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1.4 Physical Property of Reservoir Fluid

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4 h i l 1 4 physical property of Reservoir fR i Fluid

Physical Ph i l properties of crude oil ti f d il Physical Ph i l properties of formation water ti ff ti t The application of high-pressure parameters of fluid equation of material balance

1. What is the definition of gas solubility in crude oil , the unit and the factors for gas solubility? 2. In the liberation processes, what is the relationship between flash liberation and multimulti stage liberation? And the relationship between multi-stage liberation and differential liberation?

1 Physical properties of crude oil

Density of crude oil Dissolved gas-oil ratio of crude oil Oil formation volume factor f ti l f t Isothermal compressibility coefficient of crude oil Viscosity of crude oil

1.1 Density and specific gravity

mo o = Vo



o o = w




g/cm 3

0.75 1 0.70 70 C


84 C 0 5 10 15 20 25

2 30 35

density decreases with the increasing temperature; Below the bubble pressure with the increase of pressure pressure, pressure, density of crude oil decreases because of the increasing dissolution volume of natural gas; Above the bubble pressure, with the increase of pressure, density of crude oil increases because of the system compressed by pressure;


1.2 Dissolved gas-oil ratio of crude oil

Gas oil ratio (Rs) refers to the standard volume of gas which dissolves in one stock tank volume of oil at formation pressure and temperature.

Pi>Pb , Rs= Rsi Pi=Pb, Rs=Rsi Pi<Pb, Rs<Rsi

1.3 Oil formation volume factor


The oil formation volume factor, Bo, is defined as the (p gas ) ratio of the volume of oil (plus the g in solution) at the prevailing reservoir temperature and pressure to the l th volume of oil at standard conditions. B i always f il t t d d diti Bo is l greater than or equal to unity unity.
Expressed mathematically as:

Bo =

(V f ) P ,T Vos

2) Oil shrinkage

= (V f Vos ) / V f = ( Bo 1) / Bo
reflects the shrinkage of crude oil extracted from the th reservoir i

3) The relation between oil volume factor and pressure

P<Pb, Bo P<P P= Pb, Bo= Bob P= Pb, Bo P =0.1MPa, Bo=1 at , standard conditions

4)Two phase volume factor (or Total formation volume factor)

Two phase volume factor containing oil and gas refers to the ratio of the bulk volume of reservoir oil and gas participation and the degassing oil volume. volume
Bt = V f + ( Rsi Rs )Vos Bg Vos = Vf Vos + ( Rsi Rs ) Bg = Bo + ( R si R s ) B g

(1)When formation pressure is greater or equal to saturation pressure (that is PPb) ,RsRsii, RsiiRs0, then BtBob, R b That is, two phase volume factor equal to single phase volume factor factor. (2)When formation pressure decreases to standard pressure, di l d gas will d d dissolved ill be completely evolved from crude oil, Rs 0; at the time, Bg1,Bo1, get Bt 1+Rsithis is the maximum for Bt . (3)Bt-P curve only exists when PPb. When PPb , it is single phase oil. b,

Bt = Bo + ( R si R s ) Bg

B Bob



Bt is the function of p.

1.4 Crude oil compressibility coefficient Crude oil compressibility coefficient refers to the change in volume per unit volume for a g p unit change in pressure.
1 V f 1 V f 1 Vb V f Co = ( )T = V f P V f P V f Pb P

1 Bob Bo Co = Bo Pb P

1.5 1 5 Crude oil viscosity

Crude il i C d oil viscosity is an important physical it i i t t h i l property that controls and influences the flow of oil through porous media and pipes. The viscosity, in general, is defined as the internal resistance of the fluid to flow. The oil viscosity is a strong function of the temperature, pressure, oil gravity, gas gravity, and gas solubility. l bilit

1) Chemical composition factors

Or Oil gravity

The chemical composition of crude oil is the internal cause and main factor that affects viscosity. Generally speaking, high viscosity with high formula weight, nonhydrocarbon content (gum asphalt content) affects (gum-asphalt viscosity greatly.

2) Temperature factors

1000 mPa.s 100 10 1 0.1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300


Oil viscosity is sensitive to temperature variation. The y p viscosity decreases with temperature increasing. The sensitiveness to various kinds of crude oil is different. For certain oil, when temperature increases 10 , the viscosity may decrease 50%

3)Pressure factors

1.6 The variation law of physical properties for typical unsaturated reservoir oil t t d i il

1 Laboratory analysis are performed on reservoir fluids to evaluate fluid properties. An 320cm3 oil sample in PVT cell was at 17MPa and 93 3 93.3 reservoir conditions. When pressure reduced to 13.6MPa, 13 6MPa the oil sample volume in cell increased to ol me 335.2cm3. After evolved 4.1 L gas, the remaining oil in cell was 303cm3. The pressure and temperature reduced to 0.1MPa and 20 , respectively, the remaining oil was 230cm3 and released gas was 16.4 L. Calculate: Rs, Bo, Bg, Z, Bt at 13.6MPa

