(Ebook) C++ templates: the complete guide by David Vandevoorde & Nicolai M. Josuttis & Douglas Gregor ISBN 9780321714121, 0321714121 2024 scribd download
(Ebook) C++ templates: the complete guide by David Vandevoorde & Nicolai M. Josuttis & Douglas Gregor ISBN 9780321714121, 0321714121 2024 scribd download
(Ebook) C++ templates: the complete guide by David Vandevoorde & Nicolai M. Josuttis & Douglas Gregor ISBN 9780321714121, 0321714121 2024 scribd download
(Ebook) C++20 The Complete Guide by Nicolai M. Josuttis
C++ Templates
The Complete Guide
Second Edition
David Vandevoorde
Nicolai M. Josuttis
Douglas Gregor
Acknowledgments for the Second Edition
Acknowledgments for the First Edition
About This Book
What You Should Know Before Reading This Book
Overall Structure of the Book
How to Read This Book
Some Remarks About Programming Style
The C++11, C++14, and C++17 Standards
Example Code and Additional Information
1 Function Templates
1.1 A First Look at Function Templates
1.1.1 Defining the Template
1.1.2 Using the Template
1.1.3 Two-Phase Translation
1.2 Template Argument Deduction
1.3 Multiple Template Parameters
1.3.1 Template Parameters for Return Types
1.3.2 Deducing the Return Type
1.3.3 Return Type as Common Type
1.4 Default Template Arguments
1.5 Overloading Function Templates
1.6 But, Shouldn’t We …?
1.6.1 Pass by Value or by Reference?
1.6.2 Why Not inline?
1.6.3 Why Not constexpr?
1.7 Summary
2 Class Templates
2.1 Implementation of Class Template Stack
2.1.1 Declaration of Class Templates
2.1.2 Implementation of Member Functions
2.2 Use of Class Template Stack
2.3 Partial Usage of Class Templates
2.3.1 Concepts
2.4 Friends
2.5 Specializations of Class Templates
2.6 Partial Specialization
2.7 Default Class Template Arguments
2.8 Type Aliases
2.9 Class Template Argument Deduction
2.10 Templatized Aggregates
2.11 Summary
4 Variadic Templates
4.1 Variadic Templates
4.1.1 Variadic Templates by Example
4.1.2 Overloading Variadic and Nonvariadic Templates
4.1.3 Operator sizeof…
4.2 Fold Expressions
4.3 Application of Variadic Templates
4.4 Variadic Class Templates and Variadic Expressions
4.4.1 Variadic Expressions
4.4.2 Variadic Indices
4.4.3 Variadic Class Templates
4.4.4 Variadic Deduction Guides
4.4.5 Variadic Base Classes and using
4.5 Summary
5 Tricky Basics
5.1 Keyword typename
5.2 Zero Initialization
5.3 Using this->
5.4 Templates for Raw Arrays and String Literals
5.5 Member Templates
5.5.1 The .template Construct
5.5.2 Generic Lambdas and Member Templates
5.6 Variable Templates
5.7 Template Template Parameters
5.8 Summary
8 Compile-Time Programming
8.1 Template Metaprogramming
8.2 Computing with constexpr
8.3 Execution Path Selection with Partial Specialization
8.4 SFINAE (Substitution Failure Is Not An Error)
8.4.1 Expression SFINAE with decltype
8.5 Compile-Time if
8.6 Summary
11 Generic Libraries
11.1 Callables
11.1.1 Supporting Function Objects
11.1.2 Dealing with Member Functions and Additional
11.1.3 Wrapping Function Calls
11.2 Other Utilities to Implement Generic Libraries
11.2.1 Type Traits
11.2.2 std::addressof()
11.2.3 std::declval()
