft

(2,769 m) (2,000 m) (1,292 m) (985 m)

8,000 ft 5,900 ft 3,700 ft 2,900 ft

(2,462 m) (1,815 m) (1,138 m) (892 m)

7,000 ft 5,200 ft 3,300 ft 2,500 ft

(2,154 m) (1,600 m) (1,015 m) (769 m)

6,000 ft 4,600 ft 2,900 ft 2,300 ft

(1,846 m) (1,415 m) (892 m) (708 m)

Table 3: Allowable cable lengths for 1.02 mm (#18 AWG)

shield twisted pair

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 17


Intrinsic Safety
Intrinsic safety (IS) is a method of providing safe operation of electronic
process-control instrumentation in hazardous areas. IS systems keep the
available electrical energy in the system low enough that ignition of the
hazardous atmosphere cannot occur. No single field device or wiring is
intrinsically safe by itself (except for battery-operated, self-contained
devices), but is intrinsically safe only when employed in a properly
designed IS system.

INTRINSIC SAFETY HART-communicating devices work well in applications that require IS

DEVICES operation. IS devices (e.g., barriers) are often used with traditional
two-wire 4–20 mA instruments to ensure an IS system in hazardous areas.
With traditional analog instrumentation, energy to the field can be limited
with or without a ground connection by installing one of the following IS
T Shunt-diode (zener) barriers that use a high-quality safety ground
connection to bypass excess energy (Figure 6)
T Isolators, which do not require a ground connection, that repeat the
analog measurement signal across an isolated interface in the safe-side
load circuit (Figure 7 on page 19)
Both zener barriers and isolators can be used to ensure an IS system with
HART-communicating devices, but some additional issues must be
considered when engineering the HART loop.


Zener Barrier

Power Supply

1–5 V Output
Transmitter Signal

250 Ω Load Resistor

Figure 6: 4–20 mA Loop with a Zener Barrier

Page 18 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Intrinsic Safety

Isolator Supply

1–5 V Output
4–20 mA Signal

250 Ω Load Resistor

Figure 7: 4–20 mA Loop with Isolator

DESIGNING AN IS Designing an IS direct-current loop simply requires ensuring that a field

SYSTEM USING device has sufficient voltage to operate, taking into account zener barrier
resistance, the load resistor, and any cable resistance.
When designing an IS loop using shunt-diode barriers, two additional
requirements must be considered:
T The power supply must be reduced by an additional 0.7 V to allow
headroom for the HART communication signal and yet not approach
the zener barrier conduction voltage.
T The load resistor must be at least 230 Ω (typically 250 Ω).

Depending on the lift-off voltage of the transmitter (typically 10–12 V),

these two requirements can be difficult to achieve. The loop must be
designed to work up to 22 mA (not just 20 mA) to communicate with a
field device that is reporting failure by an upscale, over-range current. The
series resistance for the same zener barrier may be as high as 340 Ω. To
calculate the available voltage needed to power a transmitter, use the
following equation:
Power Supply Voltage – (Zener Barrier Resistance + Sense Resistance) ×
Operating Current (mA) = Available Voltage
Example: 26.0 V – (340 Ω + 250 Ω) × 22 mA = 13.0 V
Any cable resistance can be added as a series resistance and will reduce the
voltage even further. In addition, the power supply to the zener barrier must
also be set lower than the zener barrier conduction voltage. For example, a
28 V, 300 Ω zener barrier would typically be used with a 26 V power

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 19


Intrinsic Safety
While it is difficult to meet the two requirements noted above for a network
using shunt-diode barriers, it can be done. Following are two possible
solutions to the problem:
1. Shunt the load resistor with a large inductor so that the load resistor
impedance is still high (and mainly resistive) at HART signal
frequencies, but much lower at direct current. This solution, while it
does work, is physically somewhat inconvenient.
2. Use an IS isolator rather than a shunt-diode barrier. The output voltage
on the hazardous side is usually specified as greater than X Vdc at
20 mA (typically 14–17 V). This value already includes the voltage
drop due to the internal safety resistor, so the only extra voltage drop is
that due to cable resistance. System operation at 22 mA requires
reducing the 20 mA voltage by 0.7 V (340 Ω × 2 mA).

DESIGNING AN IS The implementation of HART loops in an IS system with isolators requires

SYSTEM USING more planning. An isolator is designed to recreate the 4–20 mA signal from
the field device in the safe-side load circuit. Most older isolator designs will
ISOLATORS not carry the high frequencies of HART current signals across to the safe
side, nor will they convey HART voltage signals from the safe side to the
field. For this reason, HART communication through the isolator is not
possible with these older designs. (It is still possible to work with a
handheld communicator or PC with an IS modem on the hazardous side of
the isolator.) When retrofitting HART instruments into an existing
installation, inspect the system for isolators that may have to be replaced
(any isolators that will not support HART signals).
Major suppliers of IS isolators have introduced
designs that are fully HART compatible. Modern IS
isolators provide trouble-free design and operation
and transparent communication in both directions.

IS device suppliers can assist with certification and performance

specifications for their HART-compatible products. Field device
manufacturers will also supply certification details for their specific

Page 20 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Intrinsic Safety
MULTIDROP IS HART multidrop networks are particularly suitable for intrinsically safe
NETWORKS installations. With a multidrop configuration, fewer barriers or isolators are
required. In addition, because each field device takes only 4 mA (for a total
of 16 mA in a four-device loop), plain zener barriers can be used. With a
250 Ω load, 25 V – (340 + 250 Ω) × 16 mA = 15.5 V, which is well above
the transmitter lift-off voltage and leaves a margin for cable resistance.

IS OUTPUT LOOPS For output devices such as valve positioners, direct-current voltage
considerations will vary depending on the drive requirements of the device.
Zener barriers may be possible. If not, modern HART-compatible output
isolators are appropriate.

IS CERTIFICATION If the HART loop contains an IS-approved handheld communicator or

CONSIDERATIONS modem, slight changes may be needed to meet IS installation certification
rules. Handheld communicators and modems add the HART signal voltage
to the voltage level coming from the zener barrier or isolator. For example,
a handheld communicator typically adds a maximum of 2 V to the loop.
Therefore, when used with a 28 V zener barrier, a total of 30 V may
theoretically be present in the loop. The allowable capacitance must be
reduced by about 15% to account for this increase in voltage.

IS NETWORK The cable length calculation must include the resistance of both the zener
CABLE LENGTH barrier and the load resistor.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 21


HART Multidrop Networks

The HART communication protocol enables several instruments to be
connected on the same pair of wires in a multidrop network configuration
(Figure 8). The current through each field device is fixed at a minimum
value (typically 4 mA) sufficient for device operation. The analog loop
current does not change in relation to the process and thus does not reflect
the primary variable. Communications in multidrop mode are entirely

Master Device


Auxiliary Power


Figure 8: Multidrop Configuration

Standard HART commands are used to communicate with field instruments
to determine process variables or device parameter information (see HART
Commands on page 7). The typical cycle time needed to read information
on a single variable from a HART device is approximately 500
milliseconds (ms). For a network of 15 devices, a total of approximately 7.5
seconds is needed to scan and read the primary variables from all devices.
Reading information from multivariable instruments may take longer, as
the data field will typically contain values for four variables rather than just
The typical multidrop network enables two-wire measurement devices to
be connected in parallel. Two-wire loop-powered and four-wire
active-source devices can be connected in the same network. If both two-
and four-wire devices are used in the same network, three wires must be
used to properly connect the devices (see Water Treatment Facility
Upgrade on page 45).

Page 22 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


HART Multidrop Networks

MULTIDROP WITH HART field controllers can also be wired in a multidrop network
HART FIELD (Figure 9). Each analog output signal from the transmitter/controllers is
isolated from every other output signal, which provides a cost-effective
CONTROLLERS HART network configuration. In this case, the analog signals are not fixed
and are used for the output signal to the controlled device.

Terminal Computer or
Power HART Interface
Supply Power Supply

4–20 mA

+ – + – + – + – + – + –


Control Valve

Figure 9: HART Controllers with Multidrop

APPLICATION Connecting HART field devices in a multidrop network can provide

CONSIDERATIONS significant installation savings. The total cable length in a multidrop
network is typically less than the maximum cable length in point-to-point
connections because the capacitance of the additional devices reduces the
distance that the HART signal can be carried (see Wiring and
Installation on page 17).
To save on installation costs, use HART multidrop
networks for remote monitoring stations, tank farms,
pipeline distribution systems, and other monitoring
applications in which fast update rates are not required.

CONFIGURING Using the polling address structure of the HART protocol, up to 15 devices
DEVICES FOR can be connected in a multidrop network. The analog current of a HART
device can be fixed by setting its polling address to a number other than
MULTIDROP zero. With the HART protocol, each field instrument should be configured
OPERATION with different polling addresses or tag numbers before being connected to a
multidrop network—otherwise, the master will not be able to establish
communication with the slave devices.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 23


Control System Interfaces

When you change your existing control system by adding a HART
interface, it is important to understand the complete functionality offered by
the HART interface. While several control-system suppliers offer HART
interfaces, not all interfaces provide the same functionality.
Control systems such as a DCS, PLC, or SCADA/RTU (remote terminal
unit) implement only the functionality required for a given application. For
example, a flow-control system may only read the primary variable of a
device and provide no additional support for viewing or changing
configuration information. Other control-system interfaces provide
comprehensive HART support, maintaining complete configuration records
for all connected devices.
Contact your system supplier for specific details on their HART
interface(s). Use the form in Appendix A to obtain information from
control-system suppliers to identify specific characteristics of their

HART I/O Many HART-compatible I/O subsystems have multiple analog channels on
SUBSYSTEMS each I/O card. Suppliers choose whether to provide one HART interface per
channel or to share one HART interface among several channels. The
number of shared channels per HART interface impacts the frequency of
data updates from a HART field device and the HART functionality that is

HART I/O FOR For the best performance and flexibility, one HART interface should be
MULTIDROP dedicated to each I/O channel. Systems that share only one HART interface
among several I/O channels may not support multidrop networks. The
SUPPORT effective update rate of a multiplexed interface is slow enough that the
performance of multiplexed multidrop networks would not be practical.
Some suppliers enable multidrop support by fixing the HART interface to
one specific I/O channel. However, the other channels on that card may
then not be available for HART communications.

HART I/O FOR Burst mode is an optional implementation in a field device. Receiving burst
BURST MODE mode messages is optional in a host as well. To take full advantage of burst
mode, the I/O system should have one HART interface for each channel. If
SUPPORT the HART interface is shared by more than one channel, messages sent by
the field device may not be detected by the control system. If the system
does not have the ability to configure burst mode in the field device, a
handheld terminal or other configuration tool is required.

Page 24 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Control System Interfaces

DATA HANDLING All HART-compatible control systems can read the digital primary variable
from a slave device. However, some system architectures may not be able
to accommodate textual data (e.g., tag and descriptor fields). In these cases,
the controller is able to read the process variable, but may not have direct
access to all other data in the HART device.

PASSTHROUGH Some control systems are integrated with a configuration or instrument-

FEATURE management application. In these systems, the control system passes a
HART command, issued by the management application, to the field device
via its I/O interface. When the control system receives the reply from the
field device, it sends the reply to the management application. This function
is referred to as a passthrough feature of the control system.

GATEWAYS Gateways can be used to bring HART digital data into control systems that
do not support HART-capable I/O. Some systems support HART gateways
with communication protocols such as Modbus, PROFIBUS DP, or TCP/IP
Ethernet. The typical HART gateway supports all universal commands and
a subset of the common practice commands. Support varies depending on
the gateway supplier. Some gateways support access to device-specific

SCADA/RTU RTUs used in SCADA systems use a special telemetry to communicate

SYSTEMS with the control system. RTUs have the same considerations regarding
multidrop and burst mode support as other systems. However,
implementation is made more complex because RTUs often communicate
to an upper-level host using a communication protocol other than HART
(e.g., Modbus). While there are many benefits to implementing HART in an
RTU (support of multidrop, burst mode, and multivariable instruments),
HART data are only available to the central host system if the telemetry
protocol supports the transfer of HART commands or specific HART data
(see Multidrop for Tank Farm Monitoring on page 40).

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 25


HART-compatible multiplexers are ideal for users who want to interface
with a large number of HART devices. Multiplexers can be modular and are
capable of supporting both point-to-point and all-digital (multidrop) HART
communication modes. Communication between a multiplexer and a host
application depends on the multiplexer capabilities (e.g., RS232C, RS485,
Modbus, and TCP/IP Ethernet).
When installing HART multiplexer systems, the following capabilities
should be considered:
T Number of HART channels supported
T Number of HART channels that share a HART modem
T Burst mode support
T Multidrop support
T Method of communication with the host computer or control system

MULTIPLEXER AS HART multiplexers can be used as the primary I/O front end for a
THE PRIMARY I/O HART-based control or monitoring system (Figure 10). Typically, a PC acts
as the host, providing the human-machine interface and performing other
SYSTEM high-level functions. The multiplexer continuously monitors the field
devices, reports the current readings and instrument status to the host, and
passes HART commands from the host computer to the field devices.



Field Device

Figure 10: HART Multiplexer as the Primary I/O System

PARALLEL When a traditional 4–20 mA control system is using the analog signals for
MONITORING WITH measurement and control outputs, a HART multiplexer can be added to the
network to gain access to the digital HART signal. Using a multiplexer
A MULTIPLEXER enables a supervisory computer to monitor diagnostics and device status,
access configuration information, and read any additional process inputs or
calculations not provided by the 4–20 mA signal.

Page 26 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Use a HART multiplexer to gain access to the digital
HART signal.

Two types of multiplexers are used in conjunction with a control system. A

multiplexer wired in parallel with the field wiring is commonly used when
the control system wiring is already in place (Figure 11).

Automation and
Display System
Controllers Computer


Transmitter Multiplexer

Control Valves

Figure 11: HART Multiplexer with Existing I/O

A multiplexer can also be an integral part of the control system as a
third-party I/O (Figure 12). As an I/O system, the multiplexer can include
IS barriers and other filtering capabilities and provide services to the field
device, such as galvanic isolation or power. For this type of installation, no
additional terminations or space are required. The multiplexer can also act
as a gateway to convert the HART messages to another protocol such as
Modbus, PROFIBUS, or Ethernet.

Automation and Supervisory

Display System Computer



Transmitter Control Valve

Figure 12: HART Multiplexer Integrated with I/O

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 27


Reading HART Data into NonHART Systems

Many HART products are able to perform more than one measurement or
output function (e.g., make multiple process measurements, calculate
process information, and provide positioner feedback information). All of
this information can be easily accessed digitally. However, existing
controllers or interface equipment may not have the ability to read digital
HART data. Products are available that can read HART digital signals and
convert them to analog or contact information, which enables any
traditional analog/digital I/O to take full advantage of the benefits of
HART-communicating devices. The Rosemount Inc. Tri-Loop module and
the Moore Industries Site Programmable Alarm (SPA) are two such

HART The Tri-Loop module monitors a HART loop for a bursting message and
DATA-CONVERSION converts three of the four possible variables in HART command number
three to analog outputs (Figure 13). The conversion enables the field device
PRODUCTS to provide a total of four analog signals over a single pair of wires run from
the field.

Channel 1
4–20 mA
Channel 2 Signals for
Channel 3 Variables

Field Terminals

Tri-Loop Module Control System

Figure 13: Tri-Loop Module

Page 28 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Reading HART Data into NonHART Systems

The SPA module continuously communicates with any HART-capable
device and provides contact closure outputs (alarm trips) based on the
information received (Figure 14). For example, the SPA can be configured
to monitor the device-status information inherent in the HART
communication protocol and trigger events such as local on/off applications
or alarms. The SPA can also initiate emergency shutdown action if
problems are detected with a field device in critical loop applications.

HART 4–20 mA and HART

Transmitter HART Digital Communicator




HART Master Shutdown



Figure 14: SPA Module

Both HART Tri-Loop and SPA provide multivariable product support on a
loop-by-loop basis.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 29


Universal Handheld Communicator

The 275 Universal HART Communicator is available from major
instrumentation suppliers around the globe and is supported by all member
companies in the HCF. Using HART DDL, the communicator can fully
communicate with and configure any HART device for which it has a DD
installed. If the communicator does not have the DD for a particular
network device installed, it can still communicate with that device using the
universal and common practice commands (see HART Commands on
page 7). The HCF provides centralized control and registration for all DDs
that can be loaded into the communicator. An index of registered DDs can
be found on the world wide web at <http://www.hartcomm.org>.
Use the 275 Universal HART Communicator to
communicate with and configure any
HART-communicating device.

Figure 15: 275 Universal Handheld Communicator

Page 30 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


PC Configuration Software
Many instrument manufacturers, as well as some independent software
developers, offer HART communication software for PCs with capabilities
similar to and beyond those offered by a HART handheld communicator.
Use special software applications to continuously
monitor the status of connected field devices and log
status changes as they occur, which may help
reduce the costs of regulatory compliance.

The software packages listed in Table 4 are used for configuration

management, parameter tuning, and data acquisition with a HART device.
The list is not comprehensive, and all software applications are not
functionally equivalent. A number of product-specific software
applications are also available for diagnostics. An RS232 HART interface
or other interface device connects the PC running the HART application
software to the field devices.
OF HART Software Application Manufacturer

SOFTWARE Asset Management Configuration and calibration

Solutions (AMS) management
Configuration management Smar International
CONFIG Configuration management Krohne
Cornerstone Base Configuration and calibration Applied System
Station management Technologies
Cornerstone Applied System
Instrument configuration
Configurator Technologies
Configuration management
H-View Arcom Control Systems
and data acquisition
IBIS Configuration management EB Hartmann & Braun
IBIS Configuration management Samson
K-S Series Configuration management ABB
Mobrey H-View Configuration management KDG Mobrey
UTSI International
Pacemaker Configuration management
SIMATIC PDM Configuration management Siemens
EB Hartmann & Braun/
Smart Vision Configuration management
Bailey Fischer & Porter
XTC Configuration
Configuration management Moore Products Co.

