S. L. Sondhi Et Al - Continuous Quantum Phase Transitions

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Continuous Quantum Phase Transitions

S. L. Sondhi

Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544

arXiv:cond-mat/9609279v1 29 Sep 1996

S. M. Girvin

Department of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington IN 47405

J. P. Carini

Department of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington IN 47405

D. Shahar

Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544

February 1, 2008 1

A quantum system can undergo a continuous phase transition at the absolute zero of temperature as some parameter entering its Hamiltonian is varied. These transitions are particularly interesting for, in contrast to their classical nite temperature counterparts, their dynamic and static critical behaviors are intimately intertwined. We show that considerable insight is gained by considering the path integral description of the quantum statistical mechanics of such systems, which takes the form of the classical statistical mechanics of a system in which time appears as an extra dimension. In particular, this allows the deduction of scaling forms for the nite temperature behavior, which turns out to be described by the theory of nite size scaling. It also leads naturally to the notion of a temperature-dependent dephasing length that governs the crossover between quantum and classical uctuations. We illustrate these ideas using Josephson junction arrays and with a set of recent experiments on phase transitions in systems exhibiting the quantum Hall eect.

I. Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Generalities A. Partition Functions and Path Integrals B. Example: 1D Josephson Junction Arrays C. Quantum-Classical Analogies D. Dynamics and Thermodynamics II. Quantum Phase Transitions A. T = 0: Dynamic Scaling B. T = 0: Finite Size Scaling C. The Quantum-Classical Crossover and the Dephasing Length III. Experiments: QPTs in Quantum Hall Systems A. Temperature and Frequency Scaling B. Current Scaling C. Universal Resistivities D. Unresolved Issues IV. Concluding Remarks, Other Systems ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Appendix A References 6 7 9 12 15 16 16 20 23 25 30 32 35 36 37 38 40 41

A century subsequent to Andrewss discovery of critical opalescence1 in carbon dioxide, continuous phase transitions continue to be a subject of great interest to physicists. The appeal of the subject is twofold. First, the list of systems that exhibit interesting phase transitions continues to expand; it now includes the Universe itself! Second, the formal theory of equilibrium phase transitions has found applications in problems as diverse as constructing eld and string theories of elementary particles, the transition to chaos in dynamical systems, and the long time behavior of systems out of equilibrium. Our purpose in this Colloquium is to give a brief and qualitative account of some basic features of a species of phase transitions,2 termed Quantum Phase Transitions (QPTs), that have attracted much interest in recent years. These transitions take place at the absolute zero of temperature, where crossing the phase boundary means that the quantum ground state of the system changes in some fundamental way. This is accomplished by changing not the temperature, but some parameter in the Hamiltonian of the system. This parameter might be the charging energy in Josephson junction arrays (which controls their superconductor-insulator transition), the magnetic eld in a quantum Hall sample (which controls the transition between quantized Hall plateaus), doping in the parent compound of a high Tc superconductor (which destroys the antiferromagnetic spin order), or disorder in a conductor near its metal-insulator transition (which determines the conductivity at zero temperature). These and other QPTs raise new and fascinating issues for theory and experiment, most notably the inescapable necessity of taking quantum eects into account. Exactly what quantum eects are at issue is a bit subtle. As a corollary of our denition, all nite temperature3 transitions are to be considered classical, even in highly quantum

1 Opalescence

is the strong reection of light by a system (such as an opal) due to uctuations

in its index of refraction on length scales comparable to the wavelengths of visible light. A liquid vapor system near its critical point has large density uctuations on length scales which can reach microns. This causes the system, which is normally transparent, to have a cloudy appearance. 2 Henceforth we shall use phase transitions as a shorthand for continuous phase transitions. 3 In an almost standard abuse of language, we refer to non-zero temperatures as nite.

mechanical systems like superuid helium or superconductors. It is not that quantum mechanics is unimportant in these cases, for in its absence there would not be an ordered state, i.e. the superuid or superconductor. Nevertheless, suciently close to the critical point quantum uctuations are important at the microscopic scale, but not at the longer length scales that control the critical behavior; in the jargon of statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics is needed for the existence of an order parameter4 but it is classical thermal uctuations that govern it at long wavelengths. For instance, near the superuid lambda transition in 4 He, the order parameter is a complex-valued eld which is related to the underlying condensate wave function. However, its critical uctuations can be captured exactly by doing classical statistical mechanics with an eective Hamiltonian for the order parameter eld (for instance the phenomenological Landau-Ginsburg free energy functional (Goldenfeld, 1992)). The physics behind the classical nature of nite temperature transitions is the following: Phase transitions are quite generally accompanied by a divergent correlation length and correlation time, i.e. the order parameter (e.g. the magnetization in a ferromagnet) uctuates coherently over increasing distances and ever more slowly. The latter implies that there is a frequency associated with the critical uctuations that vanishes at the transition. A quantum system behaves classically if the temperature exceeds all frequencies of interest, and since h kB Tc close to the transition, the critical uctuations will behave classically. This argument also shows that the case of QPTs where Tc = 0, is qualitatively dierent and that there the critical uctuations must be treated quantum mechanically. In the following we will describe the language and physical pictures that enable such a treatment

4 An

order parameter is a quantity which is zero in the disordered phase and non-zero in the

ordered state. In systems that spontaneously break some symmetry in the ordered state, the nature (and value) of the order parameter reects this broken symmetry. Thus for example in an Ising ferromagnet, the magnetization is a positive or negative real number indicating the dierence in populations of the up and down spins. See Goldenfeld (1992).

and which have come into common usage among practitioners in the eld in the last few years. Although much of this wisdom, which has its roots in work on quantum Ising models (Young, 1975; Suzuki, 1976), dates back to the work of Hertz (1976)5, it remains unknown or poorly understood in the wider community and extracting it from the literature remains a daunting task. It is our hope here to communicate this set of ideas to a wider audience with the particular desire to be helpful to newcomers to this eld, experimentalists and theorists alike. Our discussion is organized as follows. In Section I we introduce the statistical mechanics of quantum systems and the path integral (Feynman, 1972) approach to it, which is an extremely useful source of intuition in these problems. A running theme throughout this discussion is the intertwining of dynamics and thermodynamics in quantum statistical mechanics. In Section I.A we describe the general features of a QPT at T = 0 and how a non-zero temperature alters the physics. This leads naturally to a discussion of what kind of scaling behavior in experiments is evidence of an underlying QPT in Section I.B. We illustrate this using particular examples from phase transitions in quantum Hall systems. We end in Section IV with a brief summary and pointers to work on QPTs in other interesting systems. Readers interested in a highly informative discussion at a higher technical level should consult the recent beautiful review article by Sachdev (1996).


Before we discuss what happens in the vicinity of a QPT, let us recall some very general features of the statistical mechanics of quantum systems. The quantities of interest are the partition function of the system, Z() = Tr eH (1)

5 We

should note that the contemporaneous explosion of work on the one-dimensional electron gas

(Emery, 1979) provided important, early illustrations of these ideas.

and the expectation values of various operators, O = 1 Tr OeH . Z() (2)

In writing these formal expressions we have assumed a nite temperature, kB T = 1/. To get at what happens exactly at T = 0 we take the T 0 limit. Upon doing so, the free energy,
1 F = ln Z(), becomes the ground state energy and the various thermal averages become

ground state expectation values. From Z we can get all the thermodynamic quantities of interest. Expectation values of operators of the form O A(rt)A(r t ) are related to the results of dynamical scattering and linear response measurements. For example, A might be the local density (X-ray scattering) or current (electrical transport).

