Rdbms Lab.docx
Rdbms Lab.docx
Rdbms Lab.docx
USE CollegeDB;
Step 3: Queries
a) Display the student details whose pass percentage is above 75 and who were placed in INFOSYS.
FROM CollegeData
WHERE PassPercentage > 75 AND Organization = 'INFOSYS';
b) Find the total number of students placed from the BCA department.
STEP 1. Start the program.
STEP 2. Create the database (if not already created).
STEP 3. Create the Employee table with the specified fields.
STEP 4. Insert employee records into the table.
STEP 5. Query: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Employee WHERE DateOfJoining < '2020-01-01'.
STEP 6. Store the count as the result for Task (a).
STEP 7. Query: SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE EmpName LIKE 'S%' OR EmpName LIKE
STEP 8. Store the rows as the result for Task (b).
STEP 9. Query: SELECT * FROM Employee ORDER BY Grade.
STEP 10. Store the sorted rows as the result for Task (c).
STEP 11. Display results for Tasks (a), (b), and (c).
STEP 12. Stop the program.
Step 1: Create the Employee Table
EmpName VARCHAR(255),
Address VARCHAR(255),
Designation VARCHAR(100),
DateOfJoining DATE,
Grade CHAR(1)
Step 2: Insert Sample Data
INSERT INTO Employee (EmpCode, EmpName, Address, Designation, DateOfJoining, Grade)
(101, 'Sam', 'New York', 'Manager', '2018-05-10', 'A'),
(102, 'Paul', 'Chicago', 'Developer', '2019-07-15', 'B'),
(103, 'Steve', 'Dallas', 'Analyst', '2021-03-20', 'C'),
(104, 'Peter', 'Boston', 'Tester', '2017-11-05', 'B'),
(105, 'Sophia', 'Miami', 'HR', '2020-09-12', 'A'),
(106, 'Pam', 'Austin', 'Developer', '2019-01-25', 'C');
a) Find the number of employees who joined before 2020.
SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumEmployeesBefore2020
FROM Employee
WHERE DateOfJoining < '2020-01-01';
b) Display the employee details whose names Start the program with 'S' or 'P'.
FROM Employee
WHERE EmpName LIKE 'S%' OR EmpName LIKE 'P%';
c) Arrange the employees as per their grade level
FROM Employee
STEP 1. Start the program.
STEP 2. Connect to the database.
STEP 3. Create the `client_master` table:
STEP 4. Define the fields: `client_no`, `name`, `address`, `city`, `state`, `pincode`, `remarks`,
STEP 5. Specify appropriate data types for each field.
STEP 6. Create the `supplier_master` table:
STEP 7. Use `CREATE TABLE supplier_master AS SELECT ...` to copy structure from
STEP 8. Rename `client_no` to `supplier_no` and `name` to `supplier_name`.
STEP 9. Insert data into `client_master`:
STEP 10. Prepare sample data for fields.
STEP11. Execute the `INSERT INTO client_master` query to add rows.
STEP 12. Insert data into `supplier_master` from `client_master`:
STEP 13. Use `INSERT INTO supplier_master SELECT ...` query to copy data.
STEP 14. Verify the mapping of fields during insertion.
STEP 15. Delete a specific row from `client_master`:
STEP 16. Identify the row to be deleted based on a condition (e.g., `client_no`).
STEP 17. Execute the `DELETE FROM client_master WHERE client_no = <value>` query.
Step 3: Queries
a) Insert data into client_master
INSERT INTO client_master (client_no, name, address, city, state, pincode, remarks, bal_due)
(1, 'Alice', '123 Elm St', 'New York', 'NY', 10001, 'Premium Client', 5000.00),
(2, 'Bob', '456 Oak St', 'Los Angeles', 'CA', 90001, 'Regular Client', 1500.00),
(3, 'Charlie', '789 Pine St', 'Chicago', 'IL', 60001, 'Delayed Payments', 2000.00);
b) Insert data into supplier_master from client_master
INSERT INTO supplier_master (supplier_no, supplier_name, address, city, state, pincode, remarks,
SELECT client_no, name, address, city, state, pincode, remarks, bal_due
FROM client_master;
c) Delete a selected row in client_master
To delete a specific row (e.g., for client_no = 2)
DELETE FROM client_master
WHERE client_no = 2;
STEP 1. Start the program.