Table 4: HART Software

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 31


Commissioning HART Networks

HART-based instruments have several features that significantly reduce the
time required to fully commission a HART network (loop). When less time
is required for commissioning, substantial cost savings are achieved.

DEVICE Before installation, manufacturers usually enter device tags and other
VERIFICATION identification and configuration data into each field instrument. After
installation, the instrument identification (tag and descriptor) can be
verified in the control room using a configurator (handheld terminal or PC).
Some field devices provide information on their physical configuration
(e.g., wetted materials)—these and other configuration data can also be
verified in the control room. The verification process can be important in
conforming to governmental regulations and ISO quality requirements.
The commissioning process can be further streamlined by connecting a PC
configurator to each HART loop online, either by integration with the
control system or by using one of the many available HART multiplexing
I/O systems (see Multiplexers on page 26). With this centralized approach,
there is no need to move the configuration device from one termination
point to the next while commissioning all devices on the network.

LOOP INTEGRITY Once a field instrument has been identified and its configuration data
CHECK confirmed, the analog loop integrity can be checked using the loop test
feature, which is supported by many HART devices. The loop test feature
enables the analog signal from a HART transmitter to be fixed at a specific
value to verify loop integrity and ensure proper connection to support
devices such as indicators, recorders, and DCS displays.
Use the HART protocol loop test feature to check
analog loop integrity and ensure a proper physical
connection among all network devices.

AS-INSTALLED A HART configurator also facilitates record keeping. As-installed device

RECORD KEEPING configuration data can be stored in memory or on a disk for later archiving
or printing.

Page 32 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Device Status and Diagnostics

Most HART field instruments provide both status information and
diagnostic information. The HART protocol defines basic status
information as information that is included with every message from a field
device. Basic status information enables the host application to
immediately identify warning or error conditions detected by the field
device. Status messages also enable the user to differentiate between
measurements that are outside sensor or range limits and actual hardware
malfunctions. Examples of status messages are:
T Field device malfunction
T Configuration changed
T Cold start
T More status available
T Analog output current fixed
T Analog output saturated
T Nonprimary variable out of limits
T Primary variable out of limits

HART instruments can implement extensive, device-specific diagnostics.

The amount and type of diagnostic information is determined by the
manufacturer and varies with product and application. Diagnostic
information can be accessed using the HART communication protocol.
Host applications using DD files can interpret and display diagnostic
information. Applications not using DD technology may require product-
specific software modules to interpret diagnostic information.
Many manufacturers offer special software applications for their own
products. Some modules allow you to customize for specific products.
Manufacturers of valve actuators have made extensive use of this capability
to provide preventative and predictive diagnostic information that greatly
enhances the value of their products as compared to conventional actuators.
Several software applications are available that provide continuous
communication with field devices using a HART-compatible multiplexer
and HART I/O (see Multiplexers on page 26). These applications provide
real-time monitoring of status and diagnostic information.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 33


Connecting a PC to a HART Device or Network

PCs are commonly used for HART host applications for configuration and
data acquisition. A specially designed device (Table 5) allows the HART
network to be connected to the RS232C serial port or PCMCIA slot of a PC
(Figure 16).
Product Name Manufacturer

Commubox Endress + Hauser

FSK-Modem EB Hartmann & Braun

HT311 RS232 Interface Smar International



VIATOR RS232 HART Interface MACTek

Table 5: HART Interfaces

Interface Handheld Terminal


Figure 16: RS232 HART Interface

Page 34 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


PC Application Development Tools

Software drivers are available to assist in the development and integration
of PC applications with HART networks. Table 6 shows a partial list of
products available.
Product Name Description Manufacturer

Hview Provides DDE server Arcom Control Systems

HRT VBX 16-bit Visual Basic driver Borst Automation

HRT OCX 32-bit ActiveX Control Borst Automation

HART OPC HCF (via member

OPC Server
Server companies)

HL-LinkPro HART driver for LabVIEW Cardiac Systems Solutions

Table 6: PC Development Tools

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 35


Control in Field Devices

Microprocessor-based smart instrumentation enables control algorithms to
be calculated in the field devices, close to the process (Figure 17). Some
HART transmitters and actuators support control functionality in the
device, which eliminates the need for a separate controller and reduces
hardware, installation, and start-up costs. Accurate, closed-loop control
becomes possible in areas where it was not economically feasible before.
While the control algorithm uses the analog signal, HART communication
provides the means to monitor the loop and change control setpoint and

PC-Based Operator

Modbus Link
(RS232) Muiltiplexer (HART Master)

4–20 mA to
Position Valve

HART Transmitter Control Valve

with PID Slave

Figure 17: Transmitter with PID (HART Slave)

Placing control in the field enhances control functionality. Measurement
accuracy is maintained because there is no need to transmit data to a
separate controller. Control processing takes place at the high update rate of
the sensor and provides enhanced dynamic performance.

Page 36 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Control in Field Devices

HART FIELD A HART field controller takes advantage of the HART protocol’s
CONTROLLER simultaneous analog and digital signaling by converting the transmitter’s
traditional analog measurement output into a control output. The analog
IMPLEMENTATION signal from the smart transmitter (controller) is used to manipulate the field
device (Figure 18). The analog output signal also carries the HART digital
signal, which is used for monitoring the process measurement, making
setpoint changes, and tuning the controller.


+ Smart
Power Transmitter

Resistor Valve

Figure 18: Smart Transmitter with PID

The communication rate of the HART protocol (2–3 updates per second) is
generally perceived as too slow to support closed-loop control in the central
host. With control in the field, the control function no longer depends on
the HART protocol’s communication rate. Instead, the control signal is an
analog output that is updated at a rate that is much faster than can typically
be processed in a conventional control system. Processing rates vary from
2–20 updates per second, depending on the product. The HART digital
communication rate remains sufficient for monitoring the control variable
and changing setpoint values.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 37


Use the Power of HART

Look under your nose. Though rarely in the news, HART has the
largest installed base of all digital field communications protocols
in the process industries. A significant percentage of the field
devices in your plant are probably HART-enabled, and you almost
certainly are or will soon be under pressure to bring more
information from those devices to your control, asset management,
and enterprise systems.

But many end users haven’t made the connection. HART can do
much more than serve as an occasional information bridge for
device configuration and troubleshooting. In many applications it
can serve as the primary means of two-way communications for
system integration.

Using the power of HART communication is like letting the genie

out of the bottle.

Resources Are Rising When HART technology was introduced in the early 1990s, control
engineers realized information from intelligent devices was
valuable, but at the time there was no easy or clean way to integrate
this data into control systems. For years, valuable information in
these devices has languished in parts of subsystems, in limited
applications such as maintenance and loop checkout tools, or
ignored altogether.

Meanwhile, the business situation in the process industries has

changed dramatically, creating the need to maximize any and all
investments and assets. Reduced manpower, budget cuts, higher
profit requirements, and increased global competition have users
looking at all possible S-6 means of capturing information that can
improve the operation and financial results of their plants.

Highly visible discussions have promoted fieldbus capabilities and

the value of additional information from remote communications.
But access to information is one thing¡ª the ability to get it full-time
and without pain is another.

Over the past 10 years, companies of all sizes have created HART-
capable devices that operate in a hybrid fashion. These devices
offer a powerful bridge between the analog and digital worlds by
using the 4-20 mA signal to feed the control system as initially
designed, and simultaneously carry digital HART information¡ª
which in most cases is free - with additional process variables,
enhanced alarms and diagnostics information.

HART Communication Foundation (HCF) members around the

globe have created a cadre of instrumentation that collectively
provides all the pieces of the puzzle needed to address the many
needs of process control. And the HART protocol continues to

Page 38 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


evolve as a global standard. Members recently approved new

HART 6 specifications that expands communications capabilities
and is compatible with existing instrumentation.

In addition, the HCF has initiated a significant program to educate

both users and suppliers/members on the value of full-time HART
communication. The HCF web site, www.hartcomm.org, has been
redesigned to make it more user-friendly as well as to provide more
user-application and user-oriented information. .

What to Do Take another look at HART as it applies to your company’s needs.

Review your installed base of instrumentation and your current
buying requirements as they are likely to show you have a
significant investment in and potential to harness HART.

Talk with your suppliers about how their products support the full
power of HART. If they don’t, ask why. Discuss your current
installation with your suppliers to ascertain the degree of HART
compatibility of your system. Then map out a plan to use your
assets to the fullest.

There is a growing need to use intelligent data from the field to

address enterprise improvements such as performance, quality,
safety, reliability, profitability, maintenance, and management. No
one bus or communication technology is perfect for all applications,
but HART may be the simple, cost-effective, low-risk, high-value
solution you need for improved process control and odds are you’ve
already got it.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 39


Call for Information

Most users were attracted to HART for instrument calibration and
maintenance, but many don’t realize the protocol has the power to
be the main digital communication bus for applications such as
SCADA, ERP, and asset management. HART provides a wealth of
the type of data required by these high level applications.

Corporations have spent billions of dollars over the past few years
installing ERP and asset management systems. A tremendous
amount of pressure is now being applied to process plant managers
and engineers to provide data to these systems. SCADA systems
must also be upgraded to improve performance and reduce costs.

Existing HART instruments can accomplish these tasks

in a cost-effective and low-risk manner

SCADA Can Do More The market for SCADA applications continues to grow. According
With to Russ Novak, director of consulting for the ARC Advisory Group,
Dedham, Mass., “The worldwide SCADA systems market for the
oil & gas and water &wastewater industries exceeded $650 million
in 2000. This market will reach almost $780 million by the end of
2005,growing at an annual rate of 3.5%.” HART devices can be
expected to play a significant role in this growth.

Periodic instrument adjustment is a necessity in process plants, but

continuous monitoring can be a requirement for certain
applications. One of these applications is a SCADA natural gas
metering system designed by Arcom Control Systems, Kansas City,
Mo., for the Tejas Calumet gas plant in Louisiana (Tejas is an
affiliate of Royal Dutch Shell).

The Calumet gas plant receives raw natural gas from offshore
pipelines and separates out liquids such as propane, ethane, and
methane. The plant consumes natural gas in the process and is
charged for the energy usage by its suppliers. “Our firm designed a
gas flow measurement system for Calumet to internally verify the
amount of energy used in various parts of the process. Calumet
needed to provide check metering for gas usage,” says Jon Tandy, a
project engineer for Arcom.

The gas flow measurement system uses a combination of protocols

to gather and process data. “Our SCADA system acquires gas
composition data from Applied Automation gas chromatographs
and calculates compressibility constants using AGA8 calculations.
This information is downloaded to the HART-compatible
Rosemount 3095FT flow transmitters via the HtNode every three
hours. Production data is also acquired from Daniels 2500 flow
computers and RTUs,” adds Tandy. The HtNode is a protocol
translator that allows HART devices to communicate via Modbus.

Page 40 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


The 3095FT flow transmitter was chosen by Calumet because it

provides high accuracy, is physically smaller than most flow
computers, and has a competitive price. It provides differential
pressure, absolute pressure, and temperature inputs on the same
transmitter. The HART protocol is used for communication of
process variables and for the acquisition of device-specific
historical and configuration data.

Accurate measurement of gas flow with the flow transmitters is

only possible with continuous composition feedback. “The gas
chromatographs yield information with respect to gas composition.
The SCADA system uses this data to continuously calculate correct
parameters for the flow transmitters. These parameters are sent to
the flow transmitters via the HtNode so that that the flow
calculations are adjusted dynamically based on composition of the
natural gas,” Tandy says.

Another SCADA application makes use of HART’s capability to

simultaneously transmit both 4-20 mA and digital signals. “HART
devices were the best choice for a safety shutdown system installed
in a process plant. Two independent control systems were required
because digital fieldbus protocols have not been approved by the
standards organizations for shutdown applications,” observes James
Gray, director of I/A systems marketing for Invensys Process
Systems, Foxboro, Mass.

In this application (Figure 1), each field device must have the
capability to transmit a signal to each of the two independent
control systems. “A Foxboro I/A system is the DCS and a PLC was
used for the safety shutdown system. In the I/A system, the fieldbus
module interfaces to the HART digital communication signal from
the field device. The PLC uses the 4-20 mA signal from the field
device for its analog I/O as the primary input of the safety shutdown

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 41


system,” continues Gray.

The DCS analyzes the HART signal information and distributes this
information throughout the control system. “The HART protocol is
used for diagnostic information from the field device. This
information can provide an active status word to the system and
alert the operator of a device fault before it impacts the performance
of the process. The status word is integrated into the analog input
block of the control system and propagated throughout the control
strategy if an error or device fault is detected,” adds Gray.

If an error is found, the DCS can interact with an operator to correct

the problem. “Once an error in the field devices is detected, the
operator or technician can interrogate the field device from the
console. Using the tools of the I/A system’s Technician’s
Workbench, a poll command is sent from the operator console to
the field device to read or perform a series of diagnostics,” Gray
says. “These tests validate the condition of the field device and
often eliminate unnecessary trips to the field.”

HART capabilities can also be extended to wireless SCADA

applications. A major Midwest gas pipeline company planned to
replace paper chart recorders on its natural gas pipeline with an
automated meter reading (AMR) system. The AMR system would
have to be capable of acquiring data from devices within a radius of
up to 80 miles, publishing this field data from locations throughout
the Midwest to a central host in Tulsa, and integrating the data with
an existing measurement system.

The system architecture diagram (Figure 2) illustrates the design of

the wireless SCADA system. Multivariable flow transmitters
provide flow measurement and data logging capabilities. These
transmitters communicate via HART over a wireless radio link to a
network gateway/ multiplexer from Arcom. “Our Director gateway
satisfied all the requirements for the project,” says Tandy. “The
Director uses HART to acquire real-time and historical information.
Data is then published to a central host via satellite.”

The AMR system uses spread-spectrum radio and satellite

communication to extend the HART network beyond the traditional
10,000-ft. distance limitation. Spread-spectrum radios from
Freewave Technologies provide the wireless link between the
gateway and the HART instruments. “The radios allow great
flexibility in network architecture through multipoint and repeater
configurations, as well as providing reliable data transmission of the
HART messages,” Tandy adds. “With the use of repeaters, HART
units can be brought into a single multiplexer from a radius of 80
miles or more.”

By implementing the HART-based AMR system, the pipeline

company was able to realize cost savings in several ways. The

Page 42 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


paper chart recorders previously had to be collected and tabulated

manually for each monthly billing. This is now done automatically
with ongoing savings estimated at $1.25 million per year. Because
the HART signal is transferred over the radio link, there is no need
for a separate remote terminal unit (RTU) or multiplexer at each
meter site. One multiplexer serves as a master to 32 HART meters
and allows data consolidation.

Wireless communication avoids costly cable runs to each HART

meter. The multivariable flow transmitters effectively combine a
traditional flowmeter and three discrete instruments into a single
instrument, yielding hardware cost savings of almost 30% per site.
TCP/IP communications allow remote diagnostics and
configuration, reducing the need for on-site technical support.
HART provides the communication tool to create an extended
meter-reading network via spread-spectrum radio and satellite

ERP Needs HART ERP and e-business systems from vendors such as SAP, Baan, and
Oracle cannot perform as designed without extensive information
from plant-floor control systems. This information is often available
through existing HART devices. Plant engineers can extract data
from these existing devices and provide it to ERP systems. The
expenses of purchasing and installing new devices often can be

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 43


Many food and pharmaceutical processes require extensive record

keeping with respect to batch parameters. These parameters can
include process variables such as pressure, temperature, and level.
The multivariable capabilities of HART devices can be exploited to
extract these secondary variables from existing devices. Batch
records should also indicate if each field device is operating
properly. The status and diagnostic information available from each
HART device can be used to automatically verify proper operation.
The only alternative in most cases is to have a field technician
check and verify device operation

HART Helps Manage Record keeping also extends to instrument calibration activities.
Assets Asset management programs can use HART capabilities to
automate much of the calibration and recordkeeping required for
critical processes.

One provider of Windows-based instrument asset management

software is Applied Systems Technologies, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Its
Cornerstone software is a family of Microsoft Windows-based
process instrument maintenance management tools.

Aventis Crop Science uses Cornerstone software at its plant in

Institute, W.Va., to configure and manage its HART-compatible
instruments (Figure 3). “Each instrument is configured and trimmed
in the Aventis instrument shop prior to putting the device into
service,” says Brad Alexander, Applied Systems president. “The
HART protocol makes it easy for the device to be automatically
added to the Cornerstone database when the first connection is

Page 44 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation



Three of the instrument shops at the site use Cornerstone, and

Aventis plans to convert the rest of the shops in the near future.
“We use the HART interface with Cornerstone to configure the
instruments for our use and to track any changes that are made to
these instruments,” says Denny Humphreys, an
instrument/electrical technician with the equipment reliability group
at Aventis. “These changes might be made in the field through a
documenting calibrator, in the field though a field communicator, or
through Cornerstone itself.”