A. Partition Functions and Path Integrals

Let us focus for now on the expression for Z. Notice that the operator density matrix,
h eH , is the same as the time evolution operator, eiHT / , provided we assign the imaginary

value T = i to the time interval over which the system evolves. More precisely, when h the trace is written in terms of a complete set of states, Z() =

n|eH |n ,


Z takes the form of a sum of imaginary time transition amplitudes for the system to start in some state |n and return to the same state after an imaginary time interval i . Thus h we see that calculating the thermodynamics of a quantum system is the same as calculating transition amplitudes for its evolution in imaginary time, the total time interval being xed by the temperature of interest. The fact that the time interval happens to be imaginary is not central. The key idea we hope to transmit to the reader is that Eq.(3) should evoke an image of quantum dynamics and temporal propagation. This way of looking at things can be given a particularly beautiful and practical implementation in the language of Feynmans path integral formulation of quantum mechanics (Feynman, 1972). Feynmans prescription is that the net transition amplitude between two 7

states of the system can be calculated by summing amplitudes for all possible paths between them. The path taken by the system is dened by specifying the state of the system at a sequence of nely spaced intermediate time steps. Formally we write
eH = e h H 1


where is a time interval6 which is small on the time scales of interest ( = h/ where is some ultraviolet cuto) and N is a large integer chosen so that N = h. We then insert a sequence of sums over complete sets of intermediate states into the expression for Z(): Z() =
n m1 ,m2 ,...,mN
n|e h H |m1 m1 |e h H |m2 m2 | . . . |mN mN |e h H |n . 1 1 1


This rather messy expression actually has a rather simple physical interpretation. Formally inclined readers will observe that the expression for the quantum partition function in Eq. (5) has the form of a classical partition function, i.e. a sum over congurations expressed in terms of a transfer matrix, if we think of imaginary time as an additional spatial dimension. In particular, if our quantum system lives in d dimensions, the expression for its partition function looks like a classical partition function for a system with d + 1 dimensions, except that the extra dimension is nite in extent in units of time. As T 0 the system h size in this extra time direction diverges and we get a truly d + 1 dimensional, eective, classical system. Since this equivalence between a d dimensional quantum system and a d + 1 dimensional classical system is crucial to everything else we have to say, and since Eq. (5) is probably not very illuminating for readers not used to a daily regimen of transfer matrices, it will be very useful to consider a specic example in order to be able to visualize what Eq. (5) means.

6 For

convenience we have chosen to be real, so that the small interval of imaginary time that

it represents is i .

B. Example: 1D Josephson Junction Arrays

Consider a one-dimensional array comprising a large number L of identical Josephson junctions as illustrated in Fig. (1). Such arrays have recently been studied by by Haviland and Delsing. (Haviland and Delsing, 1996) A Josephson junction is a tunnel junction connecting two superconducting metallic grains. Cooper pairs of electrons are able to tunnel back and forth between the grains and hence communicate information about the quantum state on each grain. If the Cooper pairs are able to move freely from grain to grain throughout the array, the system is a superconductor. If the grains are very small however, it costs a large charging energy to move an excess Cooper pair onto a grain. If this energy is large enough, the Cooper pairs fail to propagate and become stuck on individual grains, causing the system to be an insulator. The essential degrees of freedom in this system are the phases of the complex superconducting order parameter on the metallic elements connected by the junctions7 and their conjugate variables, the charges (excess Cooper pairs, or equivalently the voltages) on each grain. The intermediate state |mj at time j j , that enters the quan-

tum partition function Eq. (5), can thus be dened by specifying the set of phase angles {(j )} [1 (j ), 2 (j ), . . . , L (j )]. Two typical paths or time histories on the interval [0, h] are illustrated in Fig. (2) and Fig. (3), where the orientation of the arrows (spins) indicates the local phase angle of the order parameter. The statistical weight of a given path, in the sum in Eq. (5), is given by the product of the matrix elements
{(j+1 )}|e h H |{(j )} , 1


where H= C 2 Vj2 EJ cos j j+1 , (7)

7 It

is believed that neglecting uctuations in the magnitude of the order parameter is a good

approximation; see Bradley and Doniach (1984); Wallin et al. (1994)

is the quantum Hamiltonian of the Josephson junction array. Here j is the operator repre senting the phase of the superconducting order parameter on the jth grain8 ; Vj i 2e j C

is conjugate to the phase9 and is the voltage on the jth junction, and EJ is the Josephson coupling energy. The two terms in the Hamiltonian then represent the charging energy of each grain and the Josephson coupling of the phase across the junction between grains. As indicated previously, we can map the quantum statistical mechanics of the array onto classical statistical mechanics by identifying the the statistical weight of a space-time path in Eq. (6) with the Boltzmann weight of a two-dimensional spatial conguration of a classical system. In this case the classical system is therefore a two-dimensional X-Y model, i.e. its degrees of freedom are planar spins, specied by angles i , that live on a two-dimensional square lattice. (Recall that at temperatures above zero, the lattice has a nite width h/ in the temporal direction.) While the degrees of freedom are easily identied, nding the classical hamiltonian for this X-Y model is somewhat more work and requires an explicit evaluation of the matrix elements which interested readers can nd in the Appendix. It is shown in the Appendix that, in an approximation that preserves the universality class of the problem10 , the product of matrix elements in Eq. (6) can be rewritten in the

8 Our

notation here is that {( )} refers to the conguration of the entire set of angle vari-

ables at time slice . The s appearing in the Hamiltonian in Eq.(7) are angular coordinate operators and j is a site label. The state at time slice is an eigenfunction of these operators: cos j j+1 |{( )} = cos (j ( ) j+1 ( )) |{( )} . 9 It is useful to think of this as a quantum rotor model. The state with wave function eimj j has mj units of angular momentum representing mj excess Cooper pairs on grain j. The Cooper-pair
number operator in this representation is nj = i j . See (Wallin, et al., 1994). The cosine term in

Eq.(7) is a torque term which transfers units of conserved angular momentum (Cooper pairs) from site to site. Note that the potential energy of the bosons is represented, somewhat paradoxically, by the kinetic energy of the quantum rotors and vice versa. 10 That is, the approximation is such that the universal aspects of the critical behavior such as


form eHXY where the Hamiltonian of the equivalent classical X-Y model is HXY = 1 K cos(i j ), (8)


and the sum runs over near-neighbor points in the two-dimensional (space-time) lattice.11 The nearest neighbor character of the couplings identies the classical model as the 2D X-Y model, extensively studied in the context of superuid and superconducting lms (Goldenfeld, 1992; Chaikin and Lubensky, 1995). We emphasize that while the straightforward identication of the degrees of freedom of the classical model in this example is robust, this simplicity of the resulting classical Hamiltonian is something of a minor miracle. It is essential to note that the dimensionless coupling constant K in HXY , which plays the role of the temperature in the classical model, depends on the ratio of the capacitive charging energy EC =
(2e)2 C

to the Josephson coupling EJ in the array, K EC . EJ (9)

and has nothing to do with the physical temperature. (See Appendix.) The physics here is that a large Josephson coupling produces a small value of K which favors coherent ordering of the phases. That is, small K makes it unlikely that i and j will dier signicantly, even when sites i and j are far apart (in space and/or time). Conversely, a large charging energy leads to a large value of K which favors zero-point uctuations of the phases and disorders the system. That is, large K means that the s are nearly independent and all values are nearly equally likely.12 Finally, we note that this equivalence generalizes to d-dimensional

the exponents and scaling functions will be given without error. However, non-universal quantities such as the critical coupling will dier from an exact evaluation. Technically, the neglected terms are irrelevant at the xed point underlying the transition. 11 Notice this crucial change in notation from Eq.(7) where j refers to a point in 1D space, not 1+1D space-time. 12 Because particle number is conjugate to the phase [ = i ], a state of indenite phase on nj j a site has denite charge on that site, as would be expected for an insulator.


arrays and d+1-dimensional classical XY models.

C. Quantum-Classical Analogies

This specic example of the equivalence between a quantum system and a classical system with an extra temporal dimension, illustrates several general correspondences between quantum systems and their eective classical analogs. Standard lore tells us that the classical XY model has an order-disorder phase transition as its temperature K is varied. It follows that the quantum array has a phase transition as the ratio of its charging and Josephson energies is varied. One can thus see why it is said that the superconductor-insulator quantum phase transition in a 1-dimensional Josephson junction array is in the same universality class as the order-disorder phase transition of the 1+1-dimensional classical XY model. [One crucial caveat is that the XY model universality class has strict particle-hole symmetry for the bosons (Cooper pairs) on each site. In reality, Josephson junction arrays contain random oset charges which destroy this symmetry and change the universality class (Wallin, et al., 1994), a fact which is all too often overlooked.] We emphasize again that K is the temperature only in the eective classical problem. In the quantum case, the physical temperature is presumed to be nearly zero and only enters as the nite size of the system in the imaginary time direction. The coupling constant K, the fake temperature, is a measure not of thermal uctuations, but of the strength of quantum uctuations, or zero point motion of the phase variables.13 This notion is quite confusing, so the reader might be well advised to pause here and contemplate it further. It may be useful to examine Fig. (4), where we show a space time lattice for the XY model corresponding to a Josephson junction array at a certain temperature, and at a temperature half as large.

13 Zero

point motion of the phase variables is caused by the fact that there is an uncertainty

relation between the phase and the number of Cooper pairs on a superconducting grain. The more well-dened the phase is, the larger the uncertainty in the charge is. This costs capacitive energy.


