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Starjammer - Races of the Void Book One (Starfinder Edition)

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Credits Races of the V oid

Original Author: Tyler Beck

Starjammer Conversion: Kim Frandsen
Editor: Troy Daniels
Publisher: John Reyst, d20pfsrd.com Publishing
Artists: William Timmins, Gina Vila, Rick Hershey, Joshua de Santo, Matt Thomason
Layout: Matt Thomason

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C ontents

Contents..............................................2 I ntroduction
There is nothing quite like meeting a new
Aurellian..............................................3 alien race when you are playing a science fiction
Standard Racial Traits............................4 role-playing game. What are they like? What can
they do? What will they do to me? All of these
Racial Subtypes.......................................6 questions race through the mind of the player
Racial Archetypes...................................7 while the game master heightens the suspense.
Will they be allies or enemies? Even better than a
New Racial Rules.....................................9 new alien race though, is the opportunity to play
Aurellian Equipment.......................... 10 one. The Races of the Void product for Starfinder
brings you new and exciting races to play. Each
Aurellian Spells..................................... 11 one is a complete write-up, with archetypes,
Bisoni.................................................12 feats, new equipment, and incredible artwork to
spark the imagination. With all that being said...
Standard Racial Traits......................... 13 let’s get started!
Sample Honorbound Codes............ 13
Alternate Racial Traits........................ 15
Racial Subtypes.................................... 15
Racial Archetypes................................ 16
New Racial Rules.................................. 17
Bisoni Equipment................................ 19
Standard Racial Traits......................... 22
Alternate Racial Traits........................ 24
Racial Subtypes.................................... 24
Racial Archetypes................................ 25
New Racial Rules.................................. 25
Tortanian Equipment......................... 26
Tortanian Spells................................... 28
Open Game License..........................29

A ur ellian

all types, and some portions of it are dominated

by air dwelling aboleths. There are few aurellian
communities in the belt since most of them left
for the void centuries ago. Of those which remain,
Burnkdool is the only one of any size, boasting a
population of close to 700 aurellians.

Physical Description: Aurellians are small,

jellyfish-like aberrations that hover just above
the ground and communicate through telepathy.
They have anywhere between 6 and 18 partially
translucent tentacles used to absorb nutrients
and gases from their surroundings. They use
use a pair of specially developed tentacles to
wield weapons and tools, granting them similar
dexterity to that of a humanoid’s arms and hands.
Many aurellians also have other prehensile
tentacles that vary in form and function among
subgroups of the species. Aurellians’ colorations
can range wildly, anywhere from deep black to
vibrant pink, though that color is almost always
uniform across any given aurellian’s entire form

Relations: Aurellians are generally tolerated

by other space-faring races because of their
Most aurellians exist as spacefaring nomads, reputations as fair traders of hard-to-find goods.
travelling between the stars in the void they Their love of music has made them a favorite of
have come to call home. They have a reputation bards, as many an aspiring bardic nomad has
for being fair and honest traders, and are known traded nothing more than a mournful melody for
for dealing in strange wonders from the deepest a treasure from deep in the void.
Society: Aurellian society seems very strange
Their living ships, while disconcerting to those to most humanoids, as their telepathy allows
unfamiliar with them, are usually greeted with them to communicate with more than simple
anticipation as it is never known what rarities language. Aurellians can feel the emotions
they bring from the depths of the void. They are of others of their kind, and can develop a
also famed for their great and passionate love of connection so deep that physical touch means
humanoid music. little to nothing. Aurellians are genderless and
almost never monogamous, often forming
The aurellian homeworld is an asteroid groups of 6 or more adults into a family structure
belt. Having just enough mass to retain an in which each individual is loved by all the others
atmosphere it lies between the two planets of equally. Aurellian eggs are protected fiercely
the Nyattara star system. The ecology of the by their parent-groups, though once hatched
belt is dominated by oozes and aberrations of the parent-groups havve little interaction with

their litter, who are raised from birth in schools S tandard R acial
where aurellian teachers who have been specially
trained to remain emotionally severed from their T raits
students teach them how to live as an aurellian.
Ability Scores +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2
Alignment and Religion: The aurellian Charisma: Aurellians are agile and wise but have
concept of deities would perplex many some degree of difficulty interacting with other
humanoids, as those that they worship are races.
generally formless, incomprehensible swirls
of emotion and psychic energy representing a Racial Hit Points: 4 HP
specific emotion or feeling. These deities have
no name other than the feeling they represent, Size and Type: Aurellians are Small
which further confuses outsiders. aberrations with the aurellian subtype. They eat,
breathe and sleep although when they sleep
Adventurers: Aurellians who decide to see the they float just above the ground.
universe on their own are rare, but do exist. Their
limited telepathic abilities can come in extremely Darkvision: Aurellians can see up to 60 feet in
handy, and so they are coveted as excellent the dark.
additions to an adventuring party. Many aurellian
adventurers explore the universe to try to find Eyestalk: An aurellian’s single compound eye
rare treasures that they might bring back to their is found at the end of a stalk growing from what
people, and they gravitate toward academic some races might call its head. This eye can be
disciplines such as wizardry or cybernetics. turned in any direction, granting these aurellians
the ability to see 360°. However, this stalk can
Names: Since aurellians do not make sounds, only focus in one direction at a time, which
aurellians recognize each other through specific means the aurellian must focus its attention
feelings shared across their telepathic link. similarly to other races. An aurellian therefore
Because of this, the concept of names is relatively cannot be flanked, though they can still be
foreign to them, resulting in confusion among caught flat-footed.
languaged races. Most aurellians adopt some
sort of moniker with which to refer to themselves Grabbing Appendages: In addition to their
when communicating with other races, and two arm-like tentacles, most aurellians possess
this often consists of a word or phrase relatively a single longer tentacle with 10 ft. reach. This
known to the species they are referring to. tentacle can be used to make grapple attempts,
and the aurellian is treated as having the
So, a human meeting an aurellian for the first Improved Grapple feat when using this tentacle
time may be introduced to it by a warm feeling to grapple. The aurellian can maintain a grapple
of hot cocoa rolling across the tongue, and the with this special grabbing tentacle and still make
phrase “potato flatulence” running through his attacks with their two main appendages as
mind. Because of this, humans often come up normal.
with their own nicknames for aurellians they
meet, such as “jelly-brains”, “tentacle-boy”, and Limited Flight: Aurellians have a natural fly
other juvenile monikers. speed of 20 feet, but their incomprehensible anti-
gravity ability forces them to remain above to a