STEP 2. Connect to the database.
STEP 3 Create the ` orders’ table: `order_no`, `product_no`, `client_no`, `delivery_address`,
`delivery_date`, `order_status`. Set the primaryKey order_no
STEP 4. Create the `sales_order` table: `s_order_no`, `product_no`, `client_no`, `delivery_address`,
`delivery_date`, `order_status`. And Set the composite primary key (`s_order_no`, `product_no`).
after Execute the `CREATE TABLE` query.
STEP 4. Add a new column `salesman_no` to Execute `ALTER TABLE sales_order ADD
salesman_no INT`and Set `s_order_no` as a foreign key
STEP 5 :Column Constraint to Identify the parent table (`orders`) with `order_no` as primary key then
Execute `ALTER TABLE sales_order ADD CONSTRAINT fk_s_order_no FOREIGN KEY
(s_order_no) REFERENCES orders(order_no)`.
STEP 6: Table Constraint to Define a foreign key constraint at the table level for `s_order_no`.
and Execute `ALTER TABLE sales_order ADD CONSTRAINT fk_s_order_no_table FOREIGN
KEY (s_order_no) REFERENCES orders(order_no)`.
STEP 7: Enforce integrity rules using `CHECK`:
STEP 8:Restrict `order_status` to valid values to Execute `ALTER TABLE sales_order ADD
CONSTRAINT chk_order_status CHECK (order_status IN ('Pending', 'Completed', 'Cancelled'))`.
STEP 9: Ensure `delivery_date` is not in the past to Execute `ALTER TABLE sales_order ADD
CONSTRAINT chk_delivery_date CHECK (delivery_date >= CURRENT_DATE)`.
STEP 10. Display the final table structure using `DESCRIBE sales_order` or equivalent.
STEP 11. Stop the program.
Step 1: Create the sales_order Table and Order table
CREATE TABLE sales_order (
s_order_no INT,
product_no INT,
client_no INT,
delivery_address VARCHAR(255),
delivery_date DATE,
order_status VARCHAR(50),
PRIMARY KEY (s_order_no, product_no)
Step 1: Create the order Table
order_no INT,
product_no INT,
client_no INT,
delivery_address VARCHAR(255),
delivery_date DATE,
order_status VARCHAR(50),
PRIMARY KEY (order_no, product_no)
STEP 1. Start the program.
STEP 2. Connect to the database.
STEP 3. Create the `student_master` table, the fields are `name` VARCHAR,’regno` INT PRIMARY
KEY,`dept` VARCHAR, `year` INT after Execute the `CREATE TABLE student_master` query.
STEP 4: Select the student’s name column to Execute `SELECT name FROM student_master`.
STEP 5: Eliminate duplicate entries to Create a temporary table with distinct rows using `SELECT
DISTINCT *` by Delete all rows from `student_master` using `DELETE`.
STEP 6:Copy data from the temporary table back to `student_master` then Drop the temporary
STEP 7: Sort the table alphabetically to Execute `SELECT * FROM student_master ORDER BY
name ASC`.
STEP 8: Select students of a particular department by Execute `SELECT * FROM student_master
WHERE dept = '<department_name>'`.
STEP 9: Display the results of each query.
STEP 10: Stop the program.
STEP 1. Start the program.
STEP 2. Connect to the database.
STEP 3. Create the `sales_order_details` table fields are `s_order_no` INT PRIMARY KEY,
`product_no` INT, `description` VARCHAR, `qty_ordered` INT,’qty_disp` INT,`product_rate`
DECIMAL,`profit_percent` DECIMAL, `sell_price` DECIMAL, `supplier_name` VARCHAR then
Execute query.
d. Select rows where `supplier_name` has 'r' or 'h' as the second character:
i. Execute:
`SELECT supplier_name, product_no FROM sales_order_details WHERE supplier_name LIKE
'_r%' OR supplier_name LIKE '_h%'`.
b) Select product_no, profit_percent, and sell_price where profit_percent is not between 10 and 20
(both inclusive)
SELECT product_no, profit_percent, sell_price
FROM sales_order_details
WHERE profit_percent NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
c) Select product_no, description, profit_percent, and sell_price where profit_percent is not between
20 and 30
SELECT product_no, description, profit_percent, sell_price
FROM sales_order_details
WHERE profit_percent NOT BETWEEN 20 AND 30;
d) Select supplier_name and product_no where supplier_name has ‘r’ or ‘h’ as the second character
SELECT supplier_name, product_no
FROM sales_order_details
WHERE supplier_name LIKE '_r%' OR supplier_name LIKE '_h%';
Program 7.a
STEP 1. Start the program.
