Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision)
ICS 33.220.10
© BIS 2003
( Page 3, clauses 8.1 and 8.2) - Substitute the following for the existing:
'8.1 All mternal and external surfaces of the body shall be completely epoxy
powder coated to minimum 0.050 mm thickness. The thickness of the coating
shall be measured as given in IS 3203. The internal surface of the body shall be
plastic/rubber coated and lming shall be of a minimum thickness of 0.5 mm as an
alternative to powder coating.
8.1.1 Test for Adhesion of Plastic Lining (Type Test) - Subject the unfilled
extinguisher to a pressure 15 kgf/cm 2 and store for l20 + 4 h at 27 ± 5°C.
Release the pressure and examine the extinguisher internally for cracking,
separation from the wall of the body or lifting of the lining, and bubbles between
the Iining and the body. '
( Page 3 ) - Renumber the subclause 8.3 as 8.2.
( Page 3, clause 8.4 ) - Delete.
( Page 3, clause 9.1, line 3 ) - Substitute '538' for '537'
( Page 4, clause 12.1, line 2 ) - Insert 'by embossing or other suitable
method' between 'marked' and 'with'.
[ Page 4, clause 12.1 ] -Insert the new item between 'a)' and ocr:
'b) Serial Number' and renumber the subsequent 81 Nos.
(CED22 )
Reprography l 'nil. BIS. New Delhi. India
(CEO 22)
( Fourth Revision)
(CEO 22 )
This Indian Standard (Fourth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Fire Fighting Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
Portable fire extinguisher, water type (gas cartridge) is one of the types of the fire extinguishers used as first-aid
fire fighting appliance. This type of extinguisher is suitable for fighting fires in Class A fires, that is, in wood,
textiles, paper, etc. The details in regard to maintenance of this appliance in efficient condition are given in
IS 2190 'Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of portable first-aid fire extinguishers (third
revision)' .
This standard was first published in 1961 and subsequently revised in 1972, 1976 and 1989. In this revision, the
principal modifications made are in respect of providing cap having squeeze grip type CO2 gas cartridge puncture
mechanism and also on-offcontrol discharge. Squeeze grip type cap has following advantages over the conventional
a) It is safe in operation as the operation need nor hit the knob with force by hand.
b) The discharge can be halted and restarted at the will of the operator.
c) It has built in operation lever and carrying handle.
Other modifications made are as follows:
a) Stainless steel body is included to provide resistance from corrosion and good aesthetic appearance.
b) Internal plastic lining of the extinguisher to avoid corrosion in usage.
c) Type test for leaded tin alloy coating and stainless steel bodies have been incorporated.
d) Epoxy powde - coating for external surface is included to improve the scratch hardness, life and aesthetics.
e) Provision of thickness of body in accordance with bursting formulae.
In addition to above various provisions have been updated which are based on experience gained in the use of this
appliance in the past.
A scheme for labelling environment friendly products known as ECO-Mark has been introduced at the instance
of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MEF), Government of India. The ECO-Mark would be administered
by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) under the BIS Act, 1986 as per the Resolution No. 71 dated 21 February
1991 and No. 425 dated 28 October 1992 published in the Gazette of the Government of India. For a product to be
eligible for marking with ECO logo, it shall also carry the lSI Mark of BIS besides meetin~ additional optional
environment friendly requirements. For this purpose, the Standard Mark of BIS would be a single mark being a
combination of the lSI Mark and the ECG logo. Requirements to be satisfied for a product to qualify for the BIS
Standard Mark for ECO friendliness are optional; manufacturing units are free to opt for the IS Mark alone also.
This clause is based on the Gazette Notification No. 160 dated 1 April 1999 for fire extinguishers as environment
friendly products published in the Gazette of the Government of India.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value.
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2: 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)'. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 940: 2003
Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision)
1 SCOPE ellipsoidal or torispherical and circumferentially welded
together. A cylindrical skirt having minimum 25 mm
This standard lays down the requirements regarding height shall be welded to the bottom dish. The welding
principle, capacity, material, shape, design, shall be done by an electric arc welding process and
construction, anti-corrosive treatment and tests of shall conform to IS 2825.
portable water type fire extinguisher.
