U Darin Sample

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Detailed Estimate

Local Government Engineering Department

Scheme Code : 50929-22-10029 Scheme Preparation Date :

Road Code : 509295042 FY & Type of Rate : 2019-2020 (General)
Financial Year : 2021-2022 District : BHOLA
Name of the Scheme : Construction of 3 No U-Drain on Noormiar hat-Azad Nagar road to Noormiar hat Road At Ch. 135.00m, 573.00m and 690.00m Under Upazila : DAULATKHAN
Daulatkhan Upazila,Dist - Bhola.

SL Item Code Description of Work Unit Location / Length Width Height / Area / No of Total Qty Unit Amount
No Component Depth Volume Item of Works Rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures by cum 5.500 1.400 0.900 6.930 3.00 20.790
01 mechanical (Hydraulic excavator - Long Boom)/ manual
means in all sorts of soil up to specified depth in accordance 20.790 200.68 4172.14
with requirements of lines, grades, cross sections and
elevation as shown in the drawing including setting out,
removal of stumps, logs, boulders and other deleterious
materials, providing necessary tools and plants, construction
of shoring and bracing, cleaning the excavated materials to
a safe distance out of the site premises, cut to a firm
surface including pumping/ bailing out water, removal of
spoils to a safe distance, dressing of sides and bottom and
backfilling of trenches up to original level with approved
material etc. all complete as per approval of E-I-C.
Contractor shall get acquainted with site conditions, nature
of soil and adopt suitable adequate dewatering system as
deemed fit for the nature of soil and prevailing water table
to get the surface reasonably dry for laying PCC at the time
of execution so that execution will not be hampered or
delayed. Back-filled materials shall be compacted to a
density comparable with the adjacent undisturbed material.
Earth work in Ordinary Soil by Manual Means for an initial
lead up to 30m
For depth up to 3m

2. 4.05.03 P&B: Pumping and bailing out water from the interior of any LS 3.00 1500 4500.00
foundation enclosure of work site with all leads and lifts
including supply, operation and maintenance of requisite
number of water pumps, arrangements for protection of
ringh bund and side slopes of foundation pit against erosion
or washout etc. It should be carried out in such a manner as
to preclude the possibility of the movement of water
through or alongside any concrete being placed, etc. all
complete as per direction of E-I-C. No pumping or bailing
will be permitted during the placing of concrete.

Scheme Code : 50929-22-10029; October, 2019 Print Date/Time: 08-Jan-2025 11:53 AM Page 1
SL Item Code Description of Work Unit Location / Length Width Height / Area / No of Total Qty Unit Amount
No Component Depth Volume Item of Works Rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

3. Sand filling on the prepared foundation bed with sand of cum Base 5.500 1.375 0.300 2.269 3.00 6.807
specified FM in layers not more than 150mm thick including
necessary carriage, leveling, watering and ramming to 6.807 1119.44 7620.03
achieve minimum dry density (MDD) of 95% STD
compaction with optimum moisture content (OMC) by
ramming each layer up to finished level as per direction of E-
Sand of Minimum FM 0.8

4. 4.06.02 Single layer brick flat soling with 1st class or picked kiln sqm Soling 5.500 1.375 7.563 3.00 22.689
burnt bricks in foundation, filling the interstices tightly with
sand of minimum FM 0.50, watering, leveling, dressing, etc. 22.689 477.63 10836.95
all complete as per instruction of the E-I-C.

5. Brick work with 1st class brick in specified cement mortar in cum Brick Work 5.500 0.375 0.300 0.619 6.00 3.714
foundation with sand of minimum FM 1.20 and cement
conforming to BDS EN 197-1 : 2003 CEM-II/A-L/M/V/W 5.500 0.250 0.300 0.413 6.00 2.478
42.5N, filling the interstices tightly with mortar, raking out
joints, cleaning and soaking bricks at least for 24 hours 6.192 7857.47 48653.45
before use, washing of sand, curing at least for 7 days etc.
all complete as per design, specification & direction of the E-
Cement mortar (1:6)

6. RCC-25SCCM: Reinforced cement concrete work with cum Bottom Slab 5.500 1.375 0.150 1.134 3.00 3.402
minimum cement content relates to mix ratio 1:1.5:3 and
maximum water cement ratio 0.4 having minimum required C/W 1.375 0.100 0.500 0.069 6.00 0.414
average strength, f'cr = 33.5 MPa and satisfying a
compressive strength f'c = 25 MPa at 28 days on standard 3.816 15937.53 60817.61
cylinders as per standard practice of Code AASHTO/ ASTM
and cement conforming to BDS EN 197-1 : 2003 CEM-II/A-
L/M/V/W 42.5N, high range water reducing admixture of
complying type A or F under ASTM C 494 (Doses of
admixture to be fixed by the mix design), sand of minimum
FM 2.5 and 20mm down well graded crushed stone chips
broken from boulders (Preferably stone chips from
Madhyapara, Dinajpur, LAA value not exceeding 30)
conforming to ASTM C33 including breaking chips, screening
through proper sieves, cleaning, placing shutter in position,
making shutter water-tight properly, placing reinforcement
in position, mixing in standard mixture machine with hoper,
maintaining allowable slump of 75mm to 100mm, casting in
forms, compacting by mechanical vibrator machine, curing
for 28 days, removing centering-shuttering after approved
specified time period, other incidental charges, etc. all
complete as per drawing, specification & direction of the E-I-
C. The cost of reinforcement and it's fabrication, welding,
coupling, placing, binding etc. is not included but the cost of
admixture is included in this unit rate. Additional quantity of
cement to be added if required to attain the strength at the
contractor's own cost.
Note: Using Concrete Mixer
For pile caps, abutment base, facing elements of
Reinforced/ Mechanically Stabilized Earth Structure, bottom
slab of Box Culvert etc.

