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AD-A240 170



C. Arbak
P. King
SEP 1 f11991
R. Jauer D
E. Adam D
McDonnell Aircraft Company
McDonnell Douglas Corporation
P.O. Box 516
St. Louis, MO 63166

June 1988

Period of Performance: August 1986 - October 1987


Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited


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IApril 1988 Interim Aug 86 - Oct 87
Helmet-Mounted Display/Sight Tactical Utility Study(U) 62202F-PE
7184 - PR
Of) - TA
6. AUTHOR(S) 11 - WU
C. Arbak E. Adam
P. King
R. Jauer
McDcnnell Aircraft REPORT NUMBER
McDonnell Douglas Corporation
P.O. Box 516
St Louis MO 63166
Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-6573 AAMRL-TR-88-022



Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

This report documents an evaluation of a current tactical helmet-mounted sight and
display (HMS/D) in air-to-air combat. The HMS/D was evaluated in several simulated
mutual support scenarios by operational F-15 pilots in the McDonnell Douglas
simulator domes. Qualitative and quantitative results are described within this
report as well as details of the HMS/D integration and functionality.


Helmet-Mounted Display Prototype Systems 75
Tactical Aoile Eye 16. PRICE CODE
H1elmet-Mounted Sight simulators_____


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The work reported on herein was performed under Contract Number F33615-85-
D-0514, Task 0013. This report, entitled "Helmet Mounted Display/ Sight Tactical
Utility Study," covers the period August 1986 through October 1987 and the
technical efforts concerning tactical applications of Helmet Mounted Display/
Sight. The portions of Task 0013 that concern strategic applications are
documented in a separate technical report.
The impetus of this effort was a message written by the Fighter Requirements
Division (TAC/DR) located at Tactical Air Command Headquarters requesting a study
to be pursued to evaluate the tactical utility of current HMD/S systems integrated
into F-15 aircraft performing air-to-air combat. To support this request, the
Human Engineering Division developed a strategy to qualitatively and quantitatively
evaluate HMD/S utility in as operational a setting as possible. This strategy
involved utilizing manned simulation as a tool to support operational scenarios
and threat mixes. This permitted operational F-15 pilots to combine the HMD/S
capability with the current weapon deployment concepts and tactics. This strategy
allowed maximum flexibility and variability in use of aircraft and HMD/S capability.
The following members of the Technical Staff of the Advanced Design group at
the McDonnell Aircraft Company participated in this effort; P. King, C. Arbak, B.
Waldron, R. Jauer, and E. Adam.
This task was conducted for the Armstrong Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory
through the Southeastern Center for Electrical Engineering Education by McDonnell
Douglas Corporation and Washington University under the technical direction of
Mr. Michael Haas and Dr. John Pellosie. Other Air Force Agencies, such as the
Tactical Air Command, provided invaluable consultation regarding operational
considerations and mission scenario design. Lt. Col. Michael Gentrup (HQ/TAC/DRFA)
and Lt. Col. Joe Farcht (ASD/TACSO) worked closely with AAMRL providing operational
direction in the conceptual phase of the effort as well as '.ring its period of
performance and were instrumental in assuring its successful completion.

Accesion For

Ud i.O:j. :ed I


Di t ib-Aio.il

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Drit Sp..ciai



. . . .....
. . .. .. .. .. ......
TABLE OF CONTENTS.............
. . .... .. .. .. . ...
LIST OF FIGURES............. .
... ...
.. .. .. . . ....

1.0 INTRODUCTION.............
. . ..
... .. .. .. .. . . ....
2.0 SUMMARY. .. ...... ......... ............ 2-1
3.0 CREW STATIONS .. ... ......... ......... ... 3-1
3.1 F-15C CREW STATIONS .. ....... ............ 3-1
3.2 CHANGES TO F-15C MSIP SYSTEM .. ... ............ 3-1
3.3 F-15E CREW STATION...... ..... . .. .. .. .. ..
3.5 MICS CREW STATIONS .. ... ......... ....... 3-13
4.0 TEST DESCRIPTION. ... ......... ............ 4-1

4.1 TEST EQUIPMENT. .. ...... ......... ..... 4-1

4.2 PILOT PARTICIPANTS. .. ...... ......... ... 4-3
4.3 PROCEDURE. ... ......... ......... ... 4-3
4.4 TEST SCENARIOS. ... ..... ......... ..... 4-6
4.5 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT (ROE) .. ........ ....... 4-10
5.0 RESULTS. .. ...... ......... ............ 5-1
5.1 VARIABLES EVALUATED .. ....... ............ 5-1
5.2 ANALYSIS OF HMS/D QUANTATIVE DATA .. ....... .... 5-2
5.3 QUALITATIVE DATA SUMMARY. .. ....... ........ 5-18

6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .. ... ......... ... 6-1

7.0 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. .. ...... ......... .... 7-1


1-1 "Agile Eye" Weight ............................ ..... 1-2
1-2 "Agile Eye" C.G. Comparison ....... ............... 1-2
3-1 Stick Switch Functions .............................. 3-1
3-2 HMD Auto Acquisition Switch Functions . .......... .... 3-2
3-3 Throttle Switchology ........ ................... 3-3
3-4 F-15E Forward Crew Station Main Instrument Panel ..... 3-4
3-5 HUD Controls ...... ........................... 3-5
3-6 Multipurpose Display Controls ... .................. 3-6
3-7 F-15C MSIP Stick Grip and Throttle Controls ....... ... 3-7
3-8 "Agile Eye" Helmet System ...... .. ................ 3-8
3-9 HMS/D Control Panel .... ... .. ................... 3-10
3-10 Data Parameters Passed Between the F-15 Avionics and the
Agile Eye ...... ............................ 3-11
3-11 Component Interconnects for the Agile Eye Flight Test
Prototype System ...... ........................ 3-12
3-12 Agile Eye Connection to F-15 Avionics System ... ....... 3-13
3-13 MICS Components ..... ..................... ..... 3-14
4-1 Agile Eye Interaction ..... .................. ..... 4-2
4-2 Week One Schedules and Order of Initial Conditions .... 4-5
4-3 Week Two Schedules and Order of Initial Conditions .... 4-5
4-4 Air Base Defense Setup ... .................. 4-6
4-5 Typical Initial Conditions Air Base Defense Scenario. 4-7
4-6 Fighter Sweep Setup ...... ... ................... 4-7
4-7 Typical Initial Conditions Fighter Sweep Scenario .... 4-8
4-8 IvivIvi Setup ...... .... ...................... 4-9
4-9 2v2 Setup ....... ........................ ..... 4-9
5-1 Variables Analyzed ..... .................... 5-1
5-2 Analysis of Variance Summary Table for Blue Kills . .. 5-3
5-3 Average Kills Per Run for Blue Aircraft . ............ 5-4
5-4 Analysis of Variance Summary Table for Red Kills ..... 5-4
5-5 Average Kills Per Run for Red Aircraft ................. 5-5
5-6 Analysis of Variance Summary Table for F-15 Pilot
Work Load ................................. ..... 5-5
5-7 Average Blue Workload ..... .................. ..... 5-6
5-8 Analysis of Variance Summary Table for Red Pilot
Work Load ...... ........................ ..... 5-6
5-9 Average Red Pilot SWAT Score ... ............... ..... 5-7
5-10 Analysis of Variance Summary Table For Percentage of
Time Outside the HUD ..... .................. ..... 5-7
5-11 Percentage of Time Pilot LOS Was Outside the HUD ..... 5-8
5-12 Analysis of Variance Summary Table for Helmet Line of
Sight More Than 450 Outside the HUD ..... ........... 5-8
5-13 Percent of Time Pilot LOS Was More Than 45 Degrees OFF
Boresight ...... ........................ ..... 5-9
5-14 Analysis of Variance Summary Table for Designations of
Targets Outside the HUD ........ ................. 5-9



5-15 Number of Supersearch Designations Outside HUD ......... 5-10
5-16 Analysis of Variance Summary Table for Designations of
Targets Outside the HUD While in Boresight Mode ..... 5-10
5-17 Number of Boresight Mode Designations Out of HUD ..... 5-11
5-18 Analysis of Variance Summary Table for Variance Summary 5-11
5-19 AIM-9 Launches ................................. 5-12
5-20 Analysis of Variance Summary Table for AIM-9 Kills
by Blue ............................................. 5-12
5-21 Average AIM-9 Kills Per Run ... ............... .... 5-13
5-22 Analysis of Variance Summary Table For Range of
First Launch .................................. .... 5-13
5-23 Average Time From Start of Run to First Launch ......... 5-14
5-24 Analysis of Variance Summary Table for Time of
First Launch ...... .. ...................... .... 5-14
5-25 Range at First Launch ...... .................. .... 5-15
5-26 Exchange Ratios for Each Week of Data Collection ..... 5-16
5-27 Correlation Matrix for Visual Engagement With HMD Off 5-17
5-28 Correlation Matrix for Visual Engagement With HMD On . 5-17
6-1 Exchange Ratio Results ..... ...................... 6-1
6-2 Red and Blue SWAT Scores .... ...................... 6-2
A-i Missile Shoot Cue for Tracked Target ............. .... A-I
A-2 AIM-9 L/M Sidewinder Displays ... .............. ... A-2
A-3 Breakaway "X"........ .. .................... ..... A-3
A-4 AAI Reply Modes ...... .... ..................... A-4
A-5 Basic HMD Symbols................................ .... A-5
A-6 Display-Limited Horizon Bar ... ................... A-6
A-7 Helmet Automatic Acquisition Modes .. ............ .... A-7
A-8 Helmet Automatic Acquisition Display When Radar Antenna
is at Gimbal Limits ..... ................... ..... A-8
A-9 STT/RAM Display ...... ..................... ..... A-9
A-10 TWS Displays ....... ....................... ..... A-1O
A-li Typical Symbols Reject Display .... .................. A-i


Visually coupled systems, under development at the Armstrong Aerospace

Medical Research Laboratory (AAMRL) since 1966, have been advocated for use in
high performance fighters. Helmet mounted sight/displays (HMS/D) are considered
a prime method for enhancing pilot capabilities, especially in acquiring and
maintaining "situation awareness," and the large off-boresight capability
promises to provide improved combat effectiveness.
The VCSS (Visually Coupled System Simulation)-Vista Sabre Study was a
funded program at MCAIR from the Southeastern Center for Electrical Engineering
Education (SCEEE). An objective of VCSS was to demonstrate the capabilities and
benefits of a helmet mounted sight and display (HMS/D) to Tactical Air Command
(TAC) pilots.
The purpose of this MCAIR report is to analyze the data generated by the
VCSS study, draw conclusions and recommend further investigations of HMS/D
The purpose of the VCSS study was to help the Air Force and industry
develop displays and cockpits that help reduce workload, and increase situation
awareness and system effectiveness. A man-in-the-loop simulation was used to
collect data on equipment and concepts that have been developed.
The simulation objectives were to:

1) Demonstrate possible applications of an HMS/D to a TAC air-to-air

2) Collect subjective workload data.
3) Determine a better way to integrate an HMS/D into an F-15.
4) Determine other applications of an HMS/D to TAC Missions.
Two F-15 cockpits were used for the "Blue" cockpits. One is an F-15C MSIP
(multi-staged improvement program) cockpit. The other is an F-15E cockpit that
was modified to respond as if it was an F-15C MSIP cockpit.
Two MICS (manned interactive control stations) were used for the "Red"
The HMS/D used was the Agile Eye made by Kaiser Electronics. The Agile Eye
is a new helmet design that incorporates the latest technology available to all
functions of a flight helmet. It weighs only 2.6 lbs, or one-half pound lighter
than the current lightweight helmet (Figure 1-1). It has a center-of-gravity
(cg) that is near the cg of the pilot's head (Figure 1-2). The cg of current
helmets is forward of the head cg which induces extra load on the pilot's neck
during ejection. The aerodynamic design of Agile Eye reduces aero loads from 600
lbs with current helmets, in a 500 Kt ejection, to only 300 lbs.


0 87 20

2 63 1
S58 ' 0 2

U 209
N 2
S 7/,

Navy Air Force Kaiser

HGU-33P HGU-55P Agile Eyc

Figure 1-1. "Agile Eye" WeightGP3OO-8

0.G. of Standard Helmet

C.G. of Head

S C.G. of Kaiser's
H "Agile Eye'


Figure 1-2. "Agile Eye" C.G. Comparison

Proficier-y ising the HMS/D and flying in the simulator was developed with
a combination uf classroom briefings, study, and with trials, discussions and
practice sessions in the simulator. During the experiments, normal crew tasks,
such as flying, communicating, operating sensors (e.g., radar), responding to
threacs, acquiring targets, and launching weapons were performed. Debriefing was
ic,omplished with questionnaires and interviews.
Two blue force pilots in F-15 simulators conducted 2v2, 2v4 and 2v8
air-to-air missions against digital opponents and two Aggressor pilots flying
manned interiztive combat stations (MICS). The HMS/D was used by the F-15 pilot
to provide off boresight target acquisition, direct target detection and tracking
with the radar and employee weapons.

