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PART-1 11 MCQs

Rules (SRs)
Rule : 1 to 20
WHATSAPP NO:8327782034
These rules may be called the Supplementary Rules. They apply to
those Government servants only, who are subject to the Fundamental
Rules, and whose pay is debitable to Central Revenues. Expect where
it is otherwise expressly stated in the rules, they apply to all
Government servants fulfilling these conditions.
(i) “Actual travelling expenses” means the actual cost of transporting a Government
servant with his servants and personal luggage, including charges for ferry and other
tolls and for carriage of camp equipment, if necessary.

It does not include charges for hotels, traveler’s bungalows or refreshments or for the
carriage of stores or conveyances or for presents to coachmen and the like; or any
allowance for such incidental losses or expenses as the breakage of crockery, wear and
tear of furniture and the employment of additional servants.
(vi) “Competent Authority”, in relation to the exercise of any power,
means, the President or any authority to which the power is delegated
by or under these rules.

(vii) Except as otherwise provided in these rules, “Day” means a

calendar day, beginning and ending at midnight;
(viii) “Family” means a Government Servant’s wife or husband, as the
case may be, residing with the Government Servant and legitimate
children and stepchildren residing with the wholly dependent upon
the Government Servant.
Note: Not more than one wife is included in the term ‘family’ for the
purposes of these rules.
Note: An adopted child shall be considered to be a legitimate child if,
under the personal law of the Government servant, adoption is
legally recognized as conferring on it the status of a natural child.
(x) “Head of a Department” means any authority which the President
may by order declare to be the Head of a Department for the
purposes of these rules
(xii) “Holiday” means- (a) A holiday prescribed or notified by or under
Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.
(xviii) “Transfer” means the movements of a Government servant
from one headquarter station in which he is employed to another
such station, either – (a) to take up the duties of a new post, or (b) in
consequence of a change of his headquarters.
S.R. 3: (Medical Fitness Certificate)
A medical certificate of fitness for Government service shall be in the
following forms:-
"I hereby certify that I have examined A.B., a candidate for
employment in the Department, and cannot discover that ……………….
has any disease (communicable or otherwise), constitutional
weakness or bodily infirmity except……….. I do not consider this a
disqualification for employment in the office of ……….."
S.R. 4: (Competent authority to issue Medical Fitness Certificate.)
(1) Such a certificate shall be signed by a Medical Board in the case of
a Gazetted Government servant and by a Civil Surgeon or a District
Medical Officer or a Medical Officer of equivalent status in the case of
a non-gazetted Government servant other than Class IV.
(2)(a) In the case of a female candidate appointed to a Gazetted post,
the medical certificate shall be signed by a Medical Board consisting
of a woman Doctor possessing medical qualification included in one
of the Schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of
1956), as one of its members; and
(b) In the case of a female candidate appointed to a non-gazetted
post (i) in Delhi, the medical certificate shall be signed by an Assistant
Surgeon Grade I (Woman) under the Contributory Health Service
Scheme; and
(ii) in any other place by a registered female medical practitioner
possessing a medical qualification included in one of the schedules to
the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) Indian Medical
Central Act, 1970 and Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.
(3) In the case of Class IV Government servants, the medical
certificate shall be signed by the Authorized Medical Attendant
possessing a medical qualification included in one of the schedules to
the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) and when there is
no such Authorized Medical Attendant by a Government Medical
Officer of the nearest dispensary or hospital possessing such
4) A candidate, who is likely to be employed in a temporary capacity continuously for a
period exceeding three months, shall produce either before or within a week from the
date of employment, the certificate from the competent medical authority as
prescribed in this rule. When, however, a Government servant initially employed in an
office in a temporary capacity for a period not exceeding three months is subsequently
retained in that office or is transferred without a break to another office and the total
period of continuous service under Government is expected to last for a period
exceeding three months, he shall produce such a certificate within a week from the
date of the orders sanctioning his retention in that office or joining the new office.
S.R. 4-A: (Exemption from producing Medical Fitness Certificate at the
time of joining)
Except where a competent authority by general or special order
directs otherwise, the following classes of Government servants are
exempted from producing a medical certificate of health:-
(1) (i) Deleted. (ii) A Government servant recruited through a
competitive examination who had to undergo medical examination in
accordance with the regulations prescribed for appointment to service
under Government.
(3) A Government servant appointed in a temporary vacancy for a
period not exceeding three months.
(3-A) Not printed.
(4) A temporary Government servant, who has already been medically
examined in one office, if transferred to another office without a
break in his service.
(5) A retired Government servant re-employed immediately after
Note-1: (a) The production of a medical certificate is necessary when
– (1) a Government servant is promoted from non-qualifying service
paid from a local fund to a post in Government service;
(2) a person is re-employed after resignation or forfeiture of past
(b) When a person is re-employed in circumstances, the appointing
authority will decide whether a medical certificate should be
S.R. 5: (Cease of compensatory allowance)
Save as provided by the rules in this Division, a compensatory
allowance attached to a post will cease to be drawn by a Government
servant when he vacates the post.
S.R. 6: ( Leave and Temporary Transfer)
(a) 'Leave' means the entire leave, if it does not exceed four months
and the first four months of the leave if the actual duration of the
leave exceeds that period but does not include leave preparatory to
(b) 'Temporary transfer' means a transfer to duty in another station
which is expressed to be for a period not exceeding four months. For
the purpose of this Division it includes deputation. Subject to the limit
of four months, the title to compensatory allowance, if the temporary
duty is subsequently extended beyond four months in all, will remain
intact upto the date of the orders of extension.
S.R. 7:(Allowance to maintain the animal.)
S.R. 7-C:(Compensatory allowance during joining time)
If the Government servant in his old post drew a compensatory
allowance granted on account of special expensiveness of living, and
the transfer is to another post carrying a similar allowance, he may
draw the compensatory allowance during joining time under FR 105,
provided that if the rates differ in the two posts, he may draw the
lower rate only
S.R. 11: (Undertaking work in another organisation)
No Government servant may undertake work for another
Government or a private or public body or a private person, or accept
a fee therefor without the sanction of the Competent Authority who,
unless the Government servant is on leave shall certify that the work
can be undertaken without detriment to his official duties and
S.R. 12: (Fees to be credited in consolidated fund of India)
Unless the President by special order otherwise directs, one-third of
any fees in excess of Rs. 5,000 paid to a Government servant in a
financial year shall be credited to the Consolidated Fund of India.
Note: The above rule does not apply to fees received by Government servants
from Universities and other statutory bodies like the Institute of Chartered
Accountants, and from Autonomous Bodies which are financed wholly or
substantially by Government grants/loans, for their services connected with
the examinations conducted by the bodies or for delivering lectures.

