Physical Watershed Characterization, Delineation and Subdivision From Topographic Map (A Case of Kore-Choloke Watershed, Dodola)

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Physical watershed characterization, delineation and subdivision from topographi c map (A Case of Kore-Choloke watershed, Dodola)

School of Graduate studies Hawassa University Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources Integrated Watershed Management (SWC) MSc Program

Biruk Tagesse Lambe

Submitted to Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources Jan 2011 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Objectives 1 1.2. Subdividing the Kore and Choloke streams watershed into several watershe ds 2 1.2.1. Materials used for delineating Kore and Choloke streams watershed and su bdividing. 2 1.2.2. Procedures followed to delineate the Kore & Choloke streams watershed. 3 1.2.3. Procedures followed when Kore and Choloke streams watershed was subdivid ed 3 2. Physical characteristics of the Kore and Choloke streams drainage 3 2.1. Basin shape 3 2.2. Drainage area 5 2.3. Slopes 5 2.3.1. Basin slope 5 2.3.2. Ground slope of the basin 5 2.3.3. Channel slope 5 2.4. Channel orders 6 2.5. Channel length and watershed length 7 2.6. Channel profile 7 2.7. Drainage density and stream density 8 3. Priority watersheds on Kore-Choloke streams sub watersheds 9 3.1. Stream densities and Drainage densities for each sub-watersheds 9 3.2. Land use condition for sub-watersheds. 11 3.3. Slopes for sub-watersheds 11 3.4. Shapes for sub-watersheds 12 4. Discussions and Conclusions 13 References 14

1. Introduction The drainage basin is the area which contributes runoff to the main stream and i ts tributaries (Khan, 2006). The heart of sustaining this watershed/drainage bas in ecology is its integrated management approach. Integrated Watershed Managemen t is meant to the coordinated management of land and water resources within a wa tershed, with the goal of conserving the water resource, securing biological div ersity, lowering land degradation, and achieving specified and approved land and water management and social objectives. Clearly of no doubt having information on different aspect of the watershed is of good importance for the management of watershed ecology. The social settings, biological & economic perspectives, cul tural settings and physical aspects need to be diagnosed for good integrated wat ershed management approach to meet sustainability. Basically knowing all the aspects watersheds is a must for the efficient managem ent resources in the watershed. Without is impossible to achieve goals of the ma nagement. We now for the assignment are told to do the physical aspect of the wa tershed characteristics. Knowing/analyzing the drainage area, basin shape, elong ation ratio, basin slope, ground slope of the basin, channel orders (using the f igure), channel length, channel slope, channel profile and drainage density goes on physical component of watershed. Identifying the priority watersheds because we have limited financial resource and even fund for different conservation wor ks on the whole watershed system is being other task. 1.1. Objectives Obviously any work has its own goal. As a task and curios need for knowledge thi s paper have the overall objective is to understand how to delineate and charact erize a physical characteristics of watershed area by using the topo map. Delineating Kore and Choloke Subdividing the major watershed in to several sub-w atersheds. Identifying priority watersheds based on the drainage physical characteristics. Drawing conclusion on the watershed. 1.2. Subdividing the Kore and Choloke streams watershed into several watershe ds 1.2.1. Materials used for delineating Kore and Choloke streams watershed and su bdividing. a) Map of Dodola with scale of 1:50000 b) Transparent paper and Permanent markers c) String/rope d) Pen and pencil e) Ruler f) Dot grid prepared by Ministry of Agriculture. g) Calculator h) Digital camera Delineated map of Kore-Choloke watershed and sub-watersheds 1.2.2. Procedures followed to delineate the Kore & Choloke streams watershed. 1) Drawing a circle at the outlet provision point of the stream. 2) Putting small "X"s at the high points on both sides of the Kore and Chol oke streams 3) Starting from the circle that was made in step one, we draw connecting l ine for X"s possibly crossing contours at right angles following the orientation of countours. 4) Continuing the line till it bounds/closes to the starting point and fina lly Kore and Choloke streams watershed was delineated. 1.2.3. Procedures followed when Kore and Choloke streams watershed was subdivid ed 2. The same principle was applied as above 3. Following ridge lines by the aid of contour lines we divided the Kore an

