Anesthesia Final Exam
Anesthesia Final Exam
Anesthesia Final Exam
1) For a patient who is chronically taking the following medications, which two should be withheld on the day of surgery? a) Lasix b) Metoprolol c) Glucophage d) Theodur 2) A 51 year old poorly controlled insulin dependent diabetic who is obese (320 lbs.) and is having a debridement of a diabetic foot ulcer would be given which of the following ASA Physical Status Classification? a) I b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 4E 3) Which of the following characteristics correlate with the potential for a different intubation? a) Mallimpatie class 3 b) Thromental distance less than 6 cm c) Poor extension of neck d) Receding mandible e) Protruding incisors, short neck f) All of the above 4) If you are having difficulty in ventilating a patient and a foreign body has been ruled out which of the following maneuvers may assist you in mask ventilation? a) Head tilt jaw lift b) Oral airway c) Nasopharyngeal airway d) LMA e) Call for help f) All of the above 5) What is the correct size tube to place in a normal 4 year old? a) 6.5 cuffed b) 3.5 cuffed c) 5.0 uncuffed d) 8.0 uncuffed
6) Where should a 6.0 endotracheal tube be taped? a) 19cm at the lips b) 13cm at the lips c) 16cm at the lips d) 18cm at the lips with confirmation by auscultation ANESTHESIA FINAL EXAM 2 | P a g e 7) What disease states will cause an increase in Sv02? a) Sepsis b) Cirrhosis c) Hypothermia d) SNP toxicity e) All of the above 8) Which is the best indicator of ischemia? a) ST segment changes b) Regional wall molion abnormalities c) Increase filling pressures d) Decreased EF% e) None of the above 9) On which post-operative day is the highest incidence of myocardial infarction? a) one b) six c) three d) four e) seven 10) What is the definition cardiac output (CO)? a) CO = (BP) (HR) b) CO = (HR) (SVR) c) CO(BP)(SVR) d) CO=(HR)(SV) e) CO=(BP)(SV) 11) What is the Definition of Stroke Volume? a) LVEDP LVEDV b) LVESV LVEDV c) LVEDV LVESV d) LVESV LVEDV
e) None of the above 12) The LMA (Laryngeal mask airway) is contraindicated in all of the following except? a) Pregenancy b) Bronchospasm c) Obesity d) Diabetes e) Recent Trauma 13) True or False. (circle one) The curved laryngoscope blade (Macintosh) is designed to compress the epiglottis, lifting it anteriorly to visualize the larynx. 14) True or False. (circle one) The hinged connection of a folding laryngoscope is specifically designed to act as a lever and the maxilla as a fulcrum to facilitate intubation. 15) True or False. (circle one) The sniffing position results in flexion of the atlanto occipital joints and extension of the cervical spine. ANESTHESIA FINAL EXAM 3 | P a g e 16) The short duration of effect, seen with induction agents such as Thiopental and Propofol is due to which of the following? a) The rapid metabolism by the plasma cholinesterase. b) The rapid elimination by the kidneys c) The short Alpha half life due to redistribution. d) Evaporation from high minute ventilation. 17) Which induction agent is most appropriate in an individual with a poor ejection fraction NYHA Ill going for an emergency laparoscopic cholecystectomy? a) Propofol b) Etomidate c) Thiopental d) Ketamine e) Methohexital 18) Which of the following reduces the cerebral blood flow and cerebral metabolic rate the most and should be considered when inducing a patient with increased intracerebral pressure? a) Halothane b) Etomidate c) Thiopental d) Ketamine 19) True or False. (circle one) A pregnant woman is rarely considered a full stomach due to their increased caloric requirements. 20) Which is the first maneuver performed when a supine parturient suddenly becomes nauseated? a) Give 10mg of metoclopramide,iv
