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DLL Q1 L1-2

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Department of Education

National Capital Region

Schools Division Office – Quezon City
P. Urduja St. Doña Rosario Subd., Novaliches, Quezon City
School Year 2024-2025
English 10
QUARTER 1, WEEK 5- August 27-30, 2024

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Mode of Delivery

A. Content The learners demonstrate communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature
Standards and other text types for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing short persuasive texts using a variety of technique/s devices and words and
Standards expression that emphasizes a point, particularly modals and reflective and intensive pronouns.
C. Learning
Competencie MELCs 01: MELCs 01: MELCs 01: MELCs 01:
Use information from Use information from news Use information from news Use information from
s/ news reports, speeches, reports, speeches, informative reports, speeches, informative news reports, speeches,
Objectives informative talks, panel talks, panel discussions, etc. in talks, panel discussions, etc. in informative talks, panel Face-to-Face Classes
discussions, etc. in everyday everyday conversations and everyday conversations and discussions, etc. in
conversations and exchange. exchange. everyday conversations
exchange. Learning Objectives: Learning Objectives: and exchange.
Learning Objectives: 1. Identify the meaning of informative 1. Differentiate panel discussions from Learning Objectives:
1. Know what news reports are as a talk/speech as a source of an informative talk/speech. 1. Assess the learning of the
source of information. information. 2. Determine its function as a source of students through a short quiz.
2. Determine its functions as a 2. Determine its function as a source of information.
source of information. information.
3. Write a sample of a news report 3. Present in class one (1) informative
talk about any topic that interests
II. CONTENT Lesson 01:
Different Sources of Information Used in Daily Conversation:
News Report
Informative Talk/Speech
Panel Discussion
A. References

Learning Power Point Presentation
Resources Video Clip
Newspaper Samples
A. Review/ The class will begin with a The class will begin with a short The class will begin with a short The class will begin with a
Presenting short recall of yesterday’s recall of yesterday’s discussion. recall of yesterday’s discussion. short recall of yesterday’s
the new discussion. discussion.
B. Establishing Class Flash Report! Compare these Photographs! It’s Viewing Time!
a Purpose for Volunteer students, one (1) The class will be asked to The class will watch two (2)
the Lesson male and one (1) female, will be compare two (2) photographs video clips and will be asked
called to deliver a flash report in shown before. to compare the materials
class. they viewed.
The class will then be asked of
the following questions: Please note that these videos
1. What adjective will you are both informative, but they
give your classmates’ news are different when it comes to
delivery? delivering the information.
2. What is the news all about?
3. What is news?
4. How about news report?
5. Why does news report
important in terms of
acquiring information?
C. Presenting The teacher will present to The teacher will present to the The teacher will present to the
examples/ins the class the required MELCs of class the required MELCs of the class the required MELCs of the
tances of the the week alongside with the week alongside with the learning week alongside with the learning
new lesson learning objectives set for this objectives set for this day as the objectives set for this day as the
day as the starting point toward starting point toward proper starting point toward proper
proper discussion. discussion. discussion.
Proper Discussion Targeted the
Proper Discussion Targeted following: Proper Discussion Targeted the
the following:  Meaning and Characteristics following:
 Meaning of News and of an Informative  Meaning and Characteristics of
News Reports Talk/Speech a Panel Discussion
 Different Types of  Its Function as a Source of  Its Function as a Source of
Newspapers Information Information
 Its Function as a Source of  Guidelines in Delivering an
Information Informative Talk/Speech
 Guidelines in Writing
News Reports
D. Discussing Let students scrutinize a Students will listen to a sample of Let students discover the
New sample news report and ask informative talk/speech and will be difference of panel discussion from
Concepts or them to answer the following asked of questions to determine that of the informative talk/speech
Practicing questions: their understanding. though a Venn Diagram.
1. What is the news all about? 1. Using the material, you just The teacher will then highlight
Concept 1
2. Who are involved in the listened to, how do you characteristics panel discussion to
news report? understand an informative talk? fuel the run of their discussion.
3. When and where did the 2. When can we say that a talk or
news take place? a speech is considered,
4. Why is the news important? informative?
5. How do people involved 3. How should one deliver an
react to the news? informative talk/speech?
E. Discussing The class will be given Continue the discussion of
New some pointers which one may the technical terms used in
Concepts or research with an emphasis on
use in delivering an the difference of the Primary
Practicing informative talk/speech. and Secondary Sources of
Concept 2
F. Developing Write Informatively! A Panel or Not!
Mastery Student are asked to write their The class will be given a challenge
own informative talk/speech spiel to discern whether the following
using the topic of their interests. situation is considered panel
The class will then be reminded discussion or not.
that the speech should be no longer This will be given individually.
than one (1) minute.
G. Finding Listen and Write! Let’s Be Informed in a Minute!
Practical The students will listen to social For 10-Rizal, 10-Alonzo and 10-
related issues and will be Baltazar:
Application challenged to write a news Using the spiel which students
of Concepts report about it. have written earlier, they will then
and Skills in be challenged to deliver it in before
Daily Living the class individually.
For 10-Del Pilar, Gomez, and
Using the spiel which students
have written, the class will then be
challenged to deliver it in before the

H. Making Let the students share their Let the students share their Let the students share their
Generalizati understanding of the terms understanding of the terms understanding of the terms discussed
on and discussed today by asking them discussed today by asking them this today by asking them this question:
Abstractions this question: question: What is this one thing you will share
What is this one thing you will What is this one thing you will to your friend or sibling that you have
about the
share to your friend or sibling share to your friend or sibling that learned from today’s discussion?
Lesson that you have learned from you have learned from today’s
today’s discussion? discussion?
I. Evaluating To determine the learning To determine the learning To determine the learning Let the students answer the
Learning acquired by the students, the acquired by the students, the acquired by the students, the teacher 20-item quiz that is composed
teacher will let them answer teacher will let them answer orally will let them answer orally this of the lesson tackled in the
orally this question: this question: question: whole week.
How can a student like you How can a student like you use How can a student like you use the
use the information, taken the information, taken from an information, taken from the
from the news reports, in a informative talk/speech, in a discussion, in a meaningful
meaningful conversation? meaningful conversation? conversation?
J. Additional For students’ preparation For students’ preparation of Students are reminded to
Activities for of the next topic, they will be the next topic, they will be review their notes of the topics
Application asked of this assignment: asked of this assignment: discussed in class for the whole
or 1. What is an informative 1. Define a panel discussion. week for a 20-item quiz.
Remediation talk/speech? 2. How does panel discussion
2. How should one deliver differ from informative
an informative talk/speech?


Teacher I Head Teacher VI Principal IV

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