P laying an A urellian
Y ou likely …
Are wise and contemplative, coming up with creative solutions to problems.
Use your coloration, when not communicating, to facilitate the moods of those around you,
trying to make them more at ease.
Feel slightly out of place, among creatures that have a different anatomy to you, or who prefer
the pull of gravity.
O ther races probably …
See you as some sort of strange jellyfish, often not realizing that you understand them
perfectly well, when they’re talking around you.
Find your lack talking disturbing, and your form repulsive, in spite of your good manners and
your attempts to fit in.
Wonder whether your tentacles are poisonous, or if you can read their minds using your
telepathic powers.
solid surface strong enough to bear their weight, R acial S ubtypes
even though they do not exert any pressure
upon the surface. This ability is non-magical in
nature, and therefore is not affected by anti- M an O’ W ar
magic fields. Aurellians can choose to suspend
their flight ability, but cannot move on land. Man o’ war aurellians are larger and more agile
than their smaller cousins, but are exceedingly
Limited Telepathy: Aurellians do not speak rare and often find themselves cast out of their
verbally but are able to mentally communicate communities for the most miniscule slight,
with any creature within 30 feet with whom probably out of jealousy. They gain the following
it shares a language. Otherwise this ability is racial traits in place of the eyestalk and grabbing
identical to the telepathy monster ability. appendages traits.

Mute: Aurellians have no vocal organs and Size and type: Man O’ War aurellians are
with rare exceptions cannot utter any sounds. Medium aberrations with the aurellian subtype.
Spellcating aurellians cannot cast spells or
manifest powers that have a verbal component Stinger: The man o’ war aurellian has two
unless they make use of abilities such as the stinging tentacles, granting it two natural sting
Silent Spell feat. attacks which have 10 ft. reach and deal 1d3
piercing damage each. In addition, the stinger
Strange Anatomy: Aurellians do not have has the injection weapon special quality, and
chest or feet slots for cybernetic augmentations may, as a swift action after a successful attack
or magic items, since they have neither. Instead with a stinging tentacle, a number of times per
their unusual anatomy grants them an extra day equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum
wrists slot (allowing two pairs of magical bracers 1/day), deliver a poison to the target. As a move
to be worn) and two extra ring slots (for a total action, the aurellian can instead coat a held
of four), these items being worn on some of their weapon with the same venom, which will persist
tentacle appendages. a number of rounds equal to its Constitution
modifier (minimum 1) or until the weapon
Languages: Aurellians understand Common successfully hits a target. Each aurellian possesses
and Aurellian. Aurellians with high Intelligence one of the following types of venom, chosen at
scores can choose from Aboleth, Aklo, Auran, the time of character creation:
Ignan, Protean, Sylvan, Terran. Note: The
Aurellian language is based on shifting colors Life-Stealing Venom: Type: poison (injury);
and patterns displayed on their skin. It can be Save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the aurellian’s Hit Dice
learned by humanoids, but not spoken without + the aurellian’s Constitution modifier; Track
the use of illusion magic or other extraordinary Constitution Onset immediate; Frequency 1/
means. round for 6 rounds; Cure 1 save.

Paralytic Venom: Type: poison (injury); Save

Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the aurellian’s Hit Dice + the
aurellian’s Constitution modifier; Track Dexterity
Onset immediate; Frequency 1/round for 6
rounds; Cure 1 save.

Weakening Venom: Type: poison (injury); Save for being a different race than or not sharing a
Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the aurellian’s Hit Dice + the language with the target.
aurellian’s Constitution modifier; Track Strength
Onset immediate; Frequency 1/round for 6 C haos C hild
rounds; Cure 1 save.
Chaos children are aurellians who have
Scavenger: Man o’ war aurellians often find embraced the formless nature of their aberration
themselves on quests to find dangerous or well- heritage, shifting their forms and using abilities
hidden objects. They gain a +2 racial bonus on incomprehensible to humanoids.They gain the
Perception checks to find hidden objects, to following racial traits which replace the grabbing
determine whether potential food is spoiled, or appendages racial trait.
to identify a potion by taste.
Toxin Immunity: Chaos childrens’ anatomies
Stalker: Perception and Stealth are always are constantly shifting, granting them immunity
class skills for a man o’ war aurellian. to all poisons and diseases.

I nspired O ne Greater Change Shape: A chaos child may

assume the appearance of a Small or Medium
Inspired Ones are touched by their ancient humanoid as disguise self once per day for up to a
pantheon of mysterious gods, gods with no number of hours equal to its character level. This
clear form nor delineation of roles, but which does not adjust the ability scores of the user.
have guided the aurellian race for eternity. They
gain the following racial traits which replace the
grabbing appendages racial trait. R acial A rchetypes
Godtouched: An inspired one can use each The following racial archetypes are only
of the following spell-like abilities: 1/day–keen available to aurellians.
sense, mystic cure (as a 2nd level mystic spell), and
reflecting armor. F loating M onastic
Forced Connection: An inspired one has
O perative (A rchetype )/
learned to quickly form a strong connection with Some aurellians choose the path of the
their enemies in order to bypass their mental close-quarters combatant, adapting martial
defenses. Creatures suffer a -1 penalty to all Will arts techniques to their own unique physical
saves against spells and effects you cast. Any form. This style of fighting capitalizes on attacks
unintelligent creatures are not affected by this from appendages that humanoids can’t begin to
ability. comprehend.

