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Lesson Plan in EPP - John Aries Solano

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in


At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
1. identify the different types of food services
2. perform the different types of food services
3. value the importance of the different types of food services in serving guests


A. Subject Matter: Types of Food Services

B. References: Department of Education, (2017). Food and Beverages Services Manual
(p.185-195). Pasig City: Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House
C. Materials: Powerpoint presentation, tv, laptop
D. Teaching Strategies: Charades, quiz bowl, demonstration
E. Values Infuse: Time management


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!

To start our day, it should be start with a prayer,

Who is assigned to lead the prayer for this day?
Yes ____________. Please lead the prayer. (A student will raise a hand)

(Students will rise for the prayer)

Before taking your seats, kindly arrange your

chairs properly and pick up trashes on the floor. (Students will execute)

Let me check your attendance first.

Let me hear your energetic HELLO when your
name is called
(Calling names)
Wow! Very Good no one is absent today!
Let’s have 5 claps!

B. COLLECTING AND CHECKING OF (Students clap their hands)


I gave you an assignment last meeting, right?

Please pass it forward and to the center aisle,
In a count of 5
(the teacher will count up to 5)
(Students will pass their assignments)
Are all papers in? Thank you

C. REVIEW Yes ma’am.

Class, what was our topic last meeting? Who can

recall what was our topic yesterday?
Yes, _______.

Thank you, _____. So, last meeting we discussed

about the carry out up-selling strategies. (Student raising a hand)
So, who can tell me again what is up-selling?
Last meeting, we discussed about the carry out
Yes, _______. up-selling strategies.

Very Good! Restaurant servers, cashiers and (Student raising a hand)

kitchen staff who have contact with the customer
should know the appropriate and actual ways to
upsell menu items. Up-selling is a marketing strategy in a restaurant
Thank you so much, ____. to convince the guest to spend more money.

How about the 5 keys for upselling dessert items?

Yes, _______.

(Student raising a hand)

Very Good. Thank you, ____.

Any questions about this topic? -Present dessert menus after lunch or dinner
-Use Vivid descriptions
None? so it means you are ready for our next -Bring out the dessert tray.
topic. -Offer low-calorie options
-Show off your desserts

None ma’am!
This morning we will have a new discussion and
activities as well.
Let me group you into 3 groups, let’s count from
1 to 3, starting from this row.

Okay, group 1 will stay her, group 2 will stay here

also and group 3 there
May I have one representative in each group to
be here in front?
(Students counting)
Okay. So, our first activity today would be
charades. Are you familiar with this?

I will let representatives pick some papers then

act in the front to be guess by the group
Now, representatives here please.
Are you ready? Yes ma’am!
Time starts now!
(charade continues)

Okay class! Good job for your cooperation!

Oh yeah!

From the things we did during in our game or

activity, do you have an idea what will be our
lesson for today?

What do you think our lesson today?

Very Good! Yes ma’am!

E. PRESENTATION OF OBJECTIVES Types of food services ma’am!

To begin our lesson, let me present to you the

lesson objectives for this day so that you will be
guided with what are expected to you at the end
of this period.

First, Kindly read ________.

We will identify the different types of food

identify the different types of food services.
Second, Kindly read ________.

Later we will perform the different types of food

perform the different types of food services

Lastly, Kindly read ________.

Of course, we will know the importance of the

different types of food services in serving guests. value the importance of the different types of
food services in serving guests.

For us to understand well and to have smooth

transition, we will unlock some difficult terms.

Gueridon- a French side table with a circular top.

Chef De Rang- an experienced waiter in charge of

a station in a restaurant.
Commis De Rang- lowest-ranked waiter in a
restaurant that assists chef de rang.

Let’s read together!

Thank you so much class!

(Students read together)

 Activity
Let’s have another activity! Still with your groups
a while ago.
Listen carefully to the instruction. I will give you
a small blackboard and some chalk and I will tell
some characteristics and you will choose if the
mentioned characteristic is a
French service, Russian service, American service,
Buffet service, Banquet Service Style, Family-Style
Service, and lastly Gueridon Service.

After answering, you will raise your boards to

check if you are correct.

(Teacher will start to mention some Yes ma’am!
 Analysis

Okay so let’s have a round of applause for each (Students will raise their boards)
and every one.
How did group 1 come up with the answer?
Group 2, was it easy? Group 3 did you find it

Okay. Let’s learn from these services.

(Group members answers)
 Abstraction
Types of Service

1. French Service
This is a formal type of service originated from
European nobility and presently enjoyed by a few
who can afford the time and expenses of meals
served in this manner.

French Service Employees:

a. Two waiters cooking together to serve the

 Chef De Rang (for experienced waiter)

seats the guest when a captain is not
present; takes the order; serves the
drink; prepares some of the food with
flourish at the guest’s table and presents
the check for payment.