b) Place in trendelenburg and give Odonstarone 4mg iv c) Position in left uterine displacement and check a blood pressure d) Order 100mg of rectal Tigan and place an oral gastric tube. 21) The anesthetic requirements are greatly (Increased, Decreased) in a pregnant patient. (circle one) 22) Which nerve roots need to be blocked to produce analgesia during the 1st stage labor? a) T2 S1 b) T10-L1 c) S2 S4 d) Ti0 S4 23) At what site do local anesthetics work? a) Na + Channels located on the inside of the lipid nerve membrane. b) At the muscuranic acetylcholine receptors located at the neuromuscular junction. c) K+ Channels located at the nerve end plate. d) No specific site but its mechanism relies on temporary neural toxicity. 24) How many (mg) are ther in 20cc of % Marcaine? a) 5mg of Xylocaine b) 50mg of Bupivicaine c) 50mg of Procaine d) 250 mg of Marcaine
27) An Infants cardiac output is most dependent on which of the following? a) Stroke Volume b) Heart rate c) SVR d) Contractility 28) The maintenance rate for IV fluids in a 3 year old boy weighing 24kg is which of the following? a) 24cc/hr b) 51cc/hr c) 64cc/hr d) 48cc/hr 29) Children will desaturate at a faster rate than adults primarily due to which of the following? a) Smaller lung mass b) Greater Oxygen consumption in relation to body mass c) Faster Respiratory rate d) Smaller FRC 30) The standards of care for a General Anesthetic include which of the following? a) Monitoring of oxygenation b) Monitoring of ventilation c) Monitoring of circulation d) Monitoring of temperature e) All of the above 31) Which of the following is the most important factor in determining proper placement of your endotracheal tube? a) Pulse oximetry b) End tidal C02 c) Peak inspiratory pressure d) Tidal volume and Rate set on the ventilator e) Auscultation
33) Halothane and Sevoflorane are both used for mask inductions in children due to which of the following? a) Least pungent to inhale b) Least cardiotoxic c) Greatest analgesic effect d) Earlier emergence 34) True or False. (circle one) MAC represents the Minimal Alveolar Concentration of an inhaled anesthetic which inhibits skeletal movement in response to an noxious stimulus in 50% of patients. 35) What is the principle property that effects the speed of induction and emergence of an inhalation agent? a) Blood Gas Solubility Coefficient b) Molecular weight c) Baricity d) Vapor pressure
Anesthesiology Final MCQs 2010/2011 Last Date Modified: 10/11/2010 Page 1 | Q1) Which one of the followings decreases MAC: - decreasing core temp - decreasing CSF - chronic alcohol ingestion hyperthermia Q2) MAC of sevoflurane: - 2% Q3) hemoglobin oxygen dissociation curve is moved to the right in: - hyperthermia Q4) regarding halothane one is true: - no hepatotoxic effect - completely excreted by lung - antiemetic skeletal Muscle rigidity - relaxes uterine muscle may cause post partum hemorrhage Q5) which of the following inhalational agents is less potent: - nitrous oxide Q6) which one of the following drugs can be reversed by flumazenil: - midazolam Q7) about the speed of induction with inhalational agents all exceptions are true except: - is quicker in ptns with very high functional reserve capacity - is slower if the agent is very soluble in blood - is slower on the presence of right to left shunt - is unchanged in the presence of right to left shunt with normal systemic capacity - is quicker with nitrous oxide Q8) about Thiopental what is false: - approximately 75% of the drug is excreted unchanged in the urine Q9) the maximal safety dose of lidocaine with epinephrine for peripheral nerve block on adult is about: 7mg/kg
Anesthesiology Final MCQs 2010/2011 Last Date Modified: 10/11/2010 Page 2 | Q10) EMLA (Eutectic mixture of Local Anesthetic): - prilocaine + lidocaine Q11) regarding lidocaine what is true: - eliminated chiefly by liver Q12) first modality to be lost upon onset of spinal anesthesia: - anatomic activity. Q13) All difficult intubation except: - mallampati class 1