Prabhakar Hall Ticket No. : 141409672156 Under the guidance of: Mr. Ranga Rao
Project submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION by Osmania University, Hyderabad -500007 (2009-2011)
I hereby declare that this Project Report titled Customer Relationship Management submitted by me to the Department of Business Management, O.U., Hyderabad, is a bonafide work undertaken by me and it is not submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any degree diploma / certificate or published any time before.
This is to certify that the Project Report title Customer Relationship Management submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of MBA Programme of Department of Business Management, O.U. Hyderabad, was carried out by Praveen Kumar under my guidance. This has not been submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any degree/diploma/certificate.
Mr. Ranga Rao, Placement officer NIBM, Hyderabad Signature of the Guide
Consumer awareness with special reference to their buying habits, user behavior attitude competitor, market share and opinion about heritage milk products and their sales performance in formulating and appropriate market strategy to grasp a good market like vijaya, companies cutting the market share of heritage products
The part of study enables company to know the brand awareness of heritage and takes necessary action come out from the strategy to keep it as market reads wits strong position and maintain its brand equity among the other players i.e., vijaya tirumula & mother diary.
Survey is an excellent tool for learning and exploration. No classroom routine can substitute which is possible while working in real situations. Application of theoretical knowledge to practical situations is the bonanzas of this survey. Without a proper combination of inspection and perspiration, its not easy to achieve anything. There is always a sense of gratitude, which we express to others for the help and the needy services they render during the different phases of our lives. I too would like to do it as I really wish to express my gratitude toward all those who have been helpful to me directly or indirectly during the development of this project. First of all I wish to express my profound gratitude and sincere thanks to my esteemed learned Director Ch. Shyam Sunder, Director, NIBM, Hyderabad, who allowed me to conduct the survey. I would like to thank my mentor Mr. Ranga Rao who was always there to help and guide me when I needed help. I would like to thank Mr. Azaam, (Sr. Executive), Heritage Foods India Pvt. Ltd AT HYDERABAD. His perceptive criticism kept me working to make this project more full proof. I am thankful to him for his encouraging and valuable support. Working under him was an extremely knowledgeable and enriching experience for me. I am very thankful to him for all the value addition and enhancement done to me. No words can adequately express my overriding debt of gratitude to my parents whose support helps me in all the way. Above all I shall thank my friends who constantly encouraged and blessed me so as to enable me to do this work successfully.
TITLE LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 1: Introduction Need for the study Objective of the study CHAPTER 2 : Literature Review CHAPTER 3 : Industry profile Company Profile CHAPTER 4 : Research Methodology Data analysis and Interpretation CHAPTER 5 : Findings Conclusion Suggestions BIBLIOGRAPHY QUESTIONNAIRE
1 9 11 12 15 23 47 49
59 61 63 65 67
BRAND AWARENESS is the probability that consumers are familiar about the life and availability of the product. It is the degree to which consumers precisely associate the brand with the specific product. It is measured as ratio of niche market that has former knowledge of brand. Brand awareness includes both brand recognition as well as brand recall. Brand recognition is the ability of consumer to recognize prior knowledge of brand when they are asked questions about that brand or when they are shown that specific brand, i.e., the consumers can clearly differentiate the brand as having being earlier noticed or heard. While brand recall is the potential of customer to recover a brand from his memory when given the product class/category, needs satisfied by that category or buying scenario as a signal. In other words, it refers that consumers should correctly recover brand from the memory when given a clue or he can recall the specific brand when the product category is mentioned. It is generally easier to recognize a brand rather than recall it from the memory.
BRAND RECALL Brand Recall is the extent to which a brand name is recalled as a member of a brand, product or service class, as distinct from brand recognition. Common market research usage is that pure brand recall requires "unaided recall". For example a respondent may be asked to recall the names of any cars he may know, or any whisky brands he may know.
