Children’s Authority Act
Children’s Authority Act
Children’s Authority Act
64 of 2000
Amended by
8 of 2003
14 of 2008
12 of 2012
1. Short title.
2. Commencement.
3. Interpretation.
3A. Objects of the Act.
10. Appointment and responsibilities of the Director.
11. Composition of Authority.
(Repealed by Act No. 14 of 2008).
14. Assessment and Support Centres and Reception Centres.
15. (Repealed by Act No. 14 of 2008).
16. Staff of the Authority.
17. Transfer on secondment.
18. Transfer of public affairs to Authority.
19. Pension rights and schemes.
20. Employment of persons for specific tasks.
21. Authority subject to directions of the Minister.
46. Creation of the Fund.
47. Application of the Fund.
48. Rules for accounting and audit.
49. Annual Report.
50. Authority to make Regulations.
51. Rules Committee to make Rules.
Short title. 1. This Act may be cited as the Children’s Authority Act.
Commencement. 2. (1) Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5(1)(h), 5A(d), 6(1)(e), 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 34, 35, 46, 48, 49, 50 and 51 came into
operation on 5th December 2008.
(2) Sections 5(1)(a), 5(1)(b), 5(1)(c), 5(1)(d), 5(1)(e),
5(1)(f), 5(1)(g), 5(1)(i), 5(2), 5A(a), 5A(b), 5A(c), 5A(e), 6(1)(a),
6(1)(b), 6(1)(c), 6(1)(d), 6(1)(f), 6(1)(g), 6(1)(h), 6(1)(i), 6(2),
7A, 18, 22, 23, 25, 25A, 25B, 25C, 25D, 25E, 25F, 25G, 25H,
25I, 25J, 26, 27, 28(b), 28(c), 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
41(1), 41(3), 42, 43(1), 44, 45, 47 and the Schedule of the Act
came into operation on 18th May 2015.
(c) a grandparent;
(d) a brother or sister, whether of whole or half-
blood; or
(e) an uncle or aunt, whether of whole or half-blood;
“youthful offender” means a child who is charged with
committing an offence.
Custody and 8. (1) The Authority shall have a Seal which shall be kept
in the custody of the Director.
use of Seal.
[14 of 2008].
11. For the effective management of its duties and functions, Composition of
the Authority shall have such units and centres including an Authority.
[14 of 2008].
Adoption Unit and a Foster Care Unit as may be prescribed by
the Minister on the advice of the Board.
(Repealed by Act No. 14 of 2008).
14. (1) The Authority shall maintain Assessment and Assessment and
responsible for—
(a) the initial assessment and referral of children
coming to the attention of the Authority; and
18. An officer in the public service may with the approval of Transfer of
the appropriate Service Commission consent to be transferred to
public affairs to
the service of the Authority. [14 of 2008].
19. (1) The Authority shall provide for the establishment Pension rights
and maintenance of a pension plan or arrange for membership in
and schemes.
[14 of 2008].
a plan for its employees.
(2) A member of the public service who transfers to the
Authority shall become a member of any pension plan operated
for the benefit of employees of the Authority.
(3) Superannuation benefits which have accrued to any
person who was transferred from the public service to the Authority
under section 18, shall be preserved at the date of his transfer to the
Authority and such person shall continue to accrue such benefits
under the relevant pensions legislation up to the date—
(a) of the establishment of a pension plan under this
section; or
(b) that arrangements are made for membership in
a plan.
(4) Superannuation benefits accrued under subsection (3)
shall be calculated on the basis of pay, pensionable emoluments or
salary applicable to the office which the person held immediately
prior to his employment by the Authority.
(5) Where a person who transferred from the public
service to the Authority dies or retires before—
(a) the establishment of a pension plan under this
section; or
(b) arrangements could be made for membership in
a plan,
Employment of 20. The Authority may employ, on such terms and conditions
as it thinks fit and subject to such maximum limits of
persons for
specific tasks.
remuneration as the Minister may determine, persons to perform
specific tasks that the Authority considers necessary for the due
performance of its functions under this Act.
Wardship of 23. (1) Where the Authority receives a child into its care under
section 22, it shall immediately make an application to the Court for—
children in the
care of the
(a) a Wardship Order under the Family Law
(Guardianship of Minors, Domicile and
[14 of 2008].
Ch. 46:08.
Maintenance) Act to be made in respect of the
child and any other Order; or
(b) an Order including an interim Order under
section 25 that the Authority determines necessary.
(2) Where the Authority makes an application for a
Wardship Order in pursuance of subsection (1), the Authority
shall join the parent or guardian of the child in the application.
(3) An application for an interim Order under subsection (1)
may be made ex parte.
25C. (1) A Care Order made under section 25(c) shall be for Care Order.
the purpose of placing a child under the care of the Authority or
[14 of 2008].
a community residence.
(2) A Care Order under this section may be made on the
application of the Authority, a probation officer or an officer of
the National Family Services Division of the Ministry with
responsibility for the delivery of social services.
25D. (1) A Child Assessment Order made under section 25(d) Child
shall be for the purpose of assessing—
(a) the state of a child’s health; [14 of 2008].
25F. (1) A Recovery Order under section 25(f) may be made Recovery
where it appears to the Court that there is reason to believe that
[14 of 2008].
a child—
(a) has been unlawfully taken or is being
unlawfully taken away from the person who has
parental care and responsibility for the child;
(b) has run away or is staying away from the person
who has parental care and responsibility for him; or
(c) is missing.
