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- Intellectual Property (IP) is the terminology attributed to intangible assets having commercial value,
and arising from human intelligence, creativity, and imagination, but typically lacking physical form.
- Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is the privileges accorded to the creator/inventor (of IP) in
conformance with the laws. These rights are given to the creator/inventor in exchange for revealing
the process of creation/invention in the public domain. The inventor is conferred with the special
rights to use, sell, distribute, offering for sale and restricting others from using the invention without
his prior permission.
- Broadly, IP comprises of two branches i.e. Copyrights and Related Rights and Industrial Property
• Copyrights and Related Rights refer to the creative expressions in the fields of literature
and art, such as books, publications, architecture, music, wood/stone carvings, pictures,
portrays sculptures, films and computer-based software's/databases.
• The Industrial Property Rights refer to the Patents, Trademarks, Trade Services, Industrial
Designs and Geographical Indications.
o Copyright: Copyright is the right bestowed on the owner or creator in relation to
publication, and distribution of a piece of writing, music, picture or related works.
Copyright also applies to technical contents such as software, datasheets and
related documents.
o Patents: A patent is a legal record that bestows the holder the exclusive right over
an invention as per the claims, in a limited geographical domain and for a limited
duration by thwarting possible interested parties from any form of manufacture,
use or sale of the product or outcome of the invention
o Trademarks: A trademark is a sign that suitably differentiates the owner's goods
or services from those of others
IP Governance
- IP is an integral component of human society, hence each and every nation has dedicated
agencies for laying out the guidelines, implementation and enforcement of IP related matters.
- Also India has dedicated agencies for IP guidelines, implementation, and enforcement. To
name them:
• The Department for Promotion of Industry & Internal Trade (DPIIT) oversees all IP
categories, except Plant Variety and Farmers' Rights Act.
• Other government departments promote patent-ecosystem (patent awareness,
filing, commercialization):
o Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC)
o National Research Development Corporation (NRDC)
o Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM).
In order to have trade across nations, The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a key
organization established by the United Nations (UN) to promote a hassle-free exchange of IP-related
activities among nations. WIPO governs international filing and registration of IP through various
Conventions and Treaties, including the Paris Conventions, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Rome
Convention, and Berne Convention.
The IP Index serves as a roadmap for policymakers who look to support creativity, innovation and
economic growth through more robust IP policy.
Recently, India has improved its overall IP score from 38.4 percent to 38.6 per cent, and the country is
ranked 43 out of 55 countries on the International Intellectual Property Index. In the year (2022) the index
is topped by the US with 95.4%.
The global ranking can be improved by sensitizing the teaching and scientific communities about the
importance of IP and creating infrastructure for the same in the institutes of higher learning.
Origin of IP
It begins in 500 BCE when Sybaris, a Greek state, made it possible for citizens to obtain a one year patent
for “any new refinement in luxury.”
A practical and pragmatic approach for IP governance started taking shape in medieval Europe.
✓ In 1623, Britain passed Intellectual Property Legislation allowing guilds to create and market
✓ The 'Statute of Monopolies' replaced this legislation, granting rights to original creators for 14 years.
✓ The 'Statute of Anne' was passed in 1710 to strengthen copyrights, granting rights to authors for
recreation and distribution of their work.
✓ By the end of the 18th and early 19th centuries, almost every country began implementing IP
legislation to protect their inventions.
History of IP in India
1. The first phase introduced copyrights in 1847 during the East India Company's regime.
Copyrights were not automatic and registration was mandatory for enforcement.
2. The second phase introduced the Copyright Act of 1914, based on the Imperial Copyright Act of
the UK.
3. The third phase occurred post-independence with the Copyright Act 1957, superseding the Indian
Copyright Act, 1914, and being amended six times to comply with the WIPO Copyright Treaty and
WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty.
4) Geographical Indications
5) Trade Secrets
7) Plant Varieties
- Till 1970s, not much emphasis was laid on patentable matter originating from animals and
plants. However, microbes and microbial products/processes were patentable.
- A new sui generis law was enacted under the International Convention for the Protection of
New Varieties of Plants (UPOV, 1978) and UPOV, 1991 to include all biological materials.
- The Indian Patents Act, 1970 excluded plants and animals except microorganisms from
- To comply with Article 27.3 (b) of TRIPS, India adopted the PPV&FR Act, 2001 as a sui generis
regime protecting new plant varieties and farmers' rights.
A design is a creation of the human mind, which is appealing to the eyes and attracts the attention of
the viewers. The need to protect Industrial Designs (ID) was recognized in the 18th century.