Scheme Code : 50929-22-10029; October, 2019 Print Date/Time: 08-Jan-2025 11:53 AM Page 2
SL Item Code Description of Work Unit Location / Length Width Height / Area / No of Total Qty Unit Amount
No Component Depth Volume Item of Works Rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

7. RCC-25SCCM: Reinforced cement concrete work with cum Top Slab 5.500 1.125 0.200 1.238 3.00 3.714
01 minimum cement content relates to mix ratio 1:1.5:3 and
maximum water cement ratio 0.4 having minimum required 3.714 19008.06 70595.93
average strength, f'cr = 33.5 MPa and satisfying a
compressive strength f'c = 25 MPa at 28 days on standard
cylinders as per standard practice of Code AASHTO/ ASTM
and cement conforming to BDS EN 197-1 : 2003 CEM-II/A-
L/M/V/W 42.5N, high range water reducing admixture of
complying type A or F under ASTM C 494 (Doses of
admixture to be fixed by the mix design), sand of minimum
FM 2.5 and 20mm down well graded crushed stone chips
broken from boulders (Preferably stone chips from
Madhyapara, Dinajpur, LAA value not exceeding 30)
conforming to ASTM C33 including breaking chips, screening
through proper sieves, cleaning, placing shutter in position,
making shutter water-tight properly, placing reinforcement
in position, mixing in standard mixture machine with hoper,
maintaining allowable slump of 75mm to 100mm, casting in
forms, compacting by mechanical vibrator machine, curing
for 28 days, removing centering-shuttering after approved
specified time period, other incidental charges, etc. all
complete as per drawing, specification & direction of the E-I-
C. The cost of reinforcement and it's fabrication, welding,
coupling, placing, binding etc. is not included but the cost of
admixture is included in this unit rate. Additional quantity of
cement to be added if required to attain the strength at the
contractor's own cost.
Note: Using Concrete Mixer
For top slab including curb and wheel guard of box culvert
Height up to 5 m

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SL Item Code Description of Work Unit Location / Length Width Height / Area / No of Total Qty Unit Amount
No Component Depth Volume Item of Works Rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

8. Supplying and fabrication of Ribbed or deformed bar kg Bottom Slab 12mm dia 2.485 0.888 54.000 119.161 1.00 119.161
reinforcement for all types of RCC work including
straightening, removing ruts, cleaning, cutting, hooking, 10mm dia 5.420 0.617 11.000 36.786 1.00 36.786
bending, lapping and/or welding wherever required as
directed, placing in position, tieing with 22 BWG black C/W 0.460 0.617 7.000 1.987 2.00 3.974
annealed binding wire (PVC coated in case of FBEC rebar)
double fold, cost of binding wire and anchoring to the 1.200 0.617 3.000 2.221 2.00 4.442
adjoining members wherever necessary, supplying and
placing with proper cover blocks (1:1), supports, chairs, Top slab 12mm dia 2.235 0.888 54.000 107.173 1.00 107.173
spacers, splices or laps etc. including cost of all materials,
cost of labour, cost of equipment & machinery, loading and 10mm dia 5.420 0.617 10.000 33.441 1.00 33.441
unloading, transportation, all other incidental charges and
work at all leads and lifts etc. to complete the work as per For 02 No U-drain 304.977 2.00 609.954
design, drawing, specifications and direction of the E-I-C.
Measurement relating to nominal mass, dimensions and 914.931 101.27 92655.06
tolerances of various types of steel shall conform to relevant
BDS/ ASTM codes. Reinforcement shall be measured only in
lengths of bar as actually placed in position on standard
weight i.e. 7850 kg/m3 (BNBC Table 6.2.1) basis. No
separate payment shall be allowed for chairs of any shape &
profile, spacer bar of any shape & profile, lap/ splice unless
otherwise shown in the drawing, wastages, binding wire,
concrete cover blocks etc. as the cost of these is included in
the unit rate.
Note: Tests for reinforcing bars shall be conducted at LGED/
Grade 400 (RB 400/ 400W): Ribbed or Deformed bar
produced and marked as per BDS ISO 6935-2:2006 with
minimum yield strength, fy (ReH) = 400 MPa, but the tested
yield strength shall not exceed fy by more than the 125 MPa
and the ratio of tested ultimate strength, fu (Re) to tested
yield strength (fy) shall be at least 1.25 and minimum
elongation after fracture (A5.65) & minimum total
elongation at maximum force (Agt) is 14% and 2.5%

9. 5.12.01 Minimum 12mm thick cement plaster (1:4) with Portland sqm Wall 5.500 0.900 4.950 6.00 29.700
Composite cement (CEM II/AM, 42.5N) and best quality
sand (minimum FM1.2) to dado, plinth wall up to 150mm Face 0.375 0.300 0.113 12.00 1.356
below ground level, water tank or any where directed with
neat cement finishing in/c washing of sand, racking out joint 0.250 0.300 0.075 12.00 0.900
and picking up cement morter i/c finishing the edges and
corners and curing for the requisite period etc. all complete 31.956 312.37 9982.10
as per direction of the E-I-C.


SAY: 309,833.00

In Word : Taka (Three Lac Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty-Three) Only

Scheme Code : 50929-22-10029; October, 2019 Print Date/Time: 08-Jan-2025 11:53 AM Page 4
(-------------------------------) (---------------------------------) (-------------------------------------) (-----------------------------) (--------------------------------)
Sub Astt. Engineer Upazila Engineer Assistant Engineer Sr. Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer

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