HMT I set
HMT I set
HMT I set
1. Differentiate between steady state unsteady state and transient state of heat transfer
2. Mention four applications of the Fins.
3. State Kirchoff’s law.
4. State Stefan-Boltzmann law.
5. Discuss Nucleate boiling.
6. Discuss logarithmic mean temperature difference.
7. Discuss heat transfer coefficient for radiation.
8. Define absorption factor.
9. Discuss the similarity between heat and mass transfer.
10. Discuss diffusion in turbulent flow.
Answer ONE question from each unit
Part – B ( 5 x 12 = 60 marks)
1. A furnace wall consists of 250 mm fire brick, 125 mm insulating brick, and 250 mm building
brick. The inside wall is at a temperature of 600°C and the atmosphere temperature is 20°C.
Calculate the heat loss per m2 of wall area and the temperature of the outside wall surface of
the furnace. The heat transfer coefficient for the outside surface is 10 W/m 2K, and the
thermal conductivities of the fire brick insulating brick, and the building brick are 1.4, 0.2
and 0.7 W/mK, respectively. Neglect radiation.
5. A rod of 1.8 cm dia extends from the furnace at 400°C. The rod is 50 cm long. The
surrounding is at 35°C. The convective heat transfer coefficient is 18 W/m 2°C. The
conductivity of the material 30 W/m°C. Determine the temperature at the mid position and
heat lost through the rod.
6. Water flows at rate of 70 kg/min through a double pipe counter flow at rate of 70 kg/min
through a double pipe counter flow heat exchanger. Water is heated from 50°C to 80°C by an
oil flowing through the tube. The specific heat of the oil is 2.0 kJ/kg°K. Oil enters at 115°C
and leaves at 75°C. The overall heat transfer coefficient is 350 W/m 2 °K. Calculate the heat
exchanger and the rate of heat transfer.
7. What is the radiant heat exchange between two rectangular surfaces at right angles, having
emissivities of 0.9 and 0.8. The length of common side is 90 cm and the width of each
surface is 40 cms.
8. Two large black plates kept at a small distance apart are maintained at 1000 °C and 500° C
respectively. Determine the net rate of radiant heat transfer between than in kW/m 2. If the
above two plates be considered as imperfect grey emitters with emissivities 0.8 and 0.6
respectively, determine the net rate of heat exchange for the same two temperatures. What is
the percentage reduction in heat transfer rate?
(b) Explain mass transfer by diffusion of one component into a stationary component.
30. Find the diffusion rate of hot water at 50°C from the surface of a test tube 2 cm dia. Distance
between hot water surface and open end of the test tube is 4 cm. Assume dry air and
D = 0.28 cm2/sec.