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Online Complaint Management System in IN DBU

Project report
Submitted by

• Teshome Adugna TEE/812/05

• Tsehaynesh Getachew TEE/817/05

• Abebe Temesgen TEE/770/05

• Abenet Tadesse TEE/884/05

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of


Under the guidance of:
Gizachew M (Msc).


July, 2008 E.C
Online Compliant Management System

The objective of the project, automated compliant management System in case of Debre Markos
University which enables the grievance handling office to record complains in organization,
viewing compliant records, customers register complain easily. The project has been designed in
PHP technology and consists of mySQL server which acts as the database for the project.
Automated Complain management System project mainly consists of different types of actors.
Those are grievance handling of organization, employees and customer In general term the
function of this project to manage the information of complain in terms of fast ,managing
input/output and advertising.

Online Compliant Management System

First of all we would like to give thanks for God because helps us every success of our proposal
and analysis phase. Next to this we give thanks for our advisor instructor Gizachew melaku for
his excellent advice and guidance to do the project from starting to this phase.

In addition to this we would like to give thanks for all the IT instructors, because they are the
framework to do this project and also thanks for all our friends who provide advice and some
corrections from our error.

Online Compliant Management System

Abstract........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................................................... 3
List of figure ................................................................................................................................................ iii
List of table .................................................................................................................................................. iv
Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................................... v
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background of the study ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.3 Statement of the Problem .............................................................................................................. 1
1.4 Objectives of the project ............................................................................................................... 2
1.4.1 General objectives ................................................................................................................. 2
1.4.2 Specific objectives ................................................................................................................ 2
1.5 Scope of the Study ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.6 Significant of Study ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.7 Methodology ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.7.1 System development methodology ....................................................................................... 4
1.7.2 Hardware and software Requirements .................................................................................. 4
1.7.3 Programming and database tools .......................................................................................... 5
1.7.4 Data collection methodology ................................................................................................ 6
1.8 Feasibility study ............................................................................................................................ 7
1.8.1 Operational Feasibility .......................................................................................................... 7
1.8.2 Technical feasibility .............................................................................................................. 8
1.8.3 Economic Feasibility............................................................................................................. 8
1.8.4 Legal feasibility..................................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2 System Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Overview of the existing system ................................................................................................. 10
2.2 Overview of the proposed system ............................................................................................... 11
2.3 System Requirement Specifications............................................................................................ 11
2.3.1 Functional requirement ....................................................................................................... 12
2.3.2 Nonfunctional requirements ................................................................................................ 12
2.3.3 Business rules...................................................................................................................... 14

Online Compliant Management System

2.4 System requirement analysis ....................................................................................................... 14

2.4.1 Actor and use case identification ........................................................................................ 15
2.4.2 Sequence diagram ............................................................................................................... 23
2.4.3 Activity diagram ................................................................................................................. 29
2.4.4 Analysis class diagram ........................................................................................................ 34
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 36
3 System design ..................................................................................................................................... 36
3.1 Design Goals of the system......................................................................................................... 36
3.1.1 Performance criteria ............................................................................................................ 36
3.1.2 Maintenance criteria ............................................................................................................ 37
3.1.3 End user criteria .................................................................................................................. 37
3.1.4 Security requirement ........................................................................................................... 37
3.2 Design class diagram .................................................................................................................. 37
3.3 Physical Database Design ........................................................................................................... 39
3.4 User interface design................................................................................................................... 42
3.5 Deployment Diagram .................................................................................................................. 44
4 CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................................... 46
4.1 Implementation ........................................................................................................................... 46
4.2 System Implementation............................................................................................................... 46
4.1.1. Overview of Programming language used ................................................................................ 46
4.2.1 Sample code ........................................................................................................................ 46
5 CHAPTER FIVE ................................................................................................................................ 50
5.1 Testing......................................................................................................................................... 50
5.1.1 Testing procedure................................................................................................................ 50
6 CHAPTER SIX ................................................................................................................................... 52
6.1 Conclusion and Recommendations ............................................................................................. 52
6.2 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 52
6.3 Recommendation ........................................................................................................................ 53
6.4 Future enhancement .................................................................................................................... 53
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 54

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List of figure
Figure 1Use case diagram for compliant management system ................................................................... 17
Figure 2. Sequence diagram for login ........................................................................................... 24
Figure 3. Sequence diagram for create and update account .......................................................... 25
Figure 4Sequence diagram for send compliant ............................................................................. 26
Figure 5. Sequence diagram for handling grievance office view compliant information ............ 27
Figure 6. Sequence diagram for handling grievance office send solution to User ....................... 28
Figure 7. Activity diagram for login ............................................................................................. 29
Figure 8. Activity diagram for create and update account ............................................................ 30
Figure 9. Activity diagram for handling Grievance office, user and organ of the compliant view
notification .................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 10. Activity diagram for User compliant registration ....................................................... 32
Figure 11. Activity diagram for handling grievance office send solution .................................... 33
Figure 12. Analysis class diagrams ............................................................................................... 35
Figure 13 Design class diagrams .................................................................................................. 38
Figure 14User interface design for grievance handling officer .................................................... 42
Figure 15User interface design for complaints view download image page ................................ 43
Figure 16User interface design for complain registration page page ........................................... 44
Figure 17Deployment Diagram for compliant management system ............................................ 45
Figure 18 Login testing ................................................................................................................ 50