• First Indian legislation enacted 'Patterns and Designs Act' in 1872. Act protected rights over design
creation and novel patterns.
• Replaced by British Patents and Designs Act in 1907, forming basis for Indian Patents and Designs
Act, 1911.
• In 1970, a separate Act was enacted for the patent, i.e. the Patent Act, 1970.
• The Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911, remained in force for designs only.
• Finally, in the year 2000, a dedicated Act for the ID was passed, which came into force in 2001.
Some of the salient amendments made in Indian Laws and Acts on IPR are mentioned below:
In order to understand the extensive field of IP, it has been divided into various categories. In India, these
categories include Patents, Copyright and Related Rights, Trademark, Trade Secrets, Industrial Designs,
Geographical Indications and Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout Designs.
• A patent is an exclusive right granted for an innovation providing a new way of doing something
or a new technical solution, protecting it from copying or reproduction, and requiring clear and
complete disclosure.
• Invention is the creation of a new idea or concept. Innovation is the process of translating an
invention into commercial entity or widespread use.
Patent Grant Criteria in Section 2(1)(j) of the Patents Act, 1970 must be fulfilled for a product or a process
to qualify for the grant of a patent. The criterion encompasses:
• Novelty: The innovation claimed in the patent application is not part of 'State of the Art'. It is not
known to the public, published, or claimed in any other specification by any other applicant.
• Inventive step: The innovation is a technical advancement over existing knowledge, possesses
economic significance, and is not obvious to a person skilled in the art.
• Capable of industrial application: The invention is capable of being made or used in any industry
for the benefit of society.
Once an invention has been developed, Inventor must decide whether to exploit the invention for
personal benefits as provided by the statutory laws of the country or put it in the public domain.
If the owner of an invention wishes to seek monetary gains, he can choose from either of the two options,
i.e. patenting or Trade Secret.
- 'Trade Secret' category preferred for long-term secrecy (may be 100 years or more) and low
reverse engineering probability.
- 'Patent' category preferred for short life span (a couple of years or so) or limited secrecy, high
reverse engineering probability in public domain.
• Patent owners have the right to decide who can use patented inventions.
• Patent protection prohibits commercial use without owner's consent.
• Owners can allow mutually agreed use terms.
• Patent rights are negative rights as they restrict unauthorized use.
• Owners can sue infringers for stopping illegal use and seeking compensation.
Enforcement is the process of ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, rules, standards and social
norms. The Court of Law has the authority to stop patent infringement. However, the main responsibility
for monitoring, identifying, and taking-action against infringers of a patent lies with the patent owner.
- Patents can be granted for inventions in any field, from paper clip to nanotechnology chip.
- Most patents are granted for improvements over existing inventions, not just major scientific
breakthroughs. Examples include penicillins and their derivatives, which have new properties
due to subtle structural changes.
- Patented items include toothbrushes, toothpaste, shoes, eyeglasses, textiles, mobile phones,
wristwatches, bicycles, scooters, cars, televisions, cold drinks, and beverages.
- Many products contain multiple inventions, such as laptop computers and cars, which often
contain multiple patented components.
Non-Patentable Matters
In the “Patent Act, 1970”, there are some exclusions (product and processes) that cannot be patented,
such as:
• Invention contrary to public morality - A method for human cloning, a method for gambling.
• Mere discovery - Finding a new micro-organism occurring freely in nature, laws of gravity.
• Mere discovery of a new form of a known substance - Use of aspirin for heart treatment. Aspirin
was patented for reducing fever and mild pains.
• Frivolous invention - Dough supplemented with herbs, merely changing the taste of the dough,
100 years calendar, bus timetable.
• Arrangement or rearrangement - An umbrella fitted with a fan, a torch attached to a bucket.
• Inventions falling within Section 20(1) of the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 - Inventions relating to
compounds of Uranium, Beryllium, Thorium, Plutonium, Radium, Graphite, Lithium and more as
notified by the Central Government from time to time.
• Literary, dramatic, musical, artistic work - Books, sculptures, drawings, paintings, computer
programmes, mathematical calculations, online chatting method, method of teaching, method of
learning a language as they are the subject matter of Copyright Act. 1957.
• Topography of integrated circuits - protection of layout designs of integrated circuits is provided
separately under the Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Layout Designs Act, 2000.
• Plants and animals - plants and animals in whole or any part including seeds, varieties and species
and essentially biological processes for the production or propagation of plants and animals are
excluded from the scope of protection under patents.
