4th year odontogenic exam
4th year odontogenic exam
4th year odontogenic exam
- Student's Name:…………………
- 4rth year
-Date: 30 /12/2023. - Time: 1 hour.
B. Ameloblastic fibroma
C. Odontogenic fibroma
D. Odontogenic myxoma
E. Odontoma.
B. Odontoma
C. Dentigerous cyst
D. Both (A)&(C)
1. (EMQs)Choose from the box below the most appropriate option for the following
definitions you can use the each option once, or more than once or not at all.
2. The WHO in 2022 has revised its classification of odontogenic tumors mention its different benign
ectomesenchymal lesions: (4 marks)