7.1.2 Where carrying handle and/or supporting fittings
2 REFERENCES are fitted to the body, these shall be either welded or
The standards given in Annex A contain provisions brazed. The carrying handle shall be made ofmild steel
which through reference in this text, constitute or stainless steel rod not less than 6 mm in diameter or
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, fabricated out of mild steel or stainless steel sheets of
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are same thickness as the body and the clamp shall be of
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on mild steel or stainless steel thickness of 3 mm,
this standard are encouraged to investigate the minimum.
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the 7.2 Body
standards given in Annex D.
The material used in the construction of extinguisher
3 PRINCIPLE AND DESIGN bodies shall be weldable. The filler materials shall be
3.1 The extinguisher shall be upright type, thus compatible to the body steel to give good welds.
operated by holding the extinguisher upright and Minimum wall thickness ofthe body shall be calculated
piercing the gas cartridge by applying pressure on using the formula:
plunger or by pressing the squeeze grip thereby
discharging the contents. a) For carbon steel bodies,
NOTE- When a piece of2.5 cm cut from any portion is dipped in 20 percent sulphuric acid 5 percent sodium hydroxide solution for
30 min. there shall be no 5iJl1 of corrosion dam8le.
IS 940: 2003
7.5 Cap is operated. A safety clip shall be provided to prevent
accidental operation of the piercing mechanism.
7.5.1 For fIXing the cap to the neck the cap shall be
screwed on the body up to a minimum of 16 mm 8 ANTI-eORROSIVE TREATMENT
effective length. The size of parallel thread shall suit
the neck ring (see 7.3). At least 3 holes of not less than 8.1 All internal surfaces ofthe mild steel body shall be
completely coated with plastic or rubber lining of a
2.S mm diameter shall be drilled through the threaded
minimum thickness of 0.5 mm. The intemallining shall
portion of the cap to form vents. The centres of the
be subjected to the following test.
vent holes shall be 6.S mm, Max apart from theexposed
face of the cap joint washer. 8.1 Test for Plastic Lining
7.5.1 For squeeze grip type, a cap having squeeze grip a) Test for Adhesion ofPlastic Lining (Type Test)
type CO 2 gas cartridge puncture mechanism and also Subject the unfilled extinguisher to a pressure
on/off control discharge shall be provided. A swivel IS kgf/cm! and store for 120 :t 4 hat 28 ± SOC.
coupler nut shall be provided to screw up the cap on Re lease the pressure and exam ine the
the neck ring. extinguisher internally for cracking, separation
7.6 Nozzle from the wall ofthe body or lifting ofthe lining,
and bubbles between the lining and the body.
The design of the nozzle and the area of the orifice
shall be such that it satisfies the performance b) Test for Continuity of Plastic Lining
requirements given in 10.3. The nozzle may be fixed Fill the extinguisher body to within 10 mm of
either to the body or to a hose or to cap. the top of the lining with a 1 percent (m/m)
7.6.1 The hose (if provided) shall be of not less than solution of sodium chloride in water containing
8 rnm bore and length not less than 600 mm. sufficient hydrocarbon surfactant to reduce the
surface tension of the solution to less than 40
7.7 Expansion Space MN/m. Check the lining for continuity by the
application ofa 500 ± SO M insulation resistance
An air space shall be provided in the body above the
test across the lining through connections made
specified liquid level which shall be of sufficient
to the metal body and to an electrode introduced
volume to ensure that when the discharge nozzle is
into the solution in the extinguisher body.
temporarily closed and the extinguisher put into
operation at a temperature of 27 ± 5 °C the internal
t 8.3 Phosphating in accordance with the provisions of
pressure exerted shall not exceed I.S MN/m 2• IS 3618 may be applied on the external surface of the
body as an alternative.