Initial device configuration establishes a baseline for each

instrument that can be compared to later readings to create a history
for the instrument. The baseline includes not only calibration
information, but also device information such as a user-designated
tag number, a user-defined descriptor, and manufacturer’s
information. “One specific issue in calibration management that is
addressed by the HART protocol is the ability to positively confirm
the identity of the device being calibrated. Prior to smart devices,
there was no inherent method available to confirm the unique
device identification, which is obviously required to validate the
calibration history,” observes Alexander. This observation is
seconded by Aventis. “Using Cornerstone with the HART interface
has helped us tremendously in getting new instruments configured
and calibrated quickly,” adds Humphreys. “Cornerstone also has a
database that is password protected and that automatically
documents every change that takes place at our site.”

Aventis uses the software in conjunction with HART instruments to

provide complete management of instrument calibration and
maintenance. Alexander says, “The Cornerstone HART
maintenance station makes it possible to confirm existing
configurations, to automatically detect any configuration changes
introduced in the field, to prepare configuration edits for download
to an instrument upon next connection, and to reconcile any
variances between the instrument database records and the

The software can also be used to provide remote diagnostics by

periodically polling each instrument to access device status. This
information can then be used to alert the instrument shop and
generate repair orders. “We use the Cornerstone monitor feature
with our HART Instrument. This allows us to quickly spot any
problems with an instrument including signal spiking, ground
loops, or a problem with the primary element,” continues
Humphreys. The HART protocol and maintenance management
software allow Aventis to use instruments from many different
vendors. “

The HART interface is not proprietary so we are not tied to one

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 45


instrument vendor or one type of documenting calibrator.

Cornerstone is also able to handle many vendors through the use of
model libraries and calibrator libraries that can be used anywhere
on the LAN,” Humphreys says. “I have been completely sold on the
HART interface for years, but it was not until I discovered
Cornerstone that the benefits became so very apparent.”

Application Optimizes Condition and diagnostic information generated by field

HART instruments can be captured from control networks by online
applications and integrated with an enterprise asset management
(EAM) or computerized maintenance management system
(CMMS). One such online application is Asset Management
Solutions (AMS) software from Emerson Process Management,
Austin, Texas. AMS provides the interface between fieldbus
devices and maintenance management systems (Figure 4). This
allows automatic generation of work orders based on actual device

The online asset management software gathers data from HART

instruments and stores it in a device-oriented database. The data is
then processed, organized, and presented in graphic displays. The
information can be used to speed unit startups, streamline routine
maintenance, and provide early warning alerts of component

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Overall maintenance costs can be further reduced and delivering

field-based data directly to an EAM can increase process uptime.
When AMS is integrated with an EAM system, early predictive
maintenance warnings can be provided about potential equipment

Trial-and-error preventive maintenance can be replaced by

prioritized work orders based on actual evidence that a repair or
replacement is required. Rather than scheduling field devices for
maintenance based on the calendar, the EAM system receives
notification from AMS that service is necessary and a work order to
that effect is generated.

Integration of an online AMS with an EAM system lowers overall

maintenance costs and increases process uptime by providing
advanced warning about potential equipment failures. By
combining these important maintenance tools, companies can
establish a predictive maintenance environment to keep plants
running at higher efficiency with less technician involvement.
Potential problems can be corrected before serious damage occurs,
and the cost of maintenance can be significantly reduced.

Syncrude Canada, Calgary, Alberta, is using HART and the AMS

system at its oil refinery in Fort McMurray, Alberta. “During the
design of our most recent process unit, a 305,000 barrel-per-day
vacuum distillation unit, we decided to install all HART smart
instruments and hook them up to the AMS through a Honeywell
DCS,” says Gil Hurtubise, process automation specialist with
Syncrude in Calgary.

The AMS system works with HART devices to improve plant

efficiency. “The largest economic payback is the maintenance
efficiency gained by being able to access the equipment diagnostics
in order to make our maintenance more predictive,” adds Hurtubise.
“Equipment diagnostics also allow us to keep a history of control
valve signatures. This becomes a very valuable tool as the
equipment ages and also assists in planning which equipment must
come out for maintenance during a planned process unit outage. It
is important, however, that this tool [AMS] be set up as a working
system initially and later supported on a dedicated basis through
organizational structure.”

Another benefit of HART was realized during plant startup. “Using

the HART component of the signal allows you to be much more
efficient during final construction checks, commissioning loop
checks, and startup,” adds Hurtubise. “It allows you to forgo many
of the point-to-point wiring checks that you would normally make
with analog instruments, by making use of the digital network to
prove the integrity of the wiring instantly for the entire loop.”

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 47


Hidden In HART
Most users know HART provides for communication of multiple
data items between field devices and a host controller or computer.
Many also know that integrating additional field device data into
control or maintenance strategies can improve system

What most HART users don’t know is there is an incredible

amount of data that can be communicated between their existing
HART devices and control systems. Typical user estimates of
available data items range from three to 10 values in addition to
the process variable. The actual number is 35 to 40 values
depending on the type of HART device (see sidebar, “Data Items
Available for Communication Between HART Devices and a

There is tremendous value in the data available from HART

devices. “Many users have little or no idea of the measurement and
process improvements that can be implemented through HART
devices,” says Warren Meyer, principal marketing specialist with
The Foxboro Co., Foxboro, Mass. “These improvements typically
require minimal engineering and can be implemented quickly and
at very low cost. These HART devices are like icebergs—we only
see about 20% of the functionality and 80% is hidden from view.”

The most important data items available from HART devices are
the process variables. The primary process variable is continuously
transmitted in two formats: 4-20 mA analog and digital as part of
the HART protocol.

The primary process variable is also transmitted as a percent of

range. Finally, the loop current in milliamps can also be accessed.
The loop current reading can be used to validate the signal being
received by the controller. The primary process variable digital
value is expressed as an IEEE floating-point number with up to 32-
bit precision. This far exceeds the standard 12-bit precision offered
with most PLC and DCS analog input modules.

High precision can be especially useful in weighing and scaling

applications. Twelve-bit resolution yields very limited accuracy for
storage tank weighing systems. These systems often measure
weights up to 200,000 lbs. and require high precision to resolve the
total weight to an acceptable level.

Many existing and most new HART devices have multivariable

measurement capabilities. This is true of many pressure and

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temperature devices; most flow, level, and analytical devices; and

all valve positioners and valve controllers. Table I lists common
types of multivariable devices and typical outputs available from
these devices.

Up to three secondary process variables in addition to the primary

process variable (total of four) can be simultaneously transmitted
from a HART device to a host in a single message. This
multivariable capability can be exploited in a number of ways

Multivariables Provide Multivariable transmitters with a digital HART interface offer

Multi-Benefits tremendous functionality and application diversity compared to
instruments with only a 4-20 mA output. Unfortunately, the average user
of HART devices only scratches the surface in terms of using the
information available from them.

One of the best ways to improve plant profitability is to use the on-board
temperature sensor located in virtually all HART devices. This sensor
measures the internal temperature inside the field device, not the ambient
or process temperature. The manufacturer uses internal device
temperature to characterize the output during wide temperature
fluctuations, thereby eliminating most of the temperature-related error of
the device. A user can also digitally transmit the on-board device
temperature to the control system using the HART protocol.

“Our clients often use the on-board temperature sensor for freeze
protection alarming,” says Meyer. “During the winter months in cold
climates, every process plant has some type of freeze protection on
various production lines. The protection can be electric heaters, steam, or
just insulation to keep the process fluid from freezing.”

The conventional solution is to purchase and install a temperature sensor

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 49


inside the freeze-protection housing. This can be very expensive and

may not be cost-effective for many applications. “When our clients use
the internal temperature measurement already available over the HART
interface, all that is required is a software change to set alarm points,”
adds Meyer. “One client in northern Canada with approximately 2,000
microprocessor-based transmitters estimates they have saved over
$300,000 each year since 1989 using the ‘free temperature measurement’
for alarming as compared to the previous installation with 4-20 mA

Another use of the internal instrument temperature is for ambient

temperature error compensation on a dual-seal level transmitter. The
ambient temperature error of the differential pressure transmitter is
virtually eliminated with factory compensation using the internal
temperature sensors. The problem is that the compensation is done
before the dual seals are installed on a vessel, and this installation can
introduce temperature errors.

The temperature errors of the dual seals tend to offset each other because
the error on one side is canceled by a similar error on the other side. But
there still is one error that is not compensated: a shift in the output
caused by a temperature-driven change in the density of the fluid inside
the capillary between the two seals. As the ambient capillary temperature
changes, the change in the fluid density creates an error.

The low-cost solution is to take the on-board temperature inside the basic
differential pressure transmitter as a good approximation of the seal fill
fluid temperature. A user can then program a software compensation
block with a table of the fill fluid density vs. temperature. A few basic
math calculations using the distance between the seals, the span of the
level measurement, and the density vs. temperature chart greatly enhance
level measurement accuracy.

A hydrostatic tank gauging system can be configured using pressure

transmitters with a temperature secondary variable. “We multi-drop two
or three pressure transmitters, each with secondary temperature
variables, to create a tank level measurement system. This system is
marketed as our Hydrostatic Interface Unit,” says Jim Cobb, marketing
manager for Austin, Texas-based Emerson Process Management,
formerly Fisher-Rosemount.

Multivariable instruments often can use multiple variables to calculate

process information. A differential pressure flowmeter, for example, uses
pressure taps upstream and downstream of an orifice plate, and the
square root of the differential pressure is proportional to the flow. A
multivariable transmitter could transmit the flow value, the upstream
pressure, and the downstream pressure. Calculations performed at the
instrument level can provide better accuracy and can off-load central
controllers from these math-intensive tasks.

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Valves Vie for The multivariable features of HART are used extensively for valve
Attention control. “The management of final control elements through digital
communication offers significant advantages,” says James Gray, director
of I/A systems marketing, Invensys Process Systems, Foxboro, Mass.
“Intelligent valve positioners provide real-time feedback of valve
position, measurement of pneumatic supply pressure, and measurement
of the positioner’s output signal to the actuator.” Operators can use the
secondary variable information to perform remote diagnostics on valves.

HART valve positioners can monitor actuator pressure (Figure 1).

“Excess friction in a control valve often leads to surging conditions that
can result in dangerous process upsets,” says Bud Adler, director of
professional development for Moore Industries, North Hills, Calif. “Our
HART loop monitor can be configured to alarm on loss of actuator
pressure (a secondary variable) that often results from a clogged air filter
or a torn diaphragm.”

Emergency shutdown valves can use the multivariable capabilities of a

HART valve positioner. “Potentially catastrophic results can occur when
an emergency shutdown valve does not close when triggered by a
dangerous process upset,” Adler says. “These critical valves often go for
months or even years without being stroked to assure proper operation.”

Users do not stroke these valves because partial valve actuation without
position monitoring can be hazardous. “A prudent strategy is to upgrade

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 51


the valve with a smart HART positioner and a HART loop monitor,”
says Adler. “With this combination, the presence of adequate air supply
can be verified and the valve can be partially stroked on a regular basis
to ensure its ability to move off of the seat.” The loop monitor reads the
HART secondary variable and provides stem position feedback to ensure
that the valve is only partially stroked.

The inherent capability of HART valve positioners to provide diagnostic

and preventive maintenance information has proven invaluable in an
installation at the Aylesford Newsprint manufacturing mill in Aylesford,
England. The mill recently constructed a new de-inking and pumping
plant and installed a modern newsprint machine.

The mill uses the Smart Adviser plant health monitor from Thermo
Measurement, Winchester, England, to enhance the existing process
monitoring and control system and to provide significant benefits in
three areas: valve maintenance, valve failure, and multiplexing. “A large
number of valve positioners with HART communication are in operation
at the mill,” reports Peter Vincent, sales and marketing director for
Thermo Measurement. “Some are installed on minor applications but
many perform critical safety tasks.”

The advantage of using HART-capable devices is their ability to

communicate digitally on top of the traditional 4-20 mA line and
transmit a wealth of data rather than only one process variable.
Additional parameters that can be monitored by a HART-capable valve
positioner include requested valve position, actual valve position,
temperature, and actuator pressure.

During normal operation, HART communication provides a cost-

effective and timesaving method for identifying problematic valves and
valve positioners. Instrument performance is monitored by extrapolating
the digital data readings related to the requested valve position and the
actual valve position and comparing the two readings (Figure 2).

The software analyzes valve positioner performance and alarms when an

abnormal condition occurs. “If the difference between the two readings
falls outside of the normal tolerance of the valve (i.e. valve deviation),
Smart Adviser logs it as a fault,” Vincent says. “The dead band or
hysteresis facility is used to determine the normal delta and this is
adjustable up to 25% of span to cover nearly all conditions.”

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In addition, should the valve deviation exceed the programmed alarm

point, the critical alarm mode provides instantaneous indication of valve
failure. When the maintenance schedule is drawn up, the log is studied to
see which valves are frequently working outside of normal tolerances.
Smart Adviser can also function as a multiplexer, collecting up to 24
channels of field data from smart valve positioners and sending it to the
control system

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Available: Advanced HART devices provide eight diagnostic status bits (16 bits with the new
Diagnostics HART 6 enhancement). These status bits can be used to provide early
warning of device problems. Handheld communicators can access this
information when connected to the instrument loop, but most
applications would benefit from continuous monitoring of these status

This monitoring function is provided with some DCS and HMI software
packages, but not all control and monitoring systems have this
functionality. “Moore Industries provides loop monitors that are
typically panel-mounted and connected just like a handheld calibrator.
When a HART status bit changes, the loop monitor provides both LED
indication and a relay output,” says Adler.

The relay output can be connected to an existing control and monitoring

system, and the loop monitor can also provide a 4-20 mA signal based on
one of the HART process variables. This allows a HART instrument to
be interfaced to a control system simply and quickly.

The performance of temperature transmitters can be improved by using

the status and diagnostic information provided by HART devices. “Most
temperature transmitters incorporate sensor diagnostics to drive the 4-20
mA output either upscale or downscale upon sensor failure. In a safety-
critical application, this high or low action would often trigger an
expensive and perhaps unnecessary process shutdown,” says Adler.

HART compatible temperature transmitters can be used to avoid a

process shutdown. “A HART loop monitor can be configured to use the
status bits to provide a relay output indicating sensor failure,” Adler
adds. “This strategy provides differentiation between a sensor problem
and potentially dangerous process condition. For more safety-critical
applications, a dual nonvoting scheme or a two-out-of-three scheme
provides even more reliability.”

A transmitter can lock at a fixed output value if it is placed in a manual

mode for tests and not returned to automatic operation. HART’s Primary
Variable Analog Output Fixed status bit can be used to detect this
condition and alert an operator.

Distributed control systems such as Foxboro’s I/A can automatically

detect and use HART diagnostic information. “HART status and
diagnostic signals can be transmitted in digital format and used by the
control strategy and operator displays,” says Gray. “In addition, there are
more than 30 diagnostic parameters available to maintenance to
determine the health of a valve. These are available through our
Technician’s Workbench I/A system module.”

Configuration Is Easy Most HART users are aware that HART instruments can be configured
With a PC remotely from any point on the HART data highway. This can be
performed with handheld calibrators or through a host computer.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 55


Calibration performed with a host computer offers many advantages over

calibration via a handheld unit. “HART transmitters feature
programming options that go far beyond relatively common universal
input capabilities. The arrival of simple and highly functional
Windowsbased calibration and configuration software allows faster set
up and more precise settings than is possible with a handheld
communicator,” observes Joseph Hage, vice president of engineering,
Moore Industries.

Setup is simplified and time is saved by using a host computer for

calibration. “Handheld calibrators often require a user to scroll through
lengthy configuration branches,” Hage says. “Windows-based software
allows setup choices like input type and range, output zero and span,
output damping, upscale/downscale drive, and display parameters to be
easily viewed, selected, and downloaded to a HART instrument with a
few clicks of a mouse.”

Configuration via a computer is especially advantageous for multiple

instruments with the same parameters. “Another significant advantage of
the PC over a handheld is that once developed, a PC configuration can be
stored to disk and downloaded to multiple transmitters. The more
transmitters with the same or similar setup, the more time you save,”
concludes Hage.

Periodic instrument adjustment is a necessity for all processes, but

ti dj t t b i tf t i

Page 56 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


continuous adjustment can be a requirement for certain

applications. These applications virtually necessitate a digital data
interface to a smart instrument. If the composition of the fluid or
gas that is being measured changes continuously and if this change
in composition affects setup parameters, then continuous
reconfiguration is required to maintain the accuracy of process

Smart instruments equipped with HART capability can enable

continuous adjustment by receiving data from instruments with respect
to fluid or gas composition, using these data to automatically calculate
settings, and downloading these settings to the affected instruments.
Asset management software programs make extensive use of the device
identification information available through HART. This information is
read by the asset management program and stored in a database,
allowing the program to automatically populate the database with
pertinent information related to each instrument’s tag number,
manufacturer, device type, final assembly number, and serial number.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 57


Leverage Your Assets

HART Want to run your plant more efficiently? Would you like to set up a better,more
Communication: automated maintenance management program? Are you trying to obtain asset
It's Not Just for management information from your plant instrumentation?
Configuration Maybe you'd like to avoid process disruptions. Or keep your plant from
Anymore catching fire and blowing up.

A level transmitter at a Midwest refinery was short-circuited by condensation

and created an erroneous 4-20mA signal. The operator was suspicious,but no
one could find a problem until the tank overfilled and shut the entire plant
down. The process disruption cost $300,000.

