General Instructions :
1. This Question paper contains - five sections A, B, C, D and E. Each section is compulsory.
However, there are internal choices in some questions.
Q1.If A =[−14 21] then (A-2I)is equal to, where I is identity matrix
a)[ b) [ t c) [ (d) [
−1 1 ] −1 2 ] −1 −1 ] −1 1 ]
4 2 4 2 2 2 4 2
a ) A 2 – B2 b) A2 – B2 -AB – BA
c) A2 – B2 - AB + BA d) A2 – B2 + AB – BA
Q5 If [ x−2 =
y−2 x 5 −3 5 ]
y 1
] 0 z
, the values of x + y + z is .
a)4 b) 7 c) 2 d) 1
Q-7 The function + cosx if x ≠ 0
f(x) =
k if x = 0
a)3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 1.5
Q-8 The value of ∫ x (1− x )dx
2 2 2
x x x
a) + x+ C b) −1+C c) −x +C d) x 2−x +C
2 2 2
sec x
Q-9∫ 2
dx is
cosec x
a)m=n=3 b) m = n ≠3 c) m ≠ n =3 d) m ≠ n ≠ 3
( )( )
3 2 2 3
d y d y
Q-11 Find the sum of order and degree of the differential equation 3
+ 2
+ y=0 is
dx dx
a)2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
Q-14 The projection of a⃗ =i−2 ^j+2 k^ on b=2
⃗ ^ ^j+ k^ is
−2 2 −5 −2
a) b) c) d)
√6 √6 √6 √3
x y z x y z
a) = = b) y = z c) = = d) x= 0
0 1 1 1 0 0
Q-17 In an LPP if the objective function Z has same maximum value at two corner points
of the feasible region, then the number of points at which Zmax occur is
Q-18 If P(A) = 0.8 , P(B) = 0.5 and P(B/A) =0.4 then P(AUB) is
Reason (R) : Domain of a function is the set of all possible values for which function will
be defined
x y z x y z
Q-20 Assertion (A) :The angle between lines = = and = = is 600
1 0 0 0 1 0
Reason (R) : Axes X, Y and Z axes are mutually perpendicular to each other.
(This section comprises of very short answer type-questions (VSA) of 2 marks each)
35 π
Q-21 Find the value of sin-1 ( ¿.
d y 2
Q-22 Find 2 if x = at , y = 2at
Q-23 The side of an equilateral triangle is increasing at the rate of 2 cm/sec. At what rate
its perimeter and area are increasing when the side of the triangle is 20 cm.
^ ^j+ k^ is equally inclined to the axes OX, OY and OZ.
Show that the vector i+
Q-25 Find the area of the parallelogram whose adjacent sides are determined by the
^ ^j+3 k^ and b=2
vectors a⃗ =i− ⃗ ^
i−7 ^j+ k^ .
(This section comprises of short answer type questions (SA) of 3 marks each)
cos x +sin x
Q-26 Find ∫ dx
9+16 sin 2 x
cos x dx
Q-27 Find (1+sin x )(2+ sin x) dx
π /4
Q-29 Solve the differential equation(x + y +1) =1
Solve the differential equation ( x2 +xy ) dy = ( x2 + y2 ) dx
Q-30 Solve the L.P.P. graphically
Min. Z = -3x + 4y
Subject to x + 2y ≤ 8 , 3x + 2y ≤ 12 , x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
Q-31 Probability of solving a specific problem independently by A and B and C are
1 1
and and respectively. If they try to solve the problem independently, find the
3 4
probability that the problem is solved.
(This section comprises of long answer-type questions (LA) of 5 marks each)
Q-32 Check whether the relation R in the set of real number defined as
Consider the function f :R+→[4,∞) given by f(x) = x2 +4. Show that f is bijective. Where
R+ is the set of all non-negative real numbers.
[ ] [ ]
1 −1 0 2 2 −4
Q-33 If A = 2 3 4 and B = −4 2 −4 are two matrices, Find AB and hence
0 1 2 2 −1 5
solve the system of equations x – y = 3 ; 2x +3y + 4z = 17; y + 2z = 7
Q-34 Using Integration find the area enclosed by the parabola y = x2 +2 and the lines y =
x , x = 0 and x = 3
r ^ ^ ^
Q-35 Find the shortest distance between the lines = (3+λ) i +2(1 +λ) j +( 2λ -4) k
r ^ ^ ^
and = (5 +3μ) i + 2 (μ -1) j + 6μk . Are the lines intersecting?
Find the equation of lines joining the points A (1, -1, 1) , B (3, 4, -2) and C (0, 3, 2), D(3,
5, 6). Also find the angle between line segments AB and CD.
India has a rich history of toys. Since the Harappan Civilization, i.e. around 5000 B.C.,
toys have existed in India. The best known clay toys from the Indus Valley civilization are
figures of monkey and bullock. Teachers can make children understand concepts in
Mathematics, Social Sciences, Science, etc. through toys and games. This new concept of
teaching is called toy-based pedagogy.
A teacher is making toys of different colors in the shape of right circular cone of base
radius r and height h and fixed volume of 22 cm3 .
i) Find the value of r2 h.
ii) Find the square of curved surface area of the cone in terms of h
iii) Find the height of the toy to minimize curved surface area of the toy.
Find base radius of the toy for minimum curved surface area.
Q-37 CASE STUDY 2 : Read the following passage and answer the questions given
Amusement Park have different rides. All rides have a fixed path. These paths are
geometrical in shapes like straight line, circular, semicircular and parabolic
Find the point at which f(x) attains minimum value. Also find minimum value.
Q-38 CASE STUDY 3 : Read the following passage and answer the questions given
Ischemic means that an organ is not getting enough blood and oxygen supply. This can be
due to narrowing of the arteries due to ageing or due to blockage by cholesterol plaques.
“Yoga, like other forms of exercise, can improve your cholesterol and blood sugar levels by
improving metabolism, Several Researches have shown yoga to be useful in prevention of
ischemic heart disease.
Assume that the chances of a patient having a heart attack is 40%. It is also assumed that a
meditation and yoga course reduce the risk of heart attack by 30% and prescription of certain
medicines reduces its chances by 25%. At a time a patient can choose any one of the two
options with equal probabilities.
i) Find the probability that a patient following either meditation and yoga or taking certain
medicine suffers a heart attack.
ii) It is given that after going through one of the two options the patient selected at random
suffers a heart attack. Find the probability that the patient followed a course of
meditation and yoga?