The size of the lattice constant in the time direction [ in the path integral in Eq. (5)] and K are the same in both cases even though the physical temperature is not the same. The only dierence is that one lattice is larger in the time direction than the other. In developing intuition about this picture, it may be helpful to see how classical physics is recovered at very high temperatures. In that limit, the time interval h is very short compared to the periods associated with the natural frequency scales in the system and typical time histories will consist of a single static conguration which is the same at each time slice. The dynamics therefore drops out of the problem and a Boltzmann weight exp(Hclassical ) is recovered from the path integral. The thermodynamic phases of the array can be identied from those of the XY model. A small value of K corresponds to low temperature in the classical system and so the quantum system will be in the ordered ferromagnetic phase of the XY model, as illustrated in Fig. (2). There will be long-range correlations in both space and time of the phase variables.14 This indicates that the Josephson coupling dominates over the charging energy, and the order parameter is not uctuating wildly in space or time so that the system is in the superconducting phase. For large K, the system is disordered and the order parameter uctuates wildly. The correlations decay exponentially in space and time as illustrated in Fig. (3). This indicates that the system is in the insulating phase, where the charging energy dominates over the Josephson coupling energy. Why can we assert that correlations which decay exponentially in imaginary time indicate an excitation gap characteristic of an insulator? This is readily seen by noting that the Heisenberg representation of an operator in imaginary time is
h h A( ) = eH / AeH /


and so the (ground state) correlation function for any operator can be expressed in terms of

14 In

this special 1+1D case, the correlations happen to decay algebraically rather than being truly

of innite range.


a complete set of states as G( ) 0|A( )A(0)|0 =

h e(m 0 ) / | 0|A|m |2,


where m is the energy of the mth excited state. The existence of a nite minimum excitation gap 01 1 0 guarantees that for long (imaginary) times the correlation function will decay exponentially,15 i.e.,
h G( ) e01 / .


To recapitulate, we have managed to map the nite temperature 1D quantum problem into a 2D classical problem with one nite dimension that diverges as T 0. The parameter that controls the uctuations in the eective classical problem does not involve T , but instead is a measure of the quantum uctuations. The classical model exhibits two phases, one ordered and one disordered. These correspond to the superconducting and insulating phases in the quantum problem. In the former the zero-point or quantum uctuations of the order parameter are small. In the latter they are large. The set of analogies developed here between quantum and classical critical systems is summarized in Table I. Besides the beautiful formal properties of the analogy between the quantum path integral and d + 1 dimensional statistical mechanics, there are very practical advantages to this analogy. In many cases, particularly for systems without disorder, the universality class of the quantum transition is one that has already been studied extensively classically and a great deal may already be known about it. For new universality classes, it is possible to do the quantum mechanics by classical Monte Carlo or molecular dynamics simulations of the appropriate d + 1-dimensional model. Finally, there is a special feature of our particular example that should be noted. In this case the quantum system, the 1D Josephson junction array (which is also the 1D quantum

15 At

T = 0 and for very long times (comparable to h), the niteness in the time direction will

modify this result. Also, we implicitly assume here that 0|A|0 = 0.


X-Y model), has mapped onto a classical model in which space and time enter in the same fashion, i.e., the isotropic 2D classical X-Y model. Consequently, the dynamical exponent z (to be dened below) is unity. This is not true in generaldepending upon the quantum kinetics, the coupling in the time direction can have a very dierent form and the eective classical system is then intrinsically anisotropic and not so simply related to the starting quantum system.

D. Dynamics and Thermodynamics

We end this account of quantum statistical mechanics by commenting on the relationship between dynamics and thermodynamics. In classical statistical mechanics, dynamics and thermodynamics are separable, i.e., the momentum and position sums in the partition function are totally independent. For example, we do not need to know the mass of the particles to compute their positional correlations. In writing down simple non-dynamical models, e.g. the Ising model, we typically take advantage of this simplicity. This freedom is lost in the quantum problem because coordinates and momenta do not commute.16 It is for this reason that our path integral expression for Z contains information on the imaginary time evolution of the system over the interval [0, h], and, with a little bit of care, that information can be used to get the dynamics in real time by the analytic continuation,

16 Stated

more formally, calculating Z classically only requires knowledge of the form of the Hamil-

tonian function and not of the equations of motion, while both enter the quantum calculation. Recall that H alone does not x the equations of motion; one also needs the Poisson brackets/commutators among the phase space variables. While these determine the classical oscillation frequencies, they do not enter the classical calculation of Z. In quantum mechanics h times the classical oscillation frequencies yields the energy level spacing. Hence the commutators are needed to nd the eigenvalues of the quantum H needed to compute the quantum Z.


G( ) G(+it)


in Eq. (11). Stating it in reverse, one cannot solve for the thermodynamics without also solving for the dynamicsa feature that makes quantum statistical mechanics more interesting but that much harder to do! Heuristically, the existence of h implies that energy scales that enter thermodynamics necessarily determine time scales which then enter the dynamics and vice-versa. Consider the eect of a characteristic energy scale, such as a gap , in the spectrum. By the uncertainty principle there will be virtual excitations across this gap on a time scale h/, which will appear as the characteristic time scale for the dynamics. Close to the critical point, where vanishes, and at nite temperature this argument gets modiedthe relevant uncertainty in the energy is now kB T and the characteristic time scale is h. In either case, the linkage between dynamics and thermodynamics is clear.


We now turn our attention to the immediate neighborhood of a quantum critical point. In this region the mapping of the quantum system to a d+1 dimensional classical model will allow us to make powerful general statements about the former using the extensive lore on critical behavior in the latter. Hence most of the following will consist of a reinterpretation of standard ideas in classical statistical mechanics in terms appropriate for d + 1 dimensions, where the extra dimension is imaginary time.

A. T = 0: Dynamic Scaling

In the vicinity of a continuous quantum phase transition we will nd several features of interest. First, we will nd a correlation length that diverges as the transition is approached. That diverging correlation lengths are a generic feature of classical critical points, immediately tells us that diverging lengths and diverging times are automatically a generic feature


of quantum critical points, since one of the directions in the d+1 dimensional space is time. This makes sense from the point of view of causality. It should take a longer and longer time to propagate information across the distance of the correlation length. Actually, we have to be carefulas we remarked earlier, the time direction might easily involve a dierent set of interactions than the spatial directions, leading to a distinct correlation length in the time direction. We will call the latter , reserving the symbol for the spatial correlation length. Generically, at T = 0 both (K) and (K) diverge as K Kc 0 in the manner,17 || z . (14)

These asymptotic forms serve to dene the correlation length exponent , and the dynamical scaling exponent, z. The nomenclature is historical, referring to the extension of scaling ideas from the study of static classical critical phenomena to dynamics in the critical region associated with critical slowing down (Hohenberg and Halperin, 1977; Ferrell, 1968). In the classical problem the extension was a non-trivial step, deserving of a proper label. As remarked before, the quantum problem involves statics and dynamics on the same footing and so nothing less is possible. For the case of the Josephson junction array considered previously, we found the simplest possible result, z = 1. As noted however this is a special isotropic case and in general, z = 1. As a consequence of the diverging and , it turns out that various physical quantities in the critical region close to the transition have (dynamic) scaling forms, i.e. their dependence on the independent variables involves homogeneity relations of the form: O(k, , K) = dO O(k, )
17 Here


and in the following, we do not write the microscopic length and time scales that are

needed to make dimensional sense of these equations. See Goldenfeld (1992).


where dO is called the scaling dimension18 of the observable O measured at wavevector k and frequency . The meaning of (and assumption behind) these scaling forms is simply that, close to the critical point, there is no characteristic length scale other than itself19 and no characteristic time scale other than . Thus the specic value of the coupling K does not appear explicitly on the RHS of Eq.(15). It is present only implicitly through the K dependence of and . If we specialize to the scale invariant critical point, the scaling form in Eq.(15) is no longer applicable since the correlation length and times have diverged to innity. In this case the only characteristic length left is the wavelength 2/k at which the measurement is being made, whence the only characteristic frequency is k z . As a result we nd the simpler scaling form: O(k, , Kc ) = k dO O(k z /), reecting the presence of quantum uctuations on all length and time scales.20 The utility and power of these scaling forms can be illustrated by the following example. In an ordinary classical system at a critical point in d dimensions where the correlation length has diverged, the correlations of many operators typically fall o as a power law G(r) O(r)O(0) 1 r (d2+d ) , (17) (16)

18 The

scaling dimension describes how physical quantities change under a renormalization group

transformation in which short wavelength degrees of freedom are integrated out. As this is partly a naive change of scale, the scaling dimension is often close to the naive (engineering) dimension of the observable but (except at special, non-generic, xed points) most operators develop anomalous dimensions. See Goldenfeld (1992). 19 For a more precise statement that includes the role of cuto scales, see Goldenfeld (1992). 20 Equivalently, we could have argued that the scaling function on the RHS of Eq.(15) must for large arguments x, y have the form O(x, y) xdO O(xz y 1 ) in order for the observable to have a sensible limit as the critical point is approached.