Vg ,p p

Vg1, 4 1L 1 4.1L


Vo, 303cm3

Vg2, 16 4 L 16.4 Vs

Pf, Tf

P, T

P 0 , T0

2 The following is the PVT analysis at 93.3

Pressure ,MPa System volume, cm3 27.579 404 20.684 17.237 408 410 13.790 10.342 430 450

After compressed, the system is expanded to 13.79MPa again. The remaining liquid volume is 388 cm3 and the evolved gas 5.275 L (measured at standard conditions). Then system pressure decreased to 0.1MPa, temperature 20 , the remaining liquid volume is 295 cm3, liberated gas volume measured at standard conditions is 21 L, calculate: ( ) (1)the bubble pressure of the system. p y (2)Co, Bg at 20.684 MPa (3)Bo, Bt, Rs at 17 237 13.790MPa respectively 17.237, 13 790MPa (4)Bg, Z at 13.790 MPa

2 Physical Properties of Formation Water

Formation water refers to edge and bottom water, y interlayer water and bound water. Bound water (or immobile water)refers to the water that remains in reservoir after the generation of reservoir. It coexists with oil and gas but does not join in the flow.

Formation water is a kind of formation fluid that has close contact with oil and gas. Edge and bottom water are considered as driving forces. Though bound water doesnt join in flowing, its distribution has direct impact on oil saturation. il t ti

The following purpose is:

1to judge edge water flow, block connectivity and to analyze the cause of water breakthrough in producing well; 2to study the compatibility conditions with water and to analyze the causes and extents of damage;

3to provide references to the treatment and exhaust design of field waste water

4to judge sedimentary environment according to reservoir water type.

2 Physical Properties of Formation Water y p

2.1 2 1 Chemical Composition and Classification 2.2 Physical Properties of Formation Water
Water formation volume factor ate o at o o u e acto Water viscosity Gas solubility in water Water isothermal compressibility coefficient Water

2.1 Chemical Composition and Classification of Formation Water

1 Chemical Composition It is known as salt water. i k lt t Common cations : Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+; Common anions : Cl-, SO42-, HCO3- CO32, NO3-, Br-, I -

micro-organism is a stubborn anaerobic . sulfate reducer , which contributes to the th casing corrosion and f i i d formation plug i water ti l in t injecting. They may be present in the closed reservoir, or entering into the formation while drilling. drilling organic matter . such as naphthenic acid , fatty acid and other more complex comple organic compo nds etc These matters compounds, etc. have a direct impact on oil sweep efficiency .

1 Salinity
The salinity of water refers to the bulk concentration of mineral salt in water unit system is mgL or ppm water, ppm. The total salinity is expressed by the sum of cations and anions content in water. Ionize illi I i millinormal content l t t equals t l to the ratio of the concentration of a certain ion and its equivalent weight.
E g: S Supposed that the content of C - i 896mgLand f Cl is 896 equivalent weight () of Cl- is 35.3 the millinormal content()789635.3225.6 mgL

In primary condition, formation water with high salinity is in saturated solution state. When it flows to the ground the salt will separate from ground, p p formation water with the depression of temperature and pressure. Seriously, the salt will crystallize ( in well bore and bring great difficulties for production.

2 Hardness of water The formation water hardness refers to the content of calcium, magnesium and other divalent cations( ).

In chemical driving (such as polymer or active agent injection), sediments formed by chemical injection will affect th di l ff t the displacement efficiency if th h d t ffi i the hardness i t is too high. g

2 Water Classification 1) Water typeSurin method ) type yp

(1) sodium sulfate type(Na2SO4)reflects bad t b d structure closure , which i unfavorable f oil t l hi h is f bl for il &gas accumulation and preservation; (2) sodium bicarbonate type (NaHCO3) reflects water under continental environment, y p p , widely spread in oilfield produced water, which could be symbol of oil distribution.

(3) magnesium chloride type (MgCl2) reflects water under marine environment generally environment, exist in interior layer of oilfield

(4) calcium chloride type(CaCl2) reflects , water under closed structure, which is favorable for oil&gas accumulation and preservation, and symbol of good oil di t ib ti f d il distribution.

2) Water Type Judgment

Combined Order of Anions and Cations
N a+ + K +
1 2 3

1 2 3

C l-

M g 2+

S O 42 -

C a 2+

H C O 3-

2.2 Physical Properties of Formation Water

1The solubility of gas in formation water
The solubility of gas in formation water refers to the standard volume of dissolved gas in per unit of formation water at formation pressure and t d temperature ( t d d) t (standard) m3m3).

2 F Formation water compressibility coefficient i ibili ffi i Compressibility coefficient of formation water refers to the change in volume per unit volume for a unit change in pressure.
Cw = 1 V w ( )T V w P

Cw compressibility of formation water, MPa1 Vw volume of formation water, m3

Vw )T P

volume variance ratio of formation water with pressure variation under constant pressure condition, m3/MPa

3 Volume factor of formation water Volume

The formation water volume factor Bw is defined as factor, Bw, the ratio of the volume of water (plus the gas in solution) at the prevailing reservoir temperature and pressure to the volume of water at standard conditions. Bw is always greater than or equal to one.

