Quantum Mirage
Quantum Mirage
Quantum Mirage
Quantum Mirage ABSTRACT Since it first appeared on the cover of Nature in February 2000, the quantum mirage has featured on posters, calendars, websites and the covers of various books and magazines. The image which was obtained using a scanning tunnelling microscope shows the electronic wavefunctions inside an elliptical quantum corral made of cobalt atoms on a copper surface. It was created by Hari Manoharan, Christopher Lutz and Don Eigler of the IBM Almaden Research Center in California. In 1990, working with Erhard Schweizer, Eiger spelt out the letters IBM using 35 xenon atoms. And three years later, working with Lutz and Michael Crommie, he released the first images of the quantum corral, which have also been reproduced in numerous places. . The quantum mirage uses the wave nature of electrons to move the information, instead of a wire, so it has the potential to enable data transfer within future nano-scale electronic circuits so small that conventional wires do not work. It will be years before this technology becomes practical, but it could eventually yield computers that are many orders of magnitude smaller, faster, and less power-hungry than anything we can conceive today. 1. Introduction The term quantum mirage refers to a phenomenon that may make it possible to transfer data without conventional electrical wiring. Instead of forcing charge carriers through solid conductors, a process impractical on a microscopic scale, electron wave phenomena are made to produce effective currents. All moving particles have a wavelike nature. This is rarely significant on an everyday scale. But in atomic dimensions, where distances are measured in nanometers, moving particles behave like waves. This phenomenon is what makes the electron microscope workable. It is of interest to researchers in nanotechnology, who are looking for ways to deliver electric currents through circuits too small for conventional wiring. A quantum mirage is a spot where electron waves are focused so they reinforce each other. The result is an energy hot zone, similar to the acoustical hot zones observed in concrete enclosures, or the electromagnetic wave focus of a dish antenna. In the case of electron waves, the enclosure is called a quantum corral. An elliptical corral produces mirages at the foci of the ellipse. A typical quantum corral measures approximately 20 nm long by 10 nm wide. By comparison, the range of visible wavelengths is approximately 390 nm (violet light) to 750 nm (red light). One nanometer is 10-9 meter, or a millionth of a millimeter. One of the biggest obstacles to the continued shrinkage of electronic elements within integrated circuits is the connection between them. As the size of these elements decreases, so must the size of the wires that carry electrons from one to another. But beyond a certain point, a wire's ability to conduct electrons is significantly hampered, preventing the message from getting through. Therefore, if nanotechnology and atomic-scale computers are to become a reality, an alternative means of sending information between circuit elements must be developed. As computer circuit features shrink toward atomic dimensions --
When the IBM scientists placed a single cobalt atom within the quantum corral, they saw the Kondo effect at the atom's location, as expected. But when they moved this atom to one of the ellipse's foci, something amazing happened: the Kondo effect also appeared at the other focus, even though no atom was there. The "phantom" atom is called a quantum mirage; information about the real atom is transmitted to the other focus of the ellipse via the wavelike medium of the electron sea without using any wires. Due to the wave nature of electrons, the physics of the quantum corral is analogous to the vibration of a guitar string or a drum head. Hari Manoharan, who is now at Stanford University, chose the colours for the image, which is actually constructed from two data sets. The first set contains topographic data and the second the magnetic information. Both data sets share the same xy co-ordinates, he says, so the challenge was to illustrate a 4D data set in a 3D surface. Manoharan represented the topographic data as height and the magnetic information (i.e. the Kondo effect) as colour, so the peaks in the image show where the atoms are located, while the colours represent the magnetic data, with purple corresponding to the strongest Kondo effect and green to the weakest.
4. Theory 4.1. Quantum Corrals Quantum corrals are the beautiful result of a marriage between technology and basic science. They are two dimensional structures built atom by atom (using approximately 30-80 atoms) on atomically smooth metallic surfaces using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Once the corrals are built, the STM can be used to study these nanometer scale structures with atomic resolution in space and better than meV (micro electron
4.3. STM Theory: Topographic Images and Spectroscopic Measurement The basic tunneling geometry and energy diagram is shown in Fig. 3. The STM tip usually sits a few A above the surface. The STM data can be taken in two ways: (i) A feedback loop can be used to control the height of the tip above the surface so that the total tunneling current is kept constant as the tip is scanned over the surface. This is called a topographic image and, at each point it is a measure of the energy-integrated local density of surface states. (ii) In the second type of measurement the feedback loop is opened so that the tip height is kept roughly constant with respect to the surface and the voltage is swept to measure the local spectroscopy at the tip position. Tunneling measurements of quantum corrals are typically done at small voltage biases, V < 0.3 Volts, and low temperatures, T < 70 K. 4.4. Scattering Theory For Surface State Electron Density
FIG. 3. Geometry of the scanning tunneling microscope measurement and energy diagram.
4.5.The Mirage Experiment A recent and interesting variation of the original quantum corral experiments were the quantum mirage experiments of Manoharan. The quantum mirage experiments make use of the low temperature physics associated with a magnetic ion (e.g., Fe, Co, Mn) in electrical contact with a bulk metal (e.g., Cu, Au, Ag): the so called Kondo Effect. In the quantum mirage experiments, Manoharan built an elliptical corral with magnetic atoms (Co) which exhibit a Kondo effect at 4 K on Cu. The results of a detailed analysis relevant to the quantum mirage can be stated quite simply: (i) The spin of the conduction electrons tend to become anti-correlated (oppositely aligned) with the spin of the magnetic impurity so that at low temperatures (when the Kondo effect is present) the local spin of the magnetic ion is fully or at least partially screened. An important special case is when the spin of the ion is 1/2. Then, the Kondo effect completely screens it at sufficiently large distances. (ii) The impurity density of states (the density of states of the atomic d- or f-levels that give rise to the magnetic moment)