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Assignment E-Gov

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e-Governance Project Lifecycle

3.5. Mission Mode Projects (MMPs)

The following is the list of MMPs at central, State and at Integrated level . Some of the MMPs are
in advanced stages of implementation, while some are in the conceptualization stage.

Line Ministry /Dept

No Projects Project Brief
Mission Mode Projects - Central Sector
1. Passport Ministry of External The Passport Seva Project was launched by the
Affairs/Ministry of Ministry of External Affairs with the objective of
Home Affairs delivering Passport Services to the citizens in a
comfortable environment with wider accessibility
and reliability..
Various e-services being offered under the MMP
include issue / re-issue of Passport, issue of
duplicate Passport, issue of Tatkal Passport,
change in name, address, ECNR/ ECR
suspensions, passport status enquiry etc.
2. Visa & Ministry of External In order to Modernize and upgrade the
Immigration Affairs/Ministry of Immigration services, “Immigration, Visa and
Home Affairs Foreigners Registration & Tracking (IVFRT)” has
been identified and included as one of the MMPs
to be undertaken by the Ministry of Home Affairs
under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP).
The core objective of this Project is to develop
and implement a secure and integrated service
delivery framework that facilitates legitimate
travelers while strengthening security.
3. MCA21 Ministry of Corporate The projects aims to provide electronic services
Affairs to the Companies registered under the
Companies Act.
Various online facilities offered includes allocation
and change of name, incorporation, online
payment of registration charges, change in
address of registered office, viewing of public
records and other related services.
4. Insurance Department of MMP aims at facilitating customer services,
Banking automating grievance redressal mechanism and,
creating a holistic database of insurance users.
5. Income Tax Ministry of Various important e-services being offered under
Finance/Central Board this MMP includes facility for downloading of
of Direct Taxes various forms, online submission of applications
for PAN and TAN, query-based services for
allotment of PAN and TAN, e-filing of Income Tax
Returns, e-filing of TDS returns, online payment
of Taxes, issue of refunds through Electronic
Clearance Scheme (ECS) and Refund Banker, etc.
6. National Citizen Ministry of Home This MMP aims towards creating a Central
Database/UID Affairs/Registrar database of resident information and assign a
General of India Unique Identification number to each such

e-Governance Project Lifecycle

Line Ministry /Dept

No Projects Project Brief
(RGI)/ Planning resident in the country, to facilitate efficient
Commission delivery of social and welfare services.
7. Central Excise Department of This MMP aims towards facilitating availability of
Revenue/Central e-services related to indirect taxation for
Board of Excise & industry, importers and exporters, inbound
Customs travellers etc. Various important e-services being
offered include e-filing of Import and Export
documentation, electronic processing of
declarations, facilities for e-filing of Central Excise
and Service Tax returns, e-registration services,
digital signatures, e-payment of Customs Duties
8. Pensions Department of This MMP provides updated information on
Pensions & Pensioners government pension rules and regulations; helps
Welfare and facilitating registration of pensioners’ grievances;
Department of enables monitoring timely sanction of
Expenditure pension/gratuity; maintains a database of
Pensioners and providing links to the websites of
the Directorates of Pensions and the AGs of
various States.
9. Banking Department of This MMP aims towards streamlining various e-
Banking services initiatives undertaken by individual
10. e-Office Department of This MMP aims at significantly improving the
Administrative operational efficiency of the Government by
Reforms & Public transitioning to a "Less Paper Office".
Mission Mode Projects - State Sector
1. Land Records Ministry of Rural The project – National Land Records
Development Modernization Programme (NLRMP) aims towards
providing integrated land related information and
services to citizens.
Various online services provided are issue of
copies of RORs, crop; irrigation details, filing and
tracking of mutation cases, availability and
submission of forms
2. Road Transport Ministry of Road The project aims to induct technology in
Transport & Highways transport offices across India to offer vehicle
registration, driving licenses and Smart Card
based RCs (Registration Certificates) to citizens.
3. Agriculture Department of The MMP aims at providing information regarding
Agriculture & farm practices, market trends, agricultural and
Cooperation technical know-how, providing online certification
/ licenses to wholesalers and retails dealing in
pesticides, fertilizers etc. and other related
services to the farming community.

