SALARY : R1 663 581 per annum (Level 15), (all-inclusive salary package)
CENTRE : Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7) and a post graduate qualification
in Build Environment (NQF level 8) as recognized by SAQA. Minimum 8-10
Years of experience at a senior managerial level, Professional registration will
be an added advantage and Valid driver’s license (with exception of person
with disability). Core And Process Competencies: Expert knowledge of
operation, project and programme management with an ability to implement
programmes and projects timeously; Knowledge of Development Planning
principles; Sound and in-depth knowledge of the Housing Legislative
Framework, prescripts, policies, and practices relevant to the human
settlements Sector, application of the legislative framework governing the
public service, e.g. Public Service Act, Housing Act no 107 of 1997, Town
Planning and Township Ordinance 15 of 1986, Development and Facilitation
Act 67 of 1995, National Housing Code of 2009, National Home Builders
Registration Act (NHBRC Act), National Building Regulation and Standard Act
of 1997. Skills & Knowledge: Advanced Strategic Planning; Project and
programme management; Financial Management; Change Management;
People Management and Empowerment; Knowledge Management; Problem
Solving and Analysis; Client Orientation and Customer Focus; Communication
(written and verbal) and negotiation skills; Policy Formulation; Research and
Computer Utilization.
DUTIES : Provide leadership and oversight on human settlement programs performance
and technical services; Develop strategies to accelerate housing delivery in the
Province; Oversee and ensure human settlements planning, delivery,
performance and stakeholder management. Render human settlements
administration services and manage state owned immovable assets. Provide
leadership and oversight on development of a framework to direct the
development of credible business plans for human settlements.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Ramagoshi Phuti Tel No: (015) 294 2225
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), (all-inclusive salary package)
CENTRE : Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7) in Build Environment as
recognized by SAQA. Minimum 5 Years of experience at a senior managerial
level and Valid driver’s license (with exception of person with disability). Core
And Process Competencies: Proven experience in both project and
programme management and evaluation. Sound and in-depth knowledge of
the Housing Legislative Framework, prescripts, policies, and practices relevant
to the human settlements Sector, application of the legislative framework
governing the public service e.g. Public Service Act, Labour Relations Act,
PFMA, Housing Act no 107 of 1997, Town Planning and Township Ordinance
15 of 1986, Development and Facilitation Act 67 of 1995, National Housing
Code of 2009, National Home Builders Registration Act (NHBRC Act), National
Building Regulation and Standard Act of 1997. Skills & Knowledge: Strategic
Capability and Leadership; Programme and Project Management; Change
Management; Financial Management; People Management and
Empowerment; Knowledge Management; Problem Solving and Analysis;
Client Orientation and Customer Focus; Communication; Policy Formulation;
Research and Computer Utilization.
DUTIES : Manage Planning and Implementation of all Human Settlements and
Housing Programmes which includes amongst others Rural Housing,
Enhanced People’s housing Process, Community Residential Units,
Emergency and Disaster housing, Social Housing, Farmworker housing,
Financed Linked Subsidy Programme, Engineering bulk and reticulation
infrastructure and Eradication of Asbestos programme; Ensure compliance
with all built environment and Housing legislative frameworks which include
amongst others Building Regulations, National Environmental
Management Act(NEMA),Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act
and DoRA, Facilitate responses to queries from SCOPA, AGSA and other
stakeholders; Manage resources ( financial, human and physical).
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Ramagoshi Phuti Tel No: (015) 294 2225
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), (all-inclusive salary package)
CENTRE : Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification in Built Environment or Property Management/
Property Studies/Public Management (NQF Level 7) as recognized by SAQA.
Minimum 5 Years of experience at a senior managerial level and Valid driver’s
license (with exception of person with disability). Core And Process
Competencies: Knowledge of Sound and in-depth knowledge of relevant
prescripts, application of the legislative framework governing the public service
e.g., Public Service Act, Labour Relation Act, PFMA, etc Skills And Knowledge:
Strategic Capability and Leadership; Programme and Project Management;
Change Management; Financial Management; People Management and
Empowerment; Knowledge Management; Problem Solving and Analysis;
Client Orientation and Customer Focus; Communication and Negotiation skills;
Policy Formulation; Research and Computer Utilization.
DUTIES : Manage Human Settlement subsidy administration; Manage Human
Settlements contracts; Provide secretariat to Human Settlement statutory
bodies; Provide property management and policy development services.
Develop an immovable asset management plan. Provide property research
and immovable asset management support; Manage debtors control system
and township registers; ensure effective and efficient lease agreement
management and property disposal; Oversee the effective management of
assets register; Manage resources (Financial, human and physical).
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Monkoe Mphodi Tel No: (015) 294 2223
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive salary package)
CENTRE : Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification in Accounting, Financial Management, Supply
Chain Management (NQF 6) as recognized SAQA; A minimum of 3 years’
experience in a Supply Chain Management or Contract Management. Valid
South African driver’s license (with exception of person with disability). Core
and Process Competencies: Sound and in-depth knowledge of relevant
prescripts, application of the legislative framework governing the public service
eg, Public Service Act, Labour Relation Act, PFMA, PPPFA, Preferential
Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA), Treasury Regulations, Broad
Based Black Economic Empowerment Act (B-BBEEA) etc. Skills & Knowledge:
Negotiation skills; Presentation skills; Time management; Financial
management skills. Strategic Capability and Leadership, People Management
and Empowerment. Programme and Project Management. Financial
Management. Change Management. Knowledge Management. Service
Delivery Innovation. Problem solving and Analysis. Client Orientation and
Customer focus and Communication. Knowledge & Skills: Good interpersonal
skills, Communication skills to interface with people from diverse backgrounds.
Functional computer literacy (MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, MS Access
and MS Outlook.
DUTIES : Manage the functional operation of the Sub directorate: Supply Chain Contract
Management. Manage, undertake and review the monitoring, analyses and
determination of actions to ensure proper contract administration. Administer
timely review of contracts variations. Evaluate applications for price
adjustments and invoke penalty clauses. Evaluate applications for variations,
amendments and cancelations and develop proposals for approval. Undertake
dispute resolution and ensure that all documentation is prepare and available
to resolve disputes. Maintain proper relationship with suppliers within the code
of ethics to ensure deliver off goods/services. Manage the coordination, review
and monitoring of contract compliance by determine whether product/services
are delivered at the right time, of the right quantity, right products, right place,
right conditions, right quality and right price according to the contract. Manage
the Sub Directorate: Supply Chain Contract Management and undertake all
administrative functions required. Develop and manage the operational plan of
the sub-directorate and report on progress as required. Develop implement and
maintain processes to ensure proper control of work.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Mokhomole Makgano Tel No: (015) 294 2270
Branch: Traditional Affairs
(Contract linked to term of office for Chairperson & Deputy Chairperson)