Empath: An inspired one is able to empathize Grappling Flurry: At 2nd-level, if the floating
more easily with members of very different races monastic hits with both attacks as part of a full
than its own, allowing it to more easily influence attack, the aurellian may attempt a grapple
them. It gains a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy combat maneuver as a swift action. The operative
and Intimidate checks against non-aurellians, uses his operative level in place of his base attack
and never suffer a penalty on such skill checks bonus (in addition to any Base Attack Bonus

gained from other classes) when determining his This ability replaces the operative exploit
attack bonufor such grapple checks, though the gained at level 4.
check suffers a –2 penalty.
V oid S cholar (M ystic
This ability replaces the operative exploit
gained at level 2.
A rchetype )
Aurelians who study magic have found ways
Grasping Tentacles: At 4th-level, as a swift to channel the void into their spells, and have
action, if a floating monastic spends 1 point of even found the secret to ignoring their own
Resolve, before attempting a grapple maneuver muteness.
he can roll his combat maneuver check for that
attack twice and use the better result. Silent Casting: At 1st level, a void scholar

gains the ability to infuse their weapons with A urellian F eats
the power of the spells and the void, gaining the
Mystic Strike feat. Many aurellians make use of the following
This ability replaces the connection power
gained at level 1. A dditional T oxin

Void Enhancement: At 6th level, a void Your body produces two types of poison for
scholar has discovered the secret to enhancing your sting.
its spells using the infinite power of the void itself.
When casting any spell that deals damage, the Prerequisite: Aurellian, man o’ war subtype
void scholar may choose to convert half of the
damage from that spell into damage caused by Benefit: Choose a second type of venom for
the cold vacuum of the void and is not subject to your sting. You may still only deliver a single dose
elemental resistance of any type. This ability may of one type of poison with a given sting attack. In
be used a number of times per day equal to the addition, you may use your poisoned sting attack
void scholar’s Intelligence bonus. one additional time per day.

This ability replaces the connection power Normal: An aurellian normally has only one
gained at level 6. type of poison and may use it a number of times
per day equal to its Constitution modifier.
Greater Void Enhancement: At 15th level,
when a void scholar uses void enhancement to H ighswimmer
enhance a spell, 3/4 of the damage is caused by
the cold vacuum of the void. Additionally, when You are able to float higher than others of your
the void scholar casts any spell that requires a species.
Will save from its target, it may expend a daily
use of void enhancement to increase the DC of Prerequisite: Aurellian.
that save by 2.
Benefit: You must remain within 10 feet of a
This ability replaces the connection power surface when using your limited flight ability.
gained at level 15.
Normal: An aurellian occupies the space it is
floating in and must be adjacent to a horizontal
N ew R acial R ules surface.

The following options are available to P attern W eaver

aurellians. At the GM’s discretion, other
appropriate races may also make use of some of The brilliant patterns of colors flashing on your
these. skin can be very distracting.

Prerequisite: Aurellian.

Benefit: As a move action, you can flash

various bright colors upon your skin. This A urellian M agic I tems
light show is extremely distracting. All sighted
creatures other than yourself within 30 feet must The following magic items are made by
succeed on a Will save with a DC equal to 10+1/2 aurellian spellcasters.
your level + your key ability score modifier or be
dazed for 1 round. ITEM LEVEL PRICE BULK
Brooch of Elocution 3 1,800 L
A urellian E quipment Gem of Armor 10 9,650 L
Many aurellians make use of the following

T echnological E quipment The brooch of elocution was designed

by aurellian spellcasters, to enable them to
T elepathy D ish communicate with creatures that cannot see the
spectrum in which the aurellian communicates
Aurellians long ago realized that their and which they might be unable to communicate
telepathic communication could be enhanced with telepathically. The brooch itself consists of
through technological means. These small dishes a tiny lens to observe the color changes of the
are attached to an aurellian’s outer skin using aurellian and translates this into the equivalent
straps (or in some cases attached to an already sounds for the language that the aurellian is
existing cybertech apparatus) and enhance its speaking in. (Aurellians naturally change their
innate telepathy. Each dish type increases the coloration depending on the language in which
range of the user’s racial telepathy as follows: they’re communicating, and the brooch merely
Mark I) x 2; Mark II) x3; Mark III) x4. translates this). The voice itself is a flat robotic
monotone however, delivering any speech in an
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS utterly deadpan manner.

Skill Check Craft DC varies (see table); Cost

varies (see table); Feats Craft Technological Item;
Equipment production lab



Mark I 2 2,000 — L — — 23
Mark II 5 4,000 — L — — 25
Mark III 10 8,000 — L — — 27
Mark IV 14 16,000 — L — — 29

GEM OF ARMOR Saving throw none; Spell resistance yes
You gain temporary, intuitive insight into the
This glittering gem glows with an inner light immediate future when grappling an opponent.
and the back side of it is flat, as though it should You gain a +5 insight bonus to your next grapple
be attached to another object. When this gem is maneuver if it is made before the end of the next
attached to a set of Medium-sized armor of any round.
type, a transformation begins. Over the next 24
hours the armor shrinks, losing half its weight,
and transforming into aurellian segmented
armor of the same type. The final form retains all
bonuses, penalties, and qualities of the original
including those of a magical or technological
nature. Each gem can function 1d4 times before

A urellian S pells
School conjuration

Casting time 1 swift action

Range personal

Target one creature

Duration instantaneous

A urellian V ital S tatistics


Aurellian 3 - 4 ft. 52-58 lbs. 30 150+5d6 years

B isoni

most bisoni will speak up in defense of others

who are being treated unfairly.

Physical Description: Bisoni are tall, hulking

humanoids with strongly bovine features,
including horns, a flat snout, and cloven hooves
on their feet. They walk upright and have front
appendages as dextrous as human hands, but
can drop to all fours during a charge or run as

Their horns can be straight, kinked, or spiral

shaped. Male bisoni are generally larger than
females, though any bisoni towers over the
average human. Bisoni are well-known for not
keeping many possessions, so one will often find
a bisoni wearing little more than a loincloth and
a snarl.

Relations: Other races know bisoni only as

deadly and bloodthirsty mercenaries available
to the highest bidder, which suits most bisoni
just fine. This also means that most bisoni remain
neutral in disputes between planets or races, and
are therefore tolerated across the galaxy with
little complaint, and a bisoni will often be asked
to stand guard over business transactions in the
more lawless regions of the galaxy. More sociable
bisoni often find themselves being hired as
diplomatic couriers between warring races, and
were the originators of the term “don’t gut the
Bisoni are strong, buffalo-like mercenaries messenger”.
whose entire lives are based around honor and
discipline. They are proud warriors who revel in Alignment and Religion: Bisoni generally
battle, regardless of the cause. A typical bisoni sway toward lawful, following their own code of
towers at least 9 feet in height, with broad ethics, which can sometimes be detrimental to
shoulders and thick limbs to match, as well as a their allies, but they represent a diverse spectrum
powerful pair of horns atop their wide heads. of religious and spiritual belief systems. Many
are drawn to Israfel thanks to the tendency of
Bisoni are found serving aboard vessels of his worshippers to remove heads with greataxes,
nearly any race: As long as the pay is good and while a select few feel a kinship with Shamash as
battle plentiful, most bisoni are happy simply to they take universe-spanning trips through the
obey orders. That said, they won’t long serve a void often with the god of long journeys on their
master who doesn’t treat them with respect, and side.

