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19-12-2024 Jr Iit Star Model a&b Chemistry Ncert Test-24 Qp

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Class: JR IIT STAR MODEL_A&B Date: 19.12.

Duration: 1 Hr Max. Marks: 200
Syllabus: Haloalkanes and Poly Halogen Compounds
General Instructions:
Attempt all the questions, each correct answer carries +4 and wrong answer -1.


Select the false statement for the following figure.

1) As reaction progresses, bond between carbon atom and the attacking nucleophile is
formed with weakening of carbon atom and the leaving group bond.
2) There is an inversion of configuration during the reaction
3) The transition state is unstable and cannot be isolated
4) The hybridization of carbon atom in the transition state is sp


Name the terms that occur in I, II, III equations.

Choose the correct option.
1) Retention of Inversion of configuration Racemisation
2) Retention of Racemisation Inversion of
configuration configuration
3) Racemisation Retention of configuration Inversion of
4) Racemisation Inversion of configuration Retention of

1) 1-bromocyclohexene 2) 3-bromocyclohexene
3) 1,2-dibromocyclohexane 4) 4-bromocyclohexene
4. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the Grignard reagent?
1) Dry ether is used as a solvent in the formation of Grignard reagent
2) Carbon-magnesium bond is polar covalent in Grignard reagent
3) Grignard reagent reacts with water to give corresponding hydrocarbon
4) Alkyl part in Grignard reagent acts as an electrophile
5. Identify D and E in the following reaction

1) 2)

3) 4)

6. Assertion (A): When R-X reacts with AgCN, it forms isocyanides as the chief
Reason (R): AgCN is mainly covalent in nature and nitrogen is free to donate
electron pair forming isocyanide as the main product.
1) Both A and R are correct; R is the correct explanation of A
2) Both A and R are correct; R is not the correct explanation of A
3) A is correct; R is incorrect
4) R is correct; A is incorrect
7. Match the alkyl halide reacting with reagent given in Column I with their respective
substituted product given in Column II and choose the correct option from the codes
given below.
Column I (Reagent) Column II (Substituted product)
A. KCN 1. RH
B. AgCN 2. RCN
C. KNO2 3. RNC
D. LiAlH 4 4. R  O  N  O
E. AgNO2 5. R  NO2
1) A-2, B-3, C-5, D-1, E-4 2) A-3, B-2, C-5, D-1, E-4
3) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1, E-5 4) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1, E-5
8. Which of the following is halogen exchange reaction?



3) R  OH  HX  2
 R  X  H 2O


9. Which of the following compounds will give racemic mixture on nucleophilic

substitution by OH  ion?

1) Only (i) 2) (i), (ii) and (iii) 3) (ii) and (iii) 4) (i) and (iii)
10. Which of the following is a major product of dehydrohalogenation of the compound

1) 2)

3) 4)

11. Which among the following is an incorrect statement?

1) S N 1 reaction is accelerated in polar protic solvent.
2) In S N 2 reaction, transition state is formed.
3) 100% retention of configuration takes place in SN 1reaction.
4) Inversion of configuration takes place in S N 2 reaction.
12. Consider the following reactions.

Major products A and B respectively are





13. The increasing order of nucleophilicity in polar aprotic medium would be

1) F   Cl   Br   I  2) I   Br   Cl   F 
3) Br   Cl   I   F  4) I   F   Cl   Br 
14. In S N 2 reactions, the correct order of reactivity for the following compounds
CH 3Cl , CH 3CH 2Cl ,  CH 3 2 CHCl and  CH3 3 CCl is

1) CH 3Cl   CH 3 2 CHCl  CH 3CH 2Cl   CH 3 3 CCl

2) CH 3Cl  CH 3CH 2Cl   CH 3 2 CHCl   CH 3 3 CCl

3) CH 3CH 2Cl  CH 3Cl   CH 3 2 CHCl   CH 3 3 CCl

4)  CH 3 2 CHCl  CH 3CH 2Cl  CH 3Cl   CH 3 3 CCl

15. The order of reactivity of following alcohols with halogen acids is _________

1) (A) > (B) > (C) 2) (C) > (B) > (A)
3) (B) > (A) > (C) 4) (A) > (C) > (B)
16. The heterolytic bond dissociation energy of C – Cl bond in vinyl chloride is 207
kcal/mol as compared to 191 kcal/mol in the case of C – Cl bond in ethyl chloride.
One explanation for this observation is
1) That in ethyl chloride the bond energy is decreased through resonance involving
lone pair of electrons on chlorine.
2) Due to the hyper conjugation stabilization in ethyl chloride.
3) That in vinyl chloride the C – Cl bond gets partial double bond character through
4) That in vinyl chloride the chlorine atom is attached to sp hybridised carbon
whereas in ethyl chloride it is attached to sp hybridised carbon.
17. Which of the following structures is enantiomeric with the molecule (A) given
1) 2)

3) 4)