 Commis de Rang (assistant) takes the

order from the chef de rang to the
kitchen; picks up the food and carries it
to the dining room; serve the plate as
dished by the chef de rang: clears the
dishes and stands ready to assist when

b. A captain waiter to seat guest

c. A wine steward to serve wine

The French Service has the following features

• It signifies luxury and is distinguished by
the fact that the food is cooked or
completed at a side table in front of the
• The food is carefully brought from the
kitchen to the dining room on heavy silver
platters arranged and garnished suitably and
placed on a rolling cart or trolley called
• A small stove called recued is used to
keep the food warm
• The food is completed by cooking,
deboning, slicing, and garnishing as
necessary and serve to the guest.
• The food is first presented to the host by
viewing, then to his guest of honor
• .All food is served and cleared from the
right side of the guest except for butter,
bread, and salad, which should be placed to
the left side of the guest. If a party is of
outstanding guest, salads are usually mixed
or prepared at the salad table or on a salad
cart by the captain waiter who makes the
ritual on it.
• Assorted pastries are presented on a
large tray or from a cart with a glass cover or
• The service requires side tables and carts
to perform it correctly.
• Soiled dishes are cleared only when all
guests has their meals.
• Finger bowls of warm water with rose
petals or lemon slice in them are served with
all finger foods, such as chicken and lobsters
and at the end of the

The bowl is placed on a doily on a small plate

called under liner and place with a clean napkin
in front of the guest.

Finger Bowl is served with the courses

mentioned above. When a guest eating lobsters
with his fingers suddenly wishes a sip of wine, he
washes his fingers before touching the glass if
possible, place the finger bowl in front of the
plate. An additional finger bowl is always served
at the end of any complete meal in French
Service and is placed directly in front of a guest
with fresh napkins.
2. Russian Service
The principal technique of Russian Service is that
every food item is brought into the dining room,
not on a plate as American Service, but on silver
platter from which it is served by the waiter to
the guest’s plates, which have been previously
placed before the guests. Since all work can be
done by one waiter, Russian Service has a good
advantage over French Service, far which two
waiters are needed
Russian Service is a combination of French and
American service due to the following features.
• It is very formal and elegant.
• The guest is given considerable personal
• It employs the use of heavy service ware
• Table setting s identical to French set-up
• Only one waiter is needed to serve the
• The food is fully prepared and pre-cut in
the kitchen.
• Chafing dishes must be used for some
food with direct plating of other.
• Soups are sometimes served from soup
tureens but in most cases, soup dishes or
cups are readily filled in the kitchen then
placed before the guest.
• The waiter picks up the platters of food
and heated plates from the kitchen and
carries them to the dining room on a large
tray which he places on a side stand.
• The hot plates are set in before the guest
from right side of the guest with the waiter's
right hand.
• The food is served directly from the silver
platter from the left side of the hand picking
or dishing out the food to the hot plate of
the guest. The waiter continues serving
counter clockwise around the table and then
returns the un-served food to the kitchen.
• Side salads are usually plated in the
• Finger bowls and napkin are served with
the meal
• Hot rolls are offered from a cart or large
• Soiled dishes are cleaned when all guests
have completed their meal.
3. American Service
This. It is characterized by portioning all the food
on a dinner plate in the kitchen, strict attention
must be observed in the equality and uniformity
in the plate presentation.
• Food is dished up on plates in the kitchen
and placed before the costumer who may
want coffee served with the meals.
• Except for salad, and bread and butter,
most of the food is placed on plate. Only one
waiter serves the meal.
• Food is served from is less formal than
French, Russian, or English and is the most
prevalent style in restaurants the left of the
guest, beverage from the right and soiled
dishes are cleared from the right.
• This service is fast, inexpensive, and can
be readily learned by non-professional
waiters with a minimum of training
American table setting
In setting up the table for an American
Service, place:
• A "silencer cloth (piece of felt or foam
rubber) on the bare table
• A sugar bowl, salt pepper shakers and
normally an ashtray on the table for each
two guests. For tables of more than six
services for every three persons may be
• Some restaurants put a "top cloth" over
the table cloth and change only the tope
when the guest leaves. Before stripping a
table for resetting, the waiter should always
obtain a clean table cloth.
• Finally, place the "covers" on the table.
This is each guest's plate, silverware, glass
and serviette.
4. Buffet Service
This is a type of service in which guest select their
meal from an attractive arrangement of food on
long serving tables. The guests either serve
themselves, or the dishes are ladled to their
plates by the chef's standing behind the buffet
tables. The service usually combines both types:
the guests select and get their own
5. Banquet Service Style
The concept of having a banquet service
originated from the need to serve a group of
people getting together to special occasion or
honor special guests at an event.