Adventurers: Bisoni are often hired to go violates his personal code of honor (though this
on adventures for others, but some find the personal code can vary widely, see examples
pull of the unknown to be enough, and step below). This penalty is permanent until the
out on their own to learn secrets or find ancient character is able to redeem himself, such as
treasures. Bisoni adventurers often take on melee through an atonement spell.
roles in adventuring parties thanks to their brute
strength, but may also find a calling as a pilot or A bisoni PC must work with his or herGM to
trapsetter. Bisoni spellcasters are rare, but those define this code of honor at character creation.
who follow such pursuits generally find ways
around their own natural magical resistance. Powerful Charge: When a bisoni charges and
attacks with its battle horns, it deals an additional
Male Names: Argat, Cregmar, Dremtak, 1d6 points of damage, and adds 1-1/2 x Strength
Parmat, Turglam. bonus instead of the usual 1x Strength bonus.

Female Names: Elsma, Fandel, Mevma, Neeral, Stubborn Spell Resistance: Bisoni are
Vendal. naturally resistant to magic. A bisoni gains spell
resistance equal to 6 + their character level.
However, a bisoni cannot voluntarily lower its
S tandard R acial spell resistance, even for beneficial magic such
T raits as healing. The bisoni spell resistance includes
even magic items they wear or use. Any magic
+4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence: item has a 10% chance of simply not functioning
Bisoni are extraordinarily powerful, but not when activated by a bisoni. If it does not function
terribly agile or bright. on the first activation, that bisoni is never able to
use it.
Racial Hit Points: 8 HP
Thick Hide: Bisoni have unusually thick hides,
Size and Type: Bisoni are Large humanoids granting them a +3 racial bonus on their kinetic
with the bisoni subtype. armor class.

Battle Horns: Bisoni are always considered Languages: Bisoni begin play speaking
armed. They can deal 1d6 lethal damage Common and Bisoni. Bisoni with high
with unarmed strikes and the attack doesn’t intelligence scores can choose from the following
count as archaic. Bisoni gain a unique weapon additional languages: Dwarven, Elven, and Orc
specialization with their battle horns at 3rd level,
allowing them to add 1–1/2 × their character
level to their damage rolls for their natural S ample H onorbound
weapons (instead of just adding their character C odes
level, as usual).
Bisoni codes of honor, while inflexible once
Honorbound: Bisoni are noble creatures, chosen, can vary widely. Below are a few example
honor and duty driven. A bisoni suffers a -2 codes which a bisoni may adopt. These are by no
morale penalty to attacks, skill checks and saving means an exhaustive list, and it is important to
throws if he ever willingly commits an act which work with your GM in order to determine a code

which makes sense for your bisoni character. you may respond with statements such as, “I
prefer to not answer that question.” or “Answering
Code of Fair Claim: To the victor go the spoils, that question would betray the trust of a friend.”
but it is important to respect the claim of others.
You shall not take unattended items, or items Code of Just Combat: You shall not face a
owned by another, unless you can definitively foe that does not stand upon equal (or greater)
identify that item’s real owner and best that footing with you. You will not face a PC or NPC
owner in combat. If the owner of an item is with a CR below your level, and you will not
defeated by you or by an ally within 90 feet, or if attack creatures that are 4 or more CR below your
the owner offers the item freely, you may claim level. For characters or monsters with CR greater
it as a spoil of victory. You may borrow items than your character level, you will not accept any
without the owner’s knowledge only in order to assistance of any kind (including spells or items
complete a specific task, and the items must be that enhance your combat abilities) from other
returned promptly after that task is complete, characters unless their CR is 4 or more greater
along with a generous rental fee of 5% of the than your character level. Should your opponent
item’s cost per day. drop or otherwise lose his weapon, you will allow
him to regain it before continuing the combat, or
Code of Filial Piety: You respect your elders, you will fight them unarmed. If your opponent
parents, superiors, and ancestors, not only has natural weapons, such as claws or fangs, you
for their wisdom, but for their experience and may use a weapon in combat as normal.
knowledge. Provided that orders given to you
by your parents, family elders, or superiors Code of Reparation: Your honor prevents
within an organization that you belong to you from leaving those in need without your
(such as the Infinite Star Legion or the Red Tang assistance if you are responsible in any way for
Spice Guild) are not suicidal in nature, do not their misfortune. Should you encounter any NPC
immediately put you in harm’s way, or do not that is disadvantaged in any way by any of your
conflict with previously standing orders given to actions (or inaction, such as failing to rescue
you by someone with greater authority within the captain’s daughter, or failing to deliver a
the hierarchy, you must follow those orders to shipment of food to a starving colony), you must
the letter. Additionally, you may not act in a spend at least 25% of your time and/or resources
fashion that brings shame upon your family or toward helping those NPCs to recover from that
any organization that you belong to, such as misfortune. This can include avenging the loss
misrepresenting that organization, failing to of someone you failed to save, working to pay
fulfill a promise, failing to support your family for and build homes for the homeless in your
or peers within your organization, or failing to down-time without receiving any compensation,
act to bring an errant member of your family or seeking the favor of gods to right an injustice
organization to justice for their misdeeds. that is beyond your control, or spending part of
your wealth to provide critical resources (such as
Code of Forthright Speech: You shall never medicine or food) to a failing colony.
deliberately or intentionally lie, nor shall you omit
relevant facts from any statements that you make Code of Vengeance: When you or one of your
that could mislead another to believe something allies are physically harmed and the creature who
that is not entirely true. You shall not be evasive caused that harm is not defeated, you will not
with your answers when asked questions, though allow that slight to be left unpunished. You must

continue to attack that creature at least once per R unt
round until you have successfully dealt damage
(either lethal or nonlethal) to them. If the target Some bisoni are significantly smaller than
is not within reach of your weapons, you must the majority of their large, brutish cousins.
move toward them. If the target escapes from These runts are Medium-sized, do not gain
your vengeance, you must attempt to follow the powerful charge racial trait, and have the
them unless some set of following racial traits instead:
circumstances physically
prevents you from +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2
doing so. Intelligence: Runt bisoni lack the raw brute
strength of their cousins, but do not
suffer from their clumsiness, and
are generally more hardy as well.