d Choloke watershed into sub-watersheds. These sub-watersheds are labeled alphab etically from A to L (12 sub watershed). 2. Physical characteristics of the Kore and Choloke streams drainage 2.1. Basin shape Shape characteristics on the watersheds greatly influences concentration time fo r the flow. If for example the shape of a watershed is found to be with high con centration time/fan shaped watershed it occurs with relatively high flood risk/e rosivity than fern shaped watersheds. Watershed shape is much related to the shape of its characteristic hydrographic chart which reflects the way runoff will bunch up at the outlet after a rain. Fa n shaped have lower concentration time and prevails higher peak of runoff with s hort time on its hydrograph. While fern shaped watershed/elliptical shaped have long duration for its concentration and manifests relatively lower peak of runof f flow on its hydrograph as compared to the former one. a) Elongation ratio(E): is the ratio of the diameter of a circle of the sam e area as the basin to the maximum basin length; If it approaches to one (1) it is considered to be on severe condition E = = = 0.5299 or E = = = 0.530 b) Form factor (F): is the ratio of the area of watershed to square of wate rshed length. F = Where, Wb = axial width of basin, Lb = length of the watershed A = Area of the watershed c) Shape factor (B): is reciprocal of shape factor. B = Lb2 /A =17.52/67.6=4.53 d) Circularity ratio (Rc): can be calculated as the ratio of area of a wate rshed to the area of equivalent circle. Where, A = an area of a watershed and Ao = the area of a circle having equal perimeter w ith the basin. = 0.6401 e) Compactness coefficient(Cc) Cc = Where, Pb is perimeter of the basin, 2 is circumference of circular area which equals to the area of the basin. OR Cc = The compactness coefficient is independent of the size of the catchment rather i s dependent only on the shape of the watershed. 2.2. Drainage area The most widely used methods for measuring the drainage areas are dot grid, GIS and planimeter techniques. But now for this assignment, we have used the dot gri d method. It is the simplest method as it doesnt entail huge financial resource. The drainage area can be used to indicate the potential for rainfall to providin g the volume of water. . It reflects the volume of water that can be generated from rainfall. By using dot grid measuring system (1*1) cm2 having 25 dots; Total number of dots with in delineated area = 6760 Scale of the map 1: 50,000 One dot represents one hectare Therefore; 6760 dots, A = 6760ha Or 67.6km2 2.3. Slopes Slope refers us about how much the steepness of the land unit or watershed is un der. Mostly calculated it is as the elevation difference between the lower and t he higher altitude divided to the ground distance in between. 2.3.1. Basin slope

2.3.2. Ground slope of the basin S = (CI)*N Where, CI= Contour interval, Then, S= CI*N = 0.02*9.913 S = 19.83% 2.3.3. Channel slope Where, Length of the channel from source to outlet 2.4. Channel orders From the topo map five orders are identified. The result shows us 118 first or der streams, 26 second order streams, 7 third order streams, 2 fourth order stre ams and 1 fifth order streams. The following picture shows you the orders of the watershed streams.

Bifurcation ratio (Rb) For first order streams Rb1 = = 4.538 For second order streams Rb2 = = 3.7142 For third order streams Rb3 = = 3.5 For fourth order streams Rb4 = = 2 Therefore, the bifurcation ratio of our current watershed is the total sum of th e above ratios divided by number of orders. 2.5. Channel length and watershed length Watershed length is the distance from the watershed outlet to the water divide m easured through the main channel. It is also called as hydrologic length. The le ngth is usually used in computing a time parameter, which is a measure of the tr avel time of water through a watershed. Though channel does not extend to the wa ter divide, it is a must to extend a line from the end of the channel to the wat er divide following the longest path based on contour orientation. Our measureme nt from the topomap showed the following. a. Channel length (Lc) 34.5cm on map = 17.25km on land Lc = 17.25km b. Watershed / Hydrologic length(Lh) 35cm on map = 17.5km on and Lh = 17.5km 2.6. Channel profile Channel profile shows us the rate of change of altitude with respect to distance through the principal flow path. It affects the value of the time of concentrat ion and, directly, the runoff generated by a rainfall. Steep slope of a water co urse (drainage channel) favors and accelerates the runoff, while a small slope g ives the water the necessary time to infiltrate totally or partially into the so il. This is the rough channel profile for the main stream. Here below is the rou gh main channel profile. 2.7. Drainage density and stream density Drainage density is not a constant for a basin but grows and shrinks during stor ms and droughts, respectively. However, it is easy to measure on topo sheets, wh ich assume constant stream length (Hewlett, 1982). Drainage density can be expre

ssed as the total length of all stream channels per area of the basin and serves as an index of the areal channel development of the basin. High drainage densi ty are associated with transport of runoff from regular, moderate rainfall, wher e as high value of stream density are responses for more seasonal rainfall regim e with rains of greater intensity (Morgan, 1996). Drainage density (D) Km/km2 Stream density (Sd) 2 3. Priority watersheds on Kore-Choloke streams sub watersheds

Basically priority watersheds should be decided by the comparative severity of erosion, degree of deforestation, slope and soil attributes, reservoir sedimenta tion, socio-economic factors (under privileged classes living in the area), poli tical factors etc. are sometimes given importance. This calls us for a detailed analysis of the population density, socioeconomic settings, cultural aspects, bi ophysical features and their interaction with each other. But we analyzed only t he physical characteristics of Kore and Choloke streams watershed, therefore our focal conclusion is based on our analysis. Based on the sub-watersheds subdivided from the Kore and Choloke streams watersh ed, priority watersheds were identified as sub-watershed D. Major criteria for t he identification of priority watershed were land use condition, the slope, stre am density, and the shape and drainage density. Following are tables and some br ief elaborations on these parameters.