11.3 Perfect Forwarding Temporaries
11.4 References as Template Parameters
11.5 Defer Evaluations
11.6 Things to Consider When Writing Generic Libraries
11.7 Summary
12 Fundamentals in Depth
12.1 Parameterized Declarations
12.1.1 Virtual Member Functions
12.1.2 Linkage of Templates
12.1.3 Primary Templates
12.2 Template Parameters
12.2.1 Type Parameters
12.2.2 Nontype Parameters
12.2.3 Template Template Parameters
12.2.4 Template Parameter Packs
12.2.5 Default Template Arguments
12.3 Template Arguments
12.3.1 Function Template Arguments
12.3.2 Type Arguments
12.3.3 Nontype Arguments
12.3.4 Template Template Arguments
12.3.5 Equivalence
12.4 Variadic Templates
12.4.1 Pack Expansions
12.4.2 Where Can Pack Expansions Occur?
12.4.3 Function Parameter Packs
12.4.4 Multiple and Nested Pack Expansions
12.4.5 Zero-Length Pack Expansions
12.4.6 Fold Expressions
12.5 Friends
12.5.1 Friend Classes of Class Templates
12.5.2 Friend Functions of Class Templates
12.5.3 Friend Templates
12.6 Afternotes
13 Names in Templates
13.1 Name Taxonomy
13.2 Looking Up Names
13.2.1 Argument-Dependent Lookup
13.2.2 Argument-Dependent Lookup of Friend Declarations
13.2.3 Injected Class Names
13.2.4 Current Instantiations
13.3 Parsing Templates
13.3.1 Context Sensitivity in Nontemplates
13.3.2 Dependent Names of Types
13.3.3 Dependent Names of Templates
13.3.4 Dependent Names in Using Declarations
13.3.5 ADL and Explicit Template Arguments
13.3.6 Dependent Expressions
13.3.7 Compiler Errors
13.4 Inheritance and Class Templates
13.4.1 Nondependent Base Classes
13.4.2 Dependent Base Classes
13.5 Afternotes
14 Instantiation
14.1 On-Demand Instantiation
14.2 Lazy Instantiation
14.2.1 Partial and Full Instantiation
14.2.2 Instantiated Components
14.3 The C++ Instantiation Model
14.3.1 Two-Phase Lookup
14.3.2 Points of Instantiation
14.3.3 The Inclusion Model
14.4 Implementation Schemes
14.4.1 Greedy Instantiation
14.4.2 Queried Instantiation
14.4.3 Iterated Instantiation
14.5 Explicit Instantiation
14.5.1 Manual Instantiation
14.5.2 Explicit Instantiation Declarations
14.6 Compile-Time if Statements
14.7 In the Standard Library
14.8 Afternotes
17 Future Directions
17.1 Relaxed typename Rules
17.2 Generalized Nontype Template Parameters
17.3 Partial Specialization of Function Templates
17.4 Named Template Arguments
17.5 Overloaded Class Templates
17.6 Deduction for Nonfinal Pack Expansions
17.7 Regularization of void
17.8 Type Checking for Templates
17.9 Reflective Metaprogramming
17.10 Pack Facilities
17.11 Modules
Part III: Templates and Design
19 Implementing Traits
19.1 An Example: Accumulating a Sequence
19.1.1 Fixed Traits
19.1.2 Value Traits
19.1.3 Parameterized Traits
19.2 Traits versus Policies and Policy Classes
19.2.1 Traits and Policies: What’s the Difference?
19.2.2 Member Templates versus Template Template
19.2.3 Combining Multiple Policies and/or Traits
19.2.4 Accumulation with General Iterators
19.3 Type Functions
19.3.1 Element Types
19.3.2 Transformation Traits
19.3.3 Predicate Traits
19.3.4 Result Type Traits
19.4 SFINAE-Based Traits
19.4.1 SFINAE Out Function Overloads
19.4.2 SFINAE Out Partial Specializations
19.4.3 Using Generic Lambdas for SFINAE
19.4.4 SFINAE-Friendly Traits
19.5 IsConvertibleT
19.6 Detecting Members
19.6.1 Detecting Member Types
19.6.2 Detecting Arbitrary Member Types
19.6.3 Detecting Nontype Members
19.6.4 Using Generic Lambdas to Detect Members