A lternate Size and Type: Runts are

Medium sized humanoids with
R acial T raits the bisoni subtype.

The following racial traits may be Self-Defense Training:

selected instead of the standard bisoni Runt bisoni grow up
racial traits. Consult your GM before constantly aware that
selecting any of these new options. the larger members of
their race will push them
Magic-Tolerant: Some bisoni have been around. They gain a +4
raised around the study of magic, and racial bonus to EAC
have learned to tolerate magical against
energies better than their o t h e r
brethren. These bisoni have bisoni.
no natural spell resistance,
but do not have the difficulty
using magical items that their
cousins do. H a rd y :
R u n t
This trait replaces stubborn spell bisoni are
resistance. invariably
less cautious
than their kin,
R acial S ubtypes always feeling
the need to prove
You can combine various themselves in ways
alternate racial traits to create other than brute strength.
bisoni subraces or variant races, As a consequence, they
such as the following. are exposed to dangers during
youth that give them some limited

protections later in life. Runt bisoni gain a +2 R acial A rchetypes
racial bonus on saving throws against poison,
spells, and spell-like abilities.
The following racial archetypes are available to
Bonus Feat: Runt bisoni often need to learn bisoni.
life’s harsh lessons early in their lives to make
themselves useful to those around them, and T auric S hinobi (S oldier
often begin training at an earlier age than most
other bisoni. A runt bisoni selects one extra feat
A rchetype )
at 1st level. The honorable nature of your upbringing has
called you to follow the path of honor, and you’ve
V oid -B looded learned to tame your inner beast and focus its
energy into devastating attacks.
While bisoni raised within their own culture
are bound by honor and duty, some who grow Special: A Tauric Shinobi must take the Blitz
up on vessels, surrounded by less honorable fighting style as their primary fighting style.
vagabonds, find the embrace of chaos and
mayhem to be particularly delicious. These bisoni Charging Slice: A tauren shinobi is a master
will often shirk the law and any perceived duties of his own inertia, turning reckless charges
simply for the fun of getting away with it, and into deadly and precise attacks. When a tauren
have no concept of being held to honorable shinobi charges, he gains an additional +2 to his
actions, standards, or codes. As a result, void- attack rolls during the charge, and if he confirms
blooded bisoni do not gain the honorbound or a critical hit as part of the charge action, he deals
thick hide, and have the following racial traits
instead: additional damage equal to his tauric shinobi
Stalker: Voidblooded bisoni are well versed at
sneaking up on their opponents, and always have This ability replaces the primary style
Perception and Stealth as class skills. technique gained at level 1..

Void Scavenger: Bisoni who grow up on a Seeing Red: A tauren shinobi is able to
spacefaring vessel never miss an opportunity to harness the chaotic anger of his tauren ancestors
use whatever they have on hand to accomplish and direct it at his enemies with precision.
their goals. They gain a +2 racial bonus on They can rage for a number of rounds per day
Perception checks to find hidden objects equal to 4 + Constitution modifier. For each
(including traps and secret doors). Further, they level after 1st, the tauric shinobi can rage for 2
don’t take the -2 on Engineering checks when additional rounds per day. Temporary increases
you do not have an engineering kit available. to Constitution, do not increase the total number
of rounds that a tauric shinobi can rage per day.
A tauric shinobi can enter a rage as a free action.
The total number of rounds of rage per day is
renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these
hours need not be consecutive.

While in a rage, a tauric shinobi gains a +2 N ew R acial R ules
bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage
rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will
saving throws. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty The following options are available to bisoni.
to Armor Class. She also gains 2 temporary At the GM’s discretion, other appropriate races
hit points per Hit Die. These temporary hit may also make use of some of these.
points are lost first when a character takes
damage, disappear when the rage ends, and B isoni F eats
are not replenished if the tauric shinobi enters
a rage again within 1 minute of her previous Many bisoni make use of the following feats.
rage. While in a rage, a tauric shinobi cannot
use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence- D istracted S tampede
based skill (except Athletics Acrobatics, and
Intimidate) or any ability that requires patience or You’re in tune with your herd instincts,
concentration (such as spellcasting). allowing you to take advantage of your´allies’
distractions to destroy those threatening the
A tauric shinobi can end her rage as a free herd.
action, and is fatigued for 1 minute after a rage
ends. A tauric shinobi can’t enter a new rage Prerequisite: Bisoni, base attack bonus +10,
while fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise powerful charge racial trait
enter a rage multiple times per day. If a tauric
shinobi falls unconscious, her rage immediately Benefit: When an ally within 30 feet of you
ends. charges a foe, you may charge the same foe as
an immediate action. You must be able to follow
This replaces the primary style technique all of the normal charge rules. If the triggering
gained at level 5. ally has either this feat, you may treat that ally’s
square as if she were not there for the purposes
Perfect Slice: At 17 level, a tauric shinobi’s of determining your line of movement for this
focused anger can be used to slice through charge, though you may not end your movement
almost anything. Once per day during a rage, in your ally’s square.
when he makes an attack with a melee weapon,
he may ignore 30 hardness or damage reduction M erciless G ore
of the target (of any type), dealing an additional
amount of damage equal to twice his tauric You’ve learned the age-old bisoni art of cleanly
shinobi level. He may instead target a spell effect gutting your foes with your razor sharp horns.
with this ability, targeting the spell with the
effects of a greater dispel magic with a caster level Prerequisite: Bisoni, battle horns racial trait
equal to her tauric shinobi level.
Benefit: When you successfully attack a target
This replaces the primary style technique with your gore natural attack, the target begins
gained at level 17. to bleed. Each round, the target takes 1 bleed
damage. This bleed damage continues for up
to a number of rounds equal to your Strength
modifier, or until the target receives magical

