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UNIT I Introduction to IoT Lecture 8Hrs

Definition and Characteristics of IoT, physical design of IoT, IoT protocols, IoT communication

models, IoT Communication APIs, Communication protocols, Embedded Systems, IoT Levels and



 The Internet of Things represents the whole way from collecting data, processing it,
taking an action corresponding to the signification of this data to storing everything in the
cloud. All this is made possible by the internet
 The Internet of things has become a very widely spread concept in the last few years. The
reason for this is mainly the need to computerize and control most of the surrounding
objects and have access to data in real time.
 Example: Parking sensors, about phones which can check the weather and so on.

 The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects that are connected to the
internet and can exchange data with other devices and systems.
 IoT devices are equipped with sensors, software, and other technologies that allow them
to: Collect data, Share data, Communicate with each other, and Perform tasks
 IoT devices can range from simple household items like thermostats to complex
industrial machinery. Some examples of IoT devices include: smartwatches, smart
speakers, security cameras, and vehicles.
 IoT devices can be connected to the internet using a variety of technologies,
including: WiFi, Bluetooth, Cellular and Zigbee.
Characteristics of IoT

i)Dynamic & Self Adapting:

IoT devices and systems may have the capability to dynamically adapt with the changing
contexts and take actions based on their operating conditions, user‘s context or sensed

Eg: The surveillance system comprising of a number of surveillance cameras. The surveillance
camera can adapt modes based on whether it is day or night. The surveillance system is adapting
itself based on context and changing conditions.

ii)Self Configuring:

IOT devices have self-configuring capability, allowing a large number of devices to work
together to provide certain functionality. These devices have the ability configure themselves
setup networking, and fetch latest software upgrades with minimal manual or user interaction.

iii) Inter Operable Communication Protocols: support a number of interoperable

communication protocols and can communicate with other devices and also with infrastructure.

iv) Unique Identity: Each IoT device has a unique identity and a unique identifier(IP address).

v) Integrated into Information Network: that allow them to communicate and exchange data
with other devices and systems.
Physical Design of IoT :

The "Things" in IoT usually refers to IoT devices which have unique identities and can perform

sensing, actuating and monitoring capabilities.

IoT devices can:

 Exchange data with other connected devices and applications (directly or indirectly), or
 Collect data from other devices and process the data locally or
 Send the data to centralized servers or cloud-based application back-ends for processing
the data,
 Perform some tasks locally and other tasks within the IoT infrastructure, based on
temporal and space constraints

Generic block diagram of an IoT Device

• An IoT device may consist of several interfaces for connections to other devices, both wired
and wireless.

• I/O interfaces for sensors

• Interfaces for Internet connectivity

• Memory and storage interfaces

• Audio/video interfaces.
HDMI: High definition multimedia Interface.

• 3.5mm: Audio Jack which headphone adapter.

• RCA: Radio corporation of America.

• UART: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter.

• SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface.

• I2C: Inter integrated circuit

• CAN: Controller Area Network used for Micro-controllers and devices to communicate.

• SD: Secure digital (memory card)

• MMC: multimedia card

• SDIO: Secure digital Input Output

• GPU: Graphics processing unit.

• DDR: Double data rate

IoT Protocols

The protocol consists of Link Layer, Network Layer, Transport Layer and Application Layer.

The following diagram shows the IoT protocol structure.

A) Link Layer

Protocols determine how data is physically sent over the network‘s physical layer or medium.
Local network connect to which host is attached. Hosts on the same link exchange data packets
over the link layer using link layer protocols. Link layer determines how packets are coded and
signaled by the h/w device over the medium to which the host is attached.


 802.3-Ethernet: IEEE802.3 is collection of wired Ethernet standards for the link layer.
Eg: 802.3 uses co-axial cable; 802.3i uses copper twisted pair connection; 802.3j uses
fiber optic connection; 802.3ae uses Ethernet overfiber.
 802.11-WiFi: IEEE802.11 is a collection of wireless LAN(WLAN) communication
standards including extensive description of link layer. Eg: 802.11a operates in 5GHz
band, 802.11b and 802.11g operates in 2.4GHz band, 802.11n operates in 2.4/5GHz
band, 802.11ac operates in 5GHz band, 802.11ad operates in 60Ghzband.
 802.16 - WiMax: IEEE802.16 is a collection of wireless broadband standards including
exclusive description of link layer. WiMax provide data rates from 1.5 Mb/s to 1Gb/s.
 802.15.4-LR-WPAN: IEEE802.15.4 is a collection of standards for low rate wireless
personal area network(LR-WPAN). Basis for high level communication protocols such as
ZigBee. Provides data rate from 40kb/s to250kb/s.
 2G/3G/4G-Mobile Communication: Data rates from 9.6kb/s(2G) to up to100Mb/s(4G).