Some researchers divide recall into both "unaided" and "aided" recall. "Aided recall" measures the extent to which a brand name is remembered when the actual brand name is prompted. An example of such a question is "Do you know of the "Honda" brand?" In terms of brand exposure, companies want to look for high levels of unaided recall in relation to their competitors. The first recalled brand name (often called "top of mind") has a distinct competitive advantage in brand space, as it has the first chance of evaluation for purchase. BRAND RECOGNITION Brand Recognition is the extent to which a brand is recognized for stated brand attributes or communications In some cases brand recognition is defined as aided recall - and as a subset of brand recall. In the case, brand recognition is the extent to which a brand name is recognized when prompted with the actual name. A broader view of brand recognition is the extent to which a brand is recognized within a product class for certain attributes. Logo and tagline testing can be seen as a form of brand recognition testing. For example, if a product name can be associated with a certain tagline, logo or attribute (safety and Volvo; "Just do it" Nike) a certain level of brand recognition is present. 7 WAYS TO BUILD BRAND AWARENESS
To some, branding might not feel like a tangible aspect of running a business. It cant be seen like a product on the shelf, or counted like a cash drawer at the end of the night. But, branding is the reason people pay three times more for a product at one store over another. Good branding is the product of a clear vision, and nobody knows more about vision than small business owners. But, with limited resources, creating a brand identity can be tricky. Fortunately, building brand awareness on the Internet doesnt need to take a lot of money or resources.
Here are seven strategies to build your business brand: Define the vision. Before moving ahead with the web site, create a brand positioning statement. This isnt just, What kind of web site do we want to be? This is Who are we? says Harley Manning, vice president at Forrester Research in Cambridge, Mass., a technology and market research firm that advises on the effects technology has on consumers and businesses. Good brand statements typically include the companys mission, vision and values. Its succinct. Its typically something that will fit on a page easily, he says. Build a brand worth believing in. Do you so believe in what youre creating that you would trademark it? says Andrea Fitch, president and CEO of RedCarpet Creations, Inc., and national president of the Society for Marketing Professional Services, both based out of Alexandria, Va. Really consider what kind of brand
could represent the business through the next decade. Dont have a logo that in five years youre going to be tired of and discard for another, she says. Remember, the web site is the brand. A web site is not just a communication medium, Manning says. It is actually a channel that must deliver on the promise. Essentially, a web site should embody the promise that it makes to customers. If, for instance, a business claims to be innovative, the web site should look fresh and modern. Create a cohesive experience between all mediums. Before she launched her companys new web site, Fitch made sure it would be an event that her potential clients would never forget. RedCarpet Creations mailed 4,000 silver tubes containing scrolls that looked like rolled-up carpet. Inside the scrolls was an announcement about the web sites launch. Once online, the web site was an extension of the invitations because it followed through on the themes of red carpet imagery and references to visitors being treated like a VIP. Customers should easily be able to recognize the companys brand, whether it is print, online or some other form of media, Manning says. Dont sacrifice creativity. Once the brands guidelines are established, creative choices must bring those attributes to life, Manning says. Dont let the companys brand become so dominating that there is no room for new thoughts and ideas. Brand should be the jumping-off point for interesting ideas, not the place where
every new idea dead-ends. Fitch stresses that a sense of fun and whimsy will only enhance the likelihood that people will take an interest in the web site. Dont communicate brand at the expense of delivering. While a web site can be a significant tool for building brand awareness, clarity and functionality are paramount. Just be careful not to let the communication about your brand get in the way of delivering your message, Manning says. People should be able to understand how to navigate the site without knowing a thing about the companys catch phrases. You cant frustrate and annoy people into liking your brand, he says. Listen to the customers: They determine a brands true value. Pay attention to customer feedback about the site because, ultimately, its the customers opinion that counts. When it comes to building a brand, a company can incorporate everything from signature colors to catch phrases, but at the end of the day, its the consumer who decides what a brand is really worth. Its not what you say [about] yourself, its what others say of you, Fitch says.
1. To know the most preferable milk brands. 2. To know the perception regarding heritage brand among consumers and retailers. 3. To know the parameters that makes Heritage most preferable than other players. 4. To study the tastes and preferences of the customers.
This part of study enables company to know the brand awareness of the Heritage (Brand value of the Heritage brand) and take necessary action come out from this strategy to keep it as market reads with strong position and to maintain its brand equity among the other players like Vijaya, Tirumala, Mother Dairy.
Hence this study is to analyse and to measure the brand awareness of the Heritage in Hyderabad.
Brand awareness is improved to the extent to which brand names are selected that is simple and easy to pronounce or spell; known and expressive; and unique as well as distinct. For instance - Coca Cola has come to be known as Coke. There are two types of brand awareness:
Aided awareness- This means that on mentioning the product category, the customers recognize your brand from the lists of brands shown.