The effectiveness of the HMS/D was evaluated by comparing identical

missions conducted with and without the HMS/D. Performance data were collected
on sensor employment, weapon usage, and exchange ratios in addition to subjective
workload and opinion data. Data were recorded on a master data tape and printed
off-line. Audio and video tape records of all missions were kept.
HMS/Display formats were jointly defined by MCAIR and AAMRL. MCAIR used
display symbology and integration in concepts from the F-15C so that a minimum
change was made to the basic system operation. Helmet display symbology was
developed at MCAIR and evaluated at AAMRL prior to the full mission evaluation.
F-15C aerodynamics models were used along with integrated controls and


Two Agile Eye prototype helmet mounted sight and display (HMS/D) systems
were evaluated with 30 hours of testing in two simulated F-15C MSIP aircraft in
MCAIR's flight simulation facility. The test lasted two weeks. Each week had
two TAC F-15 pilots fly with and without helmets in four test scenarios (2v2,
2v4, 2v8 and IvivivI). Opposing the F-15s were a variety of aircraft. Two of
the opponents were flown by Aggressor pilots from Nellis AFB. The other
opponents were digital aircraft "flown" by the sinulation computer.

The HMS/D concept was highly lauded by the pilots. They also noted some
improvements needed for the prototype systems that they used for the test. These
included better visor optics, a better/firmer fit, and a sharper focus of the
display optics.

The measured data showed an initial slight decrease in performance while

the pilots learned how to use the new capability. That was followed by a large
increase in performance at the end of the testing period when the exchange ratio
nearly doubled while it remained nearly constant without the HMS/D.

The pilot opinion data also strongly supported the HMS/D for the
within-visual range (WVR) arena. The pilots were especially enthused about the
time saved with the HMS/D, the capability it gave them to launch AIM-9 missiles
while guiding an AIM-7 and the capability to launch AIM-9 missiles while keeping
basic fighter maneuvering (BFM).


An F-15C MSIP and an F-15E cockpit were used for the simulations. lhe
F-15E was modified to function like an F-15C MSIP.
The baseline aircraft was an F-15 with MSIP equipment, and operational
flight program 1002 in the central computer and a CAJ radar tape. The Radar
possessed trdck-whilV-scan (TWS) and raid assessment mode (RAM) capabilities.

The following changes were made to the operation of the uz .sine aircraft:

o The forward and aft positions of the auto acquisitivn switch on the
stick were redefined when the radar was in a search mode. The
forward position of the switch provided helmet automatic acquisition;
the aft position had no function. The switch is shown in Figure 3-1.

Castle Switch
(Not Used) -Ti Switch

Weapon Release

Trigger Acquisition
and TWS Switch
(See Table 5-1)

AIM-9L/M Seeker
HMD Boresight

Automatic Flight
Control Disengage -GP7"-201-3-A

Figure 3-1. Stick Switch Functions

o The Supersearch, Boresight, and Vertical Scan auto acquisition modes

were replaced by two helmet auto acquisition modes: Helmet
Supersearch (HSS) and Helmet Boresight (HBST). Auto Gun Scan was

still available as a third auto acquisition mode and operated in the
same manner as on the MSIP F-15.
o The HUD Symbols Reject switch also removed symbols from the Helmet
o The operation of the AIM-9 L/M seeker when not slaved to the radar
was changed. Basically, all operations that previously resulted in
slaving ti.e seeker to aircraft boresight in the MSIP F-15 had the
effect of slaving the seeker to the helmet line of sight (LOS).
o Certain symbols were removed from the HUD when the HMD was in use to
eliminate clutter (see Appendix A).
All other aircraft systems and displays of the baseline aircraft were
unchanged and operated in the manner defined in T.O. IF-34C-1-1, Non-Nuclear
Weapon Delivery Manual (Air-to-Air). This included operation of the auto
acquisition switch with the radar in a track mode to obtain TWS or RAM modes.

3.2.1 Flight Control Stick - The HMD Auto Acquisition Switch Functions are
depicted in Figures 3-1 and 3-2. Note that a castle switch was located where the
trim switch is on F-15A and C models. For this simulation the castle switch was
inoperative. The trim switch was located to the right of the castle switch.

Auto Acquisition Radar Mode

Switch Position Search STT
Forward 1 = HMD Supersearch 1 = HD.TWS
2 = HMD Boresight 2 = STT

Aft No Function 1 = TWS

2 = STT
Down Return to Search Return to Search

Note: If press/release TOC and FORWARD within 2 sec, then: QP7M201-"

1= RAM

Figure 3-2. HMD Auto Acquisition Switch Functions

3.2.2 Throttles - The switch functions on the throttles are depicted in

Figure 3-3. Note the reticle stiffen and SRM reject switch locations were
changed. The IFF interrogate button was a four-position switch with TWE priority
target step, IFF interrogate, AIM-9 boresight/gun reticule stiffen and EWWS

Switch Elevation ntrol

Speed Brake
Switch - 2 B

Rear Fwdesigt 6Target e

Not nng
Used Reject4

s et P rt

0 P73.0201-2-N

Figure 3-3. Throttles Switchology


In the VCSS simulation the F-15E was configured for aerial combat with
radar and heat-seeking air-to-air missiles and a 20 mm gun. For the purpose of
this simulation the F-15E VCSS crew station reflected the Multi Stage Improvement
Program (MSIP) F-15C capabilities.
The forward crew station is depicted in Figure 3-4. Stick and throttle
switchology were the same as the MSIP F-15C described earlier. VCSS HUD
symbology was the same as the standard F-15 HUD. Radar symbols were presented on
the left Multi Purpose Display (MPD) and TEWS symbols on the right MPD. The
center color display displayed weapons data (simulated PACS display).



14 . .. 25

Tone.Sil nce Sele--Swit26

3 ,Wrnn
124P 1 Rear View Mirro13
) =' 28

8 _ -30

7V I 22 C-artLi3g

A&' 33
8E rn Jtsa 3 .Cn Pt 34

-' "- - -- --- '36

2t Al l 37

42"-, '"
41 38

I Landing Gear Handle 24 H3

2. Ptch Ratio Select Sw2tch and indarator
3 Warning Tone Silence SelectSwStch
4 Landing Gear Position Lights 19. Rear View Mirror

5 Armament Control Panel 20 Lock/Shoot Cauton Lights

6 Angle-of-Attack IndMcator 21. Air Refueling Ready L3gcit
7 Vertical Velocoty indicator 22. Clart Light
8 Emergency Jettison Select Switch 23. Standby Compass 34. Cabin Pressure Alimeter
9. Standby Airspeed Indicator 24, Head Up Display Combiner 35 Engine Monitor Display

16 Standby Alttiude Indicator 25 Head Up Display Camera Perscope 36 Jet Fuel Starter Handle
11 Standby Altimeter 26 Warning Loght Panel 37 Holding Brake Select Switch
12 Fire Warning/ Extinguishing Control Panel 27 Up-Front Control 38 Stick Grip
Flight Control
13 Monochromatic Multipurpose Display 28. Advisory Light Panel 39 Left Circuit Breaker Panel
14 Multipurpose Color Display 29 Utilty Hydraulic Pressure Indicator 40, ECS Variable Discharge Louver
15. Master Mode Select Switches 30. Primary Hydraulic Pressure Indicator41, Right Circuit Breaker Panel
16 Head Up Display Control Panel 31 Data Transfer Module Receptacle 42 Top Circuit Breaker Panel
17 Emission Limit Caution Light 32 Analog Clock 43. Emergency Brake Steering Control

18 Master Caution Light 33 uel Quantity Indicator 44 Rudder Petal Adlustment Control

Figure 3.4. F.15E Forward Crew Station Main Instrument Panel

3.3.1 HUD Controls - The HUD controls were located directly below the UFC,
see Figure 3-5. Power ON/OFF and symbol brightness were controlled by the far
left knob. For this simulation the two knobs on the right were not used. The
toggle switch on the left controlled symbol declutter.


6 ,-

- - - - -.. - -%

....E.. .

HUD Control Panel


Figure 3-5. HUD Controls

3.3.2 MultipurDose Display Controls - Each of the three multipurpose

displays had an "ON/OFF" toggle switch in the upper right corner. Brightness and
Contrast rocker switches were in the lower left and right corners, respectively,
see Figure 3-6.

I @ ON Power


Bn @

Brigtns aR ii Z L l CONT @I - Contrast


Figure 3.6. Multipurpose Display Controls

3.4 AGILE Eye Helmet Mounted Displays and Integration

This section provides a brief description of the Kaiser Agile Eye system,
the controls required to operate it, and the changes made to integrate the helmet
mounted display (HMD) into the F-15C avionics. The following summarizes these

0 The forward and aft positions of the auto acquisition switch were
redefined when the radar was in a search mode. The forward position
of the switch provided Helmet Automatic Acquisition; the aft position
had no assigned function.
0 The Supersearch, Boresight, and Vertical Scan auto acquisition modes
were replaced by two helmet auto acquisition modes--Helmet Super-
search (HSS) and Helmet Boresight (HBST). Auto Gun Scan was
available as a third auto acquisition mode and operates with no

o Operation of the AIM-9 L/M seeker (when not slaved to the radar) was
changed. All operations that previously slaved the seeker to
aircraft boresight slaved the seeker to the helmet line of sight
o The HUD Symbol Reject switch controlled both HUD and HMD formats.

0 Certain symbols were removed from the HUD when the HMD was in use.

The F-15C MSIP stick grip and throttle control switches were as shown in
Figure 3-7. Those used during operation of the HMD are indicated and are
addressed in subsequent paragraphs. All other stick and throttle switches were
unchanged in their operation.

Weapons Release
(All Except Gun)


Auto Acquisition Switch (Four Position

AIM-9 Seeker uncage and HMD Boresight

MicrophoneRadar Antenna

Switch=- 2 HMD Blankn



5Inboard Forward Up

NCTot I bo r Outb,,ard
* interrogate

used ejectAIM-9L/M
Boresight /
i Gunsight


Figure 3-7. F-15C MSIP Stick Grip and Throttle Controls

3- 7
3.4.1 Kaiser Agile Eye System - The Agile Eye helmet mounted display (HMD)
systems used for this test were prototype versions to evaluate the concept of
helmet mounted displays. Because they were prototypes, some aspects were less
than ideal. Participants in the evaluation were asked to share their opinions on
both good and bad points of this system. A summary of these comments is reported
in the results section.

The Agile Eye system is composed of three major subsystems: the helmet
itself, the head tracker and the display system which consists of a display
processor and a display driver unit (DD). These are illustrated in Figure 3-8
and described briefly below.

Helmet Subsystem Tracker Subsystem

Kaiser MDEC/Polhemus

,r lv Electronics
Prcessor Il

Total system weight - 30 11)

Figure 3-8. "Agile Eye" Helmet System

Agile Eye Helmet The Agile Eye helmet was

- designed as a completely new
flight helmet with a display integrated into the helmet. This avoids problems
that previous helmet display systems have incurred by adding display elements to
a standard flight helmet. The add-on approach has led to visibility, weight, and
center of gravity (CG) problems which made the helmet undesirable (or even
unacceptable) for use in flight.

The new design also improved three basic characteristics over the present
USAF light weight flight helment. The amount of aerodynamic lift produced by
this helmet at high speed was cut in half. The weight was redistributed so that
the overall CG of this helmet was closer to the natural CG of the human head than
present helmets. The total weight (i.e., with tracker and display elements) was
one-half pound lighter. This was done by using new components and Kevlar for the
shell which provided the strength required for a flight helmet, but greatly
reduced the weight.

Head Tracker - The Agile Eye system employs an electromagnetic tracking

system manufactured by Polhemus Navigation Sciences, a subsidiary of McDonnell
Douglas Electronics Company. A source, positioned above the pilot's head in the
cockpit, radiates three orthogonal magnetic signals. In the simulator, the
source was mounted on an arm attached to the ejection seat. In an aircraft, it
could be mounted anywhere as long as it has a clear line of sight to the helmet.

The receiver was mounted in the top of the Agile Eye helmet. Changes in
the orientation of the helmet relative to the source cause changes in the
received signal. By comparing the transmitted and received signals, helmet
position and orientation are determined. From these, line of sight (LOS) angles
are om,-.ted. T,6 display is then tailored for the LOS. Accuracy was not
measured as part of this test. However, subjective assessment of the concept
indicated that one-half degree would be sufficient for most flight operations.
This is within the accuracy reported for the system when it has been properly
installed and calibrated.

Helmet Display System - The display was provided by a half-inch diameter

cathode ray tube (CRT), mounted inside the helmet on the right. The CRT image
was transported to the helmet visor using fiber optics and mirrors. The visor
was the final optical element and acted as the combining glass for the display,
superimposing the display elements on the outside visual scene. This system
produced a 12 degree field of view (FOV) display positioned at any LOS that the
pilot could achieve through head movements.

The video signal for the helmet CRT was generated by a digital graphics
processor. This signal is transmitted to the helmet at a low voltage level so
that no spark would be produced by quick disconnect of the necessary electrical
lines. A high voltage power supply was located within the helmet and converted
the input video signal to the voltage levels necessary to drive the helmet CRT.
3.4.2 HMD Controls and Integration - The control panel for the HMS/D is
shown in Figure 3-9. The only item used during the test was the brightness
control which was set at the start of a session.

D1 fA
; CL2 T/S G






Figure 3-9. HMS/D Control Panel

The HMS/D was integrated with the F-15 so that there was a minimum charge
in operational procedures for the pilots. A boresight procedure was added to
ensure that the helmet sight was aligned with other aircraft systems.

The display formats used in this evaluation are summarized in Appendix A.

3.4.3 Compatibility With F-15 Avionics - The Agile Eye system can be
easily integrated with the F-15 avionics. The prototype is currently configured
to talk on a 1553A Bus. This military standard bus is available on post-MSIP
(multi-staged improvement program) F-15s. The interface could be changed to work
just as well with the H009 Bus which is on all F-15s.