If the system and level transmitter had been HART-enabled, the erroneous
signal could have been detected and the operator would have been alerted to the
problem before it shut down the plant. You can create those kinds of
capabilities in your plant. You may already have much of what you need to get
started, particularly if you purchased new smart field instrumentation in the
past 10 years. That's because just about every smart field instrument built these
days is capable of HART Communication.

And if you have devices with HART Communication, you also have a good
start on what you need to run your plant more efficiently. You're ready to begin
an asset management program, obtain early alarms on process upsets, and
increase the reliability of your processes.

What's more, it won't be a major investment to obtain the information you need,
because it's already there, ready to be accessed via HART Communication

More Than Maintenance technicians appreciate HART because it makes their jobs easier.
Maintenance Techs can interrogate devices directly from the control room, eliminating many
unnecessary trips out into the plant.

What you may not realize is that simplifying maintenance and calibration tasks
is just the tip of the iceberg. Your HART devices also have the power to push
your existing plant instrumentation and control systems into the 21st Century.

You can use HART technology to get started in asset management, for
example. HART devices have all the information you need to determine device
status, health, and the need for field maintenance. HART devices can also
determine the health of other process equipment, such as control and safety
shutdown valves.

The Gainesville Regional Utility,Gainesville, Fla., uses HART Communication

to diagnose instrumentation problems and reduce unnecessary trips to the field.
The data is fed to asset management Operators at its John R. Kelley Generating
Station (photo above) can check many process problems by examining asset
management data from a PC.

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For example, if an operator suspects a transmitter is not zeroing out, he can

check the asset management system historical data. If there's a difference of 5%
or more between the process signal and the HART data, the operator knows a
problem exists, and someone must physically check the transmitter and
associated equipment. More often than not, the utility will report the problem is
a leaking valve, found long before the consequences serious and cause a system

"After nearly a year of working with the HART-capable instrumentation

installed as part of a re-powered 110MW combined-cycle generating plant, our
reliance on the unit's asset management software package continues to grow,"
says Terry Gordon, instrumentation supervisor. "It enables us to do a lot more
things a lot quicker, with fewer personnel than we could by following
conventional instrument maintenance procedures."

One of the finalists for this year's HART Plant of the Year Award, a Solutia
plant in Chocolate Bayou,Texas, that started up in 2000, has lots of HART-
enabled instrumentation. All the HART data is logged to an Aspen Tech data
historian and to an asset management system. "Our design decision was to use
as much smart instrumentation as possible,” says John Forbis, Engineering
Fellow at Solutia's Integrated Nylon Div., St. Louis.” Ninety-nine percent of all
instruments are HART-enabled. The only non-HART instruments are on OEM
systems, such as chillers and air compressors. We tried another communication
technology, and it just did not work for us."

A British Petroleum ethylene plant in Cologne, Germany, has about 2,000

HART-enabled instruments and about 800 HART-enabled control valves

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 59


integrated with its DCS. "We plan to use condition-based preventive

maintenance implemented via the Foxboro DCS and HART to reduce
downtime,” says Helmut Schult, DCS site manager.” Specifically, we are
configuring the system to automatically send e-mails describing impending
problems to our maintenance department.

"HART Communication is being used by many companies to acquire data for

SCADA systems and DCSs. Although the traditional 4-20 mA output from
each HART transmitter contains the basic flow, temperature, level, or pressure
signal, the digital HART data superimposed upon the 4-20 ma signal contains
much digital HART Depending on the device, the digital signal can contain 40
or more data items.

After a HART-enabled device is commissioned and installed in a plant, it

provides those data items 24 hours a day, continuously. All you have to do is
communicate with the device system software from Emerson Process

The HART of the What can you do with all that data?
Matter Here are a few ideas:

Asset management: HART instruments contain data on the health

and status of field assets, plus additional process variables.
Software is available from several vendors to acquire data
directly from the HART field devices to track calibration and
configuration changes, and keep records on instrument changes
for compliance purposes. Asset management systems can use the
additional process variables to directly read flow, level, pressure,
and temperature data to be used for compensation, environmental
check, or other purposes.

Acquire process data: HART allows control and other systems to

obtain digital process data directly from field devices. For
example, the Solutia plant at Chocolate Bayou uses HART

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technology to acquire analog inputs for a Triconex triple-modular

redundant system used for safety and emergency shutdowns.
“When the same signal needs to go to our control system and the
Triconex safety system, we use a signal splitter/isolator from
Moore Industries,” says Bart Propst, process control engineer.”
The Moore device receives a 4-20 ma signal from a HART
instrument and sends 4-20Ma outputs to the control system and
another 4-20 ma signal created from the HART data to the safety
system.” This lets them use the same 4-20 ma sensor for control,
safety, and shutdown, and still maintain signal isolation.
Improve product quality: HART data can be used to improve
process dynamics and product quality. The Solutia plant in
Chocolate Bayou acquires process data from multivariable
HART transmitters. Forbis says they use Valvelink software to
do advanced testing and trim key valves to improve process

Manage maintenance: At the Air Products and Chemicals plant in

Baytown, Texas, the asset management system keeps track of
1,000 transmitters and 150 valves using HART data. “Plant
personnel use asset management for routine trouble shooting of
process issues, recalibration, and verifying valve operation
relative to the original valve signatures,” says Mark Lusignia,
instrument engineer.

Real-time diagnostics: When problems arise with a field

instrument, the array of diagnostic information available in
HART devices makes it possible to diagnose many problems
from a PC screen. In some plants, half of the times an instrument
tech is asked to go out into the plant to check an instrument, the
result is “no problem found.” Being able to diagnose instrument
problems remotely saves time and improves worker safety.
For example, the Gainesville Regional Utility uses HART
communication to verify the condition and operational status of
instruments on top of a seven-story heat-recovery generator and
other in accessible points.” It would take a technician up to an
hour to go out into the plant and check a single instrument,” says

Diagnostic alarms: When a control system depends on a 4-20 ma

signal alone, an operator has no way to check the accuracy or
validity of data when a problem is suspected. With HART-
enabled systems, software can be set up to automatically look for
a device status problem or a performance problem and sound

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 61


alarms long before a problem can be detected in the 4-20 ma loop


Minimize scheduled downtime: GSK Pharmaceuticals in Irvine,

Scotland, also a HART Plant of the Year finalist, wanted to reduce the
frequency of calibration for 122 critical devices from once every three
months to something less often. It takes four hours to calibrate each
device, and four times per year seemed to be too frequent, but they had
no way of knowing how often calibrations were really necessary. The
plant used HART data to collect device information and run online
diagnostics. “After a year and-a-half evaluation period, HART data
showed that the calibration cycle could be at least doubled to every six
months,” says Ian Allen, instrument engineer. “We also got more
accurate information as to when a device actually did fail, as opposed
to waiting for the next calibration, so it could be repaired or replaced

Where Do You HART communication enables intelligent I/O systems to identify and diagnose
Go From Here? process problems such as:

Loop fault: With a standard 4-20 ma signal, I/O systems can detect a
Finding problem only if the signal is outside the 4-20 ma range, and only if it is
Problems constant; they can easily miss intermittent problems. A HART system
can periodically check the 4-20 ma signal to ensure its agreement with
the field I/O device. It detects intermittent problems and performs loop
tests whenever needed.

Device failure: With ordinary transmitters, I/O can detect catastrophic

device failure only if the 4-20 ma signal is outside the normal operating
range. With HART, internal diagnostics can communicate the status of
field devices in real time, provide early notification of problems, and
help you take action to prevent a process disruption.

Incorrect reading: When the accuracy of the 4-20 ma signal is impaired

by, for example, a bad connection or deteriorating sensor, the host
system can detect the incongruities between the 4-20 ma signal and the
additional process variables communicated by the HART protocol.
Early detection and analysis of these incongruities can focus
maintenance operations and prevent shutdowns

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Unleash the Power of HART

Critical Facts About • Traditional 4-20 mA analog signal is used for control
HART and/or monitoring.
• Digital signal carries additional information on the same
• All HART smart devices continuously provide process data
for plant operation—24/7.
• HART provides access to all device data while the 4-20 mA
analog signal is being used for control.
• Information about the status (health) of the field device and
quality of the 4-20 mA signal is in every message.
• The Process or Primary Variable (PV) is transmitted as a 4-
20 mA signal and also as a digital value.
• Many devices have measured or calculated process
variables in addition to the PV.
• The more you communicate with HART devices, the more
value you receive from your investment.

HART Device Data Every HART device, regardless of the supplier, comes standard
with the ability to communicate 35-40 data items you can use to
improve your operations. These data items include:

• Process Variable Values

Primary, secondary, and other values
Loop current value in milliamps

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 63


• Device Status & Diagnostic Alerts

Device malfunction
Configuration change
Variable out of limits
Primary variable output fixed or saturated

• Device Identification
Instrument tag, device type, etc.

• Calibration Information
Date of last calibration
Upper & lower range value PV damping
Loop current transfer function & alarm action
Write protect status

A Choice of Migration There are many ways to benefit from the power of HART
Strategies communication and leverage the intelligence in your smart field
devices. The figures show several simple and cost-effective
migration strategies to get more from currently installed HART

Point-to-Point Strategy: This is the most common way HART is

used. The communication capability of HART-enabled devices
allows them to be configured and set-up for specific applications,
reducing spares inventory and saving time and money in
commissioning and maintenance. Connecting to the 4-20 mA wires,
you can interrogate a device from remote locations for diagnostic

HART-to-Analog Strategy: Signal extractors communicate with

HART devices in real time to convert the intelligent information in
these devices into 4-20 mA signals for input into an existing analog
control system. Add this capability one device at a time to get more
of the power of HART.

HART-Plus-Analog Strategy: New HART multiplexer packaging

solu- tions make it easy to communicate with HART devices by
replacing your existing I/O termination panels. Your analog control
signal continues on to the control system but the HART data is sent
to a device management system providing valuable diagnostics
information 24/7. Although the control system is not aware of the
HART data, this solution provides access to device diagnostics for
asset management and process improvements.

Full HART Integration Strategy: Upgrading your field or remote

I/O system provides an integrated path to continuously put HART
data directly into your control system. Continuous communication
between the field device and control system allows automatic
detection of problems so corrective action can be taken before there
is negative impact to the process operation.

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HART-to-Plant-Network Strategy: HART OPC server software

tools provide a simple, cost-effective means of passing HART data
onto your plant Ethernet network to OPC compliant applications
anywhere in the plant.

Serve HART to Plant The HART Communication Foundation has developed the HART
Networks Server Tool to facilitate serving HART data to plant networks and
other high-level OPC-compliant applications. The tool provides
easy access to HART device data anywhere on a plant network.

• Allows several applications to simultaneously access data

in a HART device.
• Enables popular HMI and trending packages to access
HART data.
• Connect to one or a thousand devices using common
HART I/O systems and interfaces. • Cost-effective and easy
to set-up and use.
• Can put HART data on your desk top, PDA, e-mail system,
• Created and supported by the HART Communication

What to Do? HART communication technology is simple, easy to use, low-risk,

and cost effective. As with any journey, taking the first step is
important. Here’s how to get started:

• Visualize one or more of the many ways HART

communications could improve operations in your plant.
• Identify your installed HART devices to confirm that key
measurements are included. If not, map out a plan to make
all devices HART-capable.
• Provide HART technology training to your staff.
• Explore HART solutions with your suppliers to determine
your best migration strategy.
• Contact the HART Communication Foundation or visit the
Foundation web site, www.hartcomm.org, for more
information and for specific cost-effective solutions you
can use to Unleash the Power of HART.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 65


Powerful Connections
New Products Seamlessly Connect HART Field Devices to Any Control System
In essence, HART’s value proposition is moving more data from
the process into the control system with an infrastructure you
already own, then leveraging that information to increase plant
efficiency. A range of connection options make it relatively easy.

If your plant has a DCS connected to a large number of HART-

enabled instruments and field devices, the HART signal
superimposed on the 4-20 mA wiring is readily available and
contains a wealth of useful process and device diagnostics

Control Systems Get Most of the major DCS and control system vendors already have
HART HART Communication capability in their newer systems, and many
have upgrade paths for older systems. For example, in May the
Foxboro division of Invensys announced new I/A Series HART
modules. Each module can accept up to eight 4-20 mA inputs and
fully integrates HART Communication.

The Foxboro upgrade has already been used to implement asset

management and preventive maintenance at a British Petroleum
ethylene plant in Cologne, Germany. The plant has about 2,000
HART-enabled instruments and about 800 HART-enabled control
valves. “We purchased new input and output modules and installed
the newest version of the Foxboro I/A software,” says Helmut
Schult, BP’s DCS site manager at the Cologne plant. “We then
installed the modules, and configured the I/A system to recognize
the modules.” There was no need to change field devices since they
were already HART-capable.

This kind of system offers full-time, real-time HART data

integration with the control system and higher-level systems. While
the several-second latencies of other approaches are usually quite
acceptable in process applications, control systems optimized for
HART Communication can reduce latency times to about 0.4 sec.
per point, depending on the network configuration.

Honeywell’s Experion PKS control system offers eight-channel

HART analog- input and analog-output modules. Both modules
scan the standard 4-20 mA analog signal and the HART digital
signal. The HART digital data is made available to the control
system over ControlNet.

“HART device information is scanned from each device and made

available for display, logic, control, or trending,” says Joe Serafin,
Experion PKS product manager for Honeywell Industry Solutions.

ABB supports the HART protocol through its Industrial IT

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controllers. “HART instruments are connected to the Industrial IT

I/O system,” explains Martina Walzer, marketing manager of
fieldbus technologies for ABB.

“HART information is then tunneled to the controller via Profibus.”

HART Communications is also available on ABB’s legacy control
systems including Advant, Symphony, and Freelance 2000..

HART devices can communicate with Siemens’ systems through its

compatible remote I/O, HART modem, HART interface, or HART
multiplexer products, and a HART I/O module is offered as part of
the APACS+ control system.

Emerson Process Management delivers its DeltaV automation

systems with HART as a standard. “We feel so strongly that HART
is a good protocol for those not considering Foundation fieldbus
that the DeltaV automation system analog I/O is only sold with
HART capability,” says Ron Eddie, vice president of technology
for Fisher- Rosemount Systems.

HART functionality is also available on Westinghouse

Ovation systems and on Provox and RS3 systems. On older
generations of Provox it is only necessary to upgrade the I/O
terminal strip and the analog I/O card. For the older
generations of RS3 systems, it is necessary only to upgrade
the I/O electronics

Clever Devices Fill If your existing DCS is not HART enabled, and if immediate plans
Gaps do not call for a new DCS or an upgrade to your DCS to make it
HART-capable, there are many other options. Signal extractors can
access portions of HART data from a device and send it to your
plant control system via 4-20 mA signals and/or discrete outputs.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 67


The 2002 HART Plant of the Year (page S-21) makes extensive use
of Moore Industries’ SPA loop monitor and alarm. Signal extractors
like the SPA extract the HART data superimposed on a 4-20 mA
signal and retransmit virtually any combination of the process
variable values, the status and diagnostic alerts, and the device
identification information contained in the HART data.

Many control systems already have the capability to communicate

via a digital fieldbus or an OPC interface. A low-cost way to
connect HART instruments and control valves to these control
systems is through a communications gateway. Multiplexers, RS-
232 interfaces, and gateways that connect HART to Ethernet,
Modbus, and Profibus are widely available.

The Viator HART PC modem from MACTek, for example,

attaches to a PC serial port and allows the PC to communicate with
HART devices. The modem is a good interface for Siemens’
Simatic PDM and other asset management software.

Pepperl+Fuchs has a choice of HART multiplexers that convert

HART data to RS-485. This serial data can be recognized by a
number of PC based software programs including AMS from
Emerson, Cornerstone from Applied Systems Technologies, and
Pepperl+Fuchs’ PACTware. A typical connection scheme
combining master and slave multiplexers (Figure 1) can connect as
many as 7,905 HART field devices to a PC.

OPC Serves It Up A more versatile and powerful method of connecting HART

instruments and control valves to existing control systems is
through the OPC-compatible HART Server Tool (Figure 2).
Inexpensive and simple to implement, all that is required is a PC,
OPC server software from the HART Communication Foundation,
and a multiplexer or serial modem.

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The PC can be anything that runs Windows 95/98/NT/2000, from a

full blown desktop machine to a rack mounted device. The PC does
not require a keyboard or a display to run the HART Server Tool
software program, so it can be very compact, industrially hardened,
and designed for low power consumption.

The HART Server Tool software communicates with the HART

devices, and converts HART data to OPC data. This OPC data can
then be communicated to any software package with OPC client

Virtually all HMI, asset management, and soft logic software has a
built-in OPC client interface, so the HART Server Tool can be used
to connect just about any application to HART field devices. The
HART server also allows several systems to access data from a
HART device at the same time, and it can even be used to transmit
data to handheld wireless devices such as PDA’s.

Whether starting small by extracting HART data on a limited basis

for a specific purpose or diving in with a fully HART-capable DCS,
using the information you already have available from your
installed base of HART field devices is a powerful, cost-effective
way to leverage your plant’s assets into the 21st Century.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 69


Put It To Work
Take Advantage of HART Communications by Connecting Instruments
to Control Systems, Laptop PCs, or Wireless Networks
You will be happy to learn that not only is instrument information
readily available; it is downright easy to get. What’s more, you
don’t have to be a programmer. We’ll walk you through the various
options available, starting with handheld terminals and working up
to the most complex networking systems.