Top of mind awareness (Immediate brand recall)- This means that on mentioning the product category, the first brand that customer recalls from his mind is your brand.
The relative importance of brand recall and recognition will rely on the degree to which consumers make product-related decisions with the brand present or not. For instance - In a store, brand recognition is more crucial as the brand will be physically present. In a scenario where brands are not physically present, brand recall is more significant (as in case of services and online brands). Building brand awareness is essential for building brand equity. It includes use of various renowned channels of promotion such as advertising, word of mouth
publicity, social media like blogs, sponsorships, launching events, etc. To create brand awareness, it is important to create reliable brand image, slogans and taglines. The brand message to be communicated should also be consistent. Strong brand awareness leads to high sales and high market share. Brand awareness can be regarded as a means through which consumers become acquainted and familiar with a brand and recognize that brand.
A dairy is a building used for the harvesting of animal milkmostly from cows or goats, but also from buffalo, sheep, horses or camels for human consumption. A dairy is typically located on a dedicated dairy farm or section of a multi-purpose farm that is concerned with the harvesting of milk.
Terminology differs between countries. For example, in the United States, a farm building where milk is harvesting is often called a milking parlor. In New Zealand such a building is historically know as the milking shed - although in recent years there has been a progressive change to call such a building a farm dairy.
In some countries, especially those with small numbers of animals being milked, as well as harvesting the milk from an animal, the dairy may also process the milk into butter, cheese and yoghurt, for example. This is a traditional method of producing specialist milk products, especially in Europe. In the United States a dairy can also be a place that processes, distributes and sells dairy products, or a room, building or establishment where milk is stored and processed into milk products, such as butter or cheese. In New Zealand English the singular use of the word dairy almost exclusively refers to the corner convenience store, or superette. This usage is historical as such stores were a common place for the public to buy milk products.
As an attributive, the word dairy refers to milk-based products, derivatives and processes, and the animals and workers involved in their production: for example dairy cattle, dairy goat. A
dairy farm produces milk and a dairy factory processes it into a variety of dairy products.
These establishments constitute the dairy industry, a component of the food industry. Today, India is 'The Oyster' of the global dairy industry. It offers opportunities galore to entrepreneurs worldwide, who wish to capitalize on one of the world's largest and fastest growing markets for milk and milk products. A bagful of 'pearls' awaits the international dairy processor in India. The Indian dairy industry is rapidly growing, trying to keep pace with the galloping progress around the world. As he expands his overseas operations to India any profitable options await him. He may transfer technology, sign joint ventures or use India as a sourcing center for regional exports. The liberalization of the Indian economy beckons to MNC's and foreign investors alike. Indias dairy sector is expected to triple its production in the next 10 years in view of expanding potential for export to Europe and the West. Moreover with WTO regulations expected to come into force in coming years all the developed countries which are among big exporters today would have to withdraw the
support and subsidy to their domestic milk products sector. Also India today is the lowest cost producer of per litre of milk in the world, at 27 cents, compared with the U.S' 63 cents, and Japans $2.8 dollars.
Also to take advantage of this lowest cost of milk production and increasing production in the country multinational companies are planning to expand their activities here. Some of these milk producers have already obtained quality standard certificates from the authorities. This will help them in marketing their products in foreign countries in processed form.
The urban market for milk products is expected to grow at an accelerated pace of around 33% per annum to around Rs.43,500 crores by year 2005. This growth is going to come from the greater emphasis on the processed foods sector and also by increase in the conversion of milk into milk products. By 2005, the value of Indian dairy produce is expected to be
Rs 10, 00,000 million. Presently the market is valued at around Rs7, 00,000mn.
Indian Dairy Industry- Background India with 134mn cows and 125mn buffaloes has the largest population of cattle in the world. Total cattle population in the country as on October'00 stood at 313mn.
More than fifty percent of the buffaloes and twenty percent of the cattle in the world are found in India and most of these are milch cows and milch buffaloes.