The message traffic imposed on the bus is approximately 37 words. These

pass data such as listed in Figure 3-10 between the central computer and the
display processor tracker (DPT) at a 20 Hz rate.

" Display Symbol On/Off Flags
" Line-of-Sight Angles for Radar or Other Sensors and Corresponding Symbology
(Display Two Simultaneously)
* Aircraft Parameters
- Pitch/Pitch Rate - Mach
- Roll/Roll Rate - Acceleration (Normal)
- Heading - Airspeed
- Yaw Rate - Altitude
- Angle-of-Attack
" Message Window Locations and Alphanumerics in Each Window
" Helmet Parameters
- Pitch - Line-of-Sight
- Roll - Mode
- Heading

Figure 3-10. Data Parameters Passed Between the F-15 Avionics

and the Agile Eye DPT

The DPT is the interface to the Agile Eye through its mux bus connection as
seen in Figure 3-11. The DDU (display driver unit) is mounted in the cockpit
next to the standard existing communications and oxygen connectors which continue
to serve their current functions. The display functions are implemented by
pluging the umbilical cord quick disconnect into the DDU.

Magnetic Field

Display Standard
~Cockpit Existing


Tracker (DPT-
Mounted in
Avionics Bay) Oxygen

' Communications

Supplies- Ni
" AC
" DC* DC Display Driver Unit tDDU-
Mounted on Cockpit Console)

MUX Bus GP83o07827

Figure 3-11. Component Interconnects for the Agile Eye

Flight Test Prototype System

There are several possibilities for connecting to the F-15 avionics system
as shown in Figure 3-12. The first is to use the 1553 Bus, if available on the
aircraft, and the existing design of the OPT. The second is to redesign the DPT
bus interface to work with the H009 Bus. The third is to redesign the DPT and
the signal data processor (SDP) to be collocated and interface with the H009.
With redesign of the SOP, better than 50 percent of the volume could be freed.
There are 16 cards now in the SOP. These could be reduced to seven with today's
technology and drive a stroke only HUD. The vacated card slots would probably
provide sufficient volume for a redesigned OPT.


DPTr' ~ H009

Head -----
Up Signal 1Central
Display 1S iData
Processor Radar Computer

Vertical 3 M P rOg ra ab le
Situation Sins (ebd
wepnVad) mProcessor 1553 scr ,
-IDS c s

Programable s gro PHM

Control Set airr a.


Figure 3-12. Simplified Block Dagram of F-1 5/AgIlo

Eye Interfase


The Manned Interactive Control Stations (MICS) were used by the red team
pilots. The MICS, as depicted in Figure 3-13 consist of a CRT display screen, a
control console, a stick grip, and a throttle quadrant. The switches located on
the control console and the throttle and stick grips control the aircraft's
weapons and avionics in a manner similar to the F-15 crew stations, resulting in
a fully capable aircraft. The stick grip and throttle controls provide
sufficient flight control and propulsion control for the aircraft.

The CRT display screen in front of the MICS pilot shows scaled versions of
the BVR (beyond visual range) displays available on the displays in the crew
stations. BVR information available to the pilot of either a domed crew station,
MACS, or a MICS was similar. An additional display was available to the MICS
pilot that represents the relative position and attitude of other aircraft within
visual range throughout the visual envelope. The same "out-the-window"
information was given in both stations but in different formats. The aerodynamic
performance of an aircraft controlled from a MICS is the same as if the control
were from a MACS.

3 -!13
FigUre 3-13. MICS Components

The purpose of the simulation was to demonstrate and measure the utility of
a HMS/D in air-to-air combat. Four operational, F-15 C/D, TAC pilots and four
Agressor pilots flew the missions along with digital aircraft embedded in the
simulation. Two F-15 and two agressor pilots flew simultaneously in one week of
testing. This was followed by a second week of testing with the other four
The objective of this test was to demonstrate and evaluate the utility of a
helmet mounted display (HMD) in air combat. This was accomplished by simulating
various air combat situations, collecting pilot comments, and comparing results
when pilots have the HMD ("Helmet On") with results in a conventional cockpit
("Helmet Off"). The test scenarios included enemy fighters, enemy bombers, and
friendly aircraft. Both offensive and defensive missions were examined. The
enemy fighters were both digital and manned by "agressor pilots" flying from
During the test, multiple runs up to 15 minutes each were performed. Each
run had a different set of initial conditions; i.e., the other aircraft differed
in type, starting position, and total numbers. Each set of initial conditions
was used twice - once with the HMD off, and once with the HMD on--as much as
practical. Scheduling limitations prevented collecting a full factorial set of
When the HMD was off, the simulators functioned as normal F-15C MSIP
aircraft. When the HMD was on, the systems were changed to the integrated HMD/S
The basic tasks of the F-15 pilots during the test we. to operate as a
flight, destroy enemy aircraft, avoid attacking friendly aircraft, and
successfully defend against enemy attacks. Toward this end, they were instructed
to employ standard USAF two-ship air combat tactics.
Subjective workload data were collected from both F-15 and Agressor pilots.
Objective data collected included kills and weapons employment data. The
experimental design described provided maximum, control of learning and practice
effects within the constraints of time and numbers of missions.


The test was performed in McDonnell Aircraft Company's Manned Air Combat
Simulators (MACS). MACS-IV, which is configured as an F-15C, and MACS-V, which
is configured as an F-15E were used. The F-15E cockpit was programmed so that
the basic avionics operated as an F-15C. Plthough the cockpit appearance is
different, the left CRT was used to display the F-15 VSD and the right CRT for
the TEWS display. The stick and throttle switches were identical in both
cockpits and provided F-15C functions.

Each cockpit is built on a platfc.'m that sits in the middle of a 40 foot

diameter sphere, or "dome". During operation, computer graphics are used to
project ground, sky, and other aircraft onto the surface of the dome. This
provides full vision capabilities to the pilot in addition to the cockpit
displays. The overall visual effect might give a sensation of motion; however,
the cockpit and platform are stationary.

The following limitations were present during this test. First, the amount
of navigation that could be performed was limited. The Dynamic Earth/Sky system
was used to provide the out-the-window background visual scene. This s):tem
provides a horizon and a generic ground pattern. It provides excellent cues for
BFM (Basic Fighter Maneuvering), but cannot be used to navigate. The TACAN or
INS systems were not simualted. However, Nav destinations were displayed on the
VSD display. Four destinations (B, 1, 2, and 3) were programmed for use during
the test to provide indications of FEBA location and the position of the
airfield. Their locations are shown in the figures describing Test Scenarios.

The targets were not displayed until they were within 2.5 NM of an
aircraft. Therefore, the best eyes in the world did not appreciably help visual
contact. While fighting, if a pilot exceeded 4 Gs for 30 seconds, he experienced
"grayout" as the entire dome was turned off. A sliding scale of time ,s. Gs
caused the grayout function to occur sooner if more Gs were pulled. Recovery was
not instantaneous, and the longer he grayed out, the longer it took after
unloading to "recover". M-1 and L-1 maneuvers did not help no matter how well
they were performed.
Figure 4-1 illustrates the interconnection of the Agile Eye with the
simulation facility. The IMI graphics generator drove the Agile Eye helmet
display. The IMI is a stroke graphics device capable of refresh rates up to 100
hz. The Polhemus head tracker communicated with the SEL 32/9780 host processor
through the real-time I/O buffer. This buffer was essentially a standard serial
interface operating at high speed.

Agile Eye - Tracker

Display I XYZ" _CRT - - I

Driver Unit " Q -
"' RCV
•Kaiser I j inl X I

Interface ReaT
Tr c e
•MCAIR I I Polhemus

Head Position,
F Strke 4., S rientation (X,Y,Z,0,

Graphics Real-Time
1/0 Buffer
SDisplay / ead

lGraphics Position
I Host Processor
•SEL 32/9780
GP=63-0078-31 -0

Figure 4-1. F415 SIMAglle Eye Integration


The participating aircraft were flown by F-15 pilots, F-5 Aggressor pilots,
and digital pilots.
4.2.1 F-15 Pilots - There were two F-15 pilots involved in all test runs.
One pilot flew MACS-IV, which has an F-15C MSIP cockpit. The other pilot flew
MACS-V which has an F-15E cockpit programmed to function as an F-15C MSIP. The
F-15 pilots performed as a two-ship flight of Blue fighters.

4.2.2 F-5 Aggressor Pilots - Two F-5 Aggressor pilots from the 57 FWW,
Nellis AFB, participated in all runs. They operated MICS stations. The
Aggressor pilots acted as "manned" Red fighters and simulated either MiG-23
Floggers or MiG-29 Fulcrums. Their objective was to attack and kill the F-15s.
They were armed with semi-active radar missiles, infrared missiles, and guns.

4.2.3 Digital Pilots - Up to six digital aircraft were added to each test
run. These aircraft were under the control of the host simulation computer and
were used for three different purposes:

0 Red Fighters - They supplement the Aggressors. They fly a route

until they are within detection range of an F-15. The computer then
takes whatever actions are necessary to maneuver to launch position
for an attack on the closest F-15. They were used to simulate MiG-21
Fishbeds and were armed with infrared missiles and guns.
o Red Bombers - They fly a canned route to a target. In this mode,
they do not attack the F-15s, but they did attack a ground target.
They also tried to evade attacks by the F-15s. Red bombers were
simulated MiG-23 strike aircraft.
0 Other Blue Aircraft - They fly a canned route and can be thought of
as other friendly forces (e.g. strike aircraft, recce, etc.). These
were used to inject the identification problem into the test.
The digital pilots did not participate in the 2v2 and Ivlvlvl scenarios
i.e., those that began WVR. At least two digital pilots were present in all
other scenarios. The - ecific number of digital pilots and the type aircraft
they simulate varied on each test run. There were runs with six present, and
they simulated all three aircraft types.


The pilots were tested and debriefed. These basic tasks were interleaved
to make the best use of time and the simulation facility.
4.3.1 General Procedure Training - The pilots were given an introduction
to the Visually Coupled Systems Simulation study. Personnel background data, and
data for developing a workload assessment scale were collected on the first day,
and training was started.

Training was conducted in stages. The first stage was a "ground school"
segment, followed by a static segment in the cockpit and finally a dynamic
segment. An instructor was present during all training segments. Training
1) Aircraft flight characteristics and crew station familiarization

2) Helmet mounted sight operation and display formats

3) Weapon characteristics and employment

4) Threat characteristics
After completing training, tests for record were run.

Informal debriefings were held at the end of each day. A final, more
formal, debriefing was held at the conclusion of testing.
4.3.2 Test Runs - Crews reported in flight suit, and boots.
The pilots were given a premission brief. A brief review was given by the
instructor of the configuration being tested, ROEs, and route.
The pilot entered the cockpit, and the test conductor reviewed the test run
Initial conditions were set. The pilot was alerted, and the test run was
During the run the test conductor monitored the flight profile, displays,
threats and test parameters from a remote control station.

Each of the four F-15 pilots flew the 2v4 and 2v8 combat missions at least
four times without the HMS/D and four times with it. F-15 pilots alternated
between MACS IV and MACS V according to their preference. A total of 32 runs
were allotted to 2v4 and 2v8 offensive and defensive missions. As many 2v2 and
Ivlvlvl missions were conducted as time permitted.

A run that began BVR (2v4 or 2v8) required approximately 10 minutes. A run
that began WVR (2v2 or ivlvlvl) required approximately 5 minutes. Four versions
of each BVR scenario were prepared. A different order of the four version was
generated by Latin square for each group of pilots and each offensive or
defensive condition. The scenarios are described below. The orders and test
schedules are shown in Figures 4-2 and 4-3.

080 Monday -Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
080Briefings 2v C 2v4 OGA
08001100 Helmet On Helmet On
0900 0800-1100 A,B,D,C 2vOA

2 U;
Helmet Off
2v8 DCA
Helmet Off
Helmet On

I 2v4 OCA 2v8 DCA 2v800CA

I Helmet Ott Helmet On Helmet Ott
110 ______ 4CD,B,A F,G,E.H H,E,F,G
Helmet Fit Mv2,n 2 v 2/On I1v1vIv1In
Familiariza- lvi vivI/Off 2 v 2/Off M/O1n
1200 tion vvio N0t
1100-1500 Final
1300I ~12GO-1 400

1400 1IDebrief 1300-1400

1300-1400 4

1500 Daily
1600 ____ 1500-1600 ______________

GP73-042-31 -D

Figure 4-2. Wee* One SctoWzlee aNW Order of Inltial Conditions

080 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Briefings Helmet Off Helmet On Helmet Ott
0900 00-10 B,CA,D A B.D.C H,E,G,F
Helmet On Helmet On Helmet On
100C,D,B,A __________,F,

1002v4 DOA 2Y8 OCA lvlvlvl/On

Helmet On Helmet Off lvi vivl/ff
110D,A,C,B G,H,.E lvi viviiof
1100Ivivivi/On 2v2On 2v2Off lvi vlvl/ 0fl 1lvlvlvIJ~n
IvivivI/Off Wv2oV2v2i#ri Ivlvlvi10n 2v2/On IvIvIvI/f
Helmet Fit Ivivivi/Off M(2Of 2v2/Onf lvlvlvli 1IvIvIvin
1200 Familiariza- ivvv/n22O v/f v ii iiii

1300 Daily Final

Debrief Debrief
1400 Diy 1300-1400 1300-1500
1500 1400-1 500___ _______

1600 Dal

1700 Debief F
FgRpm,4.-3 Week T"o Schedule and Order of lnll Condrtions

Simulator test time was approximately twelve hours per pilot. The
combination of approximately twelve hours of testing per pilot and four hours of
familiarization results in almost twenty hours of simulator time per pilot. For
the TAC demonstration, a total of approximately 40 hours was spent in the
Three basic scenarios were used: an Air Base Defense Scenario, a Fighter
Sweep Scenario, and Visual Setups. The Base Defense and Sweep scenarios were set
in the context of actual missions and involved up to ten aircraft (counting the
F-15s). The visual setups involved only four aircraft, were less complex, and
were task rather than mission oriented.
4.4.1 Air Base Defense Scenario - The basic setup for this mission is
shown in Figure 4-4. At the start of each run, the F-15 aircraft were positioned
6000 ft. apart, line abreast, at 15,000 ft. MSL, Mach 0.8, heading 0900. The
starting position was 10 NM east of the airfield that must be defended and 10 NM
west of the assigned CAP point. The FEBA was simulated by a north-south line 30
NM east of the F-1 . The 1, 2, 3, and B points represent Nav destinations.
These were displayed on the VSD when they were within 600 of the nose.