Calibrating Field Devices Virtually everyone who owns HART instrumentation knows how to
connect a handheld terminal to calibrate or diagnose a field device.
Essentially, you find any convenient location along the 4-20 mA
signal line—between the instrument and its termination in the
control room or remote data acquisition system—and clamp on an
adapter. The adapter is able to read the analog and embedded digital
signal without affecting the signal in any way.

Many of the handheld terminals are based on Emerson Process

Management’s 275 HART device, which it supplies to many HART
vendors as a house brand. It was designed years ago, but it still
works just fine. Newer handhelds from companies such as Smar are
becoming available with Palm user interfaces. According to Jonas
Berge, manager of Smar Asia-Pacific Operations in Singapore, the
Palm-based devices have a Windows-like user interface. “This
comes in handy, as newer-generation HART devices have more
diagnostics information than ever before,” says Berge. “Some
information is better visualized graphically on a large screen than
on just a textbased screen like the older units.”

About 80% of all process controller and field instruments have a

HART interface these days, and practically every maintenance
technician, operator, instrument engineer and control engineer
knows how to use a handheld HART terminal to change the zero
and span, or check status. In probably 99% of the process
installations, this was why HART devices were bought in the first

That was most definitely true 15 years ago, when HART-based

smart instruments first appeared on the scene. Back then, being able
to work with a handheld terminal to remotely change, calibrate, and
diagnose a field instrument was all the rage. Today, engineers and
technicians still use this capability out in the field, but now they
don’t have to. Instead of getting wet or huddling in an instrument
shed, engineers and operators can interrogate and change
parameters from the comfort of the plant’s control room, using
software loaded on any Windowscompatible PC. All they have to
do is connect the PC to the HART device network, and install a
simple software package that emulates a handheld terminal.

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Siemens and Emerson Process Management both offer software

packages—Simatic PDM and AMS respectively —that run on a PC.
Both can connect directly via RS-232 to a HART multiplexer (see
below), and provide all the configuration, setup, calibration, and
diagnostic functions of handheld terminals.

At this point, Device Descriptions (DDs) enter the picture. While a

handheld terminal or PC software package has the ability to
configure any HART device, DDs make the procedure much
simpler, because they provide the necessary parameter locations.
Every vendor that makes a HART instrument also writes a DD that
can be loaded into a handheld terminal. Typically, an end user loads
handheld terminals with DDs for all the field instrumentation in the
plant so engineers and technicians can work with anything.

Owners of the 275 HART terminals often send the unit off to the
manufacturer to have the necessary DDs loaded. This is much
easier for some plants than loading DDs locally. Fortunately, the
latest handheld terminals and PC software packages are able to load
from CD-ROMs, disks, or Internet sources, simplifying the update
process. At present, there are more than 250 unique HART
instruments from 70 vendors, all with individual DDs.

Getting Connected For a simple connection, a HART modem interface from MACTek
will connect your PC’s RS-232 port to a HART field device. The
modem connects to the 4-20 mA signal line just like the handheld
communicators, and provides an RS-232 signal containing all the
digital HART information.

If more than a few HART devices are involved, then RS-485

multiplexers from companies such as Arcom, Elcon, MTL,
Pepperl+Fuchs, Stahl, or Thermo Measurement can be used (Figure
1). Up to 31 multiplexers can be connected, each with 32 loops, for
a maximum of 992 devices. Some multiplexers support a multi-tier
architecture that allows you to connect thousands of field devices
into a single virtual network. The point is, no matter how many
HART devices you want to connect—from one to thousands—the
connection to your PC is simple and straightforward. All you need
is a modem and a cable. And a server, of course.

The HART Communication Foundation (HCF) recently announced

the availability of the HART to Enterprise OPC server, or HART
Server. Load this software into your PC, hook up to HART devices
with a modem, and you gain real-time access to all the process-
related information available in HART devices. With HART Server
software and a $350 RS-232 link or a $2,000 multiplexer, you may
have all the connective functionality you’ll ever need.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 71


The HART Server is OLE for Process Control (OPC)- compliant,

so it can obtain information from HART devices and pass it along
to any OPC client applications, such as SCADA/HMI software, an
Internet web browser, an Excel spreadsheet, SQC and SPC
software, and ERP systems. For example, real-time flow transfer
data obtained from a HART device can be delivered to an Excel
spreadsheet. No special skill or customized software is needed.
Using simple drop-down screens (Figure 2), fill-in-the blanks
functions, and tag names, the HART Server can be configured to
automatically collect real-time information from any number of
HART devices and deliver it to any OPC client application. Once
configured, the HART Server starts working immediately. Users
can start gathering HART data in a matter of minutes, rather than
several hours or days.

The HART Server is a plug-and-play device; that is, once it is

connected to the HART network via a modem, it automatically
recognizes and communicates with all HART devices it can find on
the network. This includes HART devices directly connected via
RS-232 as well as devices connected through various control
networks, multiplexers, and I/O systems. Once it establishes
communication, the HART Server automatically retrieves device
information. Each OPC client that connects to the HART Server
can request information at any rate desired. The client can specify
update frequency, dead band, and so on. The HART Server will
update information as requested and send it to the client.

To see how easy it is to use, download a free evaluation version of

the HART Server. Just go to www.hartcomm. org, select the End
User Info box, then click on HART Server. From there, you can

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request a demo evaluation kit that allows you to download server

and related software modules on your PC and simulate the complete
server functionality, free of charge for 30 days. This kit includes:

HART Server software

Xmtr-mv instrument simulation software (Windows NT
GnHost diagnostic software

To use these modules, simply load the software into a Windows

NT, 98, or 2000 environment, associate and jumper the correct
COMM ports on your PC (for example, COMM 1 for the server,
COMM 2 for Xmtr-mv) and follow the instructions in the kit. You
may also use your own instruments in the simulation by connecting
a HART modem to the serial port.

Hooking Up a HART If you have more than one HART device, connecting them to your
Multiplexer control system can be done in one of two ways. The first is to run
the HART signals to a HART I/O board in your control system.

The second way to obtain HART data is to use a HART

multiplexer. This is ideal for end users with control systems that do
not yet support HART digital data for control and monitoring
purposes. Users with legacy control systems also are in this
situation. David Hohenstein, manager of the hardware marketing
group at Pepperl+Fuchs, Twinsburg, Ohio, explains that hooking up
a HART multiplexer is easy. “Just run the 4-20 mA signals from
HART field devices into a HART multiplexer,” explains
Hohenstein. “The multiplexer strips off the digital HART data, then
sends the 4-20 mA signal on its way.”

The original 4-20 mA signal is unaffected, so it can connect to a

normal analog input board at a control systemMeanwhile, the
multiplexer sends the digital HART data to the control system via a
serial link, typically RS-232 or RS-485.

The only trick to using a HART multiplexer is that it must be

compatible with the control system, says Hohenstein. “The
connection to all HART instruments is standard, but every control
system is different. You have to purchase a HART multiplexer with
an I/O interface that works with your particular control system.”
Pepperl+ Fuchs has 40 different HART multiplexers, with models
ranging from 32 to 255 channels.

Once connected to the control system, the multiplexer becomes a

passive device, serving merely as a conduit of information. When
asset management or HART Server software in the control system
wants data from a HART instrument, it sends the device a HART
command. The command signal goes to the HART multiplexer
which embeds the digital signal into the 4-20 mA loop. The

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 73


command arrives at the HART device where it is acted upon.

The HART device embeds the requested information into the 4-20
mA signal, and the multiplexer strips out the digital data and sends
it on to the control system. Issues to be considered with HART
multiplexers primarily involve speed. A multiplexer with 255
channels and a single modem operates much slower (on a
channelby- channel basis) than does a 32-channel multiplexer with
one modem. If a control system needs faster access to data, it can
use smaller, eight or 16-channel multiplexers, or you can purchase
multiplexers with multiple modems

Getting More Complex So far, we’ve only looked at HART networks that connect to a
single PC. Much more capability is available for a serious user. It’s
possible to connect your HART instruments into most major
networks, the Internet, and even into wireless systems.

Arcom, for example, sells a series of multiplexers that plug into

Modbus networks. At Shell’s Tejas Calumet gas plant in Louisiana,
data from Rosemount HART flowmeters is stored in Modbus
registers in an Arcom HtNode multiplexer, allowing any Modbus
host to access the information. A SCADA system in a PC accesses
the flow data every five minutes by interrogating the HtNode device
over Modbus.

HART multiplexers are available that support Ethernet TCP/IP

connections. Such a system could easily connect into the Internet, a
plant intranet, OPC systems, or other plant network schemes based
on Ethernet. In such a case, a PC or workstation equipped with
HART Server software can access HART instruments anywhere on
the network. With a HART Server in your PC, you can make
instrument information available to any OPC client device (Figure
3). This includes web browsers, SCADA systems, ERP systems,
and software that drives cell phones, handheld computers, personal
digital assistants (PDAs), and wireless equipment.

A control system designed and installed by SysInc

Engineering to support multiple plants, process areas, and
loading facilities makes extensive use of HART devices. A
Windows 2000 HART OPC Server at each plant is connected
directly to an Arcom 32-channel HART multiplexer via an
RS-485 serial port.

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Approximately 70 two-wire and four-wire HART devices per plant

are connected to the multiplexer. These devices include SAAB and
Krohne radar level gauges, Inor and Smar temperature transmitters,
Micro Motion mass flowmeters, and Endress+Hauser volumetric
flowmeters. Most of the HART devices are wired in a multi-drop
configuration and connected to the HART OPC Server.

Other HART devices feed into four-channel ProLinx

HART/Modbus gateways that in turn feed into the Modbus OPC
server. The OPC server provides a clean interface to custom as well
as off-the-shelf SQL and web-based applications.

Most of the devices are set up on multi-drop networks and do not

use the 4-20 mA signal available from each device. The faster
update time of a 4-20 mA signal took a back seat to the accuracy of
the HART digital signal for this application.

According to the system integrator, the client plans to take

advantage of many HART features. “Our client will use the
multivariable, status and diagnostics, and remote calibration
capabilities of the HART devices. The most critical capabilities for
this application are multivariable and device status,” says Curtis
Butt, electrical engineer, SysInc. “The long-term manageability of
the system required us to provide not only remote access to basic
variables, but also remote diagnostics and configuration.”

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 75


The client and SysInc expect to see a significant improvement in

the reliability of the data coming from the devices. “The old system
had only local displays at each instrument,” says Butt. “Operators
did not trust the system and would often revert to manual operation.
Part of this was due to devices being in remote locations, which led
to difficulties in calibration and verification of proper operation.”

Operators will now be able to remotely access devices and receive

accurate information. “The new system will provide complete
access to all devices including status, calibration, and configuration
information,” Butt concludes. “Use of the HART protocol will help
us achieve better repeatability and higher accuracy, both in the
process area and in the bulk storage/inventory area.” You may
never need such complex communication schemes, but it is
comforting to know that HART instruments fit right in.

Connecting to Controls HART devices can connect directly to control systems and devices,
allowing users to make use of instrument data for monitoring,
alarming and control purposes. Allen-Bradley, Wickliffe, Ohio,
provides a HART interface module for its PLC 5 and SLC
programmable controllers that allows a PLC to see HART data.
Installed as a remote I/O device, the module acquires data from a
HART instrument, strips out the HART signals, and puts the data
into a format that can be addressed by ladder logic programming.
Pat Moyer, product manager at A-B, explains that the system is

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supplied with preconfigured instructions that support HART

commands. “We provide several basic HART commands, but a user
is free to write additional commands in ladder logic to perform
whatever functions are needed, such as data logging, alarm
checking, or monitoring device status.” Moyer says the HART
module is a big hit among certain A-B customers. “We have users
in the food and oil and gas industries that use the module
extensively,” she says.

Yokogawa Corp. of America, Newnan, Ga., offers hardware and

software that acquire HART data and make it available to its
Centum control systems. Bruce Jensen, manager of systems
marketing, explains that a Centum can acquire data from a standard
HART multiplexer or from its own FIO 4-20 mA input modules.
“The FIO devices have a HART module that extracts the digital
HART data from the 4-20 mA signal and provides both analog and
digital data.” FIO devices are available in eight or 16-channel

Yokogawa’s Plant Resource Management software formats the

HART data and makes it available to the HMI and controls
software, where it can be monitored, trended, logged, and
displayed. Jensen says most customers use the capability to
automate instrument maintenance functions because the software
supports all the standard configuration and calibration functions
from an HMI screen. “We have several users, mostly in the
pharmaceutical industry, who are starting to take advantage of
HART data for more sophisticated purposes,” says Jensen, “but
most of our users are not familiar with all the capability available
within HART.”

Virtually all major process control companies support HART, so it

should be relatively easy to connect your control system to your
own HART devices. Dave Sheppard, vice president of I/A Systems
at Foxboro/Invensys, Foxboro, Mass., says Foxboro has supported
HART for maintenance purposes for years. “We support the
connection of HART multiplexers from several suppliers,” he
explains, “and we bring the HART data into a dedicated PC where
third-party software can obtain data for maintenance calibration and
equipment configuration functions.”

At ISA/2001 in Houston, Foxboro will unveil a new eight-channel

analog I/O board with a HART module that splits out the digital
signal and feeds it into standard equipment control block (ECB)
modules. “The HART data will be made available to Foxboro’s
HMI and process control software like any other process variable,
so it can be used for control, data logging, monitoring and so on,”
says Sheppard. “We are taking orders now for delivery in the
second quarter of 2002.” Honeywell, Phoenix, is on a similar track

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 77


“We offer standard HART multiplexers from Pepperl+Fuchs or

MTL,” says Joe Serafin, product manager for Plantscape I/O. “The
MUX connects to the serial port of a PC, which runs Cornerstone or
some other third-party HART software for maintenance and
instrument calibration.” Honeywell’s customers have been asking
for additional HART capabilities, so Honeywell has a HART I/O
card in the works, scheduled for introduction in the near future.
“The new card will strip off the HART digital data from the 4-20
mA signal and make it available to the control environment,” says

Meanwhile, if you don’t want to wait for products to become

available, you can take matters into your own hands and implement
a system using the HART Server.

Here’s a step-by-step procedure for getting started with the HART Server. This
By the Numbers
should get you up and running in a matter of just a few minutes:

1. Load and install the HART Server software on your PC. You can
download it from the Internet or load it from a CD-ROM.
2. Configure your PC’s COM port to communicate with the HART
network. You need to tell the PC port if it will be seeing RS-232, RS-
485, or RS-485 with an Ethernet adapter. The HART Server
configuration screens help you do this.
3. Configure the HART Server to set up links between the data sources
and the data users (what programs want to see what data?). Again, the
HART Server configuration screens ask the right questions.
4. Verify and test the HART Server using the GnHost diagnostic
software tool, supplied by the HART Foundation.

Most of the configuration menu screens are similar to Windows Explorer. With a
series of mouse clicks, you should be able to complete the configuration quickly.
The HART Server will automatically detect and learn the HART devices
connected to the port. At the end of the configuration process, two-way
communication between the HART Server and the HART instruments will be fully
established. The HART Server pass-through software lets OPC client applications
send HART commands to HART instruments. Therefore, any software such as
configuration or valve analysis packages that run on handheld terminals can run on
a PC equipped with HART Server.

Likewise, HMI and SCADA software can access data using standard OPC
functions. The OPC client browses the data items available from the server and
subscribes to the data items of interest. This is a standard OPC function that is
supported by all software packages that claim to be OPC clients or servers, such as
HMI/SCADA systems. When you get the HART system connected to the HART
Server, simply go to the part of your HMI or SCADA system that defines I/O
points. You will be adding the HART instruments the same way you configured
your plant when you first installed the HMI/SCADA system: that is, you’ll
probably use a menu-based configuration screen to define the path, device, tag
name, and so on, and your HMI/SCADA system will lead you through the process.

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You will also be able to define how often you want each parameter or groups of
parameters updated, or “turned on.” When a group is turned on, the HART Server
will publish the data items (i.e., update, acquire, and send the group to the client).
This allows processing packages from loop controllers to process historians to
obtain instrument information from the field as often as necessary, simply by
making the appropriate definitions in an OPC software package
Using Specialty Several HART instrument vendors have developed specialty
Devices processors and loop monitors that perform unique diagnostic and
analysis functions. In many cases, this allows you to take advantage
of the information contained in your HART instruments without
making a network connection or using PC software. In other words,
you can solve local problems without involving the plant’s main
control system.

An annoying problem in many plants involves sticking valves and

worn-out positioners. Such problems are usually difficult to detect
for most control engineers, maintenance technicians, and even the
best process control and SCADA systems. Most all these entities
are usually at a loss to explain a valve’s bad behavior when it starts
hunting, sticking, and performing poorly. The answer in most plants
is to pull the valve out of the line for maintenance.

A HART-based smart valve positioner has all the information you

need to analyze valve performance. HART data can tell how many
times the valve opens and closes, how much the stem has traveled,
if actuator pressure has changed, and a host of other variables that
are available through HART, but are never monitored in most
plants. The positioner itself can perform its own analyses. For

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 79


example, the Smar FY301 performs diagnostics, collects

operational statistics, and stores information pertinent to the
management of the valve and actuator.