so that the Fourier transform diverges at small wavevectors like G(k) k 2+d . (18)

Suppose that we are interested in a QPT for which the d+1-dimensional classical system is eectively isotropic and the dynamical exponent z = 1. Then the Fourier transform of the correlation function for the d + 1-dimensional problem is G(k, n )
2 k 2 + n 2+d+1


where the d + 1 component of the wavevector is simply the Matsubara frequency used to Fourier transform in the time direction. Analytic continuation to real frequencies via the usual prescription (Mahan, 1990) in + i yields the retarded correlation function GR (k, + i) k 2 ( + i)2
(2+d+1 )/2


Instead of a pole at the frequency of some coherently oscillating collective mode, we see instead that GR (k, + i) has a branch cut for frequencies above = k (we have implicitly set the characteristic velocity to unity). Thus we see that there is no characteristic frequency other than k itself (in general, k z as in Eq.(16)), as we discussed above. This implies that collective modes have become overdamped and the system is in an incoherent diusive regime. The review by Sachdev contains some specic examples which nicely illustrate these points (Sachdev, 1996). Finally, three comments are in order. First, as we saw in the example of the Josephson junction array, a nite temporal correlation length means that there is a gap in the spectrum of the quantum problem. Conversely, critical systems are gapless. Second, the exponent z is a measure of how skewed time is, relative to space, in the critical region. This does not, a priori, have anything to do with what happens in either of the phases. For example, one should resist the temptation to deduce the value of z via q z from the dispersion of any Goldstone mode21 in the ordered phase. This is incorrect since the exponent z is a property

21 A

Goldstone mode is a gapless excitation that is present as a result of a broken continuous


of the critical point itself, not of the ordered phase. Third, we should restate the well known wisdom that the diverging lengths and the associated scaling of physical quantities are particularly interesting because they represent universal behavior, i.e., behavior insensitive to microscopic details within certain global constraints such as symmetry and dimensionality (Goldenfeld, 1992).

B. T = 0: Finite Size Scaling

So far we have described the framework, appropriate to the system at T = 0, that would describe the underlying QPT in any system. As the experimentally accessible behavior of the system necessarily involves a non-zero temperature, we need to understand how to modify the scaling forms of the previous section for the T = 0 problem. The crucial observation for this purpose is , as noted earlier and illustrated in Fig. (4), that the only eect of taking T = 0 in the partition function (5) is to make the temporal dimension nite; in particular, there is no change in the coupling K with physical temperature. The eective classical system now resembles a hyper-slab with d spatial dimensions (taken to be innite in extent) and one temporal dimension of size L h. As phase tran sitions depend sensitively upon the dimensionality of the system, we expect the niteness of L to modify the critical behavior, since at the longest length scales the system is now d dimensional. This modication can take two forms. First, it can destroy the transition entirely so that

symmetry in the ordered phase of a system. Broken continuous symmetry means that the energy is degenerate under a continuous family of uniform global symmetry transformations, for example uniform rotation of the magnetization in an XY magnet. This implies that non-uniform but long wavelength rotations must cost very little energy and hence there exists a low-energy collective mode in which the order parameter uctuates at long wavelengths. See Goldenfeld (1992) and Chaikin and Lubensky (1995).


the only critical point is at T = 0. This happens in the case of the 1D Josephson array. Its nite temperature physics is that of an XY model on an innite strip which, being a one dimensional classical system with short-range forces, is disordered at all nite values of K (nite temperatures in the classical language). In the second form, the modication is such that the transition persists to T = 0 but crosses over to a dierent universality class. For example, the problem of a 2D Josephson junction array maps onto a 3(=2+1) dimensional classical XY model. Its phase diagram is illustrated in Fig. (5). At T = 0 the QPT for the transition from superconductor to insulator is characterized by the exponents of the 3D XY model. That is, it looks just like the classical lambda transition in liquid helium with K Kc playing the role of T Tc in the helium. However at T = 0 the system is eectively two dimensional and undergoes a transition of the 2D Kosterlitz-Thouless22 XY variety at a new, smaller, value of K, much like a helium lm. The Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) transition occurs on the solid line in Fig. (5). We see that it is necessary to reduce the quantum uctuations (by making K smaller) in order to allow the system to order at nite temperatures. Above some critical temperature, the system will become disordered (via the KT mechanism) owing to thermal uctuations. Of course, if we make K larger the quantum uctuations are then so large that the system does not order at any temperature, even zero. The region on the K axis (i.e., at T = 0) to the right of the QCP in Fig. (5) represents the quantum disordered superconductor, that is, the insulator. At nite temperatures, no system with a nite gap is ever truly insulating. However there is a crossover regime, illustrated by the dotted line in Fig. (5) separating the regimes where the temperature is smaller and larger than the gap. At this point the reader might wonder how one learns anything at all about the QPT if the eects of temperature are so dramatic. The answer is that even though the niteness of

22 The

Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition is a special transition exhibited by two-dimensional

systems having a continuous XY symmetry. It involves the unbinding of topological vortex defects. See Goldenfeld (1992) and Chaikin and Lubensky (1995).


L causes a crossover away from the T = 0 behavior, suciently close to the T = 0 critical point, it does so in a fashion controlled by the physics at that critical point. This is not an unfamiliar assertion. In the language of the renormalization group, critical points are always unstable xed points and lead to scaling not because they decide where the system ends up but because they control how long it takes to get there. Here, instead of moving the system away from the critical xed point by tuning a parameter, we do so by reducing its dimensionality. Since the physics has to be continuous in temperature, the question arises of how large the temperature has to be before the system knows that its dimension has been reduced. The answer to this is illustrated in Fig. (6). When the coupling K is far away from the zerotemperature critical coupling Kc the correlation length is not large and the corresponding correlation time z is small. As long as the correlation time is smaller than the system thickness h, the system does not realize that the temperature is nite. That is, the characteristic uctuation frequencies obey h kB T and so are quantum mechanical in nature. However as the critical coupling is approached, the correlation time grows and eventually exceeds h. (More precisely, the correlation time that the system would have had at zero temperature exceeds h; the actual uctuation correlation time is thus limited by temperature.) At this point the system knows that the temperature is nite and realizes that it is now eectively a d-dimensional classical system rather than a d + 1-dimensional system. The formal theory of the eect of reduced dimensionality near critical points, which quanties the above considerations, is called nite size scaling (Privman, 1990). For our problem it asserts that for [K Kc ]/Kc 1 and T 0, physical quantities have the nite size scaling form,
d O(k, , K, T ) = L O /z O(kL1/z , L , L / ).


The interpretation of this form is the following. The quantity L h dened above leads, as discussed in more detail below, to a characteristic length L1/z associated with the 22

temperature. Hence the prefactor LdO /z is the analog of the corresponding prefactor in Eq. (15). This same characteristic length is the only one against which to measure the wave vector k. The associated time L is the time scale against which to measure the frequency in the second term. Finally the distance to the zero temperature critical coupling is measured via the ratio of L to the zero temperature correlation time . The message here is that what matters is the ratio of the nite size in the time direction to the T = 0 correlation length in that direction. We will return to the uses of this form shortly. Our considerations in this section also show us why the phase boundary in Fig. (5) (solid line) and the crossover line (dashed line) reach zero temperature in a singular way as the quantum critical point is approached. Simple dimensional analysis tells us that the characteristic energy scale ( for the insulator, TKT for the superuid) vanishes near the critical point like h/ , implying |K Kc |z (K Kc ) TKT |K Kc |z (Kc K). (22)