Initial F-15 Position FEBA

Hdg: 0900
Aft: 15,000 MSL
Mach: 0.8


10 NM 1ONM 02NM 15NM S

3:~ Hostile

Figum 4-4. Air Base Dfens Setup

At the start of each run, the F-15s encountered a different mix of targets.
The primary objective was to stop any bombers; however, there were at least two
enemy fighters in every run, and the F-15s had to defend themselves while
searching for the bombers. Other blue aircraft were also present and were not to
be attacked. Typical initial conditions are shown in Figure 4-5.

W E Bomber
e1T Manned Red Fighters (MiG 23s)
S 1O,000/Mach 0.85

B F-15s 30,000'/Mach 0.95

-2 Red Bomber (MiG 23)
2,000'/Mach 1.0 Digital Red Fighters
4 (MiG 21s)
15,000'/Mach 0.9
3: 5,000'/Mach 0.8
Blue RecoveryBlue Aircraft (F-i5)
Recovery (Returning to Base)
5,000'/Mach 0.9
GP73-0201 40-

Figure 4-5. Typical Initial Conditions Air Base Dofer.m Scenario

During the Air Base Defense scenarios, the F-15s received GCI assistance,
simulated by test operators, in locating and keeping track of all other aircraft.
The AA[ was available and could be used to identify friendly aircraft.

Kill removal applied to red and blue team participants. Red bombers
attempted egress to the east after reaching their targets. Other blue aircraft
were removed upon reaching the airfield.

Eight different setups were used for this scenario. Each setup involved a
different number of aircraft and different ratios of aircraft type. Each setup
was performed twice: once with the HMD and once without the HMD. A total of 16
Air Base Defense test runs were performed.

4.4.2 Fighter Sweep Scenario - The basic setup for this mission is shown
in Figure 4-6. At the start of each run, the F-15 aircraft were positioned 6000
ft. apart, line abreast, at 15,000 ft. MSL, Mach 0.8, heading 0900. The starting
position was 10 NM west of the FEBA, which is again simulated by a north-south
line. The numbers shown represent Nay destinations. These are displayed on the
VSD when they are within 600 of the nose.
Initial F-15 Position
Hdg: 0900 17
Aft: 15,000 MSL
Mach: 0.8 " 15 NM

I : - 30 NM
101NM 4 10 NM~ 15'NM

Friendly Hostile

Figure 4- Fighter Sweep Set Up

At the start of each run, the F-15s encountered a different mix of targets.
The primary objective was to penetrate enemy territory, destroy as many enemy
aircraft as possible while avoiding attack, and return to friendly territory.
There were at least two enemy fighters in every run plus enemy bombers. Other
blue aircraft were present and these were not to be attacked. Typical initial
conditions are shown in Figure 4-7.


1 Manned Red Fighter (MiG 23)

10,000/Mach 0.85
Blue Digital Red Fighters (MIG 21 s)
Route Blue Aircraft
(F-1) 20,oo0oMach 1.0 5,ooo0ach 0.8
25,000'/Mach 0.9 Manned Red Fighters (MiG 23s)
20,000VMach 0.95
Red Bomber (MiG 23) N

31 15,000Vaach 0.9 E

QP7-OM0 .42-D

Figure 4-7. Typical Initial Conditions Fighter Sweep Scenario

During the Fighter Sweep scenarios, nn GCI was ava 4 lable to Blue but was
given to Red. The AAI was available to identify friendly aircraft. All kill
removal rules for the Air Base Defense scenarios were used in the Fighter Sweep
scenarios and Red Aircraft that crossed the FEBA heading west were removed when
they were 10 NM West of the FEBA.

Eight different setups were used for this scenario. Each setup involves a
different number of aircraft and different ratios of aircraft type. Each setup
was performed twice: once with the HMD and once without the HMD. A total of 16
Fighter Sweep test runs were performed.

4.4.3 Visual Setups - A ivlvlvl setup and a 2v2 setup were used. Only
F-15 pilots and F-5 pilots participated in these runs. The primary purpose of
these runs was to force the pilots into unprepared, quick reaction situations and
determine if the HMD helps. An example of this might be a bugout following a
visual turning fight when the pilot has not had an opportunity to establish radar
search and is primarily in a visual mode.

The IvIvivI setup is shown in Figure 4-8. The four pilots were placed on
the circumference of a 5 NM circle at different altitudes. All pilots had to
maintain the starting altitude until crossing the center of the circle. When the
last aircraft crossed the center of the circle, the test director called "fight's
on" and the pilots could maneuver. Each participant could engage any other
aircraft. Kil.ed aircraft were removed from the run. The objective was to be
the sole remaining participant.

All Arcrft Ar Aggressor Nl-
at Mach 0.9 - :1800 w

F-1 5 B5F-IS
Hdg :090270 AN :15,000'

Hdg -360*
Aft :15,000'

Figure 44. lvlvlvl Set Up

The 2v2 setup is shown in Figure 4-9. In this mission, the two F-15 pilots
exercised mutual support and worked together to kill the two Red fighters. The
Red fighters could maneuver independently or together to achieve an advantage on
the F-15s. Killed aircraft from either side were removed from the run. The
objective was for the F-15s to defeat both MiGs without losses.

All Aircraft Are Aggressor

at Mach 0.9 :0300
Aft N

Hdg 270*
Alt :15,000'

Hdg: 150*
~Aft: 15,000

OP73-O -44-0

Figure 44. 2v2 Set Up

4.5.1 Air Base Defense ROE - These are the ROE followed during the test
o All targets must be identified as hostile prior to weapon release.
Identification may be accomplished by AAI, GCI, or visually.
o Aircraft will be removed from the scenario whenever any of the
following conditions occur:
- Any aircraft killed is removed.
- Other Blue aircraft that reach the airfield are removed.

0 The Air Base Defense scenario will terminate when all Red aircraft
have been removed or at the expiration of 15 minutes from the start
of the run, whichever comes first.

4.5.2 Fighter Sweep ROE

o All targets must be identified as hostile prior to weapon release.
Identification may be accomplished by AAI, GCI, or visually.
0 Aircraft will be removed from the scenario whenever any of the
following conditions occur:
- Any aircraft killed is removed.
- Any Red aircraft that cross the FEBA are removed 10 NM west of the
- Other Blue aircraft that reach the airfield are removed.

0 The Fighter Sweep scenario will terminate when all Red aircraft have
been removed, at the expiration of 15 minutes from the start of the
run, or after the F-15s reach a point 15 NM west of the FEBA,
whichever comes first.

4.5.3 IvIvIvI Visual Setup ROE

o Aircraft may not depart their assigned altitude until crossing the
center of the circle.
o Aircraft may not engage prior to the "fight's on" call.
o After "fight's on" each participant may attack any of the other three
0 Aircraft are removed from the scenario when they are killed (Both
Blue and Red).

o This scenario will terminate whenever any of the following conditions

- Both F-15s have been removed.
- Only one aircraft remains.
- Time limit of 15 minutes is reached.

4- 10
4.5.4 v2 Visual Setup ROE
o Red fighters will only engage F-15s, and F-15s will only engage Red
o Aircraft are removed from the scenario when they are killed (Both
Blue and Red).
0 This scenario will terminate whenever any of the following conditions
- Both F-15s have been removed.
- Both Red fighters have been removed.
- Time limit of 15 minutes is reached.


A total of 101 runs were successfully completed. Of the 101 total runs, 27
were IvlvIvi or 2v2 "visual scenarios", and 64 2v4 and 2v8 scenarios. While the
ivlvlvl and 2v2 scenarios could and often did evolve into BVR engagements and the
2v4 and 2v8 scenarios could become visual engagements, the smaller scenarios were
more likely to include within visual range combat during the initial phase. The
larger scenarios were presented equally often to both pilot groups because
planned presentations of the visual scenarios were sacrificed to maintain the
test plan for the larger scenarios, they could not be conducted equally often for
both groups or at regular intervals. Results of both scenario types will be
discussed following a summary of the types of data collected.


The variables analyzed were chosen on the basis of three factors:
availability, validity as a measure of tactical worth, and relationship to some
aspect of HMD use. Availability refers to the ability to collect data during the
simulation, either from the simulation computers, or from the pilots themselves,
as in the case of the SWAT (Subjective Workload Assessment Technique) workload
measure. Assessing the usefulness of the HMS/D in the tactical environment was a
primary objective of the test, and variables with high intrinsic validity as
indicators of tactical worth (i.e., numbers of kills and losses) were included.
Other variables were included in the hope they would provide information as to
how the HMS/D was used and how it affected the overall conduct of the mission at
a more detailed level.
The 12 variables chosen are shown in Figure 5-1. The number of red and
blue kills were the measures of tactical worth chosen for this analysis. The Red
Kills variable reflected losses of both manned Blue aircraft to either manned or
digital Red aircraft. Blue losses due to attacks by other Blue aircraft were
excluded. The Blue Kills variables included all downed Red aircraft, regardless
of whether they were piloted MICS stations. Red fiohters or Red Bombers. The
effectiveness of short-range weapons was separately assessed by the AIM-9
Launches and AIM-9 Kills variables.
Blue Kills

Red Kills






First Time

First Range

AIM.9 Kills

AIM-9 Launches
OP?3-42. 2 I

Figure 5-1. Variables Analyzed

Tactical utility, as reflected in increased kills and decreased losses, is
a primary goal for the HMS/D. However, it is also desirable that this goal be
achieved without the increased workload that might result from adding a new
device to the cockpit. SWAT data were collected from the Blue pilots to assess
the effect of the HMS/D on pilot workload. The Blue SWAT variable reported was
the average of the SWAT scores reported after each run by the Blue pilots. SWAT
data were also collected from the Red pilots.

The remaining variables were analyzed with the expectation that some
insight into the use of the HMS/D would result. The LOS/HUD variable reflected
the percentage of time the helmet sight indicated that the pilot's line-of-sight
(LOS) fell outside the HUD, or, in other words, that the pilot was not looking
at, or through, the HUD. The LOS/45 variable indicated the percentage of time
the pilot's LOS was more than 45 degrees from aircraft boresight.

The helmet mounted sight could be coupled to the radar and used to slew the
radar field of regard, while the helmet display showed the positions of targets
within The radar field of regard. This allowed the pilot to designate targets in
Boresight and Supersearch radar modes at offset angles that would otherwise be
too extreme. The Boresight variable was the number of designations of targets
outside the normal field of regard in boresight mode. The Supersearch var-able
was the number of designations of targets outside the normal field of regard in
Supersearch mode.
The First Time variable was the time between the beginning of a simulator
run and the first weapon launch by a Blue aircraft. The First Range was the
range between the Blue aircraft and its target at the time of the first launch.
It should be noted that this datum could only be collected when the first weapon
launched was an AIM-7.
The quantitative data were analyzed in two parts. The data from the larger
scenarios were submitted to a rigorous analysis cf 'learning and HMS/D effects.
This analysis also considered the pilot group (equivalent to the week of data
collection) as a Factor. The data from the visual scenarios were analyzed for
correlation among the variables analyzed. This analysis is more tolerant of the
variation in types and order of scenarios, since data from each trial is being
correlated only with other data from the same trial. The results from the larger
scenarios will be reported first, followed by the results from the visual
The statistical analysis employed for the larger scenarios was an analysis
of variance treating the HMS/D -- HMS/D on and off - (HMD), the week in which the
data were collected -- first or second (WEEK), and the block in which the data
were collected -- block 1, 2, 3, 4 (BLOCK), as factors. Each week was divided
into four blocks of eight trails, four of which were completed with the HMD on
and four of which were completed with the HMD off. The first two blocks were
always two-versus-four scenarios and the last two were always two-versus-eight
scenarios. The interaction with the week of data collection will be discussed at
a later point. Later blocks represent later trials where pilots had more
opportunity to learn to use the HMS/D effectively. The type of scenario (whether

air base defense or sweep) and the force size were not factors in the analysis,
since the effect of practice over blocks appeared more consistent.

