Us Csr Convergesecurity Whitepaper
Us Csr Convergesecurity Whitepaper
Us Csr Convergesecurity Whitepaper
Today, industry-leading organizations are integrating regulations and industry standards for information
The tension between
digital technology into many aspects of their business, security, privacy, and governance.
fundamentally changing how they operate. They leverage
advanced technologies to help create competitive The tension between game-changing technologies and an
advantage: devising radically new customer experiences, expanding attack surface creates strategic business value
empowering global workforces, streamlining complex
supply chains, and revolutionizing product development.
They also take advantage of the scale, flexibility, and
and unprecedented risk.
Innovate with confidence | Embrace the full potential of cloud cybersecurity
• Provides security and helps address compliance by • Leverages threat intelligence shared from thousands Attack
design for cloud transformation, from ramp up to of peer organizations and specialized cybersecurity surface
threat detection
operationalization. firms. management
• Brings together an integrated, cohesive set of • Makes it easy to take advantage of advanced cloud
cybersecurity services and products and offers platforms and powerful AI-driven analytics.
access to specialized resources and managed
services. Let’s examine how a robust cloud security framework Insider Identity
threat threat
can allow you to embrace the full potential of cloud detection detection
• Eliminates data silos to deliver enterprise-wide cybersecurity and innovate with confidence.
visibility into vulnerabilities and threats.
Innovate with confidence | Embrace the full potential of cloud cybersecurity
of many cybersecurity
events. Unfortunately, most of that data is in isolated files data from cloud platforms, enterprise applications,
scattered across the enterprise and its cloud platforms, endpoints, and security and network devices, then uses
and there is far too much for any human to analyze. AI to help identify patterns, uncover new and previously
unknown threats, detect anomalous activities and policy
programs depends on an
With the right cybersecurity strategy, your organization violations, and provide context and recommendations for
can leverage unprecedented volumes of cybersecurity security teams.
data to supercharge your threat detection, incident
Incident response and recovery: Preparation, plans, and playbooks organization’s ability to
Today, the ultimate success of many cybersecurity
programs depends on an organization’s ability to respond
The elements of that program should include:
respond to attacks, quickly
to attacks, quickly contain them, and rapidly return to • Tailored cyber monitoring activities
normal business operations. Investing in these areas
is critical for safeguarding data and systems. A slow
or incomplete response can lead to unwanted media
• Determination of incident response and
recovery priorities
contain them, and rapidly
return to normal business
attention, loss of reputation, data breach notification
costs, and business disruption. • Policies and resources for effective alert triage,
threat analysis, and forensics
Your organization can take an integrated approach to
cybersecurity by systematically assessing risks and
developing an incident response program customized for
your organization’s business, strategy, and structure.
• Documented plans and playbooks for near-term
attack containment and rapid recovery and
resumption of normal operations
Innovate with confidence | Embrace the full potential of cloud cybersecurity
For decades, cybersecurity teams played catch-up with they exploit, the assets they target, the indicators they by threat actors, and anomalous activities on networks
threat actors who leveraged the latest technologies and leave on endpoints and networks, and their servers and and cloud platforms. AI can also be used to help pinpoint
zero-day attacks to catch defenders unprepared. Now, you infrastructure on the internet. When threat intelligence is vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, insecure application
have an opportunity to turn the tables on threat actors shared widely and rapidly between enterprises, government code, over-privileged user accounts, and other security
by using widely shared threat intelligence, AI, and big data agencies, and cybersecurity firms, it can help you anticipate weaknesses that in the past have given attackers access to
analytics to help anticipate attacks before they reach their and block the attacker’s next moves. networks, applications, and data stores.
goal—and possibly before they really get started.
AI and big data analytics provide transformative capabilities. When these transformative technologies are used at their
Threat intelligence gives your cybersecurity teams By centralizing and normalizing data into a flexible “data highest level, they can enable autonomous security, where
visibility into the tactics, techniques, and procedures lake” on a scalable cloud platform with sophisticated AI attacks can be detected, analyzed, blocked, and remediated
of cybercriminals, ransomware gangs, hacking groups, models to detect patterns associated with threat activity, with minimal human intervention—turning the tables on
and other threat actors. These include the tools they you can obtain new capabilities that detect indicators threat actors.
use, the phishing emails they send, the vulnerabilities of attack, compromised endpoints, lateral movement
Innovate with confidence | Embrace the full potential of cloud cybersecurity
with ConvergeSECURITY
ConvergeSECURITY combines the power of Amazon Web Services (AWS)
technology with the cybersecurity capabilities of Deloitte to accelerate
Eliminating data silos Generating actionable insights
cloud initiatives and digital innovation. It delivers the flexibility,
scalability, and cost optimization of a cloud-enabled IT infrastructure, AWS services, including Security Lake, that are Deloitte and AWS collaborated on the Cyber
while integrating a seamless set of cybersecurity services. integrated by Deloitte in the Cyber Analytics and Analytics and AI Engine to deliver insights
AI Engine solve the siloed data challenge across that reduce risk and enable cybersecurity
your digital estate. ConvergeSECURITY also automation to accelerate prevention, detection,
The ConvergeSECURITY services suite:
delivers data aggregation and out-of-the-box response, and recovery. Underlying AWS
data integration of security products, helping you infrastructure powers AI and Machine Learning
• Provides 24/7 security protection and monitoring of essential
unlock the power of your security data. models developed to help predict ransomware
campaigns, look for lateral movement, find Zero
Day threats, and identify anomalies before they
• Delivers actionable security threat intelligence across your
become bigger issues.
organization’s digital estate.
• Centralizes data and increased threat intelligence throughout Being able to anticipate and prevent attacks Faster response and recovery
your organization to effectively detect, respond to, and recover An integrated security approach allows threat You’re better able to safeguard data, systems,
from sophisticated cyber threats. detection analytics to be fed by high quality, and reputation when you have response and
shared multi-lateral data. When more data is resiliency plans prepared before a cybersecurity
contributed, the effectiveness of analytics and incident occurs. This includes being able to
machine learning increases, generating more recover mission-critical business functions from
accurate threat detection to anticipate and cloud back-ups if a breach happens, so you can
prevent attacks. restore capabilities and services.
Innovate with confidence | Embrace the full potential of cloud cybersecurity
Contact us
Our goal is to provide autonomous security that has human oversight but requires minimal
intervention. Let’s talk about how we can make this a reality for your organization.
Innovate with confidence | Embrace the full potential of cloud cybersecurity
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