Indian dairy sector contributes the large share in agricultural gross domestic products. Presently there are around 70,000 village dairy cooperatives across the country. The cooperative societies are federated into 170 district milk producers unions, which is turn has 22-state cooperative dairy federation. Milk production gives employment to more than 72mn dairy farmers. In terms of total production, India is the leading producer of milk in the world followed by USA. The milk production in 1999-00 is estimated at 78mn MT as compared to 74.5mn MT in the previous year. This production is expected to increase to 81mn MT by 2000-01. Of this total produce of 78mn cows' milk constitute 36mn MT while rest is from other cattle.
While world milk production declined by 2 per cent in the last three years, according to FAO estimates, Indian production has increased by 4 per cent. The milk production in India accounts for more than 13% of the total world output and 57% of total Asia's production. The top five milk producing nations in the world are India, USA, Russia, Germany and France. Although milk production has grown at a fast pace during the last three decades (courtesy: Operation Flood), milk yield per animal is very low. The main reasons for the low yield are
Lack of use of scientific practices in mugged Inadequate availability of fodder in all seasons. Unavailability of veterinary health services.
Export Potential for Indian Dairy Products India has the potential to become one of the leading players in milk and milk product exports. Location advantage: India is located amidst major milk deficit countries in Asia and Africa. Major importers of milk and milk products are Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, UAE, Oman and other gulf countries, all located close to India. Low Cost of Production: Milk production is scale insensitive and labour intensive. Due to low labour cost, cost of production of milk is significantly lower in India. Concerns in export competitiveness are: 1) Quality: Significant investment has to be made in milk procurement, equipments, chilling and refrigeration facilities. Also, training has to be imparted to improve the quality to bring it up to international standards. 2) Productivity: To have an exportable surplus in the long-term and also to maintain cost competitiveness, it is imperative to improve productivity of Indian cattle. There is a vast market for the export of traditional milk products such as ghee, paneer, shrikhand, rasgolas and other ethnic sweets to the large number of Indians scattered all over the world
According to Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCIS), Kolkata, India exported dairy products worth US $ 35 million in 200304. Asian markets are the major destinations for Indian dairy products accounting for nearly one-third of total exports. Major Asian markets for Indian dairy products include UAE, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Yemen and Kuwait. Major export items are milk and cream in concentrated form followed by butter and fat.
India also exported dairy items like buttermilk / curd, whey, milk and cream not in concentrated form and cheese, albeit negligible volume. Indias exports of milk in concentrated and sweetened form was valued at US $ 2.7 million in 2002 and accounted for a share of 0.15% in Asias total imports (of US $ 1.7 billion). Similarly, India exported whey valued at about US $ 1.2 million in 2002 as against the total Asian import market of US $ 291 million (0.41%). Thus, there are promising opportunities for exporting dairy products in Asian markets. As regards export potential of fresh milk and cream (containing fat upto 6%) to Sri Lanka, the study observed that the import by Sri Lanka was low at US $ 0.21 million in 2002. The total exports of the same product by India to the whole world were also low valued at US $ 0.08 million, in the same year. While Indias exports of fresh milk and cream to Sri Lanka was negligible, the imports by Sri Lanka have been mainly
from Australia and New Zealand. However, efforts could be made to export Indian fresh milk to Sri Lanka taking cost advantages in transportation.
The Heritage Group, founded in 1992 by Sri Nara Chandra Babu Naidu, is one of the fastest growing Private Sector Enterprises in India, with four-business divisions viz., Dairy, Retail, Agri, and Bakery under its flagship Company Heritage Foods (India) Limited (HFIL), one subsidiary - SKIL RAIGAM POWER Limited. The annual turnover of Heritage Foods crossed Rs.900 crores in 2009-10 and is aiming for Rs.1100 crores during 2010-11.
Presently Heritages milk products have market presence in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharastra and Orissa and its retail stores across
Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad. Integrated agri operations are in Chittoor and Medak Districts and these are backbone to retail operations. The state of art Bakery division at Uppal, Hyderabad, AndhraPradesh.
In the year 1994, HFIL went to Public Issue to raise resources, which was oversubscribed 54 times and its shares are listed under B1 Category on BSE (Stock Code: 519552) and NSE (Stock Code: HERITGFOOD)
Sri Chandra Babu Naidu is one of the greatest Dynamic, Pragmatic, Progressive and Visionary Leaders of the 21 st Century.