The model employed was a split-plot factorial design (cf. Kirk, 1982).
Weeks of data collection was the between - subjects (blocks in Kirk's
description) treatment and HMS/D and block were within subjects variables. For
this analysis, higher order interactions with the HMS/D factor were pooled with
lower-order effects to form combined terms. Thus the interaction of HMS/D and
block includes the main effect of block and the interaction of the week of data
collection, HMS/D and block includes the main effect of week and both its two-way
interactions. This model was small enough to be analyzed on the facility
available and provided an economy of presentation in this report as well. This
approach produces an analysis that has a greater chance of finding statistically
significant effects. It is also more likely than usual that some of the effects
reported would not prove reliable on further testing. This approach is justified
in an attempt to discern a pattern in the diverse results of the study. This
pattern is one key to understanding how the HMS/D was used in this study. It
should be expected that all future simulation would show the same results.

The results of the analysis of the Blue Kills variable are shown in Figure
5-2. The HMS/D did not have an overall effect for the week, but did interact
with the block variable to affect performance in different ways during the week.
Figure 5-3 illustrates this result. Slightly fewer kills were achieved by the
Blue aircraft with the HMD on during the early part of the week, but performance
with the helmet improved dramatically in the final Y !.ck. An average of 1.5 more
kills per run were achieved by the blue aircraft tvith the HMD during the final

Dependent Variable: Blue Kills

Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr<F

HMD 1 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.920
HMD x Block 6 31.59 5.27 3.40 0.007
HMD x Block x Week 8 34.375 4.29 2.78 0.0131
Error 48 74.25 1.54 - -

G P83-0078.2 T

Figure 5.2. Analysis of Variance Summary Table for Blue Kills


.....HMD Off
- HMD On



2.0 .__._,""

Block I Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
Week 1: 2V4 DCA Week 1: 2V4OCA Week 1: 2V8 DCA Week 1: 2V80CA
Week 2:2V4 OCA Week 2:2V4 DCA Week 2:2V8 OCA Week 2:2V8 DCA

Figure 5-3. Average Kills Per Run for Blue Aircraft

The defensive performance of the Blue aircraft does not seem to have been
affected by the variables examined. Figure 5-4 shows the results of the analysis
indicating no statistically detectable effects on the Red Kills variable. Figure
5-5 bears out this conclusion, indicating that at no point was there as much as a
0.5 aircraft difference in the Red Kill variable as a function of the presence of
the HMD.

Dependent Variable: Red Kills

Source DF Type Ill

SS Mean Square F Value Pr<F
HMD 1 0.14 0.14 0.19 0.6659
HMD x Block 6 1.59 0.27 0.36 0.8087
HMD x Block x Week 8 5.38 0.67 0.90 0.7484
Error 48 35.75 0.74 - -


Figure 5-4. Analysis of Variance Summary Table for Red Kills

- HMD On

3.0 3.0. -___

Kills 2.0
R un.. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .


Block I Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
Week 1: 2V4 DCA Week 1: 2V40CA Week 1: 2V8 DCA Week 1: 2V80CA
Week 2:2V4 OCA Week 2: 2V4 DCA Week 2:2V8 OCA Week 2:2V8 DCA
GP63-0078-1 7-0

Figure 5-5. Average Kills Per Run for Red Aircraft

The workload of the F-15 pilots was reflected in the Blue SWAT variable.
There was a significa.,t interaction among the weeks, HMS/D and block variables
due partly to consistently higher SWAT scores reported during the second week.
The highest SWAT scores were associated with the HMS/D during the first three
blocks of the second week as shown in Figure 5-6. The reversal of this trend in
the fourth block is responsible for the crossover shown in Figure 5-7. The SWAT
scores from the first week were more consistent with slightly lower scores
reported while using the HMS/D throughout the week.

Dependent Variable: F-15 Pilot Workload

Source DF Type III
SS Mean Square F Value Pr< F
HMD 1 377.82 377.82 1.24 0.2710
HMD x Block 6 1548.55 258.09 0.85 0.54
HMD x Block x Week 8 15307.72 1913.46 6.28 0.0001
Error 48 14622.44 304.63 - -

GP83-00TS 3IT

Figure 5-6. Analysis of Variance Summary Table for F-15 Pilot Workload

.... HMD Ofl
- HMD On



Mean .. *

Response 40




Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
Week 1: 2V4 DCA Week 1: 2V40CA Week 1:2V8 DCA Week 1: 2V80CA
Week 2:2V4 OCA Week 2:2V4 DCA Week 2:2V8 OCA Week 2:2V8 DCA
Figure 5-7. Average Blue Workload

The workload of the Red pilots, reflected in the Red SWAT variable, showed
a more definite pattern. The statistical analysis shown in Figure 5-8 indicates
that Red pilot workload was not affected by whether or not the Blue pilots were
using the HMD, but that the HMD factor and the block factor together did have a
definite effect. Figure 5-9 shows the results graphically and suggests that Red
pilot workload was higher when Blue pilots were using the HMD during the last
block (and the first block), but was lower for the second and third block. It
was felt that the first block was higher because the Red pilots had more
difficulty learning to fly the MICS than the Blue pilots had learning to fly the
F-i5 cockpit. By the time of the last block the Blue pilots had been trained
sufficiently to "make life more miserable" for the Red pilots.

Dependent Variable: Red Pilot Workload

Source DF Type Ill SS Mean Square F Value Pr<F

HMD 1 5.64 5.64 0.03 0.8643
HMD x Block 6 6220.48 1036.75 5.42 0.0002
HMD x Block x Week 8 6155.88 749.48 4.03 0.001
Error 48 9174.50 191.14 - -

GP63-758-1 .T

Figure 5-8. Analysis of Variance Summary Table for Red Pilot Workload

...... HMD Off/Blue Pilots
90 - HMD On/Blue Pilots




Percent of 50
Run Time



Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4

Week 1 2V4 DCA Week 1: 2V4OCA Week 1: 2V8 DCA Week 1: 2V80CA
Week 2: 2V4 OCA Week 2:2V4 DCA Week 2:2V8 OCA Week 2:2V8 DCA

Figure 5-9. Average Red Pilot SWAT Score

The percentage of run time each pilot spent with his LOS outside the HUD
field of view was not affected by the HMD or by the combination of the HMD and
the block, according to the analysis summarized in Figure 5-10. As graphed in
Figure 5-11, the LOSHUD data suggest a consistent difference between the HMD on
and HMD off conditions during the first three blocks, converging in the fourth
and final block. Although the analysis of variance reported in Figure 5-10 would
support this conclusion, one entire cell was missing from the data and the
correctness of the results cannot be assured.

Dependent Variable: Percentage of Time Helmet Line of Sight

Was Outside the HUD

Source DF Type Ill SS Mean Square F Value Pr<F

HMD 1 86.81 86.81 0.59 0.44
HMD x Block 6 1251.36 208.56 1.43 0.22
HMD x Block x Week 7 14024.72 2003.53 13.72 0.0001
Error 43 6280.33 146.05 - -

GP83-00781 I.T

Figure 5-10. Analysis of Variance Summary Table for

Percentage of Time Outside the HUD

90 --- HMD On


Percent of 50
Run Time

30 rr-r



Block I Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
.Week 1: 2V4 DCA Week 1: 2V40CA Week 1: 2V8 DCA Week 1: 2V80CA
Week 2:2V4 OCA Week 2: 2V4 DCA Week 2:2V8 OCA Week 2:2V8 DCA

Figure 5-11. Percentage of Time Pilot LOS Was Outside the HUD

The results of the analysis of the LOS45 variable, shown in Figure 5-12,
are similar to those for the LOSHUD variable. There were significant differences
between the two pilot groups, including an effect of the HMD. The Blue pilots
during the first week spent a substantially higher percentage of the time with
their LOS more than 45 degrees off boresight during the two-versus-four scenarios
than did the pilots of the second week. When graphed, as in Figure 5-13, the
data suggest a tendency for higher off-boresight LOS angles during the early
stages of the evaluation, declining at the end of the week. Again, the results
must be interpreted cautiously due to the large number of missing values.

Dependent Variable: Helmet Line of Sight 450 or More Outside HUD

Source DF Type Ill
SS Mean Square F Value Pr<F
HMD 1 104.01 104.01 6.09 0.0182
HMD x Block 6 1253.31 208.88 12.23 0.0182
HMD x Block x Week 5 1066.01 213.20 12.38 0.0001
Error 38 648.92 17.08 - -

G P823.00 760T

Figure 5.12. Analysis of Variance Summary Table for Helmet Line of Sight
More Than 450 Outside the HUD
(Thirteen Values Were Missing)

...... HMD Off
90 HMD On






Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4

Week 1: 2V4 DCA Week 1: 2V4OCA Week 1: 2V8 DCA Week 1: 2V8OCA
Week 2:2V4 OCA Week 2:2V4 DCA Week 2:2V8 OCA Week 2:2V8 DCA
GPS-O7S-1 -O

Figure 5-13. Percent of Time Pilot LOS Was More Than

45 Degrees Off Boreslght

The HMD did have a significant effect on the Supersearch variable. Of the
35 targets designated in Supersearch radar mode outside the HUD, 29 were
designated while the HMD was in use. This is reflected in the significant main
effect for HMD in the analysis summarized in Figure 5-14. Most of these
designations occurred during the first week of the evaluation, accounting for the
interaction effect of week. Figure 5-15 illustrates these data, showing the
general tendency for targets outside the HUD to be designated in supersearch only
when the helmet was in use.

Dependent Variable: Designation of Targets Outside the HUD

While in Supersearch Mode
Source DF Type Ill SS Mean Square F Value Pr<F
HMD 1 6.89 6.89 8.22 0.0061
HMD x Block 4 6.96 1.16 1.39 0.24
HMD x Block x Week 4 21.88 2.73 3.26 0.0148
Error 48 40.25 0.84 - -


Figure 5-14. Analysis of Variance Summary Table for Supersearch

Designations of Targets Outside the HUD




Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4

Week 1: 2V4 DCA Week 1: 2V4OCA Week 1: 2V8 DCA Week 1: 2V80CA
Week 2: 2V4 OCA Week 2:2V4 DCA Week 2:2V8 OCA Week 2:2V8 DCA

Figure 5-15. Number of Supersearch Designations Outside HUD

Only seven targets outside the HUD were designated in Boresight mode, four
with the HMD and three without it. The disorderly results with this variable
shown in Figures 5-16 and 5-17 are not surprising, given the small amount of

Dependent Variable: Designations of Targets

Outside the HUD in Boresight Mode

Source DF Type III

SS Mean Square F Value Pr< F

HMD 1 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.7491

HMD x Block 6 1.09 0.18 1.21 0.32
HMD x Block x Week 8 1.88 0.23 1.55 0.16
Error 48 7.25 0.15 - -


Figure 5-16. Analysis of Variance Summary Table for Designations

of Targets Outside the HUD While in Boresight Mode

0.40.. HMD off

0.35 ________ - HMD on


Of 0.20

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4

Week 2: 2V4 OCA Week 2: 2V4 DCA Week 2: 2V8 OCA Week 2: 2V D-CA

Figure 5-17. Number of Boreuight Mod. Designations Out of HUD

The number of AIM-9 launches did not show a relationship to the use of the
HMD in the analysis reported to Figure 5-18. As Figure 5-19 shows, there were
between one and two AIM-9 launches per run on the average throughout the week.
There were an average of about 1.5 AIM-9 launches per run during the first week
and about half that many during the second week.

Dependent Variable: AIM.9 Launches

Source DF TypelIII SS Mean Square F Value Pr'<F
HMD 1 1.27 1.27 0.47 0.4954
HMD x Block 6 14.09 2.35 0.88 0.52
HMD x Block x Week 8 43.38 5.42 2.02 0.06
Error 48 128.75 2.68 - -


Figure 5.18. Analysis of Variance Summary Table for AIM.9 Launches

- HMD On


Average 1.5
Run 1.0


Block I Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
Week 1: 2V4 DCA Week 1: 2V40CA Week 1: 2V8 DCA Week 1: 2V80CA
Week 2: 2V4 OCA Week 2:2V4 DCA Week 2:2V8 OCA Week 2:2V8 DCA

Figure 5-19. AIM-9 Launches

The analysis shown in Figure 5-20 indicates that the number of Blue kills
achieved by the AIM-9 missile was not significantly affected by the use of the
HMS/D, experimental block, of the pilot group, or any combination of these
factors. Examination of the data in Figure 5-21 suggests more AIM-9 kills were
achieved with the HMS/D than without it, except in the third block. Evidently,
however, the reversal in the third block was sufficient to negate the trend
favoring the helmet that was otherwise apparent.

Dependent Variable: AIM-9 Kills by Blue

Source DF Type III

SS Mean Square F Value Pr<F
HMD 1 0.14 0.14 0.27 0.6075
HMD x Block 6 1.97 0.33 0.62 0.71
HMD x Block x Week 8 6.63 0.83 1.57 0.16
Error 48 25.25 0.53 - -

GP83 )?84.T

Figure 5.20. Analysis of Variance Summary Table for AIM.9 Kills by Blue

0.... HMD Off


Number ."'""
of 0.5
Kills 0.4 " -°Oo .*'




Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
Week 1: 2V4 DCA Week 1: 2V40CA Week 1 2V8 DCA Week 1: 2V80CA
Week 2:2V4 OCA Week 2:2V4 DCA Week 2:2V8 OCA Week 2:2V8 DCA

Figure 5-21. Average AIM-9 Kills Per Run

The time of the first launch was related to the use of the HMS/D. As
Figure 5-22 shows, there was no constant effect of the HMS/D, but there was an
effect of the HMS/D in combination with the block and the week of data
collection. Figure 5-23 demonstrates a very consistent tendency for a longer
elapsed time between start of the run and the first launch during the early runs,
diminishing as the week proceeded until there was no difference during the final
blocks. The difference between the time with and without the HMS/D diminishes
from almost 20 seconds in the week to nearly zero at the end.