18. Which is the correct increasing order of boiling points of the following compounds?
1-Iodobutane, 1-Bromobutane, 1-Chlorobutane, Butane
1) Butane < 1-Chlorobutane < 1-Bromobutane < 1-Iodobutane
2) 1-Iodobutane < 1-Bromobutane < 1-Chlorobutane < Butane
3) Butane < 1-Iodobutane < 1-Bromobutane < 1-Chlorobutane
4) Butane < 1-Chlorobutane < 1-Iodobutane < 1-Bromobutane
19. Ethylene dichloride and Ethylidene chloride are isomers. Identify the correct
(i) Both of them form same product on treatment with alcoholic KOH.
(ii) Both of them form same product on treatment with aqueous NaOH.
(iii) Both of them form same product on reduction.
(iv) Both of them are optically active.
1) (i) & (ii) only 2) (i) & (iii) only
3) (ii) & (iii) only 4) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv)
20. Alkyl fluorides are synthesised by heating an alkyl chloride/bromide in presence of
(i) CaF2 (ii) CoF2 (iii) Hg2 F2 (d) NaF
1) (i) & (ii) only 2) (ii) & (iii) only
3) (iii) & (iv) only 4) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv)
21. In two separate experiments equal quantities of an alkyl halide, C4H9Cl were treated
at the same temperature with equal volume of 0.1 molar and 0.2 molar solutions of
NaOH respectively. In the two experiments, the time taken for the reaction of exactly
50% of the alkyl halide were the same. The most likely structure of halide is:
1) CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2Cl 2)  CH 3 3 CCl

3)  CH 3 2 CHCH 2Cl 4) CH 3CH 2CH 2Cl

22. Assertion(A) : Phosphorus chlorides (tri and penta) are preferred over thionyl
chloride for the preparation of alkyl chlorides from alcohols.
Reason(R) : Phosphorus chlorides give pure alkyl halides.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the
options given below:
1) Assertion and reason both are correct and reason is correct explanation of
2) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct
explanation of assertion.
3) Assertion is wrong but reason is correct statement
4) Assertion and reason both are wrong statements.
23. Assertion(A) : tert-Butyl bromide undergoes Wurtz reaction to give 2, 2, 3, 3-
Reason(R) : In Wurtz reaction, alkyl halides react with sodium in dry ether to give
hydrocarbon containing double the number of carbon atoms present in the halide.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the
options given below:
1) Assertion and reason both are correct and reason is correct explanation of
2) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct
explanation of assertion.
3) Assertion is wrong but reason is correct statement
4) Assertion and reason both are wrong statements.
24. Which of the following hormones contains iodine?
1) Thyroxine 2) Estrogen 3) Cortisol 4) Prolactin
25. Which of the following statements is correct?
1) Chloroquine is used for the treatment of malaria
2) Halothane is used as an anaesthetic during surgery
3) Certain fully fluorinated compounds are being considered as potential blood
substitutes in surgery
4) All of these
26. Increasing order of dipole moment of haloalkanes is
1) CH 3  F  CH 3Cl  CH 3 I  CH 3 Br 2) CH 3  F  CH 3Cl  CH 3 Br  CH 3 I
3) CH 3 I  CH 3 Br  CH 3 F  CH 3  Cl 4) CH 3  F  CH 3 Br  CH 3Cl  CH 3 I
27. An alkyl halide with   hydrogen atoms when reacted with a base or a nucleophile
has two competing routes: substitution and elimination. Which route will be taken up
depends upon
1) The nature of alkyl halide
2) The strength of base/nucleophile
3) The size of base/nucleophile
4) All of these
28. The correct sequence of bond enthalpy of ' C  X ' bond is
1) CH 3  Cl  CH 3  F  CH 3  Br  CH 3  I
2) CH3  F  CH3  Cl  CH3  Br  CH3  I
3) CH 3  F  CH 3  Cl  CH 3  Br  CH 3  I
4) CH 3  F  CH 3  Cl  CH 3  Br  CH 3  I
29. Good yield of R – I is obtained by heating alcohols with
1) NaI / Ethyl alcohol 2) NaI or KI with 95% H 3 PO4
3) Na  / K  I  with H 2 SO4 4) KI / KOH
30. Identify the correct set of reagents or reaction conditions ‘X’ and ‘Y’ in the following
set of transformation.
'X ' 'Y '
CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  Br   Pr oduct   CH 3  CH  CH 3
1) X=conc. alc. NaOH, 80 o C , Y  Br2 / CHCl3
2) X=dil.aq. NaOH, 20o C , Y  HBr / Peroxide
3) X=conc.alc.NaOH, 80 o C , Y  HBr / acetic acid
4) X=dil.aq.NaOH, 20o C , Y  Br2 / CHCl3
31. CH 3  CH 2  CH  CH 2  HCl  major product
CH 3  CH  CH 2  CH 3
1) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  Cl 2) |

CH 3  CH  CH  CH 3 CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2
3) | | 4) | |
Cl Cl Cl Cl

32. The major product ‘Y’ in the following reaction is

1) 2) 3) 4)

