13 2,710
2 authors, including:
Gyanendra Chaubey
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
All content following this page was uploaded by Gyanendra Chaubey on 07 October 2021.
1 Introduction
The real personality of a person including his behavior, emotional outlay, self-esteem,
anger, imagination, fears, honesty, and many other personality traits predicted using
handwriting analysis. Graphology or handwriting analysis is described as scien-
tific study and analysis of handwriting. It is a way of identifying, evaluating, and
interpreting behavior of an individual. The performance is measured by examining
multiple samples to identify the writer with a piece of handwriting. Professional
handwriting examiner is called graphologist. Handwriting is also one of the expres-
sive ways that tells about the nature, psychology, and behavior of writer. It is unique to
each individual. Each personality traits has a neurological brain pattern in the human
brain, and each neurological brain pattern design delivers one of a kind neuromus-
cular movement which is same for each person who has those specific personality
traits [1].
Graphology was used always; but nowadays, it has been related to the physical
personality and emotional activities of the handwriters and their current domain
dispute. In the present learning system, graphology is identified by some psycholog-
ical analysis. Graphologists thought that the mind of a human form the characters
based on the attitude of the writer [2]. Handwriting is a complex activity, and it is
considered as an “overloaded” skill including highly sequencing of moments. As it
has been concluded by WEINTRAUB (1997), several theoretical models and struc-
tures that was instructed that handwriting activities concludes retrieving the form,
shape, size, and angle of letters, relating these to be their sounds (phonemes), remem-
bering all the specific parameters, and converting them by main execution to the study
paper [3].
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 59
R. Tiwari et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Computational
Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,
60 G. Chaubey and S. K. Arjaria
2 Related Works
In the recent works, we have found that there is no standard method has been devel-
oped for predicting behavior of a person on the basis of handwriting. There are many
researchers have been done in the area of computer science to develop such system
which is able to recognize the personality of a person based on handwriting in an
easy way.
In the further paragraphs, the recent works which has been done to determine the
handwriting and psychological traits are described.
Fallah and Khotanlous [6] explained about the personality prediction using hand-
writing studies of an individual. They have used Minisota multi-phasic personality
inventory for training the model and used neural network (NN) to classify the proper-
ties which are not related to the writer and employed Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
to classify the properties of target writer. The accuracy obtained in this model was
over 70%.
A system was proposed to predict the personality traits from handwriting using
various features. The feature includes “The lower loop of letter ‘y,’ letter ‘t’, ” the slant
of writing and pen pressure. The personality traits of the writer on the Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator was classified using a rule-based classifier. The accuracy obtained
over the scale of 70% [7].
5 Personality Prediction Through Handwriting … 61
order to predict a disease named micrographia, i.e., this is a disease in which there
is decrease in the size of velocity, acceleration, and size of letters while writing.
This disease is also associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD). It was tested on the
patients who were diagnosed of PD, and the result gave 80% accuracy on 75 tested
subjects [16].
In order to analyze the multitude of handwriting features, there is a wide range
of methods that can be employed. The first step is the normalization of written
sample in the offline handwriting analysis to be ensured for any possible noise.
Morphological methods are typically used for removing background noise as a part
of normalization phase [17]. Laplace filters, unsharp masking, or gradient masking
are used for sharpening in the normalization phase [18]. Contrast enhancement is
an important factor for obtaining the high accuracy in handwriting analysis [19].
Methods of contour smoothing are essential for the written letters to be a part of
normalization phase [20]. Different types of thresholding can be employed after all
processing steps to handwriting sample being compressed and converted to grayscale
image [21]. Through page segmentation, the written text needs to delimit by post
compression where methods for examining the background and foreground region
are employed. The most common was the whitespace rectangles segmentation [22].
Vertical projection profile method has been used to segment the handwriting images
into text lines and words [23]. Different classifiers have been used for the features
classification of handwriting behaviors. In the above sections, we have presented the
The percentage of personality traits like pessimistic, optimistic, balanced and shy,
etc., is predicted by Nikit Lemos et al. in 2018 [24] using the convolutional neural
network on the English Handwriting. Fatimah et al. [25] used the CNN method to
evaluate the accuracy of the personality prediction on six different traits on structural-
based approach and symbol-based approach. Nijil Raj et al. [26] used extracted seven
features and then applied CNN mixed with MLP to predict the personality traits using
Keeping in mind all the above proposed works, this research work provides a
convolutional neural network model for predicting the five important personality
behaviors by analysis of handwriting. This system is proposed to give the accuracy
of the convolutional neural network (CNN) in analyzing the handwriting to predict the
five big personality traits. In next session, we will present our model and architecture
of the system.