C. The Quantum-Classical Crossover and the Dephasing Length

We now turn to a somewhat dierent understanding and interpretation of the eect of temperature that is conceptually of great importance. Recall that the T = 0 critical points of interest to us are gapless and scale invariant, i.e., they have quantum uctuations at all frequencies down to zero. Temperature introduces a new energy scale into the problem. Modes whose frequencies are larger than kB T / are largely unaected, while those h with frequencies lower than kB T / become occupied by many quanta with the consequence h that they behave classically. Put dierently, the temperature cuts o coherent quantum uctuations in the infrared. What we want to show next is that this existence of a quantum to classical crossover frequency (kB T / ) leads to an associated length scale for the same crossover, as alluded h 23

to in the previous section. We shall refer to this length scale as the dephasing length, L , associated with the QPT. The temperature dependence of L is easy enough to calculate. From our imaginary time formalism we recall that quantum uctuations are uctuations in the temporal direction. Evidently these cannot be longer-ranged than the size of the system in the time direction, L = h. Since spatial and temporal correlations are linked via z , it follows that the spatial correlations linked with quantum uctuations are not longer ranged than L1/z . Since the spatial range of quantum uctuations is the dephasing length, we nd L 1/T 1/z . We use the term dephasing deliberately. Readers may know, from other contexts where quantum eects are observed, that such observation requires phase coherence for the relevant degrees of freedom. In other words, interference terms should not be wiped out by interactions with an environment, i.e. other degrees of freedom (Stern, et al., 1990). If dephasing takes place and the phase coherence is lost, the resulting behavior is classical. Thus our denition of L is in line with that notion. However, readers familiar with the notion of a dephasing length, , in mesoscopic condensed matter physics or the theory of Anderson localization, might be concerned at our appropriation of this notion. The concern arises because, in the standard lore in those elds, one is often dealing with models of noninteracting or even interacting electrons, whose quantum coherence is limited by degrees of freedom, e.g. phonons, that are not being considered explicitly. This has given rise to a tradition of thinking of as being a length which is set externally. Unfortunately this sort of separation of degrees of freedom should not be expected to work near a QPT, since there one needs to keep track of all relevant interactions. If a given interaction, e.g. the Coulomb interaction, is relevant, then it already sits in the Hamiltonian we need to solve and enters the calculation of L . In contrast, if an interaction, e.g. coupling to phonons, is irrelevant then we do not expect it to enter the low energy physics as it should not in general aect the quantum-classical crossover either. Another way of formulating this is in terms of dephasing rates. Since temperature is the only energy scale available, a generic quantum critical point will be characterized by a 24

1 dephasing rate that is linear in T , since we expect h/ kB T . By denition, irrelevant

interactions, e.g. phonons, have an eective coupling to the electrons which scales away to zero as one examines the system on larger length and time scales. Hence such couplings will produce a dephasing rate which vanishes as T p with p > 1 and will therefore become negligible compared to T at low temperatures.23 Thus we conclude that L is the unique dephasing length in the vicinity of a generic quantum critical point. Further discussion and explicit examples of the dissipative dynamics near a critical point can be found in the article by Sachdev (1996).


We now turn from our somewhat abstract considerations to examples of how one actually looks for a QPT in experiments. The basic idea is relatively simple. We try to arrange that the system is close to the conjectured critical point in parameter space (K Kc ) and temperature (T 0) and look for mutually consistent evidence of scaling with various relevant parameters. By these we mean either the deviation of the quantum coupling constant from its critical value K Kc , the temperature, or the wavevector, frequency and amplitude of a probe. We call these relevant parameters since when they are non-zero the response of the system has no critical singularities due to the quantum critical pointhence the analogy

23 Equivalently,

the associated length scale will diverge faster than L as T 0 and hence will not

control the quantum-classical crossover of the relevant degrees of freedom, since it is the shortest length that counts. There are times when this sort of reasoning can break down. These situations involve operators that are irrelevant, i.e., decrease in the infrared, but cannot be naively set to zero since that produces extra singularities. Such operators are known in the trade as dangerous irrelevant operators and we will meet an example in the next section, in the context of current scaling.


to relevant operators in renormalization group theory.24 Additionally, we can look for universal critical amplitudes or amplitude ratios that are implicit in scaling forms for various quantities. To see how this works, we will consider as a specic example, a set of recent experiments on phase transitions in quantum Hall systems. We derive various scaling relations appropriate to the experiments, even though we do not actually know the correct theory describing the QPT in this disordered, interacting fermi system. The very generality of the scaling arguments we will apply implies that one need not have a detailed microscopic understanding of the physics to extract useful information. Nevertheless, we will start with some introductory background for readers unfamiliar with the quantum Hall eect (Prange and Girvin, 1990; Chakraborty and Pietilinen, 1995; MacDonald, 1989; Stone, 1992; Kivelson a et al., 1993; Das Sarma and Pinczuk, 1996). The quantum Hall eect (QHE) is a property of a two dimensional electron system placed in a strong transverse magnetic eld, B 10T . These systems are produced, using modern semiconductor fabrication techniques, at the interface of two semiconductors with dierent band gaps. The electronic motion perpendicular to the interface is conned to a potential well 100 thick. Because the well is so thin, the minimum excitation energy perpendicular A
24 Consider

for example a weak magnetic eld applied to a system undergoing ferromagnetic or-

dering. The magnetic eld is relevant and removes the sharp singularity in magnetization at the critical temperature, replacing it with a rapid but smooth increase in magnetization. Likewise, measurements at a non-zero frequency and wavevector do not exhibit singularities across a transition. For quantum systems, changes in the coupling and the temperature can produce more subtle eects: they will cut o the critical uctuations coming from the proximity to the quantum critical point, but either Goldstone modes coming from a broken continuous symmetry or purely classical (thermal) uctuations could lead to independent singularities in the thermodynamics and response. We saw an example of the latter in the persistence of a phase transition at nite temperatures for the 2D Josephson junction array.


to the 2D plane ( 200K) is much larger than the temperature ( 1K) and so motion in this third dimension is frozen out, leaving the system dynamically two-dimensional. As the ratio of the density to the magnetic eld is varied at T = 0, the electrons condense into a remarkable sequence of distinct thermodynamic phases.25 These phases are most strikingly characterized by their unique electrical transport properties, as illustrated in Fig (7). Within each phase the current ow is dissipationless, in that the longitudinal resistivity, L , that gives the electric eld along the direction of current ow (EL = L j) vanishes. At the same time that the longitudinal resistivity vanishes, the Hall resistivity, H , that gives the electric eld transverse to the direction of current ow (EH = H j) becomes quantized in rational multiples of the quantum of resistance H = h B e2 (23)

where B is an integer or simple rational fraction which serves to distinguish between the dierent phases. This quantization has been veried to an accuracy of about one part in 107 and to an even higher precision. The QHE arises from a commensuration between electron density and magnetic ux density, i.e. a sharp lowering of the energy when their ratio, the lling factor B , takes on particular rational values. This commensuration is equivalent to the existence of an energy gap in the excitation spectrum at these magic lling factors and leads to dissipationless ow at T = 0 since degrading a small current requires making arbitrarily small energy excitations which are unavailable. In the absence of disorder, Eqn. (23) follows straightforwardly, for example by invoking Galilean invariance (Prange and Girvin, 1990). As the magnetic eld (or density) is varied away from the magic lling factor, it is no longer possible for the system to maintain commensuration over its entire area, and it is forced to introduce a certain density of defects to take up the discommensuration. In the presence of disorder, these

25 The

exact membership of the sequence is sample specic but obeys certain selection rules

(Kivelson et al., 1992).


defects, which are the quasiparticles of the system, become localized and do not contribute to the resistivities, which remain at their magic values. In this fashion, we get a QH phase or a plateau. Transitions between QH phases occur when too many quasiparticles have been introduced into the original QH state and it becomes energetically favorable to move to the basin of attraction of a dierent state and its associated defects. It might appear that these transitions between neighboring phases are rst order, since H jumps discontinuously by a discrete amount between them, but they are not. Qualitatively, they involve the quasiparticles of each phase which are localized on a length scale, the localization length, that diverges as the transition is approached from either side. However, as these quasiparticles are always localized at the longest length scale away from criticality, they do not lead to dissipation (L = 0) and do not renormalize the Hall resistivities of their respective phases. Exactly at the transition they are delocalized and lead to a non-zero L . The shift in H on moving through the transition can be understood in terms of either set of quasiparticles condensing into a uid statethere being an underlying duality in this description. In our description of the QH phases and phase transitions we have employed a common language for all of them. We should note that this does not, ipso facto imply that all quantum Hall transitions are in the same universality class; however, experiments, as we discuss later, do seem to suggest that conclusion. The reason for this caution is that dierent QH states can arise from quite dierent physics at the microscopic level. States with integer B arise, to rst approximation, from single particle physics. An electron in a plane can occupy a Landau level which comprises a set of degenerate states with energy (n + 1/2) c ; these reect the h quantization of the classical cyclotron motion having frequency c =
eB m

and the arbitrariness

of the location of that motion in the plane. When an integer number of Landau levels are full, and this corresponds to an integer lling factor, excitations involve the promotion of an electron across the cyclotron gap and we have the commensuration/gap nexus necessary for the observation of the (integer) QHE. In contrast, fractional lling factors imply fractional occupations of the Landau levels, with attendant macrosopic degeneracies, and they exhibit 28

a gap only when the Coulomb interaction between the electrons is taken into account (the fractional QHE).26 Readers interested in the details of this magic trick are encouraged to peruse the literature. Before proceeding to the details of experiments, we need to discuss two important points about the units of the quantities measured in electrical transport where two spatial dimensions are rather special. Experiments measure resistances, which are ratios of total voltages to current and these are related to local resistivities by ratios of cross-sectional areas to lengths. In two dimensions, a cross-sectional area is a length and consequently no factor of length intervenes between the global and local quantities. In the QH phases, this has the important implication that no geometrical factor aects the measurement of the Hall resistance, which is why the ratio of fundamental constants h/e2 and hence the ne structure constant can be measured to high accuracy on samples whose geometry is certainly not known to an accuracy of one part in 107 . What we have said above is a statement about the engineering dimensions of resistance and resistivity. Remarkably, this also has an analog when it comes to their scaling dimensions at a quantum critical point, i.e. their scaling dimensions vanish.27 Consequently, the resistivities vary as the zeroth power of the diverging correlation length on approaching the transition, i.e. will remain constant on either side. Precisely at criticality they will be independent of the length scale used to dene them but can take values distinct from the neighboring phases. In this fashion, we have recovered from a purely scaling argument our earlier conclusion