The above rule does not also apply to fees received by a Government servant
for similar services from Public Sector Undertakings/Enterprises which are
wholly or substantially owned by Government, even though they are not
examining bodies.
S.Rs. 17: (Grades of Govt. Servants)
Grouping of pay ranges are revised as follows w.e.f. 1-07-2017 Officers
drawing pay as per pay level in pay matrix-
(i) 14 and above
(ii) 12 and 13
(iii) 9 to 11
(iv) 6 to 8
(v) 5 and below
S.R. 18: (Special Concessions )
A competent authority may, for reasons which should be recorded,
order that any Government servant or class of Government servants
shall be included in a grade higher or lower than that prescribed in
Rule 17.
S.R. 19: (Govt. Servant in transit from one post to another )
A Government servant in transit from one post to another ranks in
the grade to which the lower of the two posts would entitled him.
S.R. 20: (Part time Government servants )
A Government servant whose whole time is not retained from the
public service, or who is remunerated wholly or partly by fees, ranks
in such grade as a competent authority may, with due regard to the
Government Servant’s status, declare.
Q1. What are the allowances admissible during suspension?
A. DA and HRA
B. HRA only
C. None of these
D. DA, HRA and Transport Allowance
Q2. Under what circumstances are the Central Government servants
eligible to avail Joining Time? (i) To join the new post in a new
station; (ii) Transfer on the same post to another station; (iii) Transfer
from one post to another post in the same station
A. (i) (iii)
B. (i) & (ii)
C. (i) (ii) & (iii)
D. None of these
Q3. Is it necessary to obtain a non-employment certificate from a
suspended employee for grant of Subsistence Allowance?
A. Necessary every month for every claim
B. Once in three months only
C. No certificate is necessary
D. Yes. When Subsistence Allowance is reviewed
Q4. What is the rate of deputation allowance in case of deputation
out of the station i.e. other than Headquarters?

A. 7 1/2 % of Basic Pay subject to a maximum of 3500 per month

B. 10 % of Basic Pay subject to a maximum of 9,000 per month
C. 5% of Basic Pay subject to a maximum of 4,500 per month
D. 12 % of Basic Pay subject to a maximum of 4500 per month
Q5. Define the number of out-of-turn promotions (as per FR SR) to be
allowed in the entire service career of a sportsperson for excellence in
International / National sports events
A. 3
B. 2
C. 4
D. 1
Q6. A Government servant was deputed abroad for training for a
period of 6 months. How many months will the official be eligible to
claim HRA at the station from where he was deputed for training?
A. 6 months
B. 3 months
C. First 2 months
D. 4 months
Q7. How many additional days of Joining Time over and above the
normal Joining Time is allowed to a Government servant transferred
to North-Eastern Region (NER)?
A. 4 days
B. 5 days
C. None of these
D. 2 days
Q8. A Senior Administrative Grade Officer is transferred from Station
‘K’ to ‘J’ with 3,000 km. He undertakes his journey by Air India. What
is the maximum joining time admissible in this case?
A. 10 days
B. 5 days
C. 15 days
D. 12 days
Q9. Under which Rule is pay fixation done when a Government
servant is promoted from one post to another post involving higher
A. FR 20
B. FR 21
C. FR 19
D. FR 22 (I) (a) (1)
Q10. Identify what is the percentage of pension contribution in
respect of a Group ‘A’ Officer proceeding on foreign service with 7 to
8 years of service( as per FR SR)?
A. 11%
B. 9%
C. 12%
D. 10%
Q11. Which of the following does not qualify for a grant of
honorarium to a Government servant?
(i) The work should be special and of an occasional or intermittent
nature; (ii) A temporary increase in work; (iii) The work should be
either laborious or of such special merit; (iv) The work should be
undertaken with the prior consent of the Government

A. (i) (ii) (iii) & (iv)

B. (i) (ii)
C. (ii) only
D. (i) only
Q1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. A
7. D 8. D 9. D 10. A 11. C

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