B) Network/Internet Layer

Responsible for sending IP datagrams from source n/w to destination n/w. Performs the host
addressing and packet routing. Datagrams contains source and destination address.


 IPv4: Internet Protocol version4 is used to identify the devices on a n/w using a
hierarchical addressing scheme. 32 bit address. Allows total of 2**32addresses.
 IPv6: Internet Protocol version6 uses 128 bit address scheme and allows 2**128
 6LOWPAN:(IPv6overLowpowerWirelessPersonalAreaNetwork)operates in 2.4 GHz
frequency range and data transfer 250 kb/s.

C) Transport Layer

Provides end-to-end message transfer capability independent of the underlying n/w. Set up on
connection with ACK as in TCP and without ACK as in UDP. Provides functions such as error
control, segmentation, flow control and congestion control.


 TCP: Transmission Control Protocol used by web browsers(along with HTTP and
HTTPS), email(along with SMTP, FTP). Connection oriented and stateless protocol. IP
Protocol deals with sending packets, TCP ensures reliable transmission of protocols in
order. Avoids n/w congestion and congestion collapse.
 UDP: User Datagram Protocol is connectionless protocol. Useful in time sensitive
applications, very small data units to exchange. Transaction oriented and stateless
protocol. Does not provide guaranteed delivery.

D) Application Layer: Defines how the applications interface with lower layer protocols to send
data over the n/w. Enables process-to-process communication using ports.


 HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol that forms foundation of WWW. Follow
requestresponse model Stateless protocol.
 CoAP: Constrained Application Protocol for machine-to-machine(M2M) applications
with constrained devices, constrained environment and constrained n/w. Uses clientserver
 WebSocket: allows full duplex communication over a single socket connection.
 MQTT: Message Queue Telemetry Transport is light weight messaging protocol based
on publish-subscribe model. Uses client server architecture. Well suited for constrained
 XMPP: Extensible Message and Presence Protocol for real time communication and
streaming XML data between network entities. Support client-server and server-server
 DDS: Data Distribution Service is data centric middleware standards for device-to-device
or machine-to-machine communication. Uses publish-subscribe model.
 AMQP: Advanced Message Queuing Protocol is open application layer protocol for
business messaging. Supports both point-to-point and publish-subscribe model.

IoT Communication Models: A) Request-Response B) Publish-Subscribe C)Push-Pull D)

Exclusive Pair

A) Request-Response: Request-Response is a communication model in which the client sends

requests to the server and the server responds to the requests. When the server receives a
request, it decides how to respond, fetches the data, retrieves resource representations,
prepares the response, and then sends the response to the client.

B) Publish-Subscribe communication model:

a. Publish-Subscribe is a communication model that involves publishers, brokers and
b. Publishers are the source of data. Publishers send the data to the topics which are managed
by the broker. Publishers are not aware of the consumers.
c. Consumers subscribe to the topics which are managed by the broker.
d. When the broker receives data for a topic from the publisher, it sends the data to all the
subscribed consumers.

C) Push-Pull communication model:

a. Push-Pull is a communication model in which the data producers push the data to queues
and the consumers pull the data from the queues. Producers do not need to be aware of the
b. Queues help in decoupling the messaging between the producers and consumers.
c. Queues also act as a buffer which helps in situations when there is a mismatch between
the rate at which the producers push data and the rate at which the consumers pull.

D) Exclusive Pair communication model:

a. Exclusive Pair is a bidirectional, fully duplex communication model that uses a persistent
connection between the client and server.
b. Once the connection is setup it remains open until the client sends a request to close the
c. Client and server can send messages to each other after connection setup

IoT Communication APIs:

a) REST based communication APIs(Request-Response Based Model
b) WebSocket based Communication APIs(Exclusive PairBasedModel)

Request-Response model used by REST: RESTful webservice is a collection of resources which

are represented by URIs. RESTful web API has a base URI(e.g: http://example.com/api/tasks/).
The clients and requests to these URIs using the methods defined by the HTTP protocol(e.g:
GET, PUT, POST or DELETE). A RESTful web service can support various internet media
B) WebSocket Based Communication APIs: WebSocket APIs allow bi-directional, full duplex
communication between clients and servers. WebSocket APIs follow the exclusive pair
communication model.

Communication Protocols:

Communication Protocols form the back-bone of IoT systems and enable network connectivity
and coupling to applications.
• Allow devices to exchange data over network.

• Define the exchange formats, data encoding addressing schemes for device and routing of
packets from source to destination.

• It includes sequence control, flow control and retransmission of lost packets.