(2) A Recovery Order shall—
(a) direct any person who is in a position to do so,
to produce the child on request to—
(i) any person specified in the Order;
(ii) a police officer; or
(iii) any other person who is authorised by the
parent or any person in whose favour a Care
Order or an Emergency Protection Order is
made, after the Recovery Order is made;
(b) authorise the removal of the child by any of the
persons under paragraph (a), or
(c) authorise a police officer to enter premises
specified in the Order to search for the child,
using reasonable force if necessary.
25G. A Fit Person Order made under section 25(g) shall be an Fit Person
Order under the Children Act directing a child to be put in the Order.
[14 of 2008].
care of a fit person. Ch. 46:01.
25I. A Foster Care Order made under section 25(i) would direct Foster Care
the foster care unit under the Children’s Community Residences,
[14 of 2008].
Foster Care and Nurseries Act, to place the child in foster care. Ch. 46:04.
25J. An Order freeing a child for adoption made under Order freeing a
section 25(j) shall make the child available for adoption under
child for
the Adoption of Children Act. [14 of 2008].
Ch. 46:03.
Supervision 25K. (1) A Supervision Order made under section 25(k) shall
be any order which requires any of the following persons:
[12 of 2012].
(a) the child;
(b) the parents or guardians of the child;
(c) any person with care and control of the child; or
(d) any teacher or instructor of the child,
to meet with the Authority or any probation officer, social worker or
counsellor designated by the Authority, so that the manner in which
the child is being cared for may be supervised by the Authority.
(2) A Supervision Order shall state the period and the
frequency of meetings and any reports required by the Court or
the Authority.
Appointment of 26. Where in a matter before the Court under this Act, a child
is before the Court, it may, where it considers it necessary,
Children 30. (1) Where a child has been received into the care of the
Authority and subsequently that child is determined to be
certifiable as
mental patients.
[14 of 2008].
Ch. 28:02. mentally ill under the Mental Health Act, and such determination
31. (1) The parent or guardian of a child in the care of the Parents to
Authority shall ensure that the Authority is kept informed of the
inform the
Authority of
whereabouts of the parent or guardian.
[14 of 2008].
(1A) The Authority shall keep and maintain a record of
the names, addresses and other pertinent information of all parents
or guardians of children who have been received into care.
(2) A parent or guardian who knowingly fails to comply
with subsection (1), commits an offence and on summary
conviction shall be liable to a fine of five hundred dollars.
32. Where the Authority is of the view that a person legally Leaving the
liable for the care and maintenance of any child, intends to leave
Trinidad and Tobago without making adequate arrangements for making proper
the care of the child, it may apply to the Court for an Order to
[14 of 2008].
prevent the person from leaving Trinidad and Tobago until such
person has made provision to the satisfaction of the Court that—
(a) the child is not likely to become a charge on the
public funds; or
(b) such child is not exposed to moral danger or
neglect by reason of lack of care and maintenance.
33. (1) A Court with criminal jurisdiction before which a Powers of the
person is charged with having committed an offence in
Court with
respect to
respect of a child mentioned in the Schedule or any offence offences in the
under this Act, may direct that the child be brought to the
[14 of 2008].
attention of the Authority.
(2) The Minister may by Order, amend the Schedule. Schedule.
(2) The Court shall not give its permission under this
emigration of
children in its
section unless it is satisfied that—
[14 of 2008].
(a) emigration would be in the best interest of the child;
(b) suitable arrangements have been or will be
made for the child’s reception and the necessary
legal requirements for the immigration of the
child in the destination country are met;
(c) proper arrangements for the child’s welfare in
the country to which he is going have been made;
(d) the parents or guardians of the child have been
consulted; and
(e) the wishes of the child have been taken into account.
(3) (Deleted by Act No. 14 of 2008).
37. (1) Where a child who is under the care of the Authority, Disposal of
has been placed in a community residence or foster home and that
child dies while resident at such place, the Manager of the [14 of 2008].
Cremation Act.
Ch. 30:51.
38. The Authority may, if it deems fit, make payments to any Power of
parent or guardian or other persons, concerned with a child in its
Authority to
defray expenses
care in respect of travelling, subsistence or other expenses of parents
visiting children
incurred by the parent, guardian or other person in visiting the or attending
Contribution in 41. (1) The Court may, on complaint being made by the
Authority, at any time whilst a youthful offender is detained in a
respect of
offenders. rehabilitation centre make an Order against a parent or any other
person who has care and control over the youthful offender for
[14 of 2008].
income, as the Court may see fit, be attached and be paid to the
person named by the Court in accordance with the Attachment Ch. 45:52.
44. A child under the care of the Authority who has attained Contribution by
45. A Contribution Order made under this Part shall remain Duration of
person may at any time apply to the Court for the Order to be
varied or discharged.
46. (1) There is hereby established a Fund called the Creation of the
Children Authority Fund.
[14 of 2008].
Application of 47. (1) The moneys in the Fund shall be utilised for
defraying the following expenses:
the Fund.
Rules for 48. (1) The Board shall prescribe Rules for the proper
control of the system of accounting and the financial
accounting and
management of the Authority including provision for an
adequate system of internal auditing.
(2) The accounts of the Authority shall be audited
annually by the Auditor General or by a qualified auditor
appointed by the Auditor General.
Annual Report. 49. (1) The Board shall within three months of the end of
each financial year submit to the Minister an annual report dealing
with the activities of the Authority during the financial year,
together with financial statements and such other information
relating to the operations and functions of the Authority.
(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of the report and the
financial statements and such other information submitted under
subsection (1) to be laid before Parliament within twenty-eight
days of its receipt by him.
Authority to 50. (1) The Authority may, with the approval of the
Minister, make Regulations in respect of—
(a) the burial of children in the care of the
[14 of 2008].
Authority; and
Legislation Section
The Offences Against the Person Act, Chap. 11:08 6, 21, 48, 54