33. Sulphuric acid cannot be used during the reaction of an alcohol with KI because
1) Sulphuric acid will convert KI to HI which is then oxidised to Iodine
2) Sulphuric acid will reduce KI to HI which is then oxidised to Iodine
3) Alcohol is oxidised to aldehyde by sulphuric acid
4) Alcohol is oxidised to aldehyde and KI is reduced to iodine by sulphuric acid.
34. A hydrocarbon (X) of molecular mass 72 g mol –1 gives a single monochloro
derivative(A) and two dichloro derivatives(B) and (C) on photo chlorination. The
incorrect statement regarding the information given is
1) The molecular formula of (X) is C5 H12
2) (X) can be n-pentane.
3) (X) is chain isomer of n-pentane.
4) (A) undergoes rearrangement during hydrolysis by SN 1 mechanism.
35. Match List I with List II
List I (Compound) List II (Use)
(A) Carbon tetrachloride (I) Paint remover
(B) Methylene chloride (II) Refrigerators and air conditioners
(C) DDT (III) Fire extinguisher
(D) Freons (IV) Non- Biodegradable insecticide
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1) A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV 2) A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II
3) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV 4) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
36. Which of the following statements is/are best suited for the following figure?

1) The attraction gets stronger as molecules get bigger in size and have more
2) The boiling point of alkyl halide is in order of RI  RBr  RCl  RF for a given R.
3) The magnitude of van der Waals’ forces increases as mass of halogen atom
4) All of the above
37. Consider the following Bromides

The correct order of reactivity towards S N is
1) A > B > C 2) B > C > A 3) B > A > C 4) C >B > A
38. The order of reactivity of various alkyl halides towards nucleophilic substitution
reactions is
1) R  I  R  Br  R  Cl  R  F
2) R  F  R  Cl  R  Br  R  I
3) R  Cl  R  Br  R  I  R  F
4) R  Br  R  I  R  Cl  R  F
39. Elimination reaction of 2-Bromopentane to form Pent-2-ene is
A. β-Elimination reaction
B. Follows Zaitsev rule
C. Dehydrohalogenation reaction
D. Dehalogenation reaction
1) A, C, D only 2) B, C, D only 3) A, B, D only 4) A, B, C only
40. Which of the following pairs of mirror images are non-superimposable?




41. Identify the pair in which first molecule is chiral in nature?



3) |
CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  Br , CH 3  CH  CH 2  CH 3


42.  CH 3 3 CBr  KOH  Product formed is

1)  CH 3 3 C  OH 2)  CH 3 3 CH

3)  CH 3 3 CO  CH 2  CH 3 4) (CH 3 )2 C  CH 2
43. Assertion (A) : Haloalkanes are very slightly soluble in water.
Reason (R): When new attractions are setup between the haloalkanes and water
molecules, the released energy is less and is not sufficient to break the hydrogen
bonds between water molecules.
1) Both A and R are correct; R is the correct explanation of A
2) Both A and R are correct; R is not the correct explanation of A
3) A is correct; R is incorrect
4) R is correct; A is incorrect
44. Dichloromethane is used as
i) a paint remover
ii) propellant in aerosols
iii) process solvent in the manufacture of drugs
iv) metal cleaning solvent
The correct uses are
1) (i), (ii) only 2) (i), (ii), (iii) &(iv)
3) (i), (ii), (iii) only 4) (ii) & (iii) only
45. Which of the following is incorrect?
1) In humans, direct skin contact with methylene chloride causes intense burning
2) Chloroform is used as a solvent for fats, alkaloids, Iodine & other substances
3) Now a days, chloroform is mainly used in the production of freon refrigerant R –
4) Chloroform is widely used as safer anesthetic than ether
46. Slow oxidation of chloroform by air in presence of light produces.
1) Cl2 2) CCl4 3) COCl2 4) CH 2Cl2
47. Freon- 12  CCl2 F2  is manufactured from tetrachloromethane by
1) Wurtz reaction 2) Carbylamine reaction
3) Swarts reaction 4) Friedel-crafts reaction
48. PCl3 and PCl5 are used to convert an alcohol into alkyl halide. The ratio of number of

alcohol molecules that are converted into alkyl chlorides by one mole of each of
PCl3 and PCl5 is

1) 1: 1 2) 3 : 5 3) 3 : 1 4) 1 : 5
49. Match the column List I & List II
List I List II
(Reagent reacts with alkyl halide) (Class of main product)
I. AgCN (P) Nitrite
II. KCN (Q) Isonitrile
III. AgNO2 (R) Nitroalkane
IV. KNO2 (S) Alkyl nitrite
1) I-P, II-Q, III-R, IV-S 2) I-Q, II-P, III-S, IV-R
3) I-P, II-Q, III-S, IV-R 4) I-Q, II-P, III-R, IV-S
50. Consider the statement “Haloalkanes react with KCN to form alkyl cyanides as main
Which of the following statements are true w.r.t the given statement?
I) Cyanide ion acts as a stronger nucleophile.
II) From the carbon end it acts as a stronger nucleophile because it will lead to the
formation of C–N bond which is more stable than the C–C bond.
III) Cyanide ion acts as an ambident nucleophile.
1) I and III only 2) II only 3) I and III only 4) I, II and III

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