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LQM Madinah Book2 Vocab

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‫بِ ْس ِم اللَّ ِه ال َّر ْح َ ٰم ِن ال َّر ِح ْي ِم‬

LQ Mississauga
Book 2 Vocabulary Practice

Vocabulary Set 11

Unmarried ‫َع َز ٌب‬ Or ‫َٔا ْو‬ Intelligent ‫َذ ِك ٌّي‬

Valley ‫َوا ٍد‬ Cheap ‫ص‬
ٌ ‫َر‬
ْ ِ
‫خ‬ Meeting ٌ ‫لِق‬
Thirteen ‫َثلَا َث َة َع َش َر‬ He/It is not
َ َ‫ل‬
‫يس‬ Married ‫ُم َت َز ِّو ٌج‬
Page ‫َص ْف َح ٌة‬ That ‫َٔا َّن‬ Dictionary ‫ُم ْع َج ٌم‬
He wrote ‫َك َت َب‬ It looks as if ‫َكأَ َّن‬ Hope/Fear ‫لَ َع َّل‬
Good ‫َج ِّي ٌد‬ Hundred ‫ِمائَ ٌة‬ Have/Possessing ‫ُذو‬
The weather ‫الج ُّو‬
َ Successful ‫َاج ٌح‬ِ ‫ن‬ Lawyer ‫ُم َحا ٍم‬
Thousand ‫ف‬ ٌ ْ‫َٔال‬ Expensive ‫َغ ٍال‬ Also ‫َٔا ْي ًضا‬
River ‫ن َْه ٌر‬ Better/best َ ‫َٔا‬
‫حس ُن‬ Stupid ‫َغ ِب ٌّي‬

Book 1 Notes 2
Vocabulary Set 12

He knew ‫َد َرى‬ He ate ‫َٔا َك َل‬ Month ‫شَ ه ٌر‬

He stood ‫َقا َم‬ He drank ‫شَ ر َِب‬ Famous ‫شَ ِهي ٌر‬
He opened ‫َف َت َح‬ He washed ‫َغ َس َل‬ 1. Tooth 2. Age ‫ِس ٌّن‬
He walked ‫َم َشى‬ He broke ‫ك ََس َر‬ Year ‫َس َن ٌة‬
He took ‫َٔا َخ َذ‬ He ironed ‫َك َوى‬ Very, Much ‫ِجدًّا‬
He found ‫َو َج َد‬ He played ‫لَ ِع َب‬ Well,
‫َج ِّيدًا‬
He put/placed ‫َو َض َع‬ He increased ‫َذا َد‬ Snake ‫َح َّي ٌة‬
He looked for ‫َب َح َث َعن‬ It rang ‫َر َّن‬ Beard ‫حي ٌة‬َ ِ‫ل‬
He came ‫َج َاء‬ He thought ‫َظ َّن‬ Price ‫َث َم ٌن‬

Book 1 Notes 3
Vocabulary Set 13

He/It Was ‫كَا َن‬ You (f. pl.)

‫َق َر ٔاْ ُت َّن‬ I was pleased
with you
َ‫َفر ِْح ُت بِك‬
Football ‫ك َُر ُة ال َق َد ِم‬ I saw him ‫َر َٔا ْي ُت ُه‬ Give / bring ِ ‫َه‬
Last week ِ ‫الا ُٔ ْس ُبو ُع ال َم‬
‫اضي‬ We heard ‫َس ِم ْع َنا‬ They were
pleased with us
‫َفر ُِحوا بِ َنا‬
Basketball ‫السلَّ ِة‬
َّ ‫ك َُر ُة‬ You saw him ‫َر َٔا ْي َت ُه‬ Give/bring (f.) ‫َهاتِ ْي‬
Radio station ‫إِ َذا َع ٌة‬ You washed it ‫َغ َس ْل ُت ُمو ُه‬ Were you pleased
with him?
‫َٔا َفر ِْح َت بِ ِه‬
Last night ‫َا َلبار َِح َة‬ You (f.) saw
‫َر َٔا ْي ِت ِه‬ Give/bring (pl.) ‫َها ُتوا‬
Did you see
‫ٔا َر َٔا ْي ُت ُم ْو ُه‬ You asked her ‫َسأَلْ ُت ُموها‬ Maid servant ‫َخا ِد َم ٌة‬
You (f. pl.)
‫َذ َه ْب ُت َّن‬ You saw her ‫َر َٔا ْي ُت ُمو َها‬ Give/bring (f.
‫َهاتِ ْي َن‬
He visited ‫َزا َر‬ One-third ‫ثُلُ ٌث‬ You (pl.) ate ‫َٔا َك ْل ُت ْم‬