STEP 2. Declare variables as a INT := 0, b INT := 1, temp INT, n INT, i INT
STEP 3. Display the message: "Enter N".
STEP 4. Accept the value of n from the user.
STEP 5. Display the message: "Fibonacci series is:".
STEP 6. Display the value of a (0).
STEP 7. Display the value of b (1).
STEP 8. For i = 2 to n to Calculate temp = a + b , Update a := b, Update b := temp and Display the
value of temp.
STEP 9. Stop the program.
a int := 0;
b int := 1;
temp int;
n int;
i int;
dbms_output.put_line('Enter N');
dbms_output.put_line('fibonacci series is :');
for i in 2..n
temp:= a + b;
a := b;
b := temp;
end loop;
Program 7.b
STEP 1. Start the program.
STEP 2. Declare variables as n INT ,fact INT := 1, i INT
STEP 3. Display the message: "Factorial".
STEP 4. Display the message: "Enter N".
STEP 5. Accept the value of n from the user.
STEP 6. Initialize fact to 1.
STEP 7. For i = 1 to n then Multiply fact by i after Update fact to the result of i * fact.
STEP 8. Display the message: "Result =" concatenated with the value of fact.
STEP 9. Stop the program.
n int;
fact int:=1;
i int;
dbms_output.put_line('Enter N');
for i in 1..n
end loop;
dbms_output.put_line('Result ='||fact);
STEP 1. Start the program.
STEP 2. Create the table `userdetailsnew` with the following fields as usname (VARCHAR(20))
Primary Key, address (VARCHAR(300)), phno (NUMBER(10)).
STEP 3. Insert the following data into `userdetailsnew`
STEP 4. Create the procedure `getaddress` with the following parameters as Input: `p_pno` (Phone
number). And Output: `p_name` (User's name), `p_address` (User's address).
STEP 5. Procedure Logic:
a. Select the `usname` and `address` from `userdetailsnew` where `phno` = `p_pno`.
b. Store `usname` in `p_name` and `address` in `p_address`.
STEP 6. Declare variables as `uname` (user's name),`address` (user's address), `pno` (phone number
STEP 7. Accept the phone number (`pno`) from the user.
STEP 8. Call the procedure `getaddress` passing `pno`. The procedure will return `usname` and
`address` into `uname` and `address`.
STEP 9. Display the following:
- Entered Phone Number: `pno`
- User Name: `uname`
- Address: `address`
uname userdetailsnew.usname%TYPE;
address varchar(300);
pno number(10);
dbms_output.put_line('Entered Pho:'||pno);
dbms_output.put_line('User Name:'||uname);
UPDATE inventory
SET rate = rate + (rate * 0.20);
Step 1: Start the program the program the program
Step 2: Create the student Table by using CREATE TABLE student_master (name VARCHAR(255),
regno INT PRIMARY KEY, dept VARCHAR(100), year INT, marks INT
Step 3: To insert the value by INSERT INTO student (name, regno, dept, year, marks) VALUES
('John Doe', 101, 'Computer Science', 2, 78);
Step 4:create or replace trigger prevent_high_marks_insert to Creates the trigger with the name
prevent_high_marks_insert then CREATE OR REPLACE ensures that if a trigger with the same
name already exists, it will be replaced.
Step 5: before insert on student to specifies that the trigger will fire before any insert operation on the
student table.
Step 6: for each row -The trigger will fire for each row inserted into the student table.
Step 7: if :new.marks > 75 then NEW keyword refers to the new value being inserted into the row.
If the value of marks in the new row exceeds 75, the condition will be true.
Step 8: raise_application_error(-20001, 'Marks cannot be greater than 75'),If the condition is met
(marks > 75), an error is raised using RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR, which will stop the insertion
and display the message 'Marks cannot be greater than 75'.
Step 9: end if to Ends the conditional block.
Step 10: Stop the program