BG_3º_ESO_ HAND-IN_SHEETS_Human brain facts. Ficha entregable. Revised
BG_3º_ESO_ HAND-IN_SHEETS_Human brain facts. Ficha entregable. Revised
BG_3º_ESO_ HAND-IN_SHEETS_Human brain facts. Ficha entregable. Revised
1. Brain hemispheres
a). -Which hemisphere do you think worked better in the brains of the following famous people? Justify your answer.
b). - Do you think these three celebrities had bigger brains than other less intelligent people? Justify your answer…
c). -What about you? Which hemisphere do you think works better in your brain? Justify your answer………………..
2. Brain lobes
a). – It is true that each brain lobe has a porpoise. Color and label the following brain lobes diagram and
explain its porpoises and functions.
b). - Which brain lobes may be damaged in deaf and dumb people? And which one/s in blind people?..........
3. Brain internal anatomy
a). – Color and label the diagram.
Then, explain the function of the
numbered parts 5 and 6.
b). - According to what scientists have seen, which of these damages can be reversible? Justify your answer