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List of table
Table 1:-Use case description for Login ....................................................................................... 18
Table 2:-Use case description for send compliant ........................................................................ 19
Table 3:-Use case description for update account ........................................................................ 20
Table 4:-Use case description for view notification ..................................................................... 21
Table 5:-Use case description for send to court ............................................................................ 22
Table 6:-use case description for send feedback........................................................................... 22
Table 7:-Use case Description for View feedback ....................................................................... 23
Table 8 register table ..................................................................................................................... 39
Table 9 message table ................................................................................................................... 40
Table 10 feedback table ................................................................................................................ 40
Table 11 department table ............................................................................................................. 40
Table 12 log history table ............................................................................................................. 41

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BR………………………………………………………………….Business rule
PW…………………………. ……………………………………..Password
UC…………………………………………………………………Use case

Online Compliant Management System


1.1 Introduction
An academic growth can be of various concerns in academic environment to promote social and
functioning educational system. For an effective educational system to take place there are some
issues in academic environment that should properly address to, take for instance issue of
complaints management system in the university. This issue had created a lot of problems for an
academic growth in the various aspects of the educational system. To support this approach, this
project identifies a range of options that can be used to manage and resolve Academic
complaints. This includes, where the opportunity presents itself, the need for administrator to
make every effort to resolve potential or actual academic complaints .(1)

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Design and implementation of complaint management system is online application that will
solve the complaint information problem facing customer in the university environment. The
basic problems facing (manual) complaint monitoring are:
 The customers have no information about the grievance handling office rule. If there
is no web based information, the customers not get the information at exact time.
 Times taking to generate complain report.
 Information exchange problem with handling grievance office and users.
 Inaccuracy in updating complaint information.
 The same complaint information is stored in many copies repeatedly in different

 Lose of complaint files or documents.

 Difficult to search a complaint record.

 Poor performance of the manual system may lead into the missing or exploitative of
the complaint by the staff or any member of the management,

 There is no system or database set up to screen transfer of complaint submitted on

paper or as verbal representation

Online Compliant Management System

1.3 Objectives of the project

1.3.1 General objectives
The General objective of this project is to design and implement online complaint management
system in DebreMarkos University.
1.3.2 Specific objectives

To achieve the general objective we shall be guided by the following specific objectives:
• To evaluate the existing paper-based information of complaint management system.
• To design web based complaint registration and appeal management system.
• To analyze and organize compliant information in such a way that it will be used to design
the new system.
• To design and implement a database for proper implementation of the complaint
management system.
• To develop good security mechanism with handling grievance office and user.
• To announce the rule and regulation of the institutions to the members of it.
• To make backup of the system and restore it when necessary.
• To develop communication system among members of the association with the users of the
• To test the performance of the system with real time data.

1.4 Scope of the Study

This study covers the procedure for managing complaints information in Debremarkos
Online complaint management system is too wide in its scope but, this project is done the
following points only:-
 Registering, Updating, and searching complaints by the handling grievance office
which are responsible for the appropriate task.
 Customer can register, view, update, search complaints and send request to handling
grievance office.
 Organ of the complaints can view the complaint information and summons
information that had been made by customer.

Online Compliant Management System

 The proposed system keeps in mind the problems of the current system as stated

 Customers can send feedback to the system.

 The work in the organization will be well planned and organized. The data will be
stored properly in data stores, which will help in retrieval of information fast as well
as its storage.

1.5 Significant of Study

The significance of this study is to serve better than the existing system which is highly manual
and therefore difficult in terms of monitoring the complaint in the University, improve database
and enhance effectiveness, efficiency and security of the system. It is also intended that the study
will help in the development of a new and hopefully and standard better computer aided system.
The new system will save time, reduce improper handling of complaint system and also improve
relationship between student, lecturer and management.
The system is expected to be easy as student can login their complaint anytime, staff and
management also can equally response to customer’s complaint in a more easy way.
Generally this system provides the following significances to the system users.
 To View compliant online.
 Customers use time effectively.
 To give customer and students satisfaction.
 Users to view compliant information and notification online.
 Reduce resource wastage.
 Lower human resource need to accomplish a task.
 Faster decision making due to the report generation functionality.
 Creates Job satisfaction to the employees.
 Supplies timely information for users.
 To view notification.
 To post and submit notification.

Online Compliant Management System

1.6 Methodology
A methodology is a set of methods, processes, and practices that are repeatedly carried out to
deliver a project.

Prototyping used for getting clear requirements and re-use the software components to
accelerate the development timelines.

This part deals about the method of data collection, source of data, and how the data
organized and analyzed.

1.6.1 System development methodology

System development methodology refers to the frame work that is used to structure plan and
control the flow of developing an information system there are different system development
methodologies that are suitable for different projects based on the values technical
organizational project and team consideration. For this project the team used object oriented
software development methodology

.The reason why we selected object oriented system development is because it has the
following advantages.

