Ask students to write a short email to a friend,
giving advice on how to prepare for an interview
OR how to behave during one.
A lecture, learning to ski with а personal tutor 2a This exercise helps prepare students for the key
word transformation task in Part 4 of the Reading
4a T09 Before students listen again, allow time for and Use of English paper, where they rewrite the
them to read the sentences. Students then first sentence keeping the same meaning. Here,
complete them, comparing answers in pairs before the task is to rewrite the sentences using the
class feedback. passive. Encourage students to compare answers
before discussing ideas as a class.
1 they are both situations in which people are 1 must be given an identity card. 2 are being
learning. 2 in one photo а teacher is teaching а started deliberately and they’re spreading very
large number whereas in the other the learner has quickly. З is said to be Ше greatest drummer
а personal tutor. З are sitting passively, те alive. 4 will be sent out in six weeks. 5 can бе
person in the other photo seems to be actively done about it without a receipt. 6 has been
engaged. 4 overwhelmed/intimidated by the decided that three students will be interviewed.
amount of information they’re receiving. 7 has just been given to me by my grandmother.
5 apprehensive because it is her first time on skis.
6 the instructor is showing her how to position her 2b Ask students to discuss the questions in pairs or
legs; а lot of information being thrown at те small groups before opening the discussion to the
students; quite difficult ю create enthusiasm in а class. The passive is generally used in more
lecture situation. formal situations where the agent (the ‘doer’) is not
known or unimportant.
4b Give students a few minutes to discuss their ideas 3a Students now complete the text on feedback,
in pairs before eliciting answers and further using the correct form of the verbs given. They
examples of use as needed. then compare answers in pairs before class
1 Examples: asking for a refund; requesting funds; 4a Students complete the sentences using the
asking for leave of absence 2 Examples: present correct word or phrase. Encourage them to
your argument clearly and neatly; don’t apologise compare answers in pairs before class feedback.
or be conceited — remember you are the one Focus on new vocabulary such as predicament.
asking for а favour; don't be too pushy Ask whether it sounds positive or negative and
discuss how formal it sounds.
2 Now ask the class to read the task. It would be
useful to encourage students to get into the habit 1 on his own, recently had 2 quite an
of underlining or highlighting key words. Round up independent 3 should 4 totally, such a
by discussing their answers to check they 5 soon after 6 predicament, solution
understand the task.
4b In this exercise students rewrite the previous
1 an international student; а local company 2 to sentences in a more formal style, using the
persuade the person reading to allow а later start prompts given. Discuss answers as a class, writing
date; understanding 3 have to include the points and correcting ideas on the board as useful.
listed; have to invent the reason and the proposed
solution 4 neutral (semi-formal) 5 clear, with Suggested answers:
persuasive rationale for the postponement 1 (I was а successful) applicant/candidate for the
post/position of systems engineer. 2 (ltis with)
3a Students look at the ideas listed and check great regret (that | must) ask for a delay of two
understanding. They then match them to the topic weeks. 3 (The unfortunate incident) has
areas before deleting those that do not fit and incapacitated him and | must return home. 4 (He
adding extra ideas of their own. With а weaker is extremely) concerned not to be a burden to
class, this could be done in pairs at this stage. me/in case he is а burden о me. 5 (It would be
only natural) for you to assume that this could be a
Suggested answers: recurring problem. 6 (You were very) insistent
Cut: no need ю re-advertise that | start work on 1st March. 7 (In the)
Reason you are not available: father has had an circumstances, | would be only too happy to spend
accident; very tightly-knit family; need to go back some time in the company before | leave.
shortly and arrange home care 8 (Should you) wish to discuss the matter, please
Offer reassurance: really keen to make role as don’t hesitate to contact me.
assistant systems analyst into career with
company; won't happen again; father wants ю be 4c Students complete the sentences with ideas of
independent; sister returning home from university their own, comparing ideas in pairs before class
course abroad feedback. Discuss the structures needed and
Propose a solution: could spend a few days with check that Ше formality of the sentence endings
present engineer before | leave matches the prompts. With a weaker class it might
be useful to do this exercise as a class.
3b Ask students to choose which points they will use 5 Ask students to read Ше Expert Strategy note and
in their letter and complete a paragraph plan. refer them to page 170 for extra strategies if
Discuss where they will add their reason for needed. Remind them to be mindful of the word
writing. Generally speaking this would come at the limit before they write their letter and discuss
beginning of the first paragraph. possible strategies for keeping a count of words
written (e.g. looking at а page of their writing to
Suggested answers: work out the average number of words per line,
Paragraph 2 (reasons you are not available): then counting down that number of lines and
father has had an accident, very tightly-knit family marking about 240 words as a guide).
therefore need to return shortly to arrange home 6 Encourage students to spend 10 minutes checking
care for him their work systematically, using the writing
Sample answer: 1 1A 2B 3A 40 50 6C
Dear Sir/Madam, 2 1by 2in 3about 4of 5ої 6into
I was recently а successful applicant for the 7on 8by
post of assistant systems engineer with your 3 1aback 2crop 3stood 4 snapped
company with а start date of 1st March. However, 5 stride 6 overwhelmed
it is with regret that | must request а short delay of 4 1 will have been closed 2 are being repainted
two weeks in my taking up the post. My father 3 was expected 4 have been hoping 5 will be
lives on his own and recently had an accident invited/are going to be invited/have been invited
which has incapacitated him, and | must return 6 canbe seen 7 has been 8 have been
home soon to help him make the final circulating
arrangements for his home care. Most of this he 5 1 has been working/has worked 2 was
has already done himself and he is determined to offered 3 was 4hadrunaway 5 was never
be independent, but | cannot responsibly be totally found 6wanted 7 carries 8is hidden 9 і5
absent at such a difficult time. neverleft 10 ties
Of course, | am extremely anxious about how
уси may react to this news since it would бе only
natural for you ю assume that this could be a
recurring problem, but let те assure you that this
will not бе the case. Fortunately, my sister is
returning home from her university course abroad
in June and is planning to live close to our father
and give support. My fatheris also very concerned
that he should not бе а burden to те and that |
should further my career.
I know that you were insistent that | start work
at the beginning of March because the current
assistant is leaving shortly afterwards and, quite
rightly, you wanted there to be a handover period.
Under the circumstances, | would be happy to
spend a few days unpaid with the current post
holder before | leave. | hope you will understand