But how do you get to this data, and what do you do with it? You
can install a HART loop monitor to monitor any of these variables,
and to sound an alarm if it sees a condition that could result in
dangerous process upsets. For example, excess friction in a valve
can lead to surging conditions. Loss of actuator pressure from a
clogged air filter or torn diaphragm can cause a dangerous or costly
control offset. A loop monitor can be set to alarm on any of these

Aylesford Newsprint in Aylesford, England, has many HART-

based smart valve positioners and it uses Smart Adviser from
Thermo Measurement to check for faults and problems. The module
accepts data from up to 24 valve positioners, performs a variety of
calculations to compare the requested position to the actual
position, compares it against a deadband, monitors pressure to the
pneumatic actuator, and sounds an alarm if it detects a fault. The
module can also act as a HART multiplexer; that is, it can collect
data from the valve positioners and send it to a PC via an RS-232

Control systems that are not fitted with a HART modem and HART
Server cannot obtain any data other than the 4-20 mA signal from
HART instruments. Here, loop monitors can serve as an
intermediary. For example, Moore Industries’ SPA monitor can
read all the data from a HART device, extract digital data, and
produce additional signals (Figure 4). It provides up to four
independent relay outputs that can be used as alarms when process
conditions fall outside of user-selected high or low limits. It can
also pick off any of the four dynamic (analog) variables from the
HART data and transmit it to the control system as a 4-20 mA
signal. For example, it could take the density value from a Coriolis
flowmeter, the stem position for a valve, or it can calculate an
analog variable as a function of two or more other variables.

Rosemount’s Tri-Loop monitor, for example, can extract the

remaining three process measurements and create three additional
4-20 mA analog signals from a single HART message. The HART
4-20 mA signal goes to a control system flanked by three additional
4-20 mA signals. This makes it possible to extract gross flow, net
flow, mass flow, and process temperature from a Brooks
Instruments TRi-20 flowmeter; or valve position, actuator pressure,
controller process variable, and controller setpoint from Fisher,
Masoneilan, Neles, Samson, Flowserve, and other valve actuators.

Multivariable devices such as these are becoming available to solve

specific problems and help maintenance and operations engineers
obtain the most information possible from their HART devices.

Page 80 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


The best part is that all this diagnostic, status, and operations
information has been available all this time, so it requires no
additional investment by end users. All they have to do is go get it
with handheld devices, multivariable loop monitors, or PCs and
HART Servers.

Although HART has been available for 15 years, like Ethernet it is showing no
HART Marches On
signs of getting old. The current version is HART 5, but HART 6 has recently been
approved by the foundation’s members.

“HART 6 is an augmentation of the existing standard that allows the installed base
to continue while incorporating new features,” says Ben Cianfrone, engineering
development manager, Fluke Corp., Everett, Wash. “We will be able to use this for
at least 10 or 15 more years, or even longer.”

The upgrade was necessary because HART instruments are getting smarter all the
time, incorporating more self-diagnostics, saving more operational history data,
and reporting on the quality of the data they obtain. Someday, HART devices may
even have other HART devices embedded within, such as flow computers and
multi-channel temperature monitors. HART 6 makes all this possible, without
making any previous HART instruments obsolete.

Some of the new functions include Extended Device Status, which alerts users to
situations such as, “device needs maintenance;” Device Variable Status, which
allows field devices to self-validate and provide quality indicators on process data
(good, poor, bad, fixed); Long Tags, which allows international characters and
longer tag names; Configuration Change Counter, which determines if a field
device configuration has been changed; and Block Data Transfer, which moves
large blocks of data between masters and field devices. The new spec should be
available for all to review at the ISA Show in September.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 81


HART Plant of the Year

For its recognized success with HART-enabled instrumentation, as
well as its commitment to future system enhancements using HART
technology, the DuPont chloride- processing facility in DeLisle,
Miss., has been selected the 2002 HART Plant of the Year.

The HART Communication Foundation asked CONTROL readers

and its members to tell us about plants that are leading the way in
using the power of HART technology. Many worthy nominations
were received. A panel of Foundation officials and CONTROL
editors reviewed the submissions, interviewed the candidates, and
selected the HART Plant of the Year.

Three main factors led the judges to select this DuPont application
as this year’s winner. First, the plant uses the power of HART even
though it does not have a HART-enabled control system. Second,
HART Communication is used full-time in daily operations.
Finally, the plant is migrating to using HART information for
additional cost-effective solutions that deliver significant benefits to
the enterprise today and into the future.

The DeLisle plant produces DuPont’s proprietary R-104 Ti-Pure

titanium dioxide (TiO2). TiO2 is a white pigment used in paint,
plastics, and products where color retention is desired. TiO2 absorbs
ultra-violet light energy and it also possesses light-scattering
properties that enhance whiteness, brightness, and opacity.

TiO2 production requires a sophisticated manufacturing process that

includes chemical reduction, purification, precipitation, washing,
and calcination of titanium, iron, and other metal sulfates. “DuPont
determined that the best way to control and monitor these processes
was with HART-enabled instrumentation,” says Joe Moffet, project
manager with DuPont. “Virtually all of the plant instrumentation is
HART enabled, and this includes instruments used to monitor and
control temperature, pressure, level, and flow.”

The DeLisle plant control and instrumentation system uses the

HART communications protocol in a variety of ways. HART data
is used as an input to the safety interlock system and as an input to
the control system. Like most other users, DeLisle personnel use
handheld HART communicators for configuration, calibration, and
troubleshooting. And as we’ll see, future plans call for HART data
as a key input to an asset management system.

Normal plant operations are controlled by a Honeywell TDC-3000

distributed control system (DCS), and the DCS is also used with a
hard-wired relay system to control safety shutdown systems.
Although future generations of Honeywell DCSs will be able to
directly receive and transmit HART data, the present DCS does not
have HART communications capability.

Page 82 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


DuPont needed to add intermediate instrumentation to extract

relevant data from the plant’s HART instruments, and Moore
Industries’ SPA HART loop monitor and alarm is used for this

One of the main reasons DuPont selected the SPA instrument is that
Moore Industries submitted the SPA to an independent third party
for failure modes, effects, and diagnostic analysis (FMEDA).
“FMEDA is a detailed circuit and performance evaluation that
estimates the failure rates, failure modes, and diagnostic capabilities
of a device,” explains Bud Adler, director of business development
with Moore Industries. “Using the reliability data from the SPA’s
FMEDA report, DuPont is able to verify that required safety
integrity levels (SILs) are attained.”

HART Increases TiO2 production involves many critical and potentially hazardous
Uptime processes, so reliable operation of the safety shutdown systems is of
paramount concern. DuPont uses HART to provide key safety
interlock inputs to the DCS and to the hard-wired relay system.

The safety interlock system has a number of on/off control valves,

each equipped with a HART-enabled valve stem positioner. Each
control valve is connected to the DCS via a 4-20 mA signal sent
from the DCS to control the valve position. HART data is

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 83


superimposed on the 4-20 mA connection, and the SPA loop

monitor and alarm extracts the valve-stem position from the HART
data. The SPA then sends the actual valve-stem position data to the
DCS via an additional 4-20 mA connection.

The DCS compares the valve control output signal to the HART
valve-stem position data to ensure proper positioning. This data is
used to verify correct functioning of the valve in normal operations,
and to test the valve when DuPont performs periodically required
plant shutdowns to verify operation of the safety shutdown system.

The HART data allows DuPont to test valve safety interlock

operation from the control room. Control room operators place the
appropriate DCS output in manual mode and adjust the 4-20 mA
control valve output signal to open and close the valve. The SPA
sends a 4-20 mA signal derived from the HART data back to the
DCS to verify valve position.

Consider the alternative: If the valvestem position data was not

available at the DCS through HART and the SPA, DuPont would
have to station an instrument technician at each valve to observe
valve operation. The technician would have to observe valve travel,
and communicate this information to control room personnel.
“There are over 100 control valves equipped with Moore SPA loop
monitors, so valve safety interlock testing would be a labor-
intensive and cumbersome operation without HART
Communication,” observes Moffet

Online Tests Reduce DuPont has plans to take valve testing to another level—a level that
Outages will reduce the number and lengths of outages required for safety
interlock testing. Certain valve testing requirements for safety
interlock systems can be met with partial valve-stroke testing of
emergency shutdown valves during normal operations. Performing
those tests during normal operations means fewer shutdowns are
required, and the required tests take less time so the shutdowns can
be shorter.

Partial valve-stroke testing during normal operations is a procedure,

either manual or automated, used to stroke a valve over a small
percentage of the valve’s total travel range. For example, a safety
interlock valve might be fully closed during normal operations.
Partial valve-stroke testing could be used to move the valve to a
slightly open position. This would verify valve operation without

Page 84 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


affecting normal operations.

The present system could be used to undertake manual partial

valve-stroke testing, or an upgraded system could be used to
implement automated partial valve-stroke testing.

“We are currently evaluating device management system that would

be able to directly accept data from all of our HART instruments,”
Moffet says, “and the system could be used to implement
automated partial valve-stroke testing.” Other plans call for using
additional SPA capabilities to monitor the diagnostic status of the
valve-stem positioners, to provide alarm on low valve-operating air
pressure, and to provide relay contacts for open and closed valve
position. For more critical applications, one-out of- two (1oo2) and
two-out-of-three (2oo3) configurations can be used to increase
availability and reliability.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 85


Get Started
The preceding articles have shown how HART is much more than
just a way to calibrate flowmeters. It provides an enormous amount
of plant-floor information not obtainable through any other means,
and you don’t need a complicated fieldbus system to get to that
data. In fact, since most of your instruments, valves, and controllers
already have a HART interface, obtaining real-time process
information is not only easy, it is very inexpensive. All you need to
do is learn how to use it.

When it comes to calibration and diagnostics with handheld

terminals, HART technology is so easy to learn that vendors often
teach their customers over the telephone. Bud Adler, director of
professional development at Moore Industries, North Hills, Calif.,
says he often walks people through a quick course. “It is fairly easy
to lead someone through a procedure over the phone,” says Adler.
“The technology is simple and the procedures are straightforward.
We do it all the time.”

Jon Tandy, sales engineer at Arcom Control Systems, Kansas City,

Mo., agrees. “I’m the one who usually deals with HART customers
from sales through tech support, and I generally educate them over
the phone,” he explains. “Often, they have some basic
understanding of HART already.”

When you need to go beyond handheld terminals, it gets a bit more

difficult. Moore Industries’ Adler travels around the country giving
HART seminars at trade shows and “Lunch-and-Learn” sessions,
where employees from a chemical or process plant get a sandwich
and a seminar on HART. “We get everyone from instrument
engineers to maintenance technicians,” says Adler, “and most are
amazed to find out what the instruments already installed in their
plant are capable of providing.”

Some companies conduct on-site training during installation.

Thermo Measurement’s signal conditioning product manager, for
example, trained people at Aylesford Newsprint on-site.

All this vendor activity is useful and helpful, but what the industry
really needs is a better and more consistent way to teach end users
about HART.

Page 86 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Regarding Users in a The HART Communication Foundation (HCF) has been strictly a
New Light vendor group since its founding in 1993. During that time, HCF left
all the end user promotion to the marketplace while it concentrated
on helping the vendors design and develop new instruments,
software, interfaces, calibrators, and similar devices. All of HCF’s
educational efforts and training classes have been designed for
vendors, and all of its efforts toward standardization have been
aimed at solidifying and enhancing HART products.

It’s accomplished that, in spades. Today, HCF has more than 130
vendor members all over the world that offer a large number and
variety of HART-compliant products (Figure 1). Virtually every
process instrument built today has a HART interface. In spite of all
the publicity garnered by the various fieldbuses, the fact remains
that HART has the largest installed base in the industry, and it is
growing every day. This is in part because many fieldbus-
compatible instruments and devices also have a HART interface.
Fieldbus users may discover they actually have two plant networks
built into their devices: fieldbus and HART.

The HCF realizes its future lies in educating, enlightening, and

engaging users, so it has launched an End User Program. This
program will teach users about the benefits of HART, establish a
training curriculum, bring end users into the HCF, and involve them
in the HART interface for everyone’s benefit.

Educational Support Learning more about networking and HART Servers is a little bit
beyond a five-minute phone call from the rep. You need training
and non-vendor technical literature. HCF understands. Here’s what
they have in store for you:

The Complete HART Guide on CD-ROM: This is an excellent

way to learn how HART works, in a format that is easy to pass on
to fellow workers and bosses. The CD-ROM was recently
completely revised to include new topics such as HART 6, asset
management, and the HART Server. The new CD-ROM is

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 87


available for free from HCF, and you should be able to get a copy at
the HART Foundation booth at the ISA or Interkama shows this
year. To obtain a free copy via the Internet, go to the HCF web site
(see next bullet). You can also call the HCF office in Austin, Texas.

Web site: The HCF web site at www.hartcomm.org has been

completely updated to include a new end user focus on applications,
education, downloads, Q/A forums, and a newsletter. An end user
can pick up a large amount of technical, product, and application
information by simply browsing through the web site and following
the links. End user training: The HCF plans to offer a
comprehensive two-day HART technology education class, starting
in 2002. Two pilot classes will be held in 2001. The classes will be
taught by HCF staff and will cover the technology, using DDs,
applications, device configurations, communications, and using the
HART Server.

To find out more about specific dates and times, contact HCF or
visit the web site.

After HCF runs the pilot classes, it plans to finalize the training
materials so that users will be able to conduct classes themselves.
This will put training out in the field, closer to end users.

Coming on Board The HCF also realizes that end users will determine the future of
HART. Already, many experienced users are asking for additional
capability and functions. Although HART has been available for 10
years for field communications, it is just now entering the early
adopter step in its lifecycle as a networking system. At this point in
HART development, user input is critical.

The HART Foundation is considering forming an end user core

group to provide it with input on key issues such as HCF activities,
technology issues, applications, product needs, and other ideas. If
you are interested in participating, contact HCF.

While fieldbus efforts are struggling to deal with a large number of

unrelated and incompatible networks, HART offers an excellent
alternative. The HCF and its vendor members have built a
technology that works, but end users are needed now to make sure
that HART continues to meet all the information and network needs
of the process industry.

Page 88 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Industry Applications
Many companies in a wide variety of industries have already realized the
advantages of using the HART communication protocol. This section
describes some applications in detail and outlines the tangible benefits that
result. The applications have been grouped into the following sections:
T Inventory-management applications
T Cost-saving applications
T Remote-operation applications
T Open-architecture applications

Page 89 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Inventory-Management Applications
Accurate measurements for inventory management are essential in all
industries. The HART communication protocol enables companies to make
sure inventory management is as efficient, accurate, and low cost as

HART MULTIDROP Tank level and inventory management is an ideal application for a HART
NETWORK FOR multidrop network (Figure 19). The HART network digital update rate of
two PVs per second is sufficient for many tank-level applications. A
TANK LEVEL AND multidrop network provides significant installation savings by reducing the
INVENTORY amount of wiring from the field to the control room as well as the number
MANAGEMENT of I/O channels required. In addition, many inexpensive
process-monitoring applications are commercially available to further cut



HART Field

Figure 19: Inventory Management with Multidrop

One company uses a HART multiplexer to digitally scan field devices for
level-measurement and status information. The information is forwarded to
the host application using the Modbus communication standard.
Multivariable instruments further reduce costs by providing multiple
process measurements, such as level and temperature, which reduces the
wiring and number of process penetrations required.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 90


Inventory-Management Applications
MULTIDROP FOR In one tank farm application, 84 settlement tanks and filter beds on a very
TANK FARM large site (over 300,000 m2) are monitored using HART multidrop
networks and HART RTUs (see SCADA/RTU Systems on page 25). The
MONITORING HART architecture required just eight cable runs for 84 tanks, with 10–11
devices per run (Figure 20). Over 70 individual runs of over 500 m each
were eliminated. Cable savings were estimated at over $40,000 when
compared to a conventional installation. RTU I/O was also reduced, which
resulted in additional hardware and installation savings. The total installed
cost was approximately 50% of a traditional 4–20 mA installation.

HART Multiplexer Control Room

Storage Tanks

Figure 20: Tank Farm Monitoring with Multidrop

Page 91 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Inventory-Management Applications
UNDERGROUND Underground salt caverns are frequently used for crude oil storage. One
PETROLEUM customer pumps oil from barges into the storage caverns. An ultrasonic
flowmeter records the total flow. To get the oil out of the caverns, a brine
STORAGE WITH solution is pumped into the cavern through a magnetic flowmeter. Brine
HART and crude oil flowing in both directions are measured and reported to the
COMMUNICATION DCS using the HART communication protocol for accuracy. The DCS
tracks flow rate and total quantity to maintain a certain pressure inside the
caverns (Figure 21).

HART Transmitter

HART Transmitter

Oil Caverns Field Instruments

Note: Digital accuracy for flow accuracy and flow totals

Figure 21: Underground Petroleum Storage

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 92


Cost-Saving Applications
Use HART multidrop networking to reduce
installation and maintenance costs.

WASTEWATER A Texas wastewater treatment plant replaced stand-alone flowmeters and

TREATMENT PLANT chart recorder outstations that required daily visits for totalization with a
HART system. HART-based magnetic flowmeters were multidropped into
UPGRADE HART RTUs to create a cost-effective SCADA network. The use of HART
technology reduced system and cable costs, enhanced measurement
accuracy, and eliminated time-consuming analog calibration procedures.
A system of 11 HART multidrop networks was used to connect 45
magnetic flowmeters from different plant areas. Each flowmeter
communicated flow rate and a totalized value over the HART network.
Multidrop networks eliminated the need for additional hardware and PLC
programming while providing a more accurate totalized value. Complex
and costly system integration issues were also avoided—for example, there
was no need for synchronization of totals between the host and field PLCs.
Multidrop networking further reduced the installation cost by reducing the
required number of input cards from the traditional 45 (for point-to-point
installations) to 11. Maintenance was simplified because of access to
instrument diagnostic and status data.