e-Governance Project Lifecycle

Line Ministry /Dept

No Projects Project Brief
4. Treasuries Ministry of Finance This MMP aims at computerisation of treasuries
involving common set of standards for seamless
integration of participating agencies.
5. Municipalities Ministry of Urban The MMP aims at providing various services
Employment and offered by Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) to
Poverty Alleviation residents electronically.
6. Gram Ministry of Panchayati The MMP aims at improving governance at the
Panchayats Raj grass roots and providing various e-services at
the Panchayat level.
7. Commercial Ministry of Finance The MMP, which aims at providing electronic
Taxes services to commercial taxes payers, is being
8. Police (CCTNS) Ministry of Home The Mission Mode Project of the Police – Crime
Affairs and Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS) -
- is aimed at facilitating the process of civil
policing and law enforcement by utilizing ICT
effectively. Among many other services, it will
allow citizens to register and track an online
9. Employment Ministry of Labour & This MMP of the Ministry of Labour aims at
Exchanges Employment providing e-services to employment seekers and
10. E District Department of The MMP aims at delivery of high volume,
Information citizen-centric services at the District level such
Technology as issue of birth/death certificate, income and
caste certificate, old age and widow pension etc.
Mission Mode Projects - Integrated Category
1. EDI (e- Ministry of Commerce The MMP aims at facilitating Electronic Data
Commerce) & Industry/ Interchange amongst various agencies involved
Department of in the process of Imports and Exports.
2. e-Biz Department of The project aims to provide comprehensive
Industrial Policy & Government-to-Business (G2B) services to
Promotion / business entities with transparency, speed, and
Department of certainty
3. Common Department of The MMP is a part of the core and support
Services Information infrastructure of NeGP and aims towards offering
Centres Technology e-Governance services to rural citizens.
4. India Portal Department of The MMP aims towards providing a single
Information window access to information and services of
Technology and Government at all levels, in a multilingual form.
Department of

e-Governance Project Lifecycle

Line Ministry /Dept

No Projects Project Brief
Reforms & Public
5. National Department of The MMP aims at providing a common interface
Service Delivery Information between the service seekers and service
Gateway Technology providers (Government Department).
6. e-Courts Department of Justice, The MMP aims at utilising technology for
Ministry of Home improved provisioning of judicial services to
Affairs citizens.
7. e-Procurement Ministry of Commerce The MMP of the Ministry of Commerce aims at
& Industry/ DGS&D rolling-out IT-enabled procurement by
Government Departments.

3.6. NeGP Components

For the implementation of NeGP, DIT is creating Common Core and Support Infrastructure
(National/State Wide Area Networks, National/State Data Centres, CSCs & Electronic Service
Delivery Gateways) and has made suitable arrangements for monitoring and coordinating the
implementation of NeGP under the directions of the competent authorities in this regard. The 8
key components identified for successful implementation of various e-Governance Projects is as

Sr. No Support Components Line Ministry/Department


1. Core Policies DIT

2. Core Infrastructure (SWAN, NICNET, SDCs, etc.) DIT

3. Support Infrastructure (CSCs, etc.) DIT

4. Technical Assistance DIT

5. R&D DIT

6. Human Resource Development & Training DIT and DAR&PG

7. Awareness & Assessment DIT and DAR&PG

8. Organization structures DIT and DAR&PG

3.7. NeGP Framework

The e-Governance framework would include Back-ends (databases of the different government
agencies, service providers, state governments etc.), Middleware and the Front-end delivery
channels (home PCs, mobile phones, kiosks, integrated citizen service Centres etc.) for citizens
and businesses. The Middleware comprises of communication and security infrastructure,

e-Governance Project Lifecycle

The SSDG will link two major entities:

1. Service Providers (SP): The back-end government departments or any other third-party
agencies offering e-Services to citizens and businesses, and to other government departments,
are collectively referred to as Service Providers (SP). Third-party SPs may offer specialized
services such as authentication, payment gateway services, or joined-up services.
2. Service Access Providers (SAP): A Service Access Provider is an entity, which facilitates
government service access by Service Seekers, by providing a front-end infrastructure. Linked to
the Service Access Providers will be the Delivery Channels, which would be the access
mechanism for the citizens and businesses to avail the e-Governance services.


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