With an objective of "Bringing prosperity into the rural families through cooperative efforts", he along with a few like minded, friends and associates
promoted "Heritage Foods" in the year 1992 taking opportunity from the Industrial Policy, 1991 of Government of India and he has been successful in his endeavour. At present, Heritage has market presence in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Maharastra. More than three thousand villages and three lakh farmers are being benefited in these states. On the other side, Heritage is serving millions of customers needs, employing more than 3500 employees and generating indirect employment opportunities to more than 10000 people. Beginning with a humble annual turnover of Rs.4.38 crores in 1993-94, the sales turnover has reached close to Rs.350 crores during the financial year 20062007.
Sri Chandra Babu Naidu was born on April 20, 1951 in Naravaripally Village , Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh , India . His late father Sri N. Kharjura Naidu was an agriculturist and his late mother Smt. Ammanamma was a housewife. Mr. Naidu had his school education in Chandragiri and his college education at the Sri Venkateswara Arts College , Tirupati. He did his Masters in Economics from the Sri Venkateswara University , Tirupati. Sri Naidu is married to Ms. Bhuvaneswari D/o Sri N T Rama Rao, Ex-Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and famous Star of Telugu Cinema. Mrs. N Bhuvaneswari is presently the Vice Chairman & Managing Director of Heritage Foods ( India ) Limited.
Mr. Naidu held various positions of office in his college and organised a number of social activities. Following the 1977 cyclone, which devastated Diviseema taluk of Krishna district, he actively organised donations and relief material from Chittoor district for the cyclone victims. Mr. Naidu has been evincing keen interest in rural development activities in general and the upliftment of the poor and downtrodden sections of society in particular. Sri Naidu held various coveted and honourable positions including Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Minister for Finance & Revenue, Minister for Archives & Cinematography, Member of the A.P. Legislative Assembly, Director of A.P. Small Industries Development Corporation, and Chairman of Karshaka Parishad. Sri Naidu has won numerous awards including " Member of the World Economic Forum's Dream Cabinet" (Time Asia ), "South Asian of the Year " (Time Asia ), " Business Person of the Year " (Economic Times), and " IT Indian of the Millennium " ( India Today).
Sri Naidu was chosen as one of 50 leaders at the forefront of change in the year 2000 by the Business Week magazine for being an unflinching proponent of technology and for his drive to transform the State of Andhra Pradesh .
Heritage Slogan
When you are healthy, we are healthy When you are happy, we are happy We live for your "HEALTH & HAPPINESS"
Mission Bringing prosperity into rural families of India through co-operative efforts and providing customers with hygienic, affordable and convenient supply of " Fresh and Healthy " food products.
To be a progressive billion dollar organization with a pan India foot print by 2015. To achieve this by delighting customers with "Fresh and Healthy" food products, those are a benchmark for quality in the industry. We are committed to enhanced prosperity and the empowerment of the farming community through our unique "Relationship Farming" Model.
To be a preferred employer by nurturing entrepreneurship, managing career aspirations and providing innovative avenues for enhanced employee prosperity.
UHT Milk
Butter Milk
Flavoured Milk
Doodh Peda
Ice Cream
Cooking Butter
Fresh Cream
Regular high income through co-operative efforts Women participation in income generation Saved from price exploitation by un-organized sector Remunerative prices for milk Increase of milk productivity through input and extension activities Shift from risky agriculture to dairy farming Heritage Financial support for purchase of cattle; insuring cattle Establishment of Cattle Health Care Centers Supplying high quality Cattle feed Organizing "Rythu Sadasu" and Video programmes for educating the farmers in dairy farming Customers Timely Supply of Quality & Healthy Products Supply high quality milk and milk products at affordable prices Focused on Nutritional Foods More than 4 lakh happy customers High customer satisfaction 24 hours help lines ( <10 complaints a day) Employees Enhancing the Technical and Managerial skills of Employees through continuous training and development Best appraisal systems to motivate employees Incentive, bonus and reward systems to encourage employees Heritage forges ahead with a motto "add value to everything you do" Shareholders Returns Consistent Dividend Payment since Public Issue (January 1995)
Service Highest impotence to investor service; no notice from any regulatory authority since 2001 in respect of investor service Very transparent disclosures Suppliers Doehlar: technical collaboration in Milk drinks, yogurts drinks and fruit flavoured drinks Alfa-Laval: supplier of high-end machinery and technical support Focusing on Tetra pack association for products package.