Dependent Variable: Time of First Launch

Source DF Type IISS Mean Square F Value Pr<F

HMD 1 654.52 654.52 0.31 0.5787
HMD x Block 6 75316.37 12552.73 6.01 0.0002
HMD x Block x Week 6 52769.81 8794.97 4.21 0.0022
Error 40 83540.08 2088.50 - -


Figure 5-22. Analysis of Variance Summary Tat'e for

Time of First Launch

-HMD Off

160 ""

Tie 140oAso


120 .


Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
Wae 1: 2V4 DCA Week 1: 2V40CA Week 1: 2V8 DCA Week 1:2V8OCA
Week 2: 2V4 OCA Week 2:2V4 DCA Week 2:2V8 OCA Week 2:2V8 DCA
GP83-O07-21 -O

Figure 5-23. Average Time From Start of Run to First Launch

Range at first launch data was only available when the first launch was an
AIM-7 launch, contributing to the large number of missing values for this
variable:see Figure 5-24. Nevertheless, during the two-versus-four missions in
blocks I and 2 in Figure 5-25, the first launch consistently came at a greater
range when the HMS/D was in use. This trend was reversed in block three, the
first block of two-versus-eight missions, but then seemed to reassert itself in
block four, but no statistically significant trend emerged. Two cells were
missing entirely from the data, so the statistical results must be interpreted

Dependent Variable: Range at First Launch

Source DF Type III

SS Mean Square F Value Pr<F
HMD 1 15472263.82 15472263.82 0.34 0.56
HMD x Block 6 486122233.41 81020372.23 1.76 0.13
HMD x Block x Week 6 314676668.87 52446111.48 1.14 0.36
Error 38 1749832050 46048211.9 - -


Figure 5-24. Analysis of Variance Summary Table for

Range of First Launch
(Thirteen Values Were Missing)


Launch i..
Range - 4..........

Thousands .... ....

Feet 20


Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
Week 1: 2V4 DCA Week 1: 2V40CA Week 1: 2V8 DCA Week 1: 2V800A
Week 2:2V4 OCA Week 2:2V4 DCA Week 2:2V8 0CA Week 2:2V8 DCA

Figure 5-25. Range at First Launch

The differences between the weeks of data collection in mission success are
summarized in Figure 5-26. Exchange ratios were very favorable to Blue aircraft
during the first two blocks of week one. Difficulties expevienced by Red pilots
flying the MICS stations were probably a major factor here. Changes in training
and in the flight models used were incorporated for the second week. The results
for the first two blocks of the second weeks show lower exchange ratios. In both
weeks (except the first two blocks of week one) there is a slight disadvantage
for the helmet until the final block. Also, in both weeks, there was a
significant advantage for Blue aircraft when the HMS/D was in use. When the data
of both weeks are averaged together the exchange ratio for the final block was
3.75 with the HMS/D versus 1.8 without. This result will be discussed further in
Section 6; he important point here is that the same trends were present in both

Week TOne


Exchange 3:1 !4


Ratio 2:1

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
Weekl1: 2V4 DCA Weekl1: 2V40CA Weekl1.:2V8 DCA Weekl1: 2V8O(:CA
Week 2: 2V40OCA Week 2: 2V4 DCA Week 2: 2V80OCA Week 2: 2V8 DCA
Figure 5-26. Exchange Ratios for Each Week GPSS3-00 71-3o-O

The results In
interpretation. of the
the Ivivivi
visual engagement did not lend themselves to any clear
scenario, slightly better results were achieved
with the HMS/D than without it: 0.85 average Blue kills per mission with the
HMS/D versus 0.75 when
without it was
and not
versus 0.75 HMS/D use.kills when the F-i5 pilots used the
The corresponding exchange ratios
are 1.23 with the HMS/D and 1.00 without it. The results in the 2v2 scenario
were less distinct. An average of 1.30 Blue kills per mission were obtained both

with and without the HMS/D. Red kills averaged 0.90 per mission when the HMS/D
was in use compared to 0.80 when it was not.
The results from the visual scenarios were also cross-correlated to form
two correlation matrices, one for trials without the HMS/D (Figure 5-27) and one
for trials with it (Figure 5-28). The entry in each cell in this matrix
represents the tendency for two variables to vary together. A value near
positive one indicates a strong direct relationship, a number near negative one
indicates a strong inverse re' 'ionship.

Blue Blue Boresight Supersearch Blue Red AIM.9 AIM.9 Time ot LOS LOS45*
Kills Losses Outside Outside Swat Swat Launches Kills First Outside Outside
Blu , 00000 -31 8888 0 27060 -0)03217 -03 9542 - 0 3b930 3 jQ44' 0 69584* - 1304,48 -01
B2ue ' 36 4 -006989 0!6189 -0 48374 -0 26,69 -043183 -0 08784 -0 9
84' esq1
usce 0 15019 -0 32410 -0 49009* 0 29841 0 46402* -0 05816 -2 293 - c6

Su 0esea rc
Outside 0 31453 3 33034 0 '2373 0 14712 -0 '7603 0 '5581 0 36s3'

Blue Swa! 0 55184" -3 14326 -0 18746 -0 07361 0 55438" 0 39265

Rea S ,at -0 13120 0 02184 0 17442 0 7'1936* 0 4t-567 "
AIM 9 0 78700* 0 04914 -0 !5630 -Z!8 65
A -005448
K¢,S -0 '0035 -0s004

fime of
F rs1 0 27925 -0 147.0

0ulsiOe 0 58880"
LOS 45u

Sndlrates a i'e aVion i'q,I 'l.l c e e aecteC 1n 'ewer 'an 5 f 100 cases


Figure 5-27. Correlation Matrix for Visual Engagements With HMD On

Time of LOS LOS 450

Blue Blue Red AIM-9 AIM-9 irs OS OSide
Swat Swat Launches Kills Launt Oud Oud
Kills Losses Launch HUD HUD

Blue Kils 1 00000 -0 07176 -0 48773" -0 19159 0 56380* 0 57387" 0 30797 -0 10530 -0 35927
Blue Losses 0 23528 0 19367 -0 30500 -0 47875" 0 20309 0 26043 0 29395
Blue Swat 005754 -0 40484 -0 65612 -0 35349 0 49983" 0 22226
Rea Swat -0 37842 -0 21844 0 19687 0 38215 0 15705
ANIM9 0 61884 0 06906 -0 15388 -0 09231
AiM9 Kills 0 24071 -0 19661 -0 24306
Time of
First 0 05082 - 0 04866
Outside 0 48924"
LOS 450

,I i,'' ,o e e '1re, ,e,'ijr '1i] j'es


Figure 5.28. Correlation Matrix for Visual Engagements With HMD Off

Some high correlations emerged in both matrices. Blue kills were
correlated with AIM-9 launches and AIM-9 kills both with and without the helmet.
AIM-9 kills were also correlated with AIM-9 launches and the two LOS measures
were correlated in both cases. Without the helmet, Blue kills were also
correlated with blue SWAT scores, which was correlated in turn with AIM-9 kills.
These variahles were not correlated when the helmet was not in use. Five
variables correlated with Red SWAT scores when the HMS/D was in use. These
included the Red kills variable. The number of designations outside the HUD in
boresight mode, Blue SWAT scores, and both LOS variables. The correlations with
Red kills and boresight mode designation were negative. There was also a
negative correlation between Red kills and the LOS45 variable, and positive
correlations between boresight designations and AIM-9 kills and Blue SWAT and LOS


Each day during the tests pilot comments were collected during debriefing
sessions, and the pilots completed questionnaires at the end of the tests. They
pointed our several distinct tactical advantages of the HMS/D and made some
recommendations for improving the present system. Half of the pilots were so
impressed with the tactical advantages that they recommended classifying the
5.3.1 Tactical Advantages - The following summarizes pilot comments and
responses about the advantages of the HMS/D.
1. Easier to perform radar acquisition within visual range (WVR).
This is one of the features the pilots liked best. Presently, when an F-15
pilot sights another aircraft, he must rapidly decide which of four automatic
acquisition modes he will use: Vertical Scan, Supersearch, Boresight, or Auto
Guns. Tradeoffs between these modes include ease of use and speed of
acquisition. The pilot must quickly assecs these and choose the best mode for
the present situation.
The HMS/D helped this problem considerably by reducing the choices to only
two modes: a wide search mode (helmet "supersearch") and a narrow, focused mode
(helmet "boresight"). Both modes were slaved to the helmet, making both very
easy to use. The only decision was whether the situation dictated the higher
accuracy available in the helmet boresight mode. Normally, this accuracy would
be required only if the pilot had to select his target from two or more that are
very close together (e.g., supporting an engaged wingman who is in a tight
turning fight).
2. The HMS/D provided considerable assistance in obtaining and
maintaining visual sighting of a previously acquired target.
One of the Aggressor pilots stated, "Anything that points your head and
puts your eyes on the target will give you a significant advantage." All pilots
agreed that the HMS/D with the pointer arrow and TD box accomplished this.
Pilots have used TD boxes for some time, but they have always been restricted to
the HUD field of view which means that he has to point the aircraft at the
target. That is not always tactically sound.

Pilots found the ever present TD box on the HMS/D enabled them to take
their eyes off a visual target to clear their 6:00 o'clock or to check the
position of another aircraft maneuvering near them. They could do this because
they had steering to place their eyes quickly back onto the original target.
Without the HMS/D they tended to remain "padlocked" on the target, often missing
other nearby aircraft.
The TD box also enabled them to determine if the canopy bow, magnetic
compass, or other aircraft obstruction was currently blocking their view of the
target. Once this could be observed, a pilot could easily compensate, by moving
his head or the aircraft. However, after observing this, all the pilots wondered
how many times in the past a similar obstruction had caused them to miss the
initial visual sighting of a target acquired through radar.
3. The HMS/D saved time in visual attacks.
The "first sight" advantage is often the most significant one. In an age
of all-aspect IR missiles, first sight often translates into the kill, because
upon sighting, the pilot points the aircraft at the target, directs the seeker
into self-track, and shoots as soon as seeker track is confirmed. However,
pointing the aircraft can impose a 10 to 15 second time delay. This could be all
the time needed for a fighter equipped with the HMD to get the first shot.

The HMD turned into a time saver in one other fashion. Because the
Sidewinder seeker line of sight was available, the pilot did not need to point
the HUD at the target to confirm that the missile was in fact tracking the
desired aircraft. Thus, the pilots could launch off boresight with greater
confidence. The pilots themselves cautioned that this tempted them to take bad
shots at times (e.o , out of range when the radar lock on step was omitted), but
they felt they couiu train to eliminate this tendency.
4. It is very helpful to have weapons data available when visually
The pilots liked the capability of observing the shoot cue and carget
identification (e.g., IFF) without having to look at the HUD. The pilots felt
that this capability enabled them to exercise visual search more freely since
they did not have to watch the HUD and/or radar to determine when launch criteria
had been satisfied or when the identification had been obtained. In some cases,
the pilot was already lining up his next shot while waiting for a radar target to
reach in range, firing his first missile on the HMD shoot cue. This was
especially helpful when the next target had been acquired visually.

The pilots said they would like to see AIM-7 time-to-go on the HMS/D.

The ability to launch visual AIM-9 missiles while performing AIM-7

missile illumination is a big improvement.
During the AIM-7 time of flight, the pilot must restrict his maneuvering to
keep from losing the target out of the radar field of regard. When another
target is visually acquired, the pilot must maneuver carefully in any attempt to
launch an AIM-9, since maneuvering may result in loss of the previously launched
AIM-7. The HMS/D made this situation easier to handle, since the pilot could
point the AIM-9 with the helmet, and continue to fly his present flight path for
AIM-7 guidance.

6. With the HMS/D there is no need to sacrifice BFM (basic fighter
maneuvers) to launch AIM-9 L/M missiles.

The HMS/D resolved the dilemma of giving up positional advantage to go for

a quick kill or maintain positional advantage, but prolong the fight. The HMS/D
permitted the pilots to use the full maneuverability of the missiles to
supplement the aircraft's maneuverability and achieve the best of both options in
his tactics.
7. With the HMS/D there is no need to sacrifice BFM to perform full
system gun attacks.
The pilot often has to perform considerable BFM maneuvering to obtain a gun
attack. Though seldom the weapon of choice, the pilot may be forced into using
the gun in a very tight turning fight. The gun can be fired completely visually,
estimating the necessary lead angles. However, the more ideal attack is
performed using the radar to obtain a track on the target. This enables the
aircraft computer to determine lead for the pilot and position the gunsight
accordingly. The pilot can use auto-acquisition methods to get the radar track,
but sometimes, the necessary BFM makes this difficult to accomplish. As with the
AIM-9 attack, the HMD makes it possible to obtain radar track without sacrificing
the BFM. This means that the radar has a chance to settle down, and it will
provide good information as the pilot prepares to take the gun shot.
The following summarizes the pilots' suggestions for improvement of the
1. Remove the horizon line and heading scale.
None of the pilots found these particularly useful. They intended to
ignore these items at first, and when they discovered that we could remove them
for the test, all requested that they be removed. Half of them felt the same way
about the airspeed and altitude numbers.

2. Concentrate on the WVR environment.

The pilots did not feel that the HMD provided a significant advantage in
the BVR environment. They preferred using the available cockpit displays for BVR
work, and felt that the HMD did not add to present capabilities. However, all
felt it was a major improvement for WVR operations, and all stated that they
needed these capabilities now.
3. The field of view should be slightly lar!er.

