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School Meocan High School Grade Level 9

Daily Lesson Log Teacher Villaflor V. Balicao Learning Area ICT-CSS
Time 8:05-8:50 Quarter 1st-2nd
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Date: December 9, 2024 Date: December 10, Date: December 11, Date: December 12, 2024 Date: December 13,
2024 2024 2024
A.Content Standards
B.Performance Standards
Write the LC code for each

D. Specific Objectives
Define and differentiate Define technical drawing Determine the uses of Define schematic diagrams Determine the different
Cognitive between bit, byte, and its applications in basic drawing and their applications in symbols and elements
kilobyte, megabyte, various fields. instruments. various fields. used in flowcharts.
gigabyte, and terabyte.
Solve conversion Demonstrate the use of Demonstrate the proper Create basic schematic Demonstrate the use of
Psychomotor problems involving digital drawing tools such as handling and use of each diagrams with accuracy. drawing tools to create
information units. rulers, compasses, and drawing instrument. flowcharts.
Appreciate the importance Develop an appreciation Develop an appreciation Develop an appreciation Develop an appreciation
Affective of understanding digital for precision and for the precision and care for the clarity and for the clarity and
information units in attention to detail in required in technical precision required in precision required in
everyday technology use. technical drawing. drawing. schematic diagrams. flowcharts.
A.Topic Conversion and Introduction to Introduction to Basic Elements of Basic Elements of
Calculation of Technical Drawing Technical Drawing Technical Drawing: Technical Drawing:
Bit, Byte, Kilobyte, Schematic Diagram & Schematic Diagram &
Megabyte, Flowchar Flowchart
Gigabyte and Terabyte
B.Lesson Basic Drawing
Instruments and Their Schematic Diagram Flowchart
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages
2.Learner’s Materials
A.Reviewing previous Briefly review the Briefly review basic Briefly review the Briefly review the What was our last topic?
lesson or presenting the concept of binary importance of accuracy importance of technical
new lesson. numbers and their geometric shapes and in technical drawing. drawing and its
significance in their properties. applications.
B.Establishing a purpose Explain the importance Explain the role of Explain how using the Explain how schematic
Explain how flowcharts
for the lesson of understanding digital technical drawing in correct drawing diagrams are used to
are used to represent
information units in the engineering, instruments ensures represent complex processes and workflows
context of data storage architecture, and precision and quality in systems in a simplified in a simplified manner.
and transfer. design. technical drawings. manner.
C.Presenting Show examples of file Show examples of Show examples of Show examples of
examples/instances of the Show examples of
sizes in different units. technical drawings technical drawings schematic diagrams
new lesson flowcharts from
from different fields. created using different from different fields different fields
D.Discussing new concept - Introduce the concept
Introduce the units: bit,
and practicing new skills of schematic diagrams
byte, kilobyte, Discuss the basic
#1 Introduce the concept Introduce each drawing and their importance.
megabyte, gigabyte,
of technical drawing instrument and explain - Discuss the basic symbols and elements
and its importance. its specific use. symbols and elements used in flowcharts.
Explain the conversion
used in schematic
E.Discussing new concept
and precticing new skills
F.Developing mastery Provide individual work Provide individual work Provide individual work Provide individual work Provide individual work
activities such as activities such as drawing activities where students activities where students activities where students
(Apply individual work activities such as: writing, quiz, seatwork, games,worksheets)

conversion exercises, simple geometric shapes practice using each practice drawing simple practice drawing simple
quizzes, and worksheets. and practicing line types instrument to draw lines, schematic diagrams using flowcharts using
(e.g., solid, dashed). circles, angles, and other standard symbols and standard symbols and
shapes. conventions. conventions.
G.Finding practical Discuss how Discuss how technical Discuss how these Discuss how schematic Discuss how flowcharts
applications of concepts understanding these units drawing skills are used in instruments are used in diagrams are used in are used in everyday
and skills in daily living. helps in managing storage everyday tasks, such as various professions such everyday tasks, such as tasks, such as planning a
(Valuing) on devices, understanding assembling furniture or as engineering, understanding electrical project or
internet data plans, etc. reading maps. architecture, and design. wiring in homes or reading troubleshooting a
plumbing layouts. problem.
H. Making generalizations Summarize the key points Summarize the key Summarize the key Summarize the key points Summarize the key
and abstractions about about digital information points about the points about the about the elements and points about the
the lesson units and their importance and functions and proper use conventions of schematic elements and
conversions. applications of technical of each drawing diagrams. conventions of
drawing. instrument. flowcharts.
I.Evaluating learning Multiple Choice. 5 items. Multiple Choice. 5 items. Multiple Choice. 5 items. Multiple Choice. 5 items. Multiple Choice. 5 items.
(Write the no. of
items,type of test &
J.Additional activities for Remediation: Remediation: Remediation: Remediation: Remediation:
application and Enrichment: Enrichment: Enrichment: Enrichment: Enrichment:
A.NO. of learners who earned 80% in the
B.No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to require
E.Which of my teaching strategies wirk
well? Why did this work?
F.What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G.What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
w/other teachers?
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School Head

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