CERTI-LUBE gear oil
CERTI-LUBE gear oil
CERTI-LUBE gear oil
Physical Properties ISO 220 ISO 320 ISO 460 ISO 680
Color Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow
Density @ 29.5oC 0.884 0.888 0.89 0.89
Flash Point (COC) oC : 230 230 250 250
Pour Point, °C: -3 -3 -3 0
Viscosity Index: >95 >95 >95 >90
Kinem atic Viscosity, CST @ 40°C: 198 - 242 288 - 352 414 - 506 612 - 748
Rust Protection: Pass Pass Pass Pass
Corrosion Protection: 1A 1A 1A 1A
Certified Laboratories
A Division OF NCH India Pvt Ltd,2C/ 8 SIDCO Developed Plot
3rd Sector 3rd Street-South Phase,Ambattur Industrial Estate,Chennai-600058
Phone: 044- 6515 7384 / 2625 7753
Email: [email protected], www.certifiedlabs.in ( Consult the product label before usage)