 In an object-oriented environment,
 Object-oriented systems development is a way to develop software by building
self-contained modules or objects that can be easily replaced, modified, and reused.
 Software is a collection of discrete objects that encapsulate their data as well as the
functionality to model real-world "objects."
 Each object has attributes (data) and methods (functions).
 Objects are grouped into classes; in object-oriented terms, we discover and
describe the classes involved in the problem domain.
 Encourages re-use not only modules but also entire design.

1.6.2 Hardware and software Requirements

There are system requirements for developed any kind of application. We use different type of
software and hardware to develop our project. This requirement is like hardware and software.

Online Compliant Management System Software requirement

Since, there are many software tools for developing our projects. This system or project uses
listed below.
• Code lobster: - to write different codes of the projects. It is important because it support
different languages like HTML, PHP, and JavaScript. It also used to run and test the
• Html:-to present and communication data the web page.
• CSS: - for the formatting of the web site.
• JavaScript: - used for validation.
• WAMP Server version 2.4:- to run and test system application.
• Anti-Virus Software: - used to keep secure, scan, fix Flash Disk and to prevent data
destruction and corruption.
• Microsoft Office word 2013:- used to write documentation part of this project.
• Microsoft Office power point 2013:- used to write presentation part of this project.
• Edraw max: - used to design the diagram of the system or project.
• Mozilla Firefox:-is browser that used to search different information regarding to the
project. Hardware requirement
The software which we develop requires the following minimum hardware configuration:
• computer

• Processor: pentium-i5
• RAM: 4 GB
• Hard disk: 500GB
• CD drive and monitor.

• Flash.

• Printer.

1.6.3 Programming and database tools Programming language

Online Compliant Management System

• Increased efficiency & usability - PHP provides incomparable efficiency and usability
when it is used for the development of websites.

• Compatible- PHP is compatible on all operating systems including windows and UNIX-
among other systems.

• Data processing - a website that has been developed using the PHP functions has fast
features of data processing.

• Easy to understand - when compared with other scripting languages, PHP can be
understood easily because it has simple techniques and features.

• Integration - it is easy to integrate popular web applications using this scripting language.

• Cost advantages - PHP based websites are affordable to develop, design, modify and

• There are many website development companies which provide professional services
within the area of PHP, including websites designing, developing web application and so

• We are familiar with PHP language, so we select it to develop the proposed system. Database tool

• MYSQL latest version

• Because: MYSQL is a relational database management system which is an open source


• Because of its unique storage engine architecture MYSQL performance is very high.

• Supports large number of embedded applications which makes MYSQL very flexible.

• Use of Triggers, Stored procedures and views which allows the developer to give a
higher productivity. It is compatible to PHP languages and portable.
1.6.4 Data collection methodology
There were a number of data collection methods. From these methods to do our project we used
observation, interview and document analysis method.

Online Compliant Management System Interview technique

We interviews members of the association from their office, and members from their work place.
What kind of system the organization has used?
How the existing system works?
What is the duty of the institution workers?
What are the problems of the existing system? Document analysis
By reading the document which is prepared by the institution that explain about the institution
feature from start date up to current situation. Observation
We use this method to get the right information about the organization and also to understand
how the existing system works .To gathering data by watching behaviors, events, or nothing
physical characteristics in their physical setting. It is also a habit of to spend day or to with direct
user simply to sit and observe what they do.
1.7 Feasibility study
It is an analysis of the ability to complete a project successfully, taking into account legal,
economic, technological, scheduling and other factors. Rather than just diving into a project and
hoping for the best, a feasibility study allows project managers to investigate the possible
negative and positive outcomes of a project before investing too much time and money.
1.7.1 Operational Feasibility
Proposed applications are beneficial only if they can be turned into user friendly that meet the
users’ requirements. Simply stated, this test of feasibility asks if the application will be worked
when it is developed. Therefore, the system will be designed to be operationally feasible. That
means, the system will operate without failure. Because of it is simplicity and easy access. In
addition to this the system is practical, applicable and also the system operation is easy for the
users. The new system that we develop require organization end user potential and skilled man
power ,also social acceptability that the system completely changed from manual system to
computerized due to this potential and skilled man power of the our team to operate the system is
operationally feasible.

Online Compliant Management System

1.7.2 Technical feasibility

The technical feasibility in the proposed system deals with the technology used in the system. It
deals with the hardware and software used in the system whether they are of latest technology or
not. It happens that after a system is prepared a new technology arises and the user wants the
system based on that technology.
In this project the team uses languages such as html, PHP, java script and CSS to develop the
new system. All these are the technology side. The technical persons who develop the new
system are all the members of the project.
1.7.3 Economic Feasibility
The project is economically feasibility attempts to weight the costs of developing and
implementing a new system, against the benefits that would occur from having the new system in
place or the cost of developing and implementing a new system less than the cost that finding
benefit from the developed system.

Tangible Benefits of proposed system

• Cost reduction and/or avoidance
• Error reduction
• Increased flexibility
• Increase the speed of activities
• Improvement of management planning and control.
• Reduction in material consumption
Intangible Benefits of the proposed system
• More timely information
• Faster decision making
• improving employee morale
• Increase accuracy
• Increase information processing efficiency
1.7.4 Legal feasibility
The proposed system not conflicts with legal requirements, the government/ company. It meet to
the rule and regulations of the organization or the university or it is not conflict to each other.