• Traditional knowledge - an invention which in effect is traditional knowledge or which is an
aggregation or duplication of known properties of traditionally known components are also
Patent Infringements
Once patent granted to applicant, patent owner retains right to use or exploit invention. Infringement
occurs if others use without owner's permission.
• Direct Infringement
o When a product is substantially close to any patented product
o In a case where the marketing or commercial use of the invention is carried out without
the permission of the owner of the invention.
• Indirect Infringement - When some amount of deceit or accidental infringement happens without
any intention of infringement.
However, the Central government always holds the rights (Section 100 of the Patent Act, 1970, Rule 32 of
the Patent Rules, 2003) to use the invention in the case of national emergency or other circumstances of
extreme urgency after notifying the owner.
1. Generally, an invention that has been either published or publicly displayed cannot be patented,
as the claimed invention will lose the ‘Novelty‘ criterion.
2. However, under certain circumstances, the Patents Act provides a grace period of 12 months for
filing a patent application from the date of its publication in a journal or presentation in a reputed
scientific society or exhibition.
3. Sometimes, disclosure of an invention before filing a patent application is unavoidable, e.g. selling
your invention to a potential investor or a business partner who would like to know complete
details of the invention in order to judge its commercial value.
4. In such a case, it is advisable to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) or any other confidential
agreement to safeguards your interest.
Process of Patenting
Flow chart of major steps involved in the grant of a patent.
Before inventors file a patent, they need to make sure their invention is new. They do this by checking if
anything similar already exists in public information, known as "prior art."
This includes patents, scientific papers, and other publications available before the patent application. If
something similar is already out there, the invention might not be considered new and may not qualify
for a patent. Inventors carefully search for this existing information to ensure their idea is genuinely unique
and eligible for patent protection.
The prior art search is carried out on the parameters such as novelty, patentability, state of the art,
infringement, validity and freedom to operate.
The commonly used databases for prior art search fall in two categories i.e. Patents Databases and NPL.
Note: Majority of NPL data is available freely on the public forum, however, some of the journals are paid and can
be accessed after paying the subscription. Major Patent Offices such as the United States Patent and Trademark
Office's (USPTO), European Patent Office (EPO), Japan Patent Office (JPO), etc. are maintaining inhouse NPL
databases to make patents examination more effective.
When deciding to patent an invention, the next step is choosing the type of application: provisional or
complete. Usually, a provisional patent application is preferred because:
However, it's crucial to file the complete patent application within a year of the provisional filing;
otherwise, the application is rejected.
As per the Patent Act, 1970 (Section 39) and the Patents Rules, 2003 (Rule 7, 54, 135 and subrule (1) of
rule 20, the application for the grant of patent is filed using Form-1 and Form-2.
The information sought in Form-1 is general in nature i.e. Title of Application, Names of Applicant(s) and
Inventor(s), Type of Application (Ordinary, Convention, PCT-NP (PCT- National Phase), Divisional, Patent of
Addition, etc.).
The information sought in Form-2 seeks technical information and whether to file the provisional
application or complete the application.
For ‘Provisional Application‘, only ‘Description of the Invention‘ and the ‘Abstract‘ is to be furnished.
For ’Complete Application‘ requires ‘Description of the Invention‘, ‘Abstract‘, ‘Claims‘ and the manner in
which invention has to be performed.
The ‘Claims‘ of the patent are a very crucial part of the specifications because they define the actual
boundary of the invention.
‘Claims‘ specify what is actually claimed by the invention and what is being sought to be protected. It
clearly describes what the patent does and does not cover.
The Claims are usually expressed as a declaration of technical particulars articulated in legal terms.
The Claims must be drafted precisely and carefully in order to seek patent protection and also to protect
the invention against potential infringers.
India has four offices for filing patent applications (Table 2.1). The applications can be filed only in one of
the offices based on the applicant‘s residence or domicile or place of business or origin of the invention.
These are termed as jurisdictions to file patents.
Note: For a foreign applicant filing a patent in India, the location of their patent agent's address or business in India determines
which Patent Office they should use for the application.
After filing a patent application, it's kept secret for 18 months. After that, or from the filing date, it's
published in the Official Journal of the Patent Office (http://www.ipindia.nic.in/journal-patents.htm) to let
the public know about the invention. This publication is mandatory.
Pre-grant Opposition
If anybody has an objection to the invention claimed in the patent application, he can challenge the
application by approaching the Controller of Patents within 6 months from the date of publication. It is
termed as Pre-grant Opposition. Depending on the outcome of the case, the patent application may be
rejected or recommended for the next step, i.e. patent examination.