P laying a B isoni
Y ou likely …

Rush into problems without thinking

first, trusting to your muscles to see you
See everyone else as honorless, and unable
to hold to a strict code of life.
Feel conspicuous as you tower over most
other creatures, and have a problem getting
comfortable in most quarters, as you are
simply too big.
O ther races probably …
Think of you as a barbaric throwback.
Don’t believe that you can stick to a code of
honor in the modern age, and consider it to
be an outdated concept.
Feel intimidated when you stand next to
18 them, due to your sheer size.
healing, or succeeds at a Medicine check (DC 15). Normal: You must end your movement after a
When your base attack bonus reaches +5, +10, charge.
+15 and +20, the bleed damage inflicted by this
ability increases by 1 (to a maximum of bleed 5 at
a base attack bonus of +20). B isoni E quipment
S pellproof Many bisoni make use of the following
Your resistance to magic is stronger than
others of your kind, sometimes to your detriment. B isoni M agic I tems
Prerequisite: Bisoni, stubborn spell resistance Bisoni prefer magic that is often practical,
racial trait, character level 10+ utilitarian, and simplistic in nature. Bisoni prefer
their magic to be easy to use and to have a clear
Benefit: Your spell resistance increases to 11 + purpose. Overly complex magical items are not
your character level, but this spell resistance may common to this direct race. The following magic
not be voluntarily lowered for any reason, and items were invented by bisoni crafters, and are
the chance that a magic item will fail to function rarely found outside their close-knit communities.
for you increases to 25%.
U nstoppable C harge Amulet of Reckless 5 4,500 L
Your inertia can carry you past your enemies, Snoutring of 3 3,000 L
and in many cases over or through them.
Prerequisite: Bisoni, Improved Combat
Maneuver (bull rush), powerful charge racial trait AMULET OF RECKLESS
Benefit: When you successfully attack a target
at the end of a charge, you may continue your Some bisoni spellcasters have found ways to
movement and perform a free bull rush combat use their own natural proclivities toward reckless
maneuver against the target. If you successfully abandon to enhance their spellcasting instead of
bull rush the target, allies within 30 feet gain a +2 more martial pursuits. Three times per day, when
circumstance bonus on attack rolls against the the wearer of this necklace casts a spell with a
target for 1 minute. range of touch, she may charge a target within

B isoni V ital S tatistics

Bisoni Female 8-1/2 - 9-1/2 ft. 420-450 lbs 18 8+2d10 years
Bisoni Male 9-1/2 - 10-1/2 ft. 450-490 lbs 18 8+2d10 years

her movement range as a Swift action, and can
attempt to deliver the spell with a single touch
attack at the end of the charge. The user must
follow all normal rules for when she may charge.
If the user has the ability to deliver touch-range
spells through a means of attack other than
a touch attack she may make a single
attack of that type
to deliver the spell
at the end of the
charge instead.


Bisoni have roots in

herd culture and foraging
for their food, and these rings
can help a bisoni find their lunch much
more quickly. While wearing this snoutring,
a bisoni gains a +5 circumstance bonus to
Survival checks to forage for food, as well
as the scent special ability with a range
of 30 feet.

T or tanian

show slight green or yellow tones in the cracks

and wrinkles of their skin. A tortanian’s shell can
display an infinite number of colors (and those
with duller shells often have brighter colors
added to heighten their appeal). Unlike many
other species, tortanians range very widely in size,
from the size of an ysoki to that of a particularly
beefy vesk.

Society: Tortanians live in a strict

matriarchal society, with fertile females (called
“egg-mothers”) making most decisions in both
personal relationships and governmental
structures. Those females unfortunate enough
to be unable to lay eggs are still revered over
the males, but are never elevated to powerful
positions. Despite the matriarchy, males are
allowed and encouraged to follow any pursuit
they like (outside of political aspirations).
Lorekeepers of both genders are some of
the most highly-respected within tortanian
society, and those who aspire to teach the
younger generations are provided with homes,
land, meals and gifts by other members of the
community, in an effort to allow their minds to
be free of the burdens of wants or needs.

The tortanian people are a tortoise-like ancient Relations: The long lifespan of tortanians
people. The species is so long-lived that their true lends itself to deep introspection about the true
ancestral home planet has long been forgotten, nature of life and the universe, which can cause
though they claim several swampy planets some difficulty when dealing with shorter-lived
throughout the galaxy as their own. species. Their infinite patience and tendency
to act only after careful consideration can be
The average tortanian lives almost 1000 years. frustrating to those who might prefer to shoot
This gives them ample time to become skilled first and ask questions later. However, once a
crafters, technologists, and magic users alike. tortanian has decided that someone is a friend,
they are some of the most loyal and trustworthy
Physical Description: Tortanians are leathery beings in the universe. Tortanians find a
skinned, tortoise-like humanoids with shells kinship with many of the more long-lived races,
which cover their backs and partially protect including kasathas and manu, and often are
their legs and short tail as well. Their hands are found in parties made up of these races, though
larger than most humanoids, making complex they invariably outlive their allies, provided they
manipulations difficult. The color of their skins are not reckless. That being said, some tortanians
is almost uniformly a deep gray, though some find recklessness exhilarating, as long-lived

creatures have more to lose in death, and this can S tandard R acial
be jarring for those who wish to keep their heads.
T raits
Alignment and Religion: Long lifespans don’t
lend themselves to impetuousness, and most -2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2 Intelligence,
tortanians lean toward the Lawful side. They run +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma: Tortanians are
the full spectrum of good and evil, though many extraordinarily healthy, intelligent, wise, and
find neutrality a good fit. While a large portion of charming, but their rigid shell limits their agility.
tortanians find religion to be tedious, those who
find a deity who speaks to them worship with a Racial Hit Points: 6 HP
fever-like intent, often becoming zealots. Male
tortanians who find religion gravitate toward Size and Type: Tortanians are Medium
Doolipuda, some seeking liberation from their humanoids with the tortanian subtype.
female oppressors. Males and females alike may
feel a kinship with Eistibus, as the pursuit of Slow but Steady: Tortanianss have a land
knowledge is a tortanian virtue, and it is believed speed of 20 feet, which is never modified when
the Eistibus has existed even longer than the they are encumbered or wearing heavy armor.
tortanian race themselves, a feat that not many
can claim. Low-light Vision: Tortanians can see in dim
light as if it were normal light.
Adventurers: Younger tortanians are the
most likely to seek adventure (though “young” is Enshell: As a move action that does not
a relative term, as they are not even considered provoke attacks of opportunity, a tortanian can
adults until past the age that most humans could withdraw his head, arms, and legs fully into its
only dream of ). Reasons for adventuring vary, as shell. Objects or weapons with light bulk (l) or
with any race, but many tortanian adventurers 1 bulk can be pulled inside his shell as part of
set out to find some sacred or unknown trove of the same action, while larger held objects are
knowledge to add to the vast libraries that are dropped in the tortanian’s square. The tortanian
kept on all tortanian planets and many of their has soft cover (+4 bonus to AC) while enshelled
capital vessels. and does not have line of sight to anything
unless he has some means with which to see
Male Names: Braanoo, Harmaat, Toonarr, through his shell. The tortanian’s shell structure
Paataam. prevents him from falling prone while enshelled.
The bonus to AC increases by +1 at 6th, 12th, and
Female Names: Proonee, Urmaa, Reenaa, Inoo, 18th levels, to a maximum of +7 at 18th level.
Almaa. While enshelled a tortanian can take no actions
other than to exit from its shell (as a move action
that does not provoke attacks of opportunity)
and does not threaten spaces around it. The
enshell effect ends automatically if the tortanian
becomes unconscious or dead.