Online Compliant Management System


2 System Analysis
This chapter contains and describes about User requirement, Functional requirement, Use case
diagram, use case description, and Analysis Model (Activity diagram and Sequence Diagram).
And also In this chapter overview of the existing system, overview of the proposed system
functional and non-functional requirement of the system will be discussed and modeled using
unified modeling language(UML) models.

Online Compliant Management System

2.1 Overview of the existing system

Whenever a customer of the University requires service from the grievance office he/she
required moving to the University and then he/she required to submit the compliant to the
handling grievance officer. The current system is complains to written in paper and will be
submitted at the grievance handling officers. Then the manager will look after it and then he will
take care about the customer’s problems. After that the manager will enquire and allocate the
problem to the specified person in that department.
The current system is time taking, unqualified, costly and not satisfactory since the current
system not use full computerized system for complaint purpose. Employee/admin spend much
time to work its own activity due to all information is transferred manually by paper-based
method and difficult to register new customer, customer must physically join to the office to get
service, difficult to manage compliant information. So this system consumes time and money.
Users of the existing system
DebreMarko’s university compliant management system have many users that are participating
in the:-
Handling grievance office: An authorized employee of the University who sees all the
complaints received for the Users and forwards the complaints solution to his/her.
Student: The person who sees the complaints assign to the him/her and who sends the complaint
to the handling grievance office through the system with problems with teachers, department,
library within problem identification and clarification or asking more information.

Lecturer: an employee who assign complaints to the handling grievance office and who sends
the complaint to the handling grievance office through the system with difficult problems with
department or closely related manager with in problem identification and clarification or asking
more information.

Employers: Register complain to grievance office if its disagreement with closely related

Other customer: assign complain to the handling grievance office if it is disagreement with
human resource management in case of inside and outside vacancy or recruitment with in detail
problem description.

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Online Compliant Management System

2.2 Overview of the proposed system

We believed that the proposed system will help the organization to accomplish their tasks such
as compliant registration, retrieving compliant information as well as order request from the
service controller in efficient and effective manner and getting feedbacks from the customers.

The proposed system is automated process of sending request through the web based system.
The complaints can be sent easily by the customer from anywhere. The services are given
through the system.
The system that are developed solves the problems appear in the current system. The
new system enables all DebreMarkos university customers to register compliant information
to handling grievance office, to view their notification, to view summons paper information,
and helps handling grievance office to replay solution to submitted customer post notice to
customer , allows coordination among workers, allows authorized users to access any file
without wasting any time, and the system can store a large amount of data.

The new system increases the security, availability and performance of the system. In
this system customers can easily register complain by sitting at his/her computer using the
system, rather than going to handling grievance office . All this processes are handled
electronically in the system. The new system handles a log event of all user activities to increase
security of the system

2.3 System Requirement Specifications

Requirement specifications develops a recommended process improvement action which can
include quick fix for serious problem, modification of existing manual systems or the initiation
of the a organization re-engineering process. There are two main types of system requirement
specification this are functional and non- functional requirement. Functional requirements are
function that the system undertakes, whereas non-functional requirement are restrictions that the
system consider.

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Online Compliant Management System

2.3.1 Functional requirement

The functional requirements are concerned with the actual performance of the system that is
going to be developed Functional requirements describe the functionality or service provided
by the new system:

 The system is capable of request complain to handling grievance office on-line.

 The system capable Recording new complaint and complain information to the database
in the main process of the system.

 Up-load of resources:-The system help the handling grievance office to upload important
information’s like rule information and organization information's.

 Enabling the users to take or get the registered complain that they registered orderly.
 Document the file which is placed on the system of the data base to be accessed as
registers information.
 It organizes and makes searchable sites.
 The system validates data entry for correctness.
 The system generates a report.

2.3.2 Nonfunctional requirements

Non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the
operation of a system.
Non-functional requirements place constraints on how the system will do so. The non-functional
requirement elaborates a performance characteristic of the system. Also these requirements relate
to system attributes such as reliability and response time and they can arise due to user
requirements. Any requirement which specifies how the system performs a certain function
considered when designing the solution.
The following are non-functional requirement associated with the system:-

• Performance:-The system error free when accessing huge amount of data. And the
system should be accessed by many users and should have fast response time.

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Online Compliant Management System

• User interface:-The system user friendly. The developed system provide web based
application user interface and are compatible with browsers like internet explorer,
Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome.

• Resources:- the system is compatible with the specified hard ware and software
requirement and the system should have compatible with any environment

• The system is usable to anyone who have skill of English.

• The capacity to retrieve data from the stored data base

Technical Requirements
A technical requirement pertains to the technical aspect that your system must fulfill ,such as
performance related issue ,reliability issues, and availability issues, and many technical
requirements can actually be thought of as constraints, and in fact constraints can apply to either
technical or business issues. Some of the technical requirements of the compliant management
system are:-
• Scalability:-The ability to add capacity (and users) to a deployed system over time.
Scalability typically involves adding resources to the system but should not require
changes to the deployment architecture.