Society Potential Employment Generation more than 3500 employees are working with heritage more than 9500 procurement agents got self employment in rural areas more than 5000 sales agents associated with the company Employment for the youth by providing financial and animal husbandry support for establishing MINI DAIRIES Producing highly health conscious products for the society
"Certificate ISO -22000" Food safety policy: We are committed to procure, process & supply safe and wholesome milk and milk products to our valued customers through: Implmentation of food safety management system in raw material selection. Continual upgradation of technology, systems and services. Ensuring best hygiene and sanitation practices by complying with statutory and regulatory requirements. Providing resources to achieve measurable objectives through continual improvement. Communicating our food safety policy to all our internal and external customers.
"ISO 9001 certification" Quality policy: We are committed to achieve customer satisfaction through hygienically processed and packed Milk and Milk Products. We strive to continually improve the quality of our products and services through up gradation of technologies
and systems.
Heritage's soul has always been imbibed with an unwritten perpetual commitment to itself, to always produce and provide quality products with continuous efforts to improve the process and environment. Adhering to its moral commitment and its continuous drive to achieve excellence in quality of Milk, Milk products & Systems, Heritage has always been laying emphasis on not only reviewing & re-defining quality standards, but also in implementing them successfully. All activities of Processing, Quality control, Purchase, Stores, Marketing and Training have been documented with detailed quality plans in each of the departments. Today Heritage feels that the ISO certificate is not only an epitome of achieved targets, but also a scale to identify & reckon, what is yet to be achieved on a continuous basis.
Though, it is a beginning, Heritage has initiated the process of standardizing and adopting similar quality systems at most of its other plants. PROBLEM AREA: 1. The sales executive of the company are not maintaining good relationship with the customers 2. Customers are having opinion that crates are not cleaning regularly
3. Regular customers are expecting discounts 4. Customers are expecting free bags 5. Customers are saying that curd packets are sometimes having bad smell and it is thin form
Strengths Of Heritage 1. Strategically located in the heritage 2. Quick availability of raw material 3. Popular brand known from years 4. Milk and milk products are available at competitive prices 5. ability to maintain uniform quality 6. timely delivery 7. new technology implemented for production of milk 8. heritage has very good infrastructure 9. heritage attends to the complaints of consumers immediately 10.heritage pays the highest price for the milk collected from farmers in India and loyalty among customers for the brand.
Weakness Of Heritage 1. Freezing of marketable area 2. Lack of flexibility in system 3. Rivalry among sister unions 4. Government influence 5. Lack of personalize service to channel members 6. High overheads 7. Return are not expected
Opportunities 1. Products at affordable prices 2. Your company has set high standards of quality and safety practices,which gives it an inherent advantage 3. There is also a constant and conscious effort to add further value to the consumer by offering new products and better quality of services in the distribution chain. 4. The improvement in the standard of living of consumers and the higher disposable income has increased the demand for high quality dar\iry products.
Threats 1. Milk being a perishable commodity demands an efficient cold chain management 2. Many new process are being developed to improve the quality of milk so processed and to extend its shelf life
3. Your company is in the forefront of such initiatives in establishing this infrastructure 4. The industry gas become highly competitive with diverse players
Financial 1. Finance Department prepares the budget for expenditure at all levels. 2. Decides and gives the sales targets for all the departments periodically 3. Maintains the books of accounts 4. Collects & deposits the cash received daily through sales in the Cos bank account
Human Resources 1. Human Resource Department Selects & recruits employees through various sources such as consultancy services, walk-ins, Referrals, Campus recruitment etc
2. Trains & develops employees through its own specialized training centre known as Gurukul. 3. Motivates all employees to perform to their best through various monetary and non-monetary rewards. 4. Regular and periodic performance appraisal of all the employees is conducted and suitably rewarded.
Marketing 1. Marketing Department Designs creative and attractive advertisements through which the companys products can be promoted to the customers. 2. Decides the different marketing channels to be used to increase the sales. 3. Creates a very pleasant and feel good environment in the Store to attract more customers
Also responsible for the arrangement of products in each department to help easy availability of products to the customers.
Marketing is so basic that it cannot be considered as a separate function. It is whole business seen from the point of view of its final result that it is from the customer point of view business success is not determined by the producers but by the customers.
