Feb 19
Feb 19
Feb 19
Fr. Peter Proulx, Pastor Fr. Ryan Holly, Associate Pastor Deacon Don Smith 331 Plaunt Street, South; P.O. Box 396 Renfrew, Ontario K7V 4A6 Tel: (613) 432-5825 Fax: (613) 432-6663
Web Site: http://sfxrenfrew.wordpress.com/ E mail: [email protected]
St. Francis Xavier, a welcoming faith community lovingly sharing the gifts of God.
PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED: We pray for our loved ones who have died recently especially Christine Sulpher and Genevieve Funicane.
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK AND SHUT-IN: Let us raise up in prayer those who seek Gods healing love, those at the hospital, hospice and at home especially Sheila Gallagher, Ed Boose and Joan Prince. May your struggle be consoled by Christs love.
THE SEASON OF LENT ent is the yearly celebration by the Church of its corporate conversion in Jesus Christ. It prepares the faithful for Easter as they recall their baptism and do penance in preparation for the greatest feast of the year. Lent has two major purposes: It recalls or prepares for baptism, and emphasizes a spirit of penance. Through forty days of closer attention to God's word and more fervent prayer, believers are prepared to celebrate the Paschal Mystery. During this season we take note of the sober nature of our liturgies, attuning our minds and hearts to receiving God's Word. You will notice that we do not sing "Alleluia" until Easter and will not have a recessional hymn, choosing to depart in silence at the end of our weekend Masses. The Church also has the long-standing practice of penitential disciplines during this season, which are external expressions of our pilgrimage of internal virtue and holiness. Fridays are days of abstinence from meat, but Catholics may substitute special acts of charity or piety on this day.
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting and of abstinence from meat. Christian fasting obtains its full meaning when we deprive ourselves of food in order to be more open for the prayer, to share more in the suffering of those who are starving and to offer money to give to the poor. Fasting among Christians is intended to open our hearts to God and others, a means of purification and spiritual liberation, a witness of the depth of our faith. The law of abstinence from meat binds those who are 14 years and older; the law of fasting binds those from 18 to 59 years of age. Parents and educators are reminded of their duty to introduce children gradually to the understanding of penance. Adult example will be the greatest influence in this matter. Mass will be celebrated on Ash Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
CATHOLICISM - 2012 Lenten Series On Mondays during the season of Lent, Father Holly will be facilitating a series entitled Catholicism: The Journey of A Lifetime. The series is based on a highly acclaimed video series that presents through cinematography the beauty of the Catholic faith as illustrated by the spiritual and artistic treasures of our faith. This series has been filmed in more than 50 locations and 15 countries, revealing the global culture of the Church. It is hoped that if you are a life-long Catholic, someone who has been away from the practice of the faith, or even a non-Catholic spouse, that all will feel welcome to be a part of this series! We will actually begin a few days before Lent, starting on Monday, February 20th. The first topic will be "Amazed and Afraid: The Revelation of God Become Man". In order to accommodate the session for these Mondays we will have Mass at 6:30 p.m. in the Church, followed by the session beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the hall. If you would like to preview this series, please visit www.catholicismseries.com. If you have any questions please speak with Father Holly or email him at [email protected]
e have had some challenge of late in our nature of being a people of celebration at our Masses. The changes in the new wording at Mass began the journey. The speed at which you picked up on the changes is commendable. Then came a Mass setting for singing the responses and the Gloria which has proven to be overly challenging.
Now we have a new challenge. Elizabeth Spour, our regular organist, is having some serious medical treatments. This makes it too taxing for her to be here regularly. We are grateful to Rachelle ONeill who is willing to assist for the time being. This week we welcome and thank Nick Walters. Somewhere in all of this are you people who are no doubt wondering where is it all going? The parishioners of St. Francis have developed a rich history and tradition of singing at Mass. Recently, however, with all thats going on, we are losing momentum. That is to be understood. Members of the Resurrection Choir are now trying to assist us in reclaiming our voices and we are trying a new Mass setting! I thank the volunteers for their every effort. Soon we will begin Lent. Our hymns and traditions will remind us of who we are. I trust that we can use this discipline to recapture our commitment to good Liturgical celebrations of the Mass.