• Availability:-The system to be available 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. And A

measure of how often a system’s resources and services are accessible to end users, often
expressed as the uptime of a system

• Performance:-The systems have high performance and error free and the measurement of
response time and latency with respect to user load conditions.

• Security:-A complex combination of factors that describe the integrity of a system and its
users. Security includes authentication and authorization of users as well as secure
compliant information

• Serviceability:-The ease by which a deployed system can be administered, including

tasks such as monitoring the system, repairing problems that arise, and upgrading
hardware and software components.

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Online Compliant Management System

2.3.3 Business rules

In every organizations or institution’s there are rules and policies , which used to govern all
activities in specified work flow, control the work flow, and performed in the work environment
this are business rules Or business rule are statement about the organization’s way of doing
business. So the complaint management in DebreMarkos University governs and controls the
work flow through the following rules:-

 BR1 Transfer file:The customer should fill the petition form and personal data clearly and
send to the transfer officer.
 BR2 post notice: Handling grievance officer should be writing and post notice to the
customer who sends the rule.
 BR3 view customer notification: To view customer notification the first the customer
should send the registers complain.
 Then the transfer officer views the data by clicking the customer’s notification.
 BR4 register complain: The customer must have complain before register the organ of the
complaint/handling grievance office.
 The customer must have attachment reason either from the video or from sound.
 Then finally the customers complain is registered to the data base permanently.
 BR5 When members or users get in to the organization to get service they must first
registered to the Institution.

 BR6 The handling grievance office should replay the decision to users
 BR7 User that make crime should be punish by law

 BR8 the member of the institution can get complain more than one times, if it is necessarily.
2.4 System requirement analysis
System Requirements Analysis gives the professional systems engineer the tools to set up a
proper and effective analysis of the resources, schedules and parts needed to successfully
undertake and complete any large, complex project. The following lists of objects are System
Requirement Specifications (SRS) for the compliant management system in DebreMarkos

• Use case identification and their detail description.

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Online Compliant Management System

• Actor list
• sequence diagram
• Analysis class diagram.
• Activity diagram for each activities in the compliant system

2.4.1 Actor and use case identification

Use case is a list of steps, typically defining interaction between a role of actor and a system to
achieve a goal.(2)

• The actor can be a human or an external system.

• The use case made up of a set of possible sequence of interaction between systems and
users in a particular

• Actor of the system

• System administrator
• Grievance handling officer
• Users
• Department head
• Human resource management officer(stock clerk)
• Collage dean
• President office
• committee

• Use case

• Login
• Register complain
• Modify complain
• View notification
• View private and public complain
• View compliant person
• View and replay summons paper

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Online Compliant Management System

• Create account
• Send Summons paper

• Manage account
• Backup and restore
• Block user
• Add user
• Send decision
• View and replay feedback
• Send feedback
• Edit profile

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Figure 1Use case diagram for compliant management system

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Use case description

Use case name Login
Use case ID UC1
Actors System administrator, Handling grievance office, Users ,Department
head, Human resource management system, Collage dean, Office

Description Users are authenticated and taken to their own

user interface
Pre-conditions Users have username and password
Post-conditions User is authenticated and taken to his/her own user interface
Basic course of action User action System response
1. The user opens the main 2.the system display the Main
home page by writing the Home page
URL of the website 4. The system validates the account
3.The user inputs user name and and displays the user Require
password and submits System information.
Response 5.use case ends

Alternate course of action A login name or password is invalid

A 4.The system displays invalid user name or
password message
A 5.The user reenters the user name and
A 6.The use case continues from step 3
actors may Change password

Table 1:-Use case description for Login

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Use case name Register complain

Use case ID Uc2

Actor User

Description The user can register complain to handling grievance office

Precondition There should be fill available information on the compliant registration


Post condition The system can register complain information

Basic course of action User action System response

2. The System displays the register

1. The user register complain information Page.
compliant page
4.The System displays a success
3. The user fills the Necessary message
information and Submit the
forms. 5 .Use Case Ends

Alternative course of If the submitted form is not filled completely or invalid.

The system displays “unsuccessful” message

The user fills the missing information and corrects invalid inputs

The use case continues login page

Table 2:-Use case description for send compliant

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Online Compliant Management System

Use case name Manage account

Use case ID UC3

Actor Administrator system
Description The listed actors may be update their account .
Precondition They must be first registered in to the database.
post condition updating their account in the system
Basic course of action User action System response
User Action 1. The actor invoke on 2.The System displays the edit
edit profile page profile Page
3. The actor fills the 4.The System displays a success
necessary information and message
Submit 5.Use Case Ends
the forms
Alternate course of action A: If the submitted form is not filled completely or invalid.
A4.The system displays “unsuccessful” message
A5.The actor fills the missing information and corrects
invalid inputs
A6.The use case continues from step 4
Table 3:-Use case description for update account

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Use case name View notification

Use case ID UC4
Actors Users ,Department head, Human resource management
system, Collage dean, Office manager
Description User and organ of the compliant ask/post their difficult
complain to the handling grievance office
Pre-condition Actors registered complain first.
Post condition User action System response
1.The user invoke on view 2.The System displays the view
notification page notification Page
3. The user fills the 4.The System displays
necessary information and notification page
Submit the forms. 5.Use Case Ends

Basic course of action User and organ of the compliant put the content of the
question in the available input box.