Although the patent application is kept secret for 18 months, but under special circumstances, this period
can be reduced when the patentee/applicant plans to sell or license the patent or seek an investor). For
this, the applicant has to fill a Form-9 and submit it to the Controller General
Patent examination is a critical step in the process of grant of a patent. All the important criteria (novel,
inventive step, etc.) are scrutinized by the professionals depending on the content of the invention.
Usually, the examiner raises certain queries/doubts which need to be addressed by the inventors. Once
the examiner is satisfied with the answers received from the inventors, the application is recommended
for the grant of a patent. It is pertinent to mention that a patent application is not examined automatically
after clearing the publication stage. The applicant or his representative has to make a request for
examination of the patent by filing Form-18A and submitting the same within 48 months from the date of
filing of the application.
Grant of a Patent
The patent protection is granted to an applicant for a limited period, generally 20 years, starting from the
date of filing of the application. Once a patent is granted for an invention in India, the next vital step is to
ensure that it is renewed annually by paying Patent Renewal Fee as per Section 53, Rule 80 of the Indian
Patents Act, till the expiry of the patent grant period. Non-payment of Patent Renewal Fee might result in
the cancellation of the patent.
Post-grant Opposition
Once the patent has been granted by the Patent Office, it still can be challenged by anyone within one
year from the date of publication of the grant of the patent.
The granted patent can be challenged either via a Patent Office or in a Court of Law. These bodies may
invalidate or revoke a patent upon a successful challenge by the interested party on the grounds
mentioned below:
• The applicant for the patent wrongfully obtained the invention or any part of the
• The invention claimed has been published before the priority date.
• The invention claimed was publicly known/used before the priority date.
• The invention claimed is obvious and does not involve an inventive step.
• The subject of the claim is not patentable as per Chapter II of the Patent Act, 1970.
• The details/specifications of the invention do not sufficiently and clearly describe the
Commercialization of a Patent
A patent owner may grant a license to a third party for the reasons mentioned below:
• The patent owner has a decent job e.g. university professor and has no desire or aptitude to
exploit the patent on his own.
• The patent owner may not have the necessary manufacturing facilities.
• The manufacturing facility is not able to meet the market demand.
• The patent owner wishes to concentrate on one geographic market; for other geographical
markets, he may choose to license the patent rights.
Once the patent is granted, the patentee (person holding the rights to the patent) enjoys the exclusive
rights to use the patented invention.
Only the patentee has the right to licence or deal with the patent for any deliberations. Although, the
validity of the granted patent is for 20 years (from the date of filing a patent application), but the patentee
is required to furnish information (Form-27), on an annual basis relating to the
commercialization/selling of the patent. It is called as ‘Working/Licensing of the Patent‘.
In Non-Exclusive Licence, a patentee can sell his patent rights to as many individuals/parties as he likes. If
the patentee is not able to commercialize his patent within three years from the date of the grant of a
patent, any person may submit an application to the Controller of Patents for grant of Compulsory
Licensing (of the patent), subject to the fulfilment of following conditions:
• Reasonable requirements of the public concerning the patented invention have not been satisfied.
• The patented invention is not available to the public at a reasonable price.
• The patented invention is not worked in the territory of India.
Fee Structure
Utility Models
• Many times, a new invention is just a small improvement on existing products. However, this
improvement might not be unique or significant enough to meet the strict standards for patent
approval, particularly in terms of novelty and non-obviousness.
• Such small innovations can still be legally protected in some countries and termed as ‘Utility
Models’ or ‘Petty Patents’ or ‘Innovation Patents’.
• In these cases, the rules for 'Novelty' and 'Non-obviousness' might be less strict, but the essential
need for industrial application or utility stays the same as in patents.
• A Utility Model is beneficial for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as it involves a
less strict approval process and comes with minimal costs.
• MSMEs, with limited funds, may not engage in extensive R&D for patents. However, their
innovations can still enhance products or processes, leading to valuable financial rewards. These
inventions meet the criteria for Utility Models but fall short of the requirements for patents.
• The life of the Utility Model is less as compared to the patents. It varies from 7-15 years in different
• Nearly 80 countries, including France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, China, Finland, Russian
Federation and Spain, provide protection for Utility Models under their IPR laws.
• India presently does not acknowledge utility patents. If these smaller patents receive recognition
for IP protection, it could lead to a substantial increase in the annual count of filed and granted