Book 1 Notes 4
Vocabulary Set 14

‫َٔا َص ِح ْي ٌح َه َذا؟‬ ٌ ‫ِع َط‬

‫اش‬ ‫َٔا ْب ِش ْر‬
Rejoice at the
Is this right? Thirsty (pl.)
good news

Passenger ‫َرا ِك ٌب‬ He placed ‫َو َض َع‬ Broom ‫ِم ْك َن َس ٌة‬

She hit him ‫َض َر ْب َت ُه‬ They read ‫َق َر ُٔا ْوا‬ Spectacle ‫نَ َّظا َر ٌة‬
We heard ‫َس ِم ْع َنا‬ They (f.) read ‫َق َر ٔاْ َن‬ Minaret ‫َم َنا َر ٌة‬
You (pl.) saw
‫َر َٔا ْي ُت ُمو ُه ْم‬ She found ‫َو َجد َْت‬ Beard ‫لِ ْح َي ٌة‬
Stick ‫َع َصا‬ You (f.) took ‫َٔا َخ ْذ ِت‬ He walked ‫َم َشى‬
Picture ‫ُصو َر ٌة‬ I looked for ‫َب َحث ُْت َع ْن‬ High / loud (f.) ‫َعالِ َّي ٌة‬
Chapter from
Holy Qur’an
‫ُسو َر ٌة‬ You (f. pl.)
‫َم َش ْي ُت َّن‬ Colored ‫ُم َل َّو ٌن‬
Wheel / Hurry ‫َع َج َل ٌة‬ Between ‫َب ْي َن‬ Juice ‫َع ِص ْي ٌر‬

Book 1 Notes 5
Vocabulary Set 15

I worship ُ ‫َٔا‬
‫عب ُد‬ He cut ‫َق َط َع‬ Like that َ‫َك َذلِك‬
You (pl.)
‫َع َبد ُتم‬ He returned ‫َعا َد‬ Mixed ‫ُمخ َت ِل ٌط‬
Worship ُ ُ‫ا‬
‫عب ْد‬ He swept ‫س‬َ ‫َك َن‬ List ‫َقائِ َم ٌة‬
They (f. pl.)
‫شَ ِر ْب َن‬ He laughed َ‫َض ِحك‬ Connection ‫َعلَا َق ٌة‬
‫شَ ِر ْب ُت َّن‬ ‫ات‬ َ ‫َم‬ َ ‫َم َّر ًة ُٔا‬
You (f. pl.)
He died Once again
They (f. pl.) are
َ ‫َي َش َر‬ He worked ‫َع ِم َل‬ Letter ‫ر َِسالَ ٌة‬
You (f. pl.) are
َ ‫شر‬
َ ‫َت‬ He rode ‫َر ِك َب‬ Coming, Next ‫َقا ِد ٌم‬
‫بن‬ َ ِ‫ا‬
َ ‫شر‬ ‫َعا َذ‬ ‫َجا ٌر‬
He sought
Drink (you f. pl.) Neighbour

Drink (you f.) َ ِ‫ا‬

‫شربِي‬ It rang ‫َر َّن‬ Bell ‫س‬
ٌ ‫َج َر‬
Book 1 Notes 6
Vocabulary Set 16

You (f.) want َ ‫ُترِي ِد‬

‫ين‬ He cried ‫َب َكى‬ Another ‫ۤا َخ ُر‬
You (pl.) are
‫َتج ِل ُسو َن‬ He cooked ‫َط َب َخ‬ Lined ‫ُم َس َّط ٌر‬
Sit ْ ‫اِج ِل‬
‫س‬ He kept quiet ‫َس َك َت‬ Seat ‫َمق َع ٌد‬
They (f. pl.) sat َ ‫َج َل‬
‫سن‬ He lied ‫َك َذ َب‬ He was about
‫كَا َد‬
They (f. pl.) are
sitting َ ‫َيج ِل‬
‫سن‬ He bought ‫اِش َت َرى‬ Red ‫َٔاح َم ُر‬
‫س‬ُ ‫نَج ِل‬ ‫ان َق َل َب‬ ‫مر ُاء‬َ ‫ُح‬
We are sitting Red (f.)