Table 4:-Use case description for view notification

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Use case name send decision

Use case ID UC5
Actors handling grievance office, college dean department head
Description Those actors submits their complain resolution to their user
and organ of the compliant after completed.
Pre-condition • handling grievance office login first
• must do their solution
Post condition • Send their resolution to the owner of the complaint.
Basic course of action 1. The handling grievance office opens the home page.
2. click on send menu
3. Fill the information on the label.
4. Click at send button
Table 5:-Use case description for send to court

Use case name Send Feedback

Use case ID Uc6

Actor User

Description This actor’s send feedback to the handling grievance office

Precondition The listed actors interact (open) with the home page of the system.

post condition The listed actors send important feedbacks to the handling
grievance office

Basic course of action 1. The listed actor opens the home page.
2. click on feedback menu
3. Fill the information on the label.
4. Click at send button.

Alternate course of action If there is no feedback the system displays no feedback is posted

Table 6:-use case description for send feedback

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Use case name View feedback

Use case ID UC7
Actor handling grievance office, college dean department head
Description The listed actors view feedbacks sent by users.
Precondition The actors should interact with system
Post conditions The actors successfully watch feedbacks
Basic course of action • Actors click on view feedback icon
• The system makes display feedback
Alternate course of action The actor may replay feedback
Table 7:-Use case Description for View feedback

2.4.2 Sequence diagram

Sequence diagram showing the sequence of interactions among objects and used to represent or
model the flow of messages, events and actions between the objects or components of a system.
Sequence Diagrams are also used primarily to design, document and validate the architecture and
interfaces of the system by describing the sequence of actions that need to be performed to
complete a task or scenario.
A sequence diagram shows, as parallel vertical lines (lifelines), different processes or objects that
live simultaneously, and, as horizontal arrows, the messages exchanged between them, in the
order in which they occur. This allows the specification of simple runtime scenarios in a
graphical manner.

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Figure 2. Sequence diagram for login

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Figure 3. Sequence diagram for create and update account

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Figure 4Sequence diagram for send compliant

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Figure 5. Sequence diagram for handling grievance office view compliant information

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Figure 6. Sequence diagram for handling grievance office send solution to User

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2.4.3 Activity diagram

It represents the flow from one activity to another activity. Activity diagrams and State chart
diagrams are related. While a State chart diagram focuses attention on an object undergoing a
process (or on a process as an object), an Activity diagram focuses on the flow of activities
involved in a single process. The Activity diagram shows how these single-process activities
depend on one another.
Activity diagrams model is a high level business or processes or transitions between states of a
class. In this activity diagram tried to document the flow of logic for the major business

Log in to the system

Figure 7. Activity diagram for login

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Figure 8. Activity diagram for create and update account

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Figure 9. Activity diagram for handling Grievance office, user and organ of the compliant view

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Figure 10. Activity diagram for User compliant registration

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Figure 11. Activity diagram for handling grievance office send solution

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2.4.4 Analysis class diagram

UML class diagrams show the classes of the system, their inter-relationships, and the operations
and attributes of the classes. Class diagrams are typically used, although not all at once, to:

• Explore domain concepts in the form of a domain model

• Analyze requirements in the form of a conceptual/analysis model

• Depict the detailed design of object-oriented or object-based software

Class diagram is unified modeling language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describe the
structure of the system that showing:

• Entity

• Their attribute

• Operation (or method’s)

• And the relationship among the class

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Figure 12. Analysis class diagrams

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3 System design
The Design Phase seeks to develop detailed specifications that emphasize the physical solution
to the user's information technology needs. The system requirements and logical description of
the entities, relationships, and attributes of the data that were documented during the
Requirements Analysis Phase are further refined and allocated into system and database design
specifications that are organized in a way suitable for implementation within the constraints of a
physical environment. (e.g., like computer, database, facilities etc).

A formal review of the high-level architectural design is conducted prior to detailed design of the
automated system/application to achieve confidence that the design satisfies the system
requirements, is in conformance with the enterprise architecture and prescribed design standards.
To raise and resolve any critical technical and/or project-related issues, and to identify and
mitigate project, technical, security, and/or business risks affecting continued detailed design and
subsequent lifecycle activities.

During the Design Phase, the initial strategy for any necessary training is also begun. Estimates
of project expenses are updated to reflect actual costs and estimates for future phases. In
addition, the work planned for future phases is redefined, if necessary, based on information
acquired during the Design Phase.

3.1 Design Goals of the system

The design of the system is highlighted as follows, in terms of performance, maintenance, end
user criteria and security.

3.1.1 Performance criteria

The system will complete the task quickly to allow easy input of data and to retrieve data
from the server. The system will be accessible from any computer with internet and will be
accessible anytime a user would want to use the program. In terms of performance the system
will help both shopper and customer to quickly accomplish the purchase.

