Transfer of information from one point to other (or)
Exchange of Information between two points.
Electronic Communication: Sending data or
Information using electronic devices. This allows rapid
transfer of goods, money and ideas
Need for Communication
Speedy transmission: Requires only few seconds to communicate through electronic media due
the technology available for quick transmission
Wide Coverage: The whole world has become a global village and communication around the
globe requires just a second
Low Cost: Cost of an SMS is cheaper than sending a letter by post
Exchange of feedback: Instant exchange of feedback
24/7 accessibility: Can be accessed anytime
Message signal:
The signal that consists information is called
modulating signal. The modulating signal is usually of
low-frequency signal. (20 Hz – 20 KHz)
Carrier signal:
The signal which carries the information is called
carrier signal. Carrier signal is a high frequency signal
which does not contains any information. The
purpose of this signal is just to carry the message
signal. The range is in terms of Mega Hertz.
General form of a Basic Communication
Elements of Communication System
Information source and transducer
Channel or medium
Output transducer and
final destination
A communication system transmits information from an information source (message) to a
Examples: Voice, Live scenes (video), music, written text, and e-mail.
A transducer is a device that converts a physical signal into its corresponding electrical signal
and vice versa.
Examples of input transducers:
Sound – Microphone
Picture - Camera
Text - Keyboard
Temperature/Pressure - Sensor with transducer
Information Source and Transducer
Message or information originates in the information source may be in the form of sound
(human speech), picture (image source), words (text).
However, out of these messages, only the desired message is selected and communicated.
Type of Signals
Signals are functions that carry information.
We use signals to convey information from place to place.
In electronics, signals are mainly in the form of varying voltages.
There are two types of signals.
Analog Signals, Digital Signals
• Analog signal is continuous and time varying • Digital signal have two or more states (binary
• Troubleshooting is difficult. • Troubleshooting is easy.
• Analog signals use continuous values to • Digital signals use discrete values to represent
represent the data, usually in the form of sine the data, usually in the form of square wave.
wave. •
• Accuracy may be affected by noise. • Accuracy is immune from the noise.
• Analog signals may be corrupted during data • Digital signals are not corrupted during data
transmission. transmission.
• Examples: Temperature, Pressure, Flow • Examples: Motor Start, Trip, etc.
measurements, etc.
• Components like resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, • Components like transistors, logic gates, and
Diodes are used in analog circuits. micro-controllers are used in digital circuits.
A transducer is a device which converts one form of energy into another form. Generally, the
input transducer converts the non-electrical signal (Ex: sound signal or light signal) into an
electrical signal.
For example, in case of radio-broadcasting, a microphone converts the information or massage
which is in the form of sound waves into corresponding electrical signal.
The base band signal (electrical form), output from the input transducer is applied to the input
of the transmitter. The transmitter section processes the signal prior to transmission.
The nature of processing depends on the type of communication system.
There are two options for processing signals prior transmission
(i) The baseband signal, which lies in the low frequency spectrum, is translated to a higher
frequency spectrum --- carrier communication system
In this process, modulation is the main function of the transmitter.
In modulation, the message signal is superimposed upon the high-frequency carrier signal.
As the original message signal cannot be transmitted over a longer distance because of their low
frequency and amplitude, they are superimposed with high frequency carrier signal.
(ii) The baseband signal is transmitted without translating it to a higher frequency spectrum ---
baseband communication system.
If the signal is to be transmitted through the space, then the transmitter will convert the
electrical signals into radio waves.
If the signal is to be transmitted through the fiber optic cable then the transmitter will convert
the electrical signal into light or optical signal.
Typical Analog transmitter
Typical Analog transmitter
Let s(t) be the baseband signal applied to the modulated stage as shown in the fig1, to translate
(modulate) it from low to high frequency spectrum.
That means, s(t) is superimposed upon the high-frequency carrier signal c(t), which is generated by a
high frequency carrier oscillator.
The output of the modulated stage is called the modulated signal, and is designated as x(t).
This signal is then applied to amplifier stage.
The voltage of the modulated signal is amplified to drive the power amplifier stage.
The power amplifier that amplifies the power of the modulated signal x(t) and thus it carries enough
power to reach the receiver stage of the communication system.
Finally, the signal is passed to the transmission medium or channel.
Channel or medium
The term channel means the medium through which the message travels from the transmitter
to the receiver.
The transmitted signal should have adequate power to withstand the channel noise.
The channel characteristics also impose constraints on the bandwidth.
Depending on the physical implementations, one can classify the channels in the following two
a) Hardwired channels (Manmade structure)
b) Soft-wired channels (no physical link between transmitter and receiver)
Channel or medium
a) Hardwired channels (Manmade structure)
Transmission lines: It is a conductive medium consisting of two or more conductors through which
electrical signal are transmitted from transmitting point to receiver point.
Example: i) Twisted pair cables used in telephony, in which two conductors are twisted together for the
purposes of improving electromagnetic compatibility.
ii) Coaxial cable used in TV transmission, to carry high-frequency electrical signals with low losses.
Waveguide: consisting of a hollow, metal tube of uniform cross-section used for transmitting
electro-magnetic waves. When signals entered the waveguides are reflected at the metallic walls and
propagate at the other end. The energy is in the form of electric field and magnetic field which are
perpendicular to each other.
Optical Fibre: consist of very thin hollow glass fibre through which signal is transmitted in the form of
light energy.
Channel or medium
b) Soft-wired channels (no physical link between transmitter and receiver)
Natural resources which can be used as the transmission medium for signals.
Air or Open space and Sea water.
The signals are transmitted in the form of electromagnetic (EM) waves also called radio waves.
Radio waves travel through open space at a speed equal to that of light (c = 3 x 108 m/s)
Noise is defined as unwanted electrical signal which do not have any useful information.
Noise is a highly undesirable part of a communication system, and has to be minimized.
When noise is mixed with the transmitted signal, it rides over it and deteriorates its waveform.
Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and Noise figure (F) SNR is defined as the ratio of signal power (S) to
the noise power (N), often expressed in decibels (dB).
The main function of the receiver is to reproduce the original message signal.
This reproduction of the original signal is accomplished by a process known as the demodulation
or detection.
Demodulation is the reverse process of modulation carried out in transmitter.
The signal received by the receiver is r(t).
Due to attenuation this received signal r(t) is a weak signal.
A voltage amplifier amplifies to make strong enough for further processing.
Constructive Interference
Destructive Interference
•peaks of one ray coincide with the troughs of another, the result is destructive
interference, in which the rays cancel.
•Destructive interference can make the received signal power drop to a very low
level, a situation known as fading.
Fading as a function of time and frequency
•If the mobile moves from one place to another, then the ray geometry
changes, so the interference pattern changes between constructive and
destructive. Fading is therefore a function of time, as shown in Fig.
Block diagram of a transmitter and receiver using forward error correction and rate matching
Automatic Repeat Request
Automatic Repeat Request
•Automatic repeat request (ARQ) is another error management technique, which is
illustrated in Fig.