All pilots commented that the present HMS/D (120 FOV) forced them to chase
the TD box on occasion in an attempt to keep it within the HMD FOV. They
sometimes found this activity counter-productive. When asked what they thought
would be a more useful size, they agreed that something approaching the size of
the HUD FOV would be desirable. The present HUD FOV is approximately 200.


The data are consistent with the theory that a combination of 1) pilots
learning to use the HMS/D, and 2) adapting the HMS/D pilot vehicle interface to
the individual pilot (in the form of customized declutter modes, and letting the
pilots choose their preferred helmet and cockpit) provided a significant tactical
advantage when using the HMS/D during the last block of test data. Introducing
new equipment or a performance feature in a system typically causes performance
to initially decrease while the operator relearns how to use it. Then
performance will increase as he begins to capitalize on the added capability.

The advantaged gained with the HMD/S may have been accentuated by the
two-versus-eight scenarios in blocks three and four. In these larger scenarios,
it was more difficult for the pilots to track all Red aircraft in BVR, and
unexpected encounters at short range seemed to be more frequent. It was
anticipated that the HMS/D would provide an advantage in these WVR circumstances.
Figure 6-1 shows the changes in exchange ratio as a function of the test
block and whether the HMS/D was on or off. Figure 6-2 shows the changes in Red
and Blue workload for the same conditions. Data for the first block is
questionable because the pilots were still learning the simulation. The
adjustment was particularly difficult for the Red Pilots flying the MICS
stations. When the first block data are excluded, the exchange ratio data of
Figure 6-1 shows that there is an advantage for the HMD off condition during the
middle (Blocks 2 and 3) of the testing period. Similarly, Figure 6-2 shows that
during blocks 2 and 3, Blue pilot workload is lower and Red pilot workload higher
when the Blue pilots had the HMS/D off. Both trends are dramatically reversed in
the fourth block however.

..... HMDoff
,- HMD on

2.0 _ ,-

1 2 3 4
Block GP734429-27-O

Figure 6-1. Exchange Ratio Results



Blue With HMD On

-Blue With HMD Off
40 --- 'Red While HMD Is On
...Red While HMD Is Off
" " .,
/ "

30 2
. ro


23 4
Block GP.0429-2O

Figure 6-2. Red and Blue SWAT Scores

There is a marked exchange ratio advantage for the Blue pilots with the
HMS/D during the fourth block. This advantage is traceable to a 50 percent
increase in the number of kills achieved (an average of 3.75 kills with the HMS/D
versus an average 2.5 kills without it during the fourth block). The workload
data corroborate this trend, indicating lower workload for Blue pilots and higher
workload for Red pilots while the HMS/D was in use.
The time of first launch result. also indicate that use of the helmet
changed during the course of the evaluation. At the beginning of the evaluation
the average time of first launch was later with the HMS/D than without it. By
the end of the evaluation, there was no difference between the HMS/D conditions.
This is consistent with the idea that the HMS/D did not become well integrated
into the pilots' repertoire of skills until the latter part of the evaluation.
Both the LOSHUD and LOS45 data showed a tendency for the results from the two
helmet conditions to converge over the course of the week.
To summarize the data analyses reported in Section 5, only the Supersearch
and LOS45 variables were significantly affected by the HMS/D in isolation. In
both these cases higher order interactions were also present when combined with
the block factor or the block and week factor together, though, the HMS/D
significantly affected the number of Blue Kills, Red and Blue pilot SWAT scores,
AIM-9 launches the time of first launch, and the measurement of helmet.
The qualitative, or subjective, data is more useful than the quantitative
data because it uses the experience of the pilots to project the value of the
HMS/D into a real operational scenario that is untethered by the simulation

The pilots said that the HMS/D made it easier to do WVR radar acquisitions,
and get visual sightings of acquired target, saved time in WVR attacks, provided
helpful weapon data while visually tracking a target, and added tactics
capability by easing simultaneous AIM-9 and AIM-7 attacks, and avoided
sacrificing BFM (basic fighter maneuvers) to launch an AIM-9 or perform a full
system gun attack.
They were particularly impressed with the time saved in a WVR attack and
the ability to make AIM-9 launches while maneuvering.
In several of the test engagements, the Aggressor pilot obtained the first
sighting, while the aggressor maneuvered to shoot, the F-15 pilot spotted him.
Because the F-15 pilot was HMS/D equipped he did not have to maneuver his
aircraft and was able to launch the first missile. This generally had one of two
o The Aggressor was killed before he was able to complete the pointing
maneuver. Therefore, he never got the shot off.

o The Aggressor had to break off his attack and defend himself from a
missile launched by the Eagle pilot. While the Aggressor was
occupied in this fashion, the Eagle pilot maneuvered to a position of

In either case, the F-15 pilot was able to rapidly turn a bad situation
into one where he had the upper hand because he could direct his IR missile
seekers without having to perform an aircraft maneuver. The pilots referred to
this capability as a "looks could kill" system, and one pilot stated that the
combination of the HMD and the AIM-9 L/M should be called "hamburger helper".
They felt that this capability was the greatest advantage of the HMD.

One of the pilots said, "The time saved using the helmet could be one
pilot's lifetime."

Currently, the only way to launch an AIM-9L/M missile visually is to point

the aircraft so that the target is within the seeker field of view.
Unfortunately, pointing directly at the target aircraft may not be a sound
tactical move. If the target is in a high G break turn, the pilot may need to
maneuver out of the plane of the turn in order to maintain his positional
advantage (i.e., remain behind the target). In pointing at the target, the
target's turn may succeed in forcing the attacker into a neutral situation where
neither has a clear cut advantage. The fighter pilot is faced with the choice of
whether to go for the quick kill or to maintain his positional advantage. If he
opts for the quick kill, the missile may fail to guide or fuse, and the pilot may
lose his advantage with nothing gained. If he maintains his positional
advantage, the fight is prolonged, and other enemy aircraft are given a chance to
reach the fight and support the target.
With the HMS/D, the F-15 pilot can have it both ways. He flies the
aircraft as necessary to maintain the advantage, because it is not required that
he point at the target for seeker acquisition. While performing good BFM, he
uses the helmet to drive the seeker onto the target. Then, when he achieves
missile parameters, he launches the missile. This enables him to accomplish a
visual missile attack without sacrificing positional advantage.

Overall, all pilots (including the Aggressor pilots) who performed the
HMS/D evaluation thought that this was a vital system and one that is needed in
present fighter aircraft. As one fighter pilot stated, "The advantage of having
the HMD over having just a HUD is like the difference between CCIP (constant
computing impact point) and an iron bomb sight." In other words, pilots feel the
HMS/D provides as much improvement to air-to-air operations as weapons computers
have provided in air-to-ground operations.
These results indicate the development of the HMS/D system should continue.
There were areas of improvement that should be taken care of before the system
would become operational. These should be addressed with simulations,
engineering flight tests, and additional vendor work to improve the design and
system integration concepts.


A/A Air to Air

A/C Aircraft
A/D Air Data
A/G Air to Ground
AAI Air-to-Air Interrogate
ACM Air Combat Maneuvering
ACS Armament Control System
ADI Attitude Director Indicator
AGL Above Ground Level
AHRS Attitude-Heading Reference Set
ASL Azimuth Steering Line
ATO Air Tasking Order
AUTO Automatic
AVMUX Avionics Multiplex Bus
BARO Barometric
BDA Bomb Damage Assessment
C2 Command and Control
CAS Calibrated Airspeed
CC Central Computer
CCC Central Computer Complex
CLNC Clearance (for TF operations)
CLR Clear
CNI Communication Navigation Identification
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CRS Course

DBS Doppler Beam Sharpening

DCLTR Declutter
DDU Display Driver Unit
DEST Destination
DPT Display Processor/Tracker
DRD Data Readout Displays
DTM Data Transfer Module
DWN Down
EADI Electronic ADI
EHSI Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator
EMERG Emergency
EMIS LMT Emission Limit
ENTR Enter
EO Electro-Optical


FEBA Forward Edge of Battle Area

FLIR Forward Looking Infrared
FOg Field of View
FWD Forward

G Gravity
GC Gyrocompass

HBST Helmet Boresight

HDD Head Down Display
HDG Heading
HMD Helmet Mounted Display
HOTAS Hands on Throttle and Stick
HSD Horizontal Situation Display
HSEL Heading Select
HSS Helmet Supersearch
HUD Head-Up Display
I/P Identification of Position
IDENT Identification
IFF Identification, Friend or Foe
IIR Imaging Infrared
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
IN RNG In Range
INS Inertial Navigation System
IP Inscu..tor Pilot
IR Infrared
JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System

K Knots
KCAS Knots, Calibrated Air Speed
KT Knot
LOS Line of Sight
M Mach
M/V Magnetic Variation
MACS Manned Air Combat Simulator
MAN Manual
MAV Maverick
MC Mission Computer (see CC)
MCAIR McDonnell Aircraft Company
MDEC McDonnell Douglas Electronic Company
MICS Manned Interactive Control Station
MK Mark


ML Mental Effort Load

MPCD Multipurpose Color Display
MPD Multipurpose Display
MR Milliradian
MRM Medium Range Missile
MSIP Multi Staged Improvement Program

NAV Navigation
NAVDSG Navigation Designation
NCI Navigation Control Indicator
NM Nautical Mile
NMPP Nautical Miles per Pound
NORM Normal

O/S Offset
OFP Operational Flight Program
PACS Programmable Armament Control Set
POSN Position
PP Present Position
PPI Plan Position Indicator
PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency
PRI Priority

RAM Raid Assessment Mode

RDR Radar
RDY Ready
RF Radio Frequency
RNG Range
ROE Rules of Engagement
RTCL Reticle
RWR Radar Warning Receiver
SAC Strategic Air Command
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
SCL Scale
SL Psychological Stress Load
SRM Short Range Missile
STAN EVAL Standard Evaluation
STBY Standby
STOR Store
STT Single Target Track
SWAT Subjective Workload Assessment Technique

TAC Tactical Air Command

TACAN Tactical Air Navigation
TBD To Be Determined


TD Target Designator
TDC Target Designator Controller
TEWS Tactical Electronic Warfare System
TF/TA Terrain Following/Terrain Avoidance
TGT Target
THRT Threat
TL Time Load
TOT Time Over Target
TP Target Pointer
TWS Track While Scan

UFC Up Front Control

UHF Ultra High Frequency

VIS Visual
WACQ Wide Acquisition
WFOV Wide Field of View
WPN Weapon
WYPT Waypoint


Three weapons-related symbols were provided: a Shoot Cue, a Sidewinder
Seeker LOS Circle, and a Breakaway "X".
Missile Shoot Cue - When MRM or SRM was selected with the Weapon Select
switch and the radar was in STT, a Shoot Cue was provided for the tracked target.
When the target was within the HMD FOV, the Shoot Cue was provided for the
tracked target. When the target was within the HMD FOV, the Shoot Cue was a
triangle attached to the bottom of the TD box (the same symbol used on the
current F-15 HUD). When the target was not in the HMD FOV, the Shoot Cue was a
triangle embedded in the TP arrow 10 mils from the end of the arrow. Both
symbols are illustrated in Figure A-i.


a.Tare Wihi' II

440K2 22.6

b. Target Outside HMD FOV

0P73-0201 -31-0

Figure A-1. Misslle Shoot Cue for Tracked Target

The criteria for this Shoot Cue were identical to those required for its
display on the HUD. Like the HUD symbol, it flashes or remained steady as a
function of target range when MRM was selected.

Sidewinder Seeker LOS (Aim-9 L/M) - The operation of the AIM-9 L/M seeker
was changed to slave the seeker to the helmet LOS instead of aircraft boresight
when the radar was in search or if manual boresight was selected. The possible
cases are described below and illustrated in Figure A-2.

