NCP Cnsi
NCP Cnsi
NCP Cnsi
infection syon As verbalized by mother of the patient. OBJECTIVE: Vital signs as follow: BP: 90/60 T: 38.2 P: 110 R: 28 Spacity of muscle. Shivering BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE
A CNS infection is an infection which involves the central nervous system in some way. Meningitis is one of the most common and well known types, involving the meninges, the coverings of the brain and spinal cord. Other types of infections involve the brain or spinal cord directly. For example, a cerebral abscess is a bacterial brain infection and encephalitis is typically a viral infection of the brain.
EXPECTED OUTCOME After 8 hours of nursing intervention the patient will demonstrate comfort and decrease in body temperature
Provide tepid sponge baths; avoid use of alcohol.
RATIONALE May help reduce fever. Note: Use of ice water/alcohol may cause chills, actually elevating temperature. In addition, alcohol is very drying to skin
To support circulating volume and tissue perfusion.
EVALUATION After 8 hours of nursing intervention the patient will M a i n t ai n a normal temperature and demonstrate temperature
Helps in maintaining the bodys defenses against infection. This will also facilitate faster recovery.
Remove excess clothing or blankets to promote heat loss. Encourage wearing loose cotton clothing.
Heat loss by radiation and conduction. Adding clothes or blanket inhibits the bodys natural ability to reduce body temperature;
Monitor patients temperature (degree and pattern); note shaking chills/profuse diaphoresis. Promote clients safety by means of maintaining patent airway and raised side rails.
Hyperthermia can lead to seizure and convulsion. Thus, patent airway and raising the side rails is important.