26 This

leads to the remarkable feature that while the quasiparticles of the integer states are

essentially electrons, those of the fractional states are fractionally charged and obey fractional statistics. 27 See (Fisher, et al., 1990; Cha, et al., 1991). This is analogous to the behavior of the superuid density at the classical Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition (Chaikin and Lubensky, 1995) and leads to a universal jump in it.


that even though the quantum Hall transitions are continuous, the resistivities at T = 0 dier from the quantized values only at critical points. Detecting the continuous transitions then requires measurements at a non-zero temperature, frequency or current, all of which lead to a more gradual variation which can then be examined for scaling behavior. Below are some examples of how that works.

A. Temperature and Frequency Scaling

Consider the caricature of a typical set of data shown in Fig. (8). Note that H interpolates between its quantized values over a transition region of non-zero width, while L is peaked in the same region, but is extremely small outside the region. The change in the shape of these curves with temperature can be understood on the basis of the nite size scaling form L/H (B, T, ) = fL/H ( /kB T, /T 1/z ), h (24)

where (B Bc )/Bc measures the distance to the zero temperature critical point. This form is equivalent to the general nite-size scaling form in Eq. (21) except that we have assumed the limit k = 0, and used the previously cited result that the scaling dimension of the resistivity vanishes in d = 2 (Fisher, et al., 1990; Cha, et al., 1991). The rst argument in the scaling function here is the same as the second in Eq. (21). The second argument in the scaling function here is simply a power of the third argument in Eq. (21). This change is inconsequential; it can be simply absorbed into a redenition of the scaling function. First, let us consider a DC or = 0 measurement. In this case our scaling form implies that the resistivities are not independent functions of (or B) and T but instead are functions of the single scaling variable /T 1/z . Hence the eect of lowering T is to rescale the deviation of the eld from its critical value by the factor T 1/z . It follows that the transition appears sharper and sharper as the temperature is lowered, its width vanishing as a universal power of the temperature, B T 1/z . In Fig. (9) we show the pioneering data of Wei et al. (1988) that indeed shows such an algebraic dependence for several dierent transitions all 30

of which yield the value 1/z 0.42. These transitions are between integer quantum Hall states. Remarkably, this temperature scaling behavior seems to be ubiquitous at quantum Hall transitions and suggests that there is a single underlying xed point for all of them. It was shown by Engel et al. (1990) that it holds at transitions between two fractional quantum Hall states. Subsequently, Wong et al. (1995) found the same scaling for the transition between a Hall state and the insulator. In Fig. (10) we show some recent data of Shahar (1995) near another such transition, plotted both as a function of the magnetic eld at several values of T , and against the scaling variable /T 1/z , exhibiting the data collapse characteristic of the critical region. Consider now the results of measurements at non-zero frequencies. In their full generality these require a two variable scaling analysis (Engel, et al., 1995) but we focus instead on two distinct regimes. In the regime h kB T we expect that the behavior of the scaling function will be governed by its = 0 limit analyzed previously, i.e. at small we expect the scaling to be dominated by T . In the second regime, h kB T , we expect the scaling to be dominated by and the scaling function to be independent of T . In order for the temperature to drop out, the scaling function in Eq. (24) must have the form f (x, y) f (yx1/z ) for large x so that the scaling variables conspire to appear in the combination, h kB T


T 1/z



It follows that at high frequencies the resistivities are functions of the scaling variable / 1/z and that the width of the transition regions scales as 1/z . Fig. (11) shows frequency dependent conductivity28 data of Engel et al. (1993) which exhibits this algebraic increase in the width of the transition region with frequency and yields a value of z consistent with the temperature scaling.

28 The

conductivities scale in exactly the same fashion as the resistivities.


We should note an important point here. As the ratio h/kB T is varied in a given experiment we expect to see a crossover between the T and dominated scaling regimes. The criterion for this crossover is h kB T . The observation by Engel et al. (1990), that this is indeed the correct crossover criterion (see Fig. (11)) is important for two reasons. First, it involves h and clearly implies that quantum eects are at issue. Second it implies that T is the relevant infrared scale. If dephasing eects coming from coupling to some irrelevant degree of freedom were important, one would expect the crossover to take place when 1, where 1/ is some microscopic scattering or relaxation rate associated with this coupling. Since the coupling is irrelevant it will, as noted earlier, give a scattering rate that vanishes as AT p where p is greater than unity and A is non-universal (Sondhi and Kivelson, 1992) (e.g., it depends on the precise value of the electron-phonon coupling constant for the material). In contrast, what is observed is that the relaxation rate obeys 1/ = CkB T / where C is a universal (Sachdev, 1996) dimensionless constant of order unity. h It is important to note that frequency scaling does not give us any new information on exponents that we did not already have from the temperature scaling. The main import of frequency scaling is its ability to conrm the quantum critical nature of the transition by showing that the characteristic time scales have diverged, leaving the temperature itself as the only frequency scale.

B. Current Scaling

A third relevant parameter that is experimentally useful is the magnitude of the measuring current or, equivalently, of the applied electric eld. In talking about resistivities we have assumed that there is an ohmic regime at small currents, i.e., a regime in which the voltages are linear in the current. In general, there is no reason to believe that the non-linear response can be related to equilibrium propertiesi.e., there is no uctuation-dissipation theorem beyond the linear regime. However, in the vicinity of a critical point we expect the dominant non-linearities to come from critical uctuations. At T = 0, the electric eld scale


for these can be estimated from an essentially dimensional argument. We start by dening a characteristic length E associated with the electric eld. Imagine that the system is at the critical point so that E is the only length scale available. Then the only characteristic time for uctuations of the system will scale like +z . We can relate the length E to the E electric eld that produces it by eEE hz . E (27)

This expression simply equates the energy gained from the electric eld by an electron moving a distance E to the characteristic energy of the equilibrium system at that same scale. Thus E E 1/(1+z) . (28)

If the system is not precisely at the critical point, then it is this length E that we should compare to the correlation length E E 1/(1+z) E 1/(z+1)


From this we nd that the non-linear DC resistivities for a 2D system obey the scaling forms L/H (B, T, E) = gL/H (/T 1/z , /E 1/(z+1) ). (30)

This is a very useful result because it tells us that electric eld scaling will give us new information not available from temperature scaling alone. From temperature scaling we can measure the combination of exponents z. Because an electric eld requires multiplication by one power of the correlation length to convert it to a temperature (energy), electric eld scaling measures the combination of exponents (z + 1). Thus the two measurements can be combined to separately determine and z. The data of Wei et al. (1994), Fig. (12), conrm this and yield the value (z + 1) 4.6. Together the T , and I scaling experiments lead to the assignment 2.3 and z 1. Equation (30) tells us that there are two scaling regimes. At suciently high temperatures, L E and the scaling is controlled by the temperature. Below a crossover temperature scale 33

T0 (E) z E z/(1+z) , E


L > E and the scaling is controlled by the electric eld E (or equivalently, the applied current I). One might be tempted to identify T0 (E) as the eective temperature of the electrons in the presence of the electric eld, but this is not strictly appropriate since the system is assumed to have been driven out of equilibrium on length scales larger than E . This quantum critical scaling picture explicitly assumes that the slow internal time scales of the system near its critical point control the response to the electric eld and implicitly assumes that we can ignore the time scale which determines how fast the Joule heat can be removed by phonon radiation. Thus this picture is quite distinct from that of a simple heating scenario in which the electron gas itself equilibrates rapidly, but undergoes a rise in temperature if there is a bottleneck for the energy deposited by Joule heating to be carried away by the phonons. This eect can give rise to an apparent non-linear response that is, in fact, the linear response of the electron gas at the higher temperature. The power radiated into phonons at low electron temperatures scales as Pph = ATe , (32)

where = 4 7 depending on details (Chow, et al., 1996). Equating this to the Joule heating (assuming a scale invariant conductivity) yields an electronic temperature Telec E 2/ . (33)