MON Feb. 20 6:30 p.m. TUE Feb. 21 9:30 a.m. WED Feb. 22 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. THUR Feb. 23 10:30 a.m. 12:10 p.m. FRI Feb. 24 8:00 a.m. SAT Feb. 25 5:00 p.m. SUN Feb. 26 10:30 a.m. Deceased Relatives E. L. Jolicoeur Marlene Windle Eileen & Family Anna Mae Belanger Fay & Darlene Frances Hanniman Joe & Allison Kubiseski BONNECHERE MANOR: Anna McArthur Kay Valliquette Andy Kelly Freda & Family SUNDAY C. J. McNulty Stan & Heather Rekowski OFFERING: Deceased Parents & Sister Pat & Bill McGahern February 12th: Marjorie Humphry Angela Millar $3,452.50 Intentions of the Parishioners Father Holly
SATURDAY EVENING MASS - 5:00 p.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD M. Maloney; S. McCanna MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY B. & S. Holley Family J. Mahusky; J. Skebo MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST C. Sulpher; K. Coulas; L. Armstrong; K. & V. Windle SERVERS B. & M. ONeill; A. Freemark CANTORS C. Slight
THIS WEEK AT S.F.X.: THE WAY OF THE CROSS: An ancient and *Mon. Lenten Series Fr. Holly (Sm. Hall) 7:00 p.m. powerful tradition of our Church is to gather, *Wed. Prayer Shawl Ministry (Mtg. Rm. 1) 10:45 a.m. particularly during Lent to pray the Way of *Wed. Bereavement Grp. (Small Hall) 7:00 p.m. the Cross. We here at St. Francis are fortunate to
BEREAVEMENT GROUP: Please note that during have the C.W.L. members facilitate this prayer time Lent the Bereavement Group will meet on Wednesday each Monday of Lent at 12:10 p.m. beginning evenings at 7 p.m. This will allow participants to February 27th. Please join us. We welcome all take part in Fr. Hollys Monday evening Lenten series.
and will provide the booklets for your reflection PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: Next meeting is on each of the fifteen stations. February 22nd at 10:45 a.m. Please note time change to meet: after Ash Wednesday morning Mass. O.L.F. HOLY NAME CARD PARTIES: Sunday evenings starting at 7 p.m. in O.L.F. Parish Hall on The Faces of Children Benefit Concert, February 26th, March 11th & 25th. Euchre & 500. February 19 - 3:00 pm Admission: $3; 50/50; light lunch. St. James the Less Church, Eganville Artists include: Marc Coderre, Elaine Mawdsley NEW LIFE FAITH RETREAT and Julie Larocque St. John Chrysostom Parish, March 2, 3, 4 and 5 Tickets $10 all proceeds to CPAN & children of Peru Registration required. Info: St. John Chrysostom *A Solidarity Supper will follow in the parish hall Parish 613-623-8234; Chris or Anne Barrett 613-623with a goodwill offering 8234; or email [email protected]
RENFREW FOOD BANK: use of the Food Bank is up 30% over last year. 300 people, including 100 children, receive food each month. The Food Bank is run by 30-35 volunteers, plus 11 active board members. In 2011, about $15 $20K was spent on food; mostly expensive items such as peanut butter, cereal, canned fruit, soup and crackers. The Food Bank is suggesting a food item of the month request for donations (all food obviously welcome). They suggest: CANNED FRUIT FOR FEBRUARY.
ALTAR LINENS SCHEDULES: For those in this ministry who do not have email are ready for pick from the table in the main foyer
An invitation is extended to all parishioners to attend the these faith formation sessions which will be offered in several Pembroke Zone Parishes in the evening from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. No registration is necessary. Participants are welcome to attend as many session as they wish. Information pamphlets are available in the church. For more info, please contact Jason Dedo in the Office of Faith Formation for the Diocese of Pembroke at 613-732-7933, ext. 206 or [email protected] Thursday, February 23 Thursday, March 1 Wednesday, March 7 Wednesday, March 14 Tuesday, March 20 Tuesday March 27 St. John Chrysostom Parish Meeting Room #1, Arnprior St. James the Less Parish Hall, Eganville St. Francis Xavier Parish Hall, Renfrew (Small Hall) Sacred Heart Mission Hall, Cobden Most Precious Blood Parish Annex, Calabogie St. Francis Xavier Parish Hall, Renfrew (Small Hall)