19.7 Other Traits Techniques
19.7.1 If-Then-Else
19.7.2 Detecting Nonthrowing Operations
19.7.3 Traits Convenience
19.8 Type Classification
19.8.1 Determining Fundamental Types
19.8.2 Determining Compound Types
19.8.3 Identifying Function Types
19.8.4 Determining Class Types
19.8.5 Determining Enumeration Types
19.9 Policy Traits
19.9.1 Read-Only Parameter Types
19.10 In the Standard Library
19.11 Afternotes
23 Metaprogramming
23.1 The State of Modern C++ Metaprogramming
23.1.1 Value Metaprogramming
23.1.2 Type Metaprogramming
23.1.3 Hybrid Metaprogramming
23.1.4 Hybrid Metaprogramming for Unit Types
23.2 The Dimensions of Reflective Metaprogramming
23.3 The Cost of Recursive Instantiation
23.3.1 Tracking All Instantiations
23.4 Computational Completeness
23.5 Recursive Instantiation versus Recursive Template
23.6 Enumeration Values versus Static Constants
23.7 Afternotes
24 Typelists
24.1 Anatomy of a Typelist
24.2 Typelist Algorithms
24.2.1 Indexing
24.2.2 Finding the Best Match
24.2.3 Appending to a Typelist
24.2.4 Reversing a Typelist
24.2.5 Transforming a Typelist
24.2.6 Accumulating Typelists
24.2.7 Insertion Sort
24.3 Nontype Typelists
24.3.1 Deducible Nontype Parameters
24.4 Optimizing Algorithms with Pack Expansions
24.5 Cons-style Typelists
24.6 Afternotes
25 Tuples
25.1 Basic Tuple Design
25.1.1 Storage
25.1.2 Construction
25.2 Basic Tuple Operations
25.2.1 Comparison
25.2.2 Output
25.3 Tuple Algorithms
25.3.1 Tuples as Typelists
25.3.2 Adding to and Removing from a Tuple
25.3.3 Reversing a Tuple
25.3.4 Index Lists
25.3.5 Reversal with Index Lists
25.3.6 Shuffle and Select
25.4 Expanding Tuples
25.5 Optimizing Tuple
25.5.1 Tuples and the EBCO
25.5.2 Constant-time get()
25.6 Tuple Subscript
25.7 Afternotes
26 Discriminated Unions
26.1 Storage
26.2 Design
26.3 Value Query and Extraction
26.4 Element Initialization, Assignment and Destruction
26.4.1 Initialization
26.4.2 Destruction
26.4.3 Assignment
26.5 Visitors
26.5.1 Visit Result Type
26.5.2 Common Result Type
26.6 Variant Initialization and Assignment
26.7 Afternotes
27 Expression Templates
27.1 Temporaries and Split Loops
27.2 Encoding Expressions in Template Arguments
27.2.1 Operands of the Expression Templates
27.2.2 The Array Type
27.2.3 The Operators
27.2.4 Review
27.2.5 Expression Templates Assignments
27.3 Performance and Limitations of Expression Templates
27.4 Afternotes
28 Debugging Templates
28.1 Shallow Instantiation
28.2 Static Assertions
28.3 Archetypes
28.4 Tracers
28.5 Oracles
28.6 Afternotes
B Value Categories
B.1 Traditional Lvalues and Rvalues
B.1.1 Lvalue-to-Rvalue Conversions
B.2 Value Categories Since C++11
B.2.1 Temporary Materialization
B.3 Checking Value Categories with decltype
B.4 Reference Types
C Overload Resolution
C.1 When Does Overload Resolution Kick In?
C.2 Simplified Overload Resolution
C.2.1 The Implied Argument for Member Functions
C.2.2 Refining the Perfect Match
C.3 Overloading Details
C.3.1 Prefer Nontemplates or More Specialized Templates
C.3.2 Conversion Sequences
C.3.3 Pointer Conversions
C.3.4 Initializer Lists
C.3.5 Functors and Surrogate Functions
C.3.6 Other Overloading Contexts
E Concepts
E.1 Using Concepts
E.2 Defining Concepts
E.3 Overloading on Constraints
E.3.1 Constraint Subsumption
E.3.2 Constraints and Tag Dispatching
E.4 Concept Tips
E.4.1 Testing Concepts
E.4.2 Concept Granularity
E.4.3 Binary Compatibility
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