We now have a paradox. The more irrelevant phonons are at low temperatures (i.e., the larger is), the smaller is the exponent 2/ and hence the more singular is the temperature rise produced by the Joule heat. Comparing Eqs.(31) and (33) we see that for z 2 < , z+1 we have Telec > T0 (E). 34 (35) (34)

That is, we then have that the temperature rise needed to radiate away sucient power is larger than the characteristic energy (temperature) scale predicted by the quantum critical scaling picture. In this case the phonons are dangerously irrelevant and the simple quantum critical scaling prediction fails. It happens that for the case of GaAs, which is piezoelectric, 2/ = 1/2 which gives the same singularity exponent as the quantum critical model z/(z + 1) = 1/2 (since z = 1). Hence both quantum critical and heating eects are important. (The phonon coupling is marginally dangerous.) This result is discussed in more detail elsewhere (Chow, et al., 1996; Girvin, et al., 1996).

C. Universal Resistivities

The nal signatures of critical behavior which we wish to discuss are universal amplitudes, and, more generally, amplitude ratios. These are readily illustrated in the quantum Hall problem without considering their general setting, for which we direct the reader to the literature (Hohenberg, et al., 1976; Aharony and Hohenberg, 1976; Kim and Weichman, 1991; Chubukov and Sachdev, 1993; Sachdev, 1996). Note that the scaling forms (24) and (30) imply that the resistivities at B = Bc in the critical region are independent of T, and I. Under certain assumptions it is possible to argue that they are, in fact, universal (Kivelson et al., 1992; Fisher, et al., 1990). The observation of such universality between microscopically dierent samples would then be strong evidence for an underlying QPT as well. Recently Shahar et al. (1995) have carried out a study of the critical resistivities at the transition from the B = 1 and 1/3 quantum Hall states to the insulating state. An example of their data is shown in Fig. (10). Notice that there exists a critical value of B eld at which the resistivity is temperature-independent. For B < Bc the resistivity scales upward with decreasing T , while for B > Bc , it scales downward with decreasing T . Since we can think of lowering T as increasing the characteristic length scale L at which we examine the system, we see that the point where all the curves cross is the scale-invariant point of the


system and hence must be the critical point. Shahar et al. (1995) nd that at these critical points, L is independent of the sample studied and in fact appears to be h/e2 within experimental error for both transitions. Preliminary studies (Shahar, 1995) also seem to nd sample-independent values of H at the critical points with values of h/e2 and 3h/e2 for the two transitions.

D. Unresolved Issues

As we have tried to indicate, the success of experimental work in making a case for universal critical behavior at transitions in the quantum Hall regime is impressive. However, not everything is settled on this score. Apart from the delicate issues surrounding the interpretation of the current scaling data mentioned earlier, there is one signicant puzzle. This concerns the failure of L at the transition between two generic QH states to exhibit a T -independent value at a critical eld even as the width of the curve exhibits algebraic behavior.29 This is generally believed to stem from macroscopic inhomogeneities in the density and some recent theoretical work oers support for this notion (Ruzin, et al., 1996). Nevertheless, this is an issue that will need further work. The transitions to the insulator studied more recently, are believed to be much less sensitive to this problem, and hence the consistency of the data on those is encouraging. However, in these cases the temperature range over which there is evidence for quantum critical scaling is quite small as in the data in Fig. (10) which leads us to a general caveat. Evidence for power laws and scaling should properly consist of overlapping data that cover several decades in the parameters. The various power law dependences that we have exhibited span at best two decades, most of them fewer and the evidence for data collapse within the error bars of the data exists only over a small range of the scaled variables. Consequently, though the overall picture of the dierent types of data is highly suggestive,

29 Hence

our unwillingness to plot the actual traces in Fig. (8).


it cannot really be said that it does more than indicate consistency with the scaling expected near a quantum critical point. Regrettably, there is at present no example of a quantum critical phase transition as clean as the remarkable case of the classical lambda transition in superuid helium for which superb scaling can be demonstrated. (Ahlers, 1980) On the theoretical front the news is mixed. Remarkably, the experimental value of the correlation length exponent 2.3 is consistent with numerical calculations of the behavior of non-interacting electrons in a strong magnetic eld (Huckestein, 1995). Also, the critical resistivities at the transition from the B = 1 state to the insulator are also consistent with these calculations (Huckestein, 1995). This agreement is still a puzzle at this time, especially as the value of the dynamic scaling exponent z 1 strongly suggests that Coulomb interactions are playing an important role. The evidence for a super-universality of the transitions, however does have some theoretical support in the form of a set of physically appealing correspondence rules (Kivelson et al., 1992). Unfortunately, their a priori validity in the critical regions is still unclear. (Lee and Wang, 1996) In sum, theorists have their work cut out for them!


Let us briey recapitulate our main themes. Zero temperature phase transitions in quantum systems are fundamentally dierent from nite temperature transitions in classical systems in that their thermodynamics and dynamics are inextricably mixed. Nevertheless, by means of the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, one can view the statistical mechanics of a d-dimensional T = 0 quantum system as the statistical mechanics of a d+1 dimensional classical system with a fake temperature which is some measure of zero-point uctuations in the quantum system. This allows one to apply ideas and intuition developed for classical critical phenomena to quantum critical phenomena. In particular this leads to an understanding of the T = 0 behavior of the quantum system in terms of nite size scaling and to the identication of a T -dependent length scale, L , that governs the crossover between


quantum and classical uctuations. The identication of QPTs in experiments relies upon nding scaling behavior with relevant parameters. These are the temperature itself and the frequency, wavelength and amplitude of various probes. Additional signatures are universal values of certain dimensionless critical amplitudes such as the special case of resistivities at critical points in conducting systems in d=2 and, more generally, amplitude ratios. In this Colloquium we have illustrated these ideas in the context of a single system, the two dimensional electron gas in the quantum Hall regime. are much more widely applicable. The ideas themselves

Interested readers may wish to delve, for example,

into work on the one dimensional electron gas (Luther and Peschel, 1975; Emery, 1979), metal insulator transitions in zero magnetic eld (Anderson-Mott transitions) (Belitz and Kirkpatrick, 1994), superconductor-insulator transitions (Wallin, et al., 1994; Cha, et al., 1991; Chakravarty, et al., 1986; Chakravarty, et al., 1987; Wen and Zee, 1990; Srensen, et al., 1992; Weichman, 1988; Weichman and Kim, 1989; Batrouni, et al., 1990; Krauth and Trivedi, 1991; Scalettar, et al., 1991; Krauth et al., 1991; Runge, 1992; Kampf and Zimanyi, 1993; Batrouni, et al., 1993; Makivi et al., 1993), two-dimensional antiferromagc nets associated with high temperature superconductivity (Sachdev, 1996; Chakravarty, et al., 1989; Sachdev and Ye, 1992; Chubukov and Sachdev, 1993; Chubukov, et al., 1994; Sachdev, et al., 1994; Sachdev, 1994) and magnetic transitions in metals (Hertz, 1976; Millis, 1993; Sachdev, et al., 1995; Altshuler, et al., 1995). This list is by no means exhaustive and we are condent that it will continue to expand for some time to come!


It is a pleasure to thank R. N. Bhatt, M. P. A. Fisher, E. H. Fradkin, M. P. Gelfand, S. A. Kivelson, D. C. Tsui and H. P. Wei for numerous helpful conversations. We are particularly grateful to K. A. Moler, D. Belitz, S. Nagel, T. Witten, T. Rosenbaum, and U. Zuelicke for comments on early versions of the manuscript. DS is supported by the NSF, the work at Indiana is supported by NSF grants DMR-9416906, DMR-9423088 and DOE grant DE-


FG02-90ER45427, and SLS is supported by the NSF through DMR-9632690 and by the A. P. Sloan Foundation.



In this Appendix we briey outline the derivation (Wallin, et al., 1994) of the expression for the matrix elements
M {(j+1 )}|e h H |{(j )}


appearing in Eq. (6). The hamiltonian contains a kinetic energy C T = 2 where EC

(2e)2 , C


EC = 2

i j


and a potential energy V EJ cos j j+1 . (A.3)

For suciently small we can make the approximation

e h H e h T e h V .