The above statement by peter F. Drucker clearly puts forth the importance and insensibility of marketing the overall functioning of the organization normally ,marketing can be identified as a business function that identifies unsatisfied needs and wants, defines and measures their magnitude, determines which target markets the organization can best serve, decide as appropriate product, services and programs to serve these markets and calls of every one in the organization to Think and serve the customers.
Marketing is no longer The art of selling what you make, but what to make it has been rightly said that while great devices have been made in the marketing department. To achieve the desired objectives in marketing a set of marketing tool are utilized marketers, marketing mix is the set of marketing tool s that firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market. Marketing mix consist of every thing the form can be collected in to group of variables known as 4ps as proposed by M.C.Carthy product, piece, place, and promotion.
According to professor clerk & clerk Marketing consists of these efforts which effects transfer in the ownership of goods and services and which provide for their physical distribution. Production and marketing are the two pillars of an efficient economy, which are linked by the powerful belt of marketing.
Companys primary task is to create customers . But todays customer face a vast array of product and brand choices prices, and suppliers.
We believe that customer estimate which offer will deliver the most value. customer are value-maximizes, within the bonds of search costs and limited knowledge ,mobility and income .They form an expectation of value and act on
it .Then they learn whether the offer lived up to the value expectation and this affects their satisfaction and their repurchase probability.
technological land marks and it ends with the customer satisfaction and social well being .under the market driven economy buyer or customer is the boss.
Sri D. Seetharamiah, Chairman Sri K. Kannan, Director Dr. A. Appa Rao, Director Dr. V. Nagaraja Naidu, Director Dr. N. R Sivaswamy, Director Smt N. Bhuvaneswari, Vice-Chairman & Managing Director
Dr. M. SambaSiva Rao, President CA A Prabhakara Naidu, Sr General Manager - Finance & Accounts Umakanta Barik, Company Secretary K Durga Prasada Rao, Chief Operating Officer - Dairy Division S Jagdish Krishnan, Chief Operating Officer - Retail Division Anil Kumar Srivastava, Chief Operating Officer - Agri Business Division
This study was undertaken in Heritage Foods India Pvt. Ltd. SAMPLE SIZE I have taken 100 customers as sample. PRIMARY DATA The primary data collection is done with the help of questionnaire that proved to be effective in collecting the relevant information regarding the brand awareness. SECONDARY DATA Secondary data is collected from books, company records and internet. STATISTICAL TOOLS USED Percentage analysis
29 39 13 19
29 39 13 19
INTERPRETATION: From this I can analyze that, majority of respondents i.e., 39% respondents say they use 1 litres milk per day. QUESTION NO. 2 For how long you are using the particular brand? TABLE: Options From last 2months 2 to 6 months 6 months to 1 year 1 to 2 years Above two years GRAPH: No. of respondents 11 30 24 20 15 Percentage 11 30 24 20 15
From this I can analyze that, majority of respondents i.e., 30% respondents say they were using the brand from 2 to 6 months. QUESTION NO. 3 The reason for using particular brand? TABLE: Options Price Quality Brand Service GRAPH: No. of respondents 15 50 20 15 Percentage 15 50 20 15
INTERPRETATION: From this I can analyze that, majority of respondents i.e., 50% respondents say quality is the reason for using particular.
QUESTION NO. 4 Through whom or which media was made known to you? TABLE: Options Advertising Agent No. of respondents 50 11 Percentage 50 11
25 14
25 14
INTERPRETATION: From this I can analyze that, majority of respondents i.e., 50% respondents say advertisement is the media which make them to know about Heritage. QUESTION NO. 5 How do you feel Heritage products ( Other than Milk ) are priced? TABLE: Options Low Reasonable High Very high No. of respondents 25 50 15 10 Percentage 25 50 15 10
INTERPRETATION: From this I can analyze that, majority of respondents i.e., 50% respondents say price of the Heritage products are reasonable.
QUESTION NO. 6 Do you have Heritage monthly card? TABLE: Options Yes No No. of respondents 55 45 Percentage 25 75
INTERPRETATION: From this I can analyze that, majority of respondents i.e., 55% respondents say they have Heritage monthly card.