7.8 Snifter Valve (Breather Device)
8.4 Epoxy polyester powder coating of 50 micron
A snifter valve shall be fitted to extinguisher. The
thickness may also be applied on internal and external
design of the snifter valve shall be such that in the
surfaces of the mild steel body.
variation of atmospheric temperature within ± 10°C,
there shall not be any spouting of liquid through the 9 PAINTING
9.1 Each extinguisher body except stainless steel body
7.9 Gas Cartridge and Cartridge Holder shall be painted 'Fire Red.' or Post Office red as per
shade 536 or 537 of IS 5, either by epoxy powder
A cartridge holder shall be provided and fitted inside
coating or synthetic enamel paint. Stainless steel body
the cap in such a way that the cartridge seal piercing
shall be buffed.
mechanism passes through its centre and shall puncture
the cartridge clean when the cartridge is fitted to this 9.2 A large size picture showing a man operating the
holder. The threads shall be provided in the holder I extinguisher in the correct manner shall be shown on
and these shall correspond to the threads ofgas cartridge the body of the extinguisher (see 3.2).
(see IS 4947). Pot holes shall also be provided in the
cartridge holder. The maximum size of gas cartridge 9.3 The extinguisher shall be marked with the letter
'A' indicating the suitability of the unit for Class A
shall be 60 g.
fires as laid down in IS 2190. The letter' A' shall be
7. t 0 Plunger Rod and Piercing Mechanism 2.5 ± 0.5 ern in height, painted in black colour centrally
inside an equilateral triangle of side 5.0 ± 0.5 cm. The
The plunger rod shall be of such a length that it has a
triangle shall be coloured golden yellow.
minimum stroke of 7 mm. A spring load piercing
device shall be provided in the plunger for piercing the 9.4 The paint shall conform to IS 2932 .
seal of the gas cartridge when fitted to the cartridge
holder. The puncturing end shall be designed so as to 10 TEST REQUIREMENT
ensure a cleat opening in the cartridge seal when pierce 10.1 The extinguisher body and the cap assembly
IS 940: 2003
shall be tested to an internal hydraulic pressure of 3.0 11.2 Specific Requirements
MN/cm 1 (30 kgf/cm 2) for a period of 2 min. During
the test it shall not show any sign of leakage. 11.2.1 The fire extinguisher shall not contain any ozone
depleting substance (ODS) relevant to fareextinguishers
NOTE- The testing may be done either with cap or without cap
industry as identified under the montreal protocol (see
and in the latter case. the cap shall be tested separately.
Annex B).
10.1 In case ofhydraulic burst test for the extinguisher,
11.2.1 Gas based extinguishing media once discharged
mechanical failure shall not occur at a pressure less
in the atmosphere should not have atmospheric life time
than 4.5 MN/m 2 (45 kgf/cm").
of more than a year (see Annex C)
NOTE - The test shall be done through discharge fittings with
the cap assembly. 11.2.3 Chemical used should not have global warming
potential (see Annex D)
10.3 When the extinguisher is set in operation under
normal temperature conditions of 27± SoC with a 11.2.4 The metallic body and other metal parts of the
stream starting in horizontal direction in wind-free fire extinguishers shall be free of lead or lead alloys.
condition, the water shall be expelled in the form ofjet
which shall maintain an effective throw ofnot less than 11.1.5 The coating used for the metallic part shall not
6 m for the minimum period of 60 s provided that at be formulated with mercury and mercury compounds
least 95 percent of water is discharged from the or be tinted with pigments of lead, cadmium, chromium
extinguisher within the maximum period of 120 s. VI and their oxides. Excluded are natural impurities
entailed by the production process up to the amount
10.4 The fire extinguisher after subjecting to the tests 0.1 percent by weight which are contained in the raw
laid down in 10.1 and 10.3 shall be thoroughly cleaned material.
with water, water shall then be completely drained otT NOTE - CO 2 extinguishers may be permitted till suitable
and the extinguisher retained in this condition for 24 h. substitutes are available.
