AP PT 2025
AP PT 2025
AP PT 2025
curriculum on Jan. 30
By Azer Parrocha
In a press statement, the DepEd said the K-12 updates will be among the contents
of its Basic Education Report (BER) 2023.
“The BER 2023 aims to present the state of basic education in the country, and the
plans and initiatives of the Department to fulfill its mandate,” the DepEd said.
It will also launch the education agenda and the new call to action for all Filipinos.
“The Department intends to provide a broad report about the basic education sector
which will include updates on the on-going review of the K to 12 curriculum,” it
DepEd issued this clarification after Malacañang Press Briefer Daphne Oseña-Paez
said Vice President and Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary will be
presenting a revised K-12 curriculum before the month ends.
“...The Department of Education, the Secretary VP [Vice President] Inday Sara
Duterte presented the plans for inclusive learning, support for teachers, improving
the curriculum. The DepEd will be presenting a revised K-12 curriculum for basic ed
on January 30th,” she said.
The current K-12 program in the Philippines, which was implemented in 2012,
covers kindergarten, six years of primary education, four years of junior high school,
and two years of senior high school to prepare graduates for tertiary education,
middle-level skills development, employment and entrepreneurship.
Marcos earlier asked Duterte to carefully review the K-12 program, citing the need
to “develop” and “refine” the great pool of Filipino talent.
He also wanted the country's literacy rate to improve under his administration.
In his first State of the Nation Address in July last year, Marcos said the Philippines
should do better in international rankings when it comes to Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects.
Also during the Cabinet meeting, Marcos asked the Department of Social Welfare
and Development to remain on heightened alert amid the inclement weather.
Achievements in other agencies including the Departments of the Interior and Local
Government, Agriculture, Agrarian Reform, Energy, Labor and Employment, Health,
Migrant Workers, Environment and Natural Resources were also discussed.
Oseña-Paez said the President also reminded agencies to “know what each other is
doing” and “maximize the synergy in order to work together to achieve the 8-point
socioeconomic agenda.” (PNA)
This, after Duterte on December 23 signed Republic Act No. 11510 also
known as the Alternative Learning System Act which aims to provide
adequate, timely, and quality attention and support to the basic learning
needs of out-of-school children in special cases and adults including
indigenous peoples (IPs).
Under the law, the ALS program is expanded and strengthened to provide
increased opportunities for out-of-school children in special cases and adult
learners, including indigenous peoples, to develop basic and functional
literacy and life skills, and pursue an equivalent pathway to complete basic
The law guarantees equitable access for all learners, including those who
reside in the unreached, underserved, conflict-affected communities, and
communities in emergency situations to avail of systematic, flexible, and
appropriate alternative basic education programs outside of the formal
school system.
R.A. 11510 aims to hire, capacitate, and develop ALS Teachers, Community
ALS Implementers and Learning Facilitators to deliver a range of ALS
programs especially in far-flung, unserved, underserved, conflict-affected
communities and communities in emergency situations.
The law aims to develop, integrate, and use nonformal and informal
education approaches and strategies in the delivery of the ALS programs and
the assessment of learning outcomes and competences of ALS learners by
providing flexibility in the duration of learning programs, learning contents,
and delivery strategies, among others.
The Bureau of Alternative Education (BAE), under the new law, will be
created to serve as the focal office for the ALS programs of the DepEd. It will
be headed by a Director.
The BAE will also be the focal office for the policy formation, curriculum
development, learning program delivery, and learning materials
development for the ALS program.
To ensure the effective implementation of the ALS, the BAE must establish
quality assurance and support systems and undertake regular learner
assessment activities.
The DepEd must strengthen the range of priority NFE programs including
Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Programs; Indigenous Peoples
Education Program; Academic-Focused Bridging Programs; and Functional
Education and Literacy Programs.
ALS Teachers
ALS Teachers are entitled to promotion to the next higher levels based on
the qualification standards of the CSC. The DepEd must ensure equal
opportunities and standard implementation on the promotion and
compensation of ALS Teachers.
The DepEd or the LGUs or both must provide at least one ALS Community
Learning Center (CLC) in every municipality and city throughout the country
to facilitate a learning environment for the ALS K to 12 BEC and other ALS
To augment the number of existing ALS CLCs and those provided under this
act, the facilities of all DepEd schools throughout the country must likewise
be used as learning centers during no class days and after regular class
hours during class days.
To ensure that every learner has equitable access to ALS programs, every
CLC must be open and operational seven days a week and be provided with
adequate learning resources and facilities, including a space for childcare for
parents attending ALS classes.
The Local Schools Boards must be authorized to set aside a portion of the
proceeds of the Special Education Fund for the delivery of ALS programs
within the LGUs' respective areas of jurisdiction, including, but not limited to,
the hiring of additional Community ALS Implementers within the LGU's area
of jurisdiction.
Meanwhile, the DepEd, in partnership with LGUs and the private sector, must
conduct a mandatory annual review of the ALS program and submit such
annual report to Congress to measure its effectiveness and ensure its proper