017 017

440K 22.6 U0K 22.6

a. Seeker Slaved to Helmet b. Seeker at Gimbal Umit
- Radar inSearch Mode, or While Slaved to Helmet
- Manual Guesight Pressed


440K( 22.6 G 440K 22.6
c. Seeker Slaved to Radar LOS d. Seeker Uncaged
- Missile and Radar Are
Tracking Separate Targets
Figure A-2. AN" L/M Sldewinc Disp/s GP75-C-320

a. Radar Not In Track - When the radar was in a search mode, the missile
seeker was slaved to the helmet. This was indicated by display of
the 25 mil Sidewinder Seeker Position Circle. If the helmet LOS was
within the gimbal limits of the seeker, the seeker was slaved to the
helmet LOS, and the seeker circle was displayed in the center of the
HMD FOV, as shown in Figure A-2(a).
If the helmet LOS exceeded the seeker gimbal limits, then the missile
seeker remained at the limit and its location relative to the helmet was
indicated by a solid half-circle at the 2dge of the HMD FOV. This condition is
shown in Figure A-2(b). If the pilot continued to move his head, the seeker
remained at its gimbal limit, but it shifted in azimuth and elevation so as to
remain on a radial from the helmet LOS to the aircraft boresight line. This
continued until the HMD LOS was again within the seeker gimbal limits, at which
time the seeker was again slaved to the helmet and moved in conjunction with head

b. Radar Tracking, Seeker Slaved to Radar - When the radar tracked a

target, the missile seeker was slaved to the radar LOS. The pilot
could observe proper slaving by aligning his head so that the

radar/seeker LOS was within the HMD FOV. The pilot could then
observe both the TD box, indicating the radar LOS, and the Sidewinder
seeker position circle, indicating the seeker LOS. The pilot could
determine whether the seeker was slaved to the radar by noting
whether the seeker circle was superimposed over the TD box, as
illustrated in Figure A-2(c). Note that when neither LOS was within
the HMD FOV, the TP Arrow could be used to locate the tracked target.
c. Radar Tracking, Missile Manually "Boresiohted" - If the seeker was
slaved to the radar LOS, depressing and holding the AIM-9 L/M Manual
Boresight button on the right throttle slaved the seeker to the
helmet in the same fashion as described above. Thus, when the helmet
LOS was within the seeker gimbal limits, the seeker was slaved to the
helmet LOS, and when the LOS exceeds seeker limits, the seeker
remained the limit and the half-circle symbol was displayed on the
HMD. The seeker remained slaved to the helmet while the Manual
Boresight switch was held depressed, assuming the seeker was caged.
d. Seeker Uncaed - The seeker was uncaged from any of the above
locations by pressing the Uncage button on the Stick. The seeker
would then attempt to enter self-track. The seeker position was
indicated by the seeker circle, which was then positioned as required
to indicate seeker LOS. Proper seeker tracking could be confirmed by
observing the location of the seeker circle relative to either t'-- TD
box (target tracked'by radar) or the actual aircraft (target visually
acquired). Figure A-2(d) illustrates a situation where the radar and
the AIM-9 missile are tracking separate targets.
This feature enabled the pilot to observe Sidewinder seeker status
and launch the weapon at high off-boresight angles. Thus, using only
the HMD, it was possible to visually acquire the target at a high
off-boresight angle, lock on with the radar, uncage the AIM-9 seeker,
confirm seeker track, and launch the missile (based on the Shoot Cue)
without ever having had the target within the HUD FOV. In a short
range situation the pilot could place the seeker directly onto the
target using the HMD without radar acquisition.
Breakaway "X" - The Breakaway "X" symbol is shown in Figure A-3. It was
displayed on the HMD whenever range to the radar tracked target was at or below
minimum range for the weapon selected. It was displayed for the same conditions
used for its display on the HUD and the VSD. The "X" was centered on the HMD FOV
and blinked at a rate of 2.5 Hz. Each side of the X was 125 mils long.


440K 22.6,-

Figure A-3. Breekaway "IX'


The HMD displayed AAI symbols for targets when the radar was in STT, TWS,
or RAM and the AAI button was depressed. Operation required prior AAI setup in
terms of mode desired, codes to be interrogated, etc. The HMD served merely as
an additional display medium which duplicated some VSD displays.

Symbols Used - Small circle and diamond symbols (similar to those provided
on the VSD radar displpy) were used. The symbols were positioned at the top of
the TO box, as shown in Figure A-4. The symbol used was identical to the symbol
displayed on the VSD: diamond for non-Mode 4 or low confidence Mode 4 replies
and a circle for hij confidence Mode 4 replies.

J 4L
017 High Confidence

Non Mode 4 or A
Low Confidence
Mode 4 jj
440K 22.6

SAirspeed Altitude QD
" Shown for TWS Case
" Similar Displays Used for STT and RAM
" Present Only While AA Button Held Depressed
GP73.01 -34-0
Figur A-4 AA Reply Modes

Radar In Search (LRS. SRS, VS. PULSE) - No AAI displays were provided on
the HMD when the radar was in a search mode.
Radar In STT - When the tracked target was located in the HMD FOV (TO box
displayed), pressing the AAI button on the throttle resulted in interrogation of
the tracked target. If the correct response %is received, it was displayed above
the TO box.
Radar In TWS - When TWS was in use, pressing the AAI button provided
interrogation and display resulcs on the VSD. Any target that had an established
track file, provided the correct reply, and was located in the HMO FOV had its
reply displayed over the appropriate TO box on the HMO.
Radar in RAM - When the radar was in RAM, the designated target had its AAI
reply displayed in the same manner as discussed for STT. If RAM-Space is
selected, no AAI reply was displayed on the HMD.

Changes To HUD Symbology - Symbols displayed on the HMD were removed from
the HUD. This was done to eliminate clutter caused by multiple symbols that were
not exactly aligned (e.g. TD boxes). The following symbols were not displayed on
the HUD while the HMD was in use.
o Auto Acquisition Symbols (Supersearch, Vertical Scan, Boresight)

o TD Box
o Shoot Cue
o Sidewinder Seeker Position Circle

o Breakaway "X"

Basic Display - The basic format present whenever the HUD was on is shown
in Figure A-5. A description of display elements is provided below.


aI I I I V1 IO

a. Headini Indicator and Scale - The digital heading indicator provided

the pilot with orientation of his head/helmet. "Head/helmet
orientation" meant the LOS established from the pilot's eye through
the center of the HMD field of view (FOV). Note that this was
normally different from aircraft heading.
The scale above the heading indicator provided the location of
adjacent heading. The "tick" marks on the scale were plotted one
degree apart for the present head elevation. This meant that the
tick marks move clos'r together as the head was moved either up or
down from the horizon. In the extremes, the heading scale "shrank"
to a single line when the head was pointing towards zenith or nadir
(900 to the horizon).

b. Head Elevation - The two digit number above the heading scale
indicated elevation angle of the head/helmet in degrees relative to
the horizon. Elevation angles above the horizon were prefixed with a
positive sign (+), and angles below the horizon were prefixed with a
negative sign (-).

c. Horizon Bar - The location of the real world horizon relative to head
orientation was indicated by the horizon bar. The triangle symbol in
the center of the bar was a sky pointer and was displayed on the
"sky" side of the bar.

The horizon bar was always drawn parallel to the real horizon. When
the real horizon was within the HMD FOV, the horizon bar was aligned
with it and overlaid the real horizon. When the real horizon was
outside the HMD FOV, the horizon bar was displayed as a dashed line
at the edge of the display FOV, but it remained parallel to the real
horizon. This case is shown in Figure A-6.

440K 22.6.' Display Hoizon


Figum A- Dhpay4.Jmrd Horkon Bw

It should be noted that the horizon bar indicated horizon location,

NOT aircraft attitude. However, the bar did provide an extreme
attitude warning.

d. Calibrated Airspeed (CAS) - Calibrated airspeed was displayed to the

nearest knot on the left at the bottom of the display. It was
distinguished from altitude by the "K" symbol (knots) which followed
the digits. All digits were drawn full size (approximately 5 mils x
7 mils).

The CAS indicator provided a slow speed warning. Whenever it is 200

knots or less, the CAS digits blinked at I Hz.

e. Mean Sea Level (MSL) Altitude - MSL Altitude was displayed on the
right at the bottom of the display. A decimal point separated
thousands of feet from hundreds of feet (e.g. "22.6" indicates 22,600
ft. MSL).

Extreme Attitude/Ground Proximity Warning - The system provided a warning
of extreme attitudes as a function of ground proximity. The warning was provided
whenever either of the following conditions occurred:
o Dive Angle greater than 300, less than 600, and altitude at or below
5000 ft. MSL.
0 Dive Angle 600 or greater and altitude at or below 10,000 ft MSL.
When either of these conditions was present, the horizon bar flashed at a
rate of 2.5 Hz. These combinations were chosen to provide sufficient altitude
for dive recovery prior to ground impact.

The HMD could be used to direct automatic acquisition of targets with the
air-to-air (A/A) radar. The forward position of the auto acquisition switch on
the stick grip was used for this purpose. When the radar was in a search mode,
depressing the auto acquisition switch in the forward position selected Helmet
Supersearch (HSS). The F-15 Supersearch scan was performed, but the scan was
centered at the HMD LOS instead of radar boresight. This pattern was indicated
on the HMD by a dashed circle that is 120 in diameter. This is shown in Figure
Depressing the auto acquisition switch forward a second time selected
Helmet Boresight (HBST). In this mode, the radar antenna was slaved to the
helmet LOS. This mode provided more precision than HSS and accomplished faster
lock-ons. This mode was displayed by a 40 dashed circle located in the center of
the HMD FOV, as shown in Figure A-7(b).
+01 0



"'.. .......
22.64 2
..... ," "

a. Helmet Supersearch (HSS) Display b. Helmet Boresight (HBST) Display

c Radar Slaved to Helmet LOS

GP7 -2?

Figure A-7. Helmet Automatic Acquisition Modes

In both modes, the area covered by the radar antenna was centered on the
helmet LOS and was slaved to the helmet until radar lock-on. The pilot needed
only to move his head until the visually detected target was within this circle,
at which time the radar acquired and tracked the target. The radar searched this
area in range from 500 ft. to 10 NM until a target was acquired.
The radar remained slaved tu Lhe helmet unless the helmet LOS exceeds the
radar gimbal limits (600 off boresight). When the helmet LOS exceeded 600 off
boresight, the radar antenna remained at the limit on a radial to the LOS
location. The antenna was indicated by a small half-circle at the edge of the
HMD FOV on that radial. This circle was also dashed, but it was only 20 in
diameter. This condition is shown in Figure A-8. If the pilot moved his head,
the antenna remained at the gimbal limit, but it shifted in azimuth and elevation
so as to remain on a radial from the helmet LOS to the boresight.

401Gimbal Limi

600 Off Boresight.

Gimbal Boundary
. .. . . .. . ................

440K 22. Aircraft

SAntenna :Gimlbaled" "

S Indicator

GP7T- 01-26-0
Figure A-. Hesnot Automatic Acquisition Dispqy
When Radar Antenna is at Gimbal Umits

Repeated depression of the auto acquisition switch in the forward direction

resulted in the radar alternating between HSS and HBST modes, similar to the way
it would alternate between Supersearch and Boresight modes in the present F-15.
The radar remained in the last selected acquisition mode (HSS or HBST) until the
target was acquired or the pilot selected Return to Search (RTS).

When the HMD avionics were in use, no Vertical Scan mode was available.
The Vertical Scan position (aft) on the automatic acquisition switch was then
inoperative with the radar in search. When the radar is in track, the normal TWS
functions of this switch position were available.
The HMD extended many of the HUD displays available when the radar was in
track. The displays provided were a function of radar operating mode.
Search Modes (LRS.SRS.VS.PULSE) - No radar related symbols were provided
when the radar was in a search mode. However, if HSS or HBST was selected, the
antenna position symbol appeared, as described in Paragraph 7.5.
Single Target Track (STT) - When the radar is in STT, one of two symbols
was present on the HMD: the Target Designator (TD), which was a box positioned
at the target LOS; or the Target Pointer (TP), which was an arrow pointing toward
the target. Both symbols are illustrated in Figure A-9.

a. Ta~etNt in HMD FOV

- TP Indicate Target Location

b. Target Witin HMD FOV

- TO Box on Target

07"0 .IVO-3A0
Flgum A. SiT/RAM Dislay

If the target was not located within the HMD FOV, then the TP arrow was
present. The TP arrow radiated from the center of the HMD FOV to the target. By
moving his head in the direction indicated, the pilot could align the helmet LOS
to the radar LOS and locate the TD box.

The TD box was a square 25 mils on each side. The length of the TP arrow
was fixed at 50 mils until the target was within 45 degrees of the helmet LOS.
Then, it shortened at a rate of 1 mil/degree until the target was within the HMD
FOV (arrow is approximately 11 mils long). Once the target was within the HMD
FOV, the TO box appeared around the target, and the TP arrow disappeared.
The two symbols were mutually exclusive; there was no situation when both
could be displayed at the same time.
Track While Scan (TWS) - In TWS mode the pilot was provided with multiple
TO boxes as shown in Figure A-10. These indicated the position of all track
files located within the HMD FOV. The priority designated target (i.e, the
"starred" target on the radar display) was indicated by a solid TO box. All
other targets were indicated by a segmented TO box.

Priority Target 017

A l Other Targets

440K 22.6

W'73-0201 -30-0
Figure A-1 . TWS Dipley

The TP arrow was used to show the location of the priority designated
target whenever it was not within the HMD FOV. The length of the TP arrow was
determined in the same manner as described above for STT mode. The TP arrow was
mutually exclusive with the solid TO box.

Raid Assessment Mode (RAM) - In RAM mode, a single TO box was available at
the LOS of the designated target. When this target was outside the HMD FOV, the
TP arrow was present to indicate its position. When the target was within the
HMD FOV, a solid TO box was provided. Essentially, the STT displays were
provided with the designated target treated as the "tracked" target. Other
targets detected were displayed only on the VSD not the HMD.

If the RAM-Space mode was selected by designating a space, a single

segmented TO box was provided at the LOS of the designated space point. The TP
arrow was displayed when the space point LOS was outside the HMD FOV.

Symbols ReJect - The pilot could manually declutter the HMD by selecting
"Symbols Reject" on the HUD control panel. This eliminated all basic symbology
and inhibited attitude warning. All weapons-related symbology continued to
operate, as shown in Figure A-11. The normal Symbols Reject HUD display also
resulted. Thus, it was not possible to declutter one while leaving a full
display on the other.

" Shown forCase of Radar inSTT,SRM Selected,

Seeker Uncaged,Shoot Cue Present
" Other Symbols Available Include Helmet Aquisiton
Circles, Sequented TD Box, TP Arrow, Break "X,
and AAI Reply Symbols
Figure A-1l. Typicl Syftbols Reject

HMD Blankin - The pilot could blank the HMD by pressing and holding the
HMD blanking switch on the left throttle. While this switch was depressed, all
symbols were removed from the HMD. Releasing the switch restored HMD symbology.

A-11 *L.S.Government Printing Office: 1991-548-018/20225

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