Hard-Shelled: The shell of a tortanian

protects them from many threats. Tortanians

P laying a T ortanian
Y ou likely …
Think things through before rushing in.
Consider everyone else reckless for not taking their time with anything.
Have a hard time forming bonds with others, as they all seem to die of
old age, just as you get to know them.
O ther races probably …
Lose their patience with how slow you are.
Think that you avoid trouble at all costs, by retreating into your shell,
both physically and metaphorically.
Believe that you are incapable of taking aggressive actions. 23
have a +2 racial bonus to their KAC. This trait replaces the hard-shelled and
stability racial traits.
Stability: Tortanians receive a +4 racial bonus
to their KAC against bull rush and trip combat Umbra Touched: Umbra touched tortanians
maneuvers. gain energy resistance 5 to cold and electricity.
Additionally, attacks made against them
Stubborn: Tortanians gain a +2 racial bonus while they are within areas of dim light have
on Will saving throws to resist spells and spell- a 50% miss chance instead of the normal 20%
like abilities with the charm and compulsion miss chance. This trait does not grant total
descriptors. In addition, if a tortanian fails such concealment; it just increases the miss chance.
a save, it receives another save 1 round later to This is a supernatural ability.
prematurely end the effect (assuming the spell
or spell-like ability has a duration greater than 1 This trait replaces hard-shelled racial trait.
round). This second save is made at the same DC
as the first. If the tortanian has a similar ability Mighty Shell: The tortanian gains damage
from another source, it can only use one of these reduction 5 against kinetic damage. This trait
abilities per round, but can try the other on the replaces the stability and stubborn racial traits.
second round if the first reroll ability fails.

Languages: Tortanians speak Common and R acial S ubtypes

Tortanian. Tortanians with high Intelligence
scores can learn Aquan, Aurellian (though they You can combine various alternate racial traits
cannot speak the language without some way to to create tortanian subraces or variant races, such
change their shell color at will), Dwarven, Giant or as the following.
T he E xposed
A lternate R acial A tortanian’s shell is intricately connected to
T raits her sense of self-worth, and most tortanians take
meticulous care of their shells. However, there are
The following racial traits may be selected instances where a tortanian’s shell can become
instead of the standard tortanian racial traits. so poorly maintained, or sustain enough damage,
Consult your GM before selecting any of these that it can fall off completely. Tortanians who
new options. have lost their shell either through accident or
disuse are termed “the exposed”, and are pitied
Small Size: Your size and type changes to a and reviled by their fellow tortanians. This can
Small humanoid with the tortanian subtype. actually lead to exposed tortanians more often
becoming adventurers, and some of them have
This changes the size and type racial trait. found a place among other races as bounty
hunters or assassins.
Soft Shell: Your shell is softer and more
flexible than normal. You gain a +2 bonus to The following special racial traits apply to
Dexterity. exposed tortanians. While most racial traits must
be chosen at character creation, any tortanian

who loses his or her shell instantly gains these which require Improved Combat Maneuver (bull
racial traits, replacing the normal tortanian racial rush) can only be performed during a charge
traits as listed: unless the shellshocker also takes Improved
Combat Maneuver (bull rush) separately.
Improved Dexterity: Without your shell, you
find that you can move much more freely. You This ability replaces the primary style
gain a +4 bonus to Dexterity. This replaces the technique gained at level 1.
enshell, hard-shelled, stability and stubborn
racial traits. Shell Fortification: The shellshocker’s shell
starts to harden until it becomes more like steel
Fast speed: Exposed tortanians find that they than bone. When a critical hit or sneak attack is
can move more quickly without their shells. Their scored on the shellshocker, there is a 25% chance
base speed is 30 feet. This trait replaces the slow that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and
and steady racial trait. damage is instead rolled normally.

Broken: The overwhelming pity and revulsion This ability replaces the primary style
you’ve been exposed to by your fellow tortanians technique gained at level 5.
has scarred your psyche for life. You take a -2
penalty on all Will saves. Improved Shell Fortification: The
shellshocker’s shell becomes even more resistant
to attacks. The chance to ignore critical hits or
R acial A rchetypes sneak attacks increases to 50%.

The following racial archetypes are available to This ability replaces the primary style
tortanians. technique gained at level 9.

S hellshocker (S oldier Ultimate Shell Fortification: The

shellshocker’s shell has become almost
A rchetype ) impossible to bypass with attacks. The chance to
Shellshockers are a relatively radical group ignore critical hits or sneak attacks increases to
of tortanian ragers who have developed a 75%.
specialized way of fighting, using their shells for
both protection and offense. This ability replaces the primary style
technique gained at level 13.
Charging Inertia: A shellshocker’s massive
shell keeps her from accelerating quickly, but
once she gets up to speed, there is little that can N ew R acial R ules
slow her down. During a charge, a shellshocker
does not provoke attacks of opportunity when The following options are available to
performing a bull rush, and receives a +2 bonus tortanians. At the GM’s discretion, other
on bull rush attempts. She also gains a +2 bonus appropriate races may also make use of some of
to CMD against bull rush attempts. This counts these.
as having the Improved Combat Maneuver (bull
rush) feat for feat prerequisites, though any feats