At the end ofthis period, the interior shall be free from
any trace of rust. 12 MARKING
11 OPTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR 12.1 Each extinguisher shall be clearly and permanently
ECO-MARK marked with the following information in addition to
that given in 9.1 and 9.3:
t 1.1 General Requirements a) Manufacturer's name or trade-mark, if any;
11.1.1 Any fire extinguisher having BIS Standard b) Method of operation in prominent letters;
Mark qualifies for consideration of ECO-Mark.
c) The words 'Water type (Gas cartridge)' in
11.1.2 The products manufacturer must produce the prominent letters;
consent clearance as per provision of the Water d) The size of gas cartridge used;
(Prevention & Control ofPollution Act, 1974), Water
e) Liquid level to which the extinguisher is to be
(Prevention & Comrol of'Poliution Cess Act, 1977) and
Air (Prevention & Control 0/ Pollution Act, 1981)
respectively, alongwith authorization if required under f) The words "Tested to a hydraulic pressure 3 MNI
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the rules made m2 (30 kgf/cm 2) '"; and
thereunder to the Bureau of Indian Standards while g) Year of manufacture.
applying for ECO-Mark.
12.2 DIS Certification Markinl
11.1.3 The product may display in brief the criteria
based on which the product has been awarded ECO- The extinguisher may also be marked with the Standard
Mark. Mark.
11.1.4 The product may carry alongwith instructions 12.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by
for proper use so as to maximize product performance the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards
with statutory warning, if any, minimize waste and Act,1986 and the Rules and Regulations made
method of safe disposal. thereunder. Details ofconditions under which a licence
for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to
t 1.1.5 The material used for product packaging manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the
(excluding refills) shall be recyclable, reusable or Bureau of Indian Standards.
11.1.6 The product must display a list of critical CONFORMITY
ingredients in descending order of quantity present in
percent by weight. The list of such critical ingredients The details of sampling and criteria for conformity is
shall be identified by the Bureau of Indian Standards. liven in Annex E.
IS 940: 2003
(Clause 2)
Cold rolled brass sheet, strip and foil (Part 1) : 2001 Patented and cold drawn steel
410: 1977
(third revision) wires - Unalloyd (third revision)
Aluminium and aluminium alloy 4985: 2000 Unplasticized PVC pipes for potable
617 : 1994
ingots and castings for general water supplies- Specification
(third revision)
engineering purposes (third revision)
5382 : 1985 Specification for rubber sealing rings
737 : 1986 Wrought aluminium and aluminium
for gas mains, water mains and
alloy sheet and strip for general
sewers (first revision)
engineering purposes (third revision)
5522 : 1992 Stainless steel sheets and strips for
937 : 1981 Specification for washers for water
utensils (second revision)
fittings for fire fighting purposes
(second revision) 6528 : 1995 Stainless steel wire (first revision)
2190: 19Q2 Selection, installation and 6529 : 1996 Steelness steel blooms, billets and
maintenance of first-aid fire slabs for forging (first revision)
extinguishers - Code of practice 6603 : 1972 Stainless steel bars and flats-
(third revision) Specification (first revision)
2507 : 1975 Cold rolled steel strip for springs 6912 : 1985 Copper and copper alloy forging
(first revision) stock and forgings (first revision)
2643 : 1999 Pipe threads where pressure-tight 6913 : 1973 Stainless steel tubes for the food and
joints are not made on the threads- beverage industry
Dimensions, tolerance and desig-
nation (second revision) 7328: 1992 High density polyethylene materials
for moulding and extrusion-
2825 : 1969 Code of unfired pressure vessels Specification (first revision)
2932 : 1993 Enamel, synthetic, exterior (a) under- 11804 : 1986 Code of practice for manufacture of
coating, (b) fmishing- Specification aluminium alloy pressure die
(second revision) castings
IS 940: 2003
(Clause 11.2.1 )
Trade Name ODP
(I) (2)
Halon 1211 3.0
Halon 1301 10.0
Halon 2402 6.0
CFC-ll 1.0
CFC-12 1.0
CFC-113 0.8
CFC-114 1.0
CCI4 1.1
ClI:tCu 0.1
CFC-13 1.0
CfC-Ill 1.0
CFC-112 1.0
CFC -211 1.0
CFC-212 1.0
CFC-213 1.0
CFC-214 1.0
CFC-2JS 1.0
CFC-216 1.0
CFC-217 1.0
Methyl Bromide 0.6
NOTE-OOP values are relative to CFC-II which has been assigned arbitrary value of 1.0.
IS 940: 2003
( Clause 11.2.2 )
( Clauses 2 and 11.2.3 )
IS 940: 2003
(Clause 13)
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau ofIndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any fonn
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing
the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS.
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