3.1. No. ensity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total

Stream densities and Drainage densities for each sub-watersheds Sub watersheds Status Number of dots Area on ground (km2) Stream d (streams / km2) Drainage density (km/km2) A DA 922 9.22 1.193 1.979 B DA 360 3.6 2.5 2.611 C DA 1135 11.35 2.819 2.841 D DA 851 8.51 1.527 1.469 E DA 675 6.75 1.925 2.111 F DA 106 1.06 3.773 3.016 G DA 99 0.95 2.02 2.525 H DA 231 2.31 3.03 3.225 I DA 109 1.09 1.834 2.752 J DA 120 1.2 3.333 3.333 K DA 138 1.38 2.17 2.536 L NDA 2014 20.14 * * 6760 67.6 1.745 2.074 Table: 1(Sd & D) Key = DA is drainage ar ea, NDA is non drainage area From the above table; thus if only considering stream density and drainage densi ty sub-watershed are be identified as priority watersheds. The sub-watersheds wi th highest values of the stream density and drainage density are found to be F, H, and J. These values range above 3


Land use condition for sub-watersheds.

Sub-watersheds D, G, and I non forested areas are given consideration if only fo r forest Forest land use Sub watershed High B,K,J,H,F Low C,E,A,L No D,G ,I

Table: 2(forest land use) 3.3. Slopes for sub-watersheds The most 3 steepy sub-watersheds with high sub-basin slope are A, H, and B. Thu s if only basin slope is taken for consideration these sub-watersheds are given priority. No Sub watersheds Change in elevation of sub watersheds (m) Sub basi n length Basin slope Map distance(cm) Ground distance(km) 1 A 820 15.5 7.75 9.45 2 B 680 10 5 7.35 3 C 720 10 5 6.94 4 D 690 9 4.5 6.52 5 E 610 8.7 4.35 7.13 6 F 580 4.9 2.45 4.22 7 G 540 4.2 2.1 3.88 8 H 360 5.5 2.75 7.63 9 I 515 5 2.5 4.85 10 J 310 4 2 6.45 11 K 660 5.5 2.75 4.16 12 L * * * * Table: 3(slope parameter) 3.4. Shapes for sub-watersheds The most 3 sub-watersheds both form factor and shape factor approaching to y are relatively as a circle are C, D, and E. Approaching to 1 seems to be haped ones. Thus if it were given consideration only shape parameter these atersheds are given priority. No. Sub watersheds Sub watershed length (km) Sub watershed area Form factor Shape factor 1 A 7.75 9.22 0.15 6.51 2 B 5 3.36 0.14 6.94 3 C 5 11.35 0.45 2.20 4 D 4.5 8.51 0.42 2.37 5 E 4.35 6.75 0.35 2.80 6 F 2.45 1.06 0.17 5.66 7 G 2.1 0.99 0.22 4.45 8 H 2.75 2.31 0.30 3.27 9 I 2.5 1.09 0.17 5.76 10 J 2 1.2 0.30 3.33 11 K 2.75 1.38 0.18 5.48 12 L * * * * Table: 4(shape parameter) 1 the fan s sub-w (km2)

4. Discussions and Conclusions As the shape factors for the whole watershed (main watershed) are almost not app roaching to the value one (1), the shape can be considered as fern shaped. Thus, the watershed has relatively low concentrated flow of water on longer time (hig h concentration time is required) probably causing low erosion severity on the w atershed system.

Even the slope factor can be said as gentle slope (6.3 and 6.26%) on both basin and channel slopes. The ground slope of the basin is 19.83% (medium steepness). The bifurcation ratio is 2.75; the drainage density and stream density are relat ively low. Generally, the Kore-Choloke watershed is not as such prone to severit y of erosion risks. The steepness of slope, length of slope, and shape of slope (concave or convex) all influences directly the soil and water losses from fields (Davindson, 1986). Even though there is high slope if the land is covered by vegetation, the sever ity of erosion by the process of the water flow in a basin can be considered as minimized. As to Hamilton and King (1983), the major reason behind undertaking r eforestation or afforestation is to reduce erosion rates that prevail under some existing non forested land use. For the sub-watersheds for the matter of comparison, also our intension is to re duce erosion severity while prioritizing watersheds, forested sub-watersheds are relatively considered as in need of low conservation works. Finally, our concl usion for the most priority watershed from the sub-watersheds is found to be sub -watershed D. The main reason for the prioritization was land use condition (abs ence of forest cover may give the soil prone to erosion; the severity will incr ease as time goes on) and shape (highly concentrated flow of water with short ti me; results in low infiltration, high runoff discharge and disturbs the ecology causing huge and various damage).

References Davindson, D.A. 1986. Land Evaluation. Van Nostrand Reinhold soil science series . University of Strathyclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. Pp176 Hewelett. J.D., 1982. Principles of Forest Hydrology. University of Georgia pres s, USA Khan.M.A., 2006. Watershed Management for Sustainable Agriculture. Published by Shriya computers and printers, Jodhpur, India Hamilton, L.S. and King, P.N. 1983. Tropical Forested Watersheds: hydrologic and soils response to major uses or conversions; a westview replica edition. Publis hed in USA by westview press, inc. pp116 Morgan, R.P.C., 1996. Soil Erosion and Conservation. 2nd edition, Published by L ongman, England.

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