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Python With MySQL

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Connecting Python application with MySQL
 Every application required data to be stored
for future reference to manipulate data.
Today every application stores data in
database for this purpose
 For example, reservation system stores
passengers details for reserving the seats
and later on for sending some messages or for
printing tickets etc.
 In school student details are saved for many
reasons like attendance, fee collections, exams,
report card etc.
 Python allows us to connect all types of
database like Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL.
 In our syllabus we have to understand how to
connect Python programs with MySQL
Pre-requisite to connect Python with
 Before we connect python program with any
database like MySQL we need to build a
bridge to connect Python and MySQL.
 To build this bridge so that data can travel
both ways we need a connector called
 We can install “mysql.connector” by using
following methods:
🞑 At command prompt (Administrator login)
 Type “pip install mysql.connector” and press enter
 (internet connection in required)
 This connector will work only for MySQL 5.7.3 or later
🞑 Or open

Connecting to MySQL from
 Once the connector is installed you are
ready to connect your python program to
 The following steps to follow while
connecting your python program with
🞑 Open python
🞑 Import the package required (import mysql.connector)
🞑 Open the connection to database
🞑 Create a cursor instance
🞑 Execute the query and store it in resultset
🞑 Extract data from resultset
🞑 Clean up the environment
Importing mysql.connector

mysql.connector Or

import mysql.connector as ms

Here “ms” is an alias, so every time we can use

“ms” in place of “mysql.connector”
Open a connection to MySQL Database

 To create connection, connect() function is used

 Its syntax is:
🞑 connect(host=<server_name>,user=<user_name>,

 Here server_name means database servername,

generally it is given as “localhost”
 User_name means user by which we connect with
mysql generally it is given as “root”
 Password is the password of user “root”
 Database is the name of database whose
data(table) we want to use
Example: To establish connection with MySQL

is_connected() function
returns true if connection is
established otherwise

“mys” is an alias of package “mysql.connector”

“mycon” is connection object which stores connection established with MySQL
“connecStA(C)”HINfuBnHcAtiRoDnWisAJu, sPeGdT(CtoS),cKoVnnNeOc.t1 wTEiZthPUmR ysql by
like host, user,
specifying passwd,
Table to work (emp)
Creating Cursor
 It is a useful control structure of database
 When we fire a query to database, it is
executed and resultset (set of records) is
sent over he connection in one go.
 We may want to access data one row at a
time, but query processing cannot happens as
one row at a time, so cursor help us in
performing this task. Cursor stores all the data
as a temporary container of returned data
and we can fetch data one row at a time from
Creating Cursor and Executing Query

🞑 Cursor_name = connectionObject.cursor()
🞑 For e.g.

🞑 mycursor = mycon.cursor()

 We use execute() function to send query to
 Cursor_name.execute(query)
 For e.g.
 mycursor.execute(„select * from emp‟)
Example - Cursor

Output shows cursor is created and query is fired and stored, but
no data is coming. To fetch data we have to use functions like
fetchall(), fetchone(), fetchmany() are used
Fetching(extracting) data from ResultSet

 To extract data from cursor following functions are

🞑 fetchall() : it will return all the record in the
form of tuple.
🞑 fetchone() : it return one record from the result
set. i.e. first time it will return first record,
next time it will return second record and so
on. If no more record it will return None
🞑 fetchmany(n) : it will return n number of
records. It no more record it will return an
empty tuple.
🞑 rowcount : it will return number of rows
retrieved from the cursor so far.
Example – fetchall()
Example 2 – fetchall()
Example 3 – fetchall()
Example 4: fetchone()
Example 5: fetchmany(n)
Guess the output
Parameterized Query
 We can pass values to query to perform
dynamic search like we want to search
for any employee number entered
during runtime or to search any other
column values.
 To Create Parameterized query we can use
various methods like:
🞑 Concatenating dynamic variable to query in
which values are entered.
🞑 String template with % formatting
🞑 String template with {} and format function
Concatenating variable with
String template with %s
 In this method we will use %s in place of
values to substitute and then pass the
value for that place.
String template with %s
String template with {} and format()

 In this method in place of %s we will use

{} and to pass values for these
placeholder format() is used. Inside we can
optionally give 0,1,2… values for e.g.
{0},{1} but its not mandatory. we can also
optionally pass named parameter inside {} so
that while passing values through format
function we need not to remember the
order of value to pass. For e.g.
{roll},{name} etc.
String template with {} and format()
String template with {} and format()
Inserting data in MySQL table from Python

 INSERT and UPDATE operation are executed

in the same way we execute SELECT query
using execute() but one thing to remember,
after executing insert or update query we
must commit our query using connection
object with commit().
 For e.g. (if our connection object name is
 mycon.commit()
Example : inserting



Example: Updating record

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