T ortanian F eats T ortanian E quipment
Many tortanians make use of the following
feats. Many tortanians make use of the following
A bjurant S hell
T echnological E quipment
Your shell is your magical bulwark, and you see
no reason to leave it, especially when someone is Tortanians are adept at adapting weapons
hurling spells at you. from other cultures for their own use, but every
so often a brand new weapon type is invented by
Prerequisite(s): Tortanian, enshell and mighty a tortanian. The shock bat is one such weapon.
shell racial traits, ability to cast 3rd level spells.
Benefit(s): While enshelled, you gain spell
resistance equal to 5+ your character level. A shock bat is a 2-3 foot long baton covered
in round, glowing half-spheres which are used
Q uick E nshell to conduct electricity through the skin or armor
of the target, and which can knock you senseless.
You’ve become adept at quickly hiding in your There are also variants which conduct either cold
shell and popping back out again. or heat instead (this is decided when the weapon
is initially purchased). The bat can also be used
Prerequisite(s): Tortanian, enshell and soft with the power turned off, expending no charges;
shell racial traits. in that case, treat the weapon as a club.

Benefit(s): You can enshell or end the

enshelled condition as a swift action.

Normal: You must use a move action to

enshell or end the enshelled condition.

Shock Bat, Tactical 4 2,000 1d8 C, E or F Staggered 1 Powered (capacity
30, usage 2)
Shock Bat, 10 20,000 2d8 C, E or F Staggered 1 Powered (capacity
Centurion 30, usage 1)
Shock Bat, 15 108,000 6d8 C, E or F Staggered 1 Powered (capacity
Commando 30, usage 1)

A ugmentations ABSORBER
Tortanians have Price: 32,000
invented a special gp; System: Shell
category of cybertech Level 12
called shell enhancements.
Tortanians (except “the A small
exposed”, see above) have metal conduit
an additional cybertech connected to a
slot, their shell slot, onto matrix of small
which one shell holes are installed
enhancement can into the shell. These
be installed. magically-enhanced
conduits allow a
SHELL tortanian spellcaster to
CANNON imbue her shell with
specific types of spells,
Price: 64,000 gp; System: Shell exhibiting some of these
Level 14 effects, through her
shell. Any spell which can
A single heavy weapon has been integrated normally take the shape of a wall which is not
into the shell. The user is considered to always be solid (for example, wind wall or wall of fire) can
wielding this weapon and is always considered instead be cast into these conduits and stored
proficient with it. The weapon can never be until activated. As a full round action, the wearer
disarmed, thanks to the tight integration of the can activate the spell absorber, at which point
weapon into the tortanian’s shell. The price for the spell’s duration begins, and the effects of
the weapon is in addition to the price for this the spell are projected from the conduits into a
augmentation. single space adjacent to the wearer. The wearer
can change the direction of the effect as a free
SHELL SPIKES action, but only up to once per round. The effects
can be difficult to control, which causes the
Price: 4,000 gp; System: Shell Level 6 wearer to be staggered during the duration. The
spell absorber can be deactivated as a standard
A simple set of cybernetic spikes has been action, which dismisses any remaining spell
installed into the shell, which the wearer can duration.
extend from her shell with a thought. Extending
the spikes is a Swift action, while retracting UNDERWATER
them is a Move action, neither of which provoke EXPLORATION KIT
attacks of opportunity. While extended, the
spikes grant the tortanian a natural attack, which Price: 16,000 gp; System: Shell Level 9
deals 2d6 piercing damage. These spikes can be
magically enhanced like other weapons An elaborate set of equipment meant to

allow for deep sea exploration on watery T ortanian S pells
worlds is integrated into the shell. This includes
a buoyancy control, a rebreather, and a small
underwater jet which assists with forward SHELLSIGHT MYSTIC 1,
motion. This equipment increases the wearers to TECHNOMANCER 1
their land speed or 30 ft. (whichever is higher),
grants a +20 to Athletics checks to swim, allows School divination
the user to breathe underwater indefinitely, and
allows the user to float at any depth (including Casting time 1 standard action
on the surface) indefinitely with no physical
exertion. The rebreathing apparatus is directly Range personal
tied into the user’s lungs, so there is no mask
required for use. This cybertech takes up spaces Duration 1 minute/level (D)
within a tortanian’s shell which would normally
be required in order for her to enshell, so the This spell allows a tortanian spellcaster to see
user loses the enshell ability when this package is through her shell as if it were clear glass, allowing
installed. her line of sight (but not line of effect) as if
deshelled. This does not grant line of sight if it
T ortanian M agic I tems would otherwise be blocked.
Shellbrooch 12 26,000 L

Three times per day on command, this large,
round brooch made of gold and jade gives the
wearer the ability to magically remove and shrink
her shell and attach itself to the brooch. While
the wearer’s shell is stored on the brooch, she
gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and
gains the effects of a remove condition, lesser spell.
If the brooch is removed from the user’s neck
while her shell is attached, it will remain in that
form until it is worn again.

T ortanian V ital S tatistics

Tortanian Female 5-1/2 -7 ft. 250-270 lbs 100 1000+2d% years
Tortanian Male 5 - 6 ft. 225-245 lbs 100 1000+2d% years

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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive
license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your
original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open
Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder name to the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another,
independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark
or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of
that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to
copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission
from the Contributor to do so.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to
statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming
aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary
Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Starfinder Core Rulebook © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Keeley, Robert G. McCreary, Stephen Radney-
MacFarland, Mark Seifter, Owen K.C. Stephens, and James L. Sutter, with Alexander Augunas, Judy Bauer, John Compton, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Lissa
Guillet, Thurston Hillman, Erik Mona, Mark Moreland, Jessica Price, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, and Josh Vogt.
Starjammer: Races of the Void - Book One (Starfinder Edition) © 2017 Open Gaming LLC; Author: Tyler Beck

There is nothing quite like meeting
a new alien race when you are playing
a science fiction role-playing game. What
are they like? What can they do? What will
they do to me? All of these questions race
through the mind of the player while the
game master heightens the suspense. Will
they be allies or enemies? Even better than
a new alien race though, is the opportunity
to play one. The Races of the Void product
for Starfinder brings you new and exciting
races to play. Each one is a complete write-up,
with archetypes, feats, new equipment, and
incredible artwork to spark the imagination.
With all that being said... let’s get started!

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