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3.1.2 Maintenance criteria

It does not need expertise person but just it needs any professional person in IT who can use
database and internet. The system will require minimal upkeep and maintenance to stay working
at optimal levels.

3.1.3 End user criteria

This project is very simple to use. Anyone who can read English can use the system, because,
to use the system only clicking a button, it does not need to write commands and to think how to
use it. This program will have a well defined and easily understood interface. The processes will
be easy to understand and use by a user of any level.

3.1.4 Security requirement

Since the system will require strong security features to protect that valuable information. It is
designed to visit the site for new member when the system is open for guest. To use it, it needs
user name and password when they try to login to the system. So it is very secured system. In
general to make the system asset safe, the system will follow a role based security which means
the access level and privilege for each users of system is predefined by the system administrator.
The end user of the system most of the time will be asked for authorization login except if the
system developer has set its own criteria to access the system.

3.2 Design class diagram

The class diagram represents the static view of an application. Class diagram is not only used for
visualizing, describing and documenting different aspects of a system but also for constructing
executable code of the software application. The class diagram describes the attributes and
operations of a class and also the constraints imposed on the system. The classes diagrams are
widely used in the modeling of object oriented systems because they are the only UML diagrams
which can be mapped directly with object oriented languages. The class diagram shows a
collection of classes, interfaces, associations, collaborations and constraints. It is also known as a
structural diagram for this the team developed the following class diagram.

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Figure 13 Design class diagrams

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3.3 Physical Database Design

Physical database design translates the logical data model into a set of SQL statements that
define the database. For relational database systems, it is relatively easy to translate from a
logical data model into a physical database. The physical design of your database optimizes
performance while ensuring data integrity by avoiding unnecessary data redundancies. During
physical design, you transform the entities into tables, the instances into rows, and the attributes
into columns.

Rules for translation from logical to physical database design:

 Entities become tables in the physical database.

 Attributes become columns in the physical database. Choose an appropriate data type for
each of the columns.
 Unique identifiers become columns that are not allowed to have NULL values. These are
referred to as primary keys in the physical database. Consider creating a unique index on
the identifiers to enforce uniqueness.
 Relationships are modeled as foreign keys.

Column name Data type Primary ley Foreign key Null able uniqueness
IDno Varchar(255)  No
Name Varchar(255) No
Fname Varchar(255) No
Age Integer No
Sex Varcher(10) No
Date Varchar(255) No
Address Varchar(255) No
reciver Varchar(255) No
Status Varchar(255) No
Organ Varchar(255) No
Cause Varchar(255) No
Description Varchar(255) No
evidence Varchar(255)
Table 8 register table

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Column Data type Primary key Foreign Null able uniqueness

Messageid Varchar(255)  No
Senderid Varchar(255)  No
Reciverid Varchar(255) No
Subject Varchar(255) No
Content Varchar(255) No
Date Date No
Table 9 message table

Column Data type Primary key Foreign Null able Uniqueness

feedbackid Varchar(255)  No
Senderid Varchar(255)  No
Reciverid Varchar(255) No
Subject Varchar(255) No
Content Varchar(255) No
Date Date No
Email Varchar(255) No
Table 10 feedback table

Column Data type Primary key Foreign Null able Uniqueness

Department Varchar(255)  No
Department Varchar(255) No
College Varchar(255)  no
Table 11 department table

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Column Data type Primary key Foreign Null able Uniqueness

username Varchar(255)  No 
Action Varchar(255) No
Log date Varchar(255) No
Role Varchar(255)
ipaddress Varcher(255) No
Table 12 log history table

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3.4 User interface design

Figure 14User interface design for grievance handling officer

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Figure 15User interface design for complaints view download image page

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Figure 16User interface design for complain registration page page

3.5 Deployment Diagram

A deployment diagram is a graph of nodes connected by communication associations.

 Nodes are shown as 3-D boxes.

 Nodes may contain component instances.
 Components may contain objects (indicating that the object is part of the component).

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Deployment diagrams are useful for showing a system design after some decisions are made;
these decisions include the following: Subsystem decomposition, Concurrency,
Hardware/Software Mapping

Figure 17Deployment Diagram for compliant management system

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4.1 Implementation

Implementation in the system includes implementing the attributes and methods of each object
and integrating all the objects in the system, to function as a single system the implementation
activity spans the gap between the detailed objects designed model and a complete set of source
code file that can be compiled together.

4.2 System Implementation

System implementation is the final stage in software development stage in which the design is
putting in to coding or real application.
4.1.1. Overview of Programming language used
This project used php server side programming technology integrated mysql database with a
programming language. Because:
 The code and its syntax is simple to understand
 There is a wealth of online compliant regarding PHP
 It's quick to develop in PHP
 PHP is flexible.
 It's available for free
 It runs on many different operating system
 easy to access other web-based tools through PHP (i.e. Google)
In general PHP is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited
for web development and can be embedded into HTML.
Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a server-side scripting language designed for web development
but also used as a general-purpose programming language.
4.2.1 Sample code
Sample code for insert

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echo '<script type="text/javascript">

alert("successfully registor !")</script>';

echo mysql_error();

Sample code for search

$conn=mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die(mysql_error());