Features of Banquet Service

• A banquet service is normally used by
hotels, resorts, country clubs, casinos, and
restaurants with conference rooms available
for meetings or big events and gatherings.
• The menu, number of guests, time of
service, and number df covers are pre-set
making this service easier to organize and
• This service offers a full and elaborate
menu, providing a variety of choices to the
• More area per person and more
equipment are required
• Compared to other services of this style,
his service needs less personal attention or
service as the table settings are already
prepared for guests to serve themselves
• The waiters generally follow American
table settings when
• fixing up the tables but this could be
modified according to the menu
• Presentation of check or collection of
payment is not required at the end of the
meal as the banquet is paid for in advance.

6. Family Style Service

The family-style service is considered an informal
version of the American service.
With this service, all the necessary preparations
are in the kitchen and are then served in large
bowls and on big serving dishes with attractive
garnishing. The servers place the bowls and
serving dishes with necessary serving flatware in
the center of the table. The food is then passed
around the table by the guests for them to get
their fill,
Beverages and any other dishes are also
served according to the American service or as
the situation requires.
Features of Family-Style Service
• It does not require any special skills.
• Usually, the guests serve themselves
making the service faster. Sometimes,
servers help assists in passing dishes
especially if they are quite heavy, or if there
are several guests served if the service
employs an all-you-can-eat feature, then
servers must continue to fill serving
containers as requested. When the guests
are finished eating, the servers clear the
soiled dishes from the table.
• If the service employs an all-you-can-eat
feature, then server must continue to fill
serving containers as requested
• When the guests are finished eating, the
servers clear the soiled dishes from the

7. Gueridon Service
This is also known as cart or trolley service, as it
utilizes a Gueridon trolley or cart, equipped with
gas burners to bring and cook the food to the
dining area. The dish is partially cooked and
prepared in the kitchen, then completed at the
side of the guest table. This service is ideal for
those guests who have a diverse palate for food
and appreciate seeing how the dish is being
cooked. I is also for high end fine dining
restaurants due to the high cost of Gueridon
food. The Maitre d' hotel or Chef de Rang
prepares the food and is assisted by Commis de
Rang. When complete, the dish is served to the
guest from the right-hand side.
Features of Gueridon Service
The following features of Gueridon
service makes it distinct and elegant
• It requires skilled and experienced staff
who knows how to fillet, carve, and flambé
food. They undergo an extensive training
program to ensure their expertise
• Though there may be a shortage in
kitchen staff, hiring more servers may
compensate for this.
• A special Gueridon menu is prepared for
the guests to choose from
• It is considered a sophisticated service
which provides much personal attention to
• A low turnover is seen in the pricier
Gueridon menu items, though with high
expenditures due to the equipment used
• Due to the more personalized service,
the coverage of a service person is only
around 18 to 20 square feet, thus more
servers are needed, especially in a bigger
• In Gueridon service, an extensive training
program is organized to train the employees
since experienced and expert servers are

 Generalization
So, those are the types of food services. Why do
you think it is important for you to know the (Student raising a hand)
different types of food services?

Yes,___ It is important to know the different types of food

services because it help us to learn more and
every management has to adhere to a variety of
special standards that ensure the satisfaction of
all guests.

Very well said, ______

Does it mean you are ready for our next activity?
 Application
Our 3rd activity is a demonstration of the different
types of food services. Each group will choose 4
types of food services and demonstrate it on
Before that, let me present to you our rubric in
grading you. (Presents a rubric)
None ma’am!
Any questions?
Time starts now!
Yes ma’am!

(Teacher will rate them after)

Good job guys! (Students execute)

A round of applause for each and every one.
Did you know class that menu card has an
important role also in a food service?

It helps to suit the style of the restaurant that is

very big part of marketing.
A short menu card enables customer to scan
quickly that is not also time consuming.

Always remember the time management in Yes ma’am!

serving guests. Okay?

Very Good!
Since everybody seems understood well our
topic. Get ½ sheet crosswise paper and answer

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Answer the following services being described.
________1. a formal type of service originated from European nobility and presently enjoyed by
a few who can afford the time and expenses of meals served in this manner.
________2. every food item is brought into the dining room, not on a plate as American Service,
but on silver platter from which it is served by the waiter to the guest’s plates, which have been
previously placed before the guests.
________3. a type of service in which guest select their meal from an attractive arrangement of
food on long serving tables.
_________4. is less formal than French, Russian, or English and is the most prevalent style in
_________5. normally used by hotels, resorts, country clubs, casinos, and restaurants with
conference rooms available for meetings or big events and gatherings.
_________6. is considered an informal version of the American service
_________7. it utilizes a Gueridon trolley or cart, equipped with gas burners to bring and cook
the food to the dining area.
_________8. It requires skilled and experienced staff who knows how to fillet, carve, and flambé
_________9. It is very formal and elegant.
_________10. Food is served from is less formal than French, Russian, or English and is the
most prevalent style in restaurants the left of the guest, beverage from the right and soiled
dishes are cleared from the right.
V. Assignment
List down some food service protocol and etiquettes in a one whole yellow paper.

Department of Education, (2017). Food and Beverages Services Manual (p.187). Pasig City:
Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House

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