Vw Bw = V ws

4 Formation Water Viscosity y

3 The application of high-pressure parameters of fluidequilibrium t f fl id ilib i equation of reservoir material

The material balance equation (MBE) has long been recognized as one of the basic tools of reservoir engineers for interpreting and predicting reservoir performance. f Estimate initial hydrocarbon volumes in p y place Predict future reservoir performance Predict ultimate hydrocarbon recovery under yp primary driving mechanisms y g various types of p

Reservoir material balance equation is based on the material balance principle. For example: (1) The gas phase balance : Original gas reserve in reservoir the output gas +the residual gas in reservoir

(2) The volumetric balance :

supposed that a saturated reservoir with gas cap and bottom water. During the development, with the pressure depletion the volume of produced oil prod ced oil, gas and water is sho n in Fig. ater shown Fig

pi i Initial reservoir pressure, MPa I iti l i MP p Volumetric average reservoir pressure, MPa p Change in reservoir pressure = pi p, MPa pb Bubble point pressure, MPa N Initial (original) oil in place, m3 m Ratio of initial gas-cap-gas reservoir volume to gas cap gas initial reservoir oil volume Np Cumulative oil produced, m3 Gp Cumulative gas produced, m3 Wp Cumulative water produced, m3 Rp Cumulative gas oil ratio, sm3/m3 gas-oil ratio

GOR Rsi Rs Boi Bo Bgi Bg Winj Ginj We G P.V Cw Cf

Instantaneous gas-oil ratio, sm3/m3 Initial gas solubility, sm3/m3 Gas solubility, sm3/m3 y Initial oil formation volume factor, m3/sm3 Oil formation volume factor, m3/sm3 , Initial gas formation volume factor, m3/sm3 Gas formation volume factor, m3/sm3 , Cumulative water injected, m3 Cumulative gas injected, m3 g j , Cumulative water influx, m3 Initial gas-cap gas, m3 g pg , Pore volume, m3 Water compressibility, MPa-1 Formation (rock) compressibility, MPa-1

The volume occupied by initial oil place : NBoi (OIIP) The l Th volume occupied b initial gas place: i d by i iti l l mNBoi (GIIP) The total gas reserve in original bulk:

m N Boii N Rs + Bgi

The remaining gas volume at p in reservoir: G

The solution gas volume at p in the remaining oil :

( N N p ) Rs
The evolved gas volume at p in gas cap:

[(1 + m) N Boi ( N N p ) Bo (W W p ) Bw ] Bg

The output gas volume at p in producing:

N p Rp
Original gas reserve in reservoir the output gas h + the residual gas in reservoir

N p [ Bt + ( R p Rsi ) B g ] (W W p ) Bw N= B g B gi ( Bt Bti ) + mBti ( ) B gi

1) high press re physical parameters of oil/gas : such as pressure ph sical s ch Rsi, Rs, Bgi, Bg, Boi, Bo, Bti, Bt Bw etc. 2) production data , such as Np, Wp and Rp. 3) unknown static, such as N, m, W .

1 Derived the expression of calculating reserves in a certain saturated oil reservoir by using material balance principle. t t d il i b i t i lb l i i l Supposed an original reservoir with no gas cap and no bottom and badge water is in bubble pressure condition, in which condition developed by solution gas driving. During the process of p producing, no water of bottom and badge was influxed and a g g gas cap occured with the decreasing pressure. given that reservoir volume is constant. Expressed parameters: E d t Original oil reserve: No, accumulate producing oil volume: Np, initial ratio of solution gas to oil:Rsi producing ratio of oil:Rsi, solution gas to oil:Rp oil volume factor at pb: Boi ratio of solution gas to oil at p:Rs oil volume factor at p: Bo gas volume factor at p: Bg

2. Given that the oil initially in place (OIIP) 2.305106m3 of some saturated oil reservoir, the following is the detail producing t t d il i th f ll i i th d t il d i information about the reservoir:
P, MPa 12.755* 11.032 8.963 6.895 Rs, sm3/m3 122.89 110.60 95.28 87.89 Bo, m3/sm3 1.363 1.333 1.300 1.258 Bg, sm3/m3 0.00696 0.00892 0.01067 0.01404 Bt, m3/sm3 1.363 1.437 1.594 1.748 Rp, sm3/m3 ---156.37 177.39 195.91 Np, m3 0 272660 545330 ?

Notes: * refers as the bubble pressure Calculate: 1)how much was the water influx when the accumulate producing oil volume was 272660 m3 and 545330 m3 , respectively? espec ve y? 2)If the pressure reduced to 6.895MPa, the water influx was 1.0135106m3 , how much was the accumulate producing oil volume?

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