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Introduction To Qualitative Molecular Orbital Theory

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actIvIty 1

IntroductIon to QualItatIve Molecular orbItal theory

Focus QuestIon Model 1

What can MO theory do for us that VSEPR theory and resonance cannot?

Qualitative Molecular Orbital Theory

Molecular Orbital (MO) theory is a way to describe bonding in molecules that applies quantum mechanics to linear combinations of atomic orbitals. In this course we will use MO theory, in particular Hckel MO theory, to describe systems in organic molecules. However, we will be working with only qualitative MO theory; we will leave the quantum mechanical computations to the physical chemists. Below is an MO diagram of a bond using two p orbitals. A nodal plane is a plane of zero electron density formed when orbitals of opposite phases overlap. It is indicated on the diagram below by a dashed line.

antibonding molecular orbital ( *) E individual atomic p orbitals bonding molecular orbital ()

1. How many individual atomic orbitals are shown in Model 1?

2. How many electrons are present in each atomic orbital?

3. How do the energies of the bonding and antibonding MOs compare?

4. Another difference between the bonding MO and the antibonding MO is the presence of a nodal plane. Which MO contains this node?

5. How many electrons are in a bond? 1

Advanced Organic Chemistry

6. For this bond, put the electrons in the appropriate molecular orbital(s) in Model 1. Explain why you chose this configuration.

7. From Model 1, does in-phase overlap (both the same color) or out-of-phase overlap (one of each color) have to be present for a bonding interaction?

8. Is an in-phase interaction between atomic orbitals favorable or unfavorable? Explain how you know this.

9. Is an out-of-phase interaction between atomic orbitals favorable or unfavorable? Explain how you know this.

The following are some rules for drawing MOs: a. The number of MOs must always equal the number of atomic orbitals used to create them; b. When combining atomic orbitals, the antibonding orbital always goes up in energy slightly more than the bonding orbital goes down; c. A node must be placed symmetrically within the molecule.

Activity 1 Introduction to Qualitative Molecular Orbital Theory

10. Using the following MO diagram, show what the electron configuration would be if each atomic orbital started with two electrons.

antibonding molecular orbital ( *) E individual atomic p orbitals bonding molecular orbital ()

11. Using the information given previously, would the interaction that you showed in question 8 be favorable or unfavorable? Explain.

12. Draw the structure of 1,3-butadiene.

13. How many p atomic orbitals participate in the system of 1,3-butadiene?

14. How many molecular orbitals does the system of 1,3-butadiene contain?

Advanced Organic Chemistry

Model 2
Molecular Orbitals of 1,3-Butadiene

Atomic Orbitals

Molecular Orbitals

15. The lobes of two of the MOs above have already been shaded in for you. Indicate on the diagram the location of any nodes present in these orbitals. 16. The lowest energy MO has zero nodes. Correctly shade in the lobes of this orbital. 17. The highest energy MO has nodes between all of the carbons. Correctly shade in the lobes of this orbital and indicate the nodal planes. 18. Is there a relationship between the number of nodes and the energy of the MO? If so, describe it.

19. How many electrons does the system of 1,3-butadiene contain?

20. Fill each 1,3-butadiene MO with the appropriate number of electrons. 21. Are the interactions in 1,3-butadiene favorable or unfavorable? Explain, based on its MO diagram.

22. It has been experimentally determined that the C2-C3 bond of 1,3-butadiene has some double bond character. Explain this observation based on the MO diagram. Hint: Look at the phasing within the occupied MOs.

Activity 1 Introduction to Qualitative Molecular Orbital Theory

Model 3
Molecular Orbital Diagram of Benzene

Atomic Orbitals

Molecular Orbitals

23. Draw out the structure of benzene including resonance structures.

24. Is the benzene you drew in the plane of the paper or perpendicular to the plane of the paper?

25. Is the benzene in Model 3 in the plane of the paper or perpendicular to the plane of the paper?

26. Place the electrons in the appropriate MOs in Model 3. 27. Is the interaction of atomic orbitals in Model 3 favorable or unfavorable? Explain.

