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Department of Education


S.Y. 2024-2025



A. Content The learners demonstrate the understanding of how
evolution through natural selection can result to
Standards biodiversity.
B. Performance The learners write an essay or make a multimedia of
Standards adaptation as a mechanism for survival of a species.
C. Essential At the end of the lesson the students are expected to;
Competency/ a. define what is fossil.
Objectives b. give the importance of fossil discoveries to
modern science
c. classify fossil from its era & period, and;
d. illustrate an example of fossil
II.SUBJECT Biodiversity and Evolution
A. Topic Sources of Evidence for Evolution
B. Materials Laptop
PowerPoint Presentation
Smart TV
HDMI Connector
Printed materials
C. References
Learners’ module Science 10 Learners module pp. (302-308)
Teachers guide Science 10 Teachers guide pp. (223-228)
Other Learning
1.Websites DepEd TAMBAYAN Education News & Download for
• Prayer
• Greetings
A. PRELIMINARY • Checking of Attendance
• Setting of standards

The teacher will ask a student to recapitulate the

B. REVIEW previous topic about mutation.
Activity 1: Poem Readers
Instruction: the students will read a poem and the
teacher will ask them a guided question.
Long ago, in oceans deep,
Life began, a tiny leap.
A simple cell, so small, so new,
Grew and changed, as all things do.
Fins became legs, scales turned to skin,
Creatures moved; their lives begin.
Birds took flight, trees grew tall,
Life kept growing, changing all.

Dinosaurs came, then disappeared,

But life stayed strong, it persevered.
Apes to humans, step by step,
Learning, building, dreams were kept.

And still today, the story goes,

Life adapts, it always grows.
A tale of change, both great and small,
This phenomenon connects us all.

Guide question:

What does the poem all about?

Activity 2: Puzzled 4 Pics 1 word

instruction: The teacher will divide the students into

three groups, each group will be given unpuzzled 4
pictures and the students will guess its word. The
students will be given three minutes.

Evolution Fossil

Activity 3: Creative learning

Instruction: The students will be divided into three

groups each group will be assign on three different
tasks depending on what they pick. Students output
will be rated according to the given criteria. The
EXPLORE students will be given 10 minutes to finish the task.

Task 1. Illustrate a process of evolution.

Task 2. Write a 1 paragraph essay about the
importance of fossil discoveries to modern science
Task 3. Create a poem about evolution

Time management-10%
Content appropriateness-20%
Creativity- 10%
Total- 30 points

Sources of Evidences in the Study of Evolution

Organisms inhabiting the earth have changed overtime.

Their structures, traits and abilities allowed them to
adapt and survive in their environment. Data from the
fossil records, anatomy and morphology, embryonic
development, and biochemistry could be analyzed to
demonstrate if evolution of life on Earth has taken place.
Evidences from Fossil Records

Fossils are examples of materials that paleontologists

use in studying evolution, they are traces of organisms
that lived in the past and were preserved by natural
processes or catastrophic events in rocks, peat, or ice;
some fossils are remains of organisms, that include
bones, shells, teeth and also feces (coprolite). Through
time, the fossil-bearing rocks were exposed by
movement of the Earth's surface, by weathering, or dug
out by paleontologists.

Determining the age of the fossil

Fossils are formed from remains of organisms which

were buried in layers of sedimentary rocks due to
catastrophic events and natural geologic processes. In
time, these remains were replaced by minerals forming
EXPLAIN rock like materials known as fossils.

Relative dating is a method used to determine the age

of the rocks by comparing them with the rocks in the
other layers. The younger rock is found on the top layer
and the older rock is found in bottom layer. Relative
dating method depends upon the assumption that the
age of a fossil is based on the relative age of the rock
from which they are found, the technique is also used to
date the rock based on the fossil it contained. This
makes the method unreliable and require Carbon -14
dating, other radioisotopes dating, and molecular
techniques. Point out that some fossils have no living
representatives today due to extinction. By comparing
the fossils in the different rock layers, scientists were
able to predict the changes that occurred in the
characteristics of various organisms and to reconstruct
the order of changes that these generations of
organisms have undergone.

Activity 4. Fill In the Table

Instruction: The teacher will give the pictures and the

students will put those images depending on the era
they belong.
Cenozoic Mesozoic Paleozoic


Instruction: The teacher will ask a question and if the
students pick TRUE, they must stand up, automatically
the students who sits answered FALSE.

1. Fossils are traces of organisms that lived in the past

and were preserved by natural processes or
catastrophic events. TRUE
2. Fossils include only bones and shells, not feces or
other materials. FALSE
3. Fossils are commonly found in igneous rocks.
4. The younger rocks are typically found in the bottom
layer of sedimentary rocks. FALSE
5. Relative dating compares the age of rocks based on
their positions in sedimentary layers. TRUE
6. Fossils can provide evidence of evolutionary
changes in organisms over time. TRUE
7. Relative dating is the most reliable method for
determining the exact age of fossils. FALSE
8. Carbon-14 dating is a technique used to determine
the age of fossils more accurately than relative dating.
9. Some fossils represent organisms that have no
living descendants today due to extinction. TRUE
10. By studying fossils in different rock layers,
scientists can reconstruct the evolutionary history of
organisms. TRUE

In a short bond paper draw at least 1 example of fossil,

EXTEND describe briefly and label its proper era and period.

Prepared by:
Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:
Secondary School Principal I

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