Sit (you (f.)) ‫اِج ِل ِس ْي‬ He was absent َ ‫َغ‬

‫اب‬ Red (pl.) ‫ُحم ٌر‬
I sat ‫ست‬ُ ‫َج َل‬ He raised ‫َر َف َع‬ Hair ‫شَ ع ٌر‬
You (f. pl.) are
‫َتج ِل ْس َن‬ He lived in ‫َس َك َن‬ Only ‫إِنَّ َما‬

Book 1 Notes 7
Vocabulary Set 17

You (f.) are

writing َ ‫َتك ُت ِب‬
‫ين‬ He heard ‫َس ِم َع‬ It looks as if ‫َكأَ َّن‬
You (pl.) are
‫َتك ُت ُبو َن‬ He permitted ‫َس َم َح‬ Because ‫لِا َٔ َّن‬
Write ‫اُك ُت ْب‬ He began َٔ‫َب َدا‬ Holiday ‫ُعط َل ٌة‬
They (f. pl.)
wrote َ ‫َك َت‬
‫بن‬ He remained ‫َب ِق َي‬ Next year ‫َال َعا ُم ال ُم َقب ُل‬
They (f. pl.) are
َ ‫َيك ُت‬ He requested ‫َر َجا‬ Winter ‫َالشِّ َت ُاء‬
We are writing ‫نَك ُت ُب‬ He wanted ‫َٔا َرا َد‬ Summer ‫يف‬
ُ ‫لص‬ َ ‫َا‬
Write (you (f.)) ‫اُك ُت ِب ْي‬ He walked ‫َم َشى‬ Address ‫ُعن َوا ٌن‬
I wrote ُ ‫َك َت‬
‫بت‬ He put/placed ‫َو َض َع‬ Come along ‫َه َّيا بِ َنا‬
You (f. pl.) are
َ ‫َتك ُت‬ He thought ‫َظ َّن‬ Noise ‫وض ٌاء‬
َ ‫َض‬

Book 1 Notes 8
Vocabulary Set 18

We read ‫َق َر ٔاْنَا‬ He promised ‫َو َع َد‬ Another ‫ا َٓخ ُر‬

We are reading ‫ن ََقر ُٔا‬ He found ‫َو َج َد‬ Another (f.) ‫خرى‬َ ‫ُٔا‬
I read ‫َق َر ٔاْ ُت‬ He arrived ‫َو َص َل‬ Inspector ٌ ‫ُم َف ِّت‬
I am reading ُٔ‫َٔا َق َرا‬ He placed ‫َو َض َع‬ Going ٌ ‫َذ َه‬
Read ْ ٔ‫اِ َقرا‬ He entered ‫َو َل َج‬ Return ‫اب‬ٌ ‫إِ َّي‬
Read (f.) ‫اِ َقرإِ ْي‬ He came ‫َٔا َتى‬ Mirror ‫ِم ْر ٓا ٌة‬
They read ‫َق َر ُٔاوا‬ He came ‫َج َاء‬ Family َ ‫ُٔا‬
‫سر ٌة‬
They are
‫َي َقر ُٔاو َن‬ He ascended ‫َع َر َج‬ Prize ‫َجائِ َز ٌة‬
You (pl.) are
‫َتق ََر ُٔاو َن‬ He wrote (a
book) َ َّ‫َٔال‬
‫ف‬ Thousand ٌ ْ‫َٔال‬

Book 1 Notes 9
Vocabulary Set 19

He/it remains ‫َيبقَى‬ He cried ‫َب َكى‬ Once ‫َم َّر ٌة‬
He/it is possible ِ ‫ُي‬
‫مك ُن‬ He threw ‫َر َمى‬ Once again َ ‫َم َّر ٌة ُٔا‬
She/you run ‫َتجرِي‬ He/it showed ‫َد َّل‬ Unpleasant ‫َكرِي ٌه‬
I visit ‫َٔا ُزو ُر‬ He bought ‫اِش َترى‬ Institute ‫عه ٌد‬
َ ‫َم‬
She/you build ‫َتب ِني‬ He/it ended ‫اِن َت َهى‬ People ‫َٔاه ٌل‬
Do not sorrow ‫َلا َتح َز ْن‬ He abused ‫َس َّب‬ Dust ‫اب‬
ٌ ‫ُت َر‬
Pour ‫ُص َّب‬ He pulled ‫َج َّر‬ Garbage ‫َق َما َم ٌة‬
Grant ‫َه ْب‬ He feared ‫َخ ِش َي‬ Never (for past) ‫َق ُّط‬
We will pass ‫نج ُح‬
َ ‫َس َن‬ He followed ‫َت ِب َع‬ Never (for
ً‫َٔا َبدا‬

Book 1 Notes 10

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