Advanced Organic Chemistry

Model 4
A Different Perspective of the MOs of Benzene
Sometimes it is easier to draw molecular orbitals from a different perspective.

Atomic Orbitals

Molecular Orbitals

28. In Model 4, is the benzene ring drawn in the plane of the paper or in a plane perpendicular to the plane of the paper? 29. What part of the orbitals does this perspective not allow us to see?

30. Although we can only see one lobe of the orbitals, we know from that what the phase of the other lobe is. How?

31. Indicate all nodal planes present in the MOs in Model 4. Do not count the node within each p orbital. 32. Place the electrons in the appropriate MOs. 33. As you know, all of the bond lengths in benzene are equal. Explain this finding using the MO diagram. Hint: Look at the phasing within the occupied MOs.

Activity 1 Introduction to Qualitative Molecular Orbital Theory

1. Draw out the structure of cyclobutadiene including resonance structures.

2. Based on the structures you drew, would cyclobutadiene have all of its bond lengths equal, like benzene?

Model 5
Molecular Orbital Diagram of Cyclobutadiene

Atomic Orbitals

Molecular Orbitals

34. In Model 5, is the cyclobutadiene ring drawn in the plane of the paper or in a plane perpendicular to the plane of the paper? 35. In Model 5, shade in the appropriate orbital lobes for cyclobutadiene. Remember that the lowest energy orbital has all bonding interactions (no nodes) and the highest energy orbital has all antibonding interactions (nodes between each bonded pair of carbons). 36. Place the electrons in the appropriate MOs. 37. Is the above interaction of atomic orbitals favorable or unfavorable? Explain.

Advanced Organic Chemistry

38. Based on the MO diagram in Model 5, is cyclobutadiene a stable molecule? Explain.

Model 6
MO Diagram of Rectangular Cyclobutadiene

39. What is the difference between the MO diagram of square cyclobutadiene and that of rectangular cyclobutadiene?

40. From the orbital phasing in Model 6, explain why the two middle orbitals have different energies.

41. In Model 6, put the electrons in the correct orbitals. 42. From the MO diagrams in Model 5 and Model 6, explain why cyclobutadiene is rectangular instead of square, as one would think, based on resonance.

Activity 1 Introduction to Qualitative Molecular Orbital Theory

43. Describe how to determine relative bond lengths within a compound based on the phasing of the MOs within the MO diagram.


44. Give an MO explanation for why benzenes C-C bonds are all the same length while cyclobutadiene has alternating bond lengths.

Review of VSEPR Theory for N2 and O2
:N N: :O O:

1. For each bond and lone pair in Model 2, label in what type of orbital it is using VSEPR theory. (i.e. sp3, p, etc.) 2. How many lone pairs does N2 have? 3. How many unpaired electrons does N2 have? 4. How many lone pairs does O2 have? 5. How many unpaired electrons does O2 have? 6. Using your general knowledge of chemistry, which is less reactive, N2 or O2? Explain your reasoning.

7. Can VSEPR theory account for this difference in reactivity? If so, how?

Advanced Organic Chemistry

Molecular Orbital Theory Applied to N2 and O2

8. How many valence electrons does N2 have? Include all of the valence electrons, not just the electrons. 9. How many valence electrons does O2 have? Include all of the valence electrons, not just the electrons. 10. Put electrons in the appropriate orbitals in the MO diagrams below. Since the MOs diagrams below include both s and p orbitals, you must include all of the valence electrons.
Molecular Orbital Diagram for N 2 Molecular Orbital Diagram for O2

s s s

11. Can the difference in reactivities between N2 and O2 be explained by MO theory? If so, how?



What can MO theory do for us that VSEPR theory and resonance cannot?

Focus QuestIon


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