Embedded Systems:

Embedded Systemsis a computer system that has computer hardware and software embedded to
perform specific tasks. Key components of embedded system include microprocessor or micro
controller, memory (RAM, ROM, Cache), networking units (Ethernet Wi-Fi Adaptor),
input/output units (Display, Keyboard, etc..,) and storage (Flash memory).

Embedded System range from low cost miniaturized devices such as digital watches to devices
such as digital cameras, POS terminals, vending machines, appliances etc.,

IOT Levels and Templates.

IoT Level-1

Level-1 IoT systems has a single node that performs sensing and/or actuation, stores data,
performs analysis and host the application. Suitable for modeling low cost and low complexity
solutions where the data involved is not big and analysis requirement are not computationally

An e.g., of IoT Level1 is Home-automation.

The system consist of a single node that allows controlling the lights and appliances in a home
the device used in this system interfaces with the lights and appliances using electronic rely
switches. The status information of each light or appliances is maintained in a local database.
REST services deployed locally allow retrieving and updating the state of each lighter appliance
in the status database. The controller service continuously monitors the state of each light or
appliance by retrieving the light from the database.
IoT Level 2 :

IoT Level2 has a single node that performs sensing and/or actuating and local analysis as shown in fig.
Data is stored in cloud and application is usually cloud based. Level2 IoT systems are suitable for
solutions where data are involved is big, however, the primary analysis requirement is not
computationally intensive and can
be done locally itself. An e,g., of Level2 IoT system for Smart Irrigation.

The system consists of a single node that monitors the soil moisture level and controls the irrigation
system. The device used system collects soil moisture data from sensors. The controller service
continuously monitors the moisture level. A cloud based REST web service is used for storing and
retrieving moisture data which is stored in a cloud database. A cloud based application is used for
visualizing the moisture level over a period of time which can help in making decision about irrigation

IoT Level 3

This System has a single node. Data is stored and analyzed in the cloud application is cloud based as
shown in fig. Level3 IoT systems are suitable for solutions where the data involved is big and analysis
requirements are computationally intensive. The system consists of a single node that monitors the
vibration levels for the package being shipped . The device in this system uses accelerometer and
gyroscope sensor for monitoring vibration levels. The controller serves in the sensor data to the cloud in
a real time using a websocket service. The data is stored in the cloud and also visualizing the cloud based
applications . The analysis components in the cloud can trigger alerts if the vibration level becomes
greater than the threshold.

IoT Level 4

This System has multiple nodes that perform local analysis. Data is stored in the cloud and application is
cloud based as shown in fig. Level4 contains local and cloud based observer nodes which can subscribe
to and receive information collected in the cloud from IoT devices. Level 4 IoT systems are suitable for
solutions where multiple nodes are required, the data involved in big and the analysis requirements are
computationally intensive.

Example : IoT System for Noise Monitoring. The system consists of multiple nodes placed in different
locations for monitoring noise levels in an area. The nodes in this example are equipped with sound
sensors. Nodes are independent of each other. Each nodes runs its owner controller service that sends
the data to the cloud . The data is stored in cloud database. The analysis of data collected from a
number of nodes is done in the cloud. A cloud based application is used for visualizing the aggregated
IoT Level 5

System has multiple end nodes and one coordinator node as shown in fig. The end nodes that perform
sensing and/or actuation. Coordinator node collects data from the end nodes and sends to the cloud.
Data is stored and analyzed in the cloud and application is cloud based. Level5 IoT systems are suitable
for solution based on wireless sensor network, in which data are high intensive.
Example :IoT system for Forest Fire Detection.

The system consists of multiple nodes placed in different locations for monitoring temperature,
humidity and CO2 levels in a forest. The end nodes in this example are equipped with various sensors
such as temperature, humidity and CO2. The coordinator node collects the data from the end nodes and
act as a gateway that provides internet connectivity to the IoT system. The controller service on the
coordinator device sends the collected data to the cloud. The data is stores in a cloud database. The
analysis of data is done in the computing cloud to aggregate the data and make predictions. A cloud
based applications is used for visualizing the data.

IoT Level 6

System has multiple independent end nodes that perform sensing and/or actuation and sensed data to
the cloud. Data is stored in the cloud and application is cloud based as shown in fig. The analytics
component analyses the data and stores the result in the cloud data base. The results are visualized with
the cloud based applications. The centralized controller is aware of the status of all endnodes and sends
control commands to the nodes. Example weather monitoring system The system consists of multiple
nodes placed in different locations for monitoring temperatures,humidity and pressure in an area.the
end nodes are equipped with various sensors(such as temperature,humidity and pressure).the end
nodes send the data to the cloud realtime using a websocketservice.the data is stored in a cloud
database. The analysis of data is done in a cloud to aggregate a data and make predictions.acloud based
application is used for visualizing the data.

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