QUESTION NO. 7 What purpose you are using Milk? TABLE: Options Coffee/Tea Drink Curd Butter No. of respondents 38 2 15 8 Percentage 38 2 15 8
INTERPRETATION: From this I can analyze that, majority of respondents i.e., 38% respondents say they use the milk for the purpose of tea/coffee. QUESTION NO. 8 In absence of Heritage brand which other brand you prefer to purchase? TABLE: Options Vijaya Tirumala Mother Dairy Jersey Others GRAPH: INTERPRETATION: From this I can analyze that, majority of respondents i.e., 38% respondents say in the absence of Heritage milk they prefer to purchase Vijaya milk. QUESTION NO. 9 No. of respondents 38 15 11 32 4 Percentage 38 15 11 32 4
Any plans to shift Heritage Dairy Milk? TABLE: Options Yes No Not sure No. of respondents 11 69 20 Percentage 11 69 20
INTERPRETATION: From this I can analyze that, majority of respondents i.e., 69% respondents say they have no plan to shift the Heritage Dairy milk.
The below given findings are based on the survey conducted on the sample of 100 respondents belonging to different sex, age etc. 39% respondents say they use 1 litres milk per day. 30% respondents say they were using the brand from 2 to 6 months. 50% respondents say quality is the reason for using particular. 50% respondents say advertisement is the media which make them to know about Heritage. 50% respondents say price of the Heritage products are reasonable. 55% respondents say they have Heritage monthly card.
38% respondents say they use the milk for the purpose of tea/coffee.
38% respondents say in the absence of Heritage milk they prefer to purchase Vijaya milk.
69% respondents say they have no plan to shift the Heritage Dairy milk. Most of the customer use to buy vijaya & jersey milk earlier. Due to low quality customers shifted to Heritage, hence company should maintain properly.
Most of the customers are using the Heritage milk from last 6 months. Hence there should be more improvement in making aware of the product. The quality of the Milk and Milk products are excellent in the most of the customers view. Most of the customers are not aware of all the Heritage dairy products and parlors. Most of the customers are satisfied with the price offered by the Heritage. Most of the customers are expecting more from our company like promotional strategies.
Company should improve its quality and it should offer its products with affordable prices. Deliver the Heritage Milk & Milk products within time that is the one of the key aspect for increasing the market share. Make sure that all products of Heritage available at ease in all store. Concentrate on the brand building. Generate full awareness about all Heritage Milk verities. i.e., toned milk, double toned milk, full cream milk, golden cow milk and skim milk. Company should concentrate on leakage of milk and curd. Company should concentrate on quality of curd because sometimes it smells bad. When new product enters into the market it should be informed to regular customer.
Complaints are not been rectified quickly, so Company should care about customers and retailers complaints.
Dear Sir/Madam I am a student of MBA of NIBM PG College as a part of our curriculum activity I have taken up A STUDY ON BRAND AWARENESS TOWARDS HERITAGE FOOD PRODUCTS conducted on behalf of Heritage Diary. I kindly request you to spend few minutes to answer the following, Date 1. Name: _____________________________________ 2. Address:____________________________________ 3. How many liters Milk you use per day? A) 0.5 litres ( ) B) 1 litre ( ) C) 1.5 litres ( ) D) 2 litres ( ) 1. For how long you are using the Heritage product? A) From last 2months ( ) B) 2 to 6 months ( ) C) 6 months to 1 year ( ) D) 1 to 2 years ( ) E) Above two years ( ) 1. The reason for using particular brand? A) Price ( ) B) Quality ( ) C) Brand ( ) D) Service ( )
1. Which is the other brand you use to buy earlier? A) .. 1. The reason for shifting from the earlier brand? A) 1. Through whom or which media was made known to you? A) Advertising ( ) B) Agent ( ) C) Family members ( ) D) Friends ( ) 1. How do you feel Heritage products ( Other than Milk ) are priced? A) Low ( ) B) Reasonable ( ) C) High ( ) D) Very high ( ) 1. Do you have Heritage monthly card? A) Yes ( ) B) No ( ) 1. What purpose you are using Heritage Milk? A) Coffee/Tea ( ) B) Drink ( ) C) Curd ( ) D) Butter ( ) E) All ( )
1. In absence of Heritage brand which other brand you prefer to purchase? A) Vijaya ( )
B) Tirumala ( ) C) Mother Dairy ( ) D) Jersey ( ) E) Others ( ) 1. Any plans to shift Heritage Dairy Milk? A) Yes ( ) B) No ( ) C) Not sure ( )
Thank you