Inserting a complete set of angular momentum eigenstates |{mk } (dened for a single site by k |mk = eimk k ) yields M=
{(j+1 )}|e h T |{mk } {mk }|e h V |{(j )} .


We can now take advantage of the fact that V is diagonal in the angle basis and T is diagonal in the angular momentum basis to obtain M=
h e 2 EC k

m2 k

eimk [k (j+1 )k (j )] e+ h EJ

cos[k (j+1 )k (j )]


Because is small, the sum over the {m} is slowly convergent. We may remedy this by using the Poisson summation formula (Wallin, et al., 1994)
h e 2 EC m eim = 2

h EC


2Eh (+2n)2 C


This periodic sequence of very narrow gaussians is (up to an irrelevant constant prefactor) the Villain approximation to 40

+ E h cos() C


Strictly speaking, we should keep innitesimal. However we may set it equal to the natural ultraviolet cuto, the inverse of the Josephson plasma frequency = h/ EC EJ , without changing the universality class. Substituting this result into Eq.(A.6) yields Eq.(8) with the same coupling constant K = EC /EJ in both the space and time directions.


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TABLE I. Analogies Quantum d space, 1 time dimensions Coupling constant K Inverse temperature Correlation length Inverse Characteristic Energy h/, /kB Tc h Classical d + 1 space dimensions Temperature T Finite size L in time direction Correlation length Correlation length in the time direction


FIG. 1. Schematic representation of a 1D Josephson junction array. The crosses represent the tunnel junctions between superconducting segments and i are the phases of the superconducting order parameter in the latter.

FIG. 2. Typical path or time history of a 1D Josephson junction array. Note that this is equivalent to one of the congurations of a 1+1D classical XY model. The long range correlations shown here are typical of the superconducting phase of the 1D array or equivalently, of the ordered phase of the classical model.

FIG. 3. Typical path or time history of a 1D Josephson junction array in the insulating phase where correlations fall o exponentially in both space and time. This corresponds to the disordered phase in the classical model. FIG. 4. Illustration of discrete space-time lattices with the same coupling K. The lattice constant in the time direction is the same in both cases, but the corresponding physical temperature (determined from h = L ) for the lattice in the lower panel is half that of the lattice in the upper panel. FIG. 5. Illustration of the phase diagram for a Josephson junction array in two dimensions. K is the quantum uctuation parameter and T is the physical temperature. The solid line represents the Kosterlitz-Thouless critical temperature for the phase transition from the normal state to the superuid. For K greater than its critical value, the system is insulating at zero temperature. For any nite temperature it is not insulating. The dashed line represents the crossover from temperatures smaller than the (T = 0 insulating) gap to temperatures greater than the gap. This is not a true phase transition, however the conductivity can be expected to increase rapidly as the temperature goes above this line.


FIG. 6. Illustration of the growing correlation volume as the (T=0) critical coupling Kc is approached in a system with nite extent in the temporal direction. In (a) the correlation time is much shorter than h. In (b) it is comparable. In (c) the system is very close to the critical point and the correlation time (that the system would have had at zero temperature) greatly exceeds h . Once h < z , the system realizes that it is eectively d-dimensional and not d + 1 dimensional. The actual correlation time saturates at h and the corresponding T = 0 correlation length at which this occurs is the quantum-to-classical crossover length. FIG. 7. Transport data in the quantum Hall regime (Tsui, 1990). The diagonal trace is H while the oscillating trace is L for a sample with density 3 1011 /cm2 and mobility 1.3 1011 cm2 /Vs at T = 85mK. Note that the latter tends to vanish when the former has a plateaux. The arrows mark various lling factors while the N values at the top mark the Landau level occupied by the electrons. FIG. 8. Caricature of the (ideal) magnetic eld dependence of the Hall (a) and longitudinal (b) components of the resistivity tensor near the quantum Hall critical point for the B = 1 2 transition, i.e. from the H = h/e2 plateau to the H = h/2e2 plateau. The parameter (B Bc )/Bc measures the distance to the zero-temperature critical point. The three curves in each panel correspond to three values of the temperature T1 > T2 > T3 . At nite temperature the variation of L and H is continuous, but sharpens up as the temperature is lowered. FIG. 9. Data of Wei et al. (1988) showing the power-law behavior of the width of the transition regions with temperature. This double logarithmic plot shows two measures of the inverse width, the maximum value of H /B and the inverse of the eld separation, B, between L /B maxima as a function of temperature. Both are expected to scale as T 1/z and this data yields 1/z = 0.42 0.04. The labels for the symbols refer to dierent transitions: N = 0 to the B = 1 2 transition, N = 1 to the B = 2 3 transition and N = 1 to the B = 3 4 transition. The units of B are Tesla (T) and the units of H /B are 103 /T

. 48

FIG. 10. L data of Shahar et al. (1995) near the B = 1/3 to insulator transition. a) The raw data showing a critical magnetic eld with a T -independent c h/e2 . b) Double logarithmic L scaling plot of the the same data. Note the systematic improvement in the collapse close to the critical point. [The data points at the far right lie outside the scaling regime.] The apparent discrepancy between the value 1/z = 0.48 obtained here and the earlier reported values is not signicant. Reliable error estimates for critical exponents are notoriously hard to obtain. FIG. 11. Data of Engel et al. (1990) showing the power-law behavior of the width of the transition regions with the frequency of the measurement. (a) double logarithmic plot showing the width, B, dened as the eld separation between L /B maxima, at a xed temperature of 50 mK, as a function of frequency at ve dierent transitions: B = 1 2 (crosses), B = 2 3 (open circles), B = 3 4 (lled circles), B = 4 6 (open triangles) and B = 6 8 (lled triangles). The last two are believed to be two transitions too closely spaced to be resolved at accessible temperatures, and show anomalous scaling as a consequence. (b) data for the B = 1 2 transition at three dierent temperatures. Note that B is independent of frequency below a crossover value roughly equal to the temperature (1 GHz is roughly 50mK), and above the crossover, scales as f 1/z with 1/z = 0.43 consistent with the value obtained from the temperature scaling.


FIG. 12. Data of Wei et al. (1994) showing power-law behavior of the eective electron temperature Te with current I at two dierent transitions: B = 5 6 (closed symbols) and B = 1/3 2/5 (open symbols, reduced by a factor of 6). Te is experimentally dened as the equilibrium temperature at which the maximum of the slope h /B in linear response equals the measured maximum slope of the same quantity in non-linear response at low bath temperatures. In the quantum critical model, Te is not interpreted as a true temperature, but rather as the disequilibrium energy scale T0 (E) in Eq.(31). In the heating model, Te is interpreted as the quasi-equilibrium electronic temperature Telec in Eq.(33). The temperature labels in units of mK at the left hand side represent the bath temperature at which the current dependent transport is measured. The dashed reference line under each data set has a slope of 0.5, and the solid line 0.4. Assuming Te T0 (see text) where T0 I z/(1+z) , the data suggest the assignment z = 1. Analysis in terms of the heating model yields the exponent = 4 (see text). Inset: H vs. B at T = 100 mK for three dierent Is in the FQHE for 1/3 < < 2/5. This illustrates how the transition between Hall plateaus sharpens up as the current is reduced, much as it does when the temperature is reduced.


1 2 3

L-2 L-1 L

Fig. 1



Fig. 2



Fig. 3

h 0 h

Fig. 4

Normal T > Gap

2D KT Superfluid T < Gap



Fig. 5




Fig. 6

This figure "FIG7.gif" is available in "gif" format from: http://arXiv.org/ps/cond-mat/9609279v1


T1 T2 < T1 T3 < T2



0.5 1.0







T1 T2 < T1 T3 < T2

0.0 1.0
Fig. 8






d xy dB

d xy dB

N=0 N=1 N=1




N=1 N=1
1.0 0.10 1.00


Fig. 9

100 (a) 80 xx (k/ ) 60 40 20 0 =1/3 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 B (T) 100 (b)
6 5 4

23.5 mK

69 mK

Bc 8.4 8.6 8.8 9.0

xx (k/ )

3 2

6 5

I=0.1 nA 1/z=0.48 0.01 0.1 (B-Bc) T


a) 50 mK

B (Tesla)
0.1 0.1

1.0 f (GHz)


b) N=0 peak

B (Tesla)

50 mK 206 mK 470 mK

0.3 1.0 f (GHz) 10

T =100mK b I=6nA I=80nA I=240nA


xy (h/e )

2.5 6.4 6.8 B(T) 7.2

T (mK) e





100mK 10

open symbols (x1/6) 52mK 1 10 100 I(nA) 1000

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