Page 93 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Cost-Saving Applications
APPLIANCE A consumer appliance manufacturer used the networking capability of the
MANUFACTURING HART protocol to measure level, flow, and pressure. HART multidrop
provided substantial wiring and installation savings as well as digital
WITH MULTIDROP accuracy with the elimination of the analog to digital (A/D) and digital to
analog (D/A) conversions of the instrument and PLC I/O. Figure 22 shows
pressure transmitters connected to a PLC via smart transmitter interface




Smart Transmitter Terminal

Interface Block Module

Figure 22: Multidrop Network Example

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 94


Cost-Saving Applications
REMOTE The benefits of remote monitoring and rezeroing of smart transmitters
REZEROING IN A using the HART protocol are dramatically illustrated in this example of two
smart transmitters that control the fluid level in lauter tubs in a brewhouse
BREWERY application. Similar benefits would be realized in any application involving
a closed vessel.
Two smart transmitters are installed on each lauter tub—one on the bottom
of the tank and the other about nine inches from the bottom. The bottom
transmitter is ranged ±40 inH2O; the upper transmitter is ranged
0–30 inH2O. As the lauter tub is filled, the bottom transmitter senses level
based on pressure. When the level reaches the upper transmitter, that point
is marked as the new zero-level point, and the upper transmitter becomes
the primary sensing instrument for the lauter-tub level. The nine-inch
zero-level offset from the bottom of the tank is necessary to accommodate
loose grain that settles in the bottom of the tank.
Transmitters that are coordinated and working together control fluid level
in each lauter tub to within a few barrels. However, the upper transmitter
requires periodic maintenance or replacement and rezeroing. An undetected
false upper-transmitter level reading can cause a tank level error of up to
40 gallons.
The usual procedure for transmitter rezeroing takes about 95 minutes and
has been required as frequently as twice a day. Rezeroing a transmitter
using configuration software and PLC interface modules eliminates the
need to locate and identify the problem at the site as well as the need for
verification by control-room personnel and greatly reduces the chance for
inadvertent errors. Estimated total time to rezero each transmitter is
reduced to 15 minutes.
Through the configuration software’s instrument-status and diagnostic
capabilities, a false level indication can be automatically detected while a
lauter tub fill is in progress. The affected transmitter can then be
automatically rezeroed by programming logic in the programmable
controller to issue the appropriate command to the instrument.

Page 95 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Cost-Saving Applications
WATER TREATMENT HART transmitters and a control system with HART capability were
FACILITY UPGRADE chosen to upgrade a water treatment facility. The completed installation
reduced capital, engineering, and installation costs. The process dynamics
of the water treatment facility allowed the HART instruments to be used in
all-digital mode without compromising plant performance.
The water treatment plant is divided into two areas, each with 14 filters.
Each area is controlled by a separate control system for complete
autonomy. A HART network monitors each filter for filter level, filter bed
differential, and filter outlet flow. The multidrop installation used a
three-wire system in order to accommodate both the two-wire and the
four-wire devices (magnetic flowmeters) in use (Figure 23)
(see Multidrop on page 6).

4 mA Pressure

12 mA Main

4 mA

Figure 23: Multidrop Networks with 2-Wire and 4-Wire Devices

Because the water treatment facility had a modular design, the use of
HART instruments allowed the configuration from the one filter network to
be copied to the others, which reduced the implementation time.
Engineering, system configuration, drafting, commissioning, maintenance,
and documentation were simplified. A reduced I/O card count also saved

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 96


Cost-Saving Applications
IMPROVED A cleaning materials supplier required periodic checkup of the instrument
DIAGNOSTICS condition and configuration information as compared to the initial
installation. The field transmitters provided a historical record of status
changes along with current configuration information. Periodic download
of this information was made possible using PLC ladder logic developed
for HART instruments.

Page 97 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Remote-Operation Applications
UNMANNED Choosing the HART communication protocol for all-digital communication
OFFSHORE GAS in a wide-area network enabled one company to have real-time monitoring
and control, access to diagnostics, and maintenance capabilities—all from a
PRODUCTION WITH remote location.
Over half of the 500 transmitters on 15 platforms could be multidropped
with update rates of three seconds (six devices), which resulted in
substantial savings in wiring, I/O, and installation. The remaining devices
(flowmeters) required a faster response and were wired point to point using
digital HART communications to transmit the process data. The flowmeters
used the optional burst mode, which provided an update rate of 3.7 times
per second. All-digital communications provided maximum accuracy and
eliminated potential errors from input scaling, conversion, and drift (see
Multidrop on page 6).
Radio Antennae

Primary Standby RTU


Modbus Link




Figure 24: RTU Application

Each platform’s RTU provided a link to approximately 50 temperature,
pressure, and flow transmitters (Figure 24). The RTU used the multimaster
capability of the HART protocol to enable the second RTU to act as a hot
standby, which monitored activity and was able to take over if a failure
occurred. The RTUs provided links with the emergency and safety systems
and a local interface for maintenance personnel. The Modbus protocol was
used for communication to the central SCADA system.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 98


Remote-Operation Applications
VENEZUELA In a Venezuela gas-lift project, HART multidrop technology was used for
GAS-LIFT PROJECT remote operation of offshore gas-lift production wells at considerable
savings (Figure 25):
T 30% decrease in installation costs
T 16:1 reduction of input modules
T Reduced cost of I/O cards in the RTU
T Remote reranging
T Remote access to the transmitter status for improved process uptime

Radio Antennae Microwave Towers

Electric Valve HART Transmitters

Figure 25: Offshore Gas-Lift Project

Page 99 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Open-Architecture Applications
OIL REFINERY The best way to judge the openness of a communication protocol is by the
EXPANSION number of products supported. By this standard, the HART protocol is
perhaps the most open of any field-communication protocol available
In a major refinery expansion, an oil company weighed the advantages of
using either a proprietary system or a HART-based system. The results
indicated that the company could use HART digital instruments in 92% of
their applications, compared to only 33% with the proprietary system.
Choosing HART products resulted in an incremental $23,000 in savings
due to commissioning efficiencies and ongoing maintenance and diagnostic
The oil company used a traditional control system with analog I/O and
supplemented the control capability with an online maintenance and
monitoring system. All of the HART field devices were monitored from a
central location (Figure 26).

Ethernet Link Maintenance

Control Station




Transmitter Control Valve

Figure 26: Online Implementation

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 100


Open-Architecture Applications
HART WITHIN A HART field devices can be seamlessly integrated with PROFIBUS DP
PROFIBUS networks using the HART/DP Link, which enables the connection of four
HART devices and facilitates the passthrough of HART commands to host
NETWORK applications on the DP network (Figure 27). The HART/DP Link supports
IS installations.

PCs with HART Applications



Remote I/O DP/PA



Figure 27: HART Within a PROFIBUS Network

Page 101 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Open-Architecture Applications
HART/DDE Cost-effective level- and temperature-monitoring systems can be designed
SERVER using HART multidrop networks and commercially available HART/DDE
interface software. HART/DDE interface software allows any compliant
application (e.g., spreadsheet) to directly read the process data and status
information available in HART field devices. A HART interface module
connected to the PC’s serial port is needed for this HART monitoring
application (Figure 28).

Data Logging


Power Supply


Figure 28: Multidrop Network

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 102


Where To Get More Information

WHAT To serve the growing interest in HART-related products, the HCF publishes
INFORMATION IS a library of additional documents, articles, and overviews. The following
information is currently available:
AVAILABLE? T HART specifications
T Technical overview
T Application notes
T Technical assistance
T Training classes


INFORMATION HART Communication Foundation
9390 Research Blvd, Suite I-350
Austin, TX 78759 USA

By Phone
Call 512-794-0369.

By Fax
Send correspondence to 512-794-3904.

By E-mail
Send correspondence to <[email protected]>.

Visit the HCF website at <http://www.hartcomm.org>.

Page 103 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Appendix A: HART Checklist

Model number/name:
Revision or version:
Product application (configurator, DCS,
RTU, etc.):

Function Commands/Notes Support Provided

How many HART I/O channels per card?

Can the system power the devices with an
❐ Yes ❐ No
internal power supply?
Which HART revisions are supported? ❐ Rev 3 ❐ Rev 4 ❐ Rev 5
Is burst mode supported on all channels? ❐ Yes ❐ No
Is multidrop networking supported on all
channels? ❐ Yes ❐ No
If yes, how many devices can be placed # of devices: _____________
on a single network?
❐ Hard coded
❐ HART DDL binary files
❐ HART DDL source files
How are device-specific functions and
❐ Application resource files
features supported?
❐ Other: ________________
❐ Device-specific features are not
Indicate the parameters that are accessed
in ANY HART device.

Manufacturer’s identification 0 ❐ Read ❐ Display text ❐ Display code

Device identification (device type code) 0 ❐ Read ❐ Display text ❐ Display code
Device identification (unique ID) 0 ❐ Read ❐ Display text
Device serial number 0 ❐ Read ❐ Display text
Revision levels 0 ❐ Read ❐ Display text
TAG 13, 18 ❐ Read ❐ Write
DESCRIPTOR 13, 18 ❐ Read ❐ Write
MESSAGE 12, 17 ❐ Read ❐ Write
DATE 13, 18 ❐ Read ❐ Write
Upper-range value 15, 35 ❐ Read ❐ Write

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 104


Appendix A: HART Checklist

Model number/name:
Revision or version:
Lower-range value 15, 35 ❐ Read ❐ Write
Sensor limits 14 ❐ Read
Alarm selection 15 ❐ Read
Write-protect status 15 ❐ Read
Analog reading 1, 2, 3 ❐ Read
Primary variable 1, 3 ❐ Read
Secondary variable 3 ❐ Read
Tertiary variable 3 ❐ Read
Fourth variable 3 ❐ Read
Change engineering units 44 ❐ Read ❐ Write
Damping value 15, 34 ❐ Read ❐ Write
Read device variables
33 ❐ Read
How many? (up to 250)
Materials of construction Device specific ❐ Read ❐ Write
HART status information (change flag,
Standard status bits ❐ Read ❐ Display text ❐ Display code
malfunction, etc.)
Device-specific status information 48 ❐ Read ❐ Display text ❐ Display code
Use of status bits in control logic? Std & 48 ❐ Yes ❐ No
Use of status bits in alarm handling? Std & 48 ❐ Yes ❐ No
Setpoint (PID and output devices)
Device specific ❐ Read ❐ Write
Which devices?
Support of device-specific commands/
(a) for your own company’s field devices ❐ Yes ❐ No
(b) for other vendors’ field devices ❐ Yes ❐ No
Rezero 43 ❐ Yes ❐ No
Loop test (fix the analog current at
40 ❐ Yes ❐ No
specified value)
Support calibration procedures?
Which products?
❐ Yes ❐ No

Calibrate the D/A converter 45, 46 ❐ Yes ❐ No

Page 105 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Appendix A: HART Checklist

Model number/name:
Revision or version:
Initiate device test 41 ❐ Yes ❐ No
Clears configuration flag? 38 ❐ Yes ❐ No
Read/Write dynamic variable
50, 51 ❐ Yes ❐ No
Support for devices with multiple analog
60–70 ❐ Yes ❐ No
Set polling address 6 ❐ Yes ❐ No
Text messages provided on command
All ❐ Yes ❐ No
error responses
OPC Client ❐ Yes ❐ No
OPC Server ❐ Yes ❐ No

HART Command Passthrough

Some systems have the ability to act as a conduit or router between a software application running on a
separate platform and a HART field device. In effect, this ability gives the end user the functionality provided both
by the system and by the application.
Is passthrough supported? ❐ Yes ❐ No
If this is a system, what applications are
available with passthrough?

If this is a software application, what

systems are available using passthrough?

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 106


Appendix B: HART Revision 5


Command Data in Command Data in Reply

# Function Byte Data Type Byte Data Type

0 "254" (expansion)
1 Manufacturer identification code
2 Manufacturer device type code
3 Number of preambles required
4 Universal command revision
0 Read unique identifier None
5 Device-specific command revision
6 Software revision
7 Hardware revision
8 Device function flags* (H)
9–11 Device ID number (B)

* Bit 0 = multisensor device; Bit 1 = EEPROM control required;

Bit 2 = protocol bridge device

0 PV units code
1 Read primary variable None
1–4 Primary variable (F)

2 Read current and percent of 0–3 Current (mA) (F)

range 4–7 Percent of range (F)

0–3 Current (mA) (F)

4 PV units code
5–8 Primary variable (F)
9 SV units code
3 Read current and four
None 10–13 Secondary variable (F)
(predefined) dynamic variables
14 TV units code
15–18 Third variable (F)
19 FV units code
20–23 Fourth variable (F)

(truncated after last supported variable)

6 Write polling address Polling address As in command

11 Read unique identifier

0–5 Tag (A) 0–11 As Command 0
associated with tag

12 Read message None 0–23 Message (32 characters) (A)

0–5 Tag (8 characters) (A)

13 Read tag, descriptor, date None 6–17 Descriptor (16 characters) (A)
18–20 Date (D)

0–2 Sensor serial number

3 Units code for sensor limits and
minimum span
14 Read PV sensor information None
4–7 Upper sensor limit (F)
8–11 Lower sensor limit (F)
12–15 Minimum span (F)

Page 107 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Appendix B: HART Revision 5

Command Data in Command Data in Reply

# Function Byte Data Type Byte Data Type

0 Alarm select code

1 Transfer function code
2 PV/range units code
3–6 Upper-range value
15 Read output information None
7–10 Lower-range value
11–14 Damping value (seconds) (F)
15 Write-protect code (F)
16 Private-label distributor code (F)

16 Read final assembly number None 0–2 Final assembly number

0–23 Message (32

17 Write message (A) As in command

0–5 Tag (A)

(8 characters)
18 Write tag, descriptor, date 6–17 Descriptor (A) As in command
(16 characters)
18–20 Date (D)

0–2 Final assembly

19 Write final assembly number As in command

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 108


Appendix C: HART Revisions 2, 3, and 4


Command Data in Command Data in Reply

# Function Byte Data Type Byte Data Type

0 Transmitter type code*

1 Number of preambles
2 Universal command revision
3 Device-specific command
0 Read unique identifier None revision
4 Software revision
5 Hardware revision
6 Device function flags (H)
7–9 Final assembly number (B)

* Revision 4 introduced the expanded device type as an option (see

Rev. 5, Table 4-4), with the remaining bytes moved up by two

4 Read common static data 0 Block number ("0")

0 Block number ("0") (A)
(block 0): Read message 1–24 Message

0 Block number ("1")

4 Read common static data 1–6 Tag
(block 1): Read tag, 0 Block number ("1") 7–18 Descriptor (A)
descriptor, date 19–21 Date (A)
22–24 "250" (D)

0 Block number ("2")

1–3 Sensor serial number
4 Units code for sensor limits and
4 Read common static data
minimum span
(block 2): Read sensor 0 Block number ("2")
5–8 Upper-sensor limit
9–12 Lower-sensor limit (F)
13–16 Minimum span (F)
17–24 "250" (F)

0 Block number ("3")

1 Alarm select code
2 Transfer function code
3 PV/range units code
4 Read common static data 4–7 Upper-range value
(block 3): Read output 0 Block number ("3") 8–11 Lower-range value
information 12–15 Damping value (seconds) (F)
16 Write-protect code ("1" = (F)
17 Private-label distributor code** (F)
18–24 "250"

* “250” or “251” in Revisions 2 and 3

** "250" in Revisions 2 and 3

5 Write common static data 0 Block number ("0")

As in command
(block 0): Write message 1–24 Message (A)

Page 109 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Appendix C: HART Revisions 2, 3, and 4

Command Data In Command Data in Reply

# Function Byte Data Type Byte Data Type

0 Block number ("1")

5 Write common static data 1–6 Tag
(block 1): Write tag, 7–18 Descriptor (A) As in command
descriptor, date 19–21 Date (A)
22–24 "250" (D)

0 Block number ("4")

5 Write common static data
1–3 Final assembly
(block 4): Write final As in command
assembly number
4–24 "250"

11–19 These commands did not exist before Revision 5.0.

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 110


Appendix D: Common Practice Commands


Command Data In Command Data in Reply

# Function Byte Data Type Byte Data Type

0 Transmitter variable code for slot 0

1 Units code for slot 0
0 Transmitter variable code for 2–5 Variable for slot 0 (F)
slot 0 6 Transmitter variable code for slot 1
1 Transmitter variable code for 7 Units code for slot 1
slot 1 8–11 Variable for slot 1 (F)
33 Read transmitter variables
2 Transmitter variable code for 12 Transmitter variable code for slot 2
slot 2 13 Units code for slot 2
3 Transmitter variable code for 14–17 Variable for slot 2 (F)
slot 3 18 Transmitter variable code for slot 3
19 Units code for slot 3
20–23 Variable for slot 3 (F)

(truncated after last requested code) (truncated after last requested variable)

0–3 Damping value

34 Write damping value (F) As in command

0 Range units code

35 Write range values 1–4 Upper-range value (F) As in command
5–8 Lower-range value (F)

36 Set upper-range value

None None
(= push SPAN button)

37 Set lower-range value

None None
(= push ZERO button)

38 Reset "configuration
None None
changed" flag

39 EEPROM control 0 EEPROM control code* As in command

*0 = burn EEPROM; 1 = copy EEPROM to RAM

40 Enter/exit fixed current

0–3 Current (mA)* (F) As in command

*0 = exit fixed current mode

41 Perform device self-test None None

42 Perform master reset None None

43 Set (trim) PV zero None None

44 Write PV units 0 PV units code As in command

44 Write PV units 0 PV units code As in command

45 Trim DAC zero 0–3 Measured current (mA) (F) As in command

Page 111 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Appendix D: Common Practice Commands

Command Data in Command Data in Reply

# Function Byte Data Type Byte Data Type

46 Trim DAC gain 0–3 Measured current (mA) (F) As in command

47 Write transfer function 0 Transfer function code As in command

0–5 Device-specific status (B)

6–7 Operational modes
48 Read additional device
None 8–10 Analog outputs saturated* (B)
11–13 Analog outputs fixed* (B)
14–24 Device-specific status (B)

*24 bits each: LSB ... MSB refers to AO #1 ... #24.