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Online Compliant Management System

$sdb=mysql_select_db("complian",$conn) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("update register set status='read' WHERE role='$_SESSION[role]' ");
echo "<center>";
$select=mysql_query("select * from register WHERE stutus like 'student'and role='$_SESSION[role]' or
stutus like 'lecturer'and role='$_SESSION[role]' or stutus like 'staff' and role='$_SESSION[role]' ORDER
BY regid desc");

$d= $row1['IDno'];
$e= $row1['organ'];
$f= $row1['date'];
$fna= $row1['fname'];
$add= $row1['address'];
$st= $row1['stutus'];
$cau= $row1['cause'];
$des= $row1['description'];
<td><?php echo $d;?></td>
<td><?php echo $na;?></td>
<td><?php echo $fna;?></td>
<td><?php echo $add;?></td>
<td><?php echo $f;?></td>
<td><?php echo $st;?></td>
<td><?php echo $e;?></td>
<td><?php echo $cau;?></td>

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<td><?php echo $des;?></td>

<td><img width="50px hieght=30px" src="<?php echo $row1['evidence'];?>">
<a href="<?php echo $row1['evidence']; ?>"> download</a></td>
<a href ="replayprivatecom.php?organ=<?php echo $e;?>"style="color:blue;font-size: 22">Send
summons paper to </a></td>
<td><a href ="replayhandmess.php?IDno=<?php echo $d;?>"style="color:blue;font-size:


<?php }?>

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Online Compliant Management System

5.1 Testing

5.1.1 Testing procedure

Testing is a process of analyzing a system or system component to detect the deference between
specified (required) and observed behavior. The procedures that we used are described below. Unit testing

Unit testing is a software verification and validation method in which a programmer tests if
individual units of source code are fit for use. The automated complain management System
units are tested one by one.

Figure 18 Login testing Integration testing

Combining modules and testing them is called integration testing. Integration testing is gradual.
First we test the highest level, or coordinating module, and only one of its subordinate modules.

After unit testing, the automated compliant management system is also tested whether every unit
is integrated to each other.

50 | P a g e
Online Compliant Management System System testing

System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to
evaluate the system’s compliance with its specified requirements. It is a testing process in which
the aim is to ensure that the overall system works as defined by the requirements.

 The online compliant management System is functionally tested based on the use case model
developed during the analysis phase.
 The online compliant management System is also operationally tested based on
requirements. Performance Testing
Determines how the system performs on the range of possible environments in which it may be
used. Often the goal is to have the system perform with similar response time and other
performance measures in each environment

The implementation of the online compliant management System is done by decomposing the
system into different subunits that handle different tasks.

Each components of the system is tested independently with the intention that it should meet the
functionalities expected.

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6.1 Conclusion and Recommendations
The project makes the compliant information activities to be undertaken in a secured and
efficient manner. By implementing the proposed system the compliant can enhance existing way
of doings. The main contribution of this project is to provide secured information service, ensure
data accuracy, user friendly and interactive system, easy management control, ease of
information processing, efficient resource utilization etc.

6.2 Conclusion
This project aimed to develop system that minimizes in compliant in Debremarkos University. In
first chapter; we determined the title of the project that is compliant management system. we
described the background of the organization with the explanation of how the organization is
established, the problems of the existing system faced during accomplishing their tasks, the
objective of this project, the scope and limitation of the project, significance of the project,
feasibility and breakdown of the structure have been discussed including the methodology of the
project which describes what and which material the team used to accomplished the project.

In second chapter we identified detailed business area analysis, definition what the current
system looks like. In business area analysis we identified activities of the current system, the
problems of the current system, the forms and reports currently used. Secondly business rule
identification and use case diagram with essential use case modeling to model features of the
existing system by identifying actors and use cases. Thirdly we determined the requirements of
the proposed system in terms of functional and non functional requirements. Finally, we identify
user interface prototyping that describes the user interface requirements in a technology
independent manner. In second chapter, we discussed about the object oriented analysis with
detail explanation. To accomplish this, we used different types of object oriented analysis tools
like: system use case, different diagram such as, sequence diagram, class diagram and activity

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diagram including user interface prototyping which is an extension of the essential user
interface. Here the actual new system of the project are studied theoretically with every steps of
the system in the manner other people can understand our project.

6.3 Recommendation
Every people who want to interact our system should have basic computer knowledge.
On the user side:
Everyone must have a basic knowledge of computer.
User must have a basic skill on how to use the system and complete English language.
Training user should be considering for best performance and efficiency of IT
Behavioral change of the users of the system to adapt the new system.
Enterprise should have adequate computer facilities the activities of online complain
management system.
Budget should be allocated to take specific measure:
To change the manual system into new system.
To maintain the system in a timely and speedy manner.
6.4 Future enhancement
 The system will be upgraded; different functionalities will be added to support
all activity of the organization.
 The security of the system will be improved to assure.
 The system will be improved to support new technology enhancements

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[2](Amrute, Ajinkya, "Cloud Based Complaint Management Service" (2013). Master's Projects.
Paper 298.)

[3] (http://www.sunilos.com/case-study/e--crime-file-management-system/functional-requirements)

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