The five big personality traits which are going to predict here are:
(a) Agreeableness,
(b) Conscientiousness,
(c) Extraversion,
5 Personality Prediction Through Handwriting … 63
(d) Neuroticism,
(e) Openness.
These five big personality traits are treated as target classes for the convolutional
neural networks.
The image dataset of each class has been created by taking the individual hand-
writing of students of an engineering college and taking their personality kinds as
classes. The handwriting of both Hindi and English has been taken. The handwriting
samples contain a paragraph including all the letters of English alphabet as well as
all the letters of Hindi alphabets. The samples of the handwriting are shown below
in Fig.1.
A CNN consists of the number of convolution layers and pooling layers. An input
image is p × p × m where p × p is the height and width of the image and m is the
number of channels, for example, an rgb image has 3, and convolution layer has k
filters of size q × q × n where q < pq < p and n ≤ mn ≤ m. The architecture of
the convolutional neural network proposed to solve the problem is shown below in
Fig. 2.
The color coding of the architecture of the convolutional neural network is given
in Fig. 3.
64 G. Chaubey and S. K. Arjaria
Input Layer: The input layer of the architecture takes the input from the dataset.
Convolution Layer: Convolution layer performs the convolution operation on the
image to extract the features from the image. A weighted matrix is formed using the
input image and the kernel. The convolution operation is given by Eq. (1)
Wi ∗ X i Wi ∗ X i (1)
Pooling Layer: Using the features obtained after convolution for classification,
the pooling layer takes small rectangular blocks from the convolutional layer and
subsamples it to produce a single output from that block.
Flatten Layer: In between the pooling layer and fully connected layer, there is a
layer known as Flatten layer. This layer transforms a two-dimensional feature matrix
into a vector that can be fed into a fully connected neural network layer.
Dense Layer: The deeply connected neural network layer is known as dense layer.
It is the most commonly and frequently used layer takes up the input and returns the
Summary of the layers and parameters for the training of the model is shown in
Fig. 4.
The whole dataset is categorized into Hindi and English. The number of images of
the handwritings in the dataset was 108 writers handwriting of different category
based on their personality.
The general steps followed for all the experiments are:
5 Personality Prediction Through Handwriting … 65
1. Data Augmentation
• Rescaling image
• Horizontal flip
• Shear range
• Zoom
2. Input Augmented Data
• Training data
• Testing data
3. Build the model
4. Compile the model
5. Fit the model
6. Evaluate the performance
66 G. Chaubey and S. K. Arjaria
4.1 Experiment 1
The Experiment 1 is done with the analysis of English handwritings. The English
handwriting of 110 writers containing the five big personality traits has the following
number of images in training (Table 1) and test (Table 2) dataset:
For training data:
For test data:
With the above data, the average accuracy obtained is 0.43184 and average loss
is 1.44 as shown below in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5 Training and validation accuracy and loss graph of English handwriting
5 Personality Prediction Through Handwriting … 67
4.2 Experiment 2
The Experiment 2 is done with the analysis of Hindi handwritings. The Hindi hand-
writing of 111 writers containing the five big personality traits has the following
number of images in training (Table 3) and test (Table 4) dataset:
For training data:
For test data:
With the above data, the average accuracy obtained is 42.63 and the average loss
is 1.44. The graph of training and validation accuracy is shown below in Fig. 6.
4.3 Experiment 3
The experiment 3 is done with analysis of mixture of all Hindi and English handwrit-
ings. The number of writers was 110 of English and 111 of Hindi writing. The mix
handwriting of 221 writers containing the five big personality traits has the following
number of images in training (Table 5) and test (Table 6) dataset:
For training data:
For test data:
With the above data, the average accuracy obtained is 42.94 and the average loss
is 1.42. The graph of training and validation accuracy is shown below in Fig. 7.
68 G. Chaubey and S. K. Arjaria
Fig. 6 Training and validation accuracy and loss graph of Hindi handwriting
If the dataset is created on the basis of the labeling of the data by the graphologist,
then the accuracy obtained is more. The dataset can also be created by taking the
handwriting of the writers by creating the handwritings on creating a temporary
emotion by showing them a movie of that emotion. We can also train the model with
a large dataset to improve the model accuracy.
5 Personality Prediction Through Handwriting … 69
Fig. 7 Training and validation accuracy and loss graph English and Hindi (Mix) handwriting
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