49 Write PV sensor serial

0–2 Sensor serial number As in command

0 PV transmitter variable code

50 Read dynamic variable 1 SV transmitter variable code
assignments 2 TV transmitter variable code
3 FV transmitter variable code

0 PV transmitter variable
1 SV transmitter variable
51 Write dynamic variable code
As in command
assignments 2 TV transmitter variable
3 FV transmitter variable

52 Set transmitter variable 0 Transmitter variable

As in command
zero code

0 Transmitter variable
53 Write transmitter variable code
As in command
units 1 Transmitter variable units

0 Transmitter variable code

1–3 Transmitter variable sensor serial
4 Transmitter variable limits units
54 Read transmitter variable 0 Transmitter variable code
information code 5–8 Transmitter variable upper limit (F)
9–12 Transmitter variable lower limit (F)
13–16 Transmitter variable damping value (F)
17–20 Transmitter variable minimum span (F)

0 Transmitter variable
55 Write transmitter variable
1–4 Transmitter variable (F) As in command
damping value
damping value

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 112


Appendix D: Common Practice Commands

Command Data in Command Data in Reply

# Function Byte Data Type Byte Data Type

0 Transmitter variable
56 Write transmitter variable code
As in command
sensor serial number 1–3 Transmitter variable
sensor serial number

0–5 Unit tag (8 characters) (A)

57 Read unit tag, descriptor,
None 6–17 Unit descriptor (16 characters) (A)
18–20 Unit date (D)

0–5 Unit tag (8 characters) (A)

58 Write unit tag, descriptor, 6–17 Unit descriptor (A)
As in command
date (16 characters)
18–20 Unit date (D)

59 Write number of response 0 Number of response

As in command
preambles preambles

0 Analog output number code

60 Read analog output and 0 Analog output number 1 Analog output units code
percent of range code 2–5 Analog output level (F)
6–9 Analog output percent of range (F)

0 PV analog output units code

1–4 PV analog output level (F)
5 PV units code
6–9 Primary variable (F)
61 Read dynamic variables 10 SV units code
and PV analog output 11–14 Secondary variable (F)
15 TV units code
16–19 Tertiary variable (F)
20 FV units code
21–24 Fourth variable (F)

0 Slot 0 analog output number code

1 Slot 0 units code
0 Analog output number; 2–5 Slot 0 level (F)
code for slot 0 6 Slot 1 analog output number code
1 Analog output number; 7 Slot 1 units code
code for slot 1 8–11 Slot 1 level (F)
62 Read analog outputs
2 Analog output number; 12 Slot 2 analog output number code
code for slot 2 13 Slot 2 units code
3 Analog output number; 14–17 Slot 2 level (F)
code for slot 3 18 Slot 3 analog output number code
19 Slot 3 units code
20–23 Slot 3 level (F)

(truncated after last requested code) (truncated after last requested level)

Page 113 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Appendix D: Common Practice Commands

Command Data in Command Data in Reply

# Function Byte Data Type Byte Data Type

0 Analog output number code

1 Analog output alarm select code
2 Analog output transfer function
63 Read analog output 0 Analog output number
3 Analog output range units code
information code
4–7 Analog output upper-range value (F)
8–11 Analog output lower-range value (F)
12–15 Analog output additional damping (F)
value (sec)

0 Analog output number

64 Write analog output code
As in command
additional damping value 1–4 Analog output additional (F)
damping value (sec)

0 Analog output number

1 Analog output range
65 Write analog output range units code
As in command
value 2–5 Analog output upper- (F)
range value
6–9 Analog output lower- (F)
range value

0 Analog output number

66 Enter/exit fixed analog code
As in command
output mode 1 Analog output units code
2–5 Analog output level*

* "not a number" exits fixed output mode

0 Analog output number

67 Trim analog output zero 1 Analog output units code As in command
2–5 Externally measured
analog output level

0 Analog output number

68 Trim analog output gain 1 Analog output units code As in command
2–5 Externally measured
analog output level

0 Analog output number

69 Write analog output code
As in command
transfer function 1 Analog output transfer
function code

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 114


Appendix D: Common Practice Commands

Command Data in Command Data in Reply

# Function Byte Data Type Byte Data Type

0 Analog output number code

70 Read analog output 0 Analog output number 1 Analog output endpoint units code (F)
endpoint values code 2–5 Analog output upper endpoint value
6–9 Analog output lower endpoint value (F)

0 Transmitter variable
code for slot 0
1 Transmitter variable
107 Write burst mode
code for slot 1
transmitter variables (for As in command
2 Transmitter variable
Command #33)
code for slot 2
3 Transmitter variable
code for slot 3

108 Write burst mode 0 Burst mode command

As in command
command number number

Burst mode control code
109 Burst mode control As in command
(0 = exit, 1 = enter)

0 PV units code
1–4 PV value (F)
5 SV units code
6–9 SV value (F)
110 Read all dynamic variables None
10 TV units code
11–14 TV value (F)
15 FV units code
16–19 FV value (F)

Page 115 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Appendix E: Response Codes

STATUS Two bytes of status, also called the response code, are included in every
reply message from a field or slave device. These two bytes convey three
types of information:
T Communication errors
T Command response problems
T Field device status

If an error is detected in the outgoing communication, the most significant

bit (bit 7) of the first byte is set to 1 and the details of the error are reported
in the rest of that byte. The second byte is then all zeros.
If no error is detected in the outgoing communication, bit 7 of the first byte
is 0 and the remainder of the byte contains the command response, which
indicates any problem with the received command. The second byte
contains status information pertaining to the operational state of the field or
slave device.
Communication errors are typically those that would be detected by a
UART (i.e., parity overrun and framing errors). The field device also
reports overflow of its receive buffer and any discrepancy between the
message content and the checksum received.


First Byte

Bit 7 = 1: Communication Error Bit 7 = 0: Command response

OR Bits 6 to 0 (decoded as an integer, not bit-mapped):

Bit 6 hex C0 Parity error 0 No command-specific error

Bit 5 hex A0 Overrun error 1 (Undefined)
Bit 4 hex 90 Framing error 2 Invalid selection
Bit 3 hex 88 Checksum error 3 Passed parameter too large
Bit 2 hex 84 0 (reserved) 4 Passed parameter too small
Bit 1 hex 82 Rx buffer overflow 5 Too few data bytes received
Bit 0 hex 81 Overflow (undefined) 6 Device-specific command error (rarely used)
7 In write-protect mode
8–15 Multiple meanings (see Table 4-9 in A
Technical Overview)
16 Access restricted
28 Multiple meanings (see Table 4-9 in A
Technical Overview)
32 Device is busy
64 Command not implemented

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 116


Appendix E: Response Codes

Second Byte
(Not Used) Field Device Status

Bit 7 Bit 7 (hex 80) Field device malfunction

Bit 6 Bit 6 (hex 40) Configuration changed
Bit 5 Bit 5 (hex 20) Cold start
All bits 0
Bit 4 Bit 4 (hex 10) More status available
(when a OR
Bit 3 Bit 3 (hex 08) Analog output current fixed
communication error is
Bit 2 Bit 2 (hex 04) Analog output saturated
reported in the first
Bit 1 Bit 1 (hex 02) Nonprimary variable out of limits
Bit 0 Bit 0 (hex 01) Primary variable out of limits

Note: Hexadecimal equivalents are quoted assuming only a single bit is set. In reality, several bits may
be set simultaneously, and the hex digits can be or’ed together.

Page 117 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Appendix F: HART Field Control

HART FIELD The field controller (Figure 29) is wired in series with the field device
CONTROLLER (valve positioner or other actuator). In some cases, a bypass capacitor may
be required across the terminals of the valve positioner to keep the
INSTALLATION positioner’s series impedance below the 100 Ω level required by HART
specifications. Communication with the field controller requires the
communicating device (handheld terminal or PC) to be connected across a
loop impedance of at least 230 Ω. Communication is not possible across the
terminals of the valve positioner because of its low impedance (100 Ω).
Instead, the communicating device must be connected across the
transmitter or the current sense resistor.

Resistor Smart Transmitter Optional Bypass

with PID Capacitor

Supply Handheld
Fisher Dig Vlv Ctrl Fisher Dig Vlv Ctrl
1 Main 1 Main
2 Analog In 12.13 mA 2 Analog In 12.13 mA
3 Travel 50.36 % 3 Travel 50.36 %
4 Drive Sgl 31.54 % 4 Drive Sgl 31.54 %
5 Instrument Status 5 Instrument Status
F1 F2 F3 F4
F1 F2 F3 F4

4-20 mA
HART Communicator HART Communicator

7 8 9 7 8 9

4 5 6 4 5 6

S T U V W X Y Z /
S T U V W X Y Z /
3 2 1 3 2 1

# % & < > * : + < >

# % & * : +
0 . - 0 . -

Figure 29: HART Field Controller Wired in Series

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 118


Appendix F: HART Field Control

It is also possible to use both a smart transmitter and a smart valve
positioner in the loop. The control function can be in either device. The
HART protocol allows one low-impedance device on the network, which is
typically the current sense resistor. In Figure 26, the smart valve positioner
is the low-impedance device, which eliminates the need for a current sense
resistor. Communication is possible by connection across the terminal of
either the transmitter or the positioner.

Smart Transmitter Smart Valve Positioner

Fisher Dig Vlv Ctrl
Fisher Dig Vlv Ctrl
1 Main 1 Main
2 Analog In 12.13 mA 2 Analog In 12.13 mA
3 Travel 50.36 % 3 Travel 50.36 %
4 Drive Sgl 31.54 % 4 Drive Sgl 31.54 %
5 Instrument Status 5 Instrument Status
F1 F2 F3 F4
F1 F2 F3 F4

HART Communicator HART Communicator

7 8 9 7 8 9

4 5 6 4 5 6

S T U V W X Y Z /
S T U V W X Y Z /
3 2 1 3 2 1

# % & < > * : + # % & < > * : +

0 . -

0 . -

Terminal or PC

Figure 30: Field Control in Transmitter or Positioner

Page 119 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation


Appendix G: Technical Information

SIGNALS Type of Communication Signal
Traditional analog 4–20 mA
FSK, based on the Bell 202 telephone
communication standard
Logical “0” frequency 2,200 Hz
Logical “1” frequency 1,200 Hz

DATA INFORMATION Data update rate:

T Request/response mode—2–3 updates per second
T Optional burst mode—3–4 updates per second

Data byte structure:

T 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 odd parity bit, 1 stop bit

Data integrity:
T Two-dimensional error checking
T Status information in every reply message

STRUCTURE Type of Command Structure
Universal Common to all devices
Common practice Optional; used by many devices
Device specific For unique product features

COMMUNICATION T Two communication masters

VARIABLES T Up to 256 variables per device
T IEEE 754 floating point format (32 bits) with engineering units

WIRING T Point to point—simultaneous analog and digital

TOPOLOGIES T Point to point—digital only
T Multidrop network—digital only (up to 15 devices)

CABLE LENGTHS T Maximum twisted-pair length—10,000 ft (3,048 m)

T Maximum multiple twisted-pair length—5,000 ft (1,524 m)
Cable length depends on the characteristics of individual products and

INTRINSICALLY T With appropriate barrier/isolator


© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 120


275 HART A handheld master device that uses the HART communication protocol and
Communicator DDL to configure or communicate with any HART smart device

Bell 202 A U.S. telephone standard that uses 1,200 Hz and 2,200 Hz as 1 and 0,
respectively, at 1,200 baud; a full duplex communication standard using a
different pair of frequencies for its reverse channel; HART uses Bell 202
signals but is a half-duplex system, so the reverse channel frequencies are
not used

Burst (Broadcast) Mode A HART communication mode in which a master device instructs a slave
device to continuously broadcast a standard HART reply message
(e.g., value of a process variable) until the master instructs it to stop

Cable Capacitance Per The capacitance from one conductor to all other conductors (including the
Unit of Length shield if present) in the network; measured in feet or meters

Cable Resistance Per The resistance for a single wire; meausred in feet or meters
Unit of Length

Closed-Loop Control A system in which no operator intervention is necessary for process control

Communication Rate The rate at which data are sent from a slave device to a master device;
usually expressed in data updates per second

DCS See Distributed Control System.

DD See Device Description.

DDL See Device Description Language.

Device Description A program file written in the HART Device Description Language (DDL)
that contains an electronic description of all of a device’s parameters and
functions needed by a host application to communicate with the device

Device Description A standardized programming language used to write DDs for

Language HART-compatible field devices

Distributed Control Instrumentation (input/output devices, control devices, and operator

System interface devices) that permits transmission of control, measurement, and
operating information to and from user-specified locations, connected by a
communication link

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page121


Field The area of a process plant outside the control room where measurements
are made, and to and from which communication is provided; a part of a
message devoted to a particular function (e.g., the address field or the
command field)

Field Device A device generally not found in the control room; field devices may
generate or receive an analog signal in addition to the HART digital
communication signal

Frequency Shift Keying Method of modulating digital information for transmission over paths with
poor propagation characteristics; can be transmitted successfully over
telephone systems

FSK See Frequency Shift Keying.

Gateway A network device that enables other devices on the network to

communicate with a second network using a different protocol

HART Command Set A series of commands that provide uniform and consistent communication
for all master and slave devices; includes universal, common practice, and
device-specific commands

HART Communication Highway Addressable Remote Transducer communication protocol; the

Protocol industry standard protocol for digitally enhanced 4–20 mA communication
with smart field devices

HART Loop A communication network in which the master and slave devices are
HART smart or HART compatible

Host Application A software program used by the control center to translate information
received from field devices into a format that can be used by the operator

Interoperability The ability to operate multiple devices, independent of manufacturer in the

same system, without loss of functionality

Intrinsic Safety A certification method for use of electrical equipment in hazardous

(e.g., flammable) environments; a type of protection in which a portion of
an electrical system contains only intrinsically safe equipment that is
incapable of causing ignition in the surrounding environment

Intrinsic Safety Barrier A network or device designed to limit the amount of energy available to the
protected circuit in a hazardous location

IS See Intrinsic Safety.

Page 122 © 2003HART Communication Foundation


Master Device A device in a master-slave system that initiates all transactions and
commands (e.g., central controller)

Master-Slave Protocol Communication system in which all transactions are initiated by a master
device and are received and responded to by a slave device

Miscellaneous Series The summation of the maximum impedance (500 Hz–10 kHz) of all
Impedance devices connected in series between two communicating devices; a typical
nonintrinsically safe loop will have no miscellaneous series impedance

Modem Modulator/demodulator used to convert HART signals to RS232 signals

Multidrop Network HART communication system that allows more than two devices to be
connected together on a single cable; usually refers to a network with more
than one slave device

Multimaster Multimaster refers to a communication system that has more than one
master device. The HART protocol is a simple multimaster system
allowing two masters; after receiving a message from a slave device, the
master waits for a short time before beginning another transmission, which
gives the second master time to initiate a message

Multiplexer A device that connects to several HART loops and allows communication
to and from a host application

Multivariable Instrument A field device that can measure or calculate more than one process
parameter (e.g., flow and temperature)

Network A series of field and control devices connected together through a

communication medium

Parallel Device The summation of the capacitance values of all connected devices in a
Capacitance network

Parallel Device The parallel combination of the resistance values of all connected devices
Resistance in the network; typically, there is only one low-impedance device in the
network, which dominates the parallel device-resistance value

Passthrough A feature of some systems that allows HART protocol send-and-receive

messages to be communicated through the system interface

PID Proportional-integral-derivative

PID Control Proportional-plus-integral-plus-derivative control; used in processes where

the controlled variable is affected by long lag times

© 2003 HART Communication Foundation Page 123


Point to Point A HART protocol communication mode that uses the conventional
4–20 mA signal for analog transmission, while measurement, adjustment,
and equipment data are transferred digitally; only two communicating
devices are connected together

Polling A method of sequentially observing each field device on a network to

determine if the device is ready to send data

Polling Address Every HART device has a polling address; address 0 is used for
point-to-point networks; addresses 1–15 are used in multidrop networks

Process Variable A process parameter that is being measured or controlled (e.g., level, flow,
temperature, mass, density, etc.)

Protocol A set of rules to be used in generating or receiving a message

PV See Process Variable.

Remote Terminal Unit A self-contained control unit that is part of a SCADA system

RTU See Remote Terminal Unit.

SCADA See Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.

Slave Device A device (e.g., transmitter or valve) in a master-slave system that receives
commands from a master device; a slave device cannot initiate a transaction

Smart Instrumentation Microprocessor-based instrumentation that can be programmed, has

memory, is capable of performing calculations and self-diagnostics and
reporting faults, and can be communicated with from a remote location

Supervisory Control and A control system using communications such as phone lines, microwaves,
Data Acquisition radios, or satellites to link RTUs with a central control system

Zener Type of shunt-diode barrier that uses a high-quality safety ground

connection